PDFWAC 296-17B-730


If you as a sponsored group receive a net assessment for two consecutive coverage periods, you will be placed on probationary status. We will review your workplace safety and accident prevention plan and your methods of cooperation with the department's claims management activities, and contact you to discuss ways of improving your performance. If you receive a net assessment in the following coverage period, you will be denied future enrollment, and your sponsoring organization will not be allowed to sponsor another group in the same industry category for the five years following the third coverage period with a net assessment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.16.100, 51.04.020(1), and 51.18.010. WSR 10-21-086, ยง 296-17B-730, filed 10/19/10, effective 11/19/10.]