(Dispensing Optician)
Date of Adoption: August 7, 2002.
Purpose: Update and clarify rules for licensure of dispensing opticians related to credentialing by endorsement and appeal of examination results. For apprentice dispensing opticians, update and clarify definitions and appropriate registration and supervision.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 246-824-010, 246-824-020, 246-824-070, and 246-824-071.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 18.34.070, 43.70.040.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 02-13-062 on June 14, 2002.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 4, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 4, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0;
Pilot Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0;
or Other Alternative Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 4,
Repealed 0.
Effective Date of Rule:
Thirty-one days after filing.
August 21, 2002
M. C. Selecky
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 121, filed 12/27/90, effective
WAC 246-824-010
((For the purpose of
administering and recording apprenticeship training, in
accordance with the conditions specified by RCW 18.34.070 (5)(a),
one year shall be defined as)) (1) "Secretary" means the
secretary of the department of health.
(2) "Primary supervisor" is a physician licensed under chapter 18.57 or 18.71 RCW, an optometrist licensed under chapter 18.53 RCW, or a dispensing optician licensed under chapter 18.34 RCW, who is responsible for the acts of the apprentice and provides the majority of the training and direct supervision received by the apprentice.
(3) "One year of apprenticeship" is 2,000 hours of training
under the supervision of a licensed physician, optometrist or
dispensing optician. ((This definition will not be used to
extend the limit of apprenticeship training as specified in RCW 18.34.030.
(1) No apprentice shall engage in the work of dispensing
optician except in the course and scope of apprenticeship
training under the direct supervision of a duly licensed
physician, optometrist, or dispensing optician. In those
situations where the apprentice or the supervisor rotates within
the same eye care organization or business operation, the
provisions of WAC 308-26-010(2) (as amended February 23, 1976)
will apply.
(2))) (4) "Direct supervision" ((shall)) means ((that)) the
supervising optometrist, physician, or dispensing optician shall:
(a) Inspect a substantial portion of the apprentice's work;
(b) Be physically present on the premises where the
apprentice is working and available for consultation with the
apprentice a minimum of 80% of the time claimed as apprenticeship
training((. Thus, of the 2,000 training hours in one year of
apprenticeship, the supervisor must be on the premises
simultaneously with the apprentice for 1,600 hours, and have
available at each location where an apprentice is working a
monthly log with verification by initial of both the licensed
supervisor and the apprentice to be shown upon request made by
the state)); and
(c) ((Except that in the case of the)) When fitting or
adjusting ((of)) contact lenses, "direct supervision" ((shall
require that)) means the supervising optician, optometrist, or
physician inspect all ((of)) the apprentice's work and be
physically present on the premises at all times.
((Provided, however, That if the supervisor is absent for
extended periods of time, the apprentice shall be supervised by
another licensed physician, optometrist, or dispensing optician,
and provided further that "direct supervision" shall not require
that the supervisor while on the premises inspect all of the
apprentice's work, nor shall it require that the supervisor and
apprentice be constantly in the same room.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.040. 91-02-049 (Order 121), recodified as § 246-824-010, filed 12/27/90, effective 1/31/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.04.040. 78-07-073 (Order PL-289), § 308-26-005, filed 6/30/78; Order PL-106, § 308-26-005, filed 2/2/71.]
(2) Separate registrations shall be required if an
individual receives his or her apprenticeship training from more
than one ((licensee)) primary supervisor.
(3) ((In determining whether or not an individual has
completed his or her apprenticeship, within the minimum of three
years or the maximum of six years, only the apprenticeship
training received subsequent to the date that the apprentice was
formally registered with the secretary will be considered:
Provided, That an individual who has been registered in an
apprentice-type program by an agency of the state of Washington,
which program has been approved by the secretary, and who has
been trained and directly supervised by a licensed physician,
optometrist, or dispensing optician while in such program, may
have all such training considered toward fulfillment of his or
her apprenticeship, whether such training occurred before or
after his or her formal registration with the secretary:
Provided, further, That this exemption is not to be construed or
applied in any manner which would except any person from any
provision of RCW 18.34.030: Provided, further, That before such
training may be considered toward fulfillment of an
apprenticeship, formal registration of the individual must be
requested by the physician, optometrist, or dispensing optician
who has trained and supervised the individual, in retrospective
accordance with subsections (1), (2) and (4) of this section, on
a form provided by the secretary.
(4) The licensee initially requesting the registration of an
apprentice shall notify the secretary whenever he or she
terminates the apprenticeship training, unless such termination
is concluded by reason of the apprentice becoming licensed as a
dispensing optician.)) Once registered by the primary supervisor,
the apprentice may thereafter, at the business or place of
employment of the primary supervisor, receive training and direct
supervision from a physician, optometrist or dispensing optician.
No physician, optometrist or dispensing optician may have more
than two apprentices in training or under their direct
supervision at any one time.
(4) Only the apprenticeship training received subsequent to the date the apprentice was formally registered with the secretary will be credited toward the required 6,000 apprenticeship hours. No apprentice may engage in the work of a dispensing optician unless formally registered as an apprentice with the secretary. An apprentice must complete his or her apprenticeship training in no less than three or no more than six years.
(5) An individual registered by the Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council or other similar program with substantially equivalent standards administered by an agency of the state of Washington may have dispensing optician training hours credited toward the required 6,000 apprenticeship hours, if:
(a) The program is approved by the secretary;
(b) The apprentice received training and direct supervision from a licensed physician, optometrist or dispensing optician; and
(c) The apprentice is formally registered as an apprentice with the secretary by the licensed physician, optometrist or dispensing optician who has provided or does provide the supervision referred to in (b) of this subsection.
(6) The primary supervisor and registered apprentice shall maintain a record of all apprenticeship hours. This record shall be verified by initial of both the primary supervisor and apprentice and shall be available upon request by the secretary or secretary's designee.
(7) The primary supervisor shall notify the secretary whenever the apprenticeship training is terminated and provide the total number of apprenticeship hours accumulated during the training period.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.280. 98-05-060, § 246-824-020, filed 2/13/98, effective 3/16/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.17.060 and 18.130.070. 91-09-024 (Order 155), § 246-824-020, filed 4/10/91, effective 5/11/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.040. 91-02-049 (Order 121), recodified as § 246-824-020, filed 12/27/90, effective 1/31/91; Order PL 241, § 308-26-010, filed 2/26/76; Order PL-106, § 308-26-010, filed 2/2/71.]
(2) The procedure for filing an informal review is as follows:
(a) Contact the department of health office in Olympia for an appointment to appear personally to review incorrect answers on the written portion of failed examination, and score sheets on the failed practical portion of the examination.
(b) The candidate will be provided a form to complete in the department of health office in Olympia in defense of examination answers.
(c) The candidate must specifically identify the challenged portion(s) of the examination and must state the specific reason or reasons why the candidate feels the results of the examination should be changed.
(((d) The candidate will be identified only by candidate
number for the purpose of this review. Letters of reference or
requests for special consideration will not be read or considered
by the examining committee.
(e) The candidate may not bring in notes or texts for use
while completing the informal review form.
(f) The candidate will not be allowed to take any notes or
materials from the office upon leaving.
(g) The examining committee will schedule a closed session
meeting to review the examinations, score sheets and forms
completed by the candidate for the purpose of informal review.
(h) The candidate will be notified in writing of the
(3) Any candidate who is not satisfied with the result of
the informal examination review may submit a ((written)) request
for a formal hearing to be held before the dispensing optician
examining committee ((pursuant to the administrative procedures
act)). ((Such written)) This request ((for hearing)) must be in
writing and must be received by the department ((of health))
within ((twenty)) thirty days of ((the postmark)) receipt of the
results of the committee's informal examination review ((of the
examination results)). The written request must specifically
identify the challenged portion(s) of the examination and must
state the specific reason(s) why the candidate feels the results
of the examination should be changed. The examining committee
will not set aside its prior determination unless the candidate
shows((, by a preponderance of evidence,)) error in examination
content or procedure, or bias, prejudice, or discrimination in
the examination process. The committee will not consider any
challenges to examination scores unless the total revised score
((could result in issuance of a license)) on any individual
examination section would result in a passing score on that
section of the examination.
(4) ((Before the hearing is scheduled either party may
request a prehearing conference before an administrative law
judge to consider the following:
(a) The simplification of issues;
(b) Amendments to the candidate's notice identifying the
challenged portion(s) of the examination and the statement of the
specific reason(s) why the candidate feels the results of the
examination should be changed;
(c) The possibility of obtaining stipulations, admission of
facts and documents;
(d) The limitation of the number of expert witnesses;
(e) A schedule for completion of all discovery; and,
(f) Such other matters as may aid in the disposition of the
(5) In the event there is a prehearing conference, the
administrative law judge shall enter an order which sets forth
the actions taken at the conference, the amendments allowed to
the pleading and the agreements made by the parties of their
qualified representatives as to any of the matters considered,
including the settlement or simplification of issues. The
prehearing order limits the issues for hearing to those not
disposed of by admissions or agreements. Such order shall
control the subsequent course of the proceeding unless modified
for good cause by subsequent prehearing order.
(6) Candidates will receive at least twenty days notice of
the time and place of the formal hearing. The hearing will be
restricted to the specific portion(s) of the examination the
candidate has identified as the bases for his or her challenge of
the examination results unless amended by a prehearing order. The issues raised by the candidate at the formal hearing shall be
limited to those issues raised by the candidate for consideration
at the informal review unless amended by a prehearing order.))
The formal hearing will be held pursuant to the Administrative
Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW, and the model procedural rules
for adjudicative proceeding of the department of health, chapter 246-10 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.040 and chapter 18.34 RCW. 92-02-018 (Order 224), § 246-824-070, filed 12/23/91, effective 1/23/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.040. 91-02-049 (Order 121), recodified as § 246-824-070, filed 12/27/90, effective 1/31/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.24.060. 87-22-019 (Order PM 688), § 308-26-025, filed 10/27/87.]
(a) "Credential in another state" means the applicant holds a current valid license to practice as a dispensing optician in another state.
(b) "Substantially equivalent" means the applicant has
successfully completed an examination administered by or
authorized by either a national professional association or a
state other than Washington state. The examination shall cover
the same subject matter as the Washington state examination. The
licensing law under which the applicant is licensed shall, at a
minimum, include the duties described in RCW 18.34.060.)) A
license to practice as a dispensing optician may be issued
without examination to an individual who is currently licensed in
another state that has licensing standards substantially
equivalent to those currently applicable in Washington state.
(2) The department will issue a license by endorsement
((unless there is a basis for denial of the license or issuance
of a license conditioned on the applicant's compliance with an
order entered pursuant to RCW 18.130.160. A person applying for
a license by endorsement must submit to the department)) upon
receipt of:
(a) A completed application ((on a form provided by the
department)) and application fee;
(b) ((An application fee, and if the application is
approved, an original license fee;
(c) Evidence satisfactory to the department that the
education and examination requirements of the other state are
substantially equivalent to that of Washington;
(d))) The applicant will provide documentation from the
state in which the applicant is currently licensed sufficient to
establish that the state's licensing standards are substantially
equivalent to the licensing standards currently applicable in
Washington state;
(c) A completed open-book state law ((examination provided
by the department)) questionnaire;
(((e) Applicants must complete)) (d) Documentation of
completion of four clock hours of AIDS education as required in
chapter 246-12 WAC, Part 8((.));
(((3) Written documentation shall be submitted directly))
(e) Verification from all states in which the applicant ((is or
has been licensed, verifying)) has ever held a license, whether
active or inactive, indicating that the applicant is ((in good
standing and)) not subject to charges or disciplinary action for
unprofessional conduct or impairment.
(((4))) (3) If licensure by endorsement is ((denied)) not
granted, and the applicant is otherwise qualified for the
licensing examination, he or she may apply for licensure by
examination in accordance with RCW 18.34.070 and WAC 246-824-040.
(((5))) (4) Endorsement application fees may be applied
towards the examination fee if licensure by endorsement is
((denied)) not granted.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.280. 98-05-060, § 246-824-071, filed 2/13/98, effective 3/16/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.250. 93-14-011, § 246-824-071, filed 6/24/93, effective 7/25/93.]