WSR 99-15-035



(Chemical Dependency Professionals)

[ Filed July 14, 1999, 3:45 p.m. ]

Subject of Possible Rule Making: The regulation of chemical dependency professionals, this effort includes establishing disclosure requirements for chemical dependency professionals.

Statutes Authorizing the Agency to Adopt Rules on this Subject: RCW 18.205.060(15).

Reasons Why Rules on this Subject may be Needed and What They Might Accomplish: The current rules for chemical dependency professionals gives authority to establish disclosure requirements. The disclosure requirements would provide clients with information concerning their chemical dependency professional treatment to ensure protection of their health and safety.

Other Federal and State Agencies that Regulate this Subject and the Process Coordinating the Rule with These Agencies: None.

Process for Developing New Rule: Collaborative rule making. Develop in consultation with stakeholders through public meetings, telephone, and correspondence.

Interested parties can participate in the decision to adopt the new rule and formulation of the proposed rule before publication by contacting Kris Waidely, Department of Health, Chemical Dependency Professionals, P.O. Box 47869, Olympia, WA 98504-7869, phone (360) 236-4905, fax (360) 236-4909.

July 12, 1999

M. C. Selecky


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