WSR 98-15-058



[Filed July 10, 1998, 11:02 a.m.]

The University of Washington's

Semiannual Agenda for Rules Under Development

(Per RCW 34.05.314)

July 1998

Chapter 478-132 WAC, Academic calendar for the University of Washington. Rule review per Executive Order 97-02, revised review completion: Second half of 1998.

Chapter 478-210 WAC, Thomas Burke Memorial Washington State Museum. Rule review per Executive Order 97-02, revised review completion: Second half of 1998.

Chapter 478-324 WAC, Rules and regulations for the University of Washington implementation of the State Environmental Policy Act. Rule review per Executive Order 97-02, intended review completion: Second half of 1998.

Chapter 478-140 WAC, Rules and regulations for the University of Washington governing disclosure of student records. No filing as yet, revised adoption date: First half of 1999.

For more information concerning the above rules under development, contact Rebecca Goodwin Deardorff, Administrative Procedures Officer, phone (206) 543-9199, e-mail  

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