WSR 99-03-059
[Filed January 18, 1999, 1:54 p.m.]
notice of adoption of policy
Title of Policies: Alternating Drainfields, Dosing Gravity Drainfield Systems, Gravelless Drainfields, Holding Tank Sewage Systems, Intermittent Sand Filter Systems, Mound Systems, Pressure Distribution, Sand Lined Trench Systems, and Water Conserving On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems.
Effective Date: Revision April 5, 1999.
Issuing Agency/Division: Department of Health (DOH), Environmental Health Programs, Division of Community Environmental Health.
Description: These policies provide technical assistance, recommended standards and guidance for the use of on-site sewage systems. It addresses performance, application, design, and operation and maintenance. Local health jurisdictions may use these recommended standards in regulating the use of this type of on-site sewage system. Private sector practitioners may use this guidance in the development of sites where sewage treatment and disposal is to be provided with an on-site sewage system.
Contact: Mark Soltman, Division of Community Environmental Health, 7171 Cleanwater Lane, P.O. Box 7826, Olympia, WA 98504-7826, phone (360) 236-3040.