WSR 02-14-055



[ June 25, 2002 ]

WHEREAS, The Director of the Department of Agriculture has conducted a thorough evaluation of risks posed by the plant pest citrus longhorned beetle (Anoplophora chinensis), and pursuant to RCW 17.24.171 has determined that there exists an imminent danger of an infestation of the pest which seriously endangers the agricultural and horticultural industries of the state of Washington, and seriously threatens the economic well-being and quality of life of state residents; and

WHEREAS, after thorough evaluation of all other alternatives and in accordance with RCW 17.24.171, the Director of the Department of Agriculture has requested that the governor order emergency measures to control the pest; and

WHEREAS, the most effective and preferred treatment alternative for eradicating this pest includes a combination of:

removal of all plants, including trees and selected tree stumps, of species susceptible to citrus longhorned beetle infestation as listed in WAC 16-470-830 on public and private property within an area of up to one eighth of a mile radius from the beetle escape site,
injection of the systemic insecticide imidacloprid into trees or tree root zones within an area of up to one quarter mile radius from the beetle escape site,
ground and aerial survey, including brush cutting to secure access to susceptible vegetation and removal of susceptible vegetation which is too hazardous to survey for the beetle within an area of up to one half mile radius from the beetle escape site,
removal of all vegetation shown to be infested and removal or injection of all potential host species located within an 82 foot radius of infested vegetation, within a half mile radius from the beetle escape site, and
mitigation of environmental effects by replanting of damaged sensitive areas, replacement of yard and garden trees, and other revegetation; and

WHEREAS, portions of City of Tukwila, in an area located within a half mile radius of the escape site, near the intersection of S. 144th St. and MacAdam Rd. S./51st Ave. S., are already under quarantine pursuant to WAC 16-470 because of the imminent danger of infestation, and further emergency measures are necessary to prevent establishment of the pest;

NOW THEREFORE, I, Gary Locke, governor of the state of Washington, by virtue of the authority vested in me under RCW 43.06.010, RCW 38.52.050, and all other applicable law, find that a public disaster exists within the state which affects life, health, property or the public peace, and further find that there exists within this state an imminent danger of infestation of plant pests or plant diseases which seriously endangers the agricultural or horticultural industries of the state, or which seriously threatens life, health, or economic well-being, do hereby declare a state of emergency and, notwithstanding provisions of state law, including but not limited to the State Environmental Policy Act, chapter 43.21C RCW, the Growth Management Act, chapter 36.70A RCW, and further notwithstanding all local and county ordinances, authorize and order the Director of the Department of Agriculture to use emergency measures, including ground and aerial survey, vegetation removal, insecticide injection, and selective revegetation of the affected areas as described above, to prevent or abate the infestation or disease situation.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the state of Washington to be affixed at Olympia, this 25th day of June, A.D., Two Thousand Two.
Gary Locke

Governor of Washington


Steve Excell

Assistant Secretary of State

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