January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001
Filing of CR-101 for 2001-2002 hunting seasons.
Filing of CR-102 for duties of shellfish buyers and shellfish districts rules, elimination of Puget Sound bottom fish pot gear, aquaculture rules, disabled fishery permit rules.
February 9-10, 2001
(1) Adoption of 2001 non-North of Falcon sport fishing rules: CR-102 filed 11/1/00, WSR 00-23-103.
(2) Adoption of duties of shellfish buyers and shellfish districts: CR-101 filed 10/2/00, WSR 00-20-061.
(3) Adoption of elimination of Puget Sound bottom fish pot gear: CR-101 filed 10/17/00, WSR 00-21-079.
(4) Adoption of aquaculture rules: CR-101 filed 10/20/00, WSR 00-22-020.
(5) Adoption of disabled fisher permit rules: CR-101 filed 9/22/00, WSR 00-20-010.
(6) Adoption of coastal pilchard rules: CR-102 filed 6/30/00, WSR 00-14-038.
(7) Adoption of Columbia River smelt season rules: CR-102 filed 6/30/00, WSR 00-14-036.
March 21, 2001
Filing of CR-101 for North of Falcon rules.
April 6-7, 2001
(1) Adoption of 2001-2002 big and small game seasons.
(2) Adoption of 2001-2002 permit hunt seasons.
(3) Adoption of cougar removal rules: CR-101 filed 12/7/00, WSR 01-01-021.
(4) Adoption of 2001 Puget Sound salmon license buy-back rules: CR-101 filed 12/7/00, WSR 01-01-022.
May 2, 2001
Filing of CR-101 for migratory waterfowl seasons, trapping seasons, ballast water treatment standards and ballast water exchange verification protocol.
Filing of CR-102 for North of Falcon rules.
June 5, 2001
Adoption of North of Falcon rules.
June 20, 2001
Filing of CR-102 for migratory waterfowl seasons, trapping seasons, ballast water treatment standards and ballast water exchange verification protocol.
Evan Jacoby
Rules Coordinator