Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 01-04-073.
Title of Rule: Amendments to chapters 391-08, 391-25, 391-35, 391-45, 391-55, 391-65, and 391-95 WAC.
Purpose: To streamline procedures and codify well-established case precedents concerning petitions for investigation of question concerning representation, and petitions for clarification of bargaining unit.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050.
Statute Being Implemented: WAC 391-25-030, 391-25-050, 391-25-070 and 391-25-090 is RCW 28B.52.030, 34.05.413, 41.56.050, 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.59.070 and 41.59.080; WAC 391-25-110, 391-25-130, 391-25-210, 391-25-450 and 391-25-650 is RCW 41.56.070 and 41.59.070; WAC 391-25-140 is RCW 41.56.050; WAC 391-25-190 is RCW 28B.52.030, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070; WAC 391-25-220 is RCW 34.05.431; WAC 391-25-230, 391-25-250 and 391-25-270 is RCW 28B.52.030, 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.56.080, 41.59.070, 41.59.080 and 41.59.090; WAC 391-25-350 is RCW 28B.52.030, 34.05.437, 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.59.070 and 41.59.080; WAC 391-25-390 is RCW 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.56.080, 41.59.070, 41.59.080 and 41.59.090; WAC 391-25-410 and 391-25-420 is RCW 41.56.060; WAC 391-25-430 is RCW 28B.52.030, 41.56.060, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070; WAC 391-25-470, 391-25-490 and 391-25-510 is RCW 28B.52.030, 41.56.060 and 41.59.070; WAC 391-25-610 is RCW 41.56.080 and 41.59.090; WAC 391-35-020, 391-35-030 and 391-35-050 is RCW 34.05.413, 41.56.060 and 41.59.080; WAC 391-35-090 is RCW 34.05.434; WAC 391-35-110 is RCW 34.05.070; WAC 391-35-170 is RCW 34.05.437, 41.56.060 and 41.59.080; WAC 391-35-190, 391-35-330, 391-35-340 and 391-35-350 is RCW 41.56.060 and 41.59.080; WAC 391-35-320 is RCW 41.56.030(2) and 41.59.020 (4)(c)(i) and (ii); WAC 391-35-342 is RCW 41.59.080; and WAC 391-35-343 is RCW 28B.52.020(3).
Summary: Rule changes are proposed concerning confidential employees, supervisors, one-employee units, regular part-time employees, unit determination elections, and interim certifications.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: To conform to Executive Order 97-02, including prohibiting parties from seeking two or more overlapping/conflicting bargaining units at the same time.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting, Implementation and Enforcement: Mark S. Downing, Rules Coordinator, 603 Evergreen Plaza, (360) 753-2955.
Name of Proponent: Agency, governmental.
Agency Comments or Recommendations, if any, as to Statutory Language, Implementation, Enforcement, and Fiscal Matters: The agency is proposing that these rule changes be adopted.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: Under proposed changes, filing of representation petition with agency made mandatory where employer disputes status of incumbent exclusive bargaining representative, and ninety-day time limit on authorization cards is eliminated for "showing of interest" purposes only. Rule changes codify case precedents on "contract bar" and "certification bar" policies, employer neutrality where two or more unions are competing for a bargaining unit, shutdown of bargaining concerning petitioned-for employees while representation case is pending, decertification petitions take unit as it exists, "notify union" practice where employee withdraws authorization, procedure for merger of separate bargaining units, and prohibition on observers from carrying away list of employees who vote.
Proposal Changes the Following Existing Rules: Examples of changes in the representation rules include clarifying that petitioner is not to serve "showing of interest" on other parties, intervenor can only argue for different unit than petitioner if intervenor has sufficient showing of interest to petition for unit it seeks, approval authority of executive director regarding stipulated bargaining units, use of expedited cross-check in lieu of voluntary recognition, and cross-check procedure to preserve ninety-day life of authorization cards. Proposed changes in unit clarification rules include clearer explanation of general principles and time limitations for filing of petitions.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. Agency rules only obligate public employees and unions representing public employees, and do not impose costs on profit-making businesses.
RCW 34.05.328 does not apply to this rule adoption. Agency rules are excepted by RCW 34.05.328 (5)(a)(i) from the provisions of RCW 34.05.328.
Hearing Location: Sixth Floor Conference Room, 603 Evergreen Plaza Building, 711 Capitol Way, Olympia, WA, on June 12, 2001, at 10:00 a.m.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact James E. Lohr by June 5, 2001, (360) 586-7862.
Submit Written Comments to: Mark S. Downing, Rules Coordinator, P.O. Box 40919, Olympia, WA 98504-0919, fax (360) 586-7091, by June 5, 2001.
Date of Intended Adoption: June 12, 2001.
May 2, 2001
Marvin L. Schurke
Executive Director
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-14-048, filed 6/30/00,
effective 8/1/00)
WAC 391-08-001
Application and scope of chapter 391-08 WAC.
Chapter 391-08 WAC has been added to the Washington
Administrative Code by the public employment relations commission
pursuant to the authority of section 12, chapter 288, Laws of
1975 1st ex. sess. (RCW 41.59.110); and sections 7, 14 and 20,
chapter 296, Laws of 1975 1st ex. sess. (RCW 41.58.050,
28B.52.080 and 41.56.090, respectively), to promulgate
comprehensive and uniform rules for practice and procedure before
the agency. This chapter sets forth general rules applicable to
all types of proceedings before the agency, and should be read in
conjunction with the provisions of:
(1) Chapter 10-08 WAC, which contains the model rules of procedure promulgated by the chief administrative law judge to regulate adjudicative proceedings under chapters 391-25, 391-35, 391-45 and 391-95 WAC, except:
(a) WAC 10-08-035, which is replaced by detailed requirements in WAC 391-25-070, 391-25-090, 391-35-050, 391-45-050, and 391-95-110;
(b) WAC 10-08-050, which relates to office of administrative hearings procedures inapplicable to proceedings before the public employment relations commission;
(c) WAC 10-08-083, which is replaced by detailed requirements in WAC 391-08-010;
(d) WAC 10-08-110, which is replaced by detailed requirements in WAC 391-08-120;
(e) WAC 10-08-120, which is replaced by detailed requirements in WAC 391-08-040, 391-08-300 and 391-08-310;
(f) WAC 10-08-140, which is limited by WAC 391-08-040, 391-08-300 and 391-08-310;
(g) WAC 10-08-150, which is limited by WAC 391-08-315;
(h) WAC 10-08-211, which is replaced by WAC 391-08-640 and detailed requirements in WAC 391-25-390, 391-25-391, 391-25-590, 391-25-630, 391-25-650, 391-25-660, 391-25-670, 391-35-210, 391-35-250, 391-45-350, 391-45-390, 391-95-270, and 391-95-290;
(i) WAC 10-08-230, which is replaced by detailed requirements in WAC 391-25-150, 391-25-220, 391-25-230, 391-25-250, 391-25-270, 391-35-070, 391-35-080, 391-45-070, 391-45-090, 391-45-260, and 391-95-170; and
(j) WAC 10-08-250, 10-08-251, and 10-08-252 which are replaced by detailed requirements in WAC 391-08-520.
(2) Chapter 391-25 WAC, which regulates representation proceedings.
(3) Chapter 391-35 WAC, which regulates unit clarification proceedings and contains some well-established unit determination standards in a subchapter of rules beginning at WAC 391-35-300.
(4) Chapter 391-45 WAC, which regulates unfair labor practice proceedings.
(5) Chapter 391-55 WAC, which regulates the resolution of impasses in collective bargaining.
(6) Chapter 391-65 WAC, which regulates grievance arbitration and grievance mediation proceedings.
(7) Chapter 391-95 WAC, which regulates union security nonassociation proceedings.
In the event of a conflict between a general rule in this chapter and a special rule in another chapter applicable to a particular proceeding, the special rule shall govern.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050. 00-14-048, 391-08-001, filed 6/30/00, effective 8/1/00; 98-14-112, 391-08-001, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 96-07-105, 391-08-001, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and chapters 28B.52, 41.56, 41.58, 41.59, 49.08 and 53.18 RCW. 90-06-070, 391-08-001, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.04.022, 41.58.050, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 28B.52.080. 83-24-031 (Order 83-01), 391-08-001, filed 12/1/83, effective 1/1/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-045 (Order 80-4), 391-08-001, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80; Order 77-1, 391-08-001, filed 1/27/77.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 96-07-105, filed 3/20/96,
effective 4/20/96)
WAC 391-25-001
Scope -- Contents -- Other rules.
This chapter
governs proceedings before the public employment relations
commission on petitions for investigation of questions concerning
representation of employees. The provisions of this chapter
should be read in conjunction with ((the provisions of)):
(1) Chapter 10-08 WAC, which contains the model rules of
procedure promulgated by the chief administrative law judge
((governing the conduct of)) to regulate adjudicative proceedings
under chapter ((391-25 WAC)) 34.05 RCW, except:
(a) WAC 10-08-035, which is ((supplanted)) replaced by
detailed requirements in WAC 391-25-070 and 391-25-090;
(b) WAC 10-08-050, which relates to ((procedures of the))
office of administrative hearings((, and so is)) procedures
inapplicable to proceedings before the public employment
relations commission;
(c) WAC 10-08-211, which is ((supplanted)) replaced by
detailed requirements in WAC 391-25-390 ((and)), 391-25-391,
391-25-590, 391-25-630, 391-25-650, 391-25-660, and 391-25-670;
(d) WAC 10-08-230, which is ((supplanted)) replaced by
detailed requirements in WAC 391-25-150, 391-25-220, 391-25-230,
and 391-25-250((, and 391-25-270)).
(2) Chapter 391-08 WAC, which contains rules of practice and procedure applicable to all types of proceedings before the public employment relations commission, and which also replaces some provisions of chapter 10-08 WAC.
(3) Chapter 391-35 WAC, which ((contains rules relating to))
regulates unit clarification proceedings ((on petitions for
clarification of an existing bargaining unit)) and contains some
well-established unit determination standards in a subchapter of
rules beginning at WAC 391-35-300.
(4) Chapter 391-45 WAC, which ((contains rules relating to))
regulates unfair labor practice proceedings ((on complaints
charging unfair labor practices)).
(5) Chapter 391-55 WAC, which ((contains rules relating to))
regulates the resolution of impasses ((occurring)) in collective
(6) Chapter 391-65 WAC, which ((contains rules relating to))
regulates grievance arbitration ((of grievance disputes arising
out of the interpretation or application of a collective
bargaining agreement)) and grievance mediation proceedings.
(7) Chapter 391-95 WAC, which ((contains rules relating to
determination of)) regulates union security ((disputes arising
between employees and employee organizations certified or
recognized as their bargaining representative)) nonassociation
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 41.58.050. 96-07-105, 391-25-001, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and chapters 28B.52, 41.56, 41.58, 41.59, 49.08 and 53.18 RCW. 90-06-072, 391-25-001, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-001, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(1) Special provisions relating to chapter 41.56 RCW (Public Employees' Collective Bargaining Act) and to chapter 53.18 RCW (port employees) are set forth in WAC sections numbered one digit greater than the general rule on that subject matter.
(2) Special provisions relating to chapter 41.59 RCW (Educational Employment Relations Act) are set forth in WAC sections numbered two digits greater than the general rule on that subject matter.
(3) Special provisions relating to chapter 28B.52 RCW (professional negotiations -- academic faculties of community college districts) are set forth in WAC sections numbered three digits greater than the general rule on that subject matter.
(4) Special provisions relating to chapter 49.08 RCW (private sector and other employees) are set forth in WAC sections numbered nine digits greater than the general rule on that subject matter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and chapters 28B.52, 41.56, 41.58, 41.59, 49.08 and 53.18 RCW. 90-06-072, 391-25-002, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.04.022, 41.58.050, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 28B.52.080. 83-24-032 (Order 83-02), 391-25-002, filed 12/1/83, effective 1/1/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-002, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 41.56.040. 90-06-072, 391-25-010, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-010, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(1) ((Where there is)) A "contract bar" exists while a valid
((written and signed)) collective bargaining agreement is in
effect ((covering an appropriate bargaining unit which
includes)), so that a petition involving any or all of the
employees ((to be affected by the petition, a petition must be))
covered by the agreement will be timely only if it is filed
during the "window" period not more than ninety nor less than
sixty days prior to the stated expiration date of the collective
bargaining agreement((, or after the expiration thereof)).
(a) To constitute a valid collective bargaining agreement for purposes of this subsection:
(i) The agreement must cover a bargaining unit that is appropriate under the terms of the applicable statute;
(ii) The agreement must be in writing, and signed by the parties' representatives;
(iii) The agreement must contain a fixed expiration date not less than ninety days after it was signed; and
(iv) The agreement will only operate as a bar for the first three years after its effective date.
(b) An agreement to extend or replace a collective bargaining agreement shall not bar a petition filed in the "window" period of the previous agreement.
(c) A "protected" period is in effect during the sixty days following a "window" period in which no petition is filed, and a successor agreement negotiated by the employer and incumbent exclusive bargaining representative during that period will bar a petition under this chapter. If the filing and withdrawal or dismissal of a petition under this chapter intrudes upon the protected period, the employer and incumbent exclusive bargaining representative shall be given a sixty-day protected period commencing on the date the withdrawal or dismissal is final.
(2) A "certification bar" exists where a certification has
been issued by the agency ((covering an appropriate)), so that a
petition involving the same bargaining unit ((which includes any
or all of the employees to be affected by the petition, a
petition must be)) or any subdivision of that bargaining unit
will only be timely if it is filed:
(a) ((Not less)) More than twelve months following the date
of the certification of an exclusive bargaining representative;
(b) ((Not less)) More than twelve months following the date
of the latest election or cross-check in which the employees
failed to select an exclusive bargaining representative.
(3) Where neither ((subsections (1) nor (2) of)) a "contract
bar" nor a "certification bar" is in effect under this section
((are applicable)), a petition may be filed at any time.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 28B.52.030, 34.05.413, 41.56.060, [41.56].070, 41.59.070 and [41.59].080. 96-07-105, 391-25-030, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070. 90-06-072, 391-25-030, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-030, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 28B.52.030, 34.05.413, 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.59.070 and 41.59.080. 00-14-048, 391-25-050, filed 6/30/00, effective 8/1/00; 98-14-112, 391-25-050, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 96-07-105, 391-25-050, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.060, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070. 90-06-072, 391-25-050, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-050, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(1) The name ((and)), address, and telephone number of the
employer, and((, if known,)) the name, address ((and)), telephone
number, fax number, and e-mail address of ((the employer's)) its
principal representative ((in matters concerning relationships
between the employer and its employees)).
(2) The name ((and)), address, telephone number, fax number,
and e-mail address of the petitioner, and the name, address
((and)), telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of its
principal representative.
(3) The name, address, and telephone number of any
organization which currently represents the employees involved
and((, if known,)) the name, address ((and)), telephone number,
fax number, and e-mail address of ((the)) its principal
representative((s of that organization)).
(4) An indication that:
(a) There has never been a collective bargaining agreement covering the employees involved; or
(b) A copy of the current (or most recent ((applicable)))
collective bargaining agreement is attached.
(5) ((A statement that the original petition is accompanied
by a showing of interest required by WAC 391-25-110.
(6))) Identification of:
(a) The employer's principal business;
(b) The employer department or division involved;
(c) A description of the bargaining unit which the petitioner claims to be appropriate, specifying inclusions and exclusions; and
(d) The ((approximate)) number of employees in ((that)) the
bargaining unit.
(((7))) (6) A statement that:
(a) The petitioner claims ((it)) to represent((s)) a
majority of the employees involved, and requests certification as
((the)) exclusive bargaining representative of the ((employees in
the)) bargaining unit ((which the petitioner claims to be
appropriate)); or
(b) The employees in the bargaining unit ((which the
petitioner claims to be appropriate)) desire to change their
exclusive bargaining representative, and to designate the
petitioner as their exclusive bargaining representative; or
(c) The employees in the bargaining unit ((do not)) no
longer desire to be represented by any employee organization; or
(d) The employer has been presented with one or more demands for recognition, and requests a determination by the commission; or
(e) The employer has a good faith belief that a majority of employees no longer desire representation by the incumbent exclusive bargaining representative.
(((8))) (7) Any other relevant facts.
(((9))) (8) The name, signature and, if any, ((the)) title
of the petitioner or its representative, and the date of the
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 28B.52.030, 34.05.413, 41.56.060, [41.56].070, 41.59.070 and [41.59].080. 96-07-105, 391-25-070, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.59.070 and 41.59.080. 90-06-072, 391-25-070, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-070, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(a) The petition shall contain a statement that the employer has been presented with a demand by an organization seeking recognition as the exclusive bargaining representative of the employees in the bargaining unit described in the petition.
(b))) Instead of a showing of interest under WAC 391-25-110
((shall not be applicable to petitions filed under this
(c))), the employer shall attach copies of any written
demand(s) for recognition or other correspondence pertaining to
the claimed question concerning representation.
(2) Where an employer ((has a good faith belief that a
majority of its employees in an existing bargaining unit no
longer desire to be represented by their)) disputes the majority
status of the incumbent exclusive bargaining representative of
its employees, it ((may)) shall obtain a determination of the
question concerning representation by filing a petition under WAC 391-25-070. ((A petition under this subsection shall contain all
of the information required by WAC 391-25-070 except as
(a) Instead of a showing of interest under WAC 391-25-110,
the employer shall attach affidavits and other documentation as
may be available to it to demonstrate the existence of a good
faith ((doubt concerning the representation of its employees))
belief that a majority of its employees in an existing bargaining
unit no longer desire to be represented by their incumbent
exclusive bargaining representative.
(b) ((To constitute a basis for a good faith doubt under
this paragraph,)) Unsolicited signature documents provided to the
employer by employees and filed by the employer in support of a
petition under this subsection must be in a form which would
qualify ((as supporting evidence)) under WAC 391-25-110 if filed
by the employees directly with the commission, and shall be
treated as confidential under WAC 391-25-110.
(3) A petition under this section shall be filed at the commission's Olympia office, as required by WAC 391-08-120(1). The employer shall serve a copy of the petition (excluding any showing of interest) on each employee organization named in the petition as having an interest in the proceedings, as required by WAC 391-08-120 (3) and (4).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 28B.52.030, 34.05.413, 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.59.070 and 41.59.080. 00-14-048, 391-25-090, filed 6/30/00, effective 8/1/00; 98-14-112, 391-25-090, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 96-07-105, 391-25-090, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 41.56.040. 90-06-072, 391-25-090, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.58.050, 41.56.090 and 41.59.110. 88-12-054 (Order 88-02), 391-25-090, filed 5/31/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-090, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(2) The agency shall not disclose the identities of employees whose authorization cards or letters are furnished to the agency in proceedings under this chapter.
(a) A petitioner or intervenor shall not serve its showing of interest on any other party to the proceeding.
(b) The question of whether a showing of interest requirement for a petition or for intervention has been satisfied is a matter for administrative determination by the agency and may not be litigated at any hearing.
(c) In order to preserve the confidentiality of the showing of interest and the right of employees freely to express their views on the selection of a bargaining representative, the agency shall not honor any attempt to withdraw any authorization submitted for purposes of this section.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070. 98-14-112, 391-25-110, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 96-07-105, 391-25-110, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070. 90-06-072, 391-25-110, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.58.050, 41.56.090 and 41.59.110. 88-12-054 (Order 88-02), 391-25-110, filed 5/31/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 81-02-034 (Order 81-01), 391-25-110, filed 1/6/81.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070. 96-07-105, 391-25-130, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070. 90-06-072, 391-25-130, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-130, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(2) Changes of the status quo concerning wages, hours or other terms and conditions of employment of employees in the bargaining unit are prohibited during the period that a petition is pending before the commission under this chapter.
(3) The employer shall not express or otherwise indicate any preference between competing organizations, where two or more employee organizations are seeking to represent its employees.
(4) Where a petition filed under this chapter involves employees who are represented for the purposes of collective bargaining, the employer shall suspend negotiations with the incumbent exclusive bargaining representative on a successor collective bargaining agreement involving employees affected by the petition. The employer and incumbent union may proceed with negotiations covering employees not affected by the petition, and shall resume negotiations on a successor agreement covering the affected employees after the question concerning representation is resolved, if the incumbent exclusive bargaining representative retains its status.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050 and 41.56.050. 96-07-105, 391-25-140, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 41.56.050. 90-06-072, 391-25-140, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.58.050, 41.56.090 and 41.59.110. 88-12-054 (Order 88-02), 391-25-140, filed 5/31/88.]
(2) No motion for intervention shall be considered if made:
(a) After the close of the hearing on the petition;
(b) More than seven days after the filing and posting of an election agreement or cross-check agreement; or
(c) More than seven days after the posting of an investigation statement.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 28B.52.030, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070. 98-14-112, 391-25-190, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 96-07-105, 391-25-190, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070. 90-06-072, 391-25-190, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.58.050, 41.56.090 and 41.59.110. 88-12-054 (Order 88-02), 391-25-190, filed 5/31/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 81-02-034 (Order 81-01), 391-25-190, filed 1/6/81.]
(2) An organization which files a motion for intervention
under WAC 391-25-190 shall only be permitted to seek a bargaining
unit configuration different than proposed by the original
petitioner if the intervenor furnishes a showing of interest
((requirement for a petition or for intervention has been
satisfied is a matter for administrative determination by the
agency and may not be litigated at any hearing. The agency shall
not disclose the identities of employees whose authorization
cards or letters are furnished to the agency in support of a
petition or motion for intervention. In order to preserve the
confidentiality of the showing of interest and the right of
employees freely to express their views on the selection of a
bargaining representative, the agency shall not honor any attempt
to withdraw or diminish a showing of interest)) demonstrating
that it has the support of thirty percent or more of the
employees in the bargaining unit which the intervenor claims to
be appropriate.
(3) A party to proceedings under this chapter shall not be permitted to propose more than one bargaining unit configuration for the same employee or employees, except where a merger of bargaining units is proposed under WAC 391-25-420.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070. 98-14-112, 391-25-210, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 90-06-072, 391-25-210, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-210, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(a) The issues which may properly arise in representation cases include:
(i) The identification of the parties;
(ii) The jurisdiction of the commission;
(iii) The qualification of the petitioner and any intervenor(s) for certification as exclusive bargaining representative;
(iv) The existence of a question concerning representation;
(v) The timeliness of the petition;
(vi) The existence of blocking charges under WAC 391-25-370;
(vii) The propriety of the petitioned-for bargaining unit;
(viii) The list of employees eligible to vote or be considered in determining a question concerning representation, and cut-off date for eligibility; and
(ix) The method and arrangements for determining a question concerning representation.
(b) The investigation conference may be conducted by telephone conference call, or in-person by agency staff;
(c) The parties are encouraged to reach binding stipulations on all issues during the course of the investigation conference.
(2) The stipulations made by the parties during an investigation conference may be set forth in an investigation statement issued in lieu of an election agreement or cross-check agreement.
(a) Immediately upon receipt of an investigation statement,
the employer shall post it in conspicuous places on its premises
where notices to affected employees are usually posted, and it
shall remain posted for at least seven days ((thereafter)).
(b) An investigation statement shall be binding on the parties unless written objections are filed and served as required by WAC 391-08-120 within ten days following issuance of the statement.
(3) When it appears that all conditions precedent to an
election or cross-check ((in an appropriate bargaining unit have
been)) are met, the executive director or designee shall
determine whether the proposed bargaining unit is, on its face,
an appropriate bargaining unit under the applicable statute. The
agency shall proceed with the determination of the question
concerning representation. Objections by parties named in the
investigation statement shall be limited to matters relating to
specific conduct affecting the results of an election.
(4) The parties may set forth stipulations in election
agreements((,)) or cross-check agreements((, and/or supplemental
agreements provided for in)) under this chapter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050 and 34.05.431. 98-14-112, 391-25-220, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 96-07-105, 391-25-220, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 28B.52.073 and 41.56.040. 90-06-072, 391-25-220, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90.]
(1) An election agreement shall ((contain)) include:
(a) The name ((and)), address, and telephone number of the
employer and the name, address ((and)), telephone number, fax
number, and e-mail address of its principal representative;
(b) The names ((and)), addresses, and telephone numbers of
all other parties participating in the election agreement and the
names, addresses ((and)), telephone numbers, fax numbers, and
e-mail addresses of their principal representatives;
(c) A description of the bargaining unit agreed to be
appropriate, specifying inclusions and exclusions, and the number
of employees in ((that)) the unit;
(d) A statement by the parties that no organization is known which is or may be entitled to intervene as an incumbent representative, or the incumbent representative is a party to the election agreement, or the incumbent representative has abandoned the unit as evidenced by documentation attached to the election agreement;
(e) A statement ((by the parties)) that no other
organization is known which claims to represent any of the
employees in the bargaining unit; that the parties agree that a
question concerning representation exists; that a hearing is
waived; and that the agency is requested to proceed to conduct an
election and certify the results;
(f) A list((, attached to the election agreement as an
appendix,)) containing the names of the employees eligible to
vote in the election and the eligibility cut-off date for the
election. If the election is to be conducted by mail ballot, the
list shall include the last known address of each of the
employees eligible to vote. If no eligibility cut-off date is
specified by the parties, the eligibility cut-off date shall be
the date on which the election agreement is filed;
(g) The suggestions of the parties as to the arrangements for conducting the election; and
(h) The names, signatures and, if any, ((the)) titles of all
parties or their representatives, and the date of the signatures.
(2) An election agreement shall be filed at the commission's Olympia office as required by WAC 391-08-120(1), and copies shall be posted by the employer in conspicuous places on the employer's premises where notices to affected employees are usually posted. The election agreement shall remain posted for at least seven days after it is filed with the agency.
(3) Upon the filing of an election agreement ((conforming to
the foregoing requirements and seeking an election in)), the
executive director or designee shall determine whether the
proposed bargaining unit is, on its face, an appropriate
bargaining unit((,)) under the applicable statute, and whether
other conditions precedent to an election are met. The
((executive director)) agency shall proceed to conduct an
election, if appropriate, or shall notify the parties of the
reasons for rejection of the election agreement.
(4) Objections to the election by a party to the election agreement shall be limited to matters relating to specific conduct affecting the results of the election.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 28B.52.030, 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.59.070 and 41.59.080. 00-14-048, 391-25-230, filed 6/30/00, effective 8/1/00; 98-14-112, 391-25-230, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 96-07-105, 391-25-230, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.59.070 and 41.59.080. 90-06-072, 391-25-230, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-230, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(1) A cross-check agreement shall ((contain)) include:
(a) The name ((and)), address, and telephone number of the
employer and the name, address ((and)), telephone number, fax
number, and e-mail address of its principal representative;
(b) The name ((and)), address, and telephone number of the
organization and the name, address ((and)), telephone number, fax
number, and e-mail address of its principal representative;
(c) A description of the bargaining unit agreed to be
appropriate, specifying inclusions and exclusions, and the number
of employees in ((that)) the unit;
(d) A statement by the parties that no other organization is
known which claims to represent any of the employees in the
bargaining unit; that the parties agree that a question
concerning representation exists; that a hearing is waived; and
that the agency is requested to conduct and certify the results
of a cross-check of individually signed and dated authorization
cards or ((membership records)) letters submitted by the
organization against the employment records of the employer;
(e) A list((, attached to the cross-check agreement as an
appendix,)) containing the names of the employees in the
bargaining unit;
(f) The suggestions of the parties as to the arrangements for conducting the cross-check;
(g) The agreement of the parties to be bound by the results of the cross-check; and
(h) The names, signatures and, if any, ((the)) titles of
((the)) all parties or their representatives ((of the parties)),
and the date of the signatures.
(2) A cross-check agreement shall be filed at the commission's Olympia office as required by WAC 391-08-120(1), and copies shall be posted by the employer in conspicuous places on the employer's premises where notices to affected employees are usually posted. The cross-check agreement shall remain posted for at least seven days after it is filed with the agency.
(3) Upon the filing of a cross-check agreement ((conforming
to the foregoing requirements and seeking a cross-check in)), the
executive director or designee shall determine whether the
proposed bargaining unit is, on its face, an appropriate
bargaining unit((, the executive director)) under the applicable
statute, and whether other conditions precedent to a cross-check
are met. The agency shall proceed with the cross-check of
records, if appropriate, or shall notify the parties of the
reasons for rejection of the cross-check agreement. The
cross-check may be conducted at any time following the execution
of a cross-check agreement; but no certification shall be issued
until seven days have elapsed following the filing and posting of
the cross-check agreement. Where a motion for intervention is
timely filed and granted, no certification shall be issued on the
basis of the cross-check.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 28B.52.030, 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.59.070 and 41.59.080. 00-14-048, 391-25-250, filed 6/30/00, effective 8/1/00; 98-14-112, 391-25-250, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 96-07-105, 391-25-250, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.060 and 41.56.070. 90-06-072, 391-25-250, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-250, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(1) ((A supplemental agreement shall contain:
(a) The names of all parties to the election agreement or
cross-check agreement and the case number of the proceedings;
(b) Identification of the employees or classifications as to
which a dispute exists, together with the identification of the
position taken by each party on the dispute;
(c) A statement by all parties requesting that employees
affected by the supplemental agreement be permitted to vote by
challenged ballot or be challenged for purposes of a cross-check,
subject to a subsequent determination of the dispute; and that
the certification of the results of the election or cross-check
not be withheld pending the determination of the dispute unless
the challenges are sufficient in number to affect the outcome;
(d) The signatures and, if any, the titles, of the
representatives of the parties.
(2) A supplemental agreement shall be filed at the
commission's Olympia office as required by WAC 391-08-120(1),
together with the agreement filed under WAC 391-25-230 or
391-25-250, and copies shall be posted with such agreement.
(3) Upon the filing of a supplemental agreement, the
executive director)) The agency shall ((proceed with the
determination of the question concerning representation)) conduct
an election or cross-check, as may be appropriate.
(a) The individuals whose eligibility is disputed shall be permitted to vote by challenged ballot in an election.
(b) The individuals whose eligibility is disputed shall be listed as challenged in a cross-check, and any authorizations signed by those individuals shall not be tallied.
(2) After a tally is issued under WAC 391-25-550:
(a) If the challenges are sufficient in number to affect the
outcome, they shall be determined under subsection (3) of this
section, prior to the issuance of a certification. ((Otherwise,
an interim certification shall be issued which shall be amended
upon final disposition of the issues framed in the supplemental
(b) If an organization is entitled to certification regardless of the reserved eligibility issues, a certification shall be issued, but the case shall remain open for supplemental proceedings under subsection (3) of this section. The employer and the exclusive bargaining representative shall have the duty to bargain, under the applicable statute, after a certification is issued under (b) of this subsection.
(c) If a certification of "no representation" is appropriate regardless of the reserved eligibility issues, a certification shall be issued and no supplemental proceedings shall be conducted.
(3) All eligibility issues reserved for subsequent determination under this section shall be resolved under WAC 391-25-290, 391-25-310, 391-25-350 and 391-25-390, without regard to whether the individuals cast challenged ballots.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 28B.52.030, 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.59.070 and 41.59.080. 00-14-048, 391-25-270, filed 6/30/00, effective 8/1/00; 98-14-112, 391-25-270, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.59.070 and 41.59.080. 90-06-072, 391-25-270, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-270, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 41.56.040. 90-06-072, 391-25-290, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.58.050, 41.56.090 and 41.59.110. 88-12-054 (Order 88-02), 391-25-290, filed 5/31/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-290, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and chapter 49.08 RCW. 90-06-072, 391-25-299, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-299, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(a) The parties shall be responsible for the presentation of their cases.
(b) The hearing officer shall ascertain the respective positions of the parties, to obtain a full and complete factual record upon which the agency may discharge its responsibilities under the applicable statute. The hearing officer has authority, under WAC 10-08-200 (8) and (9), to ask questions, call witnesses, and explore matters not raised or only partially raised by the parties.
(2) Once a hearing has been declared closed, it may be
reopened only upon the timely motion of a party upon discovery of
new evidence which could not with reasonable diligence have been
discovered and produced at the hearing. ((Any party shall be
entitled, upon request made before the close of the hearing, to
file a brief.))
(3) The hearing officer may allow or direct the filing of briefs as to any or all of the issues in a case. Arrangements and due dates for briefs shall be established by the hearing officer. Any brief shall be filed with the hearing officer as required by WAC 391-08-120(1), and copies shall be served on all other parties to the proceeding as required by WAC 391-08-120 (3) and (4).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 28B.52.030, 34.05.437, 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.59.070 and 41.59.080. 00-14-048, 391-25-350, filed 6/30/00, effective 8/1/00; 98-14-112, 391-25-350, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 96-07-105, 391-25-350, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.59.070, 41.59.080 and 53.18.015. 90-06-072, 391-25-350, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-350, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(a) A complaint charging unfair labor practices is filed under the provisions of chapter 391-45 WAC; and
(b) It appears that the facts as alleged may constitute an unfair labor practice; and
(c) Such unfair labor practice could improperly affect the outcome of a representation election.
(2) The complainant(s) in the unfair labor practice case may file and serve, as required by WAC 391-08-120, a written request to proceed with the executive director. The request to proceed shall specify the case number of the representation proceeding, shall request that the representation petition be processed notwithstanding the pending unfair labor practice case, and shall waive the right to file objections under WAC 391-25-590 (1)(a) based on conduct alleged in the unfair labor practice case. Upon the filing of a request to proceed under this subsection, the executive director shall resume the processing of the representation petition and shall summarily dismiss any objections filed in conflict with the request to proceed.
(3) Where a complaint charging unfair labor practices is filed after the issuance of a notice of election, the executive director shall proceed with the determination of the question concerning representation, subject to the right of any party to file objections as provided in WAC 391-25-590.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050. 98-14-112, 391-25-370, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 96-07-105, 391-25-370, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070. 90-06-072, 391-25-370, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-370, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(a) The executive director shall determine whether a question concerning representation exists, and shall issue a direction of election, dismiss the petition or make other disposition of the matter.
(b) Unless otherwise provided in a direction of election, the cut-off date for eligibility to vote in an election shall be the date of issuance of the direction of election.
(2) Where the executive director determines that employee eligibility issues exist, the executive director may delegate authority to the hearing officer to decide those issues.
(3) A direction of election and other rulings in the proceedings up to the issuance of a tally are interim orders, and may only be appealed to the commission by objections under WAC 391-25-590 after the election. An exception is made for rulings on whether the employer or employees are subject to the jurisdiction of the commission, which may be appealed under WAC 391-25-660.
(4) Unless appealed to the commission under WAC 391-25-660,
((an order)) a decision issued under this section shall be the
final order of the agency, with the same force and effect as if
issued by the commission.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 41.56.060, 41.56.070, 41.59.070 and 41.59.080. 98-14-112, 391-25-390, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 90-06-072, 391-25-390, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.58.050, 41.56.090 and 41.59.110. 88-12-054 (Order 88-02), 391-25-390, filed 5/31/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.04.022, 41.58.050, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 28B.52.080. 85-19-059 (Resolution No. 85-01), 391-25-390, filed 9/16/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-390, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(2) The agency shall honor a valid revocation of authorization contained in an individual card or letter signed by the employee and furnished to the agency by the employee. The agency shall notify the petitioner of the existence and number of any such revocation(s) prior to the commencement of the cross-check, but shall not disclose the identities of the employees involved.
(3) The employer shall make available to the agency original or legible copies of employment records maintained as a part of its business records containing the names and signatures of the employees in the bargaining unit.
(4) Prior to the commencement of the cross-check, the organization may file and serve, as required by WAC 391-08-120, a request that the question concerning representation be determined by a representation election. Any such requests shall be honored.
(5) Where the organization files a disclaimer or a request
for election after the commencement of the cross-check, the
cross-check shall be terminated and the organization shall not
seek to be certified in the bargaining unit for a period of at
least one year ((thereafter)).
(6) All cross-checks shall be by actual comparison of
records furnished by the parties. The agency shall not disclose
the names of employees giving representation authorization in
favor of ((or appearing on the membership rolls of)) the
organization. Upon the conclusion of the comparison of records,
the agency ((officer conducting the cross-check)) shall ((prepare
and)) furnish to the parties a tally sheet containing the number
of employees in the bargaining unit, the number of employee
records examined and the number of employee records counted as
valid evidence of representation.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050 and 41.56.060. 98-14-112, 391-25-410, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 96-07-105, 391-25-410, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 41.56.060. 90-06-072, 391-25-410, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-410, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(1) Where the executive director determines that either of two or more bargaining unit configurations proposed by petitioning or intervening organizations could be appropriate under other criteria, a unit determination election shall be conducted.
(2) Where an organization desires to merge two or more historically separate bargaining units, it may request a unit determination election under this section.
(a) The organization shall file a petition under WAC 391-25-070, indicating under "other relevant facts" that it is seeking a merger of two or more existing bargaining units.
(b) The showing of interest shall indicate support for the merger of units, and shall be evaluated separately in each of the historical bargaining units.
(c) The proposed merged unit must be an appropriate unit under the applicable statute.
(i) If the propriety of the merged bargaining unit is disputed, the executive director shall make a determination following a hearing.
(ii) If the propriety of the merged bargaining unit is stipulated, the executive director or designee shall determine whether the proposed unit is, on its face, an appropriate bargaining unit under the applicable statute.
(d) If the merged unit is found to be appropriate, the agency shall conduct a unit determination election in each of the bargaining units proposed for merger.
(i) If the merger is rejected in any of the historical units, the petition shall be dismissed.
(ii) If the merger is approved in all of the historical units and no motion for intervention has been granted, the executive director shall issue a certification designating the petitioning organization as exclusive bargaining representative of the merged bargaining unit.
(iii) If a motion for intervention has been granted under WAC 391-25-170 or 391-25-190, the agency shall conduct a representation election prior to the issuance of a certification.
(1) The description of the bargaining unit or voting group(s) in which the election is to be conducted.
(2) The deadline for return of mail ballots or the date(s), hours and polling place(s) for an on-site election.
(3) The cut-off date, if any, or other criteria to be applied in establishing eligibility to vote in the election, including that the eligible employees are limited to those who continue to be employed within the bargaining unit on the day of the tally.
(4) A statement of the purpose of the election and the question to be voted upon or a sample ballot.
Notices of the election shall be posted for at least seven
days, and shall remain posted until a tally of ballots has been
issued. ((In computing such period,)) The day of posting shall
be counted, but the day on which the polls are opened for an
on-site election shall not be counted.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 28B.52.030, 41.56.060, [41.56].070 and 41.59.070. 96-07-105, 391-25-430, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.060, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070. 90-06-072, 391-25-430, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-430, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070. 98-14-112, 391-25-450, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 90-06-072, 391-25-450, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-450, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(1) The following prohibitions apply to assure appropriate conditions for employees to cast their ballots:
(a) The reproduction of any document purporting to suggest, either directly or indirectly, that the agency endorses a particular choice in an election is prohibited.
(b) The use of deceptive campaign practices improperly involving the commission and its processes is prohibited.
(c) The use of forged documents is prohibited.
(d) Coercion or intimidation of eligible voters, or any threat of reprisal or force or promise of benefit to eligible voters, is prohibited.
(e) ((Changes of the status quo concerning wages, hours or
other terms and conditions of employment of employees in the
bargaining unit are prohibited during the period that a petition
is pending before the commission under this chapter.)) Conduct in
violation of WAC 391-25-140 is prohibited.
(f) Misrepresentations of fact or law are prohibited. To set aside an election, a misrepresentation must:
(i) Be a substantial misrepresentation of fact or law regarding a salient issue;
(ii) Be made by a person having intimate knowledge of the subject matter, so that employees may be expected to attach added significance to the assertion;
(iii) Occurring at a time which prevents others from effectively responding; and
(iv) Reasonably viewed as having had a significant impact on the election, whether a deliberate misrepresentation or not.
(g) Election speeches on the employer's time to massed
assemblies of employees are prohibited during the period
beginning ((twenty-four hours before)) on the scheduled date for
the issuance of ballots to employees and continuing through the
tally of ballots. Other electioneering allowed under (a) through
(f) of this subsection is permitted during that period.
(2) Each party may be represented by observers of its own choosing at the tally of ballots. Any lists of those who have voted or who have abstained from voting shall be surrendered to the agency at the conclusion of the tally.
(3) Violations of this rule shall be grounds for setting aside an election upon objections properly filed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 28B.52.030, 41.56.060 and 41.59.070. 96-07-105, 391-25-470, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.060 and 41.59.070. 90-06-072, 391-25-470, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.58.050, 41.56.090 and 41.59.110. 88-12-054 (Order 88-02), 391-25-470, filed 5/31/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-470, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(1) The following prohibitions apply to assure appropriate conditions for employees to cast their ballots.
(a) The reproduction of any document purporting to suggest, either directly or indirectly, that the agency endorses a particular choice in an election is prohibited.
(b) The use of deceptive campaign practices improperly involving the commission and its processes is prohibited.
(c) The use of forged documents is prohibited.
(d) Coercion or intimidation of eligible voters, or any threat of reprisal or force or promise of benefit to eligible voters, is prohibited.
(e) ((Changes of the status quo concerning wages, hours or
other terms and conditions of employment of employees in the
bargaining unit are prohibited during the period that a petition
is pending before the commission under this chapter.)) Conduct in
violation of WAC 391-25-140 is prohibited.
(f) Misrepresentations of fact or law are prohibited. To set aside an election, a misrepresentation must:
(i) Be a substantial misrepresentation of fact or law regarding a salient issue;
(ii) Be made by a person having intimate knowledge of the subject matter, so that employees may be expected to attach added significance to the assertion;
(iii) Occurring at a time which prevents others from effectively responding; and
(iv) Reasonably viewed as having had a significant impact on the election, whether a deliberate misrepresentation or not.
(g) Election speeches on the employer's time to massed assemblies of employees are prohibited during the period beginning twenty-four hours before the scheduled time for the opening of the polls and continuing through the tally of ballots. Other electioneering allowed under (a) through (f) of this subsection is permitted during that period.
(h) There shall be no electioneering at or about the polling place during the hours of voting.
(2) Each party may be represented by observers of its own
choosing, subject to such limitations as the executive director
may prescribe((: Provided, however, That)). During the hours of
voting, no management official having authority over bargaining
unit employees nor any officer or paid employee of an
organization shall serve as observer. Any lists of those who
have voted or who have abstained from voting shall be surrendered
to the agency at the conclusion of the tally.
(3) Violations of this rule shall be grounds for setting aside an election upon objections properly filed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 28B.52.030, 41.56.060 and 41.59.070. 96-07-105, 391-25-490, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.060 and 41.59.070. 90-06-072, 391-25-490, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-490, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 28B.52.030, 41.56.060 and 41.59.070. 96-07-105, 391-25-510, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 41.56.040. 90-06-072, 391-25-510, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-510, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.060, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070. 90-06-072, 391-25-610, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-610, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(a) The issuance of a transcript of a hearing held under WAC 391-25-630(2); or
(b) The filing of objections under WAC 391-25-590 (1)(b).
Any brief shall be filed at the commission's Olympia office as required by WAC 391-08-120(1), and copies shall be served on all other parties as required by WAC 391-08-120 (3) and (4).
(2) The due date for any responsive brief which other
parties desire to have considered by the commission ((is)) shall
be fourteen days following the date on which that party is served
with an appeal brief. Any brief shall be filed at the
commission's Olympia office as required by WAC 391-08-120(1), and
copies shall be served on all other parties as required by WAC 391-08-120 (3) and (4).
(3) The executive director or designee may extend the due date for an appeal brief or responsive brief. Such requests shall only be considered if made on or before the date the brief is due, and in compliance with WAC 391-08-180. Extensions of time shall not be routine or automatic.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070. 00-14-048, 391-25-650, filed 6/30/00, effective 8/1/00; 98-14-112, 391-25-650, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.060, 41.56.070 and 41.59.070. 90-06-072, 391-25-650, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.04.022, 41.58.050, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 28B.52.080. 85-19-059 (Resolution No. 85-01), 391-25-650, filed 9/16/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-046 (Order 80-5), 391-25-650, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 96-07-105, filed 3/20/96,
effective 4/20/96)
WAC 391-35-001
Scope -- Contents -- Other rules.
This chapter
governs proceedings before the public employment relations
commission on petitions for clarification of existing bargaining
units and contains some well-established unit determination
standards in a subchapter of rules beginning at WAC 391-35-300. The provisions of this chapter should be read in conjunction with
((the provisions of)):
(1) Chapter 10-08 WAC, which contains the model rules of
procedure promulgated by the chief administrative law judge
((governing the conduct of)) to regulate adjudicative proceedings
under chapter ((391-35 WAC)) 34.05 RCW, except:
(a) WAC 10-08-035, which is ((supplanted)) replaced by
detailed requirements in WAC 391-35-050;
(b) WAC 10-08-050, which relates to ((procedures of the))
office of administrative hearings((, and so is)) procedures
inapplicable to proceedings before the public employment
relations commission;
(c) WAC 10-08-211, which is ((supplanted)) replaced by
detailed requirements in WAC 391-35-210 and ((391-35-230))
391-35-250; and
(d) WAC 10-08-230, which is ((supplanted)) replaced by
detailed requirements in WAC 391-35-070 ((and 391-35-080)).
(2) Chapter 391-08 WAC, which contains rules of practice and procedure applicable to all types of proceedings before the public employment relations commission, and which also replaces some provisions of chapter 10-08 WAC.
(3) Chapter 391-25 WAC, which ((contains rules relating to))
regulates representation proceedings ((on petitions for
investigation of questions concerning representation of
(4) Chapter 391-45 WAC, which ((contains rules relating to))
regulates unfair labor practice proceedings ((on complaints
charging unfair labor practices)).
(5) Chapter 391-55 WAC, which ((contains rules relating to))
regulates the resolution of impasses ((occurring)) in collective
(6) Chapter 391-65 WAC, which ((contains rules relating to))
regulates grievance arbitration ((of grievance disputes arising
out of the interpretation or application of a collective
bargaining agreement)) and grievance mediation proceedings.
(7) Chapter 391-95 WAC, which ((contains rules relating to
determination of)) regulates union security ((disputes arising
between employees and employee organizations certified or
recognized as their bargaining representative)) nonassociation
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 41.58.050. 96-07-105, 391-35-001, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and chapters 28B.52, 41.56, 41.58, 41.59, 49.08 and 53.18 RCW. 90-06-073, 391-35-001, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-047 (Order 80-6), 391-35-001, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(1) Special provisions relating to chapter 41.56 RCW (Public Employees' Collective Bargaining Act) and to chapter 53.18 RCW (port employees) are set forth in WAC sections numbered one digit greater than the general rule on that subject matter.
(2) Special provisions relating to chapter 41.59 RCW (Educational Employment Relations Act) are set forth in WAC sections numbered two digits greater than the general rule on that subject matter.
(3) Special provisions relating to chapter 28B.52 RCW (professional negotiations -- academic faculties of community college districts) are set forth in WAC sections numbered three digits greater than the general rule on that subject matter.
(4) Special provisions relating to chapter 49.08 RCW (private sector and other employees) are set forth in WAC sections numbered nine digits greater than the general rule on that subject matter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and chapters 28B.52, 41.56, 41.58, 41.59, 49.08 and 53.18 RCW. 90-06-073, 391-35-002, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.04.022, 41.58.050, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 28B.52.080. 83-24-033 (Order 83-03), 391-35-002, filed 12/1/83, effective 1/1/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-047 (Order 80-6), 391-35-002, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(a) Status as a (("))confidential employee((" may be filed
at any time)) under WAC 391-35-320.
(b) Allocation of employees or positions claimed by two or more bargaining units.
(c) Positions which have been newly created by a public employer.
(d) Collective bargaining rights of employees performing school district jobs not requiring a professional education certificate under WAC 391-35-300.
(e) Status as an employee occupying a position eligible for interest arbitration under WAC 391-35-310.
(f) One-person bargaining units under WAC 391-35-330.
(2) ((Where there is)) A unit clarification petition
concerning status as a supervisor under WAC 391-35-340, or status
as a regular part-time or casual employee under WAC 391-35-350,
is subject to the following conditions:
(a) A petition filed while a valid written and signed
collective bargaining agreement is in effect((, a petition for
clarification of the covered bargaining unit filed by a party to
the collective bargaining agreement will be considered timely
only if:
(a))) will be processed if the petitioner can demonstrate,
by specific evidence, substantial changed circumstances during
the term of the collective bargaining agreement which warrant a
modification of the bargaining unit by inclusion or exclusion of
a position or class((; or)).
(b) ((The petitioner can demonstrate that, although it
signed the current)) A petition filed prior to the signing of a
collective bargaining agreement ((covering the position or class
at issue in the unit clarification proceedings:
(i))) will be processed if the petitioner can demonstrate
that it put the other party on notice during negotiations that it
would contest the inclusion or exclusion of the position or class
((via)) through the unit clarification procedure((; and
(ii) It filed the petition for clarification of the existing
bargaining unit prior to signing the current collective
bargaining agreement)).
(3) ((Disputes concerning the allocation of employees or
positions between two or more bargaining units may be filed at
any time.)) If a unit clarification petition is filed within a
reasonable time period after a change of circumstances altering
the community of interest of employees or positions, the petition
will be processed to allow the employees or positions to be
removed from a bargaining unit or allocated to another unit.
(4) A unit clarification petition will not be processed under chapter 391-35 WAC, and procedures under chapter 391-25 WAC will be required with respect to at least:
(a) New positions where a unit clarification petition is not filed within a reasonable time period after creation of the positions, unless an existing bargaining unit is the only appropriate unit for the positions.
(b) Employees or positions excluded from a bargaining unit by agreement of the parties or certification by the commission, or excluded from a unit over a substantial period of time, unless a unit clarification petition is filed within a reasonable time period after a change of circumstances and an existing bargaining unit is the only appropriate unit.
(c) Addition of disputed employees or positions to a bargaining unit which creates doubt as to the majority status of the exclusive bargaining representative.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 34.05.413, 41.56.060 and 41.59.080. 96-07-105, 391-35-020, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and chapters 28B.52, 41.56, 41.58, 41.59, 49.08 and 53.18 RCW. 90-06-073, 391-35-020, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.58.050, 41.56.090 and 41.59.110. 88-12-061 (Order 88-03), 391-35-020, filed 5/31/88.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 34.05.413, 41.56.060 and 41.59.080. 00-14-048, 391-35-030, filed 6/30/00, effective 8/1/00; 98-14-112, 391-35-030, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 96-07-105, 391-35-030, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.060 and 41.59.080. 90-06-073, 391-35-030, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-047 (Order 80-6), 391-35-030, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(1) Information identifying the parties and their relationships, including:
(a) The name ((and)), address, and telephone number of the
employer, and the name, address ((and)), telephone number, fax
number, and e-mail address of ((the employer's)) its principal
representative ((for the purposes of collective bargaining));
(b) The name, address, telephone number, fax number, and
((affiliation, if any,)) e-mail address of the exclusive
representative, and the name, address ((and)), telephone number,
fax number, and e-mail address of its principal representative;
(c) The employer's principal business;
(d) The parties' contractual relationship, indicating that:
(i) The parties((')) have never had a contract; or
(ii) A copy of the current (or most recent ((applicable)))
collective bargaining agreement is attached;
(e) The status of negotiations between the parties, indicating that:
(i) The parties' contract is closed; or
(ii) The parties are currently in contract negotiations;
(f) The description of the existing bargaining unit, specifying inclusions and exclusions;
(g) The number of employees in the bargaining unit; and
(h) The history of the bargaining unit, including at least the approximate date of its creation.
(2) Identification of the ((issues of the proposed
clarification, including listing the)) position(s),
classification(s) or group(s) at issue, the number of employees
in each ((such)) position, classification or group, the present
bargaining unit inclusion or exclusion status of each ((such))
position, classification or group, ((and)) identification of the
party proposing that the present status be changed, and the
reason for the proposed change.
(3) Identification of other interested organizations, including names and addresses of any other employee organizations claiming to represent any employees affected by the proposed clarification(s), and brief description(s) of the contracts, if any, covering such employees.
(4) Any other relevant facts.
(5) The name, signature(s) and, if any, ((the)) title(s) of
the representative(s) of the petitioner(s), and the date of the
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 34.05.413, 41.56.060 and 41.59.080. 96-07-105, 391-35-050, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.060 and 41.59.080. 90-06-073, 391-35-050, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-047 (Order 80-6), 391-35-050, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.060 and 41.59.080. 90-06-073, 391-35-090, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-047 (Order 80-6), 391-35-090, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and chapter 49.08 RCW. 90-06-073, 391-35-099, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-047 (Order 80-6), 391-35-099, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(2) A unit clarification proceeding may control or be controlled by an unfair labor practice proceeding. If a petition for clarification under this chapter is pending at the same time as a complaint under chapter 391-45 WAC involving all or any part of the same bargaining unit, the executive director or designee shall have discretion to withhold processing of one of the related proceedings pending the outcome of the other related proceeding.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050 and 34.05.070. 96-07-105, 391-35-110, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and chapters 28B.52, 41.56, 41.58, 41.59, 49.08 and 53.18 RCW. 90-06-073, 391-35-110, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-047 (Order 80-6), 391-35-110, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(a) The parties shall be responsible for the presentation of their cases.
(b) The hearing officer shall ascertain the respective positions of the parties, to obtain a full and complete factual record upon which the agency may discharge its responsibilities under the applicable statute. The hearing officer has authority, under WAC 10-08-200 (8) and (9), to ask questions, call witnesses, and explore matters not raised or only partially raised by the parties.
(2) Once a hearing has been declared closed, it may be
reopened only upon the timely motion of a party upon discovery of
new evidence which could not with reasonable diligence have been
discovered and produced at the hearing. ((Any party shall be
entitled, upon request made before the close of the hearing, to
file a brief.))
(3) The hearing officer may allow or direct the filing of briefs as to any or all of the issues in a case. Arrangements and due dates for briefs shall be established by the hearing officer. Any brief shall be filed with the hearing officer as required by WAC 391-08-120(1), and copies shall be served on all other parties to the proceeding as required by WAC 391-08-120 (3) and (4).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 34.05.437, 41.56.060 and 41.59.080. 00-14-048, 391-35-170, filed 6/30/00, effective 8/1/00; 98-14-112, 391-35-170, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 96-07-105, 391-35-170, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.56.060, 41.59.080 and 53.18.015. 90-06-073, 391-35-170, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-047 (Order 80-6), 391-35-170, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(2) Where the executive director determines that employee eligibility issues exist, the executive director may delegate authority to the hearing officer to decide those issues.
(3) Unless appealed to the commission under WAC 391-35-210,
((an order)) a decision issued under this section shall be the
final order of the agency, with the same force and effect as if
issued by the commission.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050, 41.56.060 and 41.59.080. 98-14-112, 391-35-190, filed 7/1/98, effective 8/1/98; 90-06-073, 391-35-190, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.04.022, 41.58.050, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 28B.52.080. 85-19-059 (Resolution No. 85-01), 391-35-190, filed 9/16/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-047 (Order 80-6), 391-35-190, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(1) Any person who participates directly on behalf of an employer in the formulation of labor relations policy, the preparation for or conduct of collective bargaining, or the administration of collective bargaining agreements, except that the role of such person is not merely routine or clerical in nature but calls for the consistent exercise of independent judgment; and
(2) Any person who assists and acts in a confidential capacity to such person.
(2) It shall be presumptively appropriate to include persons who exercise authority on behalf of the employer over subordinate employees (usually termed "supervisors") in separate bargaining units for the purposes of collective bargaining.
(3) The presumptions set forth in this section shall be subject to modification by adjudication.
(2) It shall be presumptively appropriate to exclude casual and temporary employees from bargaining units.
(a) Casual employees who have not worked a sufficient amount of time to qualify as regular part-time employees are presumed to have had a series of separate and terminated employment relationships, so that they lack an expectation of continued employment and a community of interest with full-time and regular part-time employees.
(b) Temporary employees who have not worked a sufficient amount of time to qualify as regular part-time employees are presumed to lack an expectation of continued employment and a community of interest with full-time and regular part-time employees.
(3) The presumptions set forth in this section shall be subject to modification by adjudication.
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 391-35-080 | Prehearing conferences. |
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-14-048, filed 6/30/00,
effective 8/1/00)
WAC 391-45-001
Scope -- Contents -- Other rules.
This chapter
governs proceedings before the public employment relations
commission on complaints charging unfair labor practices. The
provisions of this chapter should be read in conjunction with:
(1) Chapter 10-08 WAC, which contains the model rules of procedure promulgated by the chief administrative law judge to regulate adjudicative proceedings under chapter 34.05 RCW, except:
(a) WAC 10-08-035, which is replaced by detailed requirements in WAC 391-45-050;
(b) WAC 10-08-050, which relates to office of administrative hearings procedures inapplicable to proceedings before the public employment relations commission;
(c) WAC 10-08-211, which is replaced by detailed requirements in WAC 391-45-350 and 391-45-390; and
(d) WAC 10-08-230, which is replaced by detailed requirements in WAC 391-45-070, 391-45-090, and 391-45-260.
(2) Chapter 391-08 WAC, which contains rules of practice and procedure applicable to all types of proceedings before the public employment relations commission, and which also replaces some provisions of chapter 10-08 WAC.
(3) Chapter 391-25 WAC, which regulates representation proceedings.
(4) Chapter 391-35 WAC, which regulates unit clarification proceedings and contains some well-established unit determination standards in a subchapter of rules beginning at WAC 391-35-300.
(5) Chapter 391-55 WAC, which regulates the resolution of impasses in collective bargaining.
(6) Chapter 391-65 WAC, which regulates grievance arbitration and grievance mediation proceedings.
(7) Chapter 391-95 WAC, which regulates union security nonassociation proceedings.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050. 00-14-048, 391-45-001, filed 6/30/00, effective 8/1/00; 96-07-105, 391-45-001, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and chapters 28B.52, 41.56, 41.58, 41.59 and 53.18 RCW. 90-06-074, 391-45-001, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-048 (Order 80-7), 391-45-001, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
(1) Special provisions relating to chapter 41.59 RCW (Educational Employment Relations Act) are set forth in WAC sections numbered two digits greater than the general rule on that subject matter.
(2) Special provisions relating to chapter 49.08 RCW (Private sector and other employees) are set forth in WAC sections numbered nine digits greater than the general rule on that subject matter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050. 00-14-048, 391-45-002, filed 6/30/00, effective 8/1/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and chapters 28B.52, 41.56, 41.58, 41.59 and 53.18 RCW. 90-06-074, 391-45-002, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.04.022, 41.58.050, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 28B.52.080. 83-24-034 (Order 83-04), 391-45-002, filed 12/1/83, effective 1/1/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-048 (Order 80-7), 391-45-002, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 99-14-060, filed 7/1/99,
effective 8/1/99)
WAC 391-55-001
Scope -- Contents -- Other rules.
This chapter
governs proceedings before the public employment relations
commission relating to the resolution of impasses occurring in
collective bargaining. The provisions of this chapter should be
read in conjunction with the provisions of:
(1) Chapter 391-08 WAC, which contains rules of practice and procedure applicable to all types of proceedings before the public employment relations commission, and which also replaces some provisions of chapter 10-08 WAC.
(2) Chapter 391-25 WAC, which regulates representation proceedings.
(3) Chapter 391-35 WAC, which regulates unit clarification proceedings and contains some well-established unit determination standards in a subchapter of rules beginning at WAC 391-35-300.
(4) Chapter 391-45 WAC, which regulates unfair labor practice proceedings.
(5) Chapter 391-65 WAC, which regulates grievance arbitration proceedings.
(6) Chapter 391-95 WAC, which regulates union security nonassociation proceedings.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 41.58.050. 99-14-060, 391-55-001, filed 7/1/99, effective 8/1/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-049 (Order 80-8), 391-55-001, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 99-14-060, filed 7/1/99,
effective 8/1/99)
WAC 391-65-001
Scope -- Contents -- Other rules.
This chapter
governs proceedings before the public employment relations
commission relating to arbitration of grievance disputes arising
out of the interpretation or application of a collective
bargaining agreement. The provisions of this chapter should be
read in conjunction with the provisions of:
(1) Chapter 391-08 WAC, which contains rules of practice and procedure applicable to all types of proceedings before the public employment relations commission, and which also replaces some provisions of chapter 10-08 WAC.
(2) Chapter 391-25 WAC, which regulates representation proceedings.
(3) Chapter 391-35 WAC, which regulates unit clarification proceedings and contains some well-established unit determination standards in a subchapter of rules beginning at WAC 391-35-300.
(4) Chapter 391-45 WAC, which regulates unfair labor practice proceedings.
(5) Chapter 391-55 WAC, which regulates the resolution of impasses in collective bargaining.
(6) Chapter 391-95 WAC, which regulates union security nonassociation proceedings.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and 41.58.050. 99-14-060, 391-65-001, filed 7/1/99, effective 8/1/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-050 (Order 80-9), 391-65-001, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-14-048, filed 6/30/00,
effective 8/1/00)
WAC 391-95-001
Scope -- Contents -- Other rules.
This chapter
governs proceedings before the public employment relations
commission on disputes concerning the right of nonassociation
under the union security provisions of certain statutes. The
provisions of this chapter should be read in conjunction with:
(1) Chapter 10-08 WAC, which contains the model rules of procedure promulgated by the chief administrative law judge to regulate adjudicative proceedings under chapter 34.05 RCW, except:
(a) WAC 10-08-035, which is replaced by detailed requirements in WAC 391-95-110;
(b) WAC 10-08-050, which relates to office of administrative hearings procedures inapplicable to proceedings before the public employment relations commission;
(c) WAC 10-08-211, which is replaced by detailed requirements in WAC 391-95-270 and 391-95-290; and
(d) WAC 10-08-230, which is replaced by detailed requirements in WAC 391-95-170.
(2) Chapter 391-08 WAC, which contains rules of practice and procedure applicable to all types of proceedings before the public employment relations commission, and which also replaces some provisions of chapter 10-08 WAC.
(3) Chapter 391-25 WAC, which regulates representation proceedings.
(4) Chapter 391-35 WAC, which regulates unit clarification proceedings and contains some well-established unit determination standards in a subchapter of rules beginning at WAC 391-35-300.
(5) Chapter 391-45 WAC, which regulates unfair labor practice proceedings.
(6) Chapter 391-55 WAC, which regulates the resolution of impasses in collective bargaining.
(7) Chapter 391-65 WAC, which regulates grievance arbitration and grievance mediation proceedings.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110, 41.58.050. 00-14-048, 391-95-001, filed 6/30/00, effective 8/1/00; 96-07-105, 391-95-001, filed 3/20/96, effective 4/20/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.58.050, 28B.52.080, 41.56.090, 41.59.110 and chapters 28B.52, 41.56, 41.58, 41.59 and 53.18 RCW. 90-06-075, 391-95-001, filed 3/7/90, effective 4/7/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.52.080, 41.56.040, 41.58.050, 41.59.110 and 47.64.040. 80-14-051 (Order 80-10), 391-95-001, filed 9/30/80, effective 11/1/80.]