Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 99-07-015 on March 9, 1999.
Title of Rule: Chapter 296-155 WAC, Safety standards for construction work (concrete pumps and placing booms).
Purpose: The Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) established Construction Advisory Committee (CAC), consisting of labor and management representatives from the construction industry, in an effort to improve safety within the concrete pump and placing boom industry, initiated a review of the current applicable requirements. The goal was to develop more comprehensive rules for those operations. In October 1998, the CAC submitted a proposal to the department's WISHA Services Division for rule-making consideration. The WISHA Services Division, without adding any additional requirements to the CAC proposal, reorganized and used clear rule-writing techniques to improve its clarity. At a June 1999 meeting of the Construction Advisory Council, a copy of the department's version of the proposal was distributed to each member for their review and comments. No comments or suggested changes were received from any member of the committee. In April 2000, the department further modified the operator requirements and these modifications have been reviewed and accepted by the CAC.
This is a significant legislative rule amendment because these are new requirements. During discussions with the CAC, it was determined that even though they recommended these requirements for the industry and, in some instances, they have been implemented by a number of companies, there are still some that will need to comply.
The following is a summary of the state-initiated amendments being proposed for adoption:
AMENDED SECTION: WAC 296-155-682(8) Concrete pumps and placing booms.
• To insert definitions that apply specifically to concrete pumps and placing booms.
• To add requirements that certain equipment specifications must be displayed and readable on each concrete pump.
• To add the requirement that the manufacturer's operation/safety manual must be available at each concrete pump or placing boom.
• To add the requirement that equipment cannot be in service until an unsafe condition has been corrected.
• To add the requirement that equipment controls must have their functions clearly marked.
• To add requirements for hydraulic systems to have relief valves to prevent cylinder and boom damage, holding valves in the event of uncontrolled vertical movement, and for certification after equipment failure.
• To add the requirement that a permanent, legible notice of total weight be marked on each unit.
• To add requirements for lifting a pump, availability of a clearly labeled emergency shut off switch, and inlet and outlet guarding.
• To add requirements for the use of outriggers in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and permanently marked with the maximum loading specifications.
• To add requirements to adhere to the placing booms weight of load, length and diameter of suspended hose, and the diameter and weight of mounted pipe specifications and to identify specific operations that are not safe.
• To add requirements for pipe wall thickness, pipe clamps, delivery pipe, and restraining devices.
• To add a table which recommends maximum yards per hour through a hose.
• To add requirements for equipment inspection timelines, what the inspection must include, and items the inspection report must contain.
• To add requirements for equipment repair which includes certified replacement parts and repair to the equipment.
• To add requirements that provide procedures to institute when using compressed air to clean the piping system.
• To add requirements for operator and operator trainee qualification.
• To add requirements for concrete pump inspection worksheet criteria.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050.
Statute Being Implemented: Chapter 49.17 RCW.
Summary: See Purpose above.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: See Purpose above.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Tracy Spencer, Tumwater, (360) 902-5530; Implementation and Enforcement: Michael A. Silverstein, Tumwater, (360) 902-5495.
Name of Proponent: Department of Labor and Industries, governmental.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: See Purpose above.
Proposal Changes the Following Existing Rules: See Purpose above.
A small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW.
INTRODUCTION: The Department of Labor and Industries is proposing amendments to WAC 296-155-682 Requirements for concrete pumping systems. The proposal will update requirements for concrete pumping system equipment safety, inspection, certification, and operation. In addition requirements for concrete pumping system component compatibility and operator training and physical requirements are also enhanced.
SUMMARY OF PROPOSED RULE CHANGES: Some of the proposed amendments contain requirements that may have an economic impact on businesses in the concrete pumping industry. A summary of the proposed amendments is shown below:
A. Equipment safety and operation.
1. The manufacturer's name, year of manufacture, model and serial number, maximum materials pressure must be available for each piece of equipment manufactured after January 1, 1998.
2. The manufacturer's equipment manual must be with, or near the concrete pump equipment.
3. Controls must have their functions clearly marked.
4. Hydraulic systems must have pressure relief valves and hydraulic holding valves.
5. Concrete pumps and booms must have a permanent, readable notice, stating the total unit weight.
6. A concrete pump must have a clearly labeled emergency shut-off switch.
7. There must be sufficient inlet and outlet guards on the water box and the agitator.
B. Component compatibility.
1. The pipe diameter and weight must meet the manufacturer's specifications.
2. The pipe wall thickness and pipe clamps must be in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements and instructions.
3. No attachments must be placed on the delivery pipe and the delivery pipe must be supported to prevent excessive loading on the clamps.
4. Components of the pump and delivery systems must be compatible and meet manufacturer's specifications.
C. Equipment inspection and certification.
1. Equipment must be tested and certified annually, and after five years semiannually, by a qualified person, agency or company. The test must determine if all components are functioning according to manufacturer's specifications.
2. An up to date inspection worksheet must be kept with the equipment. The worksheet must contain information about the type of tests; test results and who performed the test.
D. Certification of safe repair.
1. In the event of equipment failure or contact with energized electric power lines the equipment must be certified safe for use by the manufacturer, representative of the manufacturer or a professional engineer.
2. Replacement parts must meet or exceed manufacturer requirements. A record of the repair must be kept as well.
3. A qualified welder must do welding repair work.
E. Physical qualification requirements for operators.
1. Vision of at least 20/30 Snellen in one eye, 20/50 in the other, corrective lenses can be used. Normal depth of perception and field of vision, and the ability to distinguish colors.
2. Adequate hearing to meet operational demands. A hearing aid may be used to achieve this requirement.
3. Sufficient strength, endurance, agility, coordination manual dexterity and speed of reaction to meet operational demands.
4. No evidence of physical defects or emotional instability which could produce a hazard to the operator or others. Evidence that the operator is subject to seizures or loss of physical control will be sufficient ground for disqualification.
5. Be of legal age to perform the duties required.
F. Operator training requirements. To be considered qualified operators must:
1. Successfully pass a physical examination, at a minimum every two years.
2. Satisfactorily complete a written exam covering safety and operational procedures.
3. Demonstrate an ability to read the pump manufacturer's operation and safety manuals.
4. Have proof of their classroom training and be able to furnish it upon request.
5. A qualified individual must conduct the operator training.
6. Have an understanding of emergency procedures including emergency stop protocols.
7. Have an understanding of pump restart procedures.
8. Have the proper class of driver's license.
9. Be familiar with safety and maintenance requirements.
SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMIC IMPACT STATEMENT: The Regulatory Fairness Act, chapter 19.85 RCW, requires that the economic impact of proposed regulations on small businesses be examined relative to their impact on large businesses. The act outlines the requirements for a small business economic impact statement (SBEIS). For the purposes of an SBEIS the term small business is defined as a business entity that has the purpose of making a profit and has fifty or fewer employees. The agency must prepare an SBEIS when a proposed rule, or rule amendments, have the potential of placing a more than minor economic impact on business. Concrete pumping units are used in several different industries: Concrete work, SIC 177 and Heavy Construction, SIC 162. The minor impact thresholds for these industries range from fifty to one hundred thirty-five dollars (1990 dollars) per business establishment. These values are calculated as 0.1% of profits for a business of fifty employees (Guide for Facilitating Regulatory Fairness, 1993). The results presented in Table 1 below reveal that the compliance costs created by the proposed changes to chapter 296-155 WAC exceed the minor cost thresholds for an SBEIS.
Cost of Compliance: To assess the financial impact of the proposed amendments to chapter 296-155 WAC, the agency conducted a mail survey in which concrete pumping businesses were asked to estimate the cost of compliance. A total of fifty-five surveys were sent to a select group of businesses that use concrete pumping systems. The survey contained a brief summary of the proposed rule change and then asked the recipient to estimate the anticipated costs for each component of the proposal: 1. Equipment safety and operation; 2. Component compatibility; 3. Inspection and certification; 4. Repair certification; and 5. Training and physical requirements. The survey also asked the employer to indicate the number of concrete pumping systems in use, total number of employees and the number of employees using concrete pumping systems. A total of sixteen surveys were returned, of which fifteen were useable, for an effective response rate of 27%. Of those responding fourteen (93.3%) were small businesses and only one (6.7%) exceeded the small business employment threshold of fifty.
Analysis of Survey Cost Data: The survey data was compiled and analyzed in an Excel spreadsheet. Costs for compliance cost under the proposed amendments were determined for small and large business entities. While response data was generally used as reported a few respondents may have misinterpreted the questions or responded in a strategic manner. Two small business survey respondents in particular reported anticipated compliance costs that were far higher than the costs others reported. The results are presented in Table 1 below as a complete data set and as a trimmed data set in which the two high outlier respondents were removed.
Table 1: Estimated compliance costs for the concrete pumping
Category or Rule Component Cost |
Small Business (n=14) |
Trimmed Small Business (n=12) |
Large Business* (n=1) |
No. concrete pumping systems | 6.6 | 7.1 | 11 | |||
No. employees | 11.1 | 10.8 | 90 | |||
No. employees using concrete pumping systems | 8.6 | 7.1 | 15 | |||
Equipment safety and operations | $1,275 | ($211) | $1,275 | ($211) | $10,000 | ($900) |
Component compatibility | $100 | ($91) | $100 | ($91) | $20,000 | ($1,800) |
Inspection and certification | $3,350 | ($801) | $3,291 | ($510) | $10,000 | ($900) |
Repair and certification | $2,944 | ($917) | $2,688 | ($406) | $20,000 | ($1,800) |
Training | $1,627 | ($902) | $1,540 | ($743) | $15,000 | ($1,400) |
Total (new) costs | $7,762 | ($3,516) | $7,445 | ($2,210) | $65,000 | ($6,000) |
*One large business responding.
As expected the compliance costs per establishment are
significantly higher for large businesses: $7,762 or $7,445
versus $65,000 for large businesses. When compliance cost is
calculated on the basis of the number of concrete pumping systems
at a particular company, the anticipated costs are lower for
small business: $3,516 or $2,210 versus $6,000 for the large
business entity.
The Guide for Facilitating Regulatory Fairness (1993) suggests that one approach for assessing disproportionate impact is to determine a proposed rules cost on a per employee basis. Because large businesses tend to be more diversified the survey asked the recipients to indicate not only the number of total employees, but also the number of employees that use concrete pumping systems as well. Table 2 below presents the component cost for the proposed rule amendments on the basis of total employees and on the basis of concrete pump using employees, for large, small, and trimmed small business groupings.
Table 2: Estimated per employee compliance costs.
Rule Component Cost | Small Business | Trimmed Small Business | Large Business | Small/Large | ||||
Equipment safety and operations | $212 | ($229) | $160 | ($180) | $103 | ($667) | 2.1 | (0.34) |
Component compatibility | $5 | ($91) | $6 | ($111) | $206 | ($1,333) | ||
Inspection and certification | $466 | ($851) | $431 | ($521) | $103 | ($667) | 4.5 | (1.3) |
Repair and certification | $339 | ($885) | $314 | ($314) | $206 | ($1,333) | 1.65 | (0.66) |
Training | $590 | ($902) | $146 | ($269) | $155 | ($1,000) | 3.8 | (0.90) |
Total | $1,380 | ($2,495) | $875 | ($1,222) | $567 | ($3,667) | 2.4 | (0.68) |
The per employee compliance cost for small businesses is
$1,380, or $875 when using the trimmed survey data set. This is
significantly higher than the per employee compliance cost of
$567 for the large business entity: Small to large business cost
ratio of 2.4. A small to large cost ratio significantly above
1.0 is indicative of disproportionate impact on small business.
When compliance costs are evaluated on the basis of number of
employees using concrete pumping systems the costs are higher for
large business: $3,667 per employee for the one large business
versus $2,495 and $1,222 for small businesses. The small to
large cost ratio determined using costs based on the number of
employees using concrete pumping systems is 0.68. This ratio is
significantly below 1.0, which indicates that compliance with the
proposed rule amendments will not have a disproportionate cost
impact on small business.
CONCLUSIONS: A survey was conducted to determine the compliance costs for the proposed amendments to the rules pertaining to concrete pumping systems (WAC 296-155-682). The estimated new costs per establishment, presented in Table 1, indicate the proposal will have a more than a minor impact on business. A comparison of compliance costs for large and small business was made. Compliance cost for large and small business was assessed using two methods. The first method was based on the number of concrete pumping systems at a particular business. The second method was based on the number of employees using the pumping systems. Both of these methods revealed that the anticipated compliance costs are lower for small business. Based on the results of this survey, I conclude that the proposal will not have a disproportionate impact on small business.
Please contact Greg Nothstein if you have questions regarding this analysis, (360) 902-6805.
A copy of the statement may be obtained by writing to Greg Nothstein, Legislative Economist, Department of Labor and Industries, P.O. Box 44001, Olympia, WA 98504-4001.
RCW 34.05.328 applies to this rule adoption. Significant rule-making criteria does apply to these rule amendments because they increase requirements and it does not meet the exempt criteria outlined in RCW 34.05.328(5).
Hearing Location: Department of Labor and Industries Building, Auditorium, 7273 Linderson Way, Tumwater, WA, on August 29, 2000, at 1:30.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Christine Swanson by August 18, 2000, at (360) 902-5484.
Submit Written Comments to: Tracy Spencer, Standards Manager, WISHA Services Division, P.O. Box 44620, Olympia, WA 98507-4620, by 5:00 p.m. on September 6, 2000. In addition to written comments, the department will accept comments submitted to fax (360) 902-5529. Comments submitted by fax must be ten pages or less.
Date of Intended Adoption: October 18, 2000.
July 19, 2000
Gary Moore
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 95-10-016, filed 4/25/95,
effective 10/1/95)
WAC 296-155-682
Requirements for equipment and tools.
(1) Bulk cement storage. Bulk storage bins, containers, and silos shall be equipped with the following:
(a) Conical or tapered bottoms; and
(b) Mechanical or pneumatic means of starting the flow of material.
(2) No employee shall be permitted to enter storage facilities unless the ejection system has been shut down and locked out in accordance with WAC 296-155-429.
(3) Safety belts, harnesses, lanyards, lifelines or droplines, independently attached or attended, shall be used as prescribed in chapter 296-155 WAC, Part C-1.
(4) Concrete mixers. Concrete mixers with one cubic yard (.8 m3) or larger loading skips shall be equipped with the following:
(a) A mechanical device to clear the skip of materials; and
(b) Guardrails installed on each side of the skip.
(5) Power concrete trowels. Powered and rotating type concrete troweling machines that are manually guided shall be equipped with a control switch that will automatically shut off the power whenever the hands of the operator are removed from the equipment handles.
(6) Concrete buggies. Concrete buggy handles shall not extend beyond the wheels on either side of the buggy.
Note: | Installation of knuckle guards on buggy handles is recommended. |
(a) Runways shall be constructed to carry the maximum contemplated load with a safety factor of four, have a smooth running surface, and be of sufficient width for two buggies to pass. Single runs to have a minimum width of forty-two inches with turnouts. Runways to have standard railings. Where motor driven concrete buggies are used, a minimum four-inches by four-inches wheel guard shall be securely fastened to outside edge of runways.
(b) All concrete buggy runways which are 12 inches or more above a work surface or floor, or ramps with more than 4 percent incline shall be considered "elevated" runways.
(8) ((Exception:
Small jobs utilizing only one concrete buggy, or larger jobs utilizing a "one-way traffic pattern" may be exempt
from the requirements for "turnouts" or for "sufficient width for two buggies to pass."
Runways less than 12 inches above the floor or ground which are utilized by hard-powered buggies only, may
be exempt from the requirements for guardrails and wheelguards.
Concrete pumping systems.
(a) The employer shall comply with the manufacturer's
specifications and limitations applicable to the operation of
pumpcrete or similar systems. Where manufacturer's
specifications are not available, the limitations assigned to the
equipment shall be based on the determinations of a qualified
engineer, competent in this field, and such determinations will
be appropriately documented and recorded.
(b) Rated load capacities, and recommended operating speeds
and pressures, special hazard warnings, or instructions, shall be
conspicuously posted on all equipment. Instructions and warnings
shall be visible to the operator while at the control station.
(c) Concrete pumping systems using discharge pipes shall be
provided with pipe supports designed for one hundred percent
(d) Compressed air hoses used on concrete pumping systems
shall be provided with positive fail-safe joint connectors to
prevent separation of sections when pressurized.
(e) No part of the concrete pumping system shall operate
closer to high voltage electrical conductors than the distances
specified in chapter 296-155 WAC, Part I.
(f) Hoses and/or pipes used to carry concrete under pressure
shall be secured one to the other with an adequate length of at
least 1/4 inch diameter chain or cable to prevent whipping in the
event of an accidental separation of joints. All system safety
pins shall be in place during pumping operations.
(g) The employer shall designate a competent person who
shall inspect all machinery, equipment, and accessories prior to
each use, and periodically during use, to make sure it is in safe
operating conditions. Any deficiencies shall be repaired, or
defective parts replaced before continued use.
(h) A thorough annual inspection of the equipment including
nondestructive testing of all sections of the booms, by a method
capable of ensuring the structural integrity of the material
being tested shall be made. The inspection and testing shall be
conducted by a competent person, or a government or private
agency recognized by the department. A record of the test
results shall be maintained by the employer, and a copy shall be
available in each unit for inspection by the department.
(i) All welding shall conform to AWS B3.0-41 Standard
Qualification Procedure: AWS D8.4-61 Recommended Practices of
Automotive Welding Design: or AWS D10.9-69 Standard
Qualification of Welding Procedures and Welders for Piping and
(j) Booms shall not be used for operations other than that
for which they are designed.)) Concrete pumps and placing booms.
(a) Definitions.
"Concrete delivery hose" means a flexible concrete delivery hose which has two end couplings.
"Concrete pump" means a construction machine that pumps concrete.
"Controls" means the devices used to operate a machine.
"Delivery systems" means the pipe, hoses and components, through which the concrete is pumped.
"Grooved end" means a pipe clamp pipe connection where a groove is machined or rolled directly into the outside of the pipe wall (for example: Victualic).
"Material pressure" means the pressure exerted on the concrete inside the delivery system.
"Placing boom and placing unit" means a manual or power driven, slewable working device which:
• Consists of one or more extendable or folding parts for supporting the concrete delivery system, and directs the discharge into the desired location; and
• May be mounted on trucks, trailers, or special vehicles.
"Qualified person" means someone who:
• Possesses a recognized degree or certificate of professional standing; or
• Has extensive knowledge, training, and experience; or
• Successfully demonstrated the ability to resolve problems relating to the work.
"Restraining devices" means a sling, cable, or equivalent device used to minimize excess movement of a delivery system in case of separation.
"Whip hoses" means a suspended hose that has only one coupling and is used to direct the delivery of concrete.
(b) Equipment requirements.
(i) Equipment identification tag.
The employer must ensure the following identification is furnished if originally identified by the manufacturer and on all pumps manufactured after January 1, 1998:
• The manufacturer's name;
• The year of manufacture;
• The model and serial number;
• The maximum material pressure;
• The maximum allowable pressure in the hydraulic system; and
• The maximum weight per foot of delivery system including concrete.
(ii) Manufacturer's manual.
The employer must have the manufacturer's operation/safety manual or equivalent available for each concrete pump or placing boom.
(iii) Unsafe condition of equipment.
If during an equipment inspection a condition is revealed that might endanger workers, the equipment must not be returned to service until the condition is corrected.
(iv) Controls.
Controls must have their function clearly marked.
(v) Hydraulic systems.
(A) Concrete pumps and placing booms hydraulic systems must have pressure relief valves to prevent cylinder and boom damage.
(B) Hydraulic systems must have hydraulic holding valves if hose or coupling failure could result in uncontrolled vertical movement.
(vi) Certification.
In the event of failure of a structural member, overloading, or contact with energized electric power lines and before return to service, the equipment must be certified safe by:
• The manufacturer; or
• An agent of the manufacturer; or
• A professional engineer.
(vii) Marking weight. A permanent, legible notice stating the total weight of the unit must be marked on:
• Trailer or skid mounted concrete pumps;
• Placing booms; and
• All major detachable components over five hundred pounds.
(viii) Lifting a pump.
A concrete pump must be lifted using the lift points specified by the manufacturer or a professional engineer.
(ix) Emergency shutoff.
A concrete pump must have a clearly labeled emergency stop switch that stops the pumping action.
(x) Inlet and outlet guarding.
(A) The waterbox must have a fixed guard to prevent unintentional access to the moving parts.
(B) The agitator must be guarded in accordance with WAC 296-24-19507, Table 0-10, and:
• Hinged or bolted in place;
• At least three inches distance from the agitator;
• Be capable of supporting a load of two hundred fifty pounds.
(C) A person must not stand on the grill when the pump or agitator is running.
(xi) Outriggers.
(A) Outriggers must be used in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
(B) Concrete pump trucks manufactured after January 1, 1998, must have outriggers or jacks permanently marked to indicate the maximum loading they transmit to the ground.
(xii) Load on a placing boom.
(A) The manufacturer's or a licensed, registered, structural engineer's specifications for the placing boom must not be exceeded by:
• The weight of the load;
• The length and diameter of suspended hose;
• The diameter and weight of mounted pipe.
(B) A concrete placing boom must not be used to drag hoses or lift other loads.
(C) All engineering calculations regarding modifications must be:
• Documented;
• Recorded; and
• Available upon request.
(xiii) Pipe diameter thickness. The pipe wall thickness must be measured in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction, and:
• Be sufficient to maintain a burst pressure greater than the maximum pressure the pump can produce;
• The pipe sections must be replaced when measurements indicate wall thickness has been reduced to the limits specified by the manufacturer.
(xiv) Pipe clamps.
(A) Concrete must not be pumped through a delivery system with grooved ends, such as those for Victualic-type couplers.
(B) Pipe clamps must have a pressure rating at least equal to the pump pressure rating.
(C) Pipe clamps contact surfaces must be free of concrete and other foreign matter.
(D) If quick connect clamps are used, they must be pinned or secured to keep them from opening when used in a vertical application.
(xv) Delivery pipe.
(A) Delivery pipe between the concrete pump and the placing system must be supported and anchored to prevent movement and excessive loading on clamps.
(B) Double ended hoses must not be used as whip hoses.
(C) Attachments must not be placed on whip hoses (i.e., "S" hooks, valves, etc.).
Table 1, Nonmandatory
Recommended maximum yards per hour through hose
Hose Diameter | Hose Length (12' and less) Max. yards per hour | Hose Length (12' and longer) Max. yards per hour |
2" | 30 | 30 |
3" | 90 | 50 |
4" | 160 | 110 |
5" | See manufacturer specs | See manufacturer specs |
• Variables in mix design can have an effect on these ratings.
• Aggregate should not exceed 1/3 the diameter of the delivery system.
(xvi) Restraining. A restraining device must:
• Be used on attachments suspended from the boom tips; and
• Have a load rating not less than one-fifth of its ultimate breaking strength.
(xvii) Equipment inspection.
(A) An inspection must be conducted annually for the first five years and semiannually thereafter and must include the following:
• Nondestructive testing of all sections of the boom by a method capable of ensuring the structural integrity of the boom;
• Be conducted by a qualified person or by a private agency.
(B) The inspection report must be documented and a copy maintained by the employer and in each unit inspected. It must contain the following:
• The identification, including the serial numbers and manufacturer's name, of the components and parts inspected and tested;
• A description of the test methods and results;
• The names and qualifications of the people performing the inspection;
• A listing of necessary repairs; and
• The signature of the manufacturer, an agent of the manufacturer, or a qualified person.
Note: | See WAC 296-155-628 (8)(d) for the inspection worksheet criteria. |
(A) Replacement parts must meet or exceed the original manufacturer's specifications or be certified by a registered professional structural engineer.
(B) A properly certified welder must perform any welding on the boom, outrigger, or structural component.
(xix) Compressed air cleaning of the piping system. To clean the piping system:
(A) The pipe system must be securely anchored before it is cleaned out.
(B) The flexible discharge hose must be removed.
(C) Workers not essential to the cleaning process must leave the vicinity.
(D) The compressed air system must have a shutoff valve.
(E) Blow out caps must have a bleeder valve to relieve air pressure.
(F) A trap basket or containment device (i.e., concrete truck, concrete bucket) must be available and secured to receive the clean out device.
(G) Delivery pipes must be depressurized before clamps and fittings are released.
(c) Qualification and training requirements.
(i) Operator trainee--Qualification requirements. To be qualified to become a concrete pump operator, the trainee must meet the following requirements unless it can be shown that failure to meet the requirements will not affect the operation of the concrete pump boom.
(A) Vision requirements:
• At least 20/30 Snellen in one eye and 20/50 in the other. Corrective lenses may be used to fulfill this requirement;
• Ability to distinguish colors, regardless of position, if color differentiation is required;
• Normal depth perception and field of vision.
(B) Hearing requirements: Hearing adequate to meet operational demands. Corrective devices may be used to fulfill this requirement.
(ii) Operator trainee -- Training requirements. Operator trainee training requirements include, but are not limited to, the following:
(A) Demonstrated their ability to read and comprehend the pump manufacturer's operation and safety manual.
(B) Be of legal age to perform the duties required.
(C) Received documented classroom training and testing (as applicable) on these recommended subjects:
• Driving, operating, cleaning and maintaining concrete pumps, placing booms, and related equipment;
• Jib/boom extensions;
• Boom length/angle;
• Manufacturer's variances;
• Radii;
• Range diagram, stability, tipping axis; and
• Structural/tipping determinations.
(D) Maintain and have available upon request a copy of all training materials and a record of training.
(E) Satisfactorily completed a written examination for the concrete pump boom for which they are becoming qualified. It will cover:
• Safety;
• Operational characteristics and limitations; and
• Controls.
(iii) Operator--Qualification requirements. Operators will be considered qualified when they have:
(A) Completed the operator trainee requirements listed in (c)(i) and (ii) of this subsection.
(B) Completed a program of training conducted by a qualified person, including practical experience under the direct supervision of a qualified person.
(C) Passed a practical operating examination of their ability to operate a specific model and type of equipment. Possess the knowledge and the ability to implement emergency procedures.
(D) Possess the knowledge regarding the restart procedure after emergency stop has been activated.
(E) Possess the proper class of driver's license to drive the concrete pump truck.
(F) Demonstrate the ability to comprehend and interpret all labels, safety decals, operator's manuals, and other information required to safely operate the concrete pump.
(G) Be familiar with the applicable safety requirements.
(H) Understand the responsibility for equipment maintenance.
(d) Concrete pump inspection worksheet criteria. Concrete pump trucks will be inspected using the following criteria: The manufacturer's required inspection criteria will be followed in all instances.
Note: | DOT requirements for inspections - Ref. 49.C.F.R.396.11, Driver Vehicle Inspections and 396.13, Driver Pre-Trip Inspections; and WAC 296-155-610. |
(A) Oil level;
(B) Hoses;
(C) Fittings;
(D) Holding valves;
(E) Pressure settings;
(F) Hydraulic cylinders;
(G) Ensure that the emergency stop system is functioning properly;
(H) All controls clearly marked.
(ii) Electrical.
(A) All systems functioning properly.
(B) All remote control functions are operating properly. Ensure that the emergency stop system is functioning properly.
(C) All controls clearly marked.
(iii) Structural.
(A) Visual inspection for cracks, corrosion, and deformations of the concrete pump with placing boom structure, and all load carrying components such as outriggers, cross frames, torsion box beams, and delivery line support structures that may lead to nondestructive testing.
(B) Visual examination of all links, pivots, pins, and bolts.
(C) Vertical and horizontal movement at the turret, turntable, rotation gear lash, bearing tolerances, not to exceed manufacturer's specifications.
(iv) Piping systems.
(A) Wall thickness must not exceed original manufacturer's specifications.
(B) Mounting hardware for attaching delivery system.
(C) Correct clamps and safety pins.
(v) Safety decals.
All safety decals shall be in place as required by the manufacturer.
(9) Concrete buckets.
(a) Concrete buckets equipped with hydraulic or pneumatic gates shall have positive safety latches or similar safety devices installed to prevent premature or accidental dumping.
(b) Concrete buckets shall be designed to prevent concrete from hanging up on top and the sides.
(c) Riding of concrete buckets for any purpose shall be prohibited, and vibrator crews shall be kept out from under concrete buckets suspended from cranes or cableways.
(d) When discharging on a slope, the wheels of ready-mix trucks shall be blocked and the brakes set to prevent movement.
(10) Tremies. Sections of tremies and similar concrete conveyances shall be secured with wire rope (or equivalent materials in addition to the regular couplings or connections).
(11) Bull floats. Bull float handles, used where they might contact energized electrical conductors, shall be constructed of nonconductive material or insulated with a nonconductive sheath whose electrical and mechanical characteristics provide the equivalent protection of a handle constructed of nonconductive material.
(12) Masonry saws shall be constructed, guarded, and operated in accordance with WAC 296-155-367 (1) through (4).
(13) Lockout/tagout procedures. No employee shall be permitted to perform maintenance or repair activity on equipment (such as compressors, mixers, screens, or pumps used for concrete and masonry construction activities) where the inadvertent operation of the equipment could occur and cause injury, unless all potentially hazardous energy sources have been locked out and tagged in accordance with chapter 296-155 WAC, Part I.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. 95-10-016, § 296-155-682, filed 4/25/95, effective 10/1/95; 94-15-096 (Order 94-07), § 296-155-682, filed 7/20/94, effective 9/20/94; 91-03-044 (Order 90-18), § 296-155-682, filed 1/10/91, effective 2/12/91; 90-17-051 (Order 90-10), § 296-155-682, filed 8/13/90, effective 9/24/90; 89-11-035 (Order 89-03), § 296-155-682, filed 5/15/89, effective 6/30/89.]