WSR 97-06-072
(Public Assistance)
[Filed February 28, 1997, 2:14 p.m.]
Subject of Possible Rule Making:
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Subject of Revision WAC Affected Authorizing Statute
define intangible assets WAC 388-96-010 RCW 74.46.800
clarify in nonaudit years desk WAC 388-96-220, 388-96-221 RCW 74.46.150, [74.46.]160,
reviewed allowable costs are used and 388-96-224 [74.46.]170, and [74.46.]800
to compute the final settlement
add refunds of any allowable cost WAC 388-96-505 RCW 74.46.200 and 74.46.800
as an example of financial benefit
that must be offset against
allowable costs in year of receipt
clarify effective dates of a JCADs WAC 388-96-534 RCW 74.46.270
and reduce the time for a revision
from ninety days to thirty days
raise limit on depreciable assets WAC 388-96-553 RCW 74.46.310, [74.46.]320 and
to $750; delete subsection (3), [74.46.]330
(4) and (5); and move (6) to
WAC 388-96-565
change limit to $750 and remove WAC 388-96-554 RCW 74.46.310, [74.46.]320, and
subsection (3) and (4) [74.46.]330
clarify the suspension of WAC 388-96-559 RCW 74.46.360
depreciation for time the asset is
not used in the Medicaid program
to add subsection (6) from WAC WAC 388-96-565 RCW 74.46.310, [74.46.]320, and
388-96-553 [74.46.]330
revise (j) bad debts to limit the WAC 388-96-585 RCW 74.46.190, [74.46.]460, and
time to request compensation [74.46.]800
from when the bad debt occurred.
revise (gg) to used bed rights as
an example of intangible assets
that are not used in patient care.
revise (w) to remove "in terms of
costs to employees and benefits
commensurate to such costs"
to revise method for determining WAC 388-96-709 Proposed amendment to chapter
anticipated days 74.46 RCW
to remove actual tables from WAC 388-96-745(7) RCW 74.46.800
Marshall Swift and make a
reference to the latest published
Marshall Swift
to allow current funding of real WAC 388-96-776 Proposed amendment to RCW
estate taxes that result from 74.46.465
renovations and possible other
related sections
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Other Federal and State Agencies that Regulate this Subject and the Process Coordinating the Rule with These Agencies: Health Care Financing Administration of the Department of Health and Human Services (HCFA), within ninety days of the effective date of the revisions, the agency must submit a state plan amendment. The HCFA will notify the agency of acceptance or rejection of the plan.
Process for Developing New Rule: Agency study.
Interested parties can participate in the decision to adopt the new rule and formulation of the proposed rule before publication by contacting Patricia Hague at (360) 493-2969 or FAX at (360) 493-9484 or write P.O. Box 45600, Mailstop 45600, Olympia, WA 98504-5600, e-mail, TTY (360) 902-8324.
February 28, 1997
Merry A. Kogut, Manager
Rules and Policies Assistance Unit