Document Title: Policy 1120 - Water Resources Program Policy for Conducting Tentative Determinations of Water Rights.
Subject: Policy for conducting tentative determinations of water rights during the investigation of changes or transfers to existing water rights and enforcement actions.
Document Description: To define tentative determinations and describe situations in which a tentative determination of a water right is required. The policy sets forth methods and tools which can be used to conduct a tentative determination. This policy is applicable to the investigation of changes or transfers to existing water rights and enforcement actions.
Effective Date: August 30, 2004.
To receive a copy of the policy statement contact Jeff Marti, Water Resources, Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, 98504-7600, phone (360) 407-6636, fax (360) 407-6574, e-mail jema461@ecy.wa.gov, TDD: If you have special accommodation needs or require this document in an alternate format, please contact Water Resources reception at (360) 407-6600 (voice) or 711 (TTY) or 1-800-33-6388 [1-800-833-6388] (TTY).
Responsible Official: Joe Stohr, Program Manager.
Doug McChesney
Water Resources Policy
and Planning Section