Date of Adoption: September 14, 2000.
Purpose: Some aspects of the previous rules have been confusing to some parties. The adopted changes clarify the scope and language of the existing regulation and eliminate possible areas of ambiguity that may exist. Exemptions are eliminated. Certain documents must be filed prior to use. The amendments should aid in clarifying the scope of the rules, be easier to implement and administer, and further protect the consumers of the state of Washington.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 284-30-600 and 284-30-610.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 48.02.060, 48.30.010.
Other Authority: RCW 48.01.020, 48.01.060.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 00-13-113 on June 21, 2000.
Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version: WAC 284-43-600 (1)(a) includes a clarification. The proposed final sentence ended with contract" - it now ends "policy or certificate." This retains consistent language through the regulation.
New WAC 284-30-600(4) clarifies that the section does not apply to certain self-funded plans or insurers acting as administrators of those plans.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 2, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 2, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 2, Repealed 0. Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
September 14, 2000
D. J. Patin
Acting Chief Deputy Commissioner
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 90-14, filed 1/16/91,
effective 4/1/91)
WAC 284-30-600
Unfair practices with respect to
out-of-state group life and disability insurance.
(1) ((Pursuant
to)) under RCW 48.30.010, ((except as provided in subsection (2)
of this section)) it is an unfair method of competition and an
unfair practice for any insurer to ((effect life)) engage in any
insurance transaction, as defined in RCW 48.01.060, regarding
life insurance, annuities, or disability insurance coverage on
individuals in this state under a group policy ((which is))
delivered to a policyholder outside this state when:
(a) ((Such)) The policy or ((any)) certificate ((used
therewith)) providing coverage in the state of Washington,
including, but not limited to, applications, riders, or
endorsements, contains any inconsistent, ambiguous or misleading
clauses, or exceptions and conditions which unreasonably or
deceptively affect the risk purported to be assumed in the
general coverage of the policy or certificate.
(b) ((Such)) The policy or ((any certificate used
therewith)) certificate providing coverage in the state of
Washington, including, but not limited to, applications, riders,
or endorsements, has any title, heading, or other indication of
its provisions which is misleading.
(c) ((Such)) The policy or certificate delivered to
residents of the state of Washington does not include all terms
and conditions of the coverage.
(d) The type of group being covered under the contract providing coverage in the state of Washington does not qualify for group life insurance or group disability insurance under the provisions of Title 48 RCW.
(e) The coverage is being solicited by deceptive advertising.
(((d))) (f) With respect to disability insurance, the
((out-of-state group)) policy or certificate providing coverage
in the state of Washington does not:
(i) Provide that claims will be processed in compliance with
RCW 48.21.130 through ((48.21.146)) 48.21.148;
(ii) Meet the requirements as to benefits and coverage
mandated by chapter 48.21 RCW and rules effectuating that
chapter, specifically including those set forth in chapter 284-51 WAC, and WAC 284-30-610 ((and)), 284-30-620 and 284-30-630;
(iii) With respect to long-term care insurance, also meet the requirements of chapter 48.84 RCW and chapter 284-54 WAC;
(iv) With respect to Medicare supplemental insurance, also meet the requirements of chapter 48.66 RCW and chapter 284-66 WAC; and
(v) Meet the loss ratio standards applicable to group
insurance ((pursuant to)) under RCW 48.66.100 and 48.70.030 and
chapter 284-60 WAC ((284-60-060)).
(((e))) (g) With respect to life insurance, the out-of-state
group policy or certificate providing coverage in the state of
Washington fails to comply with the provisions of ((RCW 48.24.100
through 48.24.260, WAC 284-23-550, 284-30-620, and)):
(i) Chapter 48.24 RCW;
(ii) WAC 284-23-550 and 284-23-600 through 284-23-730;
(iii) WAC 284-30-620; and
(iv) WAC 284-30-630.
(2)(((a) Unless the individual insured pays all or
substantially all of the cost of his or her coverage, subsection
(1) of this section is not applicable to life or disability
insurance coverage provided by any group policy issued for a
group which would be qualified for group life insurance if the
master policy were delivered to a policyholder in this state
pursuant to RCW 48.24.035, 48.24.040, 48.24.050, or 48.24.095.
(b) Subsection (1) of this section is not applicable with
respect to coverage under a master policy issued for an
association group which would be qualified for group insurance
under such policy if it were delivered to the policyholder in
this state pursuant to the requirements of RCW 48.24.045:
(i) If such association clearly has a genuine purpose and
existence of significant value to its members independent of its
status as the group policyholder and independent of its
involvement in insurance on behalf of its members, and if,
further, there is a realistic and demonstrable basis related to
the situs of the association or the residencies of a substantial
portion of its members justifying the issuance of the group
policy in the other state; or
(ii) If such association provides such coverage to each of
its members, except those who may not qualify by reason of age,
at no charge to them other than the standard membership dues or
costs paid by each member.
(c) Subsection (1) of this section is not applicable with
respect to a group policy issued for a group which qualifies for
group insurance pursuant to RCW 48.24.060, 48.24.080, and
(d) Except for coverages excluded by (a), (b), and (c) of
this subsection, this section applies to all life and disability
coverage on individuals in this state under group policies which
are delivered to policyholders outside this state, specifically
including those issued for trustee and other groups which are
eligible for group insurance pursuant to RCW 48.21.010,
48.21.030, 48.24.020, 48.24.045, and 48.24.070.
(3))) Except as provided in subsection (((4))) (3)(c) of
this section, for purposes of this section it is immaterial
whether the ((insurance)) coverage is offered by means of a
solicitation through: A sponsoring organization((, through the
mail or other mass communication media, or through)); the mail
broadcast or print media; electronic communication, including
electronic mail and websites; licensed agents or brokers; or any
other method of communication.
(((4))) (3) It is further defined to be an unfair practice
for any insurer ((effecting)) marketing group insurance coverage
in this state ((through policies delivered to an out-of-state
master policyholder to fail)) to do the following with respect to
((such insurance)) the coverage:
(a) ((It must)) To fail to comply with the requirements of
this state relating to advertising and claims settlement
practices, and ((it must, upon request,)) to fail to furnish the
commissioner, upon request, copies of all advertising materials
intended for use in this state;
(b) ((It must make available copies of any policy forms, and
certificate forms used therewith, upon request of the
commissioner; and
(c) Where the sale of such coverage to individuals in this
state will be through solicitation by agents, solicitors or
brokers, so that WAC 284-30-610 will be applicable to such
solicitations, the insurer shall file with the commissioner
copies of the pertinent group policy and certificate forms, and
shall include a copy of the disclosure statement required by WAC 284-30-610, appropriately completed, which will be)) To fail to
file copies of all certificate forms and any other related forms
providing coverage in Washington, including trust documents or
articles of incorporation with the commissioner at least thirty
days prior to use; and
(c) To fail to file with the commissioner a copy of the disclosure statement required by WAC 284-30-610, where the sale of coverage to individuals in this state will be through solicitation by agents, solicitors or brokers. The disclosure statement must be appropriately completed, as it appears when delivered to the Washington individuals who are solicited by the Washington licensees.
((Such material)) The disclosure form must also be filed at
least ((twenty days before the)) thirty days prior to any
solicitation of coverage ((commences)).
(4) This section does not apply to self-funded plans that are defined by and subject to the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) or to insurers when acting as third-party administrators for self-funded ERISA plans.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060 (3)(a) and 48.30.010. 91-03-073 (Order 90-14), § 284-30-600, filed 1/16/91, effective 4/1/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060 (3)(a). 85-02-018 (Order R 84-7), § 284-30-600, filed 12/27/84.]
(1) It is an unfair method of competition and an unfair practice for:
An ((insurance company)) insurer to permit its appointed
licensed agent((, and for));
An insurance agent((,));
Solicitor; or
A broker,
to solicit an individual in the state of Washington to buy or
apply for life insurance, annuities, or disability insurance
coverage when ((such)) the coverage is provided ((pursuant to))
under the terms of a group ((insurance)) policy delivered to an
association or organization (or to a trustee designated by
((such)) the association or organization), as policyholder,
outside this state, ((if obtaining such coverage or continuing it
is dependent upon the covered individual being a member of or in
some way affiliated with such association or organization (other
than as an employee, or a dependent of an employee, thereof),))
unless the following steps are taken:
(a) An accurately completed disclosure statement,
substantially in the form set forth in subsection (2) of this
section, must be ((signed by the soliciting licensee, and
delivered to and)) brought to the attention of the individual
being solicited before the application for coverage is completed
and signed. The disclosure form must be signed by both the
soliciting licensee and the individual being solicited and it
must be given to the individual.
(b) ((The signed original disclosure statement must be left
with such individual.
(c))) A copy of the completed disclosure statement must be
((signed by such individual to acknowledge its receipt, and be))
submitted by the soliciting licensee, with the application for
coverage, to the ((insurance company)) insurer providing the
(((d) The insurance company)) (c) The insurer must confirm
the accuracy of the form's contents, and retain ((such)) the copy
for not less than three years from the date the coverage
commences or from the date received, whichever is later.
(2) Disclosure statement form: (Type size to be no less than ten-point)
[Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060 (3)(a) and 48.30.010. 91-03-073 (Order 90-14), § 284-30-610, filed 1/16/91, effective 4/1/91.]