(Salmon Recovery Funding Board)
September 27, 2007
Natural Resources Building
Room 172
1111 Washington Street S.E.
Olympia, WA
In addition to the September 27 regular board meeting, there will be a special event held on Wednesday, September 26, in recognition of past SRFB members and, in particular, recognizing Bill Ruckelshaus' time on the SRFB as a charter member and the chairman of the SRFB.
The event will be held in the state reception room from 3:30 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. A short program will include Governor Gregoire's recognition of Chairman Ruckelshaus and his work with the board along with fellow charter member Larry Cassidy and other past and current SRFB board members, the chairs of the other boards administered by the recreation and conservation office, and Director Johnson's state service.