WSR 01-02-005




[ Filed December 21, 2000, 11:39 a.m. ]




December 21, 2000

     This agenda is prepared pursuant to RCW 34.05.314. The commission is currently reviewing proposed changes to chapters 391-25 and 391-35 WAC. This effort is being undertaken as part of fourth-year phase of the rules review process mandated by EO 97-02. The following sections of chapter 391-25 WAC are being reviewed for possible change:

(1) WAC 391-25-001 Scope -- Contents -- Other rules.
(2) WAC 391-25-002 Sequence and numbering of rules -- Special provisions.
(3) WAC 391-25-010 Petition for investigation of a question concerning representation of employees -- Who may file.
(4) WAC 391-25-030 Petition -- Time for filing.
(5) WAC 391-25-050 Petition form -- Number of copies -- Filing -- Service.
(6) WAC 391-25-070 Contents of petition.
(7) WAC 391-25-090 Contents of petition filed by employer.
(8) WAC 391-25-110 Supporting evidence.
(9) WAC 391-25-130 List of employees.
(10) WAC 391-25-140 Notice to employees.
(11) WAC 391-25-190 Intervention -- By organization other than incumbent.
(12) WAC 391-25-210 Showing of interest confidential.
(13) WAC 391-25-220 Investigation conferences.
(14) WAC 391-25-230 Election agreements.
(15) WAC 391-25-250 Cross-check agreements.
(16) WAC 391-25-270 Supplemental agreements.
(17) WAC 391-25-290 Notice of hearing.
(18) WAC 391-25-299 Special provision -- Private sector employees.
(19) WAC 391-25-350 Hearings -- Nature and scope.
(20) WAC 391-25-370 Blocking charges -- Suspension of proceedings -- Request to proceed.
(21) WAC 391-25-390 Proceedings before the executive director.
(22) WAC 391-25-410 Cross-check of records.
(23) NEW Unit determination elections.
(24) WAC 391-25-430 Notice of election.
(25) WAC 391-25-450 Disclaimers.
(26) WAC 391-25-470 Mail ballot election procedures -- Electioneering -- Objectionable conduct.
(27) WAC 391-25-490 On-site election procedures -- Electioneering -- Objectionable conduct.
(28) WAC 391-25-510 Challenged ballots.
(29) WAC 391-25-610 Procedure where no objections are filed.
(30) WAC 391-25-650 Briefs and written arguments on objections.

     The following sections of chapter 391-35 WAC are being reviewed or possible change:

(1) WAC 391-35-001 Scope -- Contents -- Other rules.
(2) WAC 391-35-002 Sequence and numbering of rules -- Special provisions.
(3) WAC 391-35-010 Petition for clarification of an existing bargaining unit -- Who may file.
(4) WAC 391-35-020 Petition -- Time for filing.
(5) WAC 391-35-030 Petition form -- Number of copies -- Filing -- Service.
(6) WAC 391-35-050 Contents of petition.
(7) WAC 391-35-080 Prehearing conferences.
(8) WAC 391-35-090 Notice of hearing.
(9) WAC 391-35-099 Special provision -- Private sector employees.
(10) WAC 391-35-170 Hearings -- Nature and scope.
(11) WAC 391-35-190 Proceedings before the executive director.
(12) NEW Exclusion of confidential employees.
(13) NEW One-person bargaining unit inappropriate.
(14) NEW Unit placement of supervisors -- Bargaining rights of supervisors.
(15) NEW Unit placement of regular part-time employees -- Exclusion of casual and temporary employees.

     The following section of chapter 391-08 WAC was amended by the commission on November 14, 2000. The amendment, which will be effective on January 1, 2001, italicizes agency case citations in accord with format used by the Washington Supreme Court:

WAC 391-08-670 Decision numbering -- Citation of cases -- Indexing of decisions.

     Please contact Mark S. Downing, Rules Coordinator, at (360) 753-2955 if you have any questions concerning this matter.

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