Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Title
484 WAC, relating to departmental headquarters and state
veterans homes.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: To correct references within the Washington Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) rules to other agency rules such as DSHS and DOH that have been revised, renumbered and/or reclassified.
To eliminate redundancy in WDVA rules.
To correct typographical errors or clarify language.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: WDVA rules currently refer to a number of WAC citations that no longer exist. These WACs have been revised, renumbered and/or reclassified within other agencies. It is important to update the WDVA rules to reflect the changes made in other agencies to ensure necessary information is available to residents, staff and members of the public.
One of the WDVA rules contains the same information in two places. A section of the rule will be deleted to reduce unnecessary language.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 43.60A.070 and chapter 72.36 RCW.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: Washington Department of Veterans Affairs, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Heidi Audette, P.O. Box 41150, Olympia, WA 98504, (360) 725-2154; Implementation and Enforcement: Lourdes Alvarado-Ramos, P.O. Box 41150, Olympia, WA 98504, (360) 725-2155.
Agency Comments or Recommendations, if any, as to Statutory Language, Implementation, Enforcement, and Fiscal Matters: WAC 484-120-045, delete reference to chapter 1-08 WAC and replace with chapter 1-21 WAC. Delete reference to WAC 484-120-105 and replace with WAC 484-20-105.
WAC 484-10-050, delete reference to WAC 484-120-105 and replace with WAC 484-20-105.
WAC 484-20-010, delete reference to subsection (20) of WAC 388-97-005. Leave reference of WAC 388-97-005 intact.
WAC 484-20-015, delete reference to WAC 388-97-240 and replace with WAC 388-97-247 through 388-97-388. Delete "annual" in reference to the resident review. Correct reference to PASRR. Delete reference to WAC 388-97-245 and replace with WAC 388-97-247 through 388-97-260.
WAC 484-20-035, delete reference to chapter 388-95 WAC and replace with WAC 388-513-1364 through 388-513-1366.
WAC 484-20-040, delete reference to chapter 388-95 WAC and replace with WAC 388-513-1350.
WAC 484-20-045, delete reference to WAC 388-97-235 and replace with WAC 388-513-1315.
WAC 484-20-065, delete reference to chapter 388-95 WAC and replace with WAC 388-478-0070, 388-513-1315, and 388-513-1395. Add the word "apply" after two references to chapter 388-513 WAC. Delete reference to WAC 388-527-2710 and replace with chapter 388-527 WAC. Delete all of subsection (10) and renumber subsection (11).
WAC 484-20-087, delete reference to chapter 7.02 RCW and replace with chapter 70.129 RCW.
WAC 484-20-103, delete reference to WAC 388-97-270 and replace with WAC 388-97-042.
WAC 484-20-105, delete reference to WAC 388-97-270 and replace with WAC 388-97-042. Add reference to WAC 388-97-043 for transfer and/or discharge appeals. Delete reference to subsection (2)(e) in WAC 484-20-120 and replace with reference to subsections (1)(a), (b), and (c) in WAC 484-20-120. Delete reference to subsection (5) of WAC 484-20-120 and replace with reference to subsection (1)(e) of WAC 484-20-120.
WAC 484-20-116, delete reference to WAC 388-97-280 and replace with WAC 388-97-047.
WAC 484-20-120, delete reference to WAC 388-97-270 and replace with WAC 388-97-042.
June 29, 2004
Heidi Audette
Public Relations and
Legislative Manager
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 7659, filed 7/28/77)
WAC 484-10-045
Practice and procedures.
In those
contested cases, declaratory proceedings, and requests for
rule making in which the department of veterans affairs has
authority to conduct hearings, practice and procedure shall be
in accordance with those uniform rules promulgated by the code
reviser and codified as chapter ((1-08)) 1-21 WAC as now
written or as hereafter amended except for those situations
covered under WAC ((484-120-105)) 484-20-105.
[Order 7659, § 484-10-045, filed 7/28/77.]
(2) An exception cannot be made to a specific provision of the law. However, individual case exception to a rule or procedure not specifically enunciated in the law can be authorized by the department of veterans affairs when it appears to be in the best interest of overall economy and the individual's welfare.
(3) Exception decisions are not subject to the fair
hearing procedure of WAC ((484-120-105)) 484-20-105.
[Order 7659, § 484-10-050, filed 7/28/77.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 01-23-001, filed 11/7/01,
effective 12/8/01)
WAC 484-20-010
The following words or
phrases are used in this chapter in the meaning given, unless
the context clearly indicates another meaning.
(1) Admission team - A team consisting of a designated veterans benefit specialist and designated medical or nursing staff.
(2) Adjudicative proceeding - In accordance with RCW 34.05.010(1), an adjudicative proceeding is a proceeding before an agency in which an opportunity for hearing before that agency is required by statute or constitutional right before or after the entry of an action by the agency.
(3) Administrative action - An act (as defined in RCW 34.05.010(3)) taken by the agency or state veterans home which implements or enforces a statute, applies an agency rule or order, or imposes sanctions or withholds benefits.
(4) Comprehensive care plan - A plan which outlines details of health care for Medicaid certified nursing facility residents.
(5) Cost of care.
(a) Daily rate - The maximum daily cost (rate) to provide care and services to a Medicaid recipient. The daily rate is set annually by the department of social and health services and applies to all Medicaid certified nursing facility residents. A different daily rate is established for the Washington veterans home, the Washington soldiers home, and the eastern Washington veterans home (also known as the Spokane veterans home).
(b) Private rate - The daily cost (rate) to provide services to state veterans home residents who have resource levels exceeding standards in WAC 484-20-040. There is a different private rate for nursing care and domiciliary care. The private rate is based on actual operating costs.
(c) Resident contribution - The monthly amount a resident pays to the state veterans home as partial payment of the cost of care. If the resident is a Medicaid recipient, the resident contribution is determined by the appropriate community service office. If the resident is not a Medicaid recipient, the resident contribution is determined by the facility. The resident contribution is recalculated with any change in the resident's monthly income.
(6) Department - The department of veterans affairs.
(7) Director - The director of the department of veterans affairs or his/her designee.
(8) Domiciliary care - Is the provision of a home, with necessary ambulant medical care. To be entitled to domiciliary care, the applicant must consistently have a disability, disease or injury which is chronic in nature and produces disablement of such a degree and probable persistency as will incapacitate from earning a living for a prospective period.
(9) Facility - Refers to either the Washington veterans home, the Washington soldiers home or the eastern Washington veterans home (also known as the Spokane veterans home), but does not include the Medicaid certified nursing facility.
(10) Furlough - An approved absence for facility residents.
(11) Grievance - An oral or written statement of any difficulty, disagreement, or dispute relating in any way to a facility, a resident or facility staff.
(12) Grievance investigator - State veterans home social service staff or another appropriate person requested by the resident who investigates a grievance.
(13) Income - The receipt by an individual of any property or service which he/she can apply either directly, by sale, or conversion to meet his/her basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.
(a) Earned income - Gross wages for services rendered and/or net earnings from self-employment. Earned income received at predictable intervals other than monthly or in unequal amounts will be converted to a monthly basis.
(b) Unearned income - All other income.
(14) Medicaid certified nursing facility - Refers to
those nursing care units of each state veterans home that are
Medicaid certified as described under WAC 388-97-005(((20))).
(15) Personal needs allowance - In accordance with chapter 72.36 RCW the amount which a resident may retain from his/her income.
(16) Rehabilitation leave - A period of time granted to permit a resident to attempt to reestablish independent living or other care arrangements in a community of his/her choice while retaining the right to return to the facility without reapplying for admission.
(17) Rehabilitation plan - Describes individualized goals for professional treatment, counseling and/or guidance necessary to restore to the maximum extent possible the physical, mental and psychological functioning of an ill or disabled person.
(18) Resources - Cash or other liquid assets or any real or personal property that an individual or spouse, if any, owns and could convert to cash to be used for support or maintenance.
(a) When an individual can reduce a liquid asset to cash, it is a resource.
(b) If an individual cannot reduce an asset to cash, it is not considered an available resource.
(c) Liquid - Assets that are in cash or are financial instruments which are convertible to cash such as, but not limited to, cash in hand, stocks, savings, checking accounts, mutual fund shares, mortgage, promissory notes.
(d) Nonliquid - All other property both real and personal shall be evaluated according to the price that can reasonably be expected to sell for on the open market in the particular geographical area involved.
(19) Resident - An individual who resides at a state veterans home.
(20) Resident council - A group of residents elected in accordance with RCW 72.36.150 by facility residents.
(21) Social leave - An approved absence for residents of Medicaid certified nursing facility units.
(22) State veterans home - Refers to the Washington soldiers home and colony in Orting, the Washington veterans home in Retsil, the eastern Washington veterans home (also known as the Spokane veterans home), or all.
(23) Staff - Any individual hired or contracted to provide care and services at the state veterans homes.
(24) Superintendent - The licensed nursing home administrator appointed by the director to administer the day-to-day operations of a state veterans home.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070, chapter 72.36 RCW and 2001 2nd sp.s. c 4. 01-23-001, § 484-20-010, filed 11/7/01, effective 12/8/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070 and chapter 72.36 RCW. 94-22-050, § 484-20-010, filed 10/31/94, effective 12/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070. 92-17-046, § 484-20-010, filed 8/14/92, effective 9/14/92; 85-20-099 (Order 85-01), § 484-20-010, filed 10/1/85; 80-09-069 (Order 80-01), § 484-20-010, filed 7/17/80; Order 7659, § 484-20-010, filed 7/28/77.]
(2) All applications shall include either a copy of the applicant's military discharge or a statement from the applicable military service denoting the dates and character of service. An individual whose eligibility is based on the military service of a spouse shall provide proof of the spouse's military service.
(3) An admissions team shall:
(a) Review each application to ensure inclusion of all information and documents necessary to determine eligibility for admission;
(b) For admission to a Medicaid certified nursing
facility, ensure a preadmission screening (in accordance with
state regulations at WAC ((388-97-240)) 388-97-247 through
388-97-388) and if necessary a preadmission screening and
((annual)) resident review (((PASARR)) PASRR) (in accordance
with state regulations at WAC ((388-97-245)) 388-97-247
through 388-97-260) have been conducted; and
(c) Recommend to the director that the application be approved or denied. The applicant shall receive written notice of the decision in accordance with WAC 484-20-103.
(4) Applications are reviewed and approved or denied in the order of receipt.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070 and chapter 72.36 RCW. 94-22-050, § 484-20-015, filed 10/31/94, effective 12/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070. 92-17-046, § 484-20-015, filed 8/14/92, effective 9/14/92; 85-20-099 (Order 85-01), § 484-20-015, filed 10/1/85; 80-09-069 (Order 80-01), § 484-20-015, filed 7/17/80; Order 7659, § 484-20-015, filed 7/28/77.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070 and chapter 72.36 RCW. 94-22-050, § 484-20-035, filed 10/31/94, effective 12/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070. 92-17-046, § 484-20-035, filed 8/14/92, effective 9/14/92; 80-09-069 (Order 80-01), § 484-20-035, filed 7/17/80; Order 7659, § 484-20-035, filed 7/28/77.]
(a) His/her assets and total annual income for the year following admission, less resources and income retained pursuant to WAC 484-20-065 and divided by twelve, does not exceed the private rate for the section/unit for which he/she is making application; or
(b) He/she is found eligible to receive Medicaid.
(2) If an applicant does not meet the requirements of subsection (1) of this section, he/she may be eligible for admission if:
(a) He/she will become indigent through purchase of necessary long term care; or
(b) He/she agrees to make reasonable efforts to sell any
nonliquid resources considered nonexempt under ((chapter
388-95)) WAC 388-513-1350, and pay at the private rate.
(3) An applicant for residency in the colony of the Washington soldiers home may not have income in excess of the federal poverty level. Colony residents may own real property provided such property is the domicile of the colony resident and is located in the Orting school district.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070 and chapter 72.36 RCW. 94-22-050, § 484-20-040, filed 10/31/94, effective 12/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070. 92-17-046, § 484-20-040, filed 8/14/92, effective 9/14/92; 85-20-099 (Order 85-01), § 484-20-040, filed 10/1/85; 80-09-069 (Order 80-01), § 484-20-040, filed 7/17/80; Order 7659, § 484-20-040, filed 7/28/77.]
(a) Medicaid certified nursing facility care as described
in WAC ((388-97-235)) 388-513-1315; or
(b) Nursing care other than Medicaid certified nursing facility care; or
(c) Domiciliary care.
(2) Applicants who are not in need of care as described in subsection (1) of this section are eligible for admission only if their application includes a rehabilitation plan. Such applicants shall be admitted for a specific period as defined by the rehabilitation plan. Any reductions or extensions of the period of residency are made upon recommendation of the interdisciplinary patient care team and are based on the resident's progress toward meeting or refusal to meet goals outlined in the rehabilitation plan.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070 and chapter 72.36 RCW. 94-22-050, § 484-20-045, filed 10/31/94, effective 12/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070. 92-17-046, § 484-20-045, filed 8/14/92, effective 9/14/92; Order 7659, § 484-20-045, filed 7/28/77.]
(2) Personal needs allowance.
(a) Single residents. If the resident's monthly income equals or exceeds the established personal needs allowance, he/she may retain the established personal needs allowance. If the individual's monthly income is less than the established personal needs allowance, his/her personal needs allowance shall be limited to:
(i) For residents who are Medicaid recipients, the personal needs allowance authorized by the appropriate department of social and health services community service office; or
(ii) For residents who are not Medicaid recipients to the income which he/she receives.
(b) Married residents, both residing in the state veterans home. If each individual's income equals or exceeds the established personal needs allowance, each may retain the established personal needs allowance. If one of the individual's monthly income is less than the established personal needs allowance, his/her personal needs allowance shall be limited to:
(i) For residents who are Medicaid recipients, the personal needs allowance authorized by the appropriate department of social and health services community service office; or
(ii) For residents who are not Medicaid recipients, to the income to which he/she has an individual right.
(3) Exceptions to monthly payments. (Note: This subsection (3) only applies to residents who are not Medicaid recipients. The department of social and health services makes these types of determinations for residents who are Medicaid recipients in accordance with applicable Medicaid rules.) Residents may be authorized to retain (in addition to their personal needs allowance) the following:
(a) If a resident is on approved rehabilitation leave, monthly income which he/she would be entitled to receive if living in the community.
(b) If a resident is participating in an approved vocational rehabilitation program, the monthly vocational rehabilitation program earnings.
(c) If a resident is participating in a therapeutic
employment program and it is documented in his/her plan of
care, monthly therapeutic employment earnings; except for
Medicaid recipients the amount retained shall not exceed
limits established under medical assistance eligibility rules
(((chapter 388-95)) WAC 388-478-0070, 388-513-1315, and
(4) Application for benefits/entitlements.
(a) Residents are required to apply for any and all entitlements or benefits as soon as they become eligible.
(b) Agency veterans benefit staff shall assist residents to make application for entitlements and benefits.
(c) Residents who apply for Medicaid and meet medical need requirements but are over the resource limit, shall be advised to seek the necessary assistance (to include legal advice) to reduce their resources. Residents shall be billed at the private rate until Medicaid resource limits are met.
(5) Support of a nonresident spouse.
(a) If a resident is a Medicaid recipient and has a community spouse, the provisions of chapter 388-513 WAC apply; except where preempted by federal law; shall apply to income and resources.
(b) If a resident is not a Medicaid recipient and has a community spouse, the provisions of chapter 388-513 WAC apply; except where preempted by federal law; shall be used to determine:
(i) Available and exempt income and resources with regard to eligibility and resident participation;
(ii) Ownership of income and resources; and
(iii) Participation by the community spouse.
(6) Only subsection (4)(a) and (b) of this section applies to residents of the colony at the Washington soldiers home.
(7) Resource limits.
(a) For residents who are Medicaid recipients, resource limits are in accordance with Medicaid rules found at chapter 388-513 WAC.
(b) For residents who are not Medicaid recipients, resource limits shall be established by the facility using the Medicaid resource limit for a single or a married individual; whichever is applicable.
(c) If a resident who is a Medicaid recipient receives or accumulates funds in excess of resource limits in (a) of this subsection, the case shall be referred to the appropriate department of social and health services community service office to adjust the resident contribution and/or determine continuing Medicaid eligibility. If the community service office determines the resident is no longer eligible to receive Medicaid benefits, the resident shall pay at the private rate until Medicaid eligibility is reestablished.
(d) If a resident who is not a Medicaid recipient receives or accumulates funds in excess of resource limits in (b) of this subsection, the resident shall pay at the private rate until accumulated funds are reduced to the resource limit.
(e) Exceptions to the resource limits in (b) of this subsection may be granted on a case-by-case basis if a resident has an approved discharge plan which includes a goal to reestablish independent community living through either an approved rehabilitation leave or participation in an approved vocational rehabilitation program.
(8) Retroactive, lump sum benefits.
(a) If a Medicaid recipient receives a retroactive, lump sum award of benefits, he/she shall be required to report the award to the appropriate department of social and health services community service office. If the resident continues to be eligible for Medicaid, the community service office will issue a new Medicaid award letter which adjusts the resident contribution if appropriate. If the community service office determines the resident is no longer Medicaid eligible, the award shall be counted as income for the month(s) in which moneys would have been received and the resident shall pay retroactively the resident contribution due from date of admission to date of receipt of the retroactive lump sum award; except the resident contribution will not be collected for those months during which the resident received Medicaid benefits. If the resident's resources still exceed Medicaid resource limits, the resident shall pay at the private rate until Medicaid eligibility is reestablished.
(b) If a resident who is not a Medicaid recipient receives a retroactive lump sum award, the award shall be counted as income for the month(s) in which moneys would have been received and the resident shall pay retroactively the resident contribution due from date of admission to date of receipt of the retroactive lump sum award.
(9) The estate of any individual who is a resident at the
time of death will be charged for the balance of any cost of
care which the resident did not pay during his/her residency
in the state veterans home. The state veterans home shall
periodically inform the resident of the total amount of any
past due cost of care. For residents who are Medicaid
recipients, recovery shall be in accordance with ((WAC 388-527-2710)) chapter 388-527 WAC. For any resident who is
not a Medicaid recipient, recovery shall be in accordance with
a written agreement made at the time of admission.
(10) ((Residents and their spouses are required to
disclose to the department all income and assets. For
Medicaid recipients, disclosure will be accomplished following
medical assistance rules. For all other residents, including
colony residents at the Washington soldiers home, disclosure
will be done at least annually when scheduled by the state
veterans home, more frequently as requested by the state
veterans home to verify continuing eligibility, or within
fourteen days of any change in income and/or assets.
(11))) For any partial months of residency the resident's
contribution shall apply first.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070 and chapter 72.36 RCW. 95-07-082, § 484-20-065, filed 3/16/95, effective 4/16/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070 and 72.36.120. 94-04-001, § 484-20-065, filed 1/20/94, effective 2/20/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070. 92-17-046, § 484-20-065, filed 8/14/92, effective 9/14/92; 85-20-099 (Order 85-01), § 484-20-065, filed 10/1/85; 80-09-069 (Order 80-01), § 484-20-065, filed 7/17/80; Order 7659, § 484-20-065, filed 7/28/77.]
(1) Exercise of rights.
(a) The resident has the right to exercise his or her rights as a resident of the state veterans home and as a citizen or resident of the United States.
(b) The resident has the right to be free of interference, coercion, discrimination, and reprisal from the state veterans home in exercising his or her rights.
(c) In the case of a resident adjudged incompetent under the laws of the state by a court of competent jurisdiction, the rights of the resident are exercised by the person appointed under state law to act on the resident's behalf.
(d) In the case of a resident who has not been adjudged incompetent by the state court, any legal-surrogate designated in accordance with state law may exercise the resident's rights to the extent provided by state law.
(e) The state veterans home shall not require the resident to sign any contract or agreement that purports to waive any right of the resident.
(2) Notice of rights and services.
(a) The state veterans home shall inform the resident both orally and in writing in a language that the resident understands of his or her rights and all rules and regulations governing resident conduct and responsibilities during the stay in the state veterans home. Such notification must be made prior to or upon admission and during the resident's stay. Receipt of such information, and any amendments to it shall be acknowledged in writing.
(b) The resident or his or her surrogate decision maker has the right:
(i) Upon an oral or written request, to access all
records pertaining to the resident including clinical records
within twenty-four hours for Medicaid certified nursing
facility residents and according to chapter ((7.02)) 70.129
RCW, for other facility residents; and
(ii) After receipt of his or her records for inspection, to purchase at a cost not to exceed the community standard, photocopies of the records or any portions of them upon request and two working days advance notice to the state veterans home.
(c) The resident has the right to be fully informed in language that he or she can understand of his or her total health status, including but not limited to, his or her medical condition.
(d) The resident has the right to refuse treatment, and to refuse to participate in experimental research; and
(e) The state veterans home shall according to federal regulations at 42 CFR § 483.10 (c)(8):
(i) Inform each resident who is entitled to Medicaid benefits, in writing, at the time of admission to the Medicaid certified nursing facility or, when the resident becomes eligible for Medicaid of:
(A) The items and services that are included in Medicaid certified nursing facility services under the state plan and for which the resident may not be charged;
(B) Those other items and services that the state veterans home offers and for which the resident may be charged, and the amount of charges for those services; and
(ii) Inform each resident when changes are made to the items and services specified in (e)(i)(A) and (B) of this subsection.
(f) The state veterans home shall inform each resident before, or at the time of admission, and periodically during the resident's stay, of services available in the state veterans home and of charges for those services, including any charges for services not covered under Medicaid or the Medicaid certified nursing facility daily rate.
(g) Disclosure of fees. Prior to admission, the state veterans home shall provide the applicant information on the amount which will be due upon admission.
(h) The state veterans home shall furnish a written description of legal rights which includes:
(i) A description of the manner of protecting personal funds, under subsection (3) of this section;
(ii) In the case of a Medicaid certified nursing facility resident, a description of the requirements and procedures for establishing eligibility for Medicaid, including the right to request an assessment which determines the extent of a couple's nonexempt resources at the time of admission and attributes to the community spouse an equitable share of resources which cannot be considered available for payment toward the cost of the resident's medical care in his or her process of spending down to Medicaid eligibility levels;
(iii) A posting of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all pertinent state client advocacy groups such as the state survey and certification agency and the state ombudsman program, the protection and advocacy network, and the Medicaid fraud control unit; and
(iv) A statement that the resident may file a complaint with the state survey and certification agency concerning resident abuse, neglect, and misappropriation of resident property in the state veterans home.
(i) The state veterans home shall inform each resident of the name, specialty, and way of contacting the physician responsible for his or her care.
(j) The Medicaid certified nursing facility shall prominently display in the Medicaid certified nursing facility written information and provide to residents and applicants for admission oral and written information about how to apply for and use of Medicare and Medicaid benefits, and how to receive refunds for previous payments covered by such benefits.
(k) Notification of changes.
(i) The state veterans home must immediately inform the resident; consult with the resident's physician; and if known, notify the resident's surrogate decision maker and when appropriate, with the resident's consent, an interested family member when there is:
(A) An accident involving the resident which results in injury and has the potential for requiring physician intervention;
(B) A significant change in the resident's physical, mental, or psychosocial status (i.e., a deterioration in health, mental, or psychosocial status in either life-threatening conditions or clinical complications);
(C) A need to alter treatment significantly (i.e., a need to discontinue an existing form of treatment due to adverse consequences, or to commence a new form of treatment); or
(D) A decision to transfer or discharge the resident from the state veterans home.
(ii) The state veterans home shall also promptly notify the resident and, if known, the resident's surrogate decision maker and when appropriate, with the resident's consent an interested family member when there is:
(A) A change in room or roommate assignment; or
(B) A change in resident rights under federal or state law or regulations.
(iii) The facility must record and periodically update the address and phone number of the resident's surrogate decision maker and interested family member.
(3) Protection of resident funds.
(a) The resident has the right to manage his or her financial affairs, and the state veterans home may not require residents to deposit their personal funds with the state veterans home.
(b) Management of personal funds. Upon written authorization of a resident, the state veterans home shall hold, safeguard, manage, and account for the personal funds of the resident deposited with the state veterans home.
(c) Accounting and records. The state veterans home must establish and maintain a system that assures a full and complete and separate accounting, according to generally accepted accounting principles, of each resident's personal funds entrusted to the facility on the resident's behalf.
(i) The system must preclude any commingling of resident funds with state veterans home funds or with the funds of any person other than another resident.
(ii) The individual financial records must be available through quarterly statements on request to the resident or his or her legal representative.
(d) Notice of certain balances. The state veterans home shall notify each resident that receives Medicaid benefits:
(i) When the amount in the resident's account reaches two hundred dollars less than the SSI limit for one person; and
(ii) That, if the amount in the account, in addition to the value of the resident's other nonexempt resources, reaches the SSI limit for one person, the resident may lose eligibility for Medicaid or SSI.
(e) Conveyance upon death. Upon the death of a resident with a personal fund deposited with the state veterans home, the state veterans home must convey within thirty days the resident's funds, and a final accounting of those funds, to the individual or probate jurisdiction administering the resident's estate.
(f) Assurance of financial security. The state veterans homes are self-insured and assure the security of personal funds of residents deposited with the state veterans home.
(g) Limitation on charges to personal funds. The state veterans home may not impose a charge against the personal funds of a resident for any item or service for which payment is made under Medicaid, Medicare or the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
(h) The state veterans home shall:
(i) Not charge a resident (or the resident's representative) for any item or service not requested by the resident;
(ii) Not require a resident (or the resident's representative) to request any item or service as a condition of admission or continued stay; and
(iii) Inform the resident (or the resident's representative) requesting an item or services for which a charge will be made that there will be a charge for the item or service and what the charge will be.
(4) Free choice. The resident has the right to:
(a) Choose a personal attending physician;
(b) Be fully informed in advance about care and treatment and of any changes in that care or treatment that may affect the resident's well-being; and
(c) Unless adjudged incompetent or otherwise found to be incapacitated under the laws of the state, participate in planning care and treatment or changes in care and treatment.
(5) Privacy and confidentiality. The resident has the right to personal privacy and confidentiality of his or her personal and clinical records.
(a) Personal privacy includes accommodations, medical treatment, written and telephone communications, personal care, visits, and meetings of family and resident groups, but this does not require the state veterans home to provide a private room for each resident;
(b) Except as provided in (c) of this subsection, the resident may approve or refuse the release of personal and clinical records to any individual outside the state veterans home;
(c) The resident's right to refuse release of personal and clinical records does not apply when:
(i) The resident is transferred to another health care institution; or
(ii) Record release is required by law.
(6) Grievances. A resident has the right to:
(a) Voice grievance without discrimination or reprisal. Such grievances include those with respect to treatment which has been furnished as well as that which has not been furnished; and
(b) Prompt efforts by the state veterans home to resolve grievances the resident may have, including those with respect to the behavior of other residents.
(7) Examination of survey results. A resident has the right to:
(a) Examine the results of the most recent survey or complaint investigation of the Medicaid certified nursing facility conducted by federal or state surveyors or inspectors and any plan of correction in effect with respect to the Medicaid certified nursing facility. The Medicaid certified nursing facility shall:
(i) Publicly post a copy of the most recent survey and complaint investigation until the violation is corrected to the satisfaction of the department of social and health services, up to a maximum of one hundred twenty days;
(ii) Make a copy of the survey results available for examination in a place readily accessible to residents;
(iii) Post a notice that the results of the survey or investigation are available and the location of the surveys when not posted; and
(iv) Post surveys and notices in a place or places in plain view of the residents in the Medicaid certified nursing facility, persons visiting those residents, and persons who inquire about placement in the Medicaid certified nursing facility; and
(b) Receive information from agencies acting as client advocates, and be afforded the opportunity to contact these agencies.
(8) Work. The resident has the right to:
(a) Refuse to perform services for the state veterans home;
(b) Perform services for the state veterans home, if he or she chooses, when:
(i) The state veterans home has documented the need or desire for work in the plan of care;
(ii) The plan specifies the nature of the services performed and whether the services are voluntary or paid; and
(iii) The resident agrees to the work arrangement described in the plan of care.
(9) Mail. The resident has the right to privacy in written communications, including the right to:
(a) Send and promptly receive mail that is unopened; and
(b) Have access to stationery, postage, and writing implements at the resident's own expense.
(10) Access and visitation rights.
(a) The resident has the right and the state veterans home shall provide immediate access to any resident by the following:
(i) Any representative from the federal or state agency administering Medicaid or U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs health care programs;
(ii) The resident's individual physician;
(iii) Any representative of the state long term care ombudsman (established under section 307 (a)(12) of the Older American's Act of 1965);
(iv) Subject to the resident's right to deny or withdraw consent at any time, immediate family or other relatives of the resident; and
(v) Subject to reasonable restrictions and the resident's right to deny or withdraw consent at any time, others who are visiting with consent of the resident.
(b) The state veterans home shall provide reasonable access to any resident by any entity or individual that provides health, social, legal, or other services to the resident, subject to the resident's right to deny or withdraw consent at any time.
(c) The state veterans home shall allow representatives of the state ombudsman, described in (a)(iii) of this subsection, to examine a resident's clinical records with the written permission of the resident or the resident's surrogate decision maker, and consistent with state law.
(11) Telephone. The resident has the right to have twenty-four-hour access to a telephone which:
(a) Provides auditory privacy; and
(b) Is accessible to a person with a disability and accommodates a person with sensory impairment.
(12) Personal property. The resident has the right to retain and use personal possessions, including some furnishings, and appropriate clothing, as space permits, unless to do so would infringe upon the rights or health and safety of other residents.
(a) No Medicaid certified nursing facility shall require residents to sign waivers of potential liability for losses of personal property.
(b) The state veterans home shall have a system in place to safeguard personal property within the state veterans home.
(13) Roommates rooms.
(a) A resident shall have the right to share a room with his or her spouse when married residents live in the same state veterans home and both spouses consent to the arrangement.
(b) A resident shall have the right to receive three days notice of change in room or roommate except where the move is at the resident's request, a longer or shorter notice is required to protect the health or safety of the person or other resident, or an admission is necessary.
(c) The Medicaid certified nursing facility shall make reasonable efforts to accommodate residents wanting to share the same room.
(14) Self-administration of drugs. An individual resident may self-administer drugs if the interdisciplinary care team has determined that this practice is safe.
(15) Refusal of certain transfers.
(a) An individual has the right to refuse a transfer to another room within the state veterans home, if the purpose of the transfer is to relocate a resident from a distinct part of the state veterans home that is a Medicaid certified nursing facility to a part of the state veterans home that is not a Medicaid certified nursing facility.
(b) A resident's exercise of the right to refuse transfer under (a) of this subsection does not affect the individual's eligibility or entitlement to Medicare or Medicaid benefits.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070 and chapter 72.36 RCW. 94-22-050, § 484-20-087, filed 10/31/94, effective 12/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070. 92-17-046, § 484-20-087, filed 8/14/92, effective 9/14/92.]
(2) All notices of proposed administrative actions must be given in writing, in a manner which the resident understands at least thirty days before the proposed administrative action will occur. Except, notice may be given as soon as practical before a transfer or discharge when:
(a) The safety of individuals in the state veterans home would be endangered;
(b) The health of individuals in the state veterans home would be endangered;
(c) An immediate transfer or discharge is required by the resident's urgent medical needs; or
(d) A resident has not resided in the facility for thirty days.
(3) All written notices must include:
(a) The reason for the proposed action;
(b) The effective date of the proposed action;
(c) If the proposed action is a transfer or discharge, the location to which the resident is to be transferred or discharged;
(d) The name, address and telephone number of the state long-term care ombudsman.
(4) For Medicaid certified nursing facility residents
notice of transfer or discharge is governed by WAC
((388-97-270)) 388-97-042.
(5) For all transfers or discharges, staff must give sufficient preparation and orientation to residents to ensure a safe transfer or discharge from the state veterans home.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070 and 72.36.030. 97-06-013, § 484-20-103, filed 2/25/97, effective 3/28/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070 and chapter 72.36 RCW. 94-22-050, § 484-20-103, filed 10/31/94, effective 12/1/94.]
Transfer and/or discharge of a Medicaid certified nursing facility resident is governed by WAC
388-97-270)) 388-97-042. Transfer and/or discharge appeals is governed by WAC 388-97-043.
(1) Informal settlement. Informal settlement of matters
that may make more elaborate proceedings unnecessary under
this chapter is strongly encouraged. Use of the informal
settlement process does not preclude a resident from
requesting an adjudicative proceeding at any time during the
informal settlement process.
(a) An informal settlement to review an administrative action by the department may be requested by forwarding a written request to the superintendent, not later than twenty-one days following receipt of the written notice of an administrative action by the state veterans home.
(b) Within fourteen days of receipt of the request for review, the superintendent or his/her designee shall review the administrative action and shall inform the resident of his/her decision to uphold, modify or reverse the administrative action. Notification of the superintendent's decision will be given in writing and in all cases the superintendent's decision shall be final except in the case of a request to continue the matter through an adjudicative proceeding.
(2) Adjudicative proceeding. An adjudicative proceeding is a formal appeal of an administrative action.
(a) An adjudicative proceeding may be requested by forwarding a written request to the superintendent not later than twenty-one days from the date the resident receives the notice of an administrative action or a final decision under the informal settlement provisions of this section.
(b) All such requests shall include a statement of whether the resident is represented and, if so, the name and address of the representative and be signed by the resident or his/her legal representative.
(c) The department shall immediately forward the request to the office of administrative hearings for scheduling of an administrative hearing pursuant to chapters 34.05 and 34.12 RCW and chapter 10-08 WAC.
(d) Any administrative action imposed pursuant to this
chapter shall be deferred until the outcome of the
administrative hearing except in cases of discharge under WAC 484-20-120 (((2)(e))) (1)(a), (b), and (c).
(e) Administrative hearings pursuant to this subsection
shall be conducted in the state veterans home in which the
client resides except that in cases of discharge under WAC 484-20-120(((5))) (1)(e), the hearing shall be conducted in a
location which is jointly agreed upon by both parties.
(f) Initial orders issued by the administrative law judge shall become final twenty-one days following issuance, unless the complaining party or the state veterans home requests a review of the order. In the case of such a review, the director or his/her designee, serving as the department's reviewing officer, shall conduct a review pursuant to chapter 34.05 RCW and issue a final order in the matter under consideration.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070 and chapter 72.36 RCW. 94-22-050, § 484-20-105, filed 10/31/94, effective 12/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070. 92-17-046, § 484-20-105, filed 8/14/92, effective 9/14/92; 85-20-099 (Order 85-01), § 484-20-105, filed 10/1/85; Order 7659, § 484-20-105, filed 7/28/77.]
(2) Medicaid certified nursing facility staff shall assist residents in obtaining CSO approval for social leave.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070 and chapter 72.36 RCW. 94-22-050, § 484-20-116, filed 10/31/94, effective 12/1/94.]
(a) The transfer or discharge is necessary for the resident's welfare and the resident's needs cannot be met in the facility;
(b) The safety of individuals in the facility is endangered;
(c) The health of individuals in the facility would otherwise be endangered;
(d) The resident has failed to make the required payment for his/her stay; or
(e) The facility ceases to operate.
(2) In addition, WAC ((388-97-270)) 388-97-042 applies to
the transfer and discharge of Medicaid certified facility
(3) Notice of any transfer or discharge given under the authority of this section must be given in accordance with WAC 484-20-103 and is subject to the provisions of WAC 484-20-105.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070 and 72.36.030. 97-06-013, § 484-20-120, filed 2/25/97, effective 3/28/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070 and chapter 72.36 RCW. 94-22-050, § 484-20-120, filed 10/31/94, effective 12/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070. 92-17-046, § 484-20-120, filed 8/14/92, effective 9/14/92; 85-20-099 (Order 85-01), § 484-20-120, filed 10/1/85; Order 7659, § 484-20-120, filed 7/28/77.]