WSR 98-14-135




[Filed July 1, 1998, 11:25 a.m.]

The Following Sections are Proposed for Expedited Repeal: Chapter 480-63 WAC, Railroad companies--Weighing.

Rules Proposed for Expedited Repeal Meet the Following Criteria: Statute on which the rule was based has been repealed and has not been replaced by another statute providing statutory authority for the rule.

Any person who objects to the repeal of the rule must file a written objection to the repeal within thirty days after publication of this preproposal statement of inquiry.

Address Your Objection to: Secretary, Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, P.O. Box 47250, Olympia, WA 98504-7250, (360) 664-1174. Please reference Docket No. TR-980079 on all correspondence.

Reason the Expedited Repeal of the Rule is Appropriate: The legislature has transferred responsibilities for track scales and for weighing to another agency. The commission no longer has jurisdiction over the subject matter of these rules.

June 30, 1998

Terrence Stapleton

for Carole J. Washburn


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