PDFWAC 296-36-125

Man locks.

(1) Use of man locks. Except when prevented by an emergency, compressed air workers shall pass only through the man lock when passing into or out of a compressed air area. Exception: Caissons having a working area less than 150 square feet may use a combination material and man lock.
(2) Size and capacity. The head room in man locks shall be not less than 6 feet and their cubical content shall provide at least 30 cubic feet of air space for each person. The capacity shall be based upon such minimum space per person and shall be posted at the entrance to the lock. The posted capacity shall not be exceeded except in case of an emergency.
(3) Equipment. Each man lock shall be equipped with the following:
(a) A recording pressure gage, fixed to the exterior of the lock on the atmospheric pressure side, shall be installed for showing the rate of decompression. The gage dial and chart shall be of such size that the amount of rise or fall in air pressure within 5 minutes will be readily discernible. The gage shall be protected by a locked box from interference or damage. This requirement will not be necessary when working at pressures of 13 pounds per square inch or less.
(b) A clock or clocks suitably placed so that the man lock attendant and persons in the man lock can readily ascertain the time.
(c) A recording pressure gage whose chart shall be of sufficient size to register a legible record of variations in pressure within the working chamber. This gage shall be readily accessible to the lock attendant.
(d) Pressure gages which will indicate to the man lock attendant the pressure in the man lock and the pressure in each working chamber to which the man lock affords direct or indirect access and to persons in the man lock the pressure in the man lock.
(e) Valves to enable the lock attendant to reduce or cut off the supply of compressed air into the man lock.
(f) Valves and pipes in connection with the air supply and exhaust which shall be so arranged that the lock and pressure can be controlled from within and without.
(g) Effective means of verbal intercommunication between the man lock attendant and (1) persons in the man lock, (2) persons in any working chamber and (3) the air compressor plant, and also some means to enable persons in the lock to convey visible or other nonverbal signals to the lock attendant.
(h) A glass bulls-eye in each end of the lock to permit observation of the occupants.
(4) Seating facilities. The seating facilities in man locks shall be so arranged as to provide a normal sitting posture without cramping. Seating space not less than 22 inches in width shall be provided per occupant. Exception: In caissons having a working area less than 150 square feet, portable seats shall be provided in the combination material and man lock.
(5) Lighting and heating. Every man lock shall be lighted by electricity. The lighting intensity shall be a minimum of 30 foot-candles as currently recommended for waiting rooms by the illuminating engineers society. It shall also be provided with a system of radiant (infra-red) heating using electricity, steam or hot water for heating the radiant surface. The radiant surface shall be so located and protected as to prevent thermal burns. The chamber shall be heated to a minimum dry bulb temperature of 70 degrees F.
(6) Ventilation. A minimum ventilation rate of 20 cubic feet per minute of standard air at the prevailing ambient pressure in the lock shall be provided for each occupant. In no event shall the carbon dioxide concentration be permitted to rise above 0.5 percent by volume.
(7) Record of decompression. Where the pressure in the working chamber is 13 pounds or more, a record of all persons passing into or out of the working chamber shall be kept by a lock attendant who shall be stationed at the low pressure side of the man lock. Such record shall show the period of stay in the working chamber and the length of time of each decompression. Such record shall be signed by the medical officer and shall be kept on the job subject to inspection by the director of the state department of labor and industries or his authorized representative.
(8) Automatic controls. Each man lock shall be equipped with a suitable automatic control which through taped programs or cams or similar apparatus shall automatically regulate compressions and decompressions. It shall also be equipped with a timing device and such manual control as will enable the lock attendant to override the automatic mechanism in an emergency.
[Rules (Part V A), filed 12/28/62; ยงยง 3 and 4, filed 3/23/60.]