Title of Rule: WAC 458-30-200 Definitions, 458-30-210 Classification of land under chapter 84.34 RCW, 458-30-232 Application for timber land classification, 458-30-275 Continuing classification upon sale or transfer of ownership of classified land -- Actions of landowner and county officials to be taken prior to recording a conveyance of classified land, 458-30-325 Transfer between classifications -- Application for reclassification, 458-30-500 Definitions of terms used in WAC 458-30-500 through 458-30-590, and 458-30-700 Designated forest land -- Removal -- Change in status -- Compensating tax.
Purpose: To incorporate changes made to underlying statutes by SHB 2765, codified as chapter 315, Laws of 2002, to clarify language, and to correct typographical errors.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 84.34.141.
Statute Being Implemented: RCW 84.34.020 and 84.34.030.
Summary: Chapter 315, Laws of 2002, allows a land owner up to sixty days to submit a timber management plan for land to be designated or reclassified as forest land under chapter 84.33 RCW or timber land under chapter 84.34 RCW. WAC 458-30-200 and 458-30-500 are being revised to clarify language and correct typographical errors.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: To implement the statutory changes set forth in chapter 315, Laws of 2002, and to correct and clarify existing language.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Kim M. Qually, 1025 Union Avenue S.E., Suite #400, Olympia, WA, (360) 570-6113; Implementation and Enforcement: Sandy Guilfoil, 1025 Union Avenue S.E., Suite #200, Olympia, WA, (360) 570-5860.
Name of Proponent: Department of Revenue, governmental.
Agency Comments or Recommendations, if any, as to Statutory Language, Implementation, Enforcement, and Fiscal Matters: No comments or recommendations are submitted.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: Chapter 315, Laws of 2002, amended two statutes within chapter 84.34 RCW, the Open Space Taxation Act. When a landowner seeks classification or reclassification of his or her land as timber land under RCW 84.34.020(3), he or she will not be allowed up to sixty days to submit a timber management plan to the county legislative authority. A timber management plan describes how the land will be used to grow and harvest timber. WAC 458-30-210, 458-30-232, 458-30-275, 458-30-325, and 458-30-700 are all being amended to allow for this change in procedure and to conform with the statutory changes.
WAC 458-30-200 and 458-30-500 are being amended so that the definitions in the rules correspond to each other and do not conflict. Typographical errors are also being corrected in both rules. No substantive changes are being made in either rule.
Proposal Changes the Following Existing Rules: See
Explanation of Rule above.
July 17, 2002
Alan R. Lynn
Rules Coordinator
Legislation and Policy Division
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 01-24-030, filed 11/27/01,
effective 12/28/01)
WAC 458-30-200
(1) Introduction. This rule
provides definitions for the terms used in conjunction with land
classified under the Open Space Taxation Act, codified as chapter 84.34 RCW. The terms listed in this rule are intended to act in
concert with each other as appropriate.
(2) Definitions. For purposes of land classified under chapter 84.34 RCW, the following definitions apply:
(a) "Additional tax" means the additional property taxes that will be collected when classification is withdrawn or removed from land classified under chapter 84.34 RCW.
(b) "Affidavit" means the real estate excise tax affidavit required by chapter 82.45 RCW and chapter 458-61 WAC. The affidavit will be prescribed by the department and furnished to county treasurers. This form is used by landowners to report sales or transfers of classified land. The owner or transferor and the purchaser or transferee, or agents of each, must sign the affidavit under penalty of perjury.
(c) "Agreement" means an agreement executed between an owner and the granting authority regarding the classification of land as either open space or timber land under chapter 84.34 RCW.
(d) "Applicant" means the owner who submits an application for classification of land under chapter 84.34 RCW.
(e) "Application" means an application for classification of land under chapter 84.34 RCW.
(f) "Approval" means a determination by the granting authority that land qualifies for classification under chapter 84.34 RCW.
(g) "Appurtenance" refers to something used with, and related to or dependent upon another thing; that is, something that belongs to something else, an adjunct. The thing appurtenant is strictly necessary and essential to the proper use and enjoyment of the land, as well as useful or necessary for carrying out the purposes for which the land was classified under chapter 84.34 RCW.
(i) In terms of farm and agricultural land, an appurtenance is something used for a particular sort of farm and is widely and routinely used in the operation of the commercial agricultural enterprise.
(ii) For example, an appurtenance may be an outhouse, barn, or tool shed attached to or adjoining a dwelling or it may be equipment used for a particular purpose or task, such as tools, instruments, or machinery.
(h) "Aquaculture" means the growing and harvesting of marine or fresh water flora or fauna in a soil or water medium for commercial agricultural activities.
(i) "Assessor" means the county assessor or any agency or person who is authorized to act on behalf of the assessor.
(j) "Assessment year" means the year in which the property is listed and valued by the assessor and precedes the year in which the taxes on the property are due and payable.
(k) "Change in use" means a direct action taken by an owner that actually changes the use of, or has started changing the use of, classified land to a use that is not in compliance with the conditions of the agreement executed between the owner and the granting authority or to a use that is otherwise not in compliance with the provisions of chapter 84.34 RCW (see WAC 458-30-295).
(l) "Classified land" means a parcel(s) of land that has been approved by the appropriate granting authority for taxation under chapter 84.34 RCW.
(m) "Commercial agricultural activities" means the use of land on a continuous and regular basis, prior to and subsequent to application for classification, that demonstrates that the owner or lessee intends to obtain through lawful means, a monetary profit from cash income received by:
(i) Raising, harvesting, and selling lawful crops;
(ii) Feeding, breeding, managing, and selling of livestock, poultry, fur-bearing animals, or honey bees, or any products thereof;
(iii) Dairying or selling of dairy products;
(iv) Animal husbandry;
(v) Aquaculture;
(vi) Horticulture;
(vii) Participating in a government-funded crop reduction or acreage set-aside program; or
(viii) Cultivating Christmas trees or short-rotation hardwoods on land that has been prepared by intensive cultivation and tilling, such as by plowing or turning over the soil, and on which all unwanted plant growth is controlled continuously for the exclusive purpose of growing such trees.
(n) "Contiguous" means land that adjoins other land owned by the same owner or held under the same ownership. Land that is an integral part of a farming operation is considered contiguous even though the land may be separated by a public road, railroad, right of way, or waterway.
(o) "County financial authority" and "financial authority" mean the treasurer or any agency or person charged with the responsibility of billing and collecting property taxes.
(p) "County legislative authority" means the county commission, council, or other legislative body.
(q) "County recording authority" means the auditor or any agency or person charged with the recording of documents.
(r) "Current" and "currently" means as of the date on which property is to be listed and valued by the assessor.
(s) "Current use value" means the taxable value of a parcel of land placed on the assessment rolls following its classification under chapter 84.34 RCW.
(t) "Department" means the department of revenue.
(u) "Farm woodlot" means an area of land within a parcel(s) of classified farm and agricultural land that is used in a manner compatible with commercial agricultural activities including, but not limited to, the growing and cutting of trees for the use of the owner or the sheltering of livestock.
(v) "Granting authority" means the appropriate agency or official that acts on an application for classification under chapter 84.34 RCW. The granting authority for:
(i) Open space classification under RCW 84.34.020(1) and 84.34.037 is the county legislative authority. However, for applications within an incorporated area of a county, the granting authority is made up of three members of the county legislative body and three members of the city legislative body in the county in which the land is located;
(ii) Farm and agricultural classification under RCW 84.34.020(2) and 84.34.035 is the assessor or the assessor's designee; and
(iii) Timber land classification under RCW 84.34.020(3) and 84.34.041 is the county legislative authority. However, for applications within an incorporated area of a county, the granting authority is made up of three members of the county legislative body and three members of the city legislative body in the county in which the land is located.
(w) "Gross income" means cash income derived from commercial agricultural activities, including payments received from the United States Department of Agriculture for participating in a crop reduction or acreage set-aside program when such payments are based on the productive capacity of the land. The term shall not include the following:
(i) The value of any products produced on the land and consumed by the owner or lessee;
(ii) Cash income derived from leases for the use of the land for noncommercial agricultural activities; or
(iii) Payments for soil conservation programs.
(x) "Incidental use" means a use of land classified as farm and agricultural land that is compatible with commercial agricultural activities if it does not exceed twenty percent of the classified land. An incidental use may include, but is not limited to, wetland preservation, a gravel pit, a farm woodlot, or a produce stand.
(y) "Integral" means that which is central to or inherent in the use or operation of classified farm and agricultural land for commercial agricultural activities.
(z) "Interest" means the amount of applicable interest upon additional tax.
(aa) "Net cash rental" means the earning or productive capacity of farm and agricultural land less the production costs customarily or typically paid by an owner or landlord. See WAC 458-30-260 for a more detailed explanation.
(bb) "Notice of continuance" means the notice signed when land classified under chapter 84.34 RCW is sold or transferred if the new owner of the land intends to continue the classified use of the land and elects to have the land remain classified under chapter 84.34 RCW. This notice is part of the real estate excise tax affidavit or may be a separate document prepared by the department and attached to this affidavit.
(cc) "Owner" means:
(i) Any person(s) having a fee interest in a parcel of
land((,)); or
(ii) The contract vendee when the land is subject to a real estate contract.
(dd) "Parcel of land" means a property identified as such on the assessment roll. For purposes of chapter 84.34 RCW and this WAC chapter, a parcel shall not include any land area not owned by the applicant including, but not limited to, a public road, right of way, railroad, or waterway.
(ee) "Penalty" means the amount due when land is removed from classification under chapter 84.34 RCW. The amount of the penalty is equal to twenty percent of the additional tax and interest calculated in accordance with RCW 84.34.080 or 84.34.108.
(ff) "Planning authority" means the local government agency empowered by the appropriate legislative authority to develop policies and proposals relating to land use.
(gg) "Primary use" means the existing use of a parcel or parcels of land so prevalent that when the characteristic use of the land is evaluated a conflicting or nonrelated use appears to be very limited or excluded.
(hh) "Qualification of land" means the approval of an application for classification of land by a granting authority in accordance with chapter 84.34 RCW.
(ii) "Rating system" means a public benefit rating system adopted for classified open space land according to RCW 84.34.055.
(jj) "Reclassification" means the process by which land classified under chapter 84.34 or 84.33 RCW is changed from one classification to a different classification established by chapter 84.34 RCW or into forest land as described in chapter 84.33 RCW. For example, land classified as farm and agricultural land under RCW 84.34.020(2) may be reclassified as open space land under RCW 84.34.020(1).
(kk) "Removal" or "removed" means land classified under
chapter 84.34 RCW is removed from classification by the assessor
either because the owner requests removal, the new owner fails to
sign the notice of classification continuance, or ((because)) the
land is no longer being used for the purpose for which ((it was
granted)) classification was granted.
(ll) "Sale of ownership" means the conveyance of the ownership of a parcel of land in exchange for valuable consideration.
(mm) "Tax year" means the year when property tax is due and payable.
(nn) "Timber management plan" means the plan filed with the county legislative authority or the assessor when classified timber land is sold or transferred. It is synonymous with a "forest management plan" and details an owner's plan regarding the management of classified timber land including, but not limited to, the planting, growing and/or harvesting of timber. Some of the elements of such a plan are set forth in WAC 458-30-232.
(oo) "Transfer" means the conveyance of the ownership of a parcel of land without an exchange of valuable consideration and may include situations where classified land is donated to an owner, corporation, partnership, or limited liability corporation.
(pp) "True and fair value" is the value of a parcel of land placed on the assessment rolls at its highest and best use without regard to its current use. The term also refers to market value, that is, the amount of money a buyer of property willing, but not obligated to buy would pay a seller of property willing but not obligated to sell, taking into consideration all uses to which the property is adapted and might reasonably be applied.
(qq) "Withdrawal" or "withdrawn" means action taken by the
owner of land classified under chapter 84.34 RCW ((in)) by filing
a notice of request to withdraw the land from classification
under the current use program in compliance with RCW 84.34.070. Once land has been classified under chapter 84.34 RCW, it
((shall)) must remain so classified for at least ten years from
the date of classification. At any time after eight years of the
initial ten-year classification period have elapsed, the owner
may file a notice of request to withdraw all or a portion of the
land from classification with the assessor of the county in which
the land is located. Land is withdrawn from classification as a
result of a voluntary act by the owner.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 84.34.141. 01-24-030, § 458-30-200, filed 11/27/01, effective 12/28/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 84.08.110, 84.08.070, 84.34.141 and 84.34.360. 95-21-002, § 458-30-200, filed 10/4/95, effective 11/4/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 84.08.010 and 84.08.070. 90-24-087, § 458-30-200, filed 12/5/90, effective 1/5/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 84.08.010(2), 84.34.141 and chapter 84.34 RCW. 88-23-062 (Order PT 88-12), § 458-30-200, filed 11/15/88.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 95-21-002, filed 10/4/95,
effective 11/4/95)
WAC 458-30-210
Classification of land under chapter 84.34 RCW.
(1) Introduction. Under chapter 84.34 RCW, land may be
placed into one of three classifications on the basis of its
current use. This ((section)) rule explains and describes each
classification of land as defined in RCW 84.34.020.
(2) Definitions. For purposes of this ((section)) rule, the
following definitions apply:
(a) "Farm employee or farm and agricultural employee" means an individual who is employed on farm and agricultural land on a full time basis or a seasonal or migratory worker who works on farm and agricultural land only during the planting, growing, and/or harvesting seasons. The term also includes an individual who is employed at least twenty-five hours per week on farm and agricultural land. It does not include a person who is employed full time by a business activity that is not conducted on classified farm and agricultural land and who only works occasional weekends or during the harvest season on classified farm and agricultural land.
(b) "Integral" means that which is central to or inherent in
the use or operation of classified farm and agricultural land for
commercial agricultural ((purposes)) activities. For purposes of
this ((section)) rule, the residence of the farm operator or
owner and/or housing for farm employees must be the place(s) from
which the farmer conducts his/her commercial agricultural
(3) Open space land. Land classified as "open space land" means one of the following:
(a) Any parcel(s) of land so designated by an official comprehensive land use plan adopted by any city or county and zoned accordingly.
(b) Any parcel(s) of land, whereby preservation in its present use would either:
(i) Conserve and enhance natural or scenic resources;
(ii) Protect streams or water supply;
(iii) Promote conservation of soils, wetlands, beaches, or tidal marshes;
(iv) Enhance the value to the public of abutting or neighboring parks, forests, wildlife preserves, natural reservations or sanctuaries, or other open spaces;
(v) Enhance public recreation opportunities;
(vi) Preserve historic sites;
(vii) Preserve visual quality along a highway, road, or street corridor, or scenic vistas;
(viii) Retain in its natural state, tracts of land of not less than one acre in size situated in an urban area and open to public use on such conditions as may be reasonably required by the granting authority; or
(ix) Any parcel(s) of farm and agricultural conservation land. Farm and agricultural conservation land means either:
(A) Land previously classified as farm and agricultural land that no longer meets the criteria of farm and agricultural land and is reclassified as "open space land"; or
(B) Traditional farmland that is not classified under chapter 84.33 or 84.34 RCW, has not been irrevocably devoted to a use inconsistent with agricultural uses, and has a high potential for returning to commercial agriculture.
(4) Farm and agricultural land. Land classified as "farm and agricultural land" means one of the following:
(a) Any parcel of land twenty or more acres in size or multiple parcels of land that are contiguous and total twenty or more acres in size when the land is:
(i) Primarily used to produce livestock or agricultural products for commercial purposes;
(ii) Enrolled in the federal conservation reserve program or its successor administered by the United States Department of Agriculture; or
(iii) Primarily used in similar commercial agricultural activities as may be established by rule.
(b) Any parcel of land or contiguous parcels of land at least five acres, but less than twenty acres, in size that is primarily used for commercial agricultural purposes, and produces a gross income each year equal to:
(i) One hundred dollars or more in cash per acre per year for three of the five calendar years preceding the date of application for classification when the application was made prior to January 1, 1993; or
(ii) Two hundred dollars or more in cash per acre per year for three of the five calendar years preceding the date of application for classification when the application is made on or after January 1, 1993.
(c) Any parcel of land or contiguous parcels of land less than five acres in size that is primarily used for commercial agricultural purposes, and produces a gross income each year equal to:
(i) One thousand dollars or more in cash per year for three of the five calendar years preceding the date of application for classification when the application was made prior to January 1, 1993; and
(ii) One thousand five hundred dollars or more in cash per year for three of the five calendar years preceding the date of application for classification when the application is made on or after January 1, 1993.
(d) Any parcel of land that is twenty or more acres in size
or multiple parcels of land that are contiguous and total twenty
or more acres in size on which housing for farm and agricultural
employees and the principal residence of the farm operator or the
owner of land classified ((pursuant to)) under RCW 84.34.020
(2)(a) is situated if:
(i) The housing or residence is on or contiguous to the classified parcel; and
(ii) The use of the housing or the residence is integral to the use of the classified parcel for agricultural purposes. (See WAC 458-30-317.)
(e) Farm and agricultural land also includes:
(i) Land on which appurtenances necessary for the production, preparation, or sale of commercial agricultural products are situated when the appurtenances are used in conjunction with the land(s) producing agricultural products, such as a machinery maintenance shed or a shipping facility located on farm and agricultural land that produces the products to be shipped;
(ii) Land incidentally used for an activity or enterprise that is compatible with commercial agricultural purposes as long as the incidental use does not exceed twenty percent of the classified land. An incidental use of classified farm and agricultural land may include, but is not limited to, wetland preservation, a gravel pit, a farm woodlot, or a produce stand; and
(iii) Any noncontiguous parcel of land from one to five acres in size that constitutes an integral part of the commercial agricultural operations of a parcel classified as farm and agricultural land under RCW 84.34.020(2).
(5) Timber land. Land classified as "timber land" means any parcel of land five or more acres in size or multiple parcels of land that are contiguous and total five or more acres in size that is primarily used for the commercial growth and harvesting of forest crops.
(a) Timber land refers only to the land.
(b) ((A timber management plan shall be filed with the
county legislative authority or assessor when:
(i) An application for classification as timber land is
submitted pursuant to chapter 84.34 RCW; or
(ii) A sale or transfer of timber land occurs and a notice
of classification continuance is signed.
(c))) Timber land does not include:
(i) Land listed on the assessment roll as classified or designated forest land according to chapter 84.33 RCW; or
(ii) Land on which nonforest crops or any improvements to the land are located.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 84.08.110, 84.08.070, 84.34.141 and 84.34.360. 95-21-002, § 458-30-210, filed 10/4/95, effective 11/4/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 84.08.010 and 84.08.070. 90-24-087, § 458-30-210, filed 12/5/90, effective 1/5/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 84.08.010(2), 84.34.141 and chapter 84.34 RCW. 88-23-062 (Order PT 88-12), § 458-30-210, filed 11/15/88.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 95-21-002, filed 10/4/95,
effective 11/4/95)
WAC 458-30-232
Application for timber land classification.
(1) Introduction. This ((section)) rule explains the application
process ((for)) used by an applicant who seeks to have land
classified or reclassified as timber land under RCW 84.34.020(3).
(2) Definition. For purposes of this ((section)) rule, the
following definition applies:
"Stand of timber" means a stand of trees that will yield log and/or fiber:
(a) Suitable in size and quality for the production of lumber, plywood, pulp, or other forest products; and
(b) Of sufficient value to cover at least all the costs of harvest and transportation to available markets.
(3) Where to submit. An application for classification or
reclassification of land as timber land under RCW 84.34.020(3)
((shall be made)) is submitted to the county legislative
authority of the county in which the land is located.
(4) Granting authority. The identity of the entity that will act as the granting authority will be determined by the location of the land the applicant seeks to classify or reclassify as timber land. The granting authority will be determined as follows:
(a) If the parcel(s) of land is located in an unincorporated
area of county, the county legislative authority ((shall be)) is
the granting authority.
(b) If the parcel(s) of land is located in an incorporated
area, a copy of the application for classification ((shall be))
is forwarded to the city legislative authority in which the land
is located. The granting authority ((shall be)) is composed of
three members of the county legislative body and three members of
the city legislative authority.
(5) Application process.
(a) Consider all relevant evidence. The granting authority
((shall)) will act upon the application with due regard to all
relevant evidence.
(b) Information that must accompany application. An
application for classification or reclassification of a parcel(s)
of land as timber land ((shall be)) is made on forms prepared by
the department and ((shall)) must include the following elements
that constitute a timber management plan:
(i) A legal description of or the parcel number(s) of all land the applicant desires to be classified as timber land;
(ii) The date or dates the land was acquired;
(iii) A brief description of the timber on the land or, if the timber has been harvested, the owner's plan for restocking;
(iv) Whether there is a timber or forest management plan for the land;
(v) If there is a timber or forest management plan for the land, the nature and extent to which the plan has been implemented;
(vi) Whether the land is used for grazing;
(vii) Whether the land has been subdivided or a plat has been filed with respect for the land;
(viii) Whether the land and the applicant have complied with the restocking, forest management, fire protection, insect and disease control, weed control, and forest debris provisions of Title 76 RCW or applicable rules under Title 76 RCW;
(ix) Whether the land is subject to forest fire protection
assessments ((pursuant to)) under RCW 76.04.610;
(x) Whether the land is subject to a lease, option, or other right that permits the land to be used for a purpose other than growing and harvesting timber;
(xi) A summary of the applicant's past experience and activities in growing and harvesting timber;
(xii) A summary of the applicant's current and continuing activities in growing and harvesting of timber; and
(xiii) A statement that the applicant is aware of the
potential tax liability involved ((when)) if the land ceases to
be classified as timber land.
(c) Solitary factors that will result in automatic denial. An application may be denied for any of the following reasons without regard to any other factor:
(i) The land does not contain a stand of timber as defined
in subsection (2) of this ((section)) rule, as well as in chapter 76.09 RCW, and WAC 222-16-010. This reason alone ((shall)) is
not ((be)) sufficient to deny the application if:
(A) The land has been recently harvested or supports a growth of brush or noncommercial type timber and the application includes a plan for restocking within three years or a longer period necessitated because seed or seedlings are unavailable; or
(B) Only isolated areas within the land do not meet minimum standards due to rock outcroppings, swamps, unproductive soil, or other natural conditions.
(ii) The applicant, with respect to the land for which classification or reclassification is sought, has failed to comply with a final administrative or judicial order regarding a violation of the restocking, forest management, fire protection, insect and disease control, weed control, and forest debris provisions of Title 76 RCW or applicable rules under Title 76 RCW.
(iii) The land abuts a body of salt water and lies between the line of ordinary high tide and a line paralleling the ordinary high tide line and two hundred feet horizontally landward from the high tide line.
(6) Public hearing required. An application for
classification of land as timber land ((shall)) will be ((acted
upon)) approved or denied after a public hearing on the
application ((has been)) is held. A notice of this hearing
((shall)) is to be announced once by publication in a newspaper
of general circulation in the region, city, or county at least
ten days before the hearing. The owner who submitted the
application for classification or reclassification ((that is the
subject of the public hearing shall)) is to be notified in
writing of the date, time, and location of the public hearing.
(7) Timber management plan required. A timber management plan must be filed with the county legislative authority either:
(a) When an application for classification is submitted; or
(b) Within sixty days of the date an application for reclassification under chapter 84.34 RCW or from designated forest land under chapter 84.33 RCW is received. The application for reclassification will be accepted, but may not be processed until the timber management plan is received. If this plan is not received within sixty days of the date the application for reclassification is received, the application will be denied.
(c) If circumstances require it, the assessor may allow an extension of time for submitting a timber management plan when an application for classification or reclassification is received. The applicant will be notified of this extension in writing. When the assessor extends the filing deadline for a timber management plan, the county legislative authority should delay processing the application until this plan is received. If this plan is not received by the date set by the assessor, the application for classification or reclassification will be automatically denied.
(8) Approval or denial of application. The granting
authority ((shall)) will either approve or disapprove the
application for classification or reclassification within six
months of the date it is received by the county legislative
(a) The granting authority may approve the application for classification or reclassification in whole or in part. If any part of the application is denied, the applicant may withdraw the entire application.
(b) In approving the application in whole or in part, the granting authority may also require that certain conditions be met. The granting authority may not require the granting of easements for land classified as timber land.
(c) The granting or denial of an application for
classification as open space land or reclassification is a
legislative determination and ((shall be)) is reviewable only for
arbitrary and capricious actions.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 84.08.110, 84.08.070, 84.34.141 and 84.34.360. 95-21-002, § 458-30-232, filed 10/4/95, effective 11/4/95.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 01-24-030, filed 11/27/01,
effective 12/28/01)
WAC 458-30-275
Continuing classification upon sale or
transfer of ownership of classified land -- Actions of landowner
and county officials to be taken prior to recording a conveyance
of classified land.
(1) Introduction. If land classified under
chapter 84.34 RCW is sold or transferred and the new owner wants
to retain the classified status of the land, certain procedures
must be followed before the conveyance may be recorded or filed.
This rule explains the necessary procedures and required forms.
(2) General requirements - new owner elects to have the land remain classified. The county recording authority shall not accept an instrument conveying ownership of land classified under chapter 84.34 RCW unless certain conditions are satisfied. When land classified under chapter 84.34 RCW is sold or transferred and the new owner elects to have the land retain its classified status, prior to recording or filing the conveyance, the new owner or the new owner's agent must:
(a) Sign the notice of continuance that is part of the real estate excise tax (REET) affidavit or sign a separate notice of continuance. (Subsection (9) of this rule contains an explanation about REET.) Both the REET affidavit and the notice of continuance are forms prepared by the department of revenue and supplied to the counties. Both forms are available from the department by sending a written request to:
Department of Revenue
Taxpayer Services
P.O. Box 47478
Olympia, WA 98504-7478.
A copy of the notice of continuance may be obtained from the county assessor or it may be downloaded from the internet at http://dor.wa.gov/index.asp under property tax, "forms." A copy of the REET affidavit may be obtained from the county treasurer. If the classified land is owned by multiple owners, all owners or their agent(s) must sign the notice of continuance on the affidavit or the separate notice of continuance; and
(b) Provide the assessor with a signed statement that explains how the new owner intends to use the classified land and any other information the assessor deems necessary to determine whether the land will continue to be eligible for classification under chapter 84.34 RCW. (See RCW 84.34.121 and WAC 458-30-270.)
(3) Required duties of the assessor before a conveyance of classified land may be filed or recorded. The new owner must supply the assessor with the information outlined in subsection (2) of this rule if the new owner elects to have the land remain classified under chapter 84.34 RCW.
(a) After receiving all required documentation, the assessor is allowed up to fifteen calendar days to determine whether the land should retain its classified status or whether the land should be removed from classification as of the date of conveyance.
(b) To make this determination, the assessor may, but is not required to, consult with the county legislative authority if the land is classified as either open space or timber land or a combination of the county and city legislative bodies if the classified open space land is within an incorporated part of the county. Both the assessor and the granting authority may require the new owner to submit additional information about the use of the classified land after the sale or transfer is complete. This information will be used to determine whether the land should remain classified under chapter 84.34 RCW.
(4) When may a county recording authority accept an instrument conveying ownership of classified land? A county recording authority shall not accept an instrument of conveyance regarding the sale or transfer of land classified under chapter 84.34 RCW for filing or recording until the new owner signs a notice of continuance and the assessor determines that the land will or will not continue to qualify for classification. If the assessor decides that the land must be removed from classification, the assessor will note that the land does not qualify for continuance on the REET affidavit and begin the removal procedures set forth in WAC 458-30-295.
(a) If the new owner signs the notice of continuance and the assessor agrees that the land should remain classified, the assessor checks the box on the REET affidavit that the land qualifies for continued classified current use status. The completed affidavit is then presented to the county recording authority so that it may record or file the conveyance. A completed REET affidavit includes a stamp, placed on it by the treasurer, indicating that any REET or additional tax, interest, and penalty owed as a result of the sale or transfer has been paid. (See subsection (9) of this rule for a more detailed explanation of the real estate excise tax.)
(b) If the assessor decides that the land must be removed or the owner submits a written request to remove the land from classification, the assessor will check the appropriate box on the REET affidavit that the land does not qualify for continuance, sign the REET affidavit, and begin the removal procedures set forth in WAC 458-30-295.
(5) Land removed from classification with no back taxes
imposed. If the removal results solely from one of the
circumstances or actions listed in RCW 84.34.108(6), no
additional tax, interest, or penalty is imposed. The assessor
((shall)) will:
(a) Follow the procedures set forth in WAC 458-30-295 and 458-30-300 for removing land from classification;
(b) Notify the treasurer and the seller or transferor that no additional tax, interest, or penalty will be imposed; and
(c) If the land is acquired for conservation purposes by any of the entities listed in RCW 84.34.108 (6)(f), inform the new owner that a lien equal to the amount of additional tax, interest, and penalty has been placed on the land, even though the additional tax, interest, and penalty will not be collected at this time. This lien becomes due and payable if and when the land ceases to be used for one of the purposes outlined in RCW 64.04.130 or 84.34.210.
(6) Sales or transfers of timber land. When a parcel(s) of classified timber land is sold or transferred, the new owner must submit a timber management plan to the assessor and comply with the general requirements listed in subsection (2) of this rule to retain the land's classified status. The assessor sends a copy of the timber management plan to the granting authority of the county in which the classified land is located. WAC 458-30-232 contains a list of the types of additional information an assessor may require the new owner to submit to enable the assessor to determine whether the land will be used to grow and harvest timber for commercial purposes. Generally, the new owner is required to submit a timber management plan at the time of sale or transfer. If circumstances require it, the assessor may allow an extension of time for submitting this plan when a notice of continuance is received. The applicant will be notified of this extension in writing. When the assessor extends the filing deadline for a timber management plan, the county legislative authority should delay processing the application until this plan is received. If the timber management plan is not received by the date set by the assessor, the notice of continuance will be automatically denied.
(7) Sales or transfers of farm and agricultural land. When a parcel(s) of classified farm and agricultural land is sold or transferred, the new owner must comply with the general requirements listed in subsection (2) of this rule. The size of the classified land dictates whether any additional requirements must also be satisfied. After all required information is submitted, the assessor determines whether the land qualifies for continued classification.
(a) If the classified land sold or transferred is twenty acres or more, the new owner must satisfy the general requirements listed in subsection (2) of this rule.
(b) If the sale or transfer involves less than twenty contiguous acres, the new owner will be required to comply with the general requirements of subsection (2) of this rule and the seller or buyer may be asked to provide gross income data relating to the productivity of the farm or agricultural operation for three of the past five years. This income data is used to determine whether the land meets the income production requirements listed in RCW 84.34.020 (2)(b) and (c) for classification. However, if the income data is unavailable but the new owner is willing to sign the notice of continuance and accept the responsibility for any additional tax and interest owed for prior years that will be due if the land is later found to be ineligible for continued classification, the classified status of the land will continue until the assessor determines that the use of the land has changed or has not produced the requisite minimum income.
(i) RCW 84.34.020 (2)(b) and (c) set forth the minimum income production requirements for classified farm and agricultural land of less than twenty acres. Any sale or transfer of classified land is subject to these income limits. However, the income production requirements will not be examined when classified land is being transferred to a surviving spouse, but such land is subject to the same production requirements that were applicable before the spouse's death. For example, a sixteen acre parcel of classified farm and agricultural land, which was classified in 1998, is still required to produce a minimum of two hundred dollars per acre per year even though the assessor is not required to review the income production data at the time of sale or transfer.
(ii) Sale or transfer of land classified prior to January 1, 1993. As of January 1, 1993, the legislature imposed higher income production requirements on classified farm and agricultural land of less than twenty acres. When land classified prior to January 1, 1993, is sold or transferred to a new owner, the higher minimum income requirements set forth in RCW 84.34.020 (2)(b)(ii) and (c)(ii) will be deferred for a period of three years. The new owner is required to produce either two hundred dollars per acre per year if the parcel is five acres or more or fifteen hundred dollars per year if the parcel is less than five acres at least once during the three calendar years immediately following the sale or transfer. For example, if classification was granted in 1978 to a fifteen acre parcel that produced a gross income of one hundred thirty dollars per acre per year until it was sold on April 15, 1999, the minimum income requirements will be deferred until 2002. By the end of 2002, the new owner must show that the parcel produced two hundred dollars per acre at least one year during the three-year period between 2000 and 2002. If the land produced a gross income of two hundred dollars per acre, the land remains classified as farm and agricultural land. If the land failed to produce this amount at least once during this three-year period, the land will be removed from classification and the owner will be required to pay additional tax, interest, and penalty.
(iii) Sale or transfer of land classified after January 1, 1993. The higher minimum income production requirements of RCW 84.34.020 (2)(b)(ii) and (c)(ii) apply to all land classified after January 1, 1993. When such land is sold or transferred, the assessor may ask the seller or buyer to provide gross income data relating to the productivity of the farm or agricultural operation for three of the past five years. This information will be used to determine whether the land should retain its status as classified farm and agricultural land. For example, a ten acre parcel that was classified as farm and agricultural land on May 1, 1995, is sold on February 23, 2001. The assessor asks the seller of the classified land to provide information about the income the land produced during the five calendar years preceding the sale (i.e., 1995 through 2000). To retain the farm and agricultural classification, the land must have produced a minimum income of two hundred dollars per acre per year at least three of the five calendar years preceding the date of sale. However, if the income data is unavailable but the new owner is willing to sign the notice of continuance and accept the responsibility for any additional tax and interest owed for prior years that will be due if the land is later found to be ineligible for continued classification, the classified status of the land will continue until the assessor determines that the use of the land has changed or has not produced the requisite minimum income.
(c) Segregation of land. If the sale or transfer of classified land involves a segregation, the owner of the newly created parcel(s) and the owner of the parcel from which the land was segregated must comply with the requirements for classification, including the production of minimum income, to enable the assessor to continue the classified status of the land.
(8) New owner's acknowledgement. The new owner, by signing the notice of continuance, acknowledges that future use of the land must conform to the provisions of chapter 84.34 RCW.
(9) Real estate excise tax (REET). An excise tax is generally imposed in accordance with chapter 82.45 RCW whenever real property is sold or transferred. The amount of this tax is based upon the selling price of the real property. Real estate excise tax is due at the time of sale. This tax is paid to and collected by the treasurer of the county in which the real property is located. (See RCW 82.45.010 for a listing of transactions that are not considered a sale or transfer upon which REET is imposed.)
[Statutory Authority: RCW 84.34.141. 01-24-030, § 458-30-275, filed 11/27/01, effective 12/28/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 84.08.110, 84.08.070, 84.34.141 and 84.34.360. 95-21-002, § 458-30-275, filed 10/4/95, effective 11/4/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 84.08.010 and 84.08.070. 90-24-087, § 458-30-275, filed 12/5/90, effective 1/5/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 84.08.010(2), 84.34.141 and chapter 84.34 RCW. 88-23-062 (Order PT 88-12), § 458-30-275, filed 11/15/88.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 01-24-030, filed 11/27/01,
effective 12/28/01)
WAC 458-30-325
Transfers between
classifications -- Application for reclassification.
Introduction. This rule discusses the process used when land is
reclassified into a different classification under chapter 84.34
or 84.33 RCW.
(2) General information - when reclassification is required. In 1992, the legislature created an opportunity for owners of classified land to change the classification under which their land is classified under chapter 84.34 RCW or designated under chapter 84.33 RCW. The name given to this process is "reclassification." It is now possible to switch between the different classifications of chapter 84.34 RCW and forest land under chapter 84.33 RCW. The following circumstances may cause an owner of classified land to seek reclassification:
(a) The classified land is no longer being used for the purpose for which it was granted classification;
(b) The owner or new owner of classified land has decided to change the use of classified land;
(c) The classified land no longer meets the requirements of the classification under which it was originally classified; for example, farm and agricultural land that no longer produces the minimum income required by RCW 84.34.020 (2)(b) and (c) must either be reclassified or removed from the current use program;
(d) The new owner is an heir or devisee of a deceased owner who held classified land and the new owner either does not choose to meet or cannot meet the requirements of the classification under which the land was originally classified; or
(e) The assessor has determined the classified land is no longer eligible under the existing classification and the land must either be reclassified or removed from the current use program.
(3) Reclassification process if land is subject to removal. Within thirty days of receiving notice from the assessor that classified land is to be removed from the current use program, the owner must submit an application for reclassification into another classification under chapter 84.34 or 84.33 RCW if the owner elects to have the land remain classified. The removal notice must include a statement informing the owner of the classified land about the reclassification option. If an application for reclassification is submitted within thirty days, the land is not removed from classification until the application for reclassification is approved or denied.
(4) Reclassification process if an owner seeks change of classification. An owner of classified land may seek to have the land reclassified under a different current use classification under chapter 84.34 RCW or may seek designation as forest land under chapter 84.33 RCW.
(a) If an owner elects to have land reclassified, the owner must submit an application for reclassification to the assessor of the county in which the land is located. This application form will be prepared by the department and supplied to assessors or it may be obtained on the internet at http://dor.wa.gov/index.asp under property tax, "forms."
(b) Within seven days of receiving this request, the assessor must forward a copy of the application for reclassification to the appropriate granting authority (see the definition of "granting authority" in WAC 458-30-200 for more details). The assessor retains a copy of all applications for reclassification.
(c) When an application for reclassification is submitted, the classified status of the land is not changed until the application is approved or denied.
(5) Application procedure. An application for reclassification is processed in the same manner as an initial application for classification, which may include payment of an application fee if the county requires one. All classification requirements of RCW 84.34.035 for farm and agricultural land, RCW 84.34.037 for open space land, RCW 84.34.041 for timber land, and chapter 84.33 RCW for forest land must be satisfied in order to reclassify land. (These requirements are also described in WAC 458-30-225, 458-30-230, 458-30-232, 458-30-242, and chapter 458-40 WAC.)
(a) The granting authority must process an application for reclassification in the same manner as it processes an initial application for classification under chapter 84.34 RCW or for designation as forest land under chapter 84.33 RCW.
(b) A timber management plan must be filed with the county legislative authority within sixty days of the date the application for reclassification under this chapter or from designated forest land under chapter 84.33 RCW is received. The application for reclassification will be accepted, but may not be processed until this plan is received.
(i) If this plan is not received within sixty days of the date the application for reclassification is received, the application will be denied.
(ii) If circumstances require it, the assessor may allow an extension of time for submitting a timber management plan when an application for reclassification is received. The applicant will be notified of this extension in writing. When the assessor extends the filing deadline for this plan, the county legislative authority should delay processing the application until the plan is received. If the timber management plan is not received by the date set by the assessor, the application for reclassification will be automatically denied.
(c) An application for reclassification may be approved or denied, in whole or in part.
(i) The granting authority must notify the applicant in writing of the extent to which the application for reclassification is approved or denied.
(ii) The applicant has the same appeal rights in relation to a denial of an application for reclassification as the applicant has in regard to an initial application for classification.
(iii) If an application for reclassification is denied, the assessor removes the land from classification and calculates additional tax, interest, and penalty in accordance with RCW 84.34.108.
(6) Reclassifications exempt from additional tax. No additional tax, interest, or penalty are due when reclassification is a result of any of the following transfers between classifications:
(a) Reclassification from farm and agricultural land under RCW 84.34.020(2) to: Timber land under RCW 84.34.020(3), open space land under RCW 84.34.020(1), or forest land under chapter 84.33 RCW;
(b) Reclassification from timber land under RCW 84.34.020(3) to: Farm and agricultural land under RCW 84.34.020(2), open space land under RCW 84.34.020(1), or forest land under chapter 84.33 RCW;
(c) Reclassification from open space/farm and agricultural conservation land under RCW 84.34.020 (1)(c) to farm and agricultural land under RCW 84.34.020(2) if the land was previously classified as farm and agricultural land; or
(d) Reclassification from forest land under chapter 84.33 RCW to open space land under RCW 84.34.020(1).
(7) Income production requirements of land to be reclassified. The income production requirements relating to the following reclassifications may be deferred for a period of up to five years from the effective date of reclassification when:
(a) Land classified as open space/farm and agricultural conservation land under RCW 84.34.020 (1)(c) or timber land under RCW 84.34.020(3) is reclassified as farm and agricultural land under RCW 84.34.020 (2)(b) or (c); or
(b) Land ((classified or)) designated as forest land under
chapter 84.33 RCW is reclassified as farm and agricultural land
under RCW 84.34.020 (2)(b) or (c).
(8) Valuation of reclassified land. The value of reclassified land will be based on the new classification as of January 1 of the assessment year following approval of the request for reclassification. For example, if an application for reclassification from farm and agricultural land to open space/farm and agricultural conservation land is submitted on February 15, 1999, and approved effective June 1, 1999, the land will be valued and assessed as open space/farm and agricultural conservation land on January 1, 2000, and the owner is required to pay taxes on this new assessed value in 2001.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 84.34.141. 01-24-030, § 458-30-325, filed 11/27/01, effective 12/28/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 84.08.110, 84.08.070, 84.34.141 and 84.34.360. 95-21-002, § 458-30-325, filed 10/4/95, effective 11/4/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 84.08.010 and 84.08.070. 90-24-087, § 458-30-325, filed 12/5/90, effective 1/5/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 84.08.010(2), 84.34.141 and chapter 84.34 RCW. 88-23-062 (Order PT 88-12), § 458-30-325, filed 11/15/88.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 95-21-002, filed 10/4/95,
effective 11/4/95)
WAC 458-30-500
Definitions of terms used in WAC 458-30-500
through 458-30-590.
(1) Introduction. This ((section)) rule
sets forth the definitions to be used in administering and
understanding the statutes and rules relating to special benefit
assessments on classified farm and agricultural and timber land.
(2) Definitions. For the purposes of WAC 458-30-500 through 458-30-590, unless otherwise required by the context, the following definitions apply:
(a) "Average rate of inflation" means the annual rate of inflation adopted each year by the department of revenue in accordance with WAC 458-30-580 averaged over the period of time provided in WAC 458-30-550 and 458-30-570.
(b) "Connection charge" or "charge for connection" means the charge required to be paid to the district for connection to the service as opposed to the assessment based upon the benefits derived.
(c) "District" means any local improvement district, utility local improvement district, local utility district, road improvement district, or any similar unit created by a local government for the purpose of levying special benefit assessments against property specially benefited by improvements relating to the districts.
(d) "Farm and agricultural land" means land classified under the provisions of RCW 84.34.020(2); in other words, one of the following:
(i) Any parcel of land twenty or more acres in size or multiple parcels of land that are contiguous and total twenty or more acres in size when the land is:
(A) Primarily used to produce livestock or agricultural products for commercial purposes;
(B) Enrolled in the federal Conservation Reserve Program or its successor administered by the United States Department of Agriculture; or
(C) Primarily used in similar commercial agricultural activities as may be established by rule.
(ii) Any parcel of land or contiguous parcels of land at least five acres, but less than twenty acres, in size that is primarily used for commercial agricultural purposes, and produces a gross income each year equal to:
(A) One hundred dollars or more in cash per acre per year for three of the five calendar years preceding the date of application for classification when the application was made prior to January 1, 1993; or
(B) Two hundred dollars or more in cash per acre per year for three of the five calendar years preceding the date of application for classification when the application is made on or after January 1, 1993.
(iii) Any parcel of land or contiguous parcels of land less than five acres in size that is primarily used for commercial agricultural purposes, and produces a gross income each year equal to:
(A) One thousand dollars or more in cash per year for three of the five calendar years preceding the date of application for classification when the application was made prior to January 1, 1993; and
(B) One thousand five hundred dollars or more in cash per year for three of the five calendar years preceding the date of application for classification when the application is made on or after January 1, 1993.
(iv) Any parcel of land that is twenty or more acres in size
or multiple parcels of land that are contiguous and total twenty
or more acres in size on which housing for farm and agricultural
employees and the principal residence of the farm operator or the
owner of land classified ((pursuant to)) under RCW 84.34.020
(2)(a) is situated if:
(A) The housing or residence is on or contiguous to the classified parcel; and
(B) The use of the housing or the residence is integral to the use of the classified parcel for agricultural purposes.
(e) "Final assessment roll" means a final special benefit assessment roll approved or confirmed by local government for the purpose of levying special benefit assessments against property specially benefited by a sanitary and/or storm sewerage system, domestic water supply and/or distribution system, or road construction and/or improvement.
(f) "Local government" means any city, town, county, ((sewer
district)), water-sewer district, public utility district, port
district, irrigation district, flood control district, or any
other municipal corporation, quasi-municipal corporation, or
other political subdivision authorized to levy special benefit
assessments for sanitary and/or storm sewerage systems, domestic
water supply and/or distribution systems, or road construction
and/or improvement purposes.
(g) "Owner" means:
(i) Any person(s) having the fee interest in land((, except
that where land is subject to real estate contract)); ((and)) or
(ii) The contract vendee when the land is subject to a real estate contract.
(h) "Removal" or "removed" means ((that all or a portion
of)) land classified under ((the provisions of)) chapter 84.34 RCW ((must be)) is removed from classification by the assessor
because the owner requests removal, the new owner fails to sign
notice of classification continuance, or the land is no longer
being used for the purpose for which classification was granted
((or for any other classified use within the current use program.
The change in use may occur because of the sale or transfer of
the classified land, the request by the owner to remove the land
from the current use program, the determination by the assessor
that the classified land no longer meets the criteria for
classification under chapter 84.34 RCW, or any of the other
occurrences listed in WAC 458-30-295)).
(i) "Special benefits assessments" means special assessments levied or capable of being levied in any local improvement district or otherwise levied or capable of being levied by a local government to pay for all or part of the costs of a local improvement and that may be levied only for the special benefits to be realized by property because of the local improvement.
(j) "Timber land" means land classified under the provisions of RCW 84.34.020(3); in other words, any parcel of land five or more acres in size or multiple parcels of land that are contiguous and total five or more acres in size that is primarily used to commercially grow and harvest forest crops. "Timber land" refers only to the land.
(k) "Withdrawal" or "withdrawn" ((occurs when)) means action
taken by the owner of land classified under ((the provisions of))
chapter 84.34 RCW ((has filed)) by filing a notice of request to
withdraw ((all or a portion of)) the land from classification
under the current use program in compliance with RCW 84.34.070. ((In order to qualify for withdrawal, the parcel(s) of land must
have been classified for a minimum of)) Once land has been
classified under chapter 84.34 RCW, it must remain so classified
for at least ten years ((and the owner must have filed a notice
of request to withdraw with the assessor at least two years prior
to the assessment year when the parcel will be valued at the
assessed value as determined in accordance with the county's
approved revaluation cycle)) from the date of classification. At
any time after eight years of the initial ten-year classification
period have elapsed, the owner may file a notice of request to
withdraw all or a portion of the land from classification with
the assessor of the county in which the land is located. Land is
withdrawn from ((classified status by)) classification as a
result of a voluntary act ((of)) by the owner.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 84.08.110, 84.08.070, 84.34.141 and 84.34.360. 95-21-002, § 458-30-500, filed 10/4/95, effective 11/4/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 84.34.360. 87-07-009 (Order PT 87-3), § 458-30-500, filed 3/10/87.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 02-05-043, filed 2/13/02,
effective 3/16/02)
WAC 458-30-700
Designated forest land -- Removal -- Change in
status -- Compensating tax.
(1) Introduction. This rule describes
what events trigger the removal of land from designated forest
land status under chapter 84.33 RCW, the procedures followed for
removal, and the resulting compensating tax.
(2) Events triggering the removal of designated forest land status. The assessor must remove forest land from its designated forest land status when:
(a) The owner submits a written request to remove the owner's land from designated forest land status;
(b) The owner sells or transfers the land to an individual or entity exempt from property tax because of that individual's or entity's ownership;
(c) The assessor determines that the land is no longer primarily devoted to and used for growing and harvesting timber;
(d) The owner has failed to comply with a final administrative or judicial order made because of the violation of the restocking, forest management, fire protection, insect and disease control and forest debris provisions of Title 76 RCW or the rules that implement Title 76 RCW;
(e) Restocking has not occurred to the extent or within the time specified in the application for designation of the land; or
(f) The owner sells or transfers forest land to a new owner who has not signed a notice of continuance, except when the new owner is the heir or devisee of a deceased owner. RCW 84.33.140(5).
(3) How to retain designated forest land status when the land is sold or transferred. When designated forest land is sold or transferred, the new owner may retain designated forest land status by filing a signed notice of continuance with the deed. The notice of continuance may be signed as part of the real estate excise tax (REET) affidavit or as a separate form if the county has decided it will require owners to submit both the REET affidavit and an attached separate notice of continuance. If multiple owners own the land, all owners or their agent(s) must sign the notice of continuance. A notice of continuance is not required for a new owner to retain designated forest land status when the new owner inherits the property.
(a) The owner may obtain the notice of continuance form and a real estate excise tax (REET) affidavit from the county. The county assessor's office has the notice of continuance form and the county treasurer's office has the REET affidavit.
The notice of continuance may also be obtained on the Internet at http://dor.wa.gov under property tax, "forms."
(b) After the new owner signs the notice of continuance as part of the REET affidavit and, if required, the separate notice, the REET affidavit and notice must be submitted to the assessor for approval. The assessor may also require the owner to submit a timber management plan before approving the notice of continuance.
(i) The assessor signs the REET affidavit and indicates whether the land will or will not qualify to continue as designated forest land.
(ii) An assessor signs the REET affidavit and approves the land for continued classification if:
(A) The owner provides a complete and accurate notice of continuance signed by the new owner demonstrating that the forest land will continue to qualify as designated forest land; and
(B) At the assessor's option, the new owner provides a timber management plan for the property.
(iii) The assessor is allowed up to fifteen days to confirm that the information upon the notice is complete and accurate. The assessor may use this time to confirm that the timber management plan provides:
(A) The correct legal description for the forest land;
(B) The new owner's statement that the forest land is owned by the same person, consists of twenty or more contiguous acres, and is primarily devoted to and used to grow and harvest timber;
(C) A statement about whether the land is used to graze livestock;
(D) A brief description of the timber stands located on the land;
(E) A statement about whether the land has been used in compliance with the restocking, forest management, fire protection, insect and disease control, and forest debris provisions of Title 76 RCW; and
(F) If the land has been recently harvested or supports a growth of brush and noncommercial type timber, a description of the owner's plan to restock the forest land within three years.
A timber management plan may contain, but is not required to contain, any other information that the harvester needs for its own business purposes (i.e., a statement of goals for managing the land or identifying resource protection areas on the land (like riparian buffer areas along a stream or an unstable slope) that limit harvesting activities).
(iv) If the assessor determines that the notice of continuance or the timber management plan is not accurate or complete, the owner may resubmit the corrected information to the assessor.
(v) If the assessor determines that the land does not qualify to continue as designated forest land, the assessor removes the land upon the date of the conveyance and provides the owner with a notice of removal containing reason(s) for the removal and the amount of compensating taxes owed.
(c) Once the assessor signs the notice of continuance as part of the REET affidavit and the separate notice of continuance, if required, the notice(s) are then submitted to the treasurer. Before the treasurer can stamp the REET affidavit as approved for recording, the treasurer collects any REET due because of the transfer, and collects all compensating tax if the land does not qualify for continuance as designated forest land because it was denied continuance by the assessor. The county recording clerk must not accept any deeds or other transfer documents unless the treasurer has stamped the REET affidavit.
(d) A notice of continuance is not required when the transfer of the forest land is to a new owner who is an heir or devisee, however, the new owner must continue to meet the requirements of designated forest land to avoid removal from designation. The treasurer determines that a transfer is by inheritance because the claim for the inheritance exemption is filled out on the REET affidavit with supporting documentation. The treasurer should notify the assessor when forest land has been transferred by inheritance without a notice of continuance.
(4) Assessor decisions and procedures. Before removing the land from its designated forest land status, the assessor follows certain procedures and takes into account circumstances that may delay or prevent removal.
(a) The assessor must determine:
(i) The actual area of land to be removed from forest land status;
(ii) Whether the land has been exempted from an unretired special benefit assessment;
(iii) The true and fair value of the area being removed as of January 1st of the year of removal from designation;
(iv) Forest land value for the area to be removed;
(v) The last levy rate that applied for that area; and
(vi) The amount of time the land has been designated and classified as forest land, including the number of days up to the date of removal for the current year of removal.
(b) The assessor may require the owner to provide a legal description of the land area intended for removal when the landowner requests removal of owner's land from designated forest land status.
(c) The remaining land outside of the affected removal area continues to be designated as forest land if the owner retains twenty or more contiguous acres primarily devoted to and used for growing and harvesting timber. If the remaining land fails to meet the forest land definition because there are less than twenty contiguous acres primarily devoted to and used for growing and harvesting timber, the owner may request reclassification as timber land under the open space program in chapter 84.34 RCW.
(d) The assessor must provide the owner with a written notice and an opportunity to be heard by the assessor, or the assessor's deputy, when the assessor intends to remove the land because it is no longer primarily devoted to and used for growing and harvesting timber. RCW 84.33.140 (5)(d). Each county assessor may set his or her own procedure for giving a landowner this notice and opportunity to be heard so long as it is done in a reasonable and consistent manner that ensures due process for each owner.
(e) An assessor may not remove forest land merely because an owner subdivides the land into separate parcels, if contiguous parcels of the subdivided land still add up to at least twenty contiguous acres, remain in the same ownership, and continue to be primarily devoted to and used for growing and harvesting timber. An assessor may ask an owner of designated forest land if the use of the land has changed when the owner subdivides a tract of designated forest land into separate parcels.
(f) If the assessor determines the land is no longer primarily devoted to and used for growing and harvesting timber, but there is a pending acquisition by an entity that would qualify for exemption from compensating tax under subsection (6)(e) of this rule, the assessor must not remove the land from its designated forest land status. RCW 84.33.140 (5)(d)(i). In order to prevent removal, the government entity or other qualified recipient must provide written proof to the assessor of its intent to acquire the land or documentation that demonstrates the transaction will qualify for an exemption from compensating tax under subsection (6)(e) of this rule. The entity acquiring the land must provide this written proof within sixty days of a request by the assessor. Thereafter, once a year, the governmental entity or other recipient must provide the assessor of the county in which the land is located written evidence of its intent to acquire the land. This written evidence must be provided on or before December 31st of each year or at an earlier date if the assessor makes a written request for such information. RCW 84.33.140 (5)(d)(i). Upon the assessor's written request, the information must be provided within sixty days from the date the assessor mails or hands the request to the owner or the postmark date of the request, if later.
(g) The assessor must not remove forest land from its designation if a governmental restriction is imposed on the land that prohibits, in whole or in part, the harvesting of timber.
(i) If only a portion of the forest land is impacted by the governmental restriction, the assessor cannot use the restriction as a basis to remove the remainder of the land from its designated forest land status.
(ii) A governmental restriction includes:
(A) Any law, regulation, rule, ordinance, program, or other action adopted or taken by a federal, state, county, city, or other governmental entity; or
(B) The land's zoning or its presence within an urban growth
area designated under RCW ((36.7A.110)) 36.70A.110.
(5) Removal proceedings. After determining that a triggering event causing removal has occurred, the assessor must provide timely written notice(s) to the taxpayer. RCW 84.33.140 (5)(d) (written notice and opportunity to be heard), RCW 84.33.140(9) (notice of removal). Upon receiving the notice of removal, the landowner may appeal the removal or apply for reclassification of the land to the open space program under chapter 84.34 RCW. If the owner chooses to appeal the removal, the appeal must be filed within thirty days of the postmark date for the notice or by July 1st of the year of removal, whichever is later. If the owner chooses to apply for reclassification, they must do so within thirty days of the postmark date of the notice.
(a) When does the land get removed from the designated forest land status? If the removal is a result of a sale or transfer, the assessor removes the land on the date of sale or transfer provided in the legal conveyance. If the removal is based upon a determination made about the land by the assessor or at the request of the owner, the assessor removes the land on the date shown on the notice of removal mailed to the owner.
(b) Notice of removal. The assessor uses the notice of removal to notify the owner that the land has been removed from designated forest land status. Within thirty days of removing land from designated forest land status, the assessor must mail a notice of removal to the owner with the reasons for the removal. The owner, seller, or transferor may appeal the removal to the county board of equalization.
(i) If the property is being removed because the assessor has determined the land is no longer primarily devoted to and used for growing and harvesting timber, the assessor provides two notices. First, the assessor must notify the taxpayer of his or her intent to remove the property and give the owner an opportunity to be heard. The assessor may require the owner to provide pertinent information about the land and its use in the response to the assessor's first notice. When the assessor determines that the property still does not qualify as designated forest land after the first notice is sent, the assessor mails the owner the second notice, the notice of removal, but only after:
(A) The owner declines the opportunity to be heard;
(B) The owner fails to timely respond to the first notice; or
(C) The assessor has received and considered the owner's timely response to the notice of intent to remove and nevertheless concludes that the property is no longer primarily devoted to growing and harvesting timber.
(ii) If the removal is based upon an owner's request for removal, upon receipt of a request for removal from an owner, the assessor sends the notice of removal to the owner showing the compensating tax and recording fee due.
(iii) The notice provides the reason(s) for removing the land from designation and the date of the removal. RCW 84.33.140(9). The notice includes the compensating tax calculated in rule section (6) and the necessary recording fees to be paid. It also includes the due date for payment, along with the landowner's rights to appeal the removal or the true and fair value at the time of removal, and the owner's right to apply for the land to be reclassified under chapter 84.34 RCW. The county must use the notice of removal form prepared by the department.
(iv) The assessor must also provide written notice of the removal to any local government filing a notice regarding a special benefit assessment under RCW 84.33.210 within a reasonable time after the assessor's decision to remove the land. The assessor may provide a simple statement with the legal description of the land, the name of the landowner, and the date of removal, if he or she includes a copy of the notice sent to the landowner. RCW 84.33.230.
(c) What happens when an owner chooses to appeal the removal? Unless the removal is reversed upon appeal, the assessor continues the process to remove the property from designated forest land status. The assessor may choose to delay collection of the compensating tax and recording fee until the appeal is decided. However, if the assessor postpones the collection of the compensating tax and recording fee, the assessor must notify the treasurer to temporarily delay collection. The assessor must also notify the owner that if the determination to remove is upheld, then interest will be due from the date the compensating tax and recording fee were due.
(i) If the removal is reversed upon appeal, the assessor shall reinstate the land as designated forest land, discharge any lien placed against the land, revise any assessments made against the property during the interim, refund the recording fee paid, and refund or cancel any compensating taxes and interest paid or owing.
(ii) If the removal is upheld upon an appeal in which the assessor has delayed collection, the compensating tax and recording fee are due immediately with interest accrued from the date the tax and fee were originally due. Upon receiving notice of the decision upholding the removal, the assessor must immediately notify the treasurer to collect any unpaid compensating taxes, fees, and interest on the land.
(d) What happens when an owner applies to have the land reclassified under chapter 84.34 RCW? If an application for reclassification is submitted by the owner within thirty days after the notice of removal has been mailed, the forest land is not removed from classification until the application for reclassification under chapter 84.34 RCW is denied or later removed from classification under RCW 84.34.108. RCW 84.33.145(1).
(i) The assessor processes an application for reclassification in the same manner as it processes an initial application for classification under chapter 84.34 RCW.
(ii) A timber management plan must be filed with the county legislative authority within sixty days of the date the application for reclassification under this chapter or from designated forestland under chapter 84.33 RCW is received. The application for reclassification will be accepted, but may not be processed until this plan is received.
(A) If this plan is not received within sixty days of the date the application for reclassification is received, the application will be denied.
(B) If circumstances require it, the assessor may allow an extension of time for submitting a timber management plan when an application for reclassification is received. The applicant will be notified of this extension in writing. When the assessor extends the filing deadline for this plan, the county legislative authority may delay processing the application until the plan is received. If the timber management plan is not received by the date set by the assessor, the application for reclassification will be automatically denied.
(iii) When the owner sells or transfers land (or a portion of the land) while an application for reclassification is pending, an assessor may accept a notice of continuation, and allow the owner to revise the application for reclassification to reflect the name of the new owner of the property.
(((i))) (iv) If the application for reclassification under
chapter 84.34 RCW is approved, the assessor shall transfer the
property to its new classification.
(((ii))) (v) If the application for reclassification under
chapter 84.34 RCW is denied, the assessor must record the removal
notice and inform the treasurer's office to immediately begin
collection of the compensating tax and the recording fee.
(6) Compensating tax. Compensating tax is imposed when land is removed from its forest land status. This tax recaptures taxes that would have been paid on the land if it had been assessed and taxed at its true and fair value instead of the forest land value.
(a) Calculating the compensating tax. The assessor uses the current year's levy rate, the forest land value, and the true and fair value for the area to be removed from forest land status to calculate the compensating tax. The compensating tax consists of two parts: The recapture of taxes for previous years that the land was classified or designated as forest land, up to a maximum of nine years; and the recapture of taxes for the portion of the current year up to the date of removal in the year the land is removed from designation. RCW 84.33.140(11).
(i) The compensating tax for the previous years is calculated by determining the difference between the amount of taxes assessed at the forest land value for the removal area and the amount of taxes that would have been paid if the land had been valued at its true and fair value in the year of removal. That difference is multiplied by the number of years the land was classified or designated as forest land up to a maximum of nine years.
(ii) The compensating tax for the portion of the year of removal from January 1st to the date of removal is calculated by determining the difference between the amount of taxes assessed at the forest land value and the taxes that would have been paid if the land had been valued at its true and fair value for the portion of the year up to the removal date.
(b) Formulas for calculating taxes after removal:
(i) Calculation of prior year's compensating tax:
True and Fair Value of Land (Jan 1st of year removed) | Less | Forest Land Value at time of removal | Multiplied by | Last levy Rate Extended Against Land | Multiplied by | Years (not to exceed 9) | Equals | Compensating Tax |
$------------ | − | $--------------- | x | $----------- | x | = | $--------------- | |
(ii) Calculation of current year's taxes to date of removal:
÷ | 365 | = | |||||||
No. of days designated as forest land | No. of days in year | Proration factor (To items (A) and (B)) |
(A) | $ Market value |
x | Levy rate |
x | Proration factor |
= | $ | ||
(B) | $ Forest land value |
x | Levy rate |
x | Proration factor |
= | $ | ||
(C) | Amount of compensating tax for current year ((A) minus (B)) | = | $ |
(c) The assessor notifies the treasurer of the amount of compensating tax and the due date for the tax by providing the treasurer a copy of the removal notice. Compensating tax is due and payable to the county treasurer thirty days after the assessor mails to the owner the notice of removal informing the owner of the reasons for removal and the amount of compensating tax due. RCW 84.33.140(11). However, when property is sold or transferred, any compensating tax owed must be paid to the county treasurer before recording the conveyance. The county recording authority will not accept any instrument transferring the land, unless the compensating tax was paid or was not owed.
(d) What happens if the compensating tax is not paid on the due date? If the compensating tax is not paid by the due date, the tax is considered delinquent. Interest, set at the statutory rate for delinquent property taxes specified in RCW 84.56.020, will accrue against the amount of the outstanding taxes from the due date until the entire amount owing is paid. Unpaid compensating tax and interest becomes a lien on the land. RCW 84.60.020.
(i) This lien attaches at the time the forest land is removed from designation.
(ii) The lien has priority over any recognizance, mortgage, judgment, debt, obligation, or responsibility against the land.
(iii) This lien must be fully paid before any other recognizance, mortgage, judgment, debt, obligation, or responsibility may be charged against the land.
(iv) The lien can be foreclosed upon expiration of the same period after delinquency and in the same manner as liens for delinquent real property taxes are foreclosed under RCW 84.64.050. RCW 84.33.140(12).
(e) Compensating tax is not imposed on land removed from the forest land designation if the removal resulted solely from any of the following:
(i) A transfer to a government entity in exchange for other forest land within Washington state;
(ii) A transfer under either the power of eminent domain or upon the threat of eminent domain by an entity with the power of eminent domain that intends to exercise this power. The entity must threaten to exercise eminent domain in writing or demonstrate this threat by some other official action;
(iii) A donation of fee title, development rights, or the right to harvest timber in order to protect, preserve, maintain, improve, restore, limit the future use, or conserve the property for public use or enjoyment (see RCW 84.34.210 and 64.04.130). Provided, this donation is made to a:
(A) State agency;
(B) Federal agency;
(C) County;
(D) City;
(E) Town;
(F) Metropolitan park district (see RCW 35.61.010);
(G) Metropolitan municipal corporation (see RCW 35.58.020);
(H) Nonprofit historic preservation corporation as defined in RCW 64.04.130; or
(I) Nonprofit nature conservancy corporation or association as defined in RCW 84.34.250.
However, when the land is no longer being used for one of the purposes listed above, compensating tax will be imposed on the owner of the land at that time;
(iv) The sale or transfer of fee title to a government entity (see the governmental entities listed above in clause (iii) of this rule section) or a nonprofit nature conservancy corporation as defined in RCW 64.04.130 exclusively for the protection and conservation of lands recommended for state natural area preserve purposes by the natural heritage advisory council under its established natural heritage plan as defined in chapter 79.70 RCW (natural area preserves). However, if the land is no longer used to protect and conserve the area for state natural area preserve purposes, or fails to comply with the terms of a natural heritage plan, compensating tax will be imposed on the owner of the land at that time;
(v) A sale or transfer of fee title to the state's parks and recreations commission for park and recreation purposes;
(vi) An official action of an agency of the state of Washington or the county or city in which the land is located disallowing the current use of the land. "Official action" includes city ordinances, zoning restrictions, the Growth Management Act, the Shoreline Management Act, and the Environmental Policy Act;
(vii) The creation, sale, or transfer of forestry riparian easements under RCW 76.13.120;
(viii) The creation, sale, or transfer of a fee interest or a conservation easement for the riparian open space program under RCW 76.09.040;
(ix) In a county with a population of more than one million (i.e., King County), a transfer of a property interest to a government entity, or to a nonprofit historic preservation corporation or nonprofit nature conservancy corporation (as these corporations are defined in RCW 64.04.130) and the property interest being transferred is to:
(A) Protect or enhance public resources; or
(B) Preserve, maintain, improve, restore, limit the future use of, or otherwise to conserve for public use or enjoyment. When the land is no longer being used for any of these purposes, the owner of the land at the time will be required to pay compensating tax. RCW 84.33.140 (12) and (13);
(x) The sale or transfer of forest land within two years after the death of an owner who held at least a fifty percent interest in the land if:
(A) The individual(s) or entity(s) who received the land from the deceased owner is selling or transferring the land; and
(B) The land has been continuously assessed and valued as classified or designated forest land under chapter 84.33 RCW or classified under chapter 84.34 RCW since 1993. The date of death shown on the death certificate begins the two-year period for sale or transfer; or
(xi) The sale or transfer of forest land between July 22, 2001, and July 22, 2003, if:
(A) An owner who held at least a fifty percent interest in the land died after January 1, 1991;
(B) The individual(s) or entity(s) who received the land from the deceased owner is selling or transferring the land; and
(C) The land has been continuously assessed and valued as classified or designated forest land under chapter 84.33 RCW or classified under chapter 84.34 RCW continuously since 1993. The date of death shown on the death certificate is the date used to determine the owner's date of death.
(7) When will the land be assessed at its true and fair value and the taxes become payable? The land will be assessed at its true and fair value on the date it is removed from forest land status. The assessor revalues the land removed from forest land status with reference to its true and fair value on January 1st in the year of removal. RCW 84.33.140(10). The property tax for the remainder of the year following the date of removal is based on land's true and fair value.
(a) To calculate the increase the assessor must determine the number of days remaining in the year from the date of removal. The increase in property tax is due on the same due date as all other property taxes are due for the year (generally, April 30th and October 1st of the current year. See RCW 84.56.020).
(b) Formula for calculating the increase in property taxes for the remainder of the year in which the land is being removed:
(i) |
÷ | 365 |
= | |||||
No. of days from date of removal to the end of the year | No. of days in year | Proration factor for true and fair land value | ||||||
(ii) | $ Market value |
x | Levy rate |
x | Proration factor |
= | $ | |
(iii) | $ Forest land value |
x | Levy rate |
x | Proration factor |
= | $ | |
(iv) | Total amount of increased taxes for current year ((ii) minus (iii)) | = | $ |
(c) If the taxes for the year of removal have not yet been billed, the tax should be recalculated based on the true and fair value of the land removed for the portion of the year following the date of removal.
(d) An owner may appeal the true and fair value of the land used to calculate the increase in the remaining current year's taxes or the compensating taxes within thirty days of the notice (or up to sixty days if such time limit has been adopted by the county legislative authority) or on or before July 1st, whichever is later. RCW 84.40.038.
(8) What happens when forest land reclassified under chapter 84.34 RCW is later removed from that classification before ten years have passed? If reclassified forest land is later removed, a combination of compensating tax and additional tax will be imposed unless the basis for removal is one of the circumstances listed as exempt from additional tax under RCW 84.34.108(6).
(a) The amount of compensating tax is equal to the difference, if any, between the amount of property tax last levied on the land as forest land and an amount equal to the new true and fair value of the land when removed from classification under RCW 84.34.108 multiplied by the dollar rate of the last property tax levy extended against the land, multiplied by
(b) A number equal to:
(i) The number of years the land was classified or designated as forest land under chapter 84.33 RCW, if the total number of years the land was classified or designated under chapter 84.33 RCW and classified under chapter 84.34 RCW is less than ten; or
(ii) Ten minus the number of years the land was classified under chapter 84.34 RCW, if the total number of years the land was classified or designated under chapter 84.33 RCW and under chapter 84.34 RCW is at least ten.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.32.300, 84.33.096, and 84.33.140. 02-05-043, § 458-30-700, filed 2/13/02, effective 3/16/02.]