Public Hearings and Informational Workshops on the
Draft Construction Stormwater General Permit and the
Draft Industrial Stormwater General Permit
The proposed general permits address these legal requirements and control the discharge of pollutants to protect the water quality of surface water and ground water in our state. A general permit is like an individual discharge permit except that it addresses a group of facilities as a whole. A single permit is developed that implements standard discharge treatment, monitoring, and reporting requirements for all permit holders covered under the general permit. Interested persons are encouraged to obtain a copy of the proposed permit and fact sheet and/or attend a workshop and hearing described below.
The proposed industrial stormwater general permit and construction stormwater general permit contain no new requirements. These permits require industrial activities and construction activities to manage their site to minimize the exposure of rainfall to pollutants. Each permittee must have a stormwater pollution prevention plan that documents how best management practices will be used to protect stormwater from pollutants. Since there are no new requirements the cost to small businesses will not significantly increase under the proposed permits. Most industrial activities are included for coverage under this stormwater general permit (please review the permit for a complete listing). The construction stormwater general permit provides coverage for construction activities that disturb five or more acres.
General Permit Issuance: Ecology expects to issue the revised general permits on October 4, 2000. The reissued permit will become effective on November 18, 2000. The final permit may, however, be modified based on the comments received. If changes represent a substantial departure from the scope or conditions in the original draft permit, another public notice of draft and comment period may be necessary. When issued, a copy of the notice of issuance and ecology's responses to the comments will be sent to all persons who submitted written comment or gave public testimony.
How to Request Copies of the Proposed Permit: Contact Keith Johnson to request copies of the construction or industrial stormwater general permit and fact sheet:
• Through the address noted below
• By telephone - (360) 407-6442, fax - (360) 407-6426
• By e-mail at
The permits and fact sheets may also be downloaded from the Internet at
Where to Submit Written Comments: Ecology is seeking public comment on the construction stormwater and industrial stormwater proposed general permits and fact sheets. Comments should reference specific text followed by proposed modification or concern when possible. Comments may address technical issues, accuracy and completeness of information, the scope of facilities proposed for coverage, adequacy of environmental protection and permit conditions, or any other concern that would result from issuance of these permits. If you wish to comment on either of the proposed permits, send your written comments to Keith Johnson, Washington State Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 47696, Olympia, WA 98504-7696.
Written comments must be postmarked by midnight, Thursday, September 14, 2000. Comments may also be made by attending and testifying at the public hearing.
Public Workshop/Hearing: Two public workshops and hearings on the proposed permits are scheduled. The purpose of the workshop is to explain the general permits, answer questions, and discuss your ideas and concerns before formal testimony begins. The purpose of the hearing is to provide interested parties an opportunity to state for the record their opinions and comments on the proposed general permits. The informational workshops will all begin at 1:30 p.m. and last until 2:30 p.m. The formal public hearing will begin at 2:30 p.m. The workshops and hearings will be held at the following dates and locations: On September 7, 2000, at the Department of Ecology, Eastern Regional Office, North 4601 Monroe, Suite 202, Spokane, WA; and on September 12, 2000, at the Department of Ecology, Northwest Regional Office, 3190 160th Avenue S.E., Bellevue, WA.
Ecology is an equal opportunity agency. If you have special accommodation needs, desire directions for meeting locations, or require the fact sheet and proposed permit in an alternative format, please contact Keith Johnson at (360) 407-6442 or TDD (only) (360) 407-6006.