WSR 00-14-027


Cite as: AGO 2000 No. 3

[ June 13, 2000 ]

PUBLIC DISCLOSURE LAW - PUBLIC RECORDS - CONSERVATION DISTRICTS - Public disclosure status of farm plan prepared and held by state conservation district when similar record held by parallel federal agency is exempt from public disclosure.

1. A farm plan prepared wholly or in part by the staff of a conservation district, and held in the district offices as a document relating to district business, is a "public record" for purposes of the Public Disclosure Law.

2. Farm plans held by conservation districts are not generally subject to any exemption from public disclosure, although individual information within a document might be exempt in some cases.

3. The disclosability of farm plans held by conservation districts is entirely a matter of state law; federal law governing similar documents held by federal agencies does not cover conservation districts, nor does it preempt the state's Public Disclosure Act as to records held by state or local agencies.

The Honorable Vim Wright, Chair

Washington Conservation Commission

P.O. Box 47721

Olympia, Washington 98504-7721

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