WSR 01-13-100



(Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation)

[ Memorandum -- June 20, 2001 ]

     The Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) will meet Wednesday, July 18 and Thursday, July 19, 2001, beginning with the regular IAC business meeting on Wednesday, July 18, 8:30 a.m. in O'Reilly's Banquet and Conference Center in East Wenatchee. There will be a tour on Thursday the 19th in conjunction with the Salmon Recovery Funding Board, and will highlight both boards' work in the area.

     The draft agenda for this meeting includes updates on legislative issues, the NOVA plan review, and statewide boating infrastructure grant cycles. Action items include the public lands inventory project, WWRP 1st year list approval, and LWCF FFY 2000 and 2001 project decisions.

     If you plan to participate or have materials for committee review, please submit information to IAC no later than July 3, 2001. This will allow for distribution to committee members in a timely fashion.

     IAC public meetings are held in locations accessible to people with disabilities. Arrangements for individuals with hearing or visual impairments can be provided by contacting IAC by July 3, at (360) 902-2637 or TDD (360) 902-1996.

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