Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 02-22-104.
Title of Rule: Commercial fishing rules.
Purpose: Amend shrimp district and logbook requirement rules.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 77.12.047.
Statute Being Implemented: RCW 77.12.047.
Summary: State-tribal allocation of the available shrimp resource requires more precise management. By establishing new subdistricts, the shrimp resource can be fully utilized while providing brood stock protection and reducing gear conflicts.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Better shrimp management.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Evan Jacoby, 1111 Washington Street, Olympia, 902-2930; Implementation: Lew Atkins, 1111 Washington Street, Olympia, 902-2651; and Enforcement: Bruce Bjork, 1111 Washington Street, Olympia, 902-2373.
Name of Proponent: Department of Fish and Wildlife, governmental.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: For the last several years shrimp management has been refined by establishing subdistricts on an emergency basis, and opening and closing the subdistricts as the allocation of shrimp was taken. This rule makes these subdistricts by permanent rule, and requires shrimp logbooks and wholesale dealer fishing receiving tickets to contain information by subdistrict. This allows for better management of the shrimp resource, allows for allocation between nontribal and tribal fishers, and avoids gear conflicts.
Proposal Changes the Following Existing Rules: Amend shrimp district and log book rules.
A small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW.
2. Kinds of Professional Services That a Small Business is Likely to Need in Order to Comply with Such Requirements: None required.
3. Costs of Compliance for Businesses, Including Costs of Equipment, Supplies, Labor, and Increased Administrative Costs: Costs associated with the implementation of these [this] regulation should be de minimus as these requirements have been required by emergency rule in recent years.
4. Will Compliance with the Rule Cause Businesses to Lose Sales or Revenue? No, the one rule change that effects the shrimp trawl fishery will be compensated by a more flexible closure period to protect soft shell crab, the result is no loss of available quota.
5. Cost of Compliance for the 10% of Businesses That are the Largest Businesses Required to Comply with the Proposed Rules Using One or More of the Following as a Basis for Comparing Costs:
a. Cost per employee;
b. Cost per hour of labor; or
c. Cost per one hundred dollars of sales.
There is no cost.
6. Steps Taken by the Agency to Reduce the Costs of the Rule on Small Businesses or Reasonable Justification for Not Doing So: There is no cost.
7. A Description of How the Agency Will Involve Small Businesses in the Development of the Rule: The agency will bring these proposals before the Fish and Wildlife Commission for their consideration in a public process.
8. A List of Industries That Will Be Required to Comply with the Rule: Puget Sound limited entry shrimp fishers and the wholesale purchasers of the catch.
A copy of the statement may be obtained by writing to Evan Jacoby, 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091, phone (360) 902-2930, fax (360) 902-2155.
RCW 34.05.328 does not apply to this rule adoption. Not hydraulics rules.
Hearing Location: Cowlitz County P.U.D., 961 12th Avenue, Longview, WA 98632, on February 7-8, 2003, at 8:00 a.m.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Susan Yeager by January 24, 2003, TDD (360) 902-2207 or (360) 902-2267.
Submit Written Comments to: Evan Jacoby, 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091, fax (360) 902-2155, by January 31, 2003.
Date of Intended Adoption: February 7, 2003.
December 23, 2002
Evan Jacoby
Rules Coordinator
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 02-01-068, filed 12/14/01,
effective 1/14/02)
WAC 220-52-051
Shrimp fishery -- Puget Sound.
(1) A Puget
Sound shrimp pot license or a Puget Sound shrimp trawl license
will only be issued to an individual who is a natural person,
and this person shall be the primary operator. Holders of
Puget Sound shrimp pot licenses and Puget Sound shrimp trawl
licenses may designate a single alternate operator per
(2) It is unlawful to fish for shrimp for commercial purposes in Puget Sound using shellfish pot gear except during seasons opened by emergency rule:
(a) Gear restrictions -
(i) In all areas, maximum 100 pots per fisher except for dual licensees as provided for in RCW 77.70.410.
(ii) In all areas:
(A) Buoys must be orange in color and consist of durable material that will remain floating on the surface with five pounds attached; bleach or antifreeze bottles or other containers may not be used as floats.
(B) The line attaching the pot to the buoy must be weighted sufficiently to prevent the line from floating on the surface.
(C) The maximum perimeter of shrimp pots must not exceed ten feet and the maximum height must not exceed two feet.
(b) Spot shrimp size restriction: It is unlawful to retain spot shrimp taken by shellfish pot gear that have a carapace length less than 1 and 3/16 inches. Carapace length is defined as the length between the posterior mid-dorsal margin to the posterior-most part of the eye-stalk orbit.
(c) Area restrictions:
(i) Pot gear closed in all Puget Sound Shrimp Districts except the Port Townsend Shrimp District.
(ii) Pot gear closed in Lopez Sound south of a line projected true east-west from the northern tip of Trump Island from the season opening through July 9th.
(3) It is unlawful to fish for shrimp for commercial purposes in Puget Sound using trawl gear except during seasons opened by emergency rule:
(a) Gear restrictions - Beam trawl gear only. Otter trawl gear may not be used.
(i) Maximum beam width in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas 20A, 20B, 21A, and 22A is 25 feet.
(ii) Maximum beam width in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas 23A, 23B, 23C, 25A, 25B, and 29 is 60 feet.
(b) It is unlawful to retain spot shrimp.
(c) Area restrictions:
(i) Shrimp trawl fishing closed in all Puget Sound Shrimp Districts.
(ii) Shrimp trawl fishing closed in Lopez Sound south of a line projected true east-west from the northern tip of Trump Island from the season opening through July 9th.
(d) It is unlawful to fish for shrimp in Puget Sound with beam trawl gear in waters shallower than 100 feet.
(e) It is lawful to fish for shrimp in Puget Sound with beam trawl gear in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area 21A only in those waters north and west of a line from the southern tip of Sinclair Island to Carter Point on Lummi Island.
(f) The following restrictions apply to shrimp beam trawl harvest in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area 20A:
(i) Closed in waters east of a line from the southwest corner of Point Roberts to Sandy Point.
(ii) Closed in waters shallower than 20 fathoms.
(((iii) Closed in waters shallower than 50 fathoms from
March 16 through July 31.))
(4) All shrimp taken in the Puget Sound commercial shrimp fishery must be landed and recorded on Washington state fish receiving tickets within 24 hours of harvest. No fisher may land shrimp without immediate delivery to a licensed wholesale dealer, or if transferred at sea, without transfer to a licensed wholesale dealer. A fisher who is a licensed wholesale dealer may complete and return a fish receiving ticket to satisfy the requirements of this subsection.
(5) For purposes of shrimp pot harvest allocation, fishing season, and catch reporting, the Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas (catch areas) are modified as follows:
(a) That portion of Catch Area 22A south of a line due east from the international boundary to Lime Kiln Point light on San Juan Island, then south of the shores of San Juan Island, then south of a line from Cattle Point on San Juan Island to Davis Point on Lopez Island, then south of the shores of Lopez Island to Point Colville shall be considered to be part of Catch Area 23A.
(b) Catch Area 23A is divided into three subareas: 23A-E (east) is those waters of Catch Area 23A east of a line projected 122.59 N longitude. 23A-W (west) is those waters of Catch Area 23A east of a line projected 335 degrees true from the Dungeness lighthouse and west of a line projected 122.59 N longitude. 23A-S (south) is those waters of Catch Area 23A west of a line projected 335 degrees true from the Dungeness lighthouse.
(c) Catch Area 26A is divided into two subareas: 26A-E (east); those waters of Catch Area 26A north and east of a line projected 110 degrees true from the southern tip of Possession Point on Whidbey Island to the shipwreck on the opposite shore. 26A-W (west); those waters of Catch Area 26A south and west of a line projected 110 degrees true from the southern tip of Possession Point on Whidbey Island to the shipwreck on the opposite shore.
(e) Catch Area 26B is divided into two subareas: 26B-1; those waters of Catch Area 26B westerly of a line projected from West Point to Alki Point. 26B-2; those waters easterly of a line projected from West Point to Alki Point.
(6) For purpose of shrimp trawl harvest allocation and catch reporting, 23A East is that portion of Catch Area 23A, east of a line projected true north from the Dungeness lighthouse. 23A West is that portion of Catch Area 23A, west of the line described herein.
(7) The following areas are defined as Puget Sound Shrimp Management Areas:
(a) Shrimp Management Area 1A: The portion of Crustacean Management Region 1 which includes all waters of Catch Area 20B west of a line from Point Doughty on Orcas Island to the bell buoy at the international boundary, and all waters of Catch Area 22A west of a line projected true north and south from the western tip of Crane Island, west of a line projected from the number 2 buoy at the entrance to Fisherman Bay to the southern tip of Shaw Island.
(b) Shrimp Management Area 1B: That portion of Crustacean Management Region 1 which includes all waters of Catch Area 20B east of a line from Point Doughty on Orcas Island to the bell buoy at the international boundary, and all waters of Catch Area 22A east of a line projected true north and south from the western tip of Crane Island, east of a line projected from the number 2 buoy at the entrance to Fisherman Bay to the southern tip of Shaw Island, and east of a line projected true south from Point Colville, and all waters of Catch Area 21A north and west of a line from the southern tip of Sinclair Island to Carter Point on Lummi Island.
(c) Shrimp Management Area 1C: That portion of Crustacean Management Region 1 which includes all waters of Catch Areas 20A, 21B, 22B, and all waters of Catch Area 21A not included in Management Area 1B.
(d) Shrimp Management Area 2E: That portion of Crustacean Management Region 2 which includes all waters of Catch Areas 24A, 24B, 24C, 24D, and 26A-E (east).
(e) Shrimp Management Area 2W: That portion of Crustacean Management Region 2 which includes all waters of Catch Areas 25B, 25C, 25D, and 26A-W (west).
(8) In Shrimp Management Areas 1A and 1B, all catch will be reported by Management Area and Catch Area combined, either 1A-20B, 1A-22A, 1B-20B, 1B-21A, or 1B-22A.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 02-01-068, § 220-52-051, filed 12/14/01, effective 1/14/02; 01-03-016 (Order 00-271), § 220-52-051, filed 1/5/01, effective 2/5/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.080 and 1999 c 239. 00-01-124 (Order 99-217), § 220-52-051, filed 12/17/99, effective 1/17/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.28.740 and 75.30.220. 94-07-092 (Order 94-14), § 220-52-051, filed 3/17/94, effective 4/17/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 93-15-051, § 220-52-051, filed 7/14/93, effective 8/14/93; 91-18-030 (Order 91-73), § 220-52-051, filed 8/28/91, effective 9/28/91; 87-23-006 (Order 87-187), § 220-52-051, filed 11/6/87.]
Reviser's note: The typographical error in the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appears in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 00-267, filed 12/29/00,
effective 1/29/01)
WAC 220-52-075
Shellfish harvest logs.
It is unlawful
for any vessel operator engaged in commercial crawfish, sea
cucumber, sea urchin, scallop, shrimp other than ocean pink
shrimp, squid, or sand shrimp fishing or operator of
mechanical clam digging device to fail to obtain and
accurately maintain the appropriate harvest log available from
the Washington department of fish and wildlife. The harvest
log must be kept aboard the vessel while the vessel is engaged
in harvest or has crawfish, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, shrimp
other than ocean pink shrimp, squid, scallops, clams, or sand
shrimp aboard. The vessel operator must submit the harvest
logs for inspection upon request by authorized department of
fish and wildlife representatives. The department's copies of
the completed harvest log must be submitted to the department
for each calendar month in which fishing activity occurs. State copies must be received within ten days following any
calendar month in which fishing activity occurred, except that
commercial sea cucumber harvest logs must be received for each
month of the season provided for in WAC 220-52-072 regardless
of whether harvest activity occurred during the month, and all
shellfish harvesters must submit a log that must be received
by the tenth day following the termination of commercial
fishing activity showing that shellfish harvest has terminated
for the year.
(1) Vessel operators engaged in commercial harvest of shrimp other than Puget Sound shrimp or sand shrimp or crawfish with shellfish pot or ring net gear must record the vessel Washington department of fish and wildlife boat registration number, number of pots or ring nets pulled, date pulled, soak time, and gear location before leaving the catch area where taken, and weights must be recorded upon landing or sale.
(2) Vessel operators engaged in commercial harvest of
shrimp other than ocean pink shrimp with beam trawl or shrimp
trawl gear must record the vessel identity, date, location
fished, trawl width, Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and
Catch Reporting Area, depth fished, latitude and longitude to
the nearest ((tenth)) hundredth of a minute ((or to the
nearest second)) at the beginning ((and end)) of each tow, tow
speed, duration of tow and estimated weight of shrimp of each
species caught for each tow before leaving the site where the
catch was taken or before commencing a new tow, whichever
occurs first.
It shall be unlawful to fail to permanently record this information into the department-supplied harvest log before leaving each catch site. Harvest logs must be maintained and submitted in ascending consecutive order of harvest log serial numbers. Harvest logs must be submitted for each month in which fishing activity occurs and must be received by the department within ten days following any month in which fishing occurs. The fish receiving ticket serial number must be recorded onto the harvest log at the time of sale, or before leaving the last catch site of the day if the vessel operator holds a wholesale dealer license and is the original receiver of the catch.
(3) Vessel operators engaged in commercial harvest of sea urchins or sea cucumbers must record the vessel identity, date, location fished, depth fished, latitude and longitude to the nearest tenth of a minute or to the nearest second, and the approximate number of sea urchins or sea cucumbers taken before leaving the site where taken and the exact weight must be recorded upon landing or sale.
(4) Vessel operators engaged in commercial harvest of clams with mechanical digging devices must record the vessel identity, location, and date of harvest before the end of each day's fishing and the weights by clam species must be recorded upon landing or sale.
(5) Vessel operators engaged in commercial harvest of scallops must record the vessel identity, date, location, and duration of harvest and estimated weight of scallops caught for each tow or dive hour before leaving the catch area where taken.
(6) Vessel operators engaged in commercial harvest of squid, except when taken incidental to any other lawful fishery, must record before leaving the Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area where taken, the vessel department of fish and wildlife boat registration number, gear type, catch area, starting and ending time of fishing, and numbers of other species caught and returned. Weights of squid must be recorded on landing or sale.
(7) Vessel operators engaged in commercial harvest of sand shrimp, except when taken incidental to any other lawful fishery, must record the location or identification number of the harvest tract, date of harvest, number of trenches pumped, average length and width of trenches (yards), total number of sand shrimp retained (dozens), total number of sand shrimp sold (dozens), and the name of the sand shrimp buyer.
(8) Vessel operators engaged in commercial harvest of
shrimp (other than sand shrimp) using shellfish pot gear in
Puget Sound must record the vessel's Washington department of
fish and wildlife boat registration number, date, number of
pots pulled, pot mesh size, depth fished, soak time, gear
location (including latitude and longitude to the nearest
((tenth)) hundredth of a minute), species targeted, and
weight(s) of catch before leaving the site where catch is
taken. A separate weight for each species caught and retained
must be recorded. When single pots are fished an entry is
required for each pot site. When two or more pots are fished
on a common ground line the catch site must be recorded at the
location of the last pot on the ground line that is pulled. It shall be unlawful to fail to permanently record this
information into the department-supplied harvest log before
leaving each catch site. Harvest logs must be maintained and
submitted in ascending consecutive order of harvest log serial
numbers. Harvest logs must be submitted for each month in
which fishing activity occurs and must be received by the
department within ten days following any month in which
fishing occurs. The fish receiving ticket serial number must
be recorded onto the harvest log at the time of sale, or
before leaving the last catch site of the day if the vessel
operator holds a wholesale dealer license and is the original
receiver of the catch. Vessel operators engaged in commercial
harvest of shrimp from Puget Sound with shellfish pot gear
must report their daily catch by telephone before leaving the
last catch site fished each day. For harvest in Crustacean
Management Regions 1A, 1B, 1C, or 2, reports must be made to
the voice recorder at the La Conner district office. For
harvest in Crustacean Management Regions 3, 4, or 6, reports
must be made to the voice recorder at the Point Whitney
shellfish laboratory. All reports must specify the fisher's
name, estimated total number of pounds of each shrimp species
in possession, number of pots fished, number of pot pulls
(pots multiplied by pulls), the Marine Fish-Shellfish
Management and Catch Reporting Area where shrimp were
harvested, and the port or name of vessel where the catch will
be landed or sold. The fish receiving ticket reporting
requirements of WAC 220-69-240 remain in effect.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 01-02-061 (Order 00-267), § 220-52-075, filed 12/29/00, effective 1/29/01; 01-02-057 (Order 00-262), § 220-52-075, filed 12/29/00, effective 1/29/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 00-05-054 (Order 00-17), § 220-52-075, filed 2/14/00, effective 3/16/00; 97-08-052 (Order 97-55), § 220-52-075, filed 3/31/97, effective 5/1/97; 94-12-009 (Order 94-23), § 220-52-075, filed 5/19/94, effective 6/19/94; 93-15-051, § 220-52-075, filed 7/14/93, effective 8/14/93; 91-10-024 (Order 91-22), § 220-52-075, filed 4/23/91, effective 5/24/91; 87-15-022 (Order 87-69), § 220-52-075, filed 7/8/87; 87-02-013 (Order 86-199), § 220-52-075, filed 12/30/86; 84-08-014 (Order 84-24), § 220-52-075, filed 3/27/84; 83-09-014 (Order 83-24), § 220-52-075, filed 4/12/83; 82-03-045 (Order 82-6), § 220-52-075, filed 1/19/82; 81-11-006 (Order 81-31), § 220-52-075, filed 5/11/81; 80-13-064 (Order 80-123), § 220-52-075, filed 9/17/80; 79-12-039 (Order 79-129), § 220-52-075, filed 11/20/79; 79-02-053 (Order 79-6), § 220-52-075, filed 1/30/79.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 01-32, filed 3/13/01,
effective 4/13/01)
WAC 220-69-240
Duties of commercial purchasers and
(1) Every person originally receiving or
purchasing fresh or iced food fish or shellfish or parts
thereof, or frozen food fish or shellfish or parts thereof
that have not been previously landed in another state,
territory, or country from fishermen, firms, or individuals,
regardless of whether or not the receiver or purchaser holds a
license as required under Title 77 RCW, must immediately,
completely, accurately, and legibly prepare the appropriate
state of Washington fish receiving ticket regarding each and
every purchase or receipt of such commodities. Any employee
of a licensed wholesale dealer who has authorization to
receive or purchase fish or shellfish for that dealer on the
premises of the primary business address or any of its branch
plant locations shall be authorized to initiate and sign fish
receiving tickets on behalf of his employer. The business or
firm shall be responsible for the accuracy and legibility of
all such documents initiated in its name. Each delivery must
be recorded on a separate state of Washington fish receiving
(2) State of Washington fish receiving tickets are required for:
(a) Fresh food fish and shellfish landed in the state of Washington including fish or shellfish not purchased, which fish shall be recorded as weigh back or take home fish or shellfish.
(b) Fresh food fish and shellfish previously landed in another state, territory, or country and shipped or transported into the state of Washington to an original receiver.
(c) Frozen food fish or shellfish not previously landed in another state, territory, or country and shipped or transported into the state of Washington to an original receiver.
(3) State of Washington fish receiving tickets are not required for:
(a) Purchases or receipts made by individuals or consumers at retail.
(b) Purchases or receipts from any person possessing a valid Washington wholesale dealer's license except that a wholesale dealer purchasing fish from a commercial fisherman or shellfish gatherer shall complete the appropriate fish receiving ticket regardless of whether the commercial fisherman or shellfish gatherer possesses a wholesale dealer's license. It is the purchaser's responsibility to obtain the name, address, and Washington wholesale dealer's license number, together with such sales receipt documents or information as may be required, to show the deliverer's name, quantity of fish, and date of the transaction and retain these with the food fish or shellfish.
(c) Fresh or frozen food fish or shellfish that are in transit through the state of Washington, if no storage, handling, processing, or repackaging occurs within the state.
(d) Private sector cultured aquatic products.
(4) Fishermen, fishermen-wholesalers, and wholesalers shall determine the weight of baitfish contained in an average and normal brail and multiply the number of such brailers of baitfish by this weight factor and report such baitfish in both dozens and total weight: Provided, That it is lawful for such fishermen, fishermen-wholesalers, and wholesalers, when receiving herring, candlefish, anchovy, or pilchards for bait purposes, to delay completing that portion of the fish receiving ticket which indicates number of herring received, only if the herring, candlefish, anchovy, or pilchards are sold individually or counted as dozens. Such counts must be entered on the fish tickets immediately. An estimate of herring, candlefish, anchovy, or pilchards caught but not sold due to mortality must be included on the fish ticket as "loss estimate."
(5) It is lawful for an original receiver, when receiving purse seine-caught herring taken from Areas 20A, 20B, 21A, and 21B during the period April 16 through May 31, to delay completing that portion of the fish receiving ticket which indicates the weight of herring received only until the herring are off-loaded from the original receiver's vessel. The herring must then be weighed and the weight immediately entered in the appropriate space on the ticket. A separate state of Washington fish receiving ticket must be initiated at the time of each individual receipt of herring from the purse seine catching vessel.
(6) The original receiver of herring taken from Puget
Sound Marine Fish-Shellfish Catch Areas 20A, 20B, 21A, and
21B, during the period April 16 through May 31 must report
each calendar day's receipts by noon of the following day to
the Department of Fish and Wildlife, LaConner, Washington;
telephone ((())360(())) - 466-4345 ext. 243.
(7) It is unlawful for any person receiving or purchasing geoducks from fishermen, firms, or individuals, regardless of whether or not the purchaser or receiver holds a license as required under Title 77 RCW, to fail to accurately and legibly complete the fish receiving ticket initiated on the harvest tract immediately upon the actual landing of geoducks from the harvesting vessel onto the shore. This fish receiving ticket shall accompany the harvested geoducks from the department of natural resources harvest tract to the point of landing.
(8) It is unlawful for the original receiver of Pacific whiting to fail to enter an estimated weight of Pacific whiting on the fish receiving ticket immediately upon completion of the landing. The exact weights of whiting, by grade, and all incidental species in the landing must be entered on the fish receiving ticket within twenty-four hours of the landing.
(9) It is unlawful for the original receiver of shrimp
other than ghost shrimp taken from Puget Sound by pot gear to
fail to report to the department the previous ((day's)) week's
purchases by 10:00 a.m. the following ((morning. Such report
must be by telephone call to the Point Whitney Shellfish
Laboratory or by facsimile transmission (FAX) to the Point
Whitney Shellfish Laboratory. All reports must specify the
total number of pounds caught by gear type, Marine
Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area, and
species. The fish receiving ticket reporting requirement of
WAC 220-69-240 remains in effect.
(10))) Monday. For harvest in Crustacean Management
Regions 1 or 2, reports must be made to the La Conner district
office by voice 360-466-4345 extension 245, or facsimile
360-466-0515. For harvest in Crustacean Management Regions 3,
4, or 6, reports must be made to the Point Whitney Shellfish
Laboratory by voice 360-796-4601, extension 800, or facsimile
360-586-8408. All reports must specify the serial numbers of
the fish receiving tickets on which the previous week's shrimp
were sold, and the total number of pounds caught by gear type,
Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area, and
species listed on each ticket. The fish receiving ticket
reporting requirement of WAC 220-69-240 remains in effect.
(a) Every person originally receiving or purchasing shrimp, other than ghost shrimp, harvested from Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area 23A shall record either 23A-E, 23A-W or 23A-S on shellfish receiving tickets based on the location of harvest and the boundary definitions specified in WAC 220-52-051.
(b) Every person originally receiving or purchasing shrimp, other than ghost shrimp, harvested from Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area 26A, shall record either 26A-E or 26A-W on shellfish receiving tickets based on the location of harvest and the boundary definitions specified in WAC 220-52-051.
(c) Every person originally receiving or purchasing shrimp, other than ghost shrimp, harvested from Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area 26B, shall record either 26B-1 or 26B-2 on shellfish receiving tickets based on the location of harvest and the boundary definitions specified in WAC 220-52-051.
(d) Every person originally receiving or purchasing shrimp, other than ghost shrimp, harvested from Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas 20B, 21A, and 22A shall record either 1A-20B, 1A-22A, 1B-20B, 1B-21A, 1B-22A, or 1C-21A on shellfish receiving tickets based on the location of harvest and the boundary definitions specified in WAC 220-52-051.
(10) It is unlawful for the original receiver of shrimp other than ghost shrimp taken from Puget Sound by trawl gear to fail to report to the department the previous day's purchases by 10:00 a.m. the following morning. For harvest in Crustacean Management Region 1, reports must be made to the La Conner district office by voice 360-466-4345 extension 245, or facsimile 360-466-0515. For harvest in Crustacean Management Region 3, reports must be made to the Point Whitney Shellfish Laboratory by voice 360-796-4601, extension 800, or facsimile 360-586-8408. All reports must specify the serial numbers of the fish receiving tickets on which the previous day's shrimp were sold, and the total number of pounds caught by gear type, Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area, and species listed on each ticket. The fish receiving ticket reporting requirement of WAC 220-69-240 remains in effect.
(11) It is unlawful for the original receiver to fail to initiate the completion of the fish receiving ticket immediately upon receipt of any portion of a commercial catch. Should the unloading of a catch take more than one day, the date that the unloading is completed shall be entered on the fish receiving ticket as the date of landing. If, for any purpose, the vessel leaves the unloading site, the original receiver must immediately enter the current date on the fish receiving ticket.
(((11))) (12) During any fishery opening designated by
rule as "quick reporting required," it is unlawful for any
wholesale dealer acting in the capacity of an original
receiver to fail to report a summary of all purchases of
salmon and sturgeon made on the previous calendar day. The
summary must include dealer name and purchasing location, date
of purchase, list of fish ticket numbers used on the
purchasing date, and the following summary catch data for each
species purchased: Gear, catch area, species, number and
total weight of fish. When quick reporting is required, it is
unlawful to fail to comply with the following reporting
(a) Puget Sound summary reports must be reported by 10:00 a.m. on the day after the purchase date by either:
(i) FAX transmission to ((())360(())) - 902-2949
(ii) E-mail to or
(iii) Telephone to 1-866-791-1279
(b) Coastal troll summary reports must be reported by 10:00 a.m. on the day after the purchase date by either:
(i) FAX transmission to ((())360(())) - 902-2949
(ii) E-mail to or
(iii) Telephone to 1-866-791-1279
(c) Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay summary reports must be reported by 10:00 a.m. on the day after the purchase date by either:
(i) FAX transmission to ((())360(())) - 664-0689
(ii) E-mail to or
(iii) Telephone to 1-866-791-1280
(d) Columbia River summary reports must be reported by 10:00 a.m. on the day after the purchase date by either:
(i) FAX transmission to ((())360(())) - 906-6776 or
((())360(())) - 906-6777
(ii) E-mail to or
(iii) Telephone to 1-866-791-1281
(((12))) (13) It is unlawful for any wholesale dealer
acting in the capacity of an original receiver and receiving
sea urchins or sea cucumbers from nontreaty fishers to fail to
report to the department each day's purchases by 10:00 a.m.
the following day. For red sea urchins the report must
specify the number of pounds received from each sea urchin
district. For green sea urchins and sea cucumbers the report
must specify the number of pounds received from each Marine
Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area. The
report must be made by facsimile (FAX) transmission to
((())360(())) - 586-8408 or by telephone to ((())360(())) -
796-4601, extension 500. Additionally, it is unlawful for the
original receiver of red sea urchins to fail to record on the
fish receiving ticket the sea urchin district where the red
sea urchins were taken, and it is unlawful for the original
receiver of any sea urchins to fail to record on the fish
receiving ticket the name of the port of landing where the sea
urchins were landed ashore.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 01-07-015 (Order 01-32), § 220-69-240, filed 3/13/01, effective 4/13/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 00-01-145 (Order 99-221), § 220-69-240, filed 12/20/99, effective 1/20/00; 97-08-052 (Order 97-55), § 220-69-240, filed 3/31/97, effective 5/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080 and 75.58.040. 86-19-043 (Order 86-102), § 220-69-240, filed 9/12/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 85-11-020 (Order 85-43), § 220-69-240, filed 5/10/85; 83-24-049 (Order 83-203), § 220-69-240, filed 12/2/83; 82-17-040 (Order 82-105), § 220-69-240, filed 8/13/82; 81-11-006 (Order 81-31), § 220-69-240, filed 5/11/81; Order 77-14, § 220-69-240, filed 4/15/77; Order 76-153, § 220-69-240, filed 12/17/76.]