WSR 97-14-085


[Filed July 1, 1997, 4:22 p.m.]

On june 10, 1997, the Washington Department of Ecology received a petition to designate Grant and Franklin counties as a ground water management area under provisions of WAC 173-100-070. This petition is currently under review by the Department of Ecology to determine the merits of the request. Pending a finding that the petition has merits, the Department of Ecology must modify the general schedule.

WAC 173-100-060 requires a public hearing be held prior to final modification of the general schedule. In order to allow for sufficient time to complete a comprehensive review of the Grant-Franklin County petition and its relation to existing petitions, it is the intent of the Department of Ecology to delay a public hearing on modification of the general schedule from June 1997 to November 1997. Two weeks prior to the hearing(s), the Department of Ecology will publish specific details as to time, date, and location.

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