WSR 98-15-152
[Filed July 22, 1998, 10:43 a.m.]
The Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team will host community discussions on the health of Puget Sound and ask for comments on the proposed work plan to improve water quality, restore habitat and protect resources in the Sound during the next biennium. Children are welcome to attend with their parents.
The action team developed the proposed work plan and budget in consultation with federal, tribal, state and local agencies and organizations. The comment period on the proposed 1999-2001 Puget Sound Water Quality Work Plan runs from July 27 - August 28, 1998.
In September 1998, the Puget Sound Council will consider public comments and recommend revisions to the action team. The action team will revise the work plan and budget and submit them to the legislature and Governor Locke in December 1998. The 1999 legislature will consider the budget needed to implement the work plan.
To request a copy of the proposed work plan, please contact the action team at 1-800-54-SOUND or visit Puget Sound On-Line at
Briefings on the Health of Puget Sound and Opportunities to Comment (All meetings start at 7:00 p.m. and end no later than 9:00 p.m.)
Tuesday August 11, 1998 - Lacey
Department of Ecology
Room 1S-16
300 Desmond Drive
Thursday August 13, 1998 - Seattle
North Seattle Community College
Room C3353
9600 College Way North
Thursday August 13, 1998 - Sequim
Jamestown S'Klallam Community Center
1033 Old Blyn Highway
Tuesday August 18, 1998 - Tacoma
Tacoma World Trade Center
Room 104
3600 Port of Tacoma Road
Tuesday August 18, 1998 - Poulsbo
City of Poulsbo Fire Station
911 N.E. Liberty Road
Wednesday August 19, 1998 - Mt. Vernon
Skagit County PUD #1
1415 Freeway Drive
Mount Vernon