Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 00-11-135.
Title of Rule: Chapter 296-17 WAC, Manual of rules, classifications, rates, and rating system for workers' compensation insurance.
Purpose: Amend risk classification premium base rates, and experience rating and retrospective rating tables to reflect updated loss experience and provide a 2.2% general rate decrease effective January 1, 2001. This proposal specifically amends WAC 296-17-855, 296-17-875, 296-17-880, 296-17-885, 296-17-890, 296-17-895, 296-17-89502, 296-17-90492, 296-17-90493, 296-17-90494, 296-17-90495, 296-17-90496, 296-17-90497, and 296-17-920.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 51.16.035 Base rates, 51.32.073 Supplemental pension, 51.18.010 Retrospective rating and 51.04.020(1) General authority.
Statute Being Implemented: RCW 51.16.035, 51.32.073, and 51.18.010.
Summary: Proposals to the following rules establish premium rates for workers' compensation insurance classifications for calendar year 2001 and modifications to the related experience rating and retrospective rating plans: WAC 296-17-855 Experience modification, 296-17-875 Table I primary losses for selected claim values, 296-17-880 Table II "B" and "W" values, 296-17-885 Table III expected loss rates and D ratios, 296-17-890 Table IV maximum experience modifications, 296-17-895 Base rate table by class of industry, 296-17-89502 Industrial insurance rates for nonhourly rated classifications, 296-17-90492 Table I - Retrospective Rating Plans A, A1, A2, A3, and B standard premium size ranges, 296-17-90493 Table II - Retrospective Rating Plan A, 296-17-90494 Table III - Retrospective Rating Plan A1, 296-17-90495 Table IV - Retrospective Rating Plan A2, 296-17-90496 Table V - Retrospective Rating Plan A3, 296-17-90497 Table VI - Retrospective Rating Plan B, and 296-17-920 Assessment for supplemental pension fund.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Insurance base rates and experience rating tables are being modified to reflect changes in loss data associated with the classification and rating plan from the previous 2000 rating period. Washington law provides that rates should be adjusted annually to reflect the hazards of each industry and in accordance with the rating plan. Similarly the rating plan is revised to recognize changes within industry groups. A 2.2% general decrease in premium rates is also proposed, reflecting low medical inflation, reduction of long term disability claims, and continued success in investments for the workers' compensation which helps finance the state fund.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Ken Woehl/Bill Vasek, Tumwater, Washington, (360) 902-4748/902-5015; Implementation: Kathy Kimbel/Ken Woehl, Tumwater, Washington, (360) 902-4739/902-4748; and Enforcement: Doug Mathers, Tumwater, Washington, (360) 902-4750.
Name of Proponent: Department of Labor and Industries, governmental.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: The purpose of this proposal is to establish 2001 premium rates and experience rating parameters for calendar year 2001. Washington law (RCW 51.16.035, 51.32.073 and 51.18.010) requires labor and industries to adjust rates to ensure solvency of the accident, medical aid and supplemental pension funds. RCW 51.16.035 also provides that premium rates charged to industry vary by degree of hazard. Labor and industries is proposing a 2.2% general rate decrease to workers' compensation insurance premium rates beginning January 1, 2001. In addition, labor and industries is proposing to adjust each industry risk classification rate to reflect more current loss experience.
Proposal Changes the Following Existing Rules: Overall premium rates will decrease by 2.2%. Rates for each industry classification will reflect updated loss experience. Industries with improved loss experience will see reductions in their premium rates. Industries with worsening loss experience will see increases in their premium rates.
A small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW.
INTRODUCTION: The department is granted authority to modify rules through the provisions of RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, and 51.18.010(2). By this authority, the Insurance Services Division of the Department of Labor and Industries is proposing amendments to the following rules to establish premium rates for workers' compensation insurance classifications for calendar year 2001 and modifications to the related experience rating and retrospective rating plans: WAC 296-17-855 Experience modification, 296-17-875 Table I primary losses for selected claim values, 296-17-880 Table II "B" and "W" values, 296-17-885 Table III expected loss rates and D ratios, 296-17-890 Table IV maximum experience modifications, 296-17-895 Base rate table by class of industry, 296-17-89502 Industrial insurance rates for nonhourly rated classifications, 296-17-90492 Table I - Retrospective Rating Plans A, A1, A2, A3, and B standard premium size ranges, 296-17-90493 Table II - Retrospective Rating Plan A, 296-17-90494 Table III - Retrospective Rating Plan A1, 296-17-90595 Table IV - Retrospective Rating Plan A2, 296-17-90496 Table V - Retrospective Rating Plan A3, 296-17-90497 Table VI - Retrospective Rating Plan B, 296-17-920 Assessment for supplemental pension fund.
RCW 51.16.035 states in part that the department shall classify all occupations or industries by degree of hazard, and set basic rates of premium which are the lowest necessary to maintain actuarial solvency of the accident and medical aid funds. This law allows the department to adjust premium rates annually, or at other times as necessary to carry out the legislative standard of rate adequacy. RCW 51.32.073 allows the department to adjust the supplemental pension assessment rate as needed to ensure adequate funds for pension benefits. RCW 51.18.010(2) specifies that retrospective rating is to be consistent with recognized insurance principles and shall be administered according to rules adopted by the department and that the rules should encourage broad participation by qualified employers and sponsors of retrospective rating groups.
The department has complied with these mandates by establishing around three hundred twenty classifications of risk and related premium rates. The rate assigned to each classification is a composite of three separate components commonly known as the accident, medical aid and supplemental pension funds. Premium rates applicable to each risk classification are based in part on the claims experience of employers reporting in the classification and the reported exposure (premium hours) over which this cost is spread. The actual premium rate paid by an employer is based on the nature of their business and is independent of employer size. Since the premium is, with few exceptions, based on hours worked, each employer pays an overall premium which is relative to the exposure of their workers.
The department's actuarial staff annually, or more frequently as financial conditions of the funds change, review the overall solvency of the workers' compensation trust funds, legislative mandates, past loss experience, general conditions of the state's economy and employment projections, and determine if adjustments are necessary to the premium base.
Chapter 19.85 RCW requires agencies to evaluate the economic impact to businesses when new rules, or changes to existing rules are being considered. This law further requires agencies to mitigate the cost of compliance where possible to small businesses when such deviation is provided by law. Since the classification and rate making procedure (RCW 51.16.035) is legislatively mandated, and no provision is contained in these laws allowing the department to deviate from the legislative standard, the department is unable to provide a different standard for small businesses.
SUMMARY OF PROPOSED RULES: The department is proposing a 2.2% rate reduction to workers' compensation insurance premium rates beginning January 1, 2001. However, labor and industries is also proposing to adjust each industry risk classification rate to reflect more current loss experience. Industry classifications whose loss experience improved from the 2000 rating period will experience a reduction in premium rates. Industries with worsening experience may experience a rate increase. This proposal amends the subject rules to reflect these changes.
INDUSTRY ANALYSIS: Although the Regulatory Fairness Act requires an economic analysis to be made using a four-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), such analysis relative to workers' compensation insurance premiums would distort the actual impact to businesses. SIC codes are based on certain business groupings, and are often dissimilar in composition to workers' compensation insurance classifications. Also most businesses insuring with the state fund are assigned several workers' compensation insurance classifications but only a single SIC code. Thus, a more precise analysis of impact to business can be derived using the department's workers' compensation risk classification plan.
COST OF COMPLIANCE: It is anticipated that employers using automated computer systems may encounter minor programming costs as a result of updating employee payroll deduction tables and employer tax reporting systems. Since each employer's accounting system varies, the department is unable to estimate the cost of compliance with this proposed change. With regard to this proposal, overall workers' compensation premium rates will be reduced by 2.2% for all risks. However, the department is proposing that rates specific to each industry classification be modified effective January 1, 2001. The actual savings or increased cost to employers and employees is driven by the classification and rate applicable to the business, and the number of hours to be worked by each employee. Since employers do not report revenue or sales information to the department, no analysis or projections can be made on that basis.
This proposed change does not impose additional record-keeping requirements, require the purchase of new equipment or completion of new forms or reports.
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: This proposed change may cause some employers with automated payroll and tax reporting systems to have the need of professional services to update rate information in their payroll and accounting systems.
MITIGATION: Legislative authority granted to Labor and Industries relative to rate making does not include a provision for mitigating the cost of insurance for small businesses or exempting small businesses from the requirement to pay premiums. To the contrary, the legislative standard for rate making, is that rates be based on business or occupational groupings and that they vary by degree of hazard. The more hazardous the industry or business grouping the higher the premium rate per hour. Compliance with the mitigation provision of the Regulatory Fairness Act would cause the department to exceed its legislative authority and would be contrary to law.
CONCLUSION: In accordance with chapter 19.85 RCW, Regulatory Fairness Act, the department has evaluated the potential economic impacts of the 2001 workers' compensation rate adjustment of individual risk classification rates to the business community. This analysis concludes that the cost of compliance with the proposed rate realignment is indeterminable as it is driven by factors unknown to the department. In general, most state fund employers will experience some change in premium over for the year 2001.
This analysis has been conducted in order to provide industry, industry representatives, the legislature and the department with an understanding of the potential impacts of these proposed rules.
A copy of the statement may be obtained by writing to Department of Labor and Industries, P.O. Box 4100, Olympia, WA 98504-4100, phone (360) 902-4776, fax (360) 902-4729.
RCW 34.05.328 does not apply to this rule adoption. RCW 34.05.328 (5)(b)(vi) provides an exemption for rules that set rates or fees pursuant to legislative standards. RCW 51.16.035 requires labor and industries to set premium rates according to legislative standards. Although the department was not required to prepare analysis under RCW 34.05.328, it has voluntarily completed this analysis.
Hearing Location: Conference Room #4, Spokane Labor and Industries Office, 901 North Monroe, Suite 100, Spokane, WA 99201-2149, on November 2, 2000, at 10:00 a.m.; and at the Tumwater Labor and Industries Office, 7273 Linderson Way S.W., First Floor Auditorium, Tumwater, WA 98504-4851, on November 3, 2000, at 10:00 a.m.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact by October 30, 2000, TDD (360) 902-5780.
Submit Written Comments to: Department of Labor and Industries, Douglas Connell, Assistant Director for Insurance Services, P.O. Box 4100, Olympia, WA 98501, or fax to (360) 902-4729 or e-mail to GUNT235@LNI.WA.GOV, by November 3, 2000.
Date of Intended Adoption: November 21, 2000.
September 20, 2000
Gary Moore
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-14-052, filed 7/1/00,
effective 7/1/00)
WAC 296-17-855
Experience modification.
The basis of the
experience modification shall be a comparison of the actual
losses charged to an employer during the experience period with
the losses which would be expected for an average employer
reporting the same exposures in each classification. The
comparison shall contain actuarial refinements designed to
mitigate the effects of losses which may be considered
catastrophic or of doubtful statistical significance, due
consideration being given to the volume of the employer's
experience. Except for those employers who qualify for an
adjusted experience modification as specified in WAC 296-17-860
or 296-17-865, the experience modification shall be calculated
from the formula:
= |
Ap+ WAe+ (1-W) Ee+B |
E+ B |
"Ap" signifies "primary actual losses." For each claim the
primary actual loss is defined as that portion of the claim which
is considered completely rateable for all employers and which is
to enter the experience modification calculation at its full
value. For each claim in excess of (($10,504)) $10,936 the
primary actual loss shall be determined from the formula:
PRIMARY LOSS | = | (( |
x total loss |
Total loss + (( |
"Ae" signifies "excess actual losses." For each claim the excess actual loss is defined as that portion of the claim which is not considered completely rateable for all employers. The excess actual loss for each claim shall be determined by subtracting the primary loss from the total loss.
"W" signifies "W value." For each employer, the W value determines the portion of the actual excess losses which shall be included in the calculation of his experience modification, due consideration being given to the volume of his experience. This amount is represented by the symbol "WAe" in the experience modification formula. W values are set forth in Table II.
"E" signifies "expected losses." An employer's expected losses shall be determined by multiplying his reported exposure in each classification during the experience period by the classification expected loss rate. Expected loss rates are set forth in Table III.
"Ee" signifies "expected excess losses." Expected losses in each classification shall be multiplied by the classification "D-Ratio" to obtain "expected primary losses." Expected excess losses shall then be calculated by subtracting expected primary losses from expected total losses. Each employer shall have a statistical charge included in the calculation of his experience modification, said charge to be actuarially equivalent to the amount forgiven an average employer because of the exclusion of a portion of his excess actual losses. This charge is represented by "(1-W) Ee" in the experience modification formula. D-Ratios are set forth in Table III.
"B" signifies "B value" or "ballast." In order to limit the effect of a single severe accident on the modification of a small employer, a stabilizing element (B value) shall be added to both actual and expected losses. B values are set forth in Table II.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.04.020. 00-14-052, § 296-17-855, filed 7/1/00, effective 7/1/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-855, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-855, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-855, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-855, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95; 93-24-114, § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 93-12-093, § 296-17-855, filed 5/31/93, effective 7/1/93; 92-24-063, § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-855, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 90-24-042, § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/90, effective 1/1/91; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.04.020. 88-24-012 (Order 88-30), § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 87-24-060 (Order 87-26), § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/87, effective 1/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 86-24-042 (Order 86-41), § 296-17-855, filed 11/26/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-855, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; 84-24-016 (Order 84-23), § 296-17-855, filed 11/28/84, effective 1/1/85; 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-855, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-855, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80; Order 77-27, § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/77, effective 1/1/78; Order 74-40, § 296-17-855, filed 11/27/74, effective 1/1/75; Order 73-22, § 296-17-855, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74.]
Primary Losses for Selected Claim Values
24,774)) | ||
10,936 | 10,936 | |
11,043 | 11,000 | |
12,832 | 12,000 | |
14,871 | 13,000 | |
17,216 | 14,000 | |
23,145 | 16,000 | |
31,614 | 18,000 | |
44,698 | 20,000 | |
67,582 | 22,000 | |
169,663* | 24,930 | |
273,400** | 25,792 |
Average death value
Maximum claim value
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-875, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-875, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-875, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-875, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95; 93-24-114, § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 92-24-063, § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-875, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 90-24-042, § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/90, effective 1/1/91; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.04.020. 88-24-012 (Order 88-30), § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 87-24-060 (Order 87-26), § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/87, effective 1/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 86-24-042 (Order 86-41), § 296-17-875, filed 11/26/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 86-12-041 (Order 86-18), § 296-17-875, filed 5/30/86, effective 7/1/86; 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-875, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; 84-24-016 (Order 84-23), § 296-17-875, filed 11/28/84, effective 1/1/85; 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-875, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-875, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 78-12-043 (Order 78-23), § 296-17-875, filed 11/27/78, effective 1/1/79; Order 77-27, § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/77, effective 1/1/78; Order 76-36, § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/76; Order 75-38, § 296-17-875, filed 11/24/75, effective 1/1/76; Order 74-40, § 296-17-875, filed 11/27/74, effective 1/1/75; Order 73-22, § 296-17-875, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74.]
"B" and "W" Values
Maximum Claim Value= (($262,600)) $273,400
Average Death Value= (($180,015)) $169,663
Expected Losses | B | W |
1.00)) | ||||||
5,923 & under | 51,584 | 0.00 | ||||
5,924 | - | 11,935 | 51,068 | 0.01 | ||
11,936 | - | 18,037 | 50,552 | 0.02 | ||
18,038 | - | 24,231 | 50,036 | 0.03 | ||
24,232 | - | 30,520 | 49,521 | 0.04 | ||
30,521 | - | 36,906 | 49,005 | 0.05 | ||
36,907 | - | 43,391 | 48,489 | 0.06 | ||
43,392 | - | 49,979 | 47,973 | 0.07 | ||
49,980 | - | 56,671 | 47,457 | 0.08 | ||
56,672 | - | 63,471 | 46,941 | 0.09 | ||
63,472 | - | 70,381 | 46,426 | 0.10 | ||
70,382 | - | 77,404 | 45,910 | 0.11 | ||
77,405 | - | 84,543 | 45,394 | 0.12 | ||
84,544 | - | 91,801 | 44,878 | 0.13 | ||
91,802 | - | 99,183 | 44,362 | 0.14 | ||
99,184 | - | 106,690 | 43,846 | 0.15 | ||
106,691 | - | 114,326 | 43,331 | 0.16 | ||
114,327 | - | 122,096 | 42,815 | 0.17 | ||
122,097 | - | 130,003 | 42,299 | 0.18 | ||
130,004 | - | 138,050 | 41,783 | 0.19 | ||
138,051 | - | 146,242 | 41,267 | 0.20 | ||
146,243 | - | 154,583 | 40,751 | 0.21 | ||
154,584 | - | 163,078 | 40,236 | 0.22 | ||
163,079 | - | 171,731 | 39,720 | 0.23 | ||
171,732 | - | 180,546 | 39,204 | 0.24 | ||
180,547 | - | 189,529 | 38,688 | 0.25 | ||
189,530 | - | 198,685 | 38,172 | 0.26 | ||
198,686 | - | 208,019 | 37,656 | 0.27 | ||
208,020 | - | 217,537 | 37,140 | 0.28 | ||
217,538 | - | 227,244 | 36,625 | 0.29 | ||
227,245 | - | 237,147 | 36,109 | 0.30 | ||
237,148 | - | 247,251 | 35,593 | 0.31 | ||
247,252 | - | 257,564 | 35,077 | 0.32 | ||
257,565 | - | 268,093 | 34,561 | 0.33 | ||
268,094 | - | 278,844 | 34,045 | 0.34 | ||
278,845 | - | 289,825 | 33,530 | 0.35 | ||
289,826 | - | 301,044 | 33,014 | 0.36 | ||
301,045 | - | 312,508 | 32,498 | 0.37 | ||
312,509 | - | 324,228 | 31,982 | 0.38 | ||
324,229 | - | 336,211 | 31,466 | 0.39 | ||
336,212 | - | 348,467 | 30,950 | 0.40 | ||
348,468 | - | 361,006 | 30,435 | 0.41 | ||
361,007 | - | 373,838 | 29,919 | 0.42 | ||
373,839 | - | 386,975 | 29,403 | 0.43 | ||
386,976 | - | 400,427 | 28,887 | 0.44 | ||
400,428 | - | 414,206 | 28,371 | 0.45 | ||
414,207 | - | 428,325 | 27,855 | 0.46 | ||
428,326 | - | 442,798 | 27,340 | 0.47 | ||
442,799 | - | 457,638 | 26,824 | 0.48 | ||
457,639 | - | 472,860 | 26,308 | 0.49 | ||
472,861 | - | 488,480 | 25,792 | 0.50 | ||
488,481 | - | 504,513 | 25,276 | 0.51 | ||
504,514 | - | 520,978 | 24,760 | 0.52 | ||
520,979 | - | 537,891 | 24,244 | 0.53 | ||
537,892 | - | 555,273 | 23,729 | 0.54 | ||
555,274 | - | 573,144 | 23,213 | 0.55 | ||
573,145 | - | 591,526 | 22,697 | 0.56 | ||
591,527 | - | 610,441 | 22,181 | 0.57 | ||
610,442 | - | 629,913 | 21,665 | 0.58 | ||
629,914 | - | 649,968 | 21,149 | 0.59 | ||
649,969 | - | 670,635 | 20,634 | 0.60 | ||
670,636 | - | 691,941 | 20,118 | 0.61 | ||
691,942 | - | 713,917 | 19,602 | 0.62 | ||
713,918 | - | 736,597 | 19,086 | 0.63 | ||
736,598 | - | 760,016 | 18,570 | 0.64 | ||
760,017 | - | 784,212 | 18,054 | 0.65 | ||
784,213 | - | 809,224 | 17,539 | 0.66 | ||
809,225 | - | 835,095 | 17,023 | 0.67 | ||
835,096 | - | 861,872 | 16,507 | 0.68 | ||
861,873 | - | 889,604 | 15,991 | 0.69 | ||
889,605 | - | 918,344 | 15,475 | 0.70 | ||
918,345 | - | 948,149 | 14,959 | 0.71 | ||
948,150 | - | 979,080 | 14,444 | 0.72 | ||
979,081 | - | 1,011,204 | 13,928 | 0.73 | ||
1,011,205 | - | 1,044,593 | 13,412 | 0.74 | ||
1,044,594 | - | 1,079,323 | 12,896 | 0.75 | ||
1,079,324 | - | 1,115,479 | 12,380 | 0.76 | ||
1,115,480 | - | 1,153,152 | 11,864 | 0.77 | ||
1,153,153 | - | 1,192,440 | 11,348 | 0.78 | ||
1,192,441 | - | 1,233,451 | 10,833 | 0.79 | ||
1,233,452 | - | 1,276,303 | 10,317 | 0.80 | ||
1,276,304 | - | 1,321,124 | 9,801 | 0.81 | ||
1,321,125 | - | 1,368,055 | 9,285 | 0.82 | ||
1,368,056 | - | 1,417,250 | 8,769 | 0.83 | ||
1,417,251 | - | 1,468,879 | 8,253 | 0.84 | ||
1,468,880 | - | 1,523,129 | 7,738 | 0.85 | ||
1,523,130 | - | 1,580,207 | 7,222 | 0.86 | ||
1,580,208 | - | 1,640,343 | 6,706 | 0.87 | ||
1,640,344 | - | 1,703,791 | 6,190 | 0.88 | ||
1,703,792 | - | 1,770,835 | 5,674 | 0.89 | ||
1,770,836 | - | 1,841,792 | 5,158 | 0.90 | ||
1,841,793 | - | 1,917,019 | 4,643 | 0.91 | ||
1,917,020 | - | 1,996,915 | 4,127 | 0.92 | ||
1,996,916 | - | 2,081,932 | 3,611 | 0.93 | ||
2,081,933 | - | 2,172,583 | 3,095 | 0.94 | ||
2,172,584 | - | 2,269,450 | 2,579 | 0.95 | ||
2,269,451 | - | 2,373,199 | 2,063 | 0.96 | ||
2,373,200 | - | 2,484,595 | 1,548 | 0.97 | ||
2,484,596 | - | 2,604,521 | 1,032 | 0.98 | ||
2,604,522 | - | 2,733,999 | 516 | 0.99 | ||
2,734,00 Over | 0 | 1.00 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-880, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-880, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-880, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-880, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95; 93-24-114, § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 92-24-063, § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-880, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 90-24-042, § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/90, effective 1/1/91; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.04.020. 88-24-012 (Order 88-30), § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 87-24-060 (Order 87-26), § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/87, effective 1/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 86-24-042 (Order 86-41), § 296-17-880, filed 11/26/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-880, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; 84-24-016 (Order 84-23), § 296-17-880, filed 11/28/84, effective 1/1/85; 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-880, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-880, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 78-12-043 (Order 78-23), § 296-17-880, filed 11/27/78, effective 1/1/79; Order 77-27, § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/77, effective 1/1/78; Order 76-36, § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/76; Order 75-38, § 296-17-880, filed 11/24/75, effective 1/1/76; Order 74-40, § 296-17-880, filed 11/27/74, effective 1/1/75; Order 73-22, § 296-17-880, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74.]
for Indicated Fiscal Year
Expected Loss Rates in Dollars Per Worker Hour
of Wallboard Installed
0.414)) |
Class | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | D-Ratio | ||||
0101 | 1.2107 | 1.1208 | 0.9474 | 0.418 | ||||
0103 | 1.5507 | 1.4391 | 1.2191 | 0.448 | ||||
0104 | 0.9468 | 0.8764 | 0.7405 | 0.419 | ||||
0105 | 1.0840 | 1.0132 | 0.8645 | 0.522 | ||||
0107 | 0.9726 | 0.9033 | 0.7653 | 0.469 | ||||
0108 | 0.9468 | 0.8764 | 0.7405 | 0.419 | ||||
0112 | 0.5860 | 0.5459 | 0.4649 | 0.467 | ||||
0201 | 2.3838 | 2.2039 | 1.8633 | 0.379 | ||||
0202 | 2.5061 | 2.3147 | 1.9537 | 0.384 | ||||
0210 | 0.9007 | 0.8343 | 0.7048 | 0.445 | ||||
0212 | 0.7521 | 0.6976 | 0.5914 | 0.425 | ||||
0214 | 1.0004 | 0.9281 | 0.7847 | 0.472 | ||||
0217 | 0.9712 | 0.9024 | 0.7649 | 0.473 | ||||
0219 | 0.9281 | 0.8631 | 0.7326 | 0.473 | ||||
0301 | 0.4896 | 0.4593 | 0.3936 | 0.548 | ||||
0302 | 1.6702 | 1.5369 | 1.2889 | 0.383 | ||||
0303 | 1.6527 | 1.5277 | 1.2891 | 0.407 | ||||
0306 | 0.8826 | 0.8178 | 0.6908 | 0.449 | ||||
0307 | 0.6779 | 0.6318 | 0.5374 | 0.500 | ||||
0308 | 0.4556 | 0.4280 | 0.3671 | 0.575 | ||||
0403 | 1.3184 | 1.2323 | 1.0534 | 0.494 | ||||
0502 | 1.2596 | 1.1671 | 0.9864 | 0.442 | ||||
0504 | 1.1867 | 1.1017 | 0.9359 | 0.418 | ||||
0506 | 3.6228 | 3.3570 | 2.8465 | 0.395 | ||||
0507 | 2.7459 | 2.5500 | 2.1646 | 0.436 | ||||
0508 | 2.3267 | 2.1461 | 1.8088 | 0.370 | ||||
0509 | 1.5525 | 1.4328 | 1.2065 | 0.400 | ||||
0510 | 1.3024 | 1.2106 | 1.0281 | 0.450 | ||||
0511 | 1.2070 | 1.1215 | 0.9506 | 0.475 | ||||
0512 | 1.0690 | 0.9946 | 0.8432 | 0.499 | ||||
0513 | 0.6460 | 0.6010 | 0.5098 | 0.488 | ||||
0514 | 1.1433 | 1.0694 | 0.9138 | 0.518 | ||||
0515 | 2.9247 | 2.7036 | 2.2824 | 0.399 | ||||
0516 | 1.3024 | 1.2106 | 1.0281 | 0.450 | ||||
0517 | 1.4544 | 1.3565 | 1.1565 | 0.479 | ||||
0518 | 1.4807 | 1.3694 | 1.1564 | 0.411 | ||||
0519 | 1.4595 | 1.3610 | 1.1597 | 0.481 | ||||
0520 | 1.2179 | 1.1266 | 0.9498 | 0.434 | ||||
0521 | 0.9718 | 0.9021 | 0.7653 | 0.432 | ||||
0601 | 0.4902 | 0.4575 | 0.3892 | 0.532 | ||||
0602 | 0.4501 | 0.4206 | 0.3576 | 0.572 | ||||
0603 | 0.7752 | 0.7178 | 0.6061 | 0.439 | ||||
0604 | 0.8693 | 0.8137 | 0.6971 | 0.500 | ||||
0606 | 0.3100 | 0.2920 | 0.2514 | 0.582 | ||||
0607 | 0.3328 | 0.3111 | 0.2656 | 0.519 | ||||
0608 | 0.2499 | 0.2340 | 0.2001 | 0.531 | ||||
0701 | 1.7065 | 1.5655 | 1.3084 | 0.356 | ||||
0803 | 0.3522 | 0.3301 | 0.2823 | 0.571 | ||||
0901 | 1.4807 | 1.3694 | 1.1564 | 0.411 | ||||
1002 | 0.8173 | 0.7638 | 0.6522 | 0.508 | ||||
1003 | 0.7478 | 0.7013 | 0.6019 | 0.512 | ||||
1004 | 0.4360 | 0.4065 | 0.3462 | 0.490 | ||||
1005 | 5.2762 | 4.8755 | 4.1174 | 0.384 | ||||
1007 | 0.2894 | 0.2700 | 0.2297 | 0.520 | ||||
1101 | 0.5259 | 0.4935 | 0.4226 | 0.564 | ||||
1102 | 1.1046 | 1.0262 | 0.8708 | 0.451 | ||||
1103 | 0.8074 | 0.7533 | 0.6432 | 0.462 | ||||
1104 | 0.3708 | 0.3501 | 0.3017 | 0.619 | ||||
1105 | 0.8035 | 0.7501 | 0.6417 | 0.455 | ||||
1106 | 0.2998 | 0.2826 | 0.2442 | 0.534 | ||||
1108 | 0.4386 | 0.4121 | 0.3534 | 0.570 | ||||
1109 | 0.8566 | 0.8039 | 0.6901 | 0.529 | ||||
1301 | 0.4188 | 0.3919 | 0.3340 | 0.574 | ||||
1303 | 0.1558 | 0.1460 | 0.1249 | 0.575 | ||||
1304 | 0.0208 | 0.0196 | 0.0169 | 0.540 | ||||
1305 | 0.3215 | 0.3017 | 0.2592 | 0.513 | ||||
1401 | 0.5006 | 0.4697 | 0.4031 | 0.527 | ||||
1404 | 0.4318 | 0.4054 | 0.3473 | 0.566 | ||||
1405 | 0.3260 | 0.3060 | 0.2628 | 0.546 | ||||
1407 | 0.4318 | 0.4054 | 0.3473 | 0.566 | ||||
1501 | 0.4125 | 0.3859 | 0.3289 | 0.551 | ||||
1507 | 0.4172 | 0.3904 | 0.3334 | 0.530 | ||||
1701 | 0.6579 | 0.6147 | 0.5239 | 0.526 | ||||
1702 | 1.5709 | 1.4519 | 1.2258 | 0.394 | ||||
1703 | 0.4253 | 0.3925 | 0.3321 | 0.321 | ||||
1704 | 0.6579 | 0.6147 | 0.5239 | 0.526 | ||||
1801 | 0.6320 | 0.5885 | 0.5017 | 0.448 | ||||
1802 | 0.5288 | 0.4957 | 0.4243 | 0.535 | ||||
2002 | 0.5809 | 0.5465 | 0.4698 | 0.569 | ||||
2004 | 0.5981 | 0.5638 | 0.4850 | 0.610 | ||||
2007 | 0.3940 | 0.3685 | 0.3149 | 0.507 | ||||
2008 | 0.2507 | 0.2350 | 0.2013 | 0.520 | ||||
2009 | 0.2799 | 0.2644 | 0.2286 | 0.596 | ||||
2101 | 0.6028 | 0.5640 | 0.4834 | 0.482 | ||||
2102 | 0.3880 | 0.3651 | 0.3142 | 0.560 | ||||
2104 | 0.2363 | 0.2235 | 0.1934 | 0.601 | ||||
2105 | 0.5543 | 0.5195 | 0.4437 | 0.574 | ||||
2106 | 0.3081 | 0.2896 | 0.2491 | 0.548 | ||||
2201 | 0.2176 | 0.2038 | 0.1746 | 0.514 | ||||
2202 | 0.4878 | 0.4575 | 0.3914 | 0.574 | ||||
2203 | 0.3441 | 0.3247 | 0.2796 | 0.619 | ||||
2204 | 0.2176 | 0.2038 | 0.1746 | 0.514 | ||||
2401 | 0.3377 | 0.3183 | 0.2740 | 0.604 | ||||
2903 | 0.5246 | 0.4946 | 0.4259 | 0.600 | ||||
2904 | 0.6234 | 0.5845 | 0.5015 | 0.517 | ||||
2905 | 0.4291 | 0.4047 | 0.3485 | 0.616 | ||||
2906 | 0.3090 | 0.2898 | 0.2481 | 0.567 | ||||
2907 | 0.4532 | 0.4253 | 0.3652 | 0.537 | ||||
2908 | 0.8179 | 0.7649 | 0.6536 | 0.514 | ||||
2909 | 0.3305 | 0.3108 | 0.2673 | 0.554 | ||||
3101 | 0.6444 | 0.6003 | 0.5111 | 0.462 | ||||
3102 | 0.2058 | 0.1934 | 0.1661 | 0.577 | ||||
3103 | 0.5768 | 0.5384 | 0.4608 | 0.437 | ||||
3104 | 0.5011 | 0.4673 | 0.3981 | 0.486 | ||||
3105 | 0.6682 | 0.6283 | 0.5387 | 0.600 | ||||
3303 | 0.2646 | 0.2491 | 0.2144 | 0.575 | ||||
3304 | 0.4811 | 0.4535 | 0.3908 | 0.579 | ||||
3309 | 0.3487 | 0.3287 | 0.2832 | 0.596 | ||||
3402 | 0.3732 | 0.3502 | 0.3002 | 0.548 | ||||
3403 | 0.1692 | 0.1583 | 0.1354 | 0.501 | ||||
3404 | 0.3906 | 0.3671 | 0.3151 | 0.569 | ||||
3405 | 0.2146 | 0.2018 | 0.1731 | 0.593 | ||||
3406 | 0.1974 | 0.1857 | 0.1596 | 0.556 | ||||
3407 | 0.4086 | 0.3820 | 0.3255 | 0.541 | ||||
3408 | 0.1149 | 0.1080 | 0.0927 | 0.595 | ||||
3409 | 0.0958 | 0.0905 | 0.0780 | 0.613 | ||||
3410 | 0.1984 | 0.1875 | 0.1623 | 0.583 | ||||
3411 | 0.3686 | 0.3446 | 0.2943 | 0.511 | ||||
3412 | 0.3950 | 0.3688 | 0.3147 | 0.490 | ||||
3413 | 0.4695 | 0.4398 | 0.3759 | 0.548 | ||||
3414 | 0.4479 | 0.4192 | 0.3584 | 0.528 | ||||
3415 | 0.5839 | 0.5458 | 0.4667 | 0.492 | ||||
3501 | 0.7738 | 0.7225 | 0.6171 | 0.479 | ||||
3503 | 0.2425 | 0.2298 | 0.1995 | 0.604 | ||||
3506 | 0.8886 | 0.8224 | 0.6928 | 0.464 | ||||
3509 | 0.3445 | 0.3251 | 0.2798 | 0.631 | ||||
3510 | 0.3299 | 0.3103 | 0.2665 | 0.580 | ||||
3511 | 0.5326 | 0.4996 | 0.4284 | 0.533 | ||||
3512 | 0.3388 | 0.3201 | 0.2761 | 0.613 | ||||
3513 | 0.3930 | 0.3691 | 0.3177 | 0.520 | ||||
3602 | 0.1009 | 0.0952 | 0.0822 | 0.613 | ||||
3603 | 0.4362 | 0.4097 | 0.3521 | 0.537 | ||||
3604 | 0.9553 | 0.8983 | 0.7722 | 0.561 | ||||
3605 | 0.4065 | 0.3803 | 0.3246 | 0.546 | ||||
3701 | 0.2058 | 0.1934 | 0.1661 | 0.577 | ||||
3702 | 0.3546 | 0.3339 | 0.2869 | 0.605 | ||||
3708 | 0.4173 | 0.3909 | 0.3346 | 0.532 | ||||
3802 | 0.1382 | 0.1307 | 0.1127 | 0.615 | ||||
3808 | 0.3809 | 0.3562 | 0.3047 | 0.504 | ||||
3901 | 0.1383 | 0.1311 | 0.1138 | 0.624 | ||||
3902 | 0.3165 | 0.2982 | 0.2569 | 0.579 | ||||
3903 | 1.0347 | 0.9742 | 0.8410 | 0.530 | ||||
3905 | 0.1383 | 0.1311 | 0.1138 | 0.624 | ||||
3906 | 0.3836 | 0.3604 | 0.3098 | 0.537 | ||||
3909 | 0.1745 | 0.1650 | 0.1424 | 0.628 | ||||
4002 | 0.8938 | 0.8330 | 0.7065 | 0.538 | ||||
4101 | 0.2274 | 0.2135 | 0.1829 | 0.568 | ||||
4103 | 0.2753 | 0.2610 | 0.2258 | 0.675 | ||||
4107 | 0.1117 | 0.1049 | 0.0900 | 0.564 | ||||
4108 | 0.1374 | 0.1289 | 0.1107 | 0.539 | ||||
4109 | 0.2012 | 0.1892 | 0.1626 | 0.568 | ||||
4201 | 0.4471 | 0.4159 | 0.3522 | 0.514 | ||||
4301 | 0.6538 | 0.6148 | 0.5295 | 0.539 | ||||
4302 | 0.4687 | 0.4385 | 0.3744 | 0.536 | ||||
4304 | 0.6590 | 0.6181 | 0.5300 | 0.534 | ||||
4305 | 0.8451 | 0.7884 | 0.6697 | 0.543 | ||||
4401 | 0.3585 | 0.3364 | 0.2896 | 0.484 | ||||
4402 | 0.5935 | 0.5572 | 0.4780 | 0.554 | ||||
4404 | 0.3168 | 0.2976 | 0.2562 | 0.518 | ||||
4501 | 0.1360 | 0.1283 | 0.1103 | 0.589 | ||||
4502 | 0.0405 | 0.0381 | 0.0328 | 0.562 | ||||
4504 | 0.0837 | 0.0792 | 0.0685 | 0.617 | ||||
4601 | 0.5560 | 0.5218 | 0.4482 | 0.521 | ||||
4802 | 0.1791 | 0.1682 | 0.1447 | 0.542 | ||||
4803 | 0.1778 | 0.1680 | 0.1454 | 0.591 | ||||
4804 | 0.4915 | 0.4624 | 0.3974 | 0.570 | ||||
4805 | 0.2282 | 0.2151 | 0.1857 | 0.567 | ||||
4806 | 0.0457 | 0.0429 | 0.0370 | 0.534 | ||||
4808 | 0.3725 | 0.3494 | 0.2998 | 0.522 | ||||
4809 | 0.2596 | 0.2447 | 0.2107 | 0.596 | ||||
4810 | 0.1196 | 0.1133 | 0.0984 | 0.568 | ||||
4811 | 0.1950 | 0.1842 | 0.1592 | 0.608 | ||||
4812 | 0.2834 | 0.2662 | 0.2283 | 0.573 | ||||
4813 | 0.1383 | 0.1301 | 0.1121 | 0.542 | ||||
4900 | 0.3258 | 0.3037 | 0.2586 | 0.485 | ||||
4901 | 0.0593 | 0.0554 | 0.0473 | 0.510 | ||||
4902 | 0.0720 | 0.0676 | 0.0578 | 0.584 | ||||
4903 | 0.0607 | 0.0570 | 0.0486 | 0.565 | ||||
4904 | 0.0245 | 0.0231 | 0.0199 | 0.585 | ||||
4905 | 0.2764 | 0.2615 | 0.2264 | 0.599 | ||||
4906 | 0.0746 | 0.0701 | 0.0601 | 0.581 | ||||
4907 | 0.0490 | 0.0461 | 0.0397 | 0.548 | ||||
4908 | 0.1182 | 0.1135 | 0.1002 | 0.672 | ||||
4909 | 0.0496 | 0.0474 | 0.0418 | 0.623 | ||||
4910 | 0.3426 | 0.3220 | 0.2769 | 0.544 | ||||
5001 | 4.1173 | 3.8006 | 3.2034 | 0.388 | ||||
5002 | 0.4496 | 0.4214 | 0.3602 | 0.564 | ||||
5003 | 1.2276 | 1.1374 | 0.9622 | 0.428 | ||||
5004 | 1.0667 | 0.9968 | 0.8533 | 0.467 | ||||
5005 | 0.6865 | 0.6367 | 0.5389 | 0.450 | ||||
5006 | 1.4715 | 1.3625 | 1.1530 | 0.404 | ||||
5101 | 0.7760 | 0.7301 | 0.6263 | 0.601 | ||||
5103 | 0.6478 | 0.6120 | 0.5287 | 0.599 | ||||
5106 | 0.6478 | 0.6120 | 0.5287 | 0.599 | ||||
5108 | 0.6478 | 0.6101 | 0.5245 | 0.601 | ||||
5109 | 0.5537 | 0.5164 | 0.4397 | 0.496 | ||||
5201 | 0.2856 | 0.2675 | 0.2289 | 0.535 | ||||
5204 | 0.7485 | 0.7000 | 0.5987 | 0.507 | ||||
5206 | 0.3258 | 0.3037 | 0.2586 | 0.485 | ||||
5207 | 0.1511 | 0.1431 | 0.1238 | 0.644 | ||||
5208 | 0.6773 | 0.6348 | 0.5440 | 0.524 | ||||
5209 | 0.6470 | 0.6056 | 0.5178 | 0.524 | ||||
5301 | 0.0278 | 0.0262 | 0.0226 | 0.581 | ||||
5305 | 0.0481 | 0.0455 | 0.0392 | 0.656 | ||||
5306 | 0.0414 | 0.0390 | 0.0335 | 0.601 | ||||
5307 | 0.3236 | 0.3033 | 0.2592 | 0.565 | ||||
6103 | 0.0667 | 0.0632 | 0.0548 | 0.619 | ||||
6104 | 0.2926 | 0.2755 | 0.2367 | 0.599 | ||||
6105 | 0.1833 | 0.1718 | 0.1472 | 0.533 | ||||
6107 | 0.0989 | 0.0938 | 0.0815 | 0.595 | ||||
6108 | 0.3484 | 0.3298 | 0.2856 | 0.624 | ||||
6109 | 0.0636 | 0.0598 | 0.0513 | 0.552 | ||||
6110 | 0.3426 | 0.3221 | 0.2770 | 0.557 | ||||
6201 | 0.2813 | 0.2621 | 0.2232 | 0.483 | ||||
6202 | 0.5723 | 0.5379 | 0.4637 | 0.502 | ||||
6203 | 0.0712 | 0.0677 | 0.0589 | 0.656 | ||||
6204 | 0.1344 | 0.1267 | 0.1094 | 0.581 | ||||
6205 | 0.1885 | 0.1776 | 0.1529 | 0.579 | ||||
6206 | 0.1712 | 0.1612 | 0.1386 | 0.606 | ||||
6207 | 1.2269 | 1.1631 | 1.0120 | 0.575 | ||||
6208 | 0.2300 | 0.2180 | 0.1898 | 0.559 | ||||
6209 | 0.2125 | 0.2008 | 0.1738 | 0.573 | ||||
6301 | 0.1220 | 0.1135 | 0.0966 | 0.441 | ||||
6302 | 0.1433 | 0.1348 | 0.1162 | 0.536 | ||||
6303 | 0.0573 | 0.0539 | 0.0464 | 0.556 | ||||
6304 | 0.2057 | 0.1954 | 0.1697 | 0.648 | ||||
6305 | 0.0760 | 0.0720 | 0.0623 | 0.610 | ||||
6306 | 0.2168 | 0.2042 | 0.1756 | 0.602 | ||||
6308 | 0.0472 | 0.0445 | 0.0382 | 0.602 | ||||
6309 | 0.1354 | 0.1279 | 0.1105 | 0.600 | ||||
6402 | 0.2300 | 0.2171 | 0.1868 | 0.642 | ||||
6403 | 0.1372 | 0.1298 | 0.1124 | 0.585 | ||||
6404 | 0.1622 | 0.1535 | 0.1328 | 0.617 | ||||
6405 | 0.4676 | 0.4386 | 0.3760 | 0.538 | ||||
6406 | 0.0684 | 0.0647 | 0.0560 | 0.616 | ||||
6407 | 0.2030 | 0.1914 | 0.1651 | 0.581 | ||||
6408 | 0.2721 | 0.2559 | 0.2195 | 0.598 | ||||
6409 | 0.4695 | 0.4398 | 0.3759 | 0.548 | ||||
6410 | 0.1900 | 0.1783 | 0.1534 | 0.509 | ||||
6501 | 0.1030 | 0.0972 | 0.0835 | 0.660 | ||||
6502 | 0.0234 | 0.0221 | 0.0191 | 0.587 | ||||
6503 | 0.0604 | 0.0564 | 0.0480 | 0.534 | ||||
6504 | 0.3126 | 0.2970 | 0.2583 | 0.635 | ||||
6505 | 0.0872 | 0.0825 | 0.0716 | 0.572 | ||||
6506 | 0.0772 | 0.0730 | 0.0630 | 0.587 | ||||
6508 | 0.2570 | 0.2425 | 0.2095 | 0.570 | ||||
6509 | 0.2529 | 0.2389 | 0.2066 | 0.578 | ||||
6510 | 0.3012 | 0.2818 | 0.2414 | 0.486 | ||||
6511 | 0.2898 | 0.2736 | 0.2367 | 0.561 | ||||
6601 | 0.1548 | 0.1462 | 0.1264 | 0.612 | ||||
6602 | 0.3695 | 0.3476 | 0.2990 | 0.561 | ||||
6603 | 0.3069 | 0.2886 | 0.2483 | 0.552 | ||||
6604 | 0.0545 | 0.0515 | 0.0445 | 0.537 | ||||
6605 | 0.2704 | 0.2578 | 0.2248 | 0.687 | ||||
6607 | 0.1546 | 0.1458 | 0.1257 | 0.572 | ||||
6608 | 0.3746 | 0.3477 | 0.2947 | 0.445 | ||||
6620 | 2.1594 | 2.0303 | 1.7368 | 0.631 | ||||
6704 | 0.1023 | 0.0965 | 0.0832 | 0.591 | ||||
6705 | 0.6579 | 0.6240 | 0.5407 | 0.656 | ||||
6706 | 0.3377 | 0.3195 | 0.2770 | 0.592 | ||||
6707 | 1.4556 | 1.3769 | 1.1909 | 0.617 | ||||
6708 | 6.2173 | 5.8681 | 5.1112 | 0.451 | ||||
6709 | 0.1942 | 0.1839 | 0.1593 | 0.625 | ||||
6801 | 0.2852 | 0.2675 | 0.2283 | 0.597 | ||||
6802 | 0.3735 | 0.3529 | 0.3049 | 0.604 | ||||
6803 | 0.6361 | 0.5894 | 0.4999 | 0.392 | ||||
6804 | 0.2005 | 0.1887 | 0.1621 | 0.596 | ||||
6809 | 4.7183 | 4.4776 | 3.8919 | 0.622 | ||||
6901 | 0.0452 | 0.0444 | 0.0402 | 0.764 | ||||
6902 | 0.7208 | 0.6676 | 0.5653 | 0.408 | ||||
6903 | 5.4574 | 5.0214 | 4.2324 | 0.307 | ||||
6904 | 0.2404 | 0.2251 | 0.1913 | 0.623 | ||||
6905 | 0.2759 | 0.2587 | 0.2208 | 0.596 | ||||
6906 | 0.1213 | 0.1187 | 0.1079 | 0.699 | ||||
6907 | 0.8922 | 0.8375 | 0.7171 | 0.573 | ||||
6908 | 0.4470 | 0.4197 | 0.3593 | 0.590 | ||||
6909 | 0.0861 | 0.0812 | 0.0699 | 0.593 | ||||
7100 | 0.0259 | 0.0242 | 0.0209 | 0.489 | ||||
7101 | 0.0259 | 0.0242 | 0.0209 | 0.489 | ||||
7102 | 3.3439 | 3.1875 | 2.7958 | 0.591 | ||||
7103 | 0.3102 | 0.2901 | 0.2476 | 0.523 | ||||
7104 | 0.0227 | 0.0215 | 0.0185 | 0.604 | ||||
7105 | 0.0215 | 0.0203 | 0.0175 | 0.643 | ||||
7106 | 0.1378 | 0.1299 | 0.1121 | 0.593 | ||||
7107 | 0.2293 | 0.2167 | 0.1871 | 0.614 | ||||
7108 | 0.1874 | 0.1778 | 0.1544 | 0.624 | ||||
7109 | 0.1328 | 0.1257 | 0.1088 | 0.642 | ||||
7110 | 0.3290 | 0.3075 | 0.2624 | 0.499 | ||||
7111 | 0.3616 | 0.3400 | 0.2917 | 0.579 | ||||
7112 | 0.5241 | 0.4926 | 0.4228 | 0.575 | ||||
7113 | 0.4716 | 0.4441 | 0.3815 | 0.603 | ||||
7114 | 0.5993 | 0.5694 | 0.4940 | 0.675 | ||||
7115 | 0.4650 | 0.4387 | 0.3774 | 0.631 | ||||
7116 | 0.4466 | 0.4201 | 0.3613 | 0.562 | ||||
7117 | 0.9297 | 0.8761 | 0.7525 | 0.621 | ||||
7118 | 0.9817 | 0.9232 | 0.7915 | 0.602 | ||||
7119 | 1.5256 | 1.4324 | 1.2256 | 0.592 | ||||
7120 | 4.5817 | 4.2992 | 3.6928 | 0.520 | ||||
7121 | 4.4412 | 4.1626 | 3.5684 | 0.521 | ||||
7201 | 0.9595 | 0.8943 | 0.7589 | 0.530 | ||||
7202 | 0.0330 | 0.0308 | 0.0264 | 0.516 | ||||
7203 | 0.1075 | 0.1019 | 0.0885 | 0.580 | ||||
7204 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.500 | ||||
7301 | 0.4469 | 0.4178 | 0.3573 | 0.485 | ||||
7302 | 0.6198 | 0.5821 | 0.4996 | 0.551 | ||||
7307 | 0.4755 | 0.4486 | 0.3871 | 0.574 | ||||
7308 | 0.2306 | 0.2192 | 0.1910 | 0.625 | ||||
7309 | 0.1942 | 0.1839 | 0.1593 | 0.625 |
of Wallboard Installed
Class | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | D-Ratio | ||||
0522 | 0.0180 | 0.0166 | 0.0140 | 0.416 | ||||
0523 | 0.0122 | 0.0113 | 0.0095 | 0.420 | ||||
0524 | 0.0147 | 0.0136 | 0.0115 | 0.473 | ||||
0525 | 0.0084 | 0.0079 | 0.0067 | 0.434 | ||||
0526 | 0.0074 | 0.0069 | 0.0058 | 0.443 | ||||
0527 | 0.0007 | 0.0005 | 0.0004 | 0.368 | ||||
0528 | 0.0019 | 0.0018 | 0.0014 | 0.423 | ||||
0529 | 0.0012 | 0.0011 | 0.0010 | 0.412 | ||||
0530 | 0.0210 | 0.0194 | 0.0163 | 0.396 | ||||
0531 | 0.0106 | 0.0097 | 0.0082 | 0.413 | ||||
0532 | 0.0010 | 0.0009 | 0.0008 | 0.406 | ||||
0533 | 0.0030 | 0.0027 | 0.0023 | 0.411 | ||||
0534 | 0.0020 | 0.0018 | 0.0015 | 0.418 | ||||
7900 | 0.0140 | 0.0130 | 0.0110 | 0.400 | ||||
7901 | 0.0068 | 0.0064 | 0.0054 | 0.431 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.04.020. 00-14-052, § 296-17-885, filed 7/1/00, effective 7/1/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-885, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-885, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 96-12-039, § 296-17-885, filed 5/31/96, effective 7/1/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-885, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-885, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95; 93-24-114, § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 92-24-063, § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-885, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 91-12-014, § 296-17-885, filed 5/31/91, effective 7/1/91; 90-24-042, § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/90, effective 1/1/91; 90-13-018, § 296-17-885, filed 6/8/90, effective 7/9/90; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1). 89-16-001 (Order 89-07), § 296-17-885, filed 7/20/89, effective 8/20/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.04.020. 88-24-012 (Order 88-30), § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 88-12-065 (Order 88-05), § 296-17-885, filed 5/31/88; 88-12-050 (Order 88-06), § 296-17-885, filed 5/31/88, effective 7/1/88; 88-06-047 (Order 87-33), § 296-17-885, filed 3/1/88; 87-24-060 (Order 87-26), § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/87, effective 1/1/88; 87-12-032 (Order 87-12), § 296-17-885, filed 5/29/87, effective 7/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 86-24-042 (Order 86-41), § 296-17-885, filed 11/26/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 86-12-041 (Order 86-18), § 296-17-885, filed 5/30/86, effective 7/1/86; 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-885, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; 85-06-026 (Order 85-7), § 296-17-885, filed 2/28/85, effective 4/1/85; 84-24-016 (Order 84-23), § 296-17-885, filed 11/28/84, effective 1/1/85; 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-885, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-885, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 78-12-043 (Order 78-23), § 296-17-885, filed 11/27/78, effective 1/1/79, effective 1/1/80. Order 77-27, § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/77, effective 1/1/78; Emergency Order 77-25, § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/77; Order 77-10, § 296-17-885, filed 5/31/77; Order 76-36, § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/76; Order 76-18, § 296-17-885, filed 5/28/76, effective 7/1/76; Order 75-38, § 296-17-885, filed 11/24/75, effective 1/1/76; Order 74-40, § 296-17-885, filed 11/27/74, effective 1/1/75; Order 73-22, § 296-17-885, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74.]
for firms with no compensable accidents:
Expected Loss Range |
Maximum Experience Modification |
(( |
0.90 |
0.60)) | |||||
2,588 Lower | 0.90 | ||||
2,589 | - | 2,768 | 0.89 | ||
2,769 | - | 2,964 | 0.88 | ||
2,965 | - | 3,176 | 0.87 | ||
3,177 | - | 3,406 | 0.86 | ||
3,407 | - | 3,656 | 0.85 | ||
3,657 | - | 3,927 | 0.84 | ||
3,928 | - | 4,222 | 0.83 | ||
4,223 | - | 4,543 | 0.82 | ||
4,544 | - | 4,893 | 0.81 | ||
4,894 | - | 5,274 | 0.80 | ||
5,275 | - | 5,691 | 0.79 | ||
5,692 | - | 6,147 | 0.78 | ||
6,148 | - | 6,646 | 0.77 | ||
6,647 | - | 7,193 | 0.76 | ||
7,194 | - | 7,793 | 0.75 | ||
7,794 | - | 8,452 | 0.74 | ||
8,453 | - | 9,177 | 0.73 | ||
9,178 | - | 9,976 | 0.72 | ||
9,977 | - | 10,858 | 0.71 | ||
10,859 | - | 11,831 | 0.70 | ||
11,832 | - | 12,908 | 0.69 | ||
12,909 | - | 14,100 | 0.68 | ||
14,101 | - | 15,424 | 0.67 | ||
15,425 | - | 16,894 | 0.66 | ||
16,895 | - | 18,531 | 0.65 | ||
18,532 | - | 20,355 | 0.64 | ||
20,356 | - | 22,393 | 0.63 | ||
22,394 | - | 24,672 | 0.62 | ||
24,673 | - | 27,226 | 0.61 | ||
27,227 Higher | 0.60 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-890, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-890, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-890, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-890, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95; 93-24-114, § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 92-24-063, § 296-17-890, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-890, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 90-24-042, § 296-17-890, filed 11/30/90, effective 1/1/91; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.04.020. 88-24-012 (Order 88-30), § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 87-24-060 (Order 87-26), § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/87, effective 1/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 86-24-042 (Order 86-41), § 296-17-890, filed 11/26/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-890, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; 84-24-016 (Order 84-23), § 296-17-890, filed 11/28/84, effective 1/1/85; 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-890, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-890, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-890, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-890, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-890, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-14-052, filed 7/1/00,
effective 7/1/00)
WAC 296-17-895
Industrial insurance accident fund base
rates and medical aid base rates by class of industry.
Industrial insurance accident fund and medical aid fund base rates by class of industry shall be as set forth below.
Base Rates Effective January 1, (( |
Class |
Accident Fund |
Medical Aid Fund |
0.1087)) | ||||||||||||
0101 | 1.3352 | 0.4492 | ||||||||||
0103 | 1.6681 | 0.6085 | ||||||||||
0104 | 1.0482 | 0.3482 | ||||||||||
0105 | 1.0711 | 0.4989 | ||||||||||
0107 | 1.0457 | 0.3839 | ||||||||||
0108 | 1.0482 | 0.3482 | ||||||||||
0112 | 0.5934 | 0.2569 | ||||||||||
0201 | 2.6224 | 0.8812 | ||||||||||
0202 | 2.8095 | 0.8901 | ||||||||||
0210 | 1.0002 | 0.3310 | ||||||||||
0212 | 0.8038 | 0.2975 | ||||||||||
0214 | 1.0993 | 0.3779 | ||||||||||
0217 | 1.0377 | 0.3880 | ||||||||||
0219 | 0.9776 | 0.3809 | ||||||||||
0301 | 0.4551 | 0.2461 | ||||||||||
0302 | 1.9978 | 0.5046 | ||||||||||
0303 | 1.8561 | 0.5876 | ||||||||||
0306 | 0.9767 | 0.3267 | ||||||||||
0307 | 0.6941 | 0.2929 | ||||||||||
0308 | 0.4185 | 0.2334 | ||||||||||
0403 | 1.2690 | 0.6265 | ||||||||||
0502 | 1.3909 | 0.4686 | ||||||||||
0504 | 1.2391 | 0.4895 | ||||||||||
0506 | 3.8632 | 1.4309 | ||||||||||
0507 | 2.8895 | 1.1204 | ||||||||||
0508 | 2.6492 | 0.7950 | ||||||||||
0509 | 1.7833 | 0.5231 | ||||||||||
0510 | 1.3616 | 0.5390 | ||||||||||
0511 | 1.2885 | 0.4823 | ||||||||||
0512 | 1.1366 | 0.4330 | ||||||||||
0513 | 0.6839 | 0.2633 | ||||||||||
0514 | 1.1041 | 0.5423 | ||||||||||
0516 | 1.3616 | 0.5390 | ||||||||||
0517 | 1.4507 | 0.6544 | ||||||||||
0518 | 1.6512 | 0.5351 | ||||||||||
0519 | 1.4634 | 0.6512 | ||||||||||
0521 | 1.0289 | 0.3919 | ||||||||||
0601 | 0.5005 | 0.2142 | ||||||||||
0602 | 0.4623 | 0.1964 | ||||||||||
0603 | 0.8643 | 0.2819 | ||||||||||
0604 | 0.8146 | 0.4293 | ||||||||||
0606 | 0.2686 | 0.1701 | ||||||||||
0607 | 0.3237 | 0.1562 | ||||||||||
0608 | 0.2376 | 0.1214 | ||||||||||
0701 | 2.1085 | 0.4637 | ||||||||||
0803 | 0.3376 | 0.1704 | ||||||||||
0901 | 1.6512 | 0.5351 | ||||||||||
1002 | 0.7982 | 0.3812 | ||||||||||
1003 | 0.6815 | 0.3837 | ||||||||||
1004 | 0.4393 | 0.1931 | ||||||||||
1005 | 5.8899 | 1.8960 | ||||||||||
1007 | 0.2952 | 0.1264 | ||||||||||
1101 | 0.4925 | 0.2624 | ||||||||||
1102 | 1.1671 | 0.4490 | ||||||||||
1103 | 0.7906 | 0.3729 | ||||||||||
1104 | 0.3166 | 0.2081 | ||||||||||
1105 | 0.7692 | 0.3827 | ||||||||||
1106 | 0.2471 | 0.1726 | ||||||||||
1108 | 0.4023 | 0.2249 | ||||||||||
1109 | 0.7789 | 0.4417 | ||||||||||
1301 | 0.4200 | 0.1903 | ||||||||||
1303 | 0.1491 | 0.0754 | ||||||||||
1304 | 0.0186 | 0.0110 | ||||||||||
1305 | 0.2897 | 0.1672 | ||||||||||
1401 | 0.4567 | 0.2570 | ||||||||||
1404 | 0.4014 | 0.2176 | ||||||||||
1405 | 0.2955 | 0.1688 | ||||||||||
1407 | 0.4014 | 0.2176 | ||||||||||
1501 | 0.4113 | 0.1881 | ||||||||||
1507 | 0.4050 | 0.1972 | ||||||||||
1701 | 0.6570 | 0.2980 | ||||||||||
1702 | 1.7546 | 0.5638 | ||||||||||
1703 | 0.4659 | 0.1569 | ||||||||||
1704 | 0.6570 | 0.2980 | ||||||||||
1801 | 0.6319 | 0.2812 | ||||||||||
1802 | 0.4984 | 0.2608 | ||||||||||
2002 | 0.5156 | 0.3099 | ||||||||||
2004 | 0.5252 | 0.3251 | ||||||||||
2007 | 0.3799 | 0.1874 | ||||||||||
2008 | 0.2335 | 0.1250 | ||||||||||
2009 | 0.2276 | 0.1642 | ||||||||||
2101 | 0.5634 | 0.2982 | ||||||||||
2102 | 0.3398 | 0.2098 | ||||||||||
2104 | 0.1881 | 0.1417 | ||||||||||
2105 | 0.5369 | 0.2645 | ||||||||||
2106 | 0.2724 | 0.1646 | ||||||||||
2201 | 0.2041 | 0.1076 | ||||||||||
2202 | 0.4644 | 0.2384 | ||||||||||
2203 | 0.2962 | 0.1913 | ||||||||||
2204 | 0.2041 | 0.1076 | ||||||||||
2401 | 0.2944 | 0.1849 | ||||||||||
2903 | 0.4547 | 0.2888 | ||||||||||
2904 | 0.5717 | 0.3173 | ||||||||||
2905 | 0.3715 | 0.2370 | ||||||||||
2906 | 0.2910 | 0.1529 | ||||||||||
2907 | 0.4112 | 0.2343 | ||||||||||
2908 | 0.7913 | 0.3872 | ||||||||||
2909 | 0.2910 | 0.1774 | ||||||||||
3101 | 0.6518 | 0.2826 | ||||||||||
3102 | 0.1867 | 0.1070 | ||||||||||
3103 | 0.5479 | 0.2768 | ||||||||||
3104 | 0.5056 | 0.2218 | ||||||||||
3105 | 0.6159 | 0.3424 | ||||||||||
3303 | 0.2320 | 0.1432 | ||||||||||
3304 | 0.4115 | 0.2681 | ||||||||||
3309 | 0.3012 | 0.1927 | ||||||||||
3402 | 0.3449 | 0.1889 | ||||||||||
3403 | 0.1608 | 0.0819 | ||||||||||
3404 | 0.3543 | 0.2030 | ||||||||||
3405 | 0.1962 | 0.1109 | ||||||||||
3406 | 0.1746 | 0.1054 | ||||||||||
3407 | 0.4077 | 0.1856 | ||||||||||
3408 | 0.1061 | 0.0588 | ||||||||||
3409 | 0.0824 | 0.0533 | ||||||||||
3410 | 0.1583 | 0.1185 | ||||||||||
3411 | 0.3576 | 0.1736 | ||||||||||
3412 | 0.3883 | 0.1819 | ||||||||||
3413 | 0.4506 | 0.2260 | ||||||||||
3414 | 0.4295 | 0.2149 | ||||||||||
3415 | 0.5605 | 0.2786 | ||||||||||
3501 | 0.7557 | 0.3600 | ||||||||||
3503 | 0.1858 | 0.1508 | ||||||||||
3506 | 1.0135 | 0.3088 | ||||||||||
3509 | 0.3003 | 0.1893 | ||||||||||
3510 | 0.2957 | 0.1741 | ||||||||||
3511 | 0.4901 | 0.2704 | ||||||||||
3512 | 0.2838 | 0.1936 | ||||||||||
3513 | 0.3451 | 0.2105 | ||||||||||
3602 | 0.0850 | 0.0572 | ||||||||||
3603 | 0.3906 | 0.2292 | ||||||||||
3604 | 0.8480 | 0.5085 | ||||||||||
3605 | 0.3996 | 0.1891 | ||||||||||
3701 | 0.1867 | 0.1070 | ||||||||||
3702 | 0.3170 | 0.1885 | ||||||||||
3708 | 0.3942 | 0.2048 | ||||||||||
3802 | 0.1157 | 0.0793 | ||||||||||
3808 | 0.3634 | 0.1834 | ||||||||||
3901 | 0.1057 | 0.0862 | ||||||||||
3902 | 0.2730 | 0.1746 | ||||||||||
3903 | 0.8651 | 0.5859 | ||||||||||
3905 | 0.1057 | 0.0862 | ||||||||||
3906 | 0.3425 | 0.2024 | ||||||||||
3909 | 0.1455 | 0.1005 | ||||||||||
4002 | 0.9478 | 0.3672 | ||||||||||
4101 | 0.2114 | 0.1146 | ||||||||||
4103 | 0.2215 | 0.1650 | ||||||||||
4107 | 0.1025 | 0.0571 | ||||||||||
4108 | 0.1243 | 0.0712 | ||||||||||
4109 | 0.1797 | 0.1065 | ||||||||||
4201 | 0.4834 | 0.1762 | ||||||||||
4301 | 0.5684 | 0.3557 | ||||||||||
4302 | 0.4576 | 0.2199 | ||||||||||
4304 | 0.6093 | 0.3332 | ||||||||||
4305 | 0.8787 | 0.3593 | ||||||||||
4401 | 0.3136 | 0.1921 | ||||||||||
4402 | 0.5424 | 0.3047 | ||||||||||
4404 | 0.2766 | 0.1709 | ||||||||||
4501 | 0.1187 | 0.0743 | ||||||||||
4502 | 0.0354 | 0.0220 | ||||||||||
4504 | 0.0671 | 0.0499 | ||||||||||
4601 | 0.5014 | 0.2892 | ||||||||||
4802 | 0.1592 | 0.0950 | ||||||||||
4803 | 0.1433 | 0.1052 | ||||||||||
4804 | 0.4375 | 0.2614 | ||||||||||
4805 | 0.1910 | 0.1296 | ||||||||||
4806 | 0.0386 | 0.0255 | ||||||||||
4808 | 0.3413 | 0.1901 | ||||||||||
4809 | 0.2241 | 0.1433 | ||||||||||
4810 | 0.0908 | 0.0746 | ||||||||||
4811 | 0.1599 | 0.1136 | ||||||||||
4812 | 0.2600 | 0.1453 | ||||||||||
4813 | 0.1208 | 0.0750 | ||||||||||
4900 | 0.3297 | 0.1433 | ||||||||||
4901 | 0.0574 | 0.0280 | ||||||||||
4902 | 0.0671 | 0.0362 | ||||||||||
4903 | 0.0576 | 0.0297 | ||||||||||
4904 | 0.0209 | 0.0137 | ||||||||||
4905 | 0.2202 | 0.1657 | ||||||||||
4906 | 0.0689 | 0.0380 | ||||||||||
4907 | 0.0432 | 0.0263 | ||||||||||
4908 | 0.0620 | 0.0937 | ||||||||||
4909 | 0.0277 | 0.0380 | ||||||||||
4910 | 0.3035 | 0.1826 | ||||||||||
5001 | 4.6895 | 1.4140 | ||||||||||
5002 | 0.4336 | 0.2156 | ||||||||||
5003 | 1.3428 | 0.4643 | ||||||||||
5004 | 1.0106 | 0.5162 | ||||||||||
5005 | 0.7478 | 0.2634 | ||||||||||
5006 | 1.6051 | 0.5574 | ||||||||||
5101 | 0.7077 | 0.4026 | ||||||||||
5103 | 0.5324 | 0.3768 | ||||||||||
5106 | 0.5324 | 0.3768 | ||||||||||
5108 | 0.5731 | 0.3480 | ||||||||||
5109 | 0.5594 | 0.2446 | ||||||||||
5201 | 0.2704 | 0.1396 | ||||||||||
5204 | 0.7165 | 0.3592 | ||||||||||
5206 | 0.3297 | 0.1433 | ||||||||||
5207 | 0.1216 | 0.0902 | ||||||||||
5208 | 0.6299 | 0.3386 | ||||||||||
5209 | 0.6195 | 0.3111 | ||||||||||
5301 | 0.0246 | 0.0150 | ||||||||||
5305 | 0.0410 | 0.0272 | ||||||||||
5306 | 0.0367 | 0.0221 | ||||||||||
5307 | 0.3126 | 0.1549 | ||||||||||
6103 | 0.0515 | 0.0412 | ||||||||||
6104 | 0.2616 | 0.1555 | ||||||||||
6105 | 0.1705 | 0.0917 | ||||||||||
6107 | 0.0737 | 0.0626 | ||||||||||
6108 | 0.2775 | 0.2094 | ||||||||||
6109 | 0.0587 | 0.0324 | ||||||||||
6110 | 0.3040 | 0.1825 | ||||||||||
6201 | 0.2842 | 0.1238 | ||||||||||
6202 | 0.4912 | 0.3145 | ||||||||||
6203 | 0.0507 | 0.0471 | ||||||||||
6204 | 0.1117 | 0.0770 | ||||||||||
6205 | 0.1640 | 0.1031 | ||||||||||
6206 | 0.1519 | 0.0917 | ||||||||||
6207 | 0.8982 | 0.7888 | ||||||||||
6208 | 0.1659 | 0.1492 | ||||||||||
6209 | 0.1693 | 0.1268 | ||||||||||
6301 | 0.1239 | 0.0529 | ||||||||||
6302 | 0.1220 | 0.0796 | ||||||||||
6303 | 0.0493 | 0.0315 | ||||||||||
6304 | 0.1545 | 0.1306 | ||||||||||
6305 | 0.0595 | 0.0463 | ||||||||||
6306 | 0.1913 | 0.1168 | ||||||||||
6308 | 0.0409 | 0.0259 | ||||||||||
6309 | 0.1108 | 0.0791 | ||||||||||
6402 | 0.2012 | 0.1261 | ||||||||||
6403 | 0.1083 | 0.0828 | ||||||||||
6404 | 0.1314 | 0.0960 | ||||||||||
6405 | 0.4328 | 0.2359 | ||||||||||
6406 | 0.0548 | 0.0408 | ||||||||||
6407 | 0.1721 | 0.1141 | ||||||||||
6408 | 0.2482 | 0.1410 | ||||||||||
6409 | 0.4506 | 0.2260 | ||||||||||
6410 | 0.1690 | 0.1001 | ||||||||||
6501 | 0.0923 | 0.0551 | ||||||||||
6502 | 0.0199 | 0.0132 | ||||||||||
6503 | 0.0610 | 0.0268 | ||||||||||
6504 | 0.2292 | 0.2020 | ||||||||||
6505 | 0.0661 | 0.0543 | ||||||||||
6506 | 0.0633 | 0.0449 | ||||||||||
6509 | 0.2050 | 0.1487 | ||||||||||
6510 | 0.2821 | 0.1485 | ||||||||||
6511 | 0.2340 | 0.1707 | ||||||||||
6601 | 0.1272 | 0.0901 | ||||||||||
6602 | 0.3256 | 0.1986 | ||||||||||
6603 | 0.2693 | 0.1652 | ||||||||||
6604 | 0.0441 | 0.0320 | ||||||||||
6605 | 0.1882 | 0.1828 | ||||||||||
6607 | 0.1299 | 0.0876 | ||||||||||
6608 | 0.4011 | 0.1482 | ||||||||||
6614 | 670.0000* | 549.0000* | ||||||||||
6615 | 230.0000* | 229.0000* | ||||||||||
6616 | 195.0000* | 194.0000* | ||||||||||
6617 | 72.0000* | 72.0000* | ||||||||||
6618 | 78.0000* | 71.0000* | ||||||||||
6620 | 2.0408 | 1.0737 | ||||||||||
6704 | 0.0871 | 0.0573 | ||||||||||
6705 | 0.5148 | 0.4037 | ||||||||||
6706 | 0.2631 | 0.2061 | ||||||||||
6707 | 1.1763 | 0.8625 | ||||||||||
6708 | 4.5160 | 3.9629 | ||||||||||
6709 | 0.1539 | 0.1174 | ||||||||||
6801 | 0.2773 | 0.1356 | ||||||||||
6802 | 0.3061 | 0.2176 | ||||||||||
6803 | 0.6727 | 0.2540 | ||||||||||
6804 | 0.1796 | 0.1061 | ||||||||||
6809 | 3.4970 | 3.0153 | ||||||||||
6901 | 0.0000 | 0.0487 | ||||||||||
6902 | 0.7802 | 0.2773 | ||||||||||
6903 | 6.1901 | 1.8451 | ||||||||||
6904 | 0.2483 | 0.1050 | ||||||||||
6905 | 0.2697 | 0.1304 | ||||||||||
6906 | 0.0000 | 0.1304 | ||||||||||
6907 | 0.8380 | 0.4445 | ||||||||||
6908 | 0.4220 | 0.2217 | ||||||||||
6909 | 0.0751 | 0.0471 | ||||||||||
7100 | 0.0227 | 0.0138 | ||||||||||
7101 | 0.0227 | 0.0138 | ||||||||||
7102 | 2.0908 | 2.4022 | ||||||||||
7103 | 0.3047 | 0.1440 | ||||||||||
7104 | 0.0185 | 0.0133 | ||||||||||
7105 | 0.0174 | 0.0127 | ||||||||||
7106 | 0.1168 | 0.0774 | ||||||||||
7107 | 0.1896 | 0.1328 | ||||||||||
7108 | 0.1406 | 0.1187 | ||||||||||
7109 | 0.1057 | 0.0800 | ||||||||||
7110 | 0.3223 | 0.1527 | ||||||||||
7111 | 0.3296 | 0.1874 | ||||||||||
7112 | 0.4763 | 0.2719 | ||||||||||
7113 | 0.4208 | 0.2510 | ||||||||||
7114 | 0.4574 | 0.3766 | ||||||||||
7115 | 0.4068 | 0.2543 | ||||||||||
7116 | 0.3948 | 0.2393 | ||||||||||
7117 | 0.8344 | 0.4940 | ||||||||||
7118 | 0.9013 | 0.5047 | ||||||||||
7119 | 1.4471 | 0.7524 | ||||||||||
7120 | 4.1235 | 2.3850 | ||||||||||
7121 | 4.1137 | 2.2323 | ||||||||||
7201 | 1.0111 | 0.3980 | ||||||||||
7202 | 0.0312 | 0.0160 | ||||||||||
7203 | 0.0799 | 0.0682 | ||||||||||
7204 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | ||||||||||
7301 | 0.4270 | 0.2142 | ||||||||||
7302 | 0.5633 | 0.3206 | ||||||||||
7307 | 0.3978 | 0.2708 | ||||||||||
7308 | 0.1631 | 0.1530 | ||||||||||
7309 | 0.1539 | 0.1174 |
* | These rates are calculated on a per license basis for parimutuel race tracks and are base rated. |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.04.020. 00-14-052, § 296-17-895, filed 7/1/00, effective 7/1/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-895, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-895, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 98-18-042, § 296-17-895, filed 8/28/98, effective 10/1/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 97-24-062, § 296-17-895, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-895, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 96-12-039, § 296-17-895, filed 5/31/96, effective 7/1/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 96-06-025, § 296-17-895, filed 2/28/96, effective 4/1/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-895, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-895, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 94-12-051, § 296-17-895, filed 5/27/94, effective 7/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 93-24-114, § 296-17-895, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 93-12-093, § 296-17-895, filed 5/31/93, effective 7/1/93; 92-24-063, § 296-17-895, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-895, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 91-12-014, § 296-17-895, filed 5/31/91, effective 7/1/91; 90-24-042, § 296-17-895, filed 11/30/90, effective 1/1/91; 90-13-018, § 296-17-895, filed 6/8/90, effective 7/9/90; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-895, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1). 89-16-001 (Order 89-07), § 296-17-895, filed 7/20/89, effective 8/20/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.04.020. 88-24-012 (Order 88-30), § 296-17-895, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 88-12-065 (Order 88-05), § 296-17-895, filed 5/31/88; 88-12-050 (Order 88-06), § 296-17-895, filed 5/31/88, effective 7/1/88; 88-06-047 (Order 87-33), § 296-17-895, filed 3/1/88; 87-24-060 (Order 87-26), § 296-17-895, filed 12/1/87, effective 1/1/88; 87-12-032 (Order 87-12), § 296-17-895, filed 5/29/87, effective 7/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 86-24-042 (Order 86-41), § 296-17-895, filed 11/26/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 86-12-041 (Order 86-18), § 296-17-895, filed 5/30/86, effective 7/1/86; 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-895, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; 85-13-046 (Order 85-13), § 296-17-895, filed 6/17/85; 85-06-026 (Order 85-7), § 296-17-895, filed 2/28/85, effective 4/1/85; 84-24-016 (Order 84-23), § 296-17-895, filed 11/28/84, effective 1/1/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1). 84-12-048 (Order 84-12), § 296-17-895, filed 6/1/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-895, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-895, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-895, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 81-04-024 (Order 81-02), § 296-17-895, filed 1/30/81; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-895, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-895, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 78-12-043 (Order 78-23), § 296-17-895, filed 11/27/78, effective 1/1/79; Order 77-27, § 296-17-895, filed 11/30/77, effective 1/1/78; Emergency Order 77-25, § 296-17-895, filed 12/1/77; Order 77-10, § 296-17-895, filed 5/31/77; Order 76-36, § 296-17-895, filed 11/30/76; Order 76-18, § 296-17-895, filed 5/28/76, effective 7/1/76; Order 75-38, § 296-17-895, filed 11/24/75, effective 1/1/76; Order 75-28, § 296-17-895, filed 8/29/75, effective 10/1/75; Order 74-40, § 296-17-895, filed 11/27/74, effective 1/1/75; Order 73-22, § 296-17-895, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74.]
The base rates as set forth below are for classifications whose premium rates are based on units other than hours worked.
Base Rates Effective
January 1, ((2000)) 2001
Class |
Accident Fund |
Medical Aid Fund |
Pension Fund |
(( |
0.0161 |
0.0048 |
0.0004 |
0.0001)) | |||
0524 | 0.0166 | 0.0052 | 0.0005 |
0526 | 0.0084 | 0.0026 | 0.0005 |
0527 | 0.0007 | 0.0002 | 0.0001 |
0528 | 0.0021 | 0.0007 | 0.0001 |
0529 | 0.0014 | 0.0004 | 0.0001 |
0530 | 0.0244 | 0.0070 | 0.0005 |
5031 | 0.0123 | 0.0035 | 0.0005 |
0532 | 0.0011 | 0.0003 | 0.0001 |
0533 | 0.0032 | 0.0011 | 0.0001 |
0534 | 0.0022 | 0.0007 | 0.0001 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-89502, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-89502, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-89502, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 97-12-011, § 296-17-89502, filed 5/27/97, effective 7/1/97; 97-06-007, § 296-17-89502, filed 2/24/97, effective 4/1/97.]
Effective January 1, ((2000)) 2001
Size Group Number |
Standard Premium Range |
& Over)) | |||||||
63 | $ 3,202 | - | $ 3,648 | ||||
62 | 3,649 | - | 4,381 | ||||
61 | 4,382 | - | 5,213 | ||||
60 | 5,214 | - | 6,168 | ||||
59 | 6,169 | - | 7,260 | ||||
58 | 7,261 | - | 8,490 | ||||
57 | 8,491 | - | 9,887 | ||||
56 | 9,888 | - | 11,369 | ||||
55 | 11,370 | - | 12,937 | ||||
54 | 12,938 | - | 14,591 | ||||
53 | 14,592 | - | 16,331 | ||||
52 | 16,332 | - | 18,157 | ||||
51 | 18,158 | - | 20,069 | ||||
50 | 20,070 | - | 22,068 | ||||
49 | 22,069 | - | 24,188 | ||||
48 | 24,189 | - | 26,322 | ||||
47 | 26,323 | - | 28,462 | ||||
46 | 28,463 | - | 30,813 | ||||
45 | 30,814 | - | 33,429 | ||||
44 | 33,430 | - | 36,342 | ||||
43 | 36,343 | - | 39,563 | ||||
42 | 39,564 | - | 43,170 | ||||
41 | 43,171 | - | 47,221 | ||||
40 | 47,222 | - | 51,734 | ||||
39 | 51,735 | - | 56,831 | ||||
38 | 56,832 | - | 62,608 | ||||
37 | 62,609 | - | 69,099 | ||||
36 | 69,100 | - | 76,008 | ||||
35 | 76,009 | - | 83,610 | ||||
34 | 83,611 | - | 91,970 | ||||
33 | 91,971 | - | 101,168 | ||||
32 | 101,169 | - | 111,284 | ||||
31 | 111,285 | - | 121,853 | ||||
30 | 121,854 | - | 133,510 | ||||
29 | 133,511 | - | 146,795 | ||||
28 | 146,796 | - | 161,821 | ||||
27 | 161,822 | - | 179,114 | ||||
26 | 179,115 | - | 199,119 | ||||
25 | 199,120 | - | 222,074 | ||||
24 | 222,075 | - | 248,951 | ||||
23 | 248,952 | - | 280,630 | ||||
22 | 280,631 | - | 317,655 | ||||
21 | 317,656 | - | 361,973 | ||||
20 | 361,974 | - | 415,488 | ||||
19 | 415,489 | - | 479,560 | ||||
18 | 479,561 | - | 558,536 | ||||
17 | 558,537 | - | 657,049 | ||||
16 | 657,050 | - | 778,945 | ||||
15 | 778,946 | - | 995,070 | ||||
14 | 995,071 | - | 1,271,163 | ||||
13 | 1,271,164 | - | 1,623,860 | ||||
12 | 1,623,861 | - | 2,074,416 | ||||
11 | 2,074,417 | - | 2,649,964 | ||||
10 | 2,649,965 | - | 3,809,234 | ||||
9 | 3,809,235 | - | 5,590,539 | ||||
8 | 5,590,540 | - | 7,948,637 | ||||
7 | 7,948,638 | - | 11,711,689 | ||||
6 | 11,711,690 | - | 18,215,127 | ||||
5 | 18,215,128 | - | 28,753,854 | ||||
4 | 28,753,855 | Over |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.18.010. 00-11-060, § 296-17-90492, filed 5/12/00, effective 7/1/00.]
Effective January 1, ((2000)) 2001
Maximum Premium Ratio: | 1.05 |
1.10 |
1.15 |
1.20 |
1.25 |
1.30 |
1.35 |
1.40 |
1.45 |
1.50 |
1.60 |
1.70 |
1.80 |
2.00 |
Size Group |
63 | .907 | .856 | .820 | .791 | .766 | .745 | .725 | .708 | .692 | .677 | .649 | .625 | .602 | .563 | |
62 | .902 | .850 | .813 | .783 | .757 | .735 | .715 | .698 | .681 | .666 | .638 | .612 | .590 | .550 | |
61 | .897 | .844 | .805 | .774 | .748 | .726 | .705 | .687 | .670 | .654 | .625 | .600 | .577 | .536 | |
60 | .892 | .838 | .798 | .766 | .739 | .716 | .695 | .676 | .658 | .642 | .613 | .587 | .563 | .522 | |
59 | .888 | .831 | .790 | .758 | .730 | .706 | .684 | .665 | .647 | .630 | .600 | .574 | .550 | .508 | |
58 | .883 | .825 | .783 | .749 | .720 | .696 | .674 | .654 | .635 | .618 | .588 | .561 | .537 | .495 | |
57 | .878 | .818 | .775 | .740 | .711 | .686 | .663 | .643 | .624 | .607 | .576 | .548 | .524 | .482 | |
56 | .872 | .810 | .766 | .731 | .701 | .675 | .652 | .631 | .612 | .594 | .563 | .535 | .511 | .468 | |
55 | .865 | .802 | .757 | .721 | .690 | .664 | .640 | .619 | .599 | .582 | .550 | .522 | .497 | .455 | |
54 | .858 | .794 | .747 | .710 | .679 | .652 | .628 | .607 | .587 | .569 | .537 | .509 | .484 | .442 | |
53 | .851 | .785 | .738 | .700 | .668 | .641 | .616 | .595 | .575 | .556 | .524 | .496 | .471 | .429 | |
52 | .843 | .776 | .728 | .690 | .657 | .629 | .605 | .582 | .562 | .544 | .511 | .483 | .458 | .417 | |
51 | .836 | .767 | .718 | .679 | .646 | .618 | .592 | .570 | .550 | .531 | .498 | .470 | .446 | .405 | |
50 | .828 | .758 | .708 | .668 | .634 | .605 | .580 | .557 | .537 | .518 | .485 | .457 | .432 | .392 | |
49 | .821 | .748 | .697 | .656 | .622 | .593 | .567 | .544 | .524 | .505 | .472 | .444 | .419 | .379 | |
48 | .813 | .739 | .686 | .645 | .610 | .581 | .555 | .531 | .511 | .492 | .459 | .431 | .406 | .367 | |
47 | .804 | .729 | .675 | .633 | .598 | .568 | .542 | .519 | .498 | .479 | .446 | .418 | .394 | .355 | |
46 | .796 | .718 | .663 | .620 | .584 | .554 | .528 | .505 | .484 | .465 | .433 | .406 | .382 | .344 | |
45 | .787 | .707 | .650 | .607 | .571 | .541 | .514 | .491 | .471 | .452 | .420 | .394 | .371 | .334 | |
44 | .778 | .695 | .638 | .594 | .557 | .527 | .501 | .478 | .458 | .440 | .408 | .382 | .360 | .324 | |
43 | .768 | .683 | .625 | .580 | .544 | .514 | .488 | .465 | .445 | .427 | .396 | .371 | .349 | .314 | |
42 | .758 | .671 | .612 | .567 | .530 | .500 | .474 | .451 | .431 | .413 | .383 | .357 | .336 | .301 | |
41 | .748 | .659 | .599 | .554 | .517 | .486 | .460 | .437 | .417 | .399 | .368 | .343 | .322 | .288 | |
40 | .737 | .647 | .586 | .540 | .503 | .472 | .446 | .423 | .403 | .385 | .355 | .330 | .309 | .276 | |
39 | .726 | .635 | .573 | .526 | .489 | .458 | .432 | .409 | .389 | .372 | .342 | .317 | .296 | .264 | |
38 | .714 | .622 | .560 | .513 | .476 | .445 | .418 | .396 | .376 | .359 | .329 | .305 | .284 | .252 | |
37 | .702 | .608 | .546 | .499 | .462 | .431 | .405 | .383 | .363 | .346 | .317 | .293 | .273 | .242 | |
36 | .688 | .594 | .532 | .485 | .448 | .417 | .392 | .369 | .350 | .333 | .304 | .281 | .262 | .231 | |
35 | .673 | .578 | .516 | .469 | .433 | .402 | .377 | .355 | .336 | .320 | .292 | .269 | .250 | .221 | |
34 | .657 | .562 | .500 | .454 | .418 | .388 | .363 | .342 | .323 | .307 | .280 | .258 | .240 | .211 | |
33 | .640 | .546 | .484 | .439 | .403 | .374 | .349 | .329 | .310 | .295 | .268 | .247 | .229 | .202 | |
32 | .623 | .529 | .468 | .424 | .389 | .360 | .336 | .316 | .298 | .283 | .257 | .237 | .220 | .193 | |
31 | .607 | .512 | .452 | .408 | .373 | .345 | .322 | .302 | .285 | .270 | .246 | .226 | .210 | .185 | |
30 | .589 | .495 | .435 | .392 | .358 | .331 | .308 | .289 | .273 | .259 | .235 | .216 | .201 | .178 | |
29 | .571 | .478 | .419 | .377 | .344 | .317 | .295 | .277 | .261 | .247 | .225 | .207 | .193 | .171 | |
28 | .553 | .461 | .403 | .361 | .329 | .303 | .282 | .264 | .248 | .235 | .213 | .195 | .181 | .160 | |
27 | .537 | .446 | .388 | .346 | .314 | .288 | .267 | .248 | .233 | .219 | .197 | .179 | .165 | .143 | |
26 | .521 | .430 | .373 | .331 | .299 | .273 | .252 | .234 | .218 | .205 | .183 | .165 | .151 | .129 | |
25 | .504 | .414 | .358 | .317 | .285 | .259 | .238 | .220 | .205 | .192 | .170 | .152 | .138 | .117 | |
24 | .482 | .394 | .339 | .300 | .269 | .245 | .225 | .208 | .194 | .181 | .161 | .145 | .132 | .113 | |
23 | .460 | .374 | .321 | .283 | .254 | .231 | .213 | .197 | .184 | .172 | .153 | .138 | .127 | .109 | |
22 | .437 | .355 | .304 | .268 | .241 | .219 | .201 | .187 | .174 | .163 | .146 | .132 | .121 | .105 | |
21 | .414 | .336 | .288 | .254 | .228 | .208 | .191 | .177 | .166 | .156 | .139 | .127 | .117 | .102 | |
20 | .394 | .318 | .272 | .239 | .214 | .194 | .179 | .166 | .155 | .145 | .130 | .119 | .110 | .096 | |
19 | .377 | .301 | .254 | .222 | .198 | .179 | .164 | .152 | .142 | .133 | .120 | .109 | .101 | .089 | |
18 | .358 | .283 | .238 | .207 | .184 | .166 | .152 | .140 | .131 | .123 | .110 | .101 | .094 | .083 | |
17 | .339 | .266 | .222 | .192 | .171 | .154 | .140 | .130 | .121 | .114 | .103 | .094 | .088 | .079 | |
16 | .320 | .249 | .208 | .179 | .159 | .143 | .131 | .121 | .113 | .106 | .096 | .088 | .083 | .075 | |
15 | .303 | .234 | .194 | .168 | .148 | .134 | .122 | .113 | .106 | .100 | .091 | .084 | .079 | .072 | |
14 | .293 | .220 | .180 | .157 | .141 | .128 | .117 | .109 | .103 | .097 | .089 | .082 | .078 | .071 | |
13 | .281 | .204 | .167 | .148 | .133 | .122 | .112 | .105 | .099 | .094 | .086 | .081 | .076 | .070 | |
12 | .269 | .187 | .156 | .139 | .126 | .116 | .108 | .101 | .096 | .091 | .084 | .079 | .075 | .069 | |
11 | .254 | .167 | .145 | .130 | .119 | .110 | .103 | .097 | .092 | .088 | .082 | .077 | .073 | .068 | |
10 | .238 | .150 | .135 | .122 | .113 | .105 | .098 | .093 | .089 | .085 | .079 | .075 | .072 | .067 | |
9 | .219 | .138 | .125 | .115 | .106 | .100 | .094 | .089 | .085 | .082 | .077 | .073 | .071 | .066 | |
8 | .197 | .127 | .116 | .107 | .100 | .094 | .090 | .086 | .082 | .079 | .075 | .072 | .069 | .065 | |
7 | .170 | .117 | .108 | .100 | .094 | .089 | .085 | .082 | .079 | .077 | .073 | .070 | .068 | .064 | |
6 | .137 | .107 | .100 | .094 | .089 | .085 | .081 | .078 | .076 | .074 | .071 | .068 | .066 | .064 | |
5 | .105 | .098 | .092 | .087 | .083 | .080 | .077 | .075 | .073 | .071 | .068 | .066 | .065 | .063 | |
4 | .096 | .089 | .084 | .081 | .078 | .076 | .074 | .072 | .070 | .068 | .066 | .065 | .064 | .063 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.18.010. 00-11-060, § 296-17-90493, filed 5/12/00, effective 7/1/00.]
Effective January 1, ((2000)) 2001
Maximum Premium Ratio: |
1.05 |
1.10 |
1.15 |
1.20 |
1.25 |
1.30 |
1.35 |
1.40 |
1.45 |
1.50 |
1.60 |
1.70 |
1.80 |
2.00 |
Size Group |
63 | .987 | .975 | .963 | .951 | .940 | .928 | .918 | .907 | .897 | .887 | .868 | .850 | .833 | .801 | |
62 | .987 | .974 | .961 | .949 | .938 | .926 | .915 | .904 | .894 | .884 | .864 | .845 | .828 | .795 | |
61 | .986 | .973 | .960 | .948 | .936 | .924 | .912 | .901 | .890 | .880 | .860 | .841 | .823 | .789 | |
60 | .986 | .972 | .959 | .946 | .933 | .921 | .909 | .898 | .887 | .876 | .855 | .836 | .817 | .783 | |
59 | .985 | .971 | .958 | .944 | .931 | .919 | .907 | .895 | .883 | .872 | .851 | .831 | .812 | .777 | |
58 | .985 | .970 | .956 | .943 | .929 | .917 | .904 | .892 | .880 | .869 | .847 | .826 | .807 | .771 | |
57 | .985 | .970 | .955 | .941 | .927 | .914 | .901 | .889 | .877 | .865 | .843 | .822 | .802 | .765 | |
56 | .984 | .969 | .954 | .939 | .925 | .912 | .899 | .886 | .874 | .862 | .839 | .818 | .797 | .760 | |
55 | .984 | .968 | .953 | .938 | .924 | .910 | .896 | .884 | .871 | .859 | .836 | .814 | .793 | .756 | |
54 | .983 | .967 | .951 | .936 | .922 | .908 | .894 | .881 | .868 | .856 | .832 | .810 | .790 | .752 | |
53 | .983 | .966 | .950 | .935 | .920 | .906 | .892 | .878 | .866 | .853 | .829 | .807 | .786 | .748 | |
52 | .982 | .965 | .949 | .933 | .918 | .904 | .890 | .876 | .863 | .850 | .826 | .804 | .783 | .744 | |
51 | .982 | .965 | .948 | .932 | .917 | .902 | .887 | .874 | .860 | .847 | .823 | .800 | .779 | .740 | |
50 | .982 | .964 | .947 | .930 | .915 | .899 | .885 | .871 | .857 | .844 | .819 | .796 | .775 | .735 | |
49 | .981 | .963 | .946 | .929 | .913 | .897 | .882 | .868 | .854 | .841 | .816 | .792 | .770 | .731 | |
48 | .981 | .962 | .945 | .927 | .911 | .895 | .880 | .866 | .852 | .838 | .812 | .789 | .767 | .727 | |
47 | .980 | .962 | .944 | .926 | .910 | .894 | .878 | .864 | .849 | .836 | .810 | .786 | .764 | .723 | |
46 | .980 | .961 | .943 | .925 | .909 | .893 | .877 | .863 | .848 | .835 | .809 | .785 | .763 | .723 | |
45 | .980 | .961 | .942 | .925 | .908 | .892 | .877 | .862 | .848 | .834 | .808 | .784 | .762 | .722 | |
44 | .980 | .960 | .942 | .924 | .907 | .891 | .876 | .861 | .847 | .833 | .808 | .784 | .762 | .722 | |
43 | .980 | .960 | .941 | .924 | .907 | .891 | .875 | .861 | .846 | .833 | .807 | .784 | .762 | .722 | |
42 | .979 | .959 | .940 | .922 | .905 | .888 | .872 | .857 | .843 | .829 | .803 | .779 | .757 | .717 | |
41 | .978 | .958 | .938 | .920 | .902 | .885 | .869 | .853 | .839 | .825 | .798 | .774 | .751 | .710 | |
40 | .978 | .957 | .937 | .918 | .899 | .882 | .866 | .850 | .835 | .820 | .793 | .768 | .745 | .704 | |
39 | .977 | .956 | .935 | .916 | .897 | .879 | .863 | .846 | .831 | .816 | .789 | .764 | .741 | .699 | |
38 | .977 | .955 | .934 | .914 | .895 | .877 | .860 | .843 | .828 | .813 | .785 | .760 | .736 | .694 | |
37 | .976 | .954 | .933 | .912 | .893 | .875 | .857 | .841 | .825 | .810 | .782 | .756 | .732 | .690 | |
36 | .976 | .953 | .932 | .911 | .891 | .873 | .855 | .838 | .822 | .807 | .779 | .753 | .729 | .686 | |
35 | .976 | .953 | .931 | .910 | .890 | .871 | .854 | .837 | .821 | .805 | .777 | .751 | .727 | .684 | |
34 | .975 | .952 | .930 | .909 | .889 | .870 | .852 | .835 | .819 | .804 | .775 | .749 | .725 | .683 | |
33 | .975 | .951 | .929 | .908 | .888 | .869 | .851 | .834 | .818 | .802 | .774 | .748 | .724 | .682 | |
32 | .975 | .951 | .929 | .907 | .887 | .868 | .850 | .833 | .817 | .802 | .773 | .747 | .724 | .682 | |
31 | .975 | .951 | .928 | .907 | .886 | .867 | .849 | .832 | .816 | .801 | .773 | .747 | .724 | .682 | |
30 | .974 | .950 | .927 | .906 | .886 | .867 | .849 | .832 | .816 | .801 | .773 | .747 | .724 | .682 | |
29 | .974 | .950 | .927 | .906 | .886 | .867 | .849 | .832 | .816 | .801 | .773 | .747 | .724 | .682 | |
28 | .974 | .949 | .926 | .904 | .883 | .864 | .846 | .828 | .812 | .797 | .769 | .744 | .721 | .682 | |
27 | .973 | .947 | .922 | .899 | .877 | .857 | .837 | .819 | .802 | .785 | .754 | .727 | .701 | .657 | |
26 | .972 | .945 | .919 | .895 | .872 | .851 | .830 | .811 | .792 | .775 | .742 | .712 | .685 | .636 | |
25 | .971 | .943 | .917 | .892 | .868 | .846 | .824 | .804 | .785 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
24 | .971 | .943 | .917 | .892 | .868 | .846 | .824 | .804 | .785 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
23 | .971 | .943 | .917 | .892 | .868 | .846 | .824 | .804 | .785 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
22 | .971 | .943 | .917 | .892 | .868 | .846 | .824 | .804 | .785 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
21 | .971 | .943 | .917 | .892 | .868 | .846 | .824 | .804 | .785 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
20 | .971 | .943 | .917 | .892 | .868 | .846 | .824 | .804 | .785 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
19 | .970 | .941 | .915 | .891 | .868 | .846 | .824 | .804 | .785 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
18 | .969 | .940 | .912 | .887 | .864 | .843 | .823 | .804 | .785 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
17 | .968 | .938 | .911 | .885 | .862 | .840 | .820 | .801 | .784 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
16 | .968 | .937 | .910 | .884 | .860 | .838 | .818 | .800 | .783 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
15 | .967 | .937 | .909 | .884 | .860 | .838 | .818 | .800 | .783 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
14 | .967 | .937 | .909 | .884 | .860 | .838 | .818 | .800 | .783 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
13 | .967 | .937 | .909 | .884 | .860 | .838 | .818 | .800 | .783 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
12 | .967 | .937 | .909 | .884 | .860 | .838 | .818 | .800 | .783 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
11 | .967 | .937 | .909 | .884 | .860 | .838 | .818 | .800 | .783 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
10 | .967 | .937 | .909 | .884 | .860 | .838 | .818 | .800 | .783 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
9 | .967 | .937 | .909 | .884 | .860 | .838 | .818 | .800 | .783 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
8 | .967 | .937 | .909 | .884 | .860 | .838 | .818 | .800 | .783 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
7 | .967 | .937 | .909 | .884 | .860 | .838 | .818 | .800 | .783 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
6 | .967 | .937 | .909 | .884 | .860 | .838 | .818 | .800 | .783 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
5 | .967 | .937 | .909 | .884 | .860 | .838 | .818 | .800 | .783 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 | |
4 | .967 | .937 | .909 | .884 | .860 | .838 | .818 | .800 | .783 | .766 | .732 | .701 | .672 | .620 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.18.010. 00-11-060, § 296-17-90494, filed 5/12/00, effective 7/1/00.]
Effective January 1, ((2000)) 2001
Maximum Premium Ratio: | 1.05 | 1.10 | 1.15 | 1.20 | 1.25 | 1.30 | 1.35 | 1.40 | 1.45 | 1.50 | 1.60 | 1.70 | 1.80 | 2.00 | |
Size Group |
63 | Basic Premium Ratio | .483 | .457 | .439 | .425 | .412 | .402 | .392 | .383 | .375 | .368 | .354 | .342 | .330 | .311 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .979 | .960 | .943 | .927 | .912 | .898 | .884 | .871 | .859 | .846 | .823 | .802 | .782 | .745 | |
62 | Basic Premium Ratio | .480 | .454 | .436 | .421 | .408 | .397 | .387 | .378 | .370 | .362 | .348 | .335 | .324 | .304 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .978 | .959 | .941 | .925 | .909 | .894 | .880 | .867 | .854 | .841 | .818 | .796 | .775 | .738 | |
61 | Basic Premium Ratio | .478 | .451 | .432 | .416 | .403 | .392 | .382 | .373 | .364 | .356 | .342 | .329 | .318 | .297 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .977 | .957 | .939 | .922 | .906 | .891 | .876 | .862 | .849 | .836 | .811 | .789 | .768 | .730 | |
60 | Basic Premium Ratio | .475 | .448 | .428 | .412 | .399 | .387 | .377 | .367 | .358 | .350 | .336 | .323 | .311 | .290 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .976 | .955 | .936 | .919 | .902 | .886 | .871 | .857 | .843 | .830 | .805 | .781 | .760 | .721 | |
59 | Basic Premium Ratio | .473 | .445 | .424 | .408 | .394 | .382 | .371 | .362 | .353 | .344 | .329 | .316 | .304 | .283 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .975 | .954 | .934 | .916 | .898 | .882 | .867 | .852 | .837 | .824 | .798 | .774 | .752 | .713 | |
58 | Basic Premium Ratio | .471 | .442 | .421 | .404 | .389 | .377 | .366 | .356 | .347 | .338 | .323 | .310 | .298 | .277 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .974 | .952 | .931 | .912 | .895 | .878 | .862 | .847 | .832 | .818 | .792 | .767 | .745 | .704 | |
57 | Basic Premium Ratio | .468 | .438 | .417 | .399 | .385 | .372 | .361 | .351 | .341 | .333 | .317 | .303 | .291 | .270 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .973 | .950 | .929 | .909 | .891 | .874 | .857 | .842 | .827 | .813 | .786 | .761 | .738 | .697 | |
56 | Basic Premium Ratio | .465 | .434 | .412 | .395 | .380 | .367 | .355 | .345 | .335 | .326 | .311 | .297 | .285 | .263 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .972 | .948 | .926 | .906 | .887 | .870 | .853 | .837 | .822 | .807 | .780 | .755 | .731 | .690 | |
55 | Basic Premium Ratio | .462 | .430 | .408 | .390 | .374 | .361 | .349 | .339 | .329 | .320 | .304 | .290 | .278 | .257 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .971 | .946 | .924 | .903 | .884 | .866 | .849 | .832 | .817 | .802 | .774 | .749 | .725 | .683 | |
54 | Basic Premium Ratio | .458 | .426 | .403 | .384 | .369 | .355 | .343 | .333 | .323 | .314 | .298 | .284 | .271 | .250 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .970 | .945 | .922 | .900 | .880 | .862 | .844 | .827 | .812 | .797 | .768 | .743 | .719 | .677 | |
53 | Basic Premium Ratio | .455 | .422 | .398 | .379 | .363 | .350 | .337 | .327 | .317 | .307 | .291 | .277 | .265 | .244 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .969 | .943 | .919 | .897 | .877 | .858 | .840 | .823 | .807 | .792 | .763 | .737 | .713 | .671 | |
52 | Basic Premium Ratio | .451 | .417 | .393 | .374 | .358 | .344 | .332 | .320 | .310 | .301 | .285 | .271 | .258 | .238 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .968 | .941 | .917 | .895 | .874 | .854 | .836 | .819 | .803 | .787 | .758 | .732 | .709 | .666 | |
51 | Basic Premium Ratio | .447 | .413 | .388 | .369 | .352 | .338 | .325 | .314 | .304 | .295 | .278 | .264 | .252 | .232 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .967 | .939 | .914 | .891 | .870 | .851 | .832 | .815 | .798 | .782 | .753 | .727 | .703 | .660 | |
50 | Basic Premium Ratio | .443 | .408 | .383 | .363 | .346 | .332 | .319 | .308 | .298 | .288 | .272 | .258 | .245 | .225 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .966 | .937 | .912 | .888 | .867 | .846 | .828 | .810 | .793 | .777 | .747 | .721 | .697 | .654 | |
49 | Basic Premium Ratio | .440 | .403 | .378 | .357 | .340 | .326 | .313 | .301 | .291 | .282 | .265 | .251 | .239 | .219 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .965 | .935 | .909 | .885 | .863 | .842 | .823 | .805 | .788 | .772 | .742 | .715 | .690 | .647 | |
48 | Basic Premium Ratio | .436 | .399 | .372 | .352 | .334 | .320 | .307 | .295 | .285 | .275 | .259 | .245 | .232 | .213 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .964 | .933 | .907 | .882 | .860 | .839 | .819 | .801 | .783 | .767 | .737 | .710 | .685 | .641 | |
47 | Basic Premium Ratio | .431 | .394 | .367 | .346 | .328 | .313 | .300 | .289 | .278 | .269 | .252 | .238 | .226 | .207 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .962 | .931 | .904 | .879 | .856 | .835 | .816 | .797 | .780 | .763 | .733 | .706 | .681 | .637 | |
46 | Basic Premium Ratio | .427 | .388 | .361 | .339 | .321 | .306 | .293 | .282 | .271 | .262 | .246 | .232 | .220 | .201 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .961 | .929 | .901 | .876 | .853 | .832 | .812 | .793 | .776 | .760 | .729 | .702 | .678 | .635 | |
45 | Basic Premium Ratio | .423 | .383 | .354 | .333 | .315 | .300 | .286 | .275 | .265 | .255 | .239 | .226 | .215 | .196 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .960 | .927 | .899 | .873 | .850 | .829 | .809 | .790 | .773 | .757 | .727 | .700 | .675 | .633 | |
44 | Basic Premium Ratio | .418 | .377 | .348 | .326 | .308 | .293 | .280 | .268 | .258 | .249 | .233 | .220 | .209 | .191 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .958 | .925 | .897 | .871 | .848 | .826 | .806 | .788 | .771 | .754 | .725 | .698 | .674 | .631 | |
43 | Basic Premium Ratio | .413 | .371 | .342 | .319 | .301 | .286 | .273 | .262 | .252 | .243 | .227 | .215 | .204 | .186 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .957 | .924 | .895 | .869 | .846 | .824 | .804 | .786 | .768 | .752 | .723 | .696 | .672 | .630 | |
42 | Basic Premium Ratio | .408 | .365 | .335 | .313 | .294 | .279 | .266 | .255 | .245 | .236 | .221 | .208 | .197 | .180 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .956 | .921 | .892 | .865 | .842 | .820 | .799 | .781 | .763 | .747 | .716 | .690 | .666 | .623 | |
41 | Basic Premium Ratio | .403 | .359 | .329 | .306 | .288 | .272 | .259 | .248 | .238 | .229 | .213 | .201 | .190 | .173 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .954 | .919 | .889 | .862 | .837 | .815 | .794 | .775 | .757 | .740 | .710 | .683 | .659 | .616 | |
40 | Basic Premium Ratio | .398 | .353 | .322 | .299 | .281 | .265 | .252 | .241 | .231 | .222 | .207 | .194 | .184 | .167 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .953 | .917 | .886 | .858 | .833 | .810 | .789 | .770 | .752 | .735 | .704 | .677 | .651 | .609 | |
39 | Basic Premium Ratio | .392 | .347 | .316 | .292 | .274 | .258 | .245 | .234 | .224 | .215 | .200 | .188 | .177 | .161 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .951 | .914 | .883 | .855 | .829 | .806 | .785 | .765 | .747 | .730 | .699 | .671 | .646 | .603 | |
38 | Basic Premium Ratio | .386 | .340 | .309 | .286 | .267 | .252 | .238 | .227 | .217 | .209 | .194 | .182 | .171 | .155 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .950 | .913 | .880 | .852 | .826 | .802 | .781 | .761 | .743 | .725 | .694 | .666 | .641 | .598 | |
37 | Basic Premium Ratio | .380 | .333 | .302 | .279 | .260 | .245 | .232 | .221 | .211 | .202 | .188 | .176 | .166 | .150 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .949 | .911 | .878 | .849 | .823 | .800 | .778 | .757 | .739 | .722 | .690 | .661 | .636 | .593 | |
36 | Basic Premium Ratio | .373 | .326 | .295 | .272 | .253 | .238 | .225 | .214 | .204 | .196 | .181 | .170 | .160 | .145 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .948 | .909 | .876 | .847 | .821 | .797 | .775 | .755 | .736 | .718 | .687 | .658 | .634 | .590 | |
35 | Basic Premium Ratio | .366 | .318 | .287 | .264 | .246 | .230 | .218 | .207 | .197 | .189 | .175 | .164 | .154 | .140 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .947 | .908 | .874 | .845 | .818 | .795 | .773 | .752 | .734 | .716 | .685 | .656 | .632 | .588 | |
34 | Basic Premium Ratio | .358 | .310 | .279 | .256 | .238 | .223 | .211 | .200 | .191 | .183 | .169 | .158 | .149 | .135 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .946 | .906 | .873 | .844 | .817 | .793 | .771 | .751 | .732 | .714 | .683 | .655 | .630 | .587 | |
33 | Basic Premium Ratio | .349 | .302 | .271 | .249 | .231 | .216 | .204 | .194 | .184 | .177 | .163 | .153 | .144 | .130 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .945 | .906 | .872 | .842 | .816 | .792 | .770 | .750 | .732 | .714 | .683 | .655 | .630 | .588 | |
32 | Basic Premium Ratio | .341 | .294 | .263 | .241 | .224 | .209 | .197 | .187 | .178 | .171 | .158 | .148 | .139 | .126 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .945 | .905 | .872 | .842 | .816 | .792 | .770 | .750 | .732 | .714 | .683 | .655 | .631 | .589 | |
31 | Basic Premium Ratio | .333 | .285 | .255 | .233 | .216 | .202 | .190 | .180 | .172 | .164 | .152 | .142 | .134 | .122 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .944 | .904 | .870 | .841 | .814 | .790 | .769 | .749 | .730 | .714 | .683 | .656 | .633 | .591 | |
30 | Basic Premium Ratio | .324 | .277 | .247 | .225 | .208 | .195 | .183 | .174 | .166 | .159 | .147 | .137 | .130 | .118 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .943 | .902 | .869 | .840 | .814 | .790 | .769 | .748 | .730 | .713 | .683 | .658 | .634 | .595 | |
29 | Basic Premium Ratio | .315 | .268 | .239 | .218 | .201 | .188 | .177 | .168 | .160 | .153 | .142 | .133 | .126 | .115 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .942 | .902 | .868 | .839 | .813 | .790 | .769 | .749 | .731 | .715 | .685 | .659 | .637 | .599 | |
28 | Basic Premium Ratio | .306 | .260 | .231 | .210 | .194 | .181 | .170 | .161 | .153 | .147 | .136 | .127 | .120 | .109 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .942 | .901 | .867 | .838 | .811 | .788 | .766 | .747 | .729 | .711 | .681 | .655 | .632 | .593 | |
27 | Basic Premium Ratio | .298 | .252 | .223 | .202 | .186 | .173 | .163 | .153 | .146 | .139 | .128 | .119 | .112 | .101 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .940 | .898 | .864 | .833 | .806 | .781 | .758 | .738 | .718 | .700 | .668 | .640 | .614 | .571 | |
26 | Basic Premium Ratio | .290 | .244 | .216 | .195 | .179 | .166 | .155 | .146 | .138 | .132 | .121 | .112 | .105 | .094 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .939 | .896 | .860 | .829 | .801 | .775 | .752 | .731 | .711 | .691 | .657 | .627 | .599 | .553 | |
25 | Basic Premium Ratio | .281 | .236 | .208 | .188 | .172 | .159 | .148 | .139 | .132 | .125 | .114 | .105 | .098 | .088 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .938 | .895 | .858 | .826 | .797 | .771 | .747 | .725 | .704 | .685 | .650 | .619 | .592 | .542 | |
24 | Basic Premium Ratio | .270 | .226 | .199 | .179 | .164 | .152 | .142 | .133 | .126 | .120 | .110 | .102 | .095 | .086 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .938 | .894 | .858 | .827 | .798 | .773 | .749 | .729 | .708 | .689 | .655 | .625 | .600 | .551 | |
23 | Basic Premium Ratio | .259 | .216 | .190 | .171 | .156 | .145 | .136 | .128 | .121 | .115 | .106 | .098 | .093 | .084 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .938 | .895 | .860 | .829 | .802 | .777 | .753 | .733 | .714 | .697 | .663 | .636 | .608 | .564 | |
22 | Basic Premium Ratio | .248 | .207 | .181 | .163 | .150 | .139 | .130 | .123 | .116 | .111 | .102 | .095 | .090 | .082 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .938 | .896 | .862 | .832 | .805 | .781 | .760 | .739 | .722 | .704 | .674 | .648 | .622 | .580 | |
21 | Basic Premium Ratio | .236 | .197 | .173 | .156 | .143 | .133 | .125 | .118 | .112 | .107 | .099 | .093 | .088 | .080 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .940 | .899 | .865 | .836 | .811 | .787 | .766 | .747 | .730 | .714 | .685 | .659 | .636 | .599 | |
20 | Basic Premium Ratio | .226 | .188 | .165 | .149 | .136 | .126 | .119 | .112 | .107 | .102 | .094 | .089 | .084 | .077 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .939 | .898 | .865 | .835 | .810 | .788 | .766 | .748 | .730 | .715 | .689 | .662 | .642 | .607 | |
19 | Basic Premium Ratio | .218 | .180 | .156 | .140 | .128 | .119 | .111 | .105 | .100 | .096 | .089 | .084 | .080 | .074 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .937 | .894 | .860 | .830 | .804 | .781 | .761 | .742 | .724 | .708 | .680 | .655 | .633 | .597 | |
18 | Basic Premium Ratio | .208 | .171 | .148 | .133 | .121 | .112 | .105 | .099 | .095 | .091 | .084 | .080 | .076 | .071 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .935 | .892 | .857 | .826 | .800 | .777 | .756 | .737 | .718 | .703 | .677 | .651 | .631 | .594 | |
17 | Basic Premium Ratio | .199 | .162 | .140 | .125 | .115 | .106 | .099 | .094 | .090 | .086 | .081 | .076 | .073 | .069 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .934 | .891 | .856 | .826 | .798 | .775 | .755 | .736 | .717 | .703 | .673 | .653 | .631 | .592 | |
16 | Basic Premium Ratio | .189 | .154 | .133 | .119 | .109 | .101 | .095 | .090 | .086 | .082 | .077 | .073 | .071 | .067 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .934 | .890 | .855 | .825 | .798 | .775 | .754 | .736 | .719 | .706 | .679 | .658 | .633 | .598 | |
15 | Basic Premium Ratio | .181 | .146 | .126 | .113 | .103 | .096 | .090 | .086 | .082 | .079 | .075 | .071 | .069 | .065 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .933 | .889 | .855 | .826 | .801 | .778 | .759 | .739 | .724 | .710 | .682 | .663 | .641 | .613 | |
14 | Basic Premium Ratio | .176 | .139 | .119 | .108 | .100 | .093 | .088 | .084 | .081 | .078 | .074 | .070 | .068 | .065 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .924 | .878 | .850 | .821 | .796 | .775 | .755 | .737 | .720 | .706 | .679 | .663 | .642 | .608 | |
13 | Basic Premium Ratio | .170 | .131 | .113 | .103 | .096 | .090 | .085 | .082 | .079 | .076 | .072 | .070 | .067 | .064 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .915 | .868 | .844 | .818 | .793 | .772 | .754 | .735 | .719 | .706 | .682 | .656 | .643 | .612 | |
12 | Basic Premium Ratio | .164 | .123 | .107 | .099 | .092 | .087 | .083 | .080 | .077 | .075 | .071 | .069 | .067 | .064 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .904 | .860 | .839 | .812 | .791 | .770 | .751 | .732 | .718 | .702 | .680 | .655 | .637 | .606 | |
11 | Basic Premium Ratio | .156 | .113 | .102 | .094 | .089 | .084 | .081 | .078 | .075 | .073 | .070 | .068 | .066 | .063 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .892 | .859 | .834 | .811 | .786 | .768 | .747 | .730 | .718 | .704 | .678 | .655 | .638 | .612 | |
10 | Basic Premium Ratio | .148 | .104 | .097 | .090 | .086 | .082 | .078 | .076 | .074 | .072 | .069 | .067 | .065 | .063 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .876 | .858 | .829 | .807 | .782 | .762 | .748 | .728 | .712 | .699 | .676 | .654 | .640 | .605 | |
9 | Basic Premium Ratio | .139 | .098 | .092 | .087 | .082 | .079 | .076 | .074 | .072 | .070 | .068 | .066 | .065 | .062 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .856 | .853 | .825 | .800 | .782 | .761 | .744 | .727 | .712 | .702 | .674 | .654 | .631 | .612 | |
8 | Basic Premium Ratio | .106 | .093 | .087 | .083 | .079 | .076 | .074 | .072 | .070 | .069 | .067 | .065 | .064 | .062 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .855 | .846 | .823 | .798 | .779 | .761 | .741 | .725 | .713 | .697 | .671 | .654 | .633 | .604 | |
7 | Basic Premium Ratio | .097 | .088 | .083 | .079 | .076 | .074 | .072 | .070 | .069 | .068 | .066 | .064 | .063 | .061 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .855 | .840 | .818 | .797 | .777 | .756 | .738 | .725 | .707 | .691 | .668 | .655 | .636 | .613 | |
6 | Basic Premium Ratio | .089 | .083 | .079 | .076 | .074 | .072 | .070 | .068 | .067 | .066 | .065 | .063 | .062 | .061 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .855 | .836 | .814 | .792 | .768 | .749 | .735 | .725 | .709 | .696 | .664 | .656 | .640 | .602 | |
5 | Basic Premium Ratio | .082 | .078 | .075 | .073 | .071 | .069 | .068 | .067 | .066 | .065 | .063 | .062 | .062 | .061 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .855 | .833 | .811 | .787 | .767 | .752 | .732 | .714 | .700 | .689 | .677 | .658 | .624 | .586 | |
4 | Basic Premium Ratio | .077 | .074 | .071 | .070 | .068 | .067 | .066 | .065 | .064 | .063 | .062 | .062 | .061 | .061 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .855 | .830 | .811 | .782 | .767 | .752 | .729 | .714 | .700 | .689 | .677 | .658 | .624 | .586 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.18.010. 00-11-060, § 296-17-90495, filed 5/12/00, effective 7/1/00.]
Effective January 1, ((2000)) 2001
Maximum Premium Ratio: | 1.05 | 1.10 | 1.15 | 1.20 | 1.25 | 1.30 | 1.35 | 1.40 | 1.45 | 1.50 | 1.60 | 1.70 | 1.80 | 2.00 | |
Size Group |
63 | Basic Premium Ratio | .818 | .762 | .722 | .692 | .666 | .642 | .622 | .603 | .586 | .571 | .543 | .517 | .495 | .458 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .947 | .916 | .892 | .871 | .853 | .837 | .822 | .808 | .795 | .782 | .759 | .738 | .718 | .682 | |
62 | Basic Premium Ratio | .814 | .760 | .719 | .687 | .659 | .636 | .616 | .596 | .578 | .562 | .534 | .509 | .486 | .448 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .945 | .912 | .887 | .866 | .848 | .831 | .815 | .801 | .788 | .775 | .751 | .729 | .709 | .673 | |
61 | Basic Premium Ratio | .813 | .754 | .713 | .680 | .652 | .628 | .606 | .587 | .570 | .553 | .524 | .497 | .475 | .437 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .942 | .909 | .883 | .861 | .842 | .825 | .809 | .794 | .780 | .767 | .743 | .721 | .700 | .663 | |
60 | Basic Premium Ratio | .811 | .749 | .705 | .672 | .644 | .618 | .597 | .577 | .558 | .543 | .513 | .486 | .464 | .425 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .939 | .905 | .879 | .856 | .836 | .819 | .802 | .787 | .773 | .759 | .734 | .712 | .690 | .653 | |
59 | Basic Premium Ratio | .805 | .744 | .699 | .664 | .634 | .608 | .586 | .567 | .549 | .532 | .501 | .475 | .452 | .413 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .937 | .901 | .874 | .851 | .831 | .813 | .796 | .780 | .765 | .751 | .726 | .703 | .681 | .643 | |
58 | Basic Premium Ratio | .802 | .737 | .691 | .655 | .626 | .599 | .577 | .557 | .538 | .521 | .490 | .464 | .441 | .403 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .934 | .898 | .870 | .846 | .825 | .807 | .789 | .773 | .758 | .744 | .718 | .694 | .672 | .633 | |
57 | Basic Premium Ratio | .796 | .731 | .685 | .647 | .618 | .591 | .568 | .547 | .528 | .511 | .480 | .454 | .431 | .392 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .932 | .894 | .865 | .841 | .819 | .800 | .782 | .766 | .751 | .736 | .710 | .685 | .663 | .624 | |
56 | Basic Premium Ratio | .794 | .725 | .678 | .640 | .609 | .581 | .558 | .537 | .518 | .501 | .470 | .443 | .421 | .382 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .928 | .890 | .860 | .835 | .813 | .794 | .776 | .759 | .743 | .728 | .701 | .677 | .654 | .614 | |
55 | Basic Premium Ratio | .790 | .721 | .671 | .632 | .601 | .573 | .550 | .527 | .509 | .490 | .460 | .433 | .411 | .371 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .925 | .885 | .855 | .830 | .807 | .787 | .768 | .752 | .735 | .721 | .693 | .668 | .645 | .606 | |
54 | Basic Premium Ratio | .787 | .714 | .666 | .626 | .592 | .565 | .541 | .518 | .499 | .481 | .450 | .423 | .400 | .363 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .921 | .881 | .849 | .823 | .801 | .780 | .761 | .744 | .728 | .713 | .685 | .660 | .637 | .597 | |
53 | Basic Premium Ratio | .784 | .709 | .659 | .617 | .585 | .555 | .532 | .509 | .489 | .472 | .440 | .414 | .391 | .353 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .917 | .876 | .844 | .818 | .794 | .774 | .754 | .737 | .721 | .705 | .677 | .652 | .629 | .589 | |
52 | Basic Premium Ratio | .780 | .704 | .651 | .610 | .577 | .548 | .522 | .501 | .481 | .463 | .431 | .405 | .382 | .345 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .913 | .871 | .839 | .812 | .788 | .767 | .748 | .729 | .713 | .697 | .669 | .644 | .621 | .581 | |
51 | Basic Premium Ratio | .775 | .698 | .644 | .602 | .567 | .539 | .514 | .491 | .471 | .454 | .422 | .396 | .372 | .336 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .909 | .866 | .833 | .806 | .782 | .760 | .740 | .722 | .705 | .689 | .661 | .635 | .613 | .573 | |
50 | Basic Premium Ratio | .769 | .690 | .634 | .593 | .557 | .529 | .502 | .480 | .460 | .442 | .411 | .384 | .362 | .325 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .905 | .861 | .828 | .799 | .775 | .752 | .733 | .714 | .697 | .681 | .652 | .627 | .604 | .564 | |
49 | Basic Premium Ratio | .763 | .682 | .626 | .583 | .548 | .519 | .493 | .470 | .450 | .432 | .400 | .374 | .352 | .316 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .901 | .856 | .822 | .793 | .768 | .745 | .725 | .706 | .689 | .673 | .644 | .618 | .595 | .555 | |
48 | Basic Premium Ratio | .756 | .674 | .617 | .574 | .538 | .509 | .482 | .460 | .439 | .422 | .390 | .365 | .342 | .307 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .897 | .851 | .816 | .786 | .761 | .738 | .718 | .699 | .682 | .665 | .636 | .610 | .587 | .547 | |
47 | Basic Premium Ratio | .750 | .665 | .607 | .564 | .528 | .498 | .472 | .449 | .429 | .411 | .381 | .355 | .333 | .298 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .892 | .846 | .810 | .780 | .754 | .731 | .710 | .692 | .674 | .658 | .628 | .602 | .579 | .539 | |
46 | Basic Premium Ratio | .741 | .654 | .596 | .552 | .516 | .485 | .460 | .437 | .418 | .400 | .370 | .345 | .323 | .289 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .888 | .840 | .803 | .773 | .747 | .724 | .703 | .684 | .666 | .650 | .621 | .596 | .573 | .534 | |
45 | Basic Premium Ratio | .731 | .643 | .585 | .540 | .503 | .473 | .448 | .426 | .406 | .389 | .360 | .335 | .315 | .282 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .884 | .834 | .796 | .766 | .740 | .717 | .696 | .677 | .660 | .643 | .614 | .589 | .567 | .528 | |
44 | Basic Premium Ratio | .722 | .633 | .573 | .528 | .493 | .463 | .437 | .415 | .396 | .379 | .350 | .326 | .306 | .274 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .879 | .828 | .790 | .759 | .732 | .709 | .689 | .670 | .653 | .637 | .608 | .583 | .561 | .523 | |
43 | Basic Premium Ratio | .712 | .622 | .562 | .517 | .481 | .451 | .426 | .405 | .386 | .370 | .341 | .318 | .298 | .267 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .874 | .822 | .783 | .752 | .726 | .703 | .682 | .663 | .646 | .630 | .602 | .578 | .556 | .518 | |
42 | Basic Premium Ratio | .703 | .612 | .551 | .506 | .470 | .440 | .415 | .394 | .375 | .358 | .330 | .307 | .288 | .257 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .869 | .815 | .776 | .745 | .718 | .694 | .673 | .654 | .637 | .621 | .593 | .568 | .547 | .509 | |
41 | Basic Premium Ratio | .696 | .602 | .541 | .495 | .458 | .429 | .403 | .382 | .363 | .347 | .319 | .296 | .277 | .247 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .863 | .809 | .769 | .737 | .710 | .686 | .665 | .645 | .628 | .612 | .583 | .559 | .537 | .499 | |
40 | Basic Premium Ratio | .686 | .592 | .530 | .484 | .448 | .418 | .392 | .371 | .352 | .336 | .308 | .286 | .267 | .237 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .858 | .802 | .762 | .729 | .701 | .677 | .656 | .637 | .619 | .603 | .574 | .549 | .527 | .490 | |
39 | Basic Premium Ratio | .677 | .581 | .520 | .473 | .437 | .407 | .382 | .360 | .342 | .325 | .298 | .275 | .257 | .228 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .852 | .796 | .754 | .721 | .693 | .669 | .648 | .628 | .610 | .594 | .566 | .541 | .519 | .482 | |
38 | Basic Premium Ratio | .668 | .571 | .509 | .463 | .426 | .396 | .372 | .350 | .332 | .315 | .288 | .266 | .248 | .220 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .846 | .789 | .747 | .714 | .686 | .661 | .639 | .620 | .602 | .586 | .557 | .533 | .510 | .473 | |
37 | Basic Premium Ratio | .659 | .562 | .499 | .453 | .416 | .387 | .362 | .340 | .322 | .306 | .279 | .257 | .240 | .212 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .839 | .781 | .740 | .706 | .678 | .653 | .631 | .612 | .594 | .578 | .550 | .525 | .503 | .466 | |
36 | Basic Premium Ratio | .649 | .551 | .488 | .442 | .405 | .376 | .351 | .330 | .312 | .297 | .270 | .249 | .231 | .204 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .832 | .774 | .732 | .698 | .670 | .645 | .624 | .604 | .586 | .570 | .542 | .517 | .496 | .459 | |
35 | Basic Premium Ratio | .635 | .538 | .475 | .429 | .393 | .365 | .340 | .320 | .302 | .286 | .260 | .240 | .223 | .196 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .825 | .766 | .724 | .690 | .662 | .637 | .616 | .596 | .579 | .563 | .535 | .510 | .489 | .453 | |
34 | Basic Premium Ratio | .623 | .525 | .463 | .418 | .382 | .354 | .330 | .309 | .292 | .277 | .252 | .231 | .215 | .189 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .816 | .757 | .715 | .682 | .654 | .629 | .608 | .589 | .571 | .556 | .528 | .504 | .483 | .447 | |
33 | Basic Premium Ratio | .610 | .513 | .451 | .406 | .371 | .343 | .320 | .300 | .283 | .268 | .244 | .224 | .208 | .183 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .808 | .749 | .707 | .674 | .646 | .622 | .600 | .582 | .564 | .549 | .521 | .498 | .477 | .442 | |
32 | Basic Premium Ratio | .597 | .501 | .440 | .395 | .361 | .334 | .311 | .291 | .274 | .260 | .236 | .217 | .201 | .177 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .799 | .740 | .699 | .666 | .638 | .614 | .593 | .575 | .558 | .543 | .515 | .492 | .472 | .438 | |
31 | Basic Premium Ratio | .582 | .486 | .425 | .382 | .348 | .321 | .299 | .280 | .264 | .250 | .226 | .208 | .193 | .171 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .791 | .732 | .690 | .658 | .630 | .606 | .586 | .567 | .551 | .536 | .510 | .487 | .467 | .434 | |
30 | Basic Premium Ratio | .567 | .471 | .412 | .369 | .336 | .309 | .288 | .269 | .254 | .240 | .218 | .201 | .187 | .165 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .782 | .723 | .681 | .649 | .622 | .599 | .579 | .561 | .545 | .530 | .504 | .482 | .463 | .430 | |
29 | Basic Premium Ratio | .551 | .457 | .398 | .356 | .324 | .299 | .277 | .260 | .245 | .232 | .210 | .194 | .180 | .160 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .773 | .714 | .673 | .642 | .615 | .592 | .572 | .555 | .539 | .524 | .499 | .477 | .459 | .427 | |
28 | Basic Premium Ratio | .537 | .444 | .386 | .344 | .313 | .287 | .266 | .249 | .234 | .221 | .200 | .184 | .171 | .151 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .764 | .705 | .665 | .633 | .606 | .584 | .564 | .546 | .530 | .516 | .491 | .470 | .451 | .421 | |
27 | Basic Premium Ratio | .524 | .431 | .373 | .332 | .300 | .275 | .254 | .236 | .221 | .208 | .187 | .170 | .157 | .136 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .755 | .697 | .655 | .623 | .596 | .573 | .552 | .534 | .518 | .502 | .476 | .453 | .433 | .400 | |
26 | Basic Premium Ratio | .510 | .418 | .361 | .320 | .288 | .263 | .242 | .224 | .209 | .196 | .175 | .158 | .145 | .124 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .747 | .688 | .646 | .613 | .586 | .562 | .541 | .523 | .505 | .490 | .463 | .439 | .418 | .383 | |
25 | Basic Premium Ratio | .497 | .405 | .348 | .307 | .276 | .251 | .230 | .213 | .198 | .185 | .164 | .147 | .134 | .114 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .738 | .679 | .638 | .605 | .577 | .553 | .531 | .512 | .495 | .479 | .451 | .427 | .405 | .369 | |
24 | Basic Premium Ratio | .476 | .386 | .331 | .292 | .262 | .238 | .218 | .202 | .188 | .176 | .157 | .141 | .129 | .111 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .727 | .669 | .628 | .596 | .569 | .546 | .525 | .506 | .490 | .474 | .447 | .423 | .402 | .367 | |
23 | Basic Premium Ratio | .454 | .368 | .315 | .277 | .249 | .226 | .208 | .192 | .179 | .168 | .150 | .136 | .124 | .107 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .716 | .659 | .619 | .588 | .561 | .539 | .519 | .501 | .485 | .469 | .443 | .420 | .400 | .365 | |
22 | Basic Premium Ratio | .434 | .351 | .300 | .264 | .237 | .216 | .198 | .184 | .172 | .161 | .144 | .131 | .120 | .104 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .704 | .649 | .611 | .580 | .555 | .533 | .513 | .496 | .480 | .465 | .439 | .417 | .397 | .363 | |
21 | Basic Premium Ratio | .414 | .335 | .286 | .252 | .226 | .206 | .190 | .176 | .165 | .155 | .139 | .126 | .117 | .102 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .693 | .640 | .603 | .573 | .548 | .527 | .508 | .491 | .476 | .461 | .436 | .414 | .395 | .361 | |
20 | Basic Premium Ratio | .394 | .318 | .271 | .238 | .214 | .194 | .178 | .166 | .155 | .145 | .130 | .119 | .110 | .096 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .683 | .631 | .595 | .566 | .541 | .520 | .502 | .485 | .470 | .456 | .431 | .410 | .391 | .358 | |
19 | Basic Premium Ratio | .377 | .301 | .254 | .222 | .198 | .179 | .164 | .152 | .142 | .133 | .120 | .109 | .101 | .089 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .674 | .621 | .585 | .557 | .533 | .513 | .494 | .478 | .464 | .450 | .426 | .405 | .387 | .355 | |
18 | Basic Premium Ratio | .358 | .283 | .238 | .207 | .184 | .166 | .152 | .140 | .131 | .123 | .110 | .101 | .094 | .083 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .664 | .612 | .575 | .547 | .524 | .505 | .488 | .472 | .458 | .445 | .421 | .401 | .383 | .352 | |
17 | Basic Premium Ratio | .339 | .266 | .222 | .192 | .171 | .154 | .140 | .130 | .121 | .114 | .103 | .094 | .088 | .079 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .654 | .602 | .567 | .539 | .517 | .497 | .480 | .466 | .453 | .440 | .418 | .398 | .380 | .350 | |
16 | Basic Premium Ratio | .320 | .249 | .208 | .179 | .159 | .143 | .131 | .121 | .113 | .106 | .096 | .088 | .083 | .075 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .644 | .593 | .559 | .532 | .510 | .491 | .475 | .461 | .448 | .436 | .414 | .395 | .378 | .348 | |
15 | Basic Premium Ratio | .303 | .234 | .194 | .168 | .148 | .134 | .122 | .113 | .106 | .100 | .091 | .084 | .079 | .072 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .635 | .586 | .552 | .526 | .504 | .486 | .470 | .457 | .445 | .433 | .412 | .393 | .376 | .346 | |
14 | Basic Premium Ratio | .293 | .220 | .180 | .157 | .141 | .128 | .117 | .109 | .103 | .097 | .089 | .082 | .078 | .071 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .630 | .579 | .545 | .521 | .501 | .483 | .468 | .455 | .443 | .432 | .411 | .392 | .375 | .346 | |
13 | Basic Premium Ratio | .281 | .204 | .167 | .148 | .133 | .122 | .112 | .105 | .099 | .094 | .086 | .081 | .076 | .070 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .624 | .571 | .538 | .516 | .497 | .480 | .465 | .453 | .441 | .430 | .409 | .391 | .374 | .345 | |
12 | Basic Premium Ratio | .269 | .187 | .156 | .139 | .126 | .116 | .108 | .101 | .096 | .091 | .084 | .079 | .075 | .069 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .618 | .562 | .533 | .512 | .493 | .477 | .463 | .451 | .440 | .429 | .408 | .390 | .374 | .345 | |
11 | Basic Premium Ratio | .254 | .167 | .145 | .130 | .119 | .110 | .103 | .097 | .092 | .088 | .082 | .077 | .073 | .068 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .611 | .552 | .527 | .507 | .490 | .474 | .461 | .449 | .438 | .427 | .407 | .389 | .373 | .344 | |
10 | Basic Premium Ratio | .238 | .150 | .135 | .122 | .113 | .105 | .098 | .093 | .089 | .085 | .079 | .075 | .072 | .067 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .603 | .544 | .522 | .503 | .487 | .472 | .458 | .447 | .436 | .426 | .406 | .388 | .372 | .344 | |
9 | Basic Premium Ratio | .219 | .138 | .125 | .115 | .106 | .100 | .094 | .089 | .085 | .082 | .077 | .073 | .071 | .066 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .593 | .538 | .517 | .500 | .483 | .469 | .456 | .445 | .434 | .424 | .405 | .387 | .372 | .343 | |
8 | Basic Premium Ratio | .197 | .127 | .116 | .107 | .100 | .094 | .090 | .086 | .082 | .079 | .075 | .072 | .069 | .065 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .582 | .532 | .513 | .496 | .480 | .466 | .454 | .443 | .433 | .423 | .404 | .387 | .371 | .343 | |
7 | Basic Premium Ratio | .170 | .117 | .108 | .100 | .094 | .089 | .085 | .082 | .079 | .077 | .073 | .070 | .068 | .064 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .569 | .527 | .509 | .492 | .477 | .464 | .452 | .441 | .431 | .422 | .403 | .386 | .370 | .342 | |
6 | Basic Premium Ratio | .137 | .107 | .100 | .094 | .089 | .085 | .081 | .078 | .076 | .074 | .071 | .068 | .066 | .064 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .552 | .522 | .505 | .489 | .475 | .462 | .450 | .439 | .430 | .420 | .402 | .385 | .369 | .342 | |
5 | Basic Premium Ratio | .105 | .098 | .092 | .087 | .083 | .080 | .077 | .075 | .073 | .071 | .068 | .066 | .065 | .063 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .536 | .518 | .501 | .486 | .472 | .459 | .448 | .438 | .428 | .419 | .400 | .384 | .369 | .342 | |
4 | Basic Premium Ratio | .104 | .089 | .085 | .081 | .078 | .075 | .073 | .072 | .070 | .068 | .066 | .065 | .064 | .062 |
Minimum Premium Ratio | .532 | .513 | .497 | .483 | .469 | .457 | .446 | .436 | .427 | .417 | .399 | .383 | .368 | .342 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.18.010. 00-11-060, § 296-17-90496, filed 5/12/00, effective 7/1/00.]
Effective January 1, ((2000)) 2001
Maximum Premium Ratio: | 1.05 | 1.10 | 1.15 | 1.20 | 1.25 | 1.30 | 1.35 | 1.40 | 1.45 | 1.50 | 1.60 | 1.70 | 1.80 | 2.00 | |
Size Group |
63 | Basic Premium Ratio | .993 | .986 | .979 | .972 | .965 | .958 | .951 | .944 | .938 | .931 | .917 | .903 | .889 | .861 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .007 | .014 | .021 | .028 | .035 | .042 | .049 | .056 | .062 | .069 | .083 | .097 | .111 | .139 | |
62 | Basic Premium Ratio | .992 | .985 | .977 | .970 | .962 | .954 | .947 | .939 | .931 | .924 | .909 | .893 | .878 | .848 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .008 | .015 | .023 | .030 | .038 | .046 | .053 | .061 | .069 | .076 | .091 | .107 | .122 | .152 | |
61 | Basic Premium Ratio | .992 | .983 | .975 | .967 | .959 | .950 | .942 | .934 | .926 | .917 | .901 | .884 | .868 | .835 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .008 | .017 | .025 | .033 | .041 | .050 | .058 | .066 | .074 | .083 | .099 | .116 | .132 | .165 | |
60 | Basic Premium Ratio | .991 | .982 | .973 | .964 | .955 | .946 | .937 | .928 | .919 | .910 | .892 | .874 | .856 | .819 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .009 | .018 | .027 | .036 | .045 | .054 | .063 | .072 | .081 | .090 | .108 | .126 | .144 | .181 | |
59 | Basic Premium Ratio | .990 | .980 | .971 | .961 | .951 | .941 | .931 | .921 | .912 | .902 | .882 | .862 | .843 | .803 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .010 | .020 | .029 | .039 | .049 | .059 | .069 | .079 | .088 | .098 | .118 | .138 | .157 | .197 | |
58 | Basic Premium Ratio | .989 | .979 | .968 | .957 | .947 | .936 | .926 | .915 | .904 | .894 | .872 | .851 | .830 | .787 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .011 | .021 | .032 | .043 | .053 | .064 | .074 | .085 | .096 | .106 | .128 | .149 | .170 | .213 | |
57 | Basic Premium Ratio | .989 | .977 | .966 | .954 | .943 | .931 | .920 | .908 | .897 | .886 | .863 | .840 | .817 | .771 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .011 | .023 | .034 | .046 | .057 | .069 | .080 | .092 | .103 | .114 | .137 | .160 | .183 | .229 | |
56 | Basic Premium Ratio | .988 | .976 | .963 | .951 | .939 | .927 | .914 | .902 | .890 | .878 | .853 | .829 | .805 | .756 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .012 | .024 | .037 | .049 | .061 | .073 | .086 | .098 | .110 | .122 | .147 | .171 | .195 | .244 | |
55 | Basic Premium Ratio | .987 | .974 | .961 | .948 | .935 | .922 | .909 | .896 | .883 | .870 | .844 | .818 | .792 | .741 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .013 | .026 | .039 | .052 | .065 | .078 | .091 | .104 | .117 | .130 | .156 | .182 | .208 | .259 | |
54 | Basic Premium Ratio | .986 | .972 | .959 | .945 | .931 | .917 | .904 | .890 | .876 | .862 | .835 | .807 | .780 | .724 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .014 | .028 | .041 | .055 | .069 | .083 | .096 | .110 | .124 | .138 | .165 | .193 | .220 | .276 | |
53 | Basic Premium Ratio | .985 | .971 | .956 | .941 | .927 | .912 | .898 | .883 | .868 | .854 | .824 | .795 | .766 | .707 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .015 | .029 | .044 | .059 | .073 | .088 | .102 | .117 | .132 | .146 | .176 | .205 | .234 | .293 | |
52 | Basic Premium Ratio | .984 | .969 | .953 | .938 | .922 | .907 | .891 | .876 | .860 | .845 | .814 | .783 | .752 | .690 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .016 | .031 | .047 | .062 | .078 | .093 | .109 | .124 | .140 | .155 | .186 | .217 | .248 | .310 | |
51 | Basic Premium Ratio | .983 | .967 | .950 | .934 | .917 | .901 | .884 | .868 | .851 | .835 | .802 | .769 | .735 | .669 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .017 | .033 | .050 | .066 | .083 | .099 | .116 | .132 | .149 | .165 | .198 | .231 | .265 | .331 | |
50 | Basic Premium Ratio | .982 | .965 | .947 | .929 | .911 | .894 | .876 | .858 | .841 | .823 | .787 | .752 | .717 | .646 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .018 | .035 | .053 | .071 | .089 | .106 | .124 | .142 | .159 | .177 | .213 | .248 | .283 | .354 | |
49 | Basic Premium Ratio | .981 | .962 | .943 | .924 | .905 | .886 | .867 | .848 | .829 | .810 | .772 | .734 | .696 | .621 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .019 | .038 | .057 | .076 | .095 | .114 | .133 | .152 | .171 | .190 | .228 | .266 | .304 | .379 | |
48 | Basic Premium Ratio | .980 | .959 | .939 | .919 | .898 | .878 | .858 | .837 | .817 | .797 | .756 | .716 | .675 | .594 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .020 | .041 | .061 | .081 | .102 | .122 | .142 | .163 | .183 | .203 | .244 | .284 | .325 | .406 | |
47 | Basic Premium Ratio | .978 | .957 | .935 | .913 | .891 | .870 | .848 | .826 | .805 | .783 | .740 | .696 | .653 | .566 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .022 | .043 | .065 | .087 | .109 | .130 | .152 | .174 | .195 | .217 | .260 | .304 | .347 | .434 | |
46 | Basic Premium Ratio | .977 | .954 | .931 | .908 | .885 | .862 | .839 | .816 | .793 | .770 | .724 | .677 | .631 | .539 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .023 | .046 | .069 | .092 | .115 | .138 | .161 | .184 | .207 | .230 | .276 | .323 | .369 | .461 | |
45 | Basic Premium Ratio | .976 | .951 | .927 | .902 | .878 | .854 | .829 | .805 | .780 | .756 | .707 | .658 | .609 | .512 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .024 | .049 | .073 | .098 | .122 | .146 | .171 | .195 | .220 | .244 | .293 | .342 | .391 | .488 | |
44 | Basic Premium Ratio | .974 | .948 | .922 | .897 | .871 | .845 | .819 | .793 | .767 | .742 | .690 | .638 | .587 | .483 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .026 | .052 | .078 | .103 | .129 | .155 | .181 | .207 | .233 | .258 | .310 | .362 | .413 | .517 | |
43 | Basic Premium Ratio | .973 | .945 | .918 | .891 | .863 | .836 | .809 | .781 | .754 | .727 | .672 | .617 | .562 | .453 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .027 | .055 | .082 | .109 | .137 | .164 | .191 | .219 | .246 | .273 | .328 | .383 | .438 | .547 | |
42 | Basic Premium Ratio | .970 | .941 | .911 | .881 | .852 | .822 | .792 | .763 | .733 | .703 | .644 | .585 | .525 | .406 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .030 | .059 | .089 | .119 | .148 | .178 | .208 | .237 | .267 | .297 | .356 | .415 | .475 | .594 | |
41 | Basic Premium Ratio | .968 | .935 | .903 | .870 | .838 | .806 | .773 | .741 | .708 | .676 | .611 | .546 | .481 | .352 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .032 | .065 | .097 | .130 | .162 | .194 | .227 | .259 | .292 | .324 | .389 | .454 | .519 | .648 | |
40 | Basic Premium Ratio | .965 | .929 | .894 | .859 | .823 | .788 | .753 | .718 | .682 | .647 | .576 | .506 | .435 | .294 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .035 | .071 | .106 | .141 | .177 | .212 | .247 | .282 | .318 | .353 | .424 | .494 | .565 | .706 | |
39 | Basic Premium Ratio | .962 | .923 | .885 | .847 | .808 | .770 | .732 | .693 | .655 | .616 | .540 | .463 | .386 | .233 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .038 | .077 | .115 | .153 | .192 | .230 | .268 | .307 | .345 | .384 | .460 | .537 | .614 | .767 | |
38 | Basic Premium Ratio | .958 | .917 | .875 | .834 | .792 | .751 | .709 | .668 | .626 | .585 | .502 | .419 | .336 | .170 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .042 | .083 | .125 | .166 | .208 | .249 | .291 | .332 | .374 | .415 | .498 | .581 | .664 | .830 | |
37 | Basic Premium Ratio | .955 | .910 | .865 | .820 | .776 | .731 | .686 | .641 | .596 | .551 | .461 | .371 | .282 | .102 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .045 | .090 | .135 | .180 | .224 | .269 | .314 | .359 | .404 | .449 | .539 | .629 | .718 | .898 | |
36 | Basic Premium Ratio | .951 | .903 | .854 | .806 | .757 | .709 | .660 | .612 | .563 | .514 | .417 | .320 | .223 | .029 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .049 | .097 | .146 | .194 | .243 | .291 | .340 | .388 | .437 | .486 | .583 | .680 | .777 | .971 | |
35 | Basic Premium Ratio | .947 | .895 | .842 | .789 | .736 | .684 | .631 | .578 | .525 | .473 | .367 | .262 | .156 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .053 | .105 | .158 | .211 | .264 | .316 | .369 | .422 | .475 | .527 | .633 | .738 | .844 | .987 | |
34 | Basic Premium Ratio | .943 | .886 | .829 | .771 | .714 | .657 | .600 | .543 | .486 | .428 | .314 | .200 | .085 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .057 | .114 | .171 | .229 | .286 | .343 | .400 | .457 | .514 | .572 | .686 | .800 | .915 | .969 | |
33 | Basic Premium Ratio | .938 | .876 | .814 | .752 | .690 | .628 | .567 | .505 | .443 | .381 | .257 | .133 | .009 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .062 | .124 | .186 | .248 | .310 | .372 | .433 | .495 | .557 | .619 | .743 | .867 | .991 | .953 | |
32 | Basic Premium Ratio | .933 | .866 | .799 | .732 | .665 | .598 | .531 | .463 | .396 | .329 | .195 | .061 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .067 | .134 | .201 | .268 | .335 | .402 | .469 | .537 | .604 | .671 | .805 | .939 | .984 | .939 | |
31 | Basic Premium Ratio | .927 | .854 | .781 | .707 | .634 | .561 | .488 | .415 | .342 | .268 | .122 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .073 | .146 | .219 | .293 | .366 | .439 | .512 | .585 | .658 | .732 | .878 | .994 | .965 | .925 | |
30 | Basic Premium Ratio | .920 | .840 | .760 | .680 | .600 | .520 | .440 | .360 | .280 | .200 | .040 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .080 | .160 | .240 | .320 | .400 | .480 | .560 | .640 | .720 | .800 | .960 | .975 | .949 | .913 | |
29 | Basic Premium Ratio | .913 | .826 | .739 | .651 | .564 | .477 | .390 | .303 | .216 | .128 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .087 | .174 | .261 | .349 | .436 | .523 | .610 | .697 | .784 | .872 | .990 | .958 | .935 | .902 | |
28 | Basic Premium Ratio | .904 | .807 | .711 | .615 | .519 | .422 | .326 | .230 | .134 | .037 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .096 | .193 | .289 | .385 | .481 | .578 | .674 | .770 | .866 | .963 | .969 | .940 | .918 | .887 | |
27 | Basic Premium Ratio | .892 | .785 | .677 | .570 | .462 | .355 | .247 | .140 | .032 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .108 | .215 | .323 | .430 | .538 | .645 | .753 | .860 | .968 | .983 | .946 | .918 | .897 | .868 | |
26 | Basic Premium Ratio | .881 | .761 | .642 | .522 | .403 | .283 | .164 | .044 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .119 | .239 | .358 | .478 | .597 | .717 | .836 | .956 | .983 | .960 | .925 | .899 | .879 | .851 | |
25 | Basic Premium Ratio | .868 | .736 | .604 | .472 | .340 | .208 | .075 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .132 | .264 | .396 | .528 | .660 | .792 | .925 | .987 | .961 | .940 | .907 | .883 | .864 | .838 | |
24 | Basic Premium Ratio | .852 | .705 | .557 | .409 | .261 | .114 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .148 | .295 | .443 | .591 | .739 | .886 | .992 | .964 | .941 | .922 | .893 | .872 | .855 | .832 | |
23 | Basic Premium Ratio | .835 | .669 | .504 | .338 | .173 | .008 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .165 | .331 | .496 | .662 | .827 | .992 | .969 | .944 | .924 | .907 | .881 | .862 | .848 | .827 | |
22 | Basic Premium Ratio | .814 | .628 | .442 | .256 | .070 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .186 | .372 | .558 | .744 | .930 | .978 | .949 | .927 | .909 | .894 | .871 | .854 | .841 | .823 | |
21 | Basic Premium Ratio | .790 | .579 | .369 | .159 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .210 | .421 | .631 | .841 | .990 | .957 | .932 | .912 | .896 | .882 | .862 | .847 | .835 | .818 | |
20 | Basic Premium Ratio | .758 | .516 | .274 | .032 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .242 | .484 | .726 | .968 | .966 | .936 | .913 | .895 | .881 | .869 | .851 | .837 | .827 | .812 | |
19 | Basic Premium Ratio | .720 | .439 | .159 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .280 | .561 | .841 | .979 | .942 | .915 | .894 | .878 | .865 | .854 | .838 | .826 | .817 | .805 | |
18 | Basic Premium Ratio | .672 | .344 | .016 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .328 | .656 | .984 | .954 | .920 | .896 | .877 | .863 | .851 | .842 | .827 | .817 | .810 | .799 | |
17 | Basic Premium Ratio | .617 | .234 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .383 | .766 | .977 | .932 | .902 | .879 | .863 | .850 | .839 | .831 | .819 | .810 | .803 | .794 | |
16 | Basic Premium Ratio | .550 | .100 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .450 | .900 | .953 | .913 | .885 | .865 | .851 | .839 | .830 | .823 | .812 | .804 | .798 | .790 | |
15 | Basic Premium Ratio | .477 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .523 | .992 | .932 | .896 | .872 | .854 | .841 | .831 | .822 | .816 | .806 | .799 | .794 | .788 | |
14 | Basic Premium Ratio | .414 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .586 | .973 | .912 | .881 | .861 | .846 | .834 | .825 | .818 | .812 | .804 | .797 | .793 | .787 | |
13 | Basic Premium Ratio | .344 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .656 | .953 | .889 | .867 | .851 | .838 | .828 | .821 | .814 | .809 | .801 | .796 | .791 | .786 | |
12 | Basic Premium Ratio | .256 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .744 | .931 | .874 | .856 | .842 | .831 | .823 | .816 | .810 | .806 | .799 | .794 | .790 | .785 | |
11 | Basic Premium Ratio | .159 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .841 | .906 | .860 | .846 | .834 | .825 | .818 | .812 | .807 | .803 | .796 | .792 | .788 | .784 | |
10 | Basic Premium Ratio | .042 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .958 | .879 | .848 | .836 | .827 | .819 | .813 | .807 | .803 | .800 | .794 | .790 | .787 | .783 | |
9 | Basic Premium Ratio | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .982 | .850 | .838 | .828 | .820 | .813 | .808 | .803 | .800 | .797 | .792 | .788 | .786 | .782 | |
8 | Basic Premium Ratio | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .952 | .838 | .828 | .820 | .813 | .808 | .803 | .800 | .796 | .794 | .790 | .787 | .784 | .781 | |
7 | Basic Premium Ratio | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .917 | .828 | .820 | .813 | .807 | .803 | .799 | .796 | .793 | .791 | .788 | .785 | .783 | .780 | |
6 | Basic Premium Ratio | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .876 | .818 | .812 | .806 | .802 | .798 | .795 | .792 | .790 | .788 | .785 | .783 | .782 | .779 | |
5 | Basic Premium Ratio | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .826 | .809 | .804 | .800 | .797 | .794 | .791 | .789 | .787 | .786 | .783 | .782 | .780 | .778 | |
4 | Basic Premium Ratio | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 | .000 |
Loss Conversion Factor | .815 | .800 | .797 | .794 | .792 | .790 | .788 | .786 | .785 | .784 | .782 | .781 | .779 | .777 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.18.010. 00-11-060, § 296-17-90497, filed 5/12/00, effective 7/1/00.]
The amount of ((28.7)) 32.7 mills ((($.0287)) $.0327) shall be
retained by each employer from the earnings of each worker for
each hour or fraction thereof the worker is employed. The
amount of money so retained from the employee shall be matched in
an equal amount by each employer, except as otherwise provided in
these rules, all such moneys shall be remitted to the department
on or before the last day of January, April, July and October of
each year for the preceding calendar quarter, provided
self-insured employers shall remit to the department as provided
under WAC 296-15-060. All such moneys shall be deposited in the
supplemental pension fund.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-920, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-920, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-920, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-920, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 96-06-025, § 296-17-920, filed 2/28/96, effective 4/1/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-920, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-920, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95; 93-24-114, § 296-17-920, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 92-24-063, § 296-17-920, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-920, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-920, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020 and 51.32.073. 87-04-006 (Order 86-49), § 296-17-920, filed 1/23/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 86-12-041 (Order 86-18), § 296-17-920, filed 5/30/86, effective 7/1/86; 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-920, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-920, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-920, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-920, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-920, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 78-12-043 (Order 78-23), § 296-17-920, filed 11/27/78, effective 1/1/79; Order 77-27, § 296-17-920, filed 11/30/77, effective 1/1/78; Order 77-10, § 296-17-920, filed 5/31/77; Order 76-36, § 296-17-920, filed 11/30/76; Order 75-38, § 296-17-920, filed 11/24/75, effective 1/1/76; Order 75-28, § 296-17-920, filed 8/29/75, effective 10/1/75; Order 74-40, § 296-17-920, filed 11/27/74, effective 1/1/75; Order 74-6, § 296-17-920, filed 1/23/74.]