Effective Date: New September 30, 1997, revision February 8, 1999, March 2, 1999.
Issuing Agency/Division: Jointly managed by:
1. Department of Health (DOH), Environmental Health Programs, Division of Drinking Water.
2. Washington State Public Works Board and its fiscal agent, the Washington State Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED), Local Development Assistance Division.
Description: The DWSRF Guidelines have been amended as follows:
Revision 1:
A) Retroactive amendment to 1997 DWSRF Program guidelines related to project funding request; and
B) Retroactive amendment to 1997 DWSRF Program guidelines relating to date when eligible project expenses may be reimbursed as part of a construction loan.
C) Project loan fee procedure applies to both 1997 and 1998 applications.
Revision 2:
A) Retroactive amendment to 1998 DWSRF Program guidelines related to project funding request; and
B) Retroactive amendment to 1998 DWSRF Program guidelines relating to date when eligible project expenses may be reimbursed as part of a construction loan.
C) Project loan fee procedure applies to both 1997 and 1998 applications.
Revision 3:
1997 DWSRF Program guidelines (updated guidelines/application pertaining to 1999 loan cycle).
Contact: Judy J. Sides, Department of Health, Division of Drinking Water, P.O. Box 47822, Olympia, WA 98504-7822, phone (360) 236-3096, Internet