PDFWAC 296-17B-100

Individual retrospective rating.

(1) We will enroll a qualified employer who applies for enrollment for individual retrospective rating. To qualify, an employer must:
(a) Have an industrial insurance account in good standing;
(b) Have paid standard premiums at least equivalent to the minimum premium listed in size group 1, Table 1, WAC 296-17B-900, in the four calendar quarters prior to applying for enrollment; and
(c) Apply for enrollment no later than the fifteenth day of the month before the calendar quarter in which the coverage period begins. The application must indicate the employer's choices regarding loss limits and whether its net insurance charges will be calculated using standard premiums or incurred losses as explained in these rules. The application must be signed by an owner, partner, corporate officer or managing member of the employer's business.
(2) To reenroll, a currently enrolled employer must submit a new enrollment application no later than the fifteenth day of the month before the calendar quarter in which the new coverage period will begin.
(3) Employers enrolled individually are responsible for retrospective rating premiums for the coverage period enrolled.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.16.100, 51.04.020(1), and 51.18.010. WSR 10-21-086, ยง 296-17B-100, filed 10/19/10, effective 11/19/10.]