(Board of Optometry)
Date of Adoption: March 22, 2002.
Purpose: Updates and clarifies rules related to continuing education including correcting references to professional literature. Updates equipment requirements for licensees. Deletes unnecessary language and corrects references to gender related to practicing on a commercial location, proper identification, and titles of licensees. Updates language related to contact lens prescriptions. The changes are intended to clarify existing language without changing the effect of the rule.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 246-851-150, 246-851-160, 246-851-250, 246-851-300, 246-851-310, 246-851-330, and 246-851-520.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 18.54.070(2).
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 02-04-090 on February 4, 2002.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 7, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 7, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0;
Pilot Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0;
or Other Alternative Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 7,
Repealed 0.
Effective Date of Rule:
Thirty-one days after filing.
March 22, 2002
Ben H. Wong
Chair, Board of Optometry
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 97-12-088, filed 6/4/97,
effective 7/5/97)
WAC 246-851-150
Credit for individual research,
publications, and small group study.
(1) Subject to approval by
the board, continuing education credit may be granted for:
(a) Participation in formal reviews and evaluations of patient care such as peer review and case conferences;
(b) Participation in small group study or individual research;
(c) Scholarly papers and articles whether or not the articles or papers are published.
Requests for credit for papers or articles should include a
copy of the article((, date of acceptance or publication,)) and
the number of hours requested.
(2) Licensees must submit requests for credit ((must be
submitted)) to the board at least sixty days prior to the end of
the reporting period.
(3) No more than ten credit hours will be granted under this section to any licensee in any two-year reporting period.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.54.070(2). 97-12-088, § 246-851-150, filed 6/4/97, effective 7/5/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.54.070. 91-06-025 (Order 119B), recodified as § 246-851-150, filed 2/26/91, effective 3/29/91; Order PL 239, § 308-53-140, filed 3/3/76.]
(2) Professional literature approved for ((such)) these
reports are:
(a) American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics;
(b) American Optometric Association News;
(c) Contact Lens ((Forum)) Spectrum;
(d) ((Contacto;
(e) Insight;
(f) International Contact Lens Clinic;
(g))) Journal of American Optometric Association;
(((h))) (e) Journal on Optometric Education;
(((i))) (f) Journal of Optometric Vision Development;
(((j) OEP Monthly;
(k))) (g) Optometric Management;
(((l) Optometric Monthly;
(m) Optometric World;
(n))) (h) Review of Optometry;
(((o))) (i) 20/20 Magazine; and
(((p))) (j) Other literature as approved by the board.
(3) Each report qualifies for one credit hour. No more than ten credit hours will be granted under this section to any licensee in any two-year reporting period.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.54.070(2). 97-12-088, § 246-851-160, filed 6/4/97, effective 7/5/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.54.070. 91-22-061 (Order 210B), § 246-851-160, filed 11/1/91, effective 12/2/91; 91-06-025 (Order 119B), recodified as § 246-851-160, filed 2/26/91, effective 3/29/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.54.070(2). 89-10-030 (Order PM 839), § 308-53-145, filed 4/27/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.54.070. 88-07-047 (Order PM 710), § 308-53-145, filed 3/11/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.54.070(5). 80-04-054 (Order PL 331), § 308-53-145, filed 3/21/80.]
(a) Adjustable examining chair;
(b) Phoropter/refractor;
(c) Retinoscope;
(d) Ophthalmoscope;
(e) Pupillary distance measuring device;
(f) Projector and screen; or illuminated test cabinet, or chart for distant vision testing;
(g) Nearpoint vision testing equipment;
(h) Lensometer((/vertometer));
(i) Tonometer;
(j) Biomicroscope/slit lamp;
(k) A clinically accepted visual field testing instrument or equipment.
(2) ((In addition to the equipment and accessories listed in
subsection (1) above, if a)) Licensed optometrists who
prescribe((s)) contact lenses ((he)) must have ((in his office))
direct access on the premises to the following equipment, all of
which must be in working condition:
(a) Diameter gauge;
(b) Thickness gauge;
(c) Cobalt or black light instrument;
(d) ((Magnifier, which may separate or part of cobalt or
black light instrument;
(e))) Radiuscope/contactogauge type measuring instrument;
(((f))) (e) Thickness tables;
(((g) Diopter to millimeter conversion tables;
(h) Ophthalmometer/P.E.K. corneal measurement type
instrument.)) (f) Corneal measurement instrument that quantifies
corneal curvature.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.54.070. 91-06-025 (Order 119B), recodified as § 246-851-250, filed 2/26/91, effective 3/29/91; 89-01-087 (Order 812), § 308-53-200, filed 12/21/88, effective 1/1/90; Order PL 256, § 308-53-200, filed 9/13/76.]
(1) The practice must be owned by the doctor of optometry
solely or in conjunction with other licensed doctors of
optometry, and in every phase be under the exclusive control of
the doctor(s) of optometry. The prescription files ((must be))
are the sole property of the doctor(s) of optometry.
(2) The space must be definite and distinct from space
occupied by other occupants of the ((premises and by the))
commercial or mercantile concern ((itself)).
(3) The doctor(s) of optometry must be clearly identified to the public. Such identification must include the name of the doctor(s) of optometry and the term "doctor of optometry" or "independent doctor of optometry" or other similar phrase.
(4) All signs, advertising and display must be separate and
distinct from that of the other occupants and of the commercial
or mercantile concern ((itself, and have the name of the
doctor(s) of optometry and the words "doctor of optometry"
prominently displayed in connection therewith)). ((Any verbal or
spoken)) All optometric practice advertisements or announcements
((advertising an optometrist)) on the premises of a commercial or
mercantile concern shall not make references which could
reasonably convey the impression that the optometric practice is
controlled by or part of the commercial or mercantile concern.
(((4) There must be displayed on any part of the premises
occupied by the doctor of optometry or in any advertising of such
doctor of optometry no legends such as "optical department,"
"optical center," "optometrical department," or any others which
could reasonably convey the impression that the optometric
practice is controlled by or part of the commercial or mercantile
(5) In any written advertisement or announcement which uses
the name of a commercial or mercantile concern to indicate the
location of an optometric practice, the name(s) of the licensed
doctor(s) of optometry owning the practice must be in larger type
than the name of the commercial or mercantile concern.
(6) A written notice, of a size and type reasonably
expected to attract the attention of the public, shall be put in
a conspicuous place where the public will be exposed to it before
professional services have been contracted for; this notice
shall, in plain and simple terms, explain the relationship
between the doctor of optometry and the commercial concern. The
notice must express that the doctor of optometry is not
controlled by the commercial concern in his professional
practices, and must clearly describe the amount of responsibility
that the commercial concern takes for the professional services
rendered by the doctor of optometry.
Examples follow; these are not exhaustive:
John Smith, O.D., is a lessee, not an employee, of the
store. He is solely responsible for his professional activities.
The store accepts no responsibility for the actions of John
Smith, O.D., its lessee.
John Smith, O.D., is a lessee of the store, not an employee.
As a part of the lease, he has agreed to follow the store's
policy of "guaranteed satisfaction or your money back."
(Obviously, only if this is true.)
Washington law prohibits the store from controlling or
owning the practice of a licensed doctor of optometry. Accordingly, the store can assume no responsibility for Dr.
Smith's professional services.
The store is responsible for filling your optical
prescription. It is not responsible for the professional
services of Dr. Smith, its lessee. (If the store operates the
optical dispensary.)))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.54.070. 91-06-025 (Order 119B), recodified as § 246-851-300, filed 2/26/91, effective 3/29/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.54.070(5). 81-06-012 (Order PL 367), § 308-53-230, filed 2/20/81; 78-02-030 (Order PL 281), § 308-53-230, filed 1/17/78; Order PL-271, § 308-53-230, filed 7/25/77.]
((If an owner of all or part of a practice does not engage
in optometry on a regular basis at that location, his name and
address in letters at least two inches high must be clearly
visible to patients at or near the entrance to the location. To
engage in optometry "on a regular basis" means to practice at a
particular location at regular, periodic intervals, information
of which is readily available to the public.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.54.070. 91-06-025 (Order 119B), recodified as § 246-851-310, filed 2/26/91, effective 3/29/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.54.070(5). 78-02-030 (Order PL 281), § 308-53-235, filed 1/17/78.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.54.070. 91-06-025 (Order 119B), recodified as § 246-851-330, filed 2/26/91, effective 3/29/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.54.070(5). 80-01-088 (Order PL 326), § 308-53-245, filed 12/28/79.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.54.070. 92-20-048 (Order 308B), § 246-851-520, filed 9/30/92, effective 10/31/92.]