Date of Adoption: January 15, 2000.
Purpose: Meet criteria supporting Governor Locke's Executive Order 97-02.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing WAC 308-96A-360, 308-96A-370, 308-96A-375 and 308-96A-380; and amending WAC 308-96A-345, 308-96A-350, 308-96A-355, and 308-96A-365.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 46.01.110.
Other Authority: RCW 46.12.040 and 46.16.216.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 99-23-010 on November 5, 1999.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 4, Repealed 4.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 4, Repealed 4; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0. Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
January 18, 2000
Fred Stephens
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 91-04-024, filed 1/29/91,
effective 3/1/91)
WAC 308-96A-345
What are the common
definitions needed to understand parking violations? For the
purposes of this chapter ((46.16 RCW)) the following definitions
(1) "Jurisdiction" shall mean any district, municipal,
justice ((and/or)), superior court, or other authorized
(2) "NCIC (ORI) number" means the numeric code assigned by the National Crime Information Center (originator) to identify a jurisdiction.
(3) "Department" shall mean the department of licensing.
(4) "Parking violation list" shall mean a computerized
listing containing all outstanding parking violations which have
been processed by the department and which must be satisfied
prior to ((renewal of license)) renewing your vehicle
(5) "Agent" shall mean any county auditor, or other individual or business entity appointed to carry out vehicle licensing and titling functions for the department.
(6) "Unprocessed" shall mean no update of the computer record has occurred.
(7) "Jurisdiction seal" shall mean method of verifying authenticity of court documents, which is provided by the jurisdiction that issued the citation. A jurisdiction seal is an embossed seal or stamp provided by the jurisdiction.
(8) "Municipality" means every court having jurisdiction over offenses committed under RCW 46.20.270.
(9) (("Local agencies" shall include district, municipal,
justice and/or superior courts, and other local reporting
(10))) "One hundred twenty-day notice" shall mean a warning
notice of those violations received by the department one hundred
twenty days prior to the ((license)) registration renewal date. ((The notice will list the dates and jurisdictions in which the
violations occurred, unpaid fines, penalties, and a fifteen
dollar surcharge.))
(10) "Disposition" shall mean the requested action as determined by the jurisdiction to add failure-to-pay parking violations, or to remove paid parking violations from a vehicle record.
(11) "Parking violation" shall mean any standing, stopping, or parking violation per RCW 46.20.270(3).
(12) "Vehicle data base record" shall mean the electronic record stored on the department's motor vehicle data base that contains the most current and up to date information regarding the titling and licensing of motor vehicles registered in this state.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110, 46.12.040 and 46.16.216. 91-04-024, § 308-96A-345, filed 1/29/91, effective 3/1/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 84-17-074 (Order TL-RG 7), § 308-96A-345, filed 8/15/84.]
((In order to submit notification of outstanding parking tickets,
a jurisdiction must provide the following:
(1) Jurisdiction name,
(2) NCIC number (ORI),
(3) Parking ticket number,
(4) Date parking ticket was issued,
(5) Vehicle license plate number, and
(6) Fine and penalty amount,
(7) Jurisdiction seal,
(8) Signature and date when required on form.
Such information must be provided on a form issued by the
department, or on a computer listing sheet, or magnetic tape
generated in accordance with department instructions.
Provided that an original report against a vehicle record
must contain a minimum of two outstanding violations from one
jurisdiction. Subsequent reports against that vehicle by that
same jurisdiction may be for a single violation unless such
vehicle record indicates all existing tickets have been paid and
no further tickets have been accrued in the thirteen months
following said payment. If thirteen months have elapsed, the
jurisdiction must submit an original report containing a minimum
of two violations.)) (1) How is the department notified of
outstanding (unpaid) parking violations? The jurisdiction
notifies the department of outstanding parking violations. The
notice will include the following:
(a) Jurisdiction name.
(b) NCIC number (ORI).
(c) Parking violation number.
(d) Date parking violation was issued.
(e) Vehicle license plate number.
(f) Fine and penalty amount.
(g) Jurisdiction seal, except if filed electronically.
(h) Signature and date when required on form, except if filed electronically.
(2) When will the department accept parking violations for a vehicle data base record by a jurisdiction? An original report against a vehicle record must contain a minimum of two outstanding violations from one jurisdiction. Subsequent reports against that vehicle by that same jurisdiction may be for a single violation unless such vehicle record indicates all existing violations have been paid and no further violations have been accrued in the thirteen months following said payment. If thirteen months have elapsed, the jurisdiction must submit an original report containing a minimum of two violations.
(3) What methods do jurisdictions use to notify the department of parking violations? Such information must be provided in accordance with department instructions by:
(a) A form issued by the department;
(b) A computer listing sheet; or
(c) Electronic format.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110, 46.12.040 and 46.16.216. 91-04-024, § 308-96A-350, filed 1/29/91, effective 3/1/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 84-17-074 (Order TL-RG 7), § 308-96A-350, filed 8/15/84.]
What happens when outstanding parking violations are satisfied? Upon satisfaction of ((fines and penalties)) parking violations
previously reported as outstanding against a vehicle, the
((collecting)) issuing jurisdiction ((must)) shall:
(1) Furnish the registered owner with a proof of payment
form as ((provided)) approved by the department, and
(2) Within ten days of ((such payment)) satisfaction, supply
the department with the following information:
(a) Jurisdiction name,
(b) NCIC number (ORI),
(c) Parking ((ticket)) violation number,
(d) Date parking ((ticket)) violation was issued,
(e) Vehicle license plate number,
(f) Date of satisfaction,
(g) Jurisdiction seal, ((and)) except if filed
(h) Signature ((and date when required on form)) of court
representative and date signed, except if filed electronically.
Such information must be provided on a form ((issued))
approved by the department ((or)) on a computer listing sheet or
((magnetic tape generated)) electronic format in accordance with
department instructions.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 84-17-074 (Order TL-RG 7), § 308-96A-355, filed 8/15/84.]
(1) Can a parking violation be reinstated on a
vehicle record after it has been reported by the jurisdiction as
satisfied? A parking ((ticket)) violation previously reported as
satisfied ((may)) shall be reinstated on the vehicle record for
such reasons as((, but not limited to)):
(a) Jurisdiction reporting error;
(b) Dishonored check for payment of fines and penalties;
(c) Departmental error.
(2) How is a parking violation previously reported as
satisfied, reinstated? The jurisdiction seeking reinstatement of
a parking ((ticket)) violation must supply the department with
the following information:
(a) Jurisdiction name,
(b) NCIC number (ORI),
(c) Parking ((ticket)) violation number,
(d) Date parking ((ticket)) violation was issued,
(e) Vehicle license plate number,
(f) Fine and penalty amount,
(g) Jurisdiction seal, except if filed electronically,
(h) Signature ((and date when required on form)) of court
representative and date signed, except if filed electronically,
(i) Reason for reinstatement.
Such information must be on a form ((issued)) approved by
the department ((or)) on a computer listing sheet or electronic
format in accordance with department instructions.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 84-17-074 (Order TL-RG 7), § 308-96A-365, filed 8/15/84.]
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 308-96A-360 | Return of unacceptable notification to jurisdiction. |
WAC 308-96A-370 | Removal of parking ticket information from active file. |
WAC 308-96A-375 | Parking violation list. |
WAC 308-96A-380 | Effect of one hundred twenty-day notice on license renewal. |