WSR 24-14-124
(Public Employees Benefits Board)
[Admin #2024-01.01—Filed July 2, 2024, 1:00 p.m.]
Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 24-04-060.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: The following sections in chapter 182-08 WAC are being amended: WAC 182-08-120 Employer contribution for the public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits, 182-08-185 What are the requirements regarding premium surcharges?, 182-08-191 Subscriber address requirements, and 182-08-235 Employer group and board of directors for school districts and educational service districts application process.
The following sections in chapter 182-12 WAC are being amended: WAC 182-12-111 Which entities and individuals are eligible for public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits?, 182-12-114 How do employees establish eligibility for public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits?, 182-12-116 Who is eligible to participate in the salary reduction plan?, 182-12-131 How do eligible employees maintain the employer contribution toward public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits?, 182-12-133 What options for continuation coverage are available to employees and their dependents during certain types of leave or when employment ends due to a layoff?, 182-12-136 May employees on approved educational leave waive continuation coverage?, 182-12-141 If an employee reverts from an eligible position, what happens to their public employees benefits board (PEBB) insurance coverage?, 181-12-142 What options for continuation coverage are available to faculty and seasonal employees who are between periods of eligibility?, 182-12-148 What options for continuation coverage are available to employees during their appeal of dismissal?, 182-12-263 National Medical Support Notice (NMSN), and 182-12-270 What options for continuation coverage are available to dependents who cease to meet the eligibility criteria as described in WAC 182-12-260?
The following sections in chapter 182-16 WAC are being amended: WAC 182-16-2010 Appealing a decision regarding public employees benefits board (PEBB) eligibility, enrollment, premium payments, premium surcharges, a wellness incentive, or the administration of benefits, 182-16-2030 Appealing a public employees benefits board (PEBB) program decision regarding eligibility, enrollment, premium payments, premium surcharges, a PEBB wellness incentive, or certain decisions made by an employer group, 182-16-2040 How can a subscriber appeal a decision regarding the administration of wellness incentive program requirements?, 182-16-2050 How can an employee appeal a decision regarding the administration of benefits offered under the salary reduction plan?, and 182-16-2060 How can an entity or organization appeal a decision of the health care authority to deny an employer group application?
Hearing Location(s): On August 6, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. The health care authority (HCA) holds public hearings virtually without a physical meeting place. To attend the virtual public hearing, you must register in advance If the link above opens with an error message, please try using a different browser. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the public hearing.
Date of Intended Adoption: Not sooner than August 7, 2024.
Submit Written Comments to: HCA Rules Coordinator, P.O. Box 42716, Olympia, WA 98504-2716, email, fax 360-586-9727, beginning July 3, 8:00 a.m., by August 6, 2024, by 11:59 p.m.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Johanna Larson, phone 360-725-1349, fax 360-586-9727, telecommunications relay service 711, email, by July 26, 2024.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: The purpose of this proposal is to amend some of the existing rules to support the PEBB program:
1. Implement statutory changes:
In response to implement SB 5700, section 3, chapter 51, Laws of 2023, amended WAC 182-12-111 to remove employees of the Washington state convention and trade centers and amended WAC 182-16-2050 to update the flexible spending arrangement (FSA) description.
2. Make technical amendments:
Amended WAC 182-08-120 to include vision insurance.
Amended WAC 182-08-185 to include an enrollee who elects to continue medical coverage in WAC 182-12-232 must provide an attestation on the required form and clarified a subscriber must provide evidence of the event when there is a change in the spouse's or state registered domestic partner's employer-based group medical.
Amended WAC 182-08-191 to update who must provide the PEBB program with their correct address and updates to their address if it changes.
Amended WAC 182-08-235 to remove board of directors for school districts and educational service districts, clarified this section applies to employer groups for the PEBB program, and updated subsection references.
Amended WAC 182-12-111 to clarify employer groups for the PEBB program, removed board of directors for school districts and educational service districts, added PEBB vision, and updated subsection references.
Amended WAC 182-12-114 and 182-12-136 to include PEBB vision.
Amended WAC 182-12-133, 182-12-142, and 182-12-270 to include PEBB vision and added an exception to employees who are not subject to the first premium payment and application premium surcharges.
Amended WAC 182-12-263 to update who must submit the required forms to the PEBB program, updated subsection references, and clarified when the changes to the health plan coverage or enrollment will begin following the receipt of NMSN.
Amended WAC 182-16-2010 to clarify PEBB participating employer group and to add PEBB vision.
Amended WAC 182-16-2030 to clarify PEBB participating employer group and to update a list of applicable appellants regarding when their request for a brief adjudicative proceeding must be received by the PEBB appeals unit.
Amended WAC 182-16-2040 to update a list of applicable appellants regarding when their request for a brief adjudicative proceeding must be received by the PEBB appeals unit.
Amended WAC 182-16-2060 to clarify this section applies to an entity or organization whose employer group application is to participate in PEBB insurance coverage.
3. Improve the administration of the PEBB Program:
Amended WAC 182-12-116 to clarify employees of PEBB participating employer groups.
Amended WAC 182-12-131 to add a new subsection for clarity.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: See purpose.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 41.05.021, 41.05.065, 41.05.160.
Statute Being Implemented: RCW 41.05.021, 41.05.160.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: HCA, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Stella Ng, P.O. Box 42716, Olympia, WA 98504-2716, 360-725-0883; Implementation: Cade Walker, P.O. Box 42716, Olympia, WA 98504-2716, 360-643-7900; and Enforcement: Jean Bui, P.O. Box 42716, Olympia, WA 98504-2716, 360-725-1858.
A school district fiscal impact statement is not required under RCW 28A.305.135.
A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. RCW 34.05.328 does not apply to HCA rules unless requested by the joint administrative rules review committee or applied voluntarily.
This rule proposal, or portions of the proposal, is exempt from requirements of the Regulatory Fairness Act because the proposal:
Is exempt under RCW 19.85.025(4).
Scope of exemption for rule proposal:
Is fully exempt.
The proposed rule does not impose more-than-minor costs on businesses. Following is a summary of the agency's analysis showing how costs were calculated. These rules do not apply to small businesses.
July 2, 2024
Wendy Barcus
Rules Coordinator
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 21-13-106, filed 6/18/21, effective 1/1/22)
WAC 182-08-120Employer contribution for the public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits.
The employer contribution must be used to provide public employees benefits board (PEBB) insurance coverage for the basic life insurance benefit, basic accidental death and dismemberment insurance benefit (AD&D), the employer-paid long-term disability (LTD) insurance benefit, medical insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, and to establish a reserve for any remaining balance. There is no employer contribution available for any other insurance coverage for employees employed by state agencies.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 21-13-106, filed 6/18/21, effective 1/1/22)
WAC 182-08-185What are the requirements regarding premium surcharges?
(1) A subscriber's account will incur a premium surcharge in addition to the subscriber's monthly medical premium, when any enrollee, ((thirteen))13 years and older, engages in tobacco use.
(a) A subscriber must attest to whether any enrollee, ((thirteen))13 years and older, enrolled in their public employees benefits board (PEBB) medical engages in tobacco use. The subscriber must attest as described in (a)(i) through (vii) of this subsection:
(i) An employee who is newly eligible or regains eligibility for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits must complete the required form to enroll in PEBB medical as described in WAC 182-08-197 (1) or (3). The employee must include their attestation on that form. The employee must submit the form to their employing agency. If the employee's attestation results in a premium surcharge, it will take effect the same date as PEBB medical begins.
(ii) If there is a change in the tobacco use status of any enrollee, ((thirteen))13 years and older on the subscriber's PEBB medical, the subscriber must update their attestation on the required form. An employee must submit the form to their employing agency. Any other subscriber must submit their form to the PEBB program. The attestation change will apply as follows:
• A change that results in a premium surcharge will begin the first day of the month following the status change. If that day is the first of the month, the change to the surcharge begins on that day.
• A change that results in removing the premium surcharge will begin the first day of the month following receipt of the attestation. If that day is the first of the month, the change to the surcharge begins on that day.
(iii) If a subscriber submits the required form to enroll a dependent, ((thirteen))13 years and older, in PEBB medical as described in WAC 182-12-262, the subscriber must attest for their dependent on the required form. An employee must submit the form to their employing agency. Any other subscriber must submit their form to the PEBB program. A change that results in a premium surcharge will take effect the same date as PEBB medical begins.
(iv) An enrollee, ((thirteen))13 years and older, who elects to continue medical coverage as described in WAC 182-12-133, 182-12-141, 182-12-142, 182-12-146, 182-12-148, ((or)) 182-12-270, or 182-12-232 must provide an attestation on the required form if they have not previously attested as described in (a) of this subsection. The enrollee must submit their form to the PEBB program. An attestation that results in a premium surcharge will take effect the same date as PEBB medical begins.
(v) An employee or retiree who enrolls in PEBB medical as described in WAC 182-12-171 (1)(a), 182-12-180 (3)(a), 182-12-200 (3)(a) or (b), 182-12-205 (6) or (7), or 182-12-211, must provide an attestation on the required form if they have not previously attested as described in (a) of this subsection. The employee or retiree must submit their form to the PEBB program. An attestation that results in a premium surcharge will take effect the same date as PEBB medical begins.
(vi) A surviving spouse, state registered domestic partner, or dependent child, ((thirteen))13 years and older, who enrolls in PEBB medical as described in WAC 182-12-180 (3)(a), 182-12-250(5) or 182-12-265, must provide an attestation on the required form to the PEBB program if they have not previously attested as described in (a) of this subsection. An attestation that results in a premium surcharge will take effect the same date as PEBB medical begins.
(vii) An employee who previously waived PEBB medical must complete the required form to enroll in PEBB medical as described in WAC 182-12-128(3). The employee must include their attestation on that form. An employee must submit the form to their employing agency. An attestation that results in a premium surcharge will take effect the same date as PEBB medical begins.
(1) A subscriber enrolled in both medicare Parts A and B and in the medicare risk pool as described in RCW 41.05.080(3) is not required to provide an attestation and no premium surcharge will be imposed on the subscriber's account.
(2) An employee who waives PEBB medical as described in WAC 182-12-128 is not required to provide an attestation and no premium surcharge will be applied to their account as long as the employee remains in waived status.
(b) A subscriber's account will incur a premium surcharge when a subscriber fails to attest to the tobacco use status of all enrollees as described in (a) of this subsection.
(c) The PEBB program will provide a reasonable alternative for enrollees who use tobacco products. A subscriber can avoid the tobacco use premium surcharge if the subscriber attests on the required form that all enrollees who use tobacco products enrolled in or accessed one of the applicable reasonable alternatives offered below:
(i) An enrollee who is ((eighteen))18 years and older and uses tobacco products is currently enrolled in the free tobacco cessation program through their PEBB medical.
(ii) An enrollee who is ((thirteen))13 through ((seventeen))17 years old and uses tobacco products accessed the information and resources aimed at teens on the Washington state department of health's website at
(iii) A subscriber may contact the PEBB program to accommodate a physician's recommendation that addresses an enrollee's use of tobacco products or for information on how to avoid the tobacco use premium surcharge.
(2) A subscriber will incur a premium surcharge in addition to the subscriber's monthly medical premium, if an enrolled spouse or state registered domestic partner has chosen not to enroll in another employer-based group medical where the spouse's or state registered domestic partner's share of the medical premium is less than ((ninety-five))95 percent of the additional cost an employee would be required to pay to enroll a spouse or state registered domestic partner in the PEBB Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic and the benefits have an actuarial value of at least ((ninety-five))95 percent of the actuarial value of the PEBB UMP Classic's benefits.
(a) A subscriber who enrolled a spouse or state registered domestic partner under their PEBB medical may only attest during the following times:
(i) When a subscriber becomes eligible to enroll a spouse or state registered domestic partner in PEBB medical as described in WAC 182-12-262. The subscriber must complete the required form to enroll their spouse or state registered domestic partner, and include their attestation on that form. The employee must submit the form to their employing agency. Any other subscriber must submit the form to the PEBB program. If the subscriber's attestation results in a premium surcharge it will take effect the same date as PEBB medical begins;
(ii) During the annual open enrollment. A subscriber must attest if during the month prior to the annual open enrollment the subscriber was:
• Incurring the surcharge;
• Not incurring the surcharge because the spouse's or state registered domestic partner's share of the medical premium through their employer-based group medical was more than ((ninety-five))95 percent of the additional cost an employee would be required to pay to enroll a spouse or state registered domestic partner in the PEBB UMP Classic; or
• Not incurring the surcharge because the actuarial value of benefits provided through the spouse's or state registered domestic partner's employer-based group medical was less than ((ninety-five))95 percent of the actuarial value of the PEBB UMP Classic's benefits.
A subscriber must update their attestation on the required form. An employee must submit the form to their employing agency. Any other subscriber must submit the form to the PEBB program. The subscriber's attestation or any correction to a subscriber's attestation must be received no later than December 31st of the year in which the annual open enrollment occurs. If the subscriber's attestation results in a premium surcharge, being added or removed, the change to the surcharge will take effect January 1st of the following year; and
(iii) When there is a change in the spouse's or state registered domestic partner's employer-based group medical. A subscriber must provide evidence of the event and update their attestation on the required form. An employee must submit the form to their employing agency no later than ((sixty))60 days after the spouse's or state registered domestic partner's employer-based group medical status changes. Any other subscriber must submit the form to the PEBB program no later than ((sixty))60 days after the spouse's or state registered domestic partner's employer-based group medical status changes.
• A change that results in a premium surcharge will begin the first day of the month following the status change. If that day is the first day of the month, the change to the premium surcharge begins on that day.
• A change that results in removing the premium surcharge will begin the first day of the month following receipt of the attestation. If that day is the first day of the month, the change to the premium surcharge begins on that day.
(1) A subscriber enrolled in both medicare Parts A and B and in the medicare risk pool as described in RCW 41.05.080(3) is not required to provide an attestation and no premium surcharge will be imposed on the subscriber's account.
(2) An employee who waives PEBB medical as described in WAC 182-12-128 is not required to provide an attestation and no premium surcharge will be applied to their account as long as the employee remains in waived status.
(3) An employee who covers their spouse or state registered domestic partner who has waived their own PEBB medical must attest as described in this subsection, but will not incur a premium surcharge if the employee provides an attestation that their spouse or state registered domestic partner is eligible for PEBB medical.
(4) A subscriber who covers their spouse or state registered domestic partner who elected not to enroll in a TRICARE plan must attest as described in this subsection, but will not incur a premium surcharge if the subscriber provides an attestation that their spouse or state registered domestic partner is eligible for a TRICARE plan.
(b) A premium surcharge will be applied to a subscriber who does not attest as described in (a) of this subsection.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 20-16-062, filed 7/28/20, effective 1/1/21)
WAC 182-08-191Subscriber address requirements.
(1) All employees must provide their employing agency with their correct address and update their address if it changes. ((A subscriber on public employees benefits board (PEBB) retiree insurance coverage, or continuation coverage))All other subscribers must provide the PEBB program with their correct address and updates to their address if it changes.
(2) In the event of an appeal, appellants must update their address as required in WAC 182-16-055.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 23-14-015, filed 6/23/23, effective 1/1/24)
WAC 182-08-235Employer group ((and board of directors for school districts and educational service districts)) application process.
This section applies to employer groups for the public employees benefits board (PEBB) program as defined in WAC 182-08-015 ((and board members of school districts and educational service districts)). An employer group ((or board member of a school district or an educational service district)) may apply to obtain ((public employees benefits board (PEBB)))PEBB insurance coverage through a contract with the health care authority (HCA).
(1) Employer groups with less than 500 employees ((and board members of school districts and educational service districts)) must apply at least 60 days before the requested coverage effective date. Employer groups with 500 or more employees but with less than 5,000 employees must apply at least 90 days before the requested effective date.
Employer groups with 5,000 or more employees must apply at least 120 days before the requested coverage effective date.
To apply, employer groups must submit the documents and information described in subsection (2) of this section to the PEBB program as follows:
(a) ((Board members of school districts and educational service districts are required to provide the documents described in subsection (2)(a) through (c) of this section;
(b))) Counties, municipalities, political subdivisions, and tribal governments with fewer than 5,000 employees are required to provide the documents and information described in subsection (2)(a) through (f) of this section;
(((c)))(b) Counties, municipalities, political subdivisions, and tribal governments with 5,000 or more employees will have their application approved or denied through the evaluation criteria described in WAC 182-08-240 and are required to provide the documents and information described in subsection (2)(a) through (d), (f), and (g) of this section; and
(((d)))(c) All employee organizations representing state civil services employees and the Washington health benefit exchange, regardless of the number of employees, will have their application approved or denied through the evaluation criteria described in WAC 182-08-240 and are required to provide the documents and information described in subsection (2)(a) through (d), (f), and (g) of this section.
(2) Documents and information required with application:
(a) A letter of application that includes the information described in (a)(i) through (iv) of this subsection:
(i) A reference to the group's authorizing statute;
(ii) A description of the organizational structure of the group and a description of the employee bargaining unit or group of nonrepresented employees for which the group is applying;
(iii) Tax identification number; and
(iv) A statement of whether the group is applying to obtain only medical or all available PEBB insurance coverages.
Boards of directors of school districts or educational service districts must provide a statement that the group is agreeing to obtain medical, dental, and life insurance.))
(b) A resolution from the group's governing body authorizing the purchase of PEBB insurance coverage.
(c) A signed governmental function attestation document that attests to the fact that employees for whom the group is applying are governmental employees whose services are substantially all in the performance of essential governmental functions.
(d) A member level census file for all of the employees for whom the group is applying. The file must be provided in the format required by the authority and contain the following demographic data, by member, with each member classified as employee, spouse or state registered domestic partner, or child:
(i) Employee ID (any identifier which uniquely identifies the employee; for dependents the employee's unique identifier must be used);
(ii) Age;
(iii) Birth sex;
(iv) First three digits of the member's zip code based on residence;
(v) Indicator of whether the employee is active or retired, if the group is requesting to include retirees; and
(vi) Indicator of whether the member is enrolled in coverage.
(e) Historical claims and cost information that include the following:
(i) Large claims history for 24 months by quarter that excludes the most recent three months;
(ii) Ongoing large claims management report for the most recent quarter provided in the large claims history;
(iii) Summary of historical plan costs; and
(iv) The director or the director's designee may make an exception to the claims and cost information requirements based on the size of the group, except that the current health plan does not have a case management program, then the primary diagnosis code designated by the authority must be reported for each large claimant. If the code indicates a condition which is expected to continue into the next quarter, the claim is counted as an ongoing large claim. If historical claims and cost information as described in (e)(i) through (iii) of this subsection are unavailable, the director or the director's designee may make an exception to allow all of the following alternative requirements:
• A letter from their carrier indicating they will not or cannot provide claims data.
• Provide information about the health plan most employees are enrolled in by completing the actuarial calculator authorized by the PEBB program.
• Current premiums for the health plan.
(f) If the application is for a subset of the group's employees (e.g., bargaining unit), the group must provide a member level census file of all employees eligible under their current health plan who are not included on the member level census file in (d) of this subsection. This includes retired employees participating under the group's current health plan. The file must include the same demographic data by member.
(g) Employer groups described in subsection (1)(((c)))(b) and (((d)))(c) of this section must submit to an actuarial evaluation of the group provided by an actuary designated by the PEBB program. The group must pay for the cost of the evaluation. This cost is nonrefundable. A group that is approved will not have to pay for an additional actuarial evaluation if it applies to add another bargaining unit within two years of the evaluation. Employer groups of this size must provide the following:
(i) Large claims history for 24 months, by quarter that excludes the most recent three months;
(ii) Ongoing large claims management report for the most recent quarter provided in the large claims history;
(iii) Executive summary of benefits;
(iv) Summary of benefits and certificate of coverage; and
(v) Summary of historical plan costs.
If the current health plan does not have a case management program then the primary diagnosis code designated by the authority must be reported for each large claimant. If the code indicates a condition which is expected to continue into the next quarter, the claim is counted as an ongoing large claim.
(3) The authority may automatically deny a group application if the group fails to provide the required information and documents described in this section.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 23-14-015, filed 6/23/23, effective 1/1/24)
WAC 182-12-111Which entities and individuals are eligible for public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits?
The following entities and individuals shall be eligible for public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits subject to the terms and conditions set forth below:
(1) State agencies. State agencies, as defined in WAC 182-12-109, are required to participate in all PEBB benefits. Insurance and health care contributions for ferry employees shall be governed by RCW 47.64.270.
(2) Employer groups. Employer groups as defined in WAC 182-12-109 for the PEBB program may apply to participate in PEBB insurance coverage for groups of employees described in (a)(i) of this subsection and for members of the group's governing authority as described in (a)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this subsection at the option of each employer group:
(a) All eligible employees of the entity must transfer as a unit with the following exceptions:
(i) Bargaining units may elect to participate separately from the whole group;
(ii) Nonrepresented employees may elect to participate separately from the whole group provided all nonrepresented employees join as a group; and
(iii) Members of the employer group's governing authority may participate as described in the employer group's governing statutes and RCW 41.04.205.
(b) Employer groups must apply through the process described in WAC 182-08-235. Applications from employees of employee organizations representing state civil service employees, the Washington health benefit exchange, and employer groups with 5,000 or more employees are subject to review and approval by the health care authority (HCA) based on the employer group evaluation criteria described in WAC 182-08-240.
(c) Employer groups participate through a contract with the authority as described in WAC 182-08-245.
(3) The Washington health benefit exchange. In addition to subsection (2) of this section, the following provisions apply:
(a) The Washington health benefit exchange is subject to the same rules as an employing agency in chapters 182-08, 182-12, and 182-16 WAC.
(b) Employees of the Washington health benefit exchange are subject to the same rules as employees of an employing agency in chapters 182-08, 182-12 and 182-16 WAC.
(4) Eligible nonemployees.
(a) Blind vendors actively operating a business enterprise program facility in the state of Washington and deemed eligible by the department of services for the blind (DSB) may voluntarily participate in PEBB medical. Dependents of blind vendors are eligible as described in WAC 182-12-260.
(i) Eligible blind vendors and their dependents may enroll during the following times:
• When newly eligible: The DSB will notify eligible blind vendors of their eligibility in advance of the date they are eligible for enrollment in PEBB medical.
To enroll, blind vendors must submit the required forms to the DSB. The forms must be received by the DSB no later than 31 days after the blind vendor becomes eligible for PEBB medical;
• During the annual open enrollment: Blind vendors may enroll during the annual open enrollment. The required form must be received by the DSB before the end of the annual open enrollment. Enrollment will begin January 1st of the following year; or
• Following loss of other medical insurance coverage: Blind vendors may enroll following loss of other medical insurance coverage under a group health plan or through health insurance coverage, as defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). To enroll, blind vendors must submit the required forms to the DSB. The forms must be received by the DSB no later than 60 days after the loss of other medical insurance coverage. In addition to the required forms, the DSB will require blind vendors to provide evidence of loss of other medical insurance coverage.
(ii) Blind vendors who cease to actively operate a facility become ineligible to participate in PEBB medical as described in (a) of this subsection. Enrollees who lose eligibility for coverage may continue enrollment in PEBB medical on a self-pay basis under Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) coverage as described in WAC 182-12-146(((5)))(6).
(iii) Blind vendors are not eligible for PEBB retiree insurance coverage.
(b) Dislocated forest products workers enrolled in the employment and career orientation program pursuant to chapter 50.70 RCW shall be eligible for PEBB medical ((and)), dental, and vision while enrolled in that program.
(((c) Board members of Washington state school districts and educational service districts eligible to participate under RCW 28A.400.350 may participate in PEBB medical, dental, basic life insurance, basic accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance, supplemental life insurance, and supplemental AD&D insurance as long as they remain eligible under that section. The board of directors of educational service districts must apply through the process described in WAC 182-08-235 and participate through a contract with the HCA as described in WAC 182-08-245. Dependents of board members are eligible as described in WAC 182-12-260.
(i) Upon contract with the HCA, eligible board members may individually decide to enroll in PEBB insurance coverage each plan year. If they elect not to enroll, they may only enroll at the following times:
• During the annual open enrollment; or
• Following loss of other medical insurance coverage as defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
(ii) Board members who no longer hold a position become ineligible to participate in PEBB insurance coverage as described in (c) of this subsection. Enrollees who lose eligibility for coverage may continue enrollment in PEBB medical, PEBB dental, or both on a self-pay basis under COBRA coverage as described in WAC 182-12-146(6).
(iii) Board members are not eligible for PEBB retiree insurance coverage.))
(5) Individuals and entities not eligible as employees include:
(a) Adult family home providers as defined in RCW 70.128.010;
(b) Unpaid volunteers;
(c) Patients of state hospitals;
(d) Inmates in work programs offered by the Washington state department of corrections as described in RCW 72.09.100 or an equivalent program administered by a local government;
(e) ((Employees of the Washington state convention and trade center as provided in RCW 41.05.110;
(f))) Students of institutions of higher education as determined by their institutions; and
(((g)))(f) Any others not expressly defined as an employee.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 22-13-158, filed 6/21/22, effective 1/1/23)
WAC 182-12-114How do employees establish eligibility for public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits?
Eligibility for an employee whose work circumstances are described by more than one of the eligibility categories in subsections (1) through (5) of this section shall be determined solely by the criteria of the category that most closely describes the employee's work circumstances.
Hours that are excluded in determining eligibility include standby hours and any temporary increases in work hours, of six months or less, caused by training or emergencies (except governor-declared emergencies) that have not been or are not anticipated to be part of the employee's regular work schedule or pattern. Any hours worked in direct response to a governor-declared emergency are not excludable and must be included in determining eligibility. In order to include excluded hours in determining eligibility, employing agencies must request and receive the public employees benefits board (PEBB) program's approval.
For how the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits is maintained after eligibility is established under this section, see WAC 182-12-131.
(1) Employees are eligible for PEBB benefits as follows, except as described in subsections (2) through (5) of this section:
(a) Eligibility. An employee is eligible if they are anticipated to work an average of at least 80 hours per month and are anticipated to work for at least eight hours in each month for more than six consecutive months.
(b) Determining eligibility.
(i) Upon employment: An employee is eligible from the date of employment if the employing agency anticipates the employee will work according to the criteria in (a) of this subsection.
(ii) Upon revision of anticipated work pattern: If an employing agency revises an employee's anticipated work hours or anticipated duration of employment such that the employee meets the eligibility criteria in (a) of this subsection, the employee becomes eligible when the revision is made.
(iii) Based on work pattern: An employee who is determined to be ineligible, but later meets the eligibility criteria in (a) of this subsection, becomes eligible the first of the month following the six-month averaging period.
(c) Stacking of hours. As long as the work is within one state agency, employees may "stack" or combine hours worked in more than one position or job to establish eligibility and maintain the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits. Employees become eligible through stacking when they meet the requirements described in (a) of this subsection. They must notify their employing agency if they believe they are eligible through stacking. Stacking includes work situations in which:
(i) The employee works two or more positions or jobs at the same time (concurrent stacking);
(ii) The employee moves from one position or job to another (consecutive stacking); or
(iii) The employee combines hours from a seasonal position with hours from a nonseasonal position or job. An employee who establishes eligibility by stacking hours from a seasonal position or job with hours from a nonseasonal position or job shall maintain the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits as described in WAC 182-12-131(1).
(d) When PEBB benefits begin. Medical, dental, vision, basic life insurance, basic accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance, employer-paid long-term disability (LTD) insurance, employee-paid LTD insurance (unless the employee declines the employee-paid LTD insurance as described in WAC 182-08-197(1)), and if eligible, benefits under the salary reduction plan begin on the first day of the month following the date an employee becomes eligible. If the employee becomes eligible on the first working day of a month, then coverage begins on that date. Supplemental life insurance and supplemental AD&D insurance begin on the first day of the month following the date the contracted vendor receives the required form or approves the enrollment.
(2) Seasonal employees, as defined in WAC 182-12-109, are eligible as follows:
(a) Eligibility. A seasonal employee is eligible if they are anticipated to work an average of at least 80 hours per month and are anticipated to work for at least eight hours in each month of at least three consecutive months of the season.
(b) Determining eligibility.
(i) Upon employment: A seasonal employee is eligible from the date of employment if the employing agency anticipates that they will work according to the criteria in (a) of this subsection.
(ii) Upon revision of anticipated work pattern. If an employing agency revises an employee's anticipated work hours or anticipated duration of employment such that the employee meets the eligibility criteria in (a) of this subsection, the employee becomes eligible when the revision is made.
(iii) Based on work pattern. An employee who is determined to be ineligible for benefits, but later works an average of at least 80 hours per month and works for at least eight hours in each month and works for more than six consecutive months, becomes eligible the first of the month following a six-month averaging period.
(c) Stacking of hours. As long as the work is within one state agency, employees may "stack" or combine hours worked in more than one position or job to establish eligibility and maintain the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits. Employees become eligible through stacking when they meet the requirements described in (a) of this subsection. They must notify their employing agency if they believe they are eligible through stacking. Stacking includes work situations in which:
(i) The employee works two or more positions or jobs at the same time (concurrent stacking);
(ii) The employee moves from one position or job to another (consecutive stacking); or
(iii) The employee combines hours from a seasonal position or job with hours from a nonseasonal position or job. An employee who establishes eligibility by stacking hours from a seasonal position or job with hours from a nonseasonal position or job shall maintain the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits as described in WAC 182-12-131(1).
(d) When PEBB benefits begin. Medical, dental, vision, basic life insurance, basic AD&D insurance, employer-paid LTD insurance, employee-paid LTD insurance (unless the employee declines the employee-paid LTD insurance as described in WAC 182-08-197(1)), and if eligible, benefits under the salary reduction plan begin on the first day of the month following the day the employee becomes eligible. If the employee becomes eligible on the first working day of a month, then coverage begins on that date. Supplemental life insurance and supplemental AD&D insurance begin on the first day of the month following the date the contracted vendor receives the required form or approves the enrollment.
Seasonal employees who work a recurring, annual season with a duration of less than nine months are not eligible for the employee-paid LTD insurance benefit.
(3) Faculty are eligible as follows:
(a) Determining eligibility. "Half-time" means one-half of the full-time academic workload as determined by each institution, except that half-time for community and technical college faculty employees is governed by RCW 28B.50.489.
(i) Upon employment: Faculty who the employing agency anticipates will work half-time or more for the entire instructional year, or equivalent nine-month period, are eligible from the date of employment.
(ii) For faculty hired on quarter/semester to quarter/semester basis: Faculty who the employing agency anticipates will not work for the entire instructional year, or equivalent nine-month period, are eligible at the beginning of the second consecutive quarter or semester of employment in which they are anticipated to work, or has actually worked, half-time or more. Spring and fall are considered consecutive quarters/semesters when first establishing eligibility for faculty that work less than half-time during the summer quarter/semester.
(iii) Upon revision of anticipated work pattern: Faculty who receive additional workload after the beginning of the anticipated work period (quarter, semester, or instructional year), such that their workload meets the eligibility criteria as described in (a)(i) or (ii) of this subsection become eligible when the revision is made.
(b) Stacking. Faculty may establish eligibility and maintain the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits by working as faculty for more than one institution of higher education. Faculty workloads may only be stacked with other faculty workloads to establish eligibility under this section or maintain eligibility as described in WAC 182-12-131(3). A faculty becomes eligible through stacking when they meet the requirements as described in (a) of this subsection. When a faculty works for more than one institution of higher education, the faculty must notify their employing agencies that they work at more than one institution and may be eligible through stacking.
(c) When PEBB benefits begin.
(i) Medical, dental, vision, basic life insurance, basic AD&D insurance, employer-paid LTD insurance, employee-paid LTD insurance (unless the faculty declines the employee-paid LTD insurance as described in WAC 182-08-197(1)), and if eligible, benefits under the salary reduction plan begin on the first day of the month following the day the faculty becomes eligible. If the faculty becomes eligible on the first working day of a month, then coverage begins on that date. Supplemental life insurance and supplemental AD&D insurance begin on the first day of the month following the date the contracted vendor receives the required form or approves the enrollment.
(ii) For faculty hired on a quarter/semester to quarter/semester basis under (a)(ii) of this subsection, medical, dental, vision, basic life insurance, basic AD&D insurance, employer-paid LTD insurance, employee-paid LTD insurance (unless the faculty declines the employee-paid LTD insurance as described in WAC 182-08-197(1)), and if eligible, benefits under the salary reduction plan begin the first day of the month following the beginning of the second consecutive quarter/semester of half-time or more employment. If the first day of the second consecutive quarter/semester is the first working day of the month, then coverage begins at the beginning of the second consecutive quarter/semester. Supplemental life insurance and supplemental AD&D insurance begin on the first day of the month following the date the contracted vendor receives the required form or approves the enrollment.
(4) Elected and full-time appointed officials of the legislative and executive branches of state government are eligible as follows:
(a) Eligibility. A legislator is eligible for PEBB benefits on the date their term begins. All other elected and full-time appointed officials of the legislative and executive branches of state government are eligible on the date their terms begin or the date they take the oath of office, whichever occurs first.
(b) When PEBB benefits begin. Medical, dental, vision, basic life insurance, basic AD&D insurance, employer-paid LTD insurance, employee-paid LTD insurance (unless the employee declines the employee-paid LTD insurance as described in WAC 182-08-197(1)), and if eligible, benefits under the salary reduction plan begin on the first day of the month following the day the employee becomes eligible. If the employee becomes eligible on the first working day of a month, then coverage begins on that date. Supplemental life insurance and supplemental AD&D insurance begin on the first day of the month following the date the contracted vendor receives the required form or approves the enrollment.
(5) Justices and judges are eligible as follows:
(a) Eligibility. A justice of the supreme court and judges of the court of appeals and the superior courts become eligible for PEBB benefits on the date they take the oath of office.
(b) When PEBB benefits begin. Medical, dental, vision, basic life insurance, basic AD&D insurance, employer-paid LTD insurance, employee-paid LTD insurance (unless the employee declines the employee-paid LTD insurance as described in WAC 182-08-197(1)), and if eligible, benefits under the salary reduction plan begin on the first day of the month following the day the employee becomes eligible. If the employee becomes eligible on the first working day of a month, then coverage begins on that date. Supplemental life insurance and supplemental AD&D insurance begin on the first day of the month following the date the contracted vendor receives the required form or approves the enrollment.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 19-17-073, filed 8/20/19, effective 1/1/20)
WAC 182-12-116Who is eligible to participate in the salary reduction plan?
(1) Employees of state agencies are eligible to participate in the state's salary reduction plan provided they are eligible for public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits as described in WAC 182-12-114 and they elect to participate within the time frames described in WAC 182-08-197, 182-08-187, or 182-08-199.
(2) Employees of PEBB participating employer groups, as defined in WAC 182-12-109, are not eligible to participate in the state's salary reduction plan.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 20-16-062, filed 7/28/20, effective 1/1/21)
WAC 182-12-131How do eligible employees maintain the employer contribution toward public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits?
The employer contribution toward public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits begins as described in WAC 182-12-114. This section describes under what circumstances employees maintain eligibility for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits.
(1) Maintaining the employer contribution. Except as described in subsections (2), (3), and (4) of this section, employees who have established eligibility for benefits as described in WAC 182-12-114 are eligible for the employer contribution each month in which they are in pay status eight or more hours per month.
(2) Maintaining the employer contribution - Benefits-eligible seasonal employees.
(a) Benefits-eligible seasonal employees (eligible as described in WAC 182-12-114(2)) who work a season of less than nine months are eligible for the employer contribution in any month of the season in which they are in pay status eight or more hours during that month. The employer contribution toward PEBB benefits for seasonal employees returning after their off season begins on the first day of the first month of the season in which they are in pay status eight hours or more.
(b) Benefits-eligible seasonal employees (eligible as described in WAC 182-12-114(2)) who work a season of nine months or more are eligible for the employer contribution:
(i) In any month of the season in which they are in pay status eight or more hours during that month; and
(ii) Through the off season following each season worked, but the eligibility may not exceed a total of ((twelve))12 consecutive calendar months for the combined season and off season.
(3) Maintaining the employer contribution - Eligible faculty.
(a) Benefits-eligible faculty anticipated to work half time or more the entire instructional year or equivalent nine-month period (eligible as described in WAC 182-12-114 (3)(a)(i)) are eligible for the employer contribution each month of the instructional year, except as described in subsection (7) of this section.
(b) Benefits-eligible faculty who are hired on a quarter/semester to quarter/semester basis (eligible as described in WAC 182-12-114 (3)(a)(ii)) are eligible for the employer contribution each quarter or semester in which employees work half-time or more.
(c) Summer or off-quarter/semester coverage: All benefits-eligible faculty (eligible as described in WAC 182-12-114 (3)(a) and (b)) who work an average of half-time or more throughout the entire instructional year or equivalent nine-month period and work each quarter/semester of the instructional year or equivalent nine-month period are eligible for the employer contribution toward summer or off-quarter/semester PEBB benefits.
Eligibility for the employer contribution toward summer or off-quarter/semester PEBB benefits ends on the end date specified in an employing agency's termination notice or an employee's resignation letter, whichever is earlier, if the employing agency has no anticipation that the employee will be returning as faculty at any institution of higher education where the employee has employment. If the employing agency deducted the employee's premium for PEBB insurance coverage after the employee was no longer eligible for the employer contribution, PEBB benefits end the last day of the month for which employee premiums were deducted.
(d) Two-year averaging: All benefits-eligible faculty (eligible as described in WAC 182-12-114 (3)(a) and (b)) who worked an average of half-time or more in each of the two preceding academic years are potentially eligible to receive uninterrupted employer contribution toward PEBB benefits. "Academic year" means summer, fall, winter, and spring quarters or summer, fall, and spring semesters and begins with summer quarter/semester. In order to be eligible for the employer contribution through two-year averaging, the faculty must provide written notification of their potential eligibility to their employing agency or agencies within the deadlines established by the employing agency or agencies. Faculty continue to receive uninterrupted employer contribution for each academic year in which they:
(i) Are employed on a quarter/semester to quarter/semester basis and work at least two quarters or two semesters; and
(ii) Have an average workload of half-time or more for three quarters or two semesters.
Eligibility for the employer contribution under two-year averaging ceases immediately if the eligibility criteria is not met or if the eligibility criteria becomes impossible to meet.
(e) Faculty who lose eligibility for the employer contribution: All benefits-eligible faculty (eligible as described in WAC 182-12-114 (3)(a) and (b)) who lose eligibility for the employer contribution will regain it if they return to a faculty position where it is anticipated that they will work half-time or more for the quarter/semester no later than the twelfth month after the month in which they lost eligibility for the employer contribution. The employer contribution begins on the first day of the month in which the quarter/semester begins.
(4) Maintaining the employer contribution - Employees on leave and under the special circumstances listed below.
(a) Employees who are on approved leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or the paid family and medical leave program continue to receive the employer contribution as long as they are approved under the act.
(b) Unless otherwise indicated in this section, employees in the following circumstances receive the employer contribution only for the months they are in pay status eight hours or more:
(i) Employees on authorized leave without pay;
(ii) Employees on approved educational leave;
(iii) Employees receiving time-loss benefits under workers' compensation;
(iv) Employees called to active duty in the uniformed services as defined under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA); or
(v) Employees applying for disability retirement.
(5) Maintaining the employer contribution - Employees who move from an eligible to an otherwise ineligible position due to a layoff maintain the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits as described in WAC 182-12-129.
(6) Employees who are in pay status less than eight hours in a month. Unless otherwise indicated in this section, when there is a month in which employees are not in pay status for at least eight hours, employees:
(a) Lose eligibility for the employer contribution for that month; and
(b) Must reestablish eligibility for PEBB benefits as described in WAC 182-12-114 in order to be eligible for the employer contribution again.
(7) The employer contribution toward PEBB benefits ends in any one of these circumstances for all employees:
(a) When employees fail to maintain eligibility for the employer contribution as indicated in the criteria in subsections (1) through (6) of this section.
(b) When the employment relationship is terminated. As long as the employing agency has no anticipation that the employee will be rehired, the employment relationship is terminated:
(i) On the date specified in an employee's letter of resignation; or
(ii) On the date specified in any contract or hire letter or on the effective date of an employer-initiated termination notice.
(c) When employees move to a position that is not anticipated to be eligible for PEBB benefits as described in WAC 182-12-114, not including changes in position due to a layoff.
(d) The employer contribution toward PEBB benefits cease for employees and their enrolled dependents the last day of the month in which employees are eligible for the employer contribution under this section.
If the employing agency deducted the employee's premium for PEBB insurance coverage after the employee was no longer eligible for the employer contribution, PEBB benefits end the last day of the month for which employee premiums were deducted.
(8) Options for continuation coverage by self-paying. During temporary or permanent loss of the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits, employees have options for providing continuation coverage for themselves and their dependents by self-paying the premium and applicable premium surcharges set by the health care authority (HCA). These options are available as described in WAC 182-12-133, 182-12-141, 182-12-142, 182-12-146, 182-12-148, and 182-12-270.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 21-13-103, filed 6/18/21, effective 1/1/22)
WAC 182-12-133What options for continuation coverage are available to employees and their dependents during certain types of leave or when employment ends due to a layoff?
Employees who have established eligibility for public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits as described in WAC 182-12-114 may continue coverage for themselves and their dependents during certain types of leave or when their employment ends due to a layoff.
(1) Employees who are no longer eligible for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits due to an event described in (b)(i) through (vi) of this subsection may continue coverage by self-paying the premium and applicable premium surcharges set by the health care authority (HCA) from the date eligibility for the employer contribution is lost:
(a) Employees may continue any combination of medical ((or)), dental, or vision and may also continue life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance. If life insurance or AD&D insurance is elected, both basic life and basic AD&D insurance must be continued. Employees who continue basic life insurance and basic AD&D insurance may also continue supplemental life and AD&D insurance. Employees on approved educational leave or called in to active duty in the uniformed services as defined under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) may continue either employer-paid long-term disability (LTD) insurance or both employer-paid and employee-paid LTD insurance.
(b) Employees in the following circumstances who lose their eligibility for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits qualify to continue coverage under this subsection:
(i) Employees who are on authorized leave without pay;
(ii) Employees who are on approved educational leave;
(iii) Employees who are receiving time-loss benefits under workers' compensation;
(iv) Employees who are called to active duty in the uniformed services as defined under USERRA;
(v) Employees whose employment ends due to a layoff as defined in WAC 182-12-109; and
(vi) Employees who are applying for disability retirement.
(c) The employee's election must be received by the PEBB program no later than ((sixty))60 days from the date the employee's PEBB health plan coverage ended or from the postmark date on the election notice sent by the PEBB program, whichever is later;
(d) Employees may self-pay for a maximum of ((twenty-nine))29 months. The employee's first premium payment and applicable premium surcharges are due no later than ((forty-five))45 days after the election period ends as described in (c) of this subsection, except as described in WAC 182-08-180 (1)(a).
Premiums and applicable premium surcharges associated with continuing PEBB medical, must be made to the HCA as well as premiums associated with continuing PEBB dental, PEBB vision, or LTD insurance coverage. Premiums associated with continuing life insurance and AD&D insurance coverage must be made to the contracted vendor. Following the employee's first premium payment, the employee must pay the premium amounts for PEBB insurance coverage and applicable premium surcharges as premiums become due; and
(e) If the employee's monthly premium or applicable premium surcharges remain unpaid for ((sixty))60 days from the original due date, the employee's PEBB insurance coverage will be terminated retroactive to the last day of the month for which the monthly premium and applicable premium surcharges were paid as described in WAC 182-08-180 (1)(c).
(2) The number of months that employees self-pay the premium while eligible as described in subsection (1) of this section will count toward the total months of continuation coverage allowed under the federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). Employees who are no longer eligible for continuation coverage as described in subsection (1) of this section but who have not used the maximum number of months allowed under COBRA coverage may continue medical, dental, vision, or ((both))any combination of these benefits for the remaining difference in months by self-paying the premium and applicable premium surcharges as described in WAC 182-12-146.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 16-20-080, filed 10/4/16, effective 1/1/17)
WAC 182-12-136May employees on approved educational leave waive continuation coverage?
In order to avoid duplication of group health plan coverage, the following shall apply to employees during any period of approved educational leave. Employees eligible for continuation coverage provided in WAC 182-12-133 who obtain other employer-based group medical ((or)), dental, vision, or ((both))any combination of these benefits, may waive continuation of such coverage for each full calendar month in which they maintain coverage under the other employer-based medical ((or)), dental, or vision. These employees have the right to reenroll in a public employees benefits board (PEBB) health plan effective the first day of the month after the date the other employer-based group medical ((or)), dental, or vision ends, provided evidence of such other coverage is provided to the PEBB program upon application for reenrollment.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 20-16-062, filed 7/28/20, effective 1/1/21)
WAC 182-12-141If an employee reverts from an eligible position, what happens to their public employees benefits board (PEBB) insurance coverage?
(1) If an employee reverts for reasons other than a layoff and is not eligible for the employer contribution toward public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits under this chapter, they may continue PEBB insurance coverage by self-paying the premium and applicable premium surcharge set by the health care authority (HCA) for up to ((eighteen))18 months under the same terms as an employee who is granted leave without pay under WAC 182-12-133(1):
(a) The employee's election must be received by the PEBB program no later than ((sixty))60 days from the date the employee's PEBB health plan coverage ended or from the postmark date on the election notice sent by the PEBB program, whichever is later;
(b) The employee's first premium payment and applicable premium surcharges are due to the HCA no later than ((forty-five))45 days after the election period ends as described in (a) of this subsection, except as described in WAC 182-08-180 (1)(a). Premiums and applicable premium surcharges associated with continuing PEBB medical must be made to the HCA as well as premiums associated with continuing PEBB dental and PEBB vision. Premiums associated with continuing life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment insurance coverage must be made to the contracted vendor;
(c) Following the employee's first premium payment, the employee must pay the premium amounts associated with PEBB insurance coverage and applicable premium surcharges as premiums become due; and
(d) If the employee's monthly premium or applicable premium surcharges remain unpaid for ((sixty))60 days from the original due date, the employee's PEBB insurance coverage will be terminated retroactive to the last day of the month for which the monthly premium and applicable premium surcharges were paid as described in WAC 182-08-180 (1)(c).
(2) If an employee is reverted due to a layoff, the employee may be eligible for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits under the criteria of WAC 182-12-129. If determined not to be eligible under WAC 182-12-129, the employee may continue PEBB insurance coverage by self-paying the premium and applicable premium surcharges set by the HCA under WAC 182-12-133.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 20-16-062, filed 7/28/20, effective 1/1/21)
WAC 182-12-142What options for continuation coverage are available to faculty and seasonal employees who are between periods of eligibility?
(1) Faculty may continue any combination of medical ((or)), dental, or vision, and may also continue life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance by self-paying the premium and applicable premium surcharges set by the health care authority (HCA), with no contribution from the employer, for a maximum of ((twelve))12 months between periods of eligibility. If life insurance or AD&D insurance is elected, both basic life and basic AD&D insurance must be continued. Employees who continue basic life insurance and basic AD&D insurance may also continue supplemental life and AD&D insurance:
(a) The employee's election must be received by the public employees benefits board (PEBB) program no later than ((sixty))60 days from the date the employee's PEBB health plan coverage ended or from the postmark date on the election notice sent by the PEBB program, whichever is later;
(b) The employee's first premium payment and applicable premium surcharges are due to the HCA no later than ((forty-five))45 days after the election period ends as described in (a) of this subsection, except as described in WAC 182-08-180 (1)(a). Premiums and applicable premium surcharges associated with continuing PEBB medical must be made to the HCA as well as premiums associated with continuing PEBB dental and PEBB vision. Premiums associated with continuing life insurance and AD&D insurance coverage must be made to the contracted vendor;
(c) Following the employee's first premium payment, the employee must pay the premium amounts associated with PEBB insurance coverage and applicable premium surcharges as premiums become due; and
(d) If the employee's monthly premium or applicable premium surcharges remain unpaid for ((sixty))60 days from the original due date, the employee's PEBB insurance coverage will be terminated retroactive to the last day of the month for which the monthly premium and applicable premium surcharges were paid as described in WAC 182-08-180 (1)(c).
(2) Benefits-eligible seasonal employees may continue any combination of medical ((or)), dental, or vision, and may also continue life insurance and AD&D insurance by self-paying the premium and applicable premium surcharges set by the HCA, with no contribution from the employer, for a maximum of ((twelve))12 months between periods of eligibility. If life insurance or AD&D insurance is elected, both basic life and basic AD&D insurance must be continued. Employees who continue basic life insurance and basic AD&D insurance may also continue supplemental life and AD&D insurance:
(a) The employee's election must be received by the PEBB program no later than ((sixty))60 days from the date the employee's PEBB health plan coverage ended or from the postmark date on the election notice sent by the PEBB program, whichever is later;
(b) The employee's first premium payment and applicable premium surcharges are due to the HCA no later than ((forty-five))45 days after the election period ends as described in (a) of this subsection, except as described in WAC 182-08-180 (1)(a). Premiums and applicable premium surcharges associated with continuing PEBB medical must be made to the HCA as well as premiums associated with continuing PEBB dental and PEBB vision. Premiums associated with continuing life insurance and AD&D insurance coverage must be made to the contracted vendor;
(c) Following the employee's first premium payment, the employee must pay the premium amounts associated with PEBB insurance coverage and applicable premium surcharges as premiums become due; and
(d) If the employee's monthly premium or applicable premium surcharges remain unpaid for ((sixty))60 days from the original due date, the employee's PEBB insurance coverage will be terminated retroactive to the last day of the month for which the monthly premium and applicable premium surcharges were paid as described in WAC 182-08-180 (1)(c).
(3) COBRA. An employee who is no longer eligible for continuation coverage as described in subsections (1) and (2) of this section, but who has not used the maximum number of months allowed under the federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), may continue medical, dental, vision, or ((both))any combination of these benefits for the remaining difference in months by self-paying the premium and applicable premium surcharges set by the HCA under COBRA as described in WAC 182-12-146. The number of months that a faculty or seasonal employee self-pays premiums under the criteria in subsection (1) or (2) of this section will count toward the total months of continuation coverage allowed under COBRA.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 21-13-103, filed 6/18/21, effective 1/1/22)
WAC 182-12-148What options for continuation coverage are available to employees during their appeal of dismissal?
(1) Employees awaiting the hearing outcome of a dismissal action before any of the following may continue their public employees benefits board (PEBB) insurance coverage by self-paying the premium and applicable premium surcharges set by the health care authority (HCA), with no contribution from the employer, on the same terms as an employee who is granted leave as described in WAC 182-12-133:
(a) The personnel resources board;
(b) An arbitrator;
(c) A grievance or appeals committee established under a collective bargaining agreement for union represented employees; or
(d) A court.
(2) The employee must pay premium amounts and applicable premium surcharges associated with PEBB insurance coverage as premiums and applicable premium surcharges become due. If the monthly premium or applicable premium surcharges remain unpaid for ((sixty))60 days from the original due date, PEBB insurance coverage will be terminated retroactive to the last day of the month for which the monthly premium and applicable premium surcharges were paid as described in WAC 182-08-180 (1)(c).
(3) If the dismissal is upheld, all PEBB insurance coverage will terminate at the end of the month in which the decision is entered, or the date to which premiums have been paid, whichever is later, with the exception described in subsection (4) of this section.
(4) If the dismissal is upheld and the employee is eligible under the federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), the employee may continue any combination of PEBB medical, dental, or ((both))vision for the remaining months available under COBRA. See WAC 182-12-146 for information on COBRA. The number of months the employee self-paid premiums during the appeal will count toward the total number of months allowed under COBRA.
(5) If the board, arbitrator, committee, or court sustains the employee in the appeal and directs reinstatement of employer paid PEBB insurance coverage retroactively, the employing agency must forward to HCA the full employer contribution for the period directed by the board, arbitrator, committee, or court and collect from the employee the employee's share of premiums due, if any.
(a) When the employer contribution is reinstated, the HCA will refund to the employee any premiums and applicable premium surcharges the employee paid. In the alternative, at the request of the employee, HCA may deduct the employee's contribution amount for PEBB benefits from the refund of premiums and applicable premium surcharges self-paid by the employee during the appeal period.
(b) All supplemental life, supplemental accidental death and dismemberment, and employee-paid LTD insurance which was in force at the time of dismissal shall be reinstated retroactively only if the employee makes retroactive payment of premium for any such supplemental coverage and employee-paid LTD insurance which was not continued by self-payment during the appeal process. If the employee chooses not to pay the retroactive premium, evidence of insurability will be required to enroll in such supplemental coverage and employee-paid LTD insurance.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 22-13-158, filed 6/21/22, effective 1/1/23)
WAC 182-12-263National Medical Support Notice (NMSN).
(1) When a National Medical Support Notice (NMSN) requires a subscriber to provide health plan coverage for a dependent child the following provisions apply:
(a) The subscriber may enroll their dependent child and request changes to their health plan coverage as described under subsection (c) of this section. Employees submit the required forms to their employing agency. All other subscribers ((on continuation coverage or PEBB retiree insurance coverage)) submit the required forms to the public employees benefits board (PEBB) program.
(b) If the subscriber fails to request enrollment or health plan coverage changes as directed by the NMSN, the employing agency or the PEBB program may make enrollment or health plan coverage changes according to (c) of this subsection upon request of:
(i) The child's other parent; or
(ii) Child support enforcement program.
(c) Changes to health plan coverage or enrollment are allowed as directed by the NMSN:
(i) The dependent will be enrolled under the subscriber's health plan coverage as directed by the NMSN;
(ii) An employee who has waived PEBB medical under WAC 182-12-128 will be enrolled in medical as directed by the NMSN, in order to enroll the dependent;
(iii) The subscriber's selected health plan will be changed if directed by the NMSN;
(iv) If the dependent is already enrolled under another PEBB subscriber, the dependent will be removed from the other health plan coverage and enrolled as directed by the NMSN;
(v) If the dependent is enrolled in both school employees benefits board medical and PEBB medical as a dependent as described in WAC 182-12-123 (6)(((g)))(f) and there is a NMSN in place, enrollment will be in accordance with the NMSN; or
(vi) If the subscriber is eligible for and elects Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) or other continuation coverage, the NMSN will be enforced and the dependent must be covered in accordance with the NMSN.
(d) Changes to health plan coverage or enrollment as described in (c)(i) through (iii) of this subsection will begin the first day of the month following receipt by the employing agency or the PEBB program of the NMSN. If the NMSN is received ((by the employing agency)) on the first day of the month, the change to health plan coverage or enrollment begins on that day. A dependent will be removed from the subscriber's health plan coverage as described in (c)(iv) of this subsection the last day of the month the NMSN is received. If that day is the first of the month, the change in enrollment will be made the last day of the previous month.
(2) When a NMSN requires a spouse, former spouse, or other individual to provide health plan coverage for a dependent who is already enrolled in PEBB coverage, and that health plan coverage is in fact provided, the dependent may be removed from the subscriber's PEBB health plan coverage prospectively.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 20-16-062, filed 7/28/20, effective 1/1/21)
WAC 182-12-270What options for continuation coverage are available to dependents who cease to meet the eligibility criteria as described in WAC 182-12-260?
If eligible, dependents may continue health plan enrollment under one of the continuation coverage options in subsection (1) or (2) of this section by self-paying the premiums and applicable premium surcharges set by the health care authority (HCA), with no contribution from the employer, following their loss of eligibility under the subscriber's health plan coverage. The dependent's first premium payment and applicable premium surcharges are due no later than ((forty-five))45 days after the election period ends as described in WAC 182-12-146, 182-12-180, 182-12-250, or 182-12-265, whichever applies, except as described in WAC 182-08-180 (1)(a). Premiums and applicable premium surcharges associated with continuing PEBB medical, must be made to the HCA as well as premiums associated with continuing PEBB dental and PEBB vision insurance coverages. Following the dependent's first premium payment, the dependent must pay premium and applicable premium surcharges as they become due. If the monthly premium or applicable premium surcharges remain unpaid for ((sixty))60 days from the original due date, PEBB insurance coverage will be terminated retroactive to the last day of the month for which the monthly premium and applicable premium surcharges were paid as described in WAC 182-08-180 (1)(c). The PEBB program must receive the required forms as outlined in the PEBB Initial Notice of COBRA and Continuation Coverage Rights. Options for continuing health plan enrollment are based on the reason that eligibility was lost.
(1) Spouses, state registered domestic partners, or children who lose eligibility due to the death of an employee or retiree may be eligible to continue health plan enrollment as described in WAC 182-12-180, 182-12-250, or 182-12-265; or
(2) Dependents who lose eligibility because they no longer meet the eligibility criteria as described in WAC 182-12-260 are eligible to continue PEBB medical, dental, vision, or ((both))any combination of these coverages under provisions of the federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). See WAC 182-12-146 for more information on COBRA.
(3) A subscriber's state registered domestic partner and the state registered domestic partner's children may continue PEBB medical, dental, vision, or ((both))any combination of these coverages on the same terms and conditions as spouses and other eligible dependents under COBRA as described under RCW 26.60.015.
(4) No continuation coverage will be offered unless the PEBB program is notified through hand-delivery or United States Postal Service mail of the qualifying event as outlined in the PEBB Initial Notice of COBRA and Continuation Coverage Rights.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 20-16-062, filed 7/28/20, effective 1/1/21)
WAC 182-16-2010Appealing a decision regarding public employees benefits board (PEBB) eligibility, enrollment, premium payments, premium surcharges, a wellness incentive, or the administration of benefits.
(1) Any current or former employee of a state agency or their dependent aggrieved by a decision made by the state agency with regard to public employees benefits board (PEBB) eligibility, enrollment, or premium surcharges may appeal that decision to the state agency by the process described in WAC 182-16-2020.
Eligibility decisions address whether a subscriber or a subscriber's dependent is entitled to PEBB benefits, as described in PEBB rules and policies. Enrollment decisions address the application for PEBB benefits as described in PEBB rules and policies including, but not limited to, the submission of proper documentation and meeting enrollment deadlines.
(2) Any current or former employee of ((an))a PEBB participating employer group or their dependent who is aggrieved by a decision made by ((an))the employer group with regard to PEBB eligibility, enrollment, or premium surcharges may appeal that decision to the employer group through the process established by the employer group.
Any current or former employee of ((an))a PEBB participating employer group aggrieved by a decision regarding life insurance, long-term disability (LTD) insurance, eligibility to participate in the PEBB wellness incentive program, or eligibility to receive a PEBB wellness incentive may appeal that decision to the PEBB appeals unit by the process described in WAC 182-16-2030.
(3) Any subscriber or dependent aggrieved by a decision made by the PEBB program with regard to PEBB eligibility, enrollment, premium payments, premium surcharges, eligibility to participate in the PEBB wellness incentive program, or eligibility to receive a PEBB wellness incentive, may appeal that decision to the PEBB appeals unit by the process described in WAC 182-16-2030.
(4) Any enrollee aggrieved by a decision regarding the administration of PEBB medical ((and)), dental, vision, life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance, or long-term disability insurance may appeal that decision by following the appeal provisions of those plans, with the exception of:
(a) Enrollment decisions;
(b) Premium payment decisions other than life insurance or AD&D insurance premium payment decisions; and
(c) Eligibility decisions.
(5) Any PEBB enrollee aggrieved by a decision regarding the administration of PEBB long-term care insurance or property and casualty insurance may appeal that decision by following the appeal provisions of those plans.
(6) Any PEBB employee aggrieved by a decision regarding the administration of a benefit offered under the salary reduction plan may appeal that decision by the process described in WAC 182-16-2050.
(7) Any subscriber aggrieved by a decision made by the PEBB wellness incentive program contracted vendor regarding the completion of the PEBB wellness incentive program requirements, or a request for a reasonable alternative to a wellness incentive program requirement, may appeal that decision by the process described in WAC 182-16-2040.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 20-16-062, filed 7/28/20, effective 1/1/21)
WAC 182-16-2030Appealing a public employees benefits board (PEBB) program decision regarding eligibility, enrollment, premium payments, premium surcharges, a PEBB wellness incentive, or certain decisions made by an employer group.
(1) A decision made by the public employees benefits board (PEBB) program regarding eligibility, enrollment, premium payments, premium surcharges, or a PEBB wellness incentive, may be appealed by submitting a request to the PEBB appeals unit for a brief adjudicative proceeding to be conducted by the authority.
(2) A decision made by ((an))a PEBB participating employer group regarding life insurance, LTD insurance, eligibility to participate in the PEBB wellness incentive program, or eligibility to receive a PEBB wellness incentive, may be appealed by submitting a request to the PEBB appeals unit for a brief adjudicative proceeding to be conducted by the authority.
(3) The contents of the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding are to be provided as described in WAC 182-16-2070.
(4) The request for a brief adjudicative proceeding from a current or former employee or employee's dependent must be received by the PEBB appeals unit no later than ((thirty))30 days after the date of the denial notice.
(5) The request for a brief adjudicative proceeding from a retiree, ((self-pay))a continuation coverage enrollee, a retired employee or retired school employee continuing PEBB health plan coverage when their employer group ceases participation, a survivor, or their dependent ((of a retiree or self-pay enrollee)) must be received by the PEBB appeals unit no later than ((sixty))60 days after the date of the denial notice.
(6) The PEBB appeals unit must notify the appellant in writing when the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding has been received.
(7) The brief adjudicative proceeding will be conducted by a presiding officer designated by the director.
(8) Failing to timely request a brief adjudicative proceeding will result in the prior PEBB program decision becoming the authority's final order without further action.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 20-16-062, filed 7/28/20, effective 1/1/21)
WAC 182-16-2040How can a subscriber appeal a decision regarding the administration of wellness incentive program requirements?
(1) Any subscriber aggrieved by a decision regarding the completion of the wellness incentive program requirements, or request for a reasonable alternative to a wellness incentive program requirement, may appeal that decision to the public employees benefits board (PEBB) wellness incentive program contracted vendor.
(2) Any subscriber who disagrees with a decision in response to an appeal filed with the PEBB wellness incentive program contracted vendor may appeal the decision by submitting a request for a brief adjudicative proceeding to the PEBB appeals unit.
(a) The request for a brief adjudicative proceeding from a current or former employee must be received by the PEBB appeals unit no later than ((thirty))30 days after the date of the denial notice. The contents of the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding are to be provided as described in WAC 182-16-2070.
(b) The request for a brief adjudicative proceeding from a retiree, a continuation coverage enrollee, a retired employee or retired school employee continuing PEBB health plan coverage when their employer group ceases participation, or ((self-pay subscriber))a survivor must be received by the PEBB appeals unit no later than ((sixty))60 days after the date of the denial notice. The contents of the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding are to be provided as described in WAC 182-16-2070.
(3) The PEBB appeals unit must notify the appellant in writing when the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding has been received.
(4) The brief adjudicative proceeding will be conducted by a presiding officer designated by the director.
(5) If a subscriber fails to timely request a brief adjudicative proceeding, the decision of the PEBB wellness incentive program contracted vendor becomes the authority's final order without further action.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 22-13-158, filed 6/21/22, effective 1/1/23)
WAC 182-16-2050How can an employee appeal a decision regarding the administration of benefits offered under the salary reduction plan?
(1) Any employee who disagrees with a decision that denies eligibility for, or enrollment in, a benefit offered under the salary reduction plan may appeal that decision by submitting a written request for administrative review to their state agency. The state agency must receive the written request for administrative review no later than 30 days after the date of the denial. The contents of the written request for administrative review are to be provided as described in WAC 182-16-2070.
(a) Upon receiving the written request for administrative review, the state agency must perform a complete review of the denial by one or more staff who did not take part in the decision resulting in the denial.
(b) The state agency must render a written decision within 30 days of receiving the written request for administrative review. The written decision must be sent to the employee who submitted the written request for review and must include a description of appeal rights. The state agency must also send a copy of the state agency's written decision to the state agency's administrator (or designee) and to the PEBB appeals unit. If a state agency fails to render a written decision within 30 days of receiving the written request for administrative review, the request for administrative review may be considered denied as of the 31st day and the original underlying state agency decision may be appealed to the PEBB appeals unit by following the process in this section.
(2) Any employee who disagrees with the state agency's decision in response to a written request for administrative review, as described in this section, may request a brief adjudicative proceeding to be conducted by the authority by submitting a written request to the PEBB appeals unit.
(a) The PEBB appeals unit must receive the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding no later than 30 days after the date of the state agency's written decision on the request for administrative review. If a state agency fails to render a written decision within 30 days of receiving a written request for administrative review, the PEBB appeals unit must receive the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding no later than 30 days after the date the request for administrative review was deemed denied. The contents of the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding are to be provided as described in WAC 182-16-2070.
(i) The PEBB appeals unit must notify the appellant in writing when the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding has been received.
(ii) Once the PEBB appeals unit receives a request for a brief adjudicative proceeding, the PEBB appeals unit will send a request for documentation and information to the applicable state agency. The state agency will then have two business days to respond to the request and provide the documentation and information requested. The state agency will also send a copy of the documentation and information to the employee.
(iii) The brief adjudicative proceeding will be conducted by a presiding officer designated by the director.
(b) If an employee fails to timely request a brief adjudicative proceeding, the state agency's prior written decision becomes the authority's final order without further action.
(3) Any employee aggrieved by a decision regarding a claim for benefits under the ((medical)) flexible spending arrangement or limited purpose flexible spending arrangement (FSA) or dependent care assistance program (DCAP) offered under the salary reduction plan may appeal that decision to the authority's contracted vendor by following the appeal process of that contracted vendor.
(a) Any employee who disagrees with a decision in response to an appeal filed with the contracted vendor that administers the ((medical)) FSA, limited purpose FSA, and DCAP under the salary reduction plan may request a brief adjudicative proceeding by submitting a written request to the PEBB appeals unit. The PEBB appeals unit must receive the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding no later than 30 days after the date of the contracted vendor's appeal decision. The contents of the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding are to be provided as described in WAC 182-16-2070.
(i) The PEBB appeals unit must notify the appellant in writing when the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding has been received.
(ii) The brief adjudicative proceeding will be conducted by a presiding officer designated by the director.
(b) If an employee fails to timely request a brief adjudicative proceeding, the contracted vendor's prior written decision becomes the authority's final order without further action.
(4) Any employee aggrieved by a decision regarding the administration of the premium payment plan offered under the salary reduction plan may request a brief adjudicative proceeding to be conducted by the authority by submitting a written request to the PEBB appeals unit for a brief adjudicative proceeding.
(a) The PEBB appeals unit must receive the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding no later than 30 days after the date of the denial notice by the PEBB program. The contents of the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding are to be provided as described in WAC 182-16-2070.
(i) The PEBB appeals unit must notify the appellant in writing when the notice of appeal has been received.
(ii) The brief adjudicative proceeding will be conducted by a presiding officer designated by the director.
(b) If an employee fails to timely request a brief adjudicative proceeding, the PEBB program's prior written decision becomes the authority's final order without further action.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 20-16-062, filed 7/28/20, effective 1/1/21)
WAC 182-16-2060How can an entity or organization appeal a decision of the health care authority to deny an employer group application?
(1) An entity or organization whose employer group application to participate in public employees benefits board (PEBB) insurance coverage is denied by the authority may appeal the decision by submitting a request for a brief adjudicative proceeding to the ((public employees benefits board ())PEBB(())) appeals unit. For rules regarding eligible entities, see WAC 182-12-111.
(2) The PEBB appeals unit must receive the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding no later than ((thirty))30 days after the date of the denial notice. The contents of the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding are to be provided as described in WAC 182-16-2070.
(3) The PEBB appeals unit must notify the appellant in writing when the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding has been received.
(4) The brief adjudicative proceeding will be conducted by a presiding officer designated by the director.
(5) Failing to timely request a brief adjudicative proceeding will result in the prior PEBB program decision becoming the authority's final order without further action.