WSR 01-24-098



[ Memorandum -- December 3, 2001 ]

Executive Ethics Board 2002 Meeting Schedule

     The following is the Executive Ethics Board meeting schedule for the year 2002. The Executive Ethics Board will hold regular monthly meetings on the second Friday of each month beginning at 10:30 a.m., with the exceptions of August and December, when no meetings are scheduled, or indicated otherwise.

January 11 Tukwila 12806 Gateway Drive

(L&I field service location)

February 8 Lacey 4224 6th Avenue S.E.

Building 1

(AGO Conference Center)

March 8 Olympia 2425 Bristol Court S.W.

(Conference Room 148)

April 12 Tukwila 12806 Gateway Drive

(L&I field service location)

May 10 Olympia 2425 Bristol Court S.W.

(Conference Room 148)

June 14 Tukwila 12806 Gateway Drive

(L&I field service location)

July 12 Olympia 2425 Bristol Court S.W.

(Conference Room 148)

September 13 Tukwila 12806 Gateway Drive

(L&I field service location)

October 11 Olympia 2425 Bristol Court S.W.

(Conference Room 148)

November 8 Tukwila 12806 Gateway Drive

(L&I field service location)

     Meeting agendas and other information may be accessed five to seven days prior to the meeting at

     For additional information or reasonable accommodations to attend meetings, please contact board staff at (360) 586-3265. Reasonable accommodation requests should be made at least ten working days prior to the scheduled meeting date.

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