PDFWAC 504-49-405

What is the process for a manufacturer to get its product qualified as made in Washington?

The manufacturer must request certification from the energy program that its product, such as a module, or wind turbine or tower, qualifies as made in Washington.
(1) Manufacturer's statement. The manufacturer must supply the energy program with a statement specifying what processes were carried out in Washington state to qualify the product.
(2) Penalty of perjury. The manufacturer's statement must be made under penalty of perjury.
(3) Field visit to view manufacturing process. The energy program performs a field visit to view the manufacturing process for the product, which may also include, but is not limited to:
(a) An inspection of the process by an engineer or other technical expert;
(b) Testing and evaluation of a product pulled off the production line;
(c) Review of purchase invoices to verify the vendor sources for the parts used in the manufacturing of the product;
(d) Inspection of the production line; and
(e) Requests for clarification concerning questions, if any, discovered during the inspection.
(4) Approval or disapproval of manufacturer's certification. Within thirty days of the field visit, the energy program issues a written decision to the manufacturer on its product's qualification as made in Washington state. The energy program makes the decision available to the public.
(5) Change in manufacturing process. The manufacturer must notify the energy program of any change in the manufacturing process for previously certified products within ten days of such a change.
(6) Inspection of previously certified product's manufacturing process. The energy program reserves the right to perform an inspection of the manufacturing processes for each product, such as a solar module, or a wind tower or turbine, that has been previously certified as manufactured in Washington state. The inspection is conducted to verify that the product continues to qualify as manufactured in Washington state.
(7) Denial or revocation of approval of certification. The energy program may revoke the approval of certification that a product, such as a module, or a wind turbine or tower, is made in Washington state when it finds that the product does not qualify for certification as manufactured in Washington state.
(8) The appeal provisions under Part VII of this chapter apply here.
(9) Document retention. The manufacturer must retain the documentation of the made in Washington certification process for five years after the application period for the related incentive program closes.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.30.150. WSR 18-20-025, ยง 504-49-405, filed 9/24/18, effective 10/25/18.]