WSR 03-18-021




[ Filed August 25, 2003, 9:09 a.m. ]

     Date of Adoption: August 19, 2003

     Purpose: To clarify rules on student conduct, general campus conduct, health and safety, and traffic regulations.

     Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing WAC 132Q-03-005 Grounds for ineligibility, 132Q-03-010 Right to brief adjudicative procedure, 132Q-03-020 Brief adjudicative procedure, 132Q-03-030 Decision, 132Q-04-010 Purpose for adoption of student rules, 132Q-04-020 Definitions, 132Q-04-030 Jurisdiction, 132Q-04-031 Prohibited conduct, 132Q-04-076 Hazing prohibited, 132Q-04-077 Penalties for hazing, 132Q-04-078 Sanctions for impermissible conduct not amounting to hazing, 132Q-04-097 Eligibility for clinical programs, 132Q-04-160 Purpose of disciplinary actions, 132Q-04-170 Initiation of prosecution, 132Q-04-180 Initial disciplinary proceedings, 132Q-04-190 Appeals, 132Q-04-200 Composition of college disciplinary committee, 132Q-04-210 Brief adjudicative proceeding, 132Q-04-220 Conduct of disciplinary proceedings, 132Q-04-230 Evidence admissible in proceedings, 132Q-04-240 Decision by the committee, 132Q-04-250 Final decision regarding appeal of disciplinary committee action, 132Q-04-260 Disciplinary action, 132Q-04-270 Readmission after dismissal, 132Q-04-280 Reporting, recording and maintenance of records, 132Q-05-010 Purpose of summary suspension rules, 132Q-05-020 Definitions, 132Q-05-030 Jurisdiction, 132Q-05-033 Authority to suspend, 132Q-05-036 Conduct at college functions, 132Q-05-040 Initiation of summary suspension proceedings, 132Q-05-050 Notice of summary proceedings, 132Q-05-060 Procedures of summary suspension proceeding, 132Q-05-070 Decision by vice-president, 132Q-05-080 Notice of suspension, 132Q-05-090 Suspension for failure to appear, 132Q-05-100 Appeal, 132Q-05-110 Summary suspension proceedings not duplicitous, 132Q-05-120 Reporting, recording and maintenance of records, 132Q-06-010 Confidentiality of student records, 132Q-06-015 Definition of a student, 132Q-06-016 Definition of personally identifiable information, 132Q-06-020 Education records -- Student's right to inspect, 132Q-06-025 Requests and appeal procedures, 132Q-06-030 Release of personally-identifiable records, 132Q-06-035 College records and 132Q-06-040 Records committee, to consolidate student rules into one chapter; repealing WAC 132Q-04-100 Right of assembly, 132Q-04-105 Other punishable acts, 132Q-04-110 Commercial activities, 132Q-04-120 Outside speakers, 132Q-04-130 Trespass, 132Q-04-140 Distribution of materials and 132Q-04-150 Right to demand identification, to consolidate general campus conduct rules into one chapter; and repealing WAC 132Q-20-020 Definitions, housekeeping change; new sections WAC 132Q-07-010 Authority to demand identification, 132Q-07-020 Right of assembly, 132Q-07-030 Outside speakers, 132Q-07-040 Distribution of materials, 132Q-07-050 Commercial activities and 132Q-07-060 Trespass, to consolidate general campus conduct rules into one chapter; new section WAC 132Q-20-005 Definitions, housekeeping change; new section WAC 132Q-94-160 Prohibition of open flames in college buildings, new rule to prevent candles and/or any other open flames in campus buildings; new sections WAC 132Q-02-010 Definitions, 132Q-02-020 Purpose for adoption of student rules, 132Q-02-030 Jurisdiction, 132Q-02-040 Student misconduct, 132Q-02-050 Academic dishonesty, 132Q-02-060 Classroom conduct/learning environment, 132Q-02-070 Authority to suspend, 132Q-02-080 Conduct at college functions, 132Q-02-090 Other punishable acts, 132Q-02-100 Hazing, 132Q-02-110 Disciplinary actions, 132Q-02-120 Delegation of disciplinary authority, 132Q-02-130 Due process, 132Q-02-140 Initiation of disciplinary action, 132Q-02-150 Composition of college disciplinary committee, 132Q-02-160 Evidence admissible in proceedings, 132Q-02-170 Appeal of disciplinary actions, 132Q-02-180 Reporting, recording and maintenance of disciplinary records, 132Q-02-190 College disciplinary committee proceedings, 132Q-02-200 Brief disciplinary proceedings, 132Q-02-210 Conduct at disciplinary proceedings, 132Q-02-220 Decision of the college disciplinary committee, 132Q-02-230 Final decision regarding appeal of disciplinary committee action, 132Q-02-240 Readmission after suspension, 132Q-02-250 Emergency authority of campus president, 132Q-02-260 Purpose of immediate summary suspension rules, 132Q-02-270 Initiation of immediate summary suspension proceedings, 132Q-02-280 Notice of immediate summary suspension proceedings, 132Q-02-290 Procedures of immediate summary suspension proceedings, 132Q-02-300 Decision by vice president, 132Q-02-310 Notice of immediate summary suspension, 132Q-02-320 Failure to appear, 132Q-02-330 Appeal of immediate summary suspension, 132Q-02-340 Immediate summary suspension proceedings not duplicative, 132Q-02-350 Confidentiality of student records, 132Q-02-360 Education records, 132Q-02-370 Records requests and appeals, 132Q-02-380 Release of personally-identifiable records, 132Q-02-390 College records, 132Q-02-400 Records committee, 132Q-02-410 Eligibility for clinical programs, 132Q-02-420 Grounds for athletic ineligibility, 132Q-02-430 Right to brief adjudicative procedure -- Athletics, 132Q-02-440 Brief adjudicative procedure -- Athletics, and 132Q-02-450 Brief adjudicative decision -- Athletics, to consolidate student rules into one chapter; and amending WAC 132Q-20-010 Purpose and jurisdiction for adopting rules, 132Q-20-040 Permits required for vehicles on campus, 132Q-20-050 Authorization for issuance of permits, 132Q-20-060 Valid permits, 132Q-20-070 Display of permits, 132Q-20-080 Transfer of permits, 132Q-20-090 Permit revocation, 132Q-20-110 Right to appeal permit revocation/refusal, 132Q-20-120 Responsibility of permit holder, 132Q-20-130 Designation of parking spaces, 132Q-20-140 Parking within designated spaces, 132Q-20-150 Parking hours, 132Q-20-170 Regulatory signs and directions, 132Q-20-180 Speed limit, 132Q-20-190 Pedestrians' right of way, 132Q-20-200 Special traffic and parking regulations and restrictions authorized, 132Q-20-210 Two-wheeled motor-bikes or bicycles, 132Q-20-220 Report of accidents, 132Q-20-230 Exceptions from traffic and parking restrictions, 132Q-20-240 Enforcement, 132Q-20-250 Issuance of traffic citations, 132Q-20-260 Fines and penalties for students, 132Q-20-265 Fines and penalties for all district employees, 132Q-20-270 Liability of CCS, 132Q-94-010 Declaration of purpose, 132Q-94-020 Rationale, 132Q-94-030 Students' responsibilities, 132Q-94-130 violations, 132Q-94-150 Prohibition of weapons and other dangerous instrumentalities, 132Q-108-010 Adoption of model rules of practice and procedure, 132Q-108-020 Appointment of presiding officers, 132Q-108-040 Application for adjudicative proceeding and 132Q-108-050 Brief adjudicative procedures, housekeeping changes.

     Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 28B.50.140.

      Adopted under notice filed as WSR 03-09-094 on April 18, 2003 [WSR 03-13-081 and 03-13-082 on June 16, 2003].

     Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.

     Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.

     Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 53, Amended 36, Repealed 55.

     Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 53, Amended 33, Repealed 55.

     Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0;      Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 53, Amended 33, Repealed 55.
     Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.

August 21, 2003

Dr. Gary Livingston


     Reviser's note: The material contained in this filing exceeded the page-count limitations of WAC 1-21-040 for appearance in this issue of the Register. It will appear in the 03-20 issue of the Register.

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