The Following Sections are Proposed for Expedited Repeal: All sections in chapters 16-20, 16-21, 16-22, and 16-23 WAC.
Rules Proposed for Expedited Repeal Meet the Following Criteria: Other rules of the agency or of another agency govern the same activity as the rule, making the rule redundant.
Any person who objects to the repeal of the rule must file a written objection to the repeal within thirty days after publication of this preproposal statement of inquiry.
Address Your Objection to: Verne E. Hedlund, 1111 Washington Street, P.O. Box 42560, Olympia, WA 98504-2560, phone (360) 902-1860.
Reason the Expedited Repeal of the Rule is Appropriate: These WAC chapters have been replaced by chapter 16-19 WAC. This new rule updates, clarifies and condenses the requirements in the former rules covering the custom farm slaughterers, custom meat facilities and custom slaughterers making them redundant.
June 2, 1999
Candace A. Jacobs, DVM
Assistant Director