Including Revised Spokane County Air Pollution Control
Authority Regulatory Orders in the Washington State Implementation Plan
SCAPCA has proposed revised Orders #96-03, #96-05, and #96-06 to replace the orders currently in the SIP. SCAPCA adopted Orders #96-03, #96-04, #96-05, and #96-06 in 1996 to limit potential emissions from the Kaiser Trentwood facility in Spokane. Kaiser voluntarily accepted these regulatory orders under WAC 173-400-091 to maintain the validity of the modeling of the Kaiser Trentwood facility in the Spokane PM10 attainment plan. EPA adopted the four regulatory orders into Washington state's federally approved SIP. Following finalization of the orders, it was discovered that some emissions were inadvertently omitted from the orders. Kaiser has requested revised orders to ensure that these emissions are addressed. The revised orders reduce potential PM10 emissions from the Kaiser Trentwood facility by 390 pounds per day and include revisions to allow for operational flexibility. For ecology's purposes, comments must be limited to including the revised orders in the SIP. Written comments must be postmarked no later than October 9, 2000, and should be sent to Doug Schneider, Department of Ecology, Air Quality Program, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600.
For more information on the content of the proposed revisions prior to the hearing, please contact Kelle Vigeland (prior to September 8) or April Westby (after September 8) of SCAPCA at (509) 477-4727, ext. 106 or 105, krvigeland@scapca.org or alwestby@scapca.org, respectively. If you have special accommodation needs, please contact Tami Dahlgren, Department of Ecology, (360) 407-6830 (voice) or (360) 407-6006 (TDD only) at least one week prior to the hearing.