PDFWAC 296-36-160

Personnel facilities.

(1) General. There shall be provided on every job a change house which shall have a dressing room and separate spaces for each of the following: drying clothes, shower baths, toilet facilities and rest room with seating facilities and tables.
(2) Maintenance. The change house shall be kept clean throughout.
(3) Dressing room. The dressing room shall be provided with benches and a full length metal or other approved noncombustible locker with facilities for locking for each compressed air worker.
(4) Clothes drying. Facilities for drying clothing shall be installed and sufficient heat shall be provided to dry the clothing within 12 hours.
(5) Toilet facilities. One toilet and one urinal shall be provided for every 8 men or part thereof employed on each shift.
(6) Shower baths. Shower baths with hot and cold water shall be installed in the change house in sufficient number to provide one unit for every 8 men coming off shift.
(7) Wash basins. At least one wash basin with hot and cold running water or equivalent facilities at wash fountains shall be provided for every 8 men coming off shift.
(8) Temperature. A minimum temperature of 72 degrees F. shall be maintained in the dressing room, wash room and bathroom.
(9) Coffee. A sufficient supply of hot coffee, cream, milk and sugar shall be supplied to men working in compressed air at the termination of shifts and during rest periods. Coffee shall be heated by means other than direct steam. Coffee containers shall be kept clean and covered. Unless drinking cups are of the single service type, individual cups shall be sterilized after each use.
(10) Eating space underground.
(a) General. Suitable eating space shall be provided in the working chamber in the event that established working periods are of sufficient length to normally include a meal time interval. Exception: This requirement is not applicable to caisson work.
(b) Facilities.
(i) Space requirements. The space provided shall have a minimum head room of 6 feet 6 inches and a minimum area of 6 square feet shall be provided per person occupying the space at any one time.
The area shall be dry and clean, shall be lighted, heated and ventilated in accordance with WAC 296-36-125 (5) and (6), man locks.
(ii) Equipment. The space shall be equipped with tables and comfortable seating facilities providing seating space not less than 22 inches in width per occupant; disposable towels; washing facilities with hot and cold water or in lieu thereof acceptable dry-cleansing tissues; and space outside the immediate eating area for the removal and temporary storage of protective clothing. Portable equipment, acceptable to the supervisor of safety, department of labor and industries, which may be moved into the working chamber and removed therefrom, may be provided.
[Rules (Part X), filed 12/28/62; ยง 21, filed 3/23/60.]