WSR 04-19-033




[ Filed September 9, 2004, 1:08 p.m. ]

     Original Notice.

     Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 04-13-130.

     Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Chapter 296-17 WAC, General reporting rules, classifications, audit and record keeping, rates and rating system for Washington workers' compensation insurance (2005 workers' compensation premium rates).

     This rule proposal will amend the premium rates for workers' compensation insurance classifications for calendar year 2005 and modifications to the related experience rating and retrospective rating plans. An overall 3.7% general increase in the premium rates is proposed. The 3.7% general rate increase is necessary to maintain the solvency of the state fund. This is the result of changes in loss experience, investment income, medical inflation, and the overall status of the contingency reserve.

     WAC sections being amended are WAC 296-17-855 Experience modification, 296-17-875 Table I primary losses for selected claim values, 296-17-880 Table II "B" and "W" values, 296-17-885 Table III expected loss rates and D ratios, 296-17-890 Table IV maximum experience modifications, 296-17-895 Base rate table by class of industry, and 296-17-90492 Table I retrospective rating plans A, A1, A2, A3, and B, standard premium size ranges.

     Hearing Location(s): All hearings begin at 3:00 p.m.: On November 3, 2004, at the Westcoast Ridpath, Inland Empire Room, 515 West Sprague, Spokane, WA, (509) 838-2711; on November 4, 2004, at the Red Lion Hotel, Yakima Center, 607 East Yakima Avenue, Yakima, WA, (509) 248-5900; on November 5, 2004, at the Best Western Cottontree Inn, Fidalgo Room, 2401 Riverside Drive, Mount Vernon, WA, (360) 428-5678; on November 8, 2004, at the Department of Labor and Industries, Tumwater Office, Auditorium, Tumwater, Washington; on November 9, 2004, at the Department of Labor and Industries, Tukwila Office, 12806 Gateway Drive, Tukwila, WA; on November 10, 2004, at the King Oscar Convention Center, 8820 Hosmer, Tacoma, WA, (253) 539-1153; and on November 12, 2004, at the Red Lion at the Quay, 100 Columbia Street, Vancouver, WA, (360) 694-8341.

     Date of Intended Adoption: November 23, 2004.

     Submit Written Comments to: Department of Labor and Industries, Kathy Kimbel, Program Manager for Employer Services, P.O. Box 44140, Olympia, WA 98504-4140, or

e-mail LANZ235@LNI.WA.GOV, fax (360) 902-4729, by November 15, 2004, 12 noon.

     Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Office of Information and Assistance by November 12, 2004, TTY (360) 902-5797.

     Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: This rule proposal will amend the risk classification premium base rates, experience rating and retrospective rating tables to reflect updated loss experience, and provide a 3.7% general rate increase effective January 1, 2005. This proposal specifically amends sections WAC 296-17-855, 296-17-875, 296-17-880, 296-17-885, 296-17-890, 296-17-895, and 296-17-90492.

     Reasons Supporting Proposal: Insurance base rates and experience rating tables are being modified to reflect changes in loss data associated with the classification and rating plan from the previous 2004 rating period. Washington law provides that rates should be adjusted annually to reflect the hazards of each industry and in accordance with the rating plan. Similarly the rating plan is revised to recognize changes within the industry groups.

     Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 51.16.035 Base rates, 51.32.073 Supplemental pension, 51.18.010 Retrospective rating, and 51.04.020(1) General authority.

     Statute Being Implemented: RCW 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010, and 51.04.020(1).

     Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.

     Agency Comments or Recommendations, if any, as to Statutory Language, Implementation, Enforcement, and Fiscal Matters: The purpose of this proposal is to establish 2005 premium rates and experience rating parameters for calendar year 2005. Washington law (RCW 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010, and 51.04.020) requires labor and industries to adjust rates to ensure solvency of the accident, medical aid, and supplemental pension funds. RCW 51.16.035 also provides that premium rates charged to industry vary by hazard. Labor and industries is proposing to adjust each industry risk classification to reflect more current loss experience, and is proposing an overall increase to workers' compensation insurance premium rates of 3.7% beginning January 1, 2005.

     Name of Proponent: Department of Labor and Industries, governmental.

     Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Tammy Turner, Tumwater, Washington, (360) 902-4777; Implementation: Kathy Kimbel, Tumwater, Washington, (360) 902-4739; and Enforcement: Robert Malooly, Tumwater, Washington, (360) 902-4209.

     No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. The Regulatory Fairness Act (RFA), chapter 19.85 RCW requires the agency to prepare a small business economic impact statement (SBEIS) if the proposed rule will have a disproportionate impact on the state's small businesses because of the size of those businesses. In this case the agency is exempt from conducting an SBEIS when the proposed rules set or adjust fees or rates pursuant to legislative standards RCW 34.05.310 (4)(f).

     A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. The Administrative Procedure Act (APA), chapter 34.05 RCW, requires the agency to prepare a cost/benefit analysis (CBA) prior to adopting a "significant legislative rule." The CBA determines whether the probable benefits of the rule are greater than its probable costs. This takes into account both the qualitative and quantitative benefits and costs and the specific directives of the statute being implemented. In this case, the agency is exempt from conducting a CBA when the proposed rules set or adjust fees or rates pursuant to legislative standards RCW 34.05.328 (5)(b)(vi).

September 9, 2004

Paul Trause



AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-24-066, filed 12/1/03, effective 1/1/04)

WAC 296-17-855   Experience modification.   The basis of the experience modification shall be a comparison of the actual losses charged to an employer during the experience period with the losses which would be expected for an average employer reporting the same exposures in each classification. The comparison shall contain actuarial refinements designed to mitigate the effects of losses which may be considered catastrophic or of doubtful statistical significance, due consideration being given to the volume of the employer's experience. Except for those employers who qualify for an adjusted experience modification as specified in WAC 296-17-860 or 296-17-865, the experience modification shall be calculated from the formula:


Ap + WAe + (1-W) Ee + B
E + B

     The components Ap, WAe, and (1-W) Ee are values which shall be charged against an employer's experience record. The component, E, shall be the expected value of these charges for an average employer reporting the same exposures in each classification. The meaning and function of each symbol in the formula is specified below.

     "Ap" signifies "primary actual losses." For each claim the primary actual loss is defined as that portion of the claim which is considered completely rateable for all employers and which is to enter the experience modification calculation at its full value. For each claim in excess of (($15,092)) $17,124 the primary actual loss shall be determined from the formula:

PRIMARY LOSS = ((37,730)) 42,810
x total loss
Total loss + ((22,638)) 25,686

     Primary actual losses for selected claim values are shown in Table I. For each claim less than (($15,092)) $17,124 the full value of the claim shall be considered a primary loss.

     "Ae" signifies "excess actual losses." For each claim the excess actual loss is defined as that portion of the claim which is not considered completely rateable for all employers. The excess actual loss for each claim shall be determined by subtracting the primary loss from the total loss.

     "W" signifies "W value." For each employer, the W value determines the portion of the actual excess losses which shall be included in the calculation of his experience modification, due consideration being given to the volume of his experience. This amount is represented by the symbol "WAe" in the experience modification formula. W values are set forth in Table II.

     "E" signifies "expected losses." An employer's expected losses shall be determined by multiplying his reported exposure in each classification during the experience period by the classification expected loss rate. Expected loss rates are set forth in Table III.

     "Ee" signifies "expected excess losses." Expected losses in each classification shall be multiplied by the classification "D-Ratio" to obtain "expected primary losses." Expected excess losses shall then be calculated by subtracting expected primary losses from expected total losses. Each employer shall have a statistical charge included in the calculation of his experience modification, said charge to be actuarially equivalent to the amount forgiven an average employer because of the exclusion of a portion of his excess actual losses. This charge is represented by "(1-W) Ee" in the experience modification formula. D-Ratios are set forth in Table III.

     "B" signifies "B value" or "ballast." In order to limit the effect of a single severe accident on the modification of a small employer, a stabilizing element (B value) shall be added to both actual and expected losses. B values are set forth in Table II.

[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, and 51.18.010. 03-24-066, § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/03, effective 1/1/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010, and 51.04.020(1). 02-24-029, § 296-17-855, filed 11/27/02, effective 1/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010. 01-23-061, § 296-17-855, filed 11/20/01, effective 1/1/02; 00-23-101, § 296-17-855, filed 11/21/00, effective 1/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.04.020. 00-14-052, § 296-17-855, filed 7/1/00, effective 7/1/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-855, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-855, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-855, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-855, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95; 93-24-114, § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 93-12-093, § 296-17-855, filed 5/31/93, effective 7/1/93; 92-24-063, § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-855, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 90-24-042, § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/90, effective 1/1/91; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.04.020. 88-24-012 (Order 88-30), § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 87-24-060 (Order 87-26), § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/87, effective 1/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 86-24-042 (Order 86-41), § 296-17-855, filed 11/26/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-855, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; 84-24-016 (Order 84-23), § 296-17-855, filed 11/28/84, effective 1/1/85; 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-855, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-855, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80; Order 77-27, § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/77, effective 1/1/78; Order 74-40, § 296-17-855, filed 11/27/74, effective 1/1/75; Order 73-22, § 296-17-855, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74.]

AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-24-066, filed 12/1/03, effective 1/1/04)

WAC 296-17-875   Table I.  

Primary Losses for Selected Claim Values
Effective January 1, 2005

((15,092 15,092
16,669 16,000
20,653 18,000
25,536 20,000
31,662 22,000
39,571 24,000
50,178 26,000
65,145 28,000
87,858 30,000
100,000 30,765
150,000 32,782
211,599* 34,084
300,000 35,083
377,300** 35,594))
17,124 17,124
18,636 18,000
22,522 20,000
27,155 22,000
32,773 24,000
39,728 26,000
48,562 28,000
60,155 30,000
76,036 32,000
100,000 34,061
150,000 36,551
209,345* 38,131
300,000 39,434
428,100** 40,387

* Average death value
** Maximum claim value

[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, and 51.18.010. 03-24-066, § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/03, effective 1/1/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010, and 51.04.020(1). 02-24-029, § 296-17-875, filed 11/27/02, effective 1/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010. 01-23-061, § 296-17-875, filed 11/20/01, effective 1/1/02; 00-23-101, § 296-17-875, filed 11/21/00, effective 1/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-875, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-875, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-875, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-875, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95; 93-24-114, § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 92-24-063, § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-875, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 90-24-042, § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/90, effective 1/1/91; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.04.020. 88-24-012 (Order 88-30), § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 87-24-060 (Order 87-26), § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/87, effective 1/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 86-24-042 (Order 86-41), § 296-17-875, filed 11/26/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 86-12-041 (Order 86-18), § 296-17-875, filed 5/30/86, effective 7/1/86; 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-875, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; 84-24-016 (Order 84-23), § 296-17-875, filed 11/28/84, effective 1/1/85; 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-875, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-875, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 78-12-043 (Order 78-23), § 296-17-875, filed 11/27/78, effective 1/1/79; Order 77-27, § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/77, effective 1/1/78; Order 76-36, § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/76; Order 75-38, § 296-17-875, filed 11/24/75, effective 1/1/76; Order 74-40, § 296-17-875, filed 11/27/74, effective 1/1/75; Order 73-22, § 296-17-875, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74.]

AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-24-066, filed 12/1/03, effective 1/1/04)

WAC 296-17-880   Table II.  

(("B" and "W" Values

Maximum Claim Value = $377,300
Average Death Value = $211,599

((Expected Losses B W
8,174 Under 71,188 0.00
8,175 - 16,471 70,476 0.01
16,472 - 24,892 69,764 0.02
24,893 - 33,440 69,052 0.03
33,441 - 42,119 68,340 0.04
42,120 - 50,932 67,629 0.05
50,933 - 59,882 66,917 0.06
59,883 - 68,973 66,205 0.07
68,974 - 78,208 65,493 0.08
78,209 - 87,592 64,781 0.09
87,593 - 97,128 64,069 0.10
97,129 - 106,820 63,357 0.11
106,821 - 116,672 62,645 0.12
116,673 - 126,689 61,934 0.13
126,690 - 136,875 61,222 0.14
136,876 - 147,235 60,510 0.15
147,236 - 157,774 59,798 0.16
157,775 - 168,497 59,086 0.17
168,498 - 179,408 58,374 0.18
179,409 - 190,513 57,662 0.19
190,514 - 201,819 56,950 0.20
201,820 - 213,330 56,239 0.21
213,331 - 225,053 55,527 0.22
225,054 - 236,994 54,815 0.23
236,995 - 249,159 54,103 0.24
249,160 - 261,556 53,391 0.25
261,557 - 274,192 52,679 0.26
274,193 - 287,073 51,967 0.27
287,074 - 300,207 51,255 0.28
300,208 - 313,604 50,543 0.29
313,605 - 327,270 49,832 0.30
327,271 - 341,215 49,120 0.31
341,216 - 355,447 48,408 0.32
355,448 - 369,977 47,696 0.33
369,978 - 384,813 46,984 0.34
384,814 - 399,967 46,272 0.35
399,968 - 415,449 45,560 0.36
415,450 - 431,271 44,848 0.37
431,272 - 447,444 44,137 0.38
447,445 - 463,981 43,425 0.39
463,982 - 480,895 42,713 0.40
480,896 - 498,199 42,001 0.41
498,200 - 515,908 41,289 0.42
515,909 - 534,037 40,577 0.43
534,038 - 552,601 39,865 0.44
552,602 - 571,617 39,153 0.45
571,618 - 591,102 38,442 0.46
591,103 - 611,075 37,730 0.47
611,076 - 631,555 37,018 0.48
631,556 - 652,562 36,306 0.49
652,563 - 674,117 35,594 0.50
674,118 - 696,244 34,882 0.51
696,245 - 718,965 34,170 0.52
718,966 - 742,306 33,458 0.53
742,307 - 766,294 32,746 0.54
766,295 - 790,957 32,035 0.55
790,958 - 816,324 31,323 0.56
816,325 - 842,426 30,611 0.57
842,427 - 869,299 29,899 0.58
869,300 - 896,976 29,187 0.59
896,977 - 925,496 28,475 0.60
925,497 - 954,899 27,763 0.61
954,900 - 985,227 27,051 0.62
985,228 - 1,016,526 26,340 0.63
1,016,527 - 1,048,845 25,628 0.64
1,048,846 - 1,082,236 24,916 0.65
1,082,237 - 1,116,753 24,204 0.66
1,116,754 - 1,152,456 23,492 0.67
1,152,457 - 1,189,409 22,780 0.68
1,189,410 - 1,227,680 22,068 0.69
1,227,681 - 1,267,342 21,356 0.70
1,267,343 - 1,308,474 20,645 0.71
1,308,475 - 1,351,160 19,933 0.72
1,351,161 - 1,395,492 19,221 0.73
1,395,493 - 1,441,570 18,509 0.74
1,441,571 - 1,489,498 17,797 0.75
1,489,499 - 1,539,395 17,085 0.76
1,539,396 - 1,591,384 16,373 0.77
1,591,385 - 1,645,602 15,661 0.78
1,645,603 - 1,702,199 14,949 0.79
1,702,200 - 1,761,336 14,238 0.80
1,761,337 - 1,823,191 13,526 0.81
1,823,192 - 1,887,956 12,814 0.82
1,887,957 - 1,955,847 12,102 0.83
1,955,848 - 2,027,096 11,390 0.84
2,027,097 - 2,101,963 10,678 0.85
2,101,964 - 2,180,733 9,966 0.86
2,180,734 - 2,263,722 9,254 0.87
2,263,723 - 2,351,282 8,543 0.88
2,351,283 - 2,443,804 7,831 0.89
2,443,805 - 2,541,728 7,119 0.90
2,541,729 - 2,645,543 6,407 0.91
2,645,544 - 2,755,802 5,695 0.92
2,755,803 - 2,873,128 4,983 0.93
2,873,129 - 2,998,229 4,271 0.94
2,998,230 - 3,131,908 3,559 0.95
3,131,909 - 3,275,085 2,848 0.96
3,275,086 - 3,428,815 2,136 0.97
3,428,816 - 3,594,315 1,424 0.98
3,594,316 - 3,772,999 712 0.99
3,773,000 Over 0 1.00))

"B" and "W" Values
Effective January 1, 2005

Maximum Claim Value = $428,100
Average Death Value = $209,345

Expected Losses B W
9,275 Under 80,774 0.00
9,276 - 18,689 79,966 0.01
18,690 - 28,243 79,159 0.02
28,244 - 37,943 78,351 0.03
37,944 - 47,790 77,543 0.04
47,791 - 57,789 76,735 0.05
57,790 - 67,945 75,928 0.06
67,946 - 78,260 75,120 0.07
78,261 - 88,739 74,312 0.08
88,740 - 99,386 73,504 0.09
99,387 - 110,205 72,697 0.10
110,206 - 121,202 71,889 0.11
121,203 - 132,381 71,081 0.12
132,382 - 143,747 70,273 0.13
143,748 - 155,305 69,466 0.14
155,306 - 167,060 68,658 0.15
167,061 - 179,017 67,850 0.16
179,018 - 191,183 67,042 0.17
191,184 - 203,564 66,235 0.18
203,565 - 216,165 65,427 0.19
216,166 - 228,992 64,619 0.20
228,993 - 242,053 63,811 0.21
242,054 - 255,354 63,004 0.22
255,355 - 268,903 62,196 0.23
268,904 - 282,707 61,388 0.24
282,708 - 296,773 60,581 0.25
296,774 - 311,109 59,773 0.26
311,110 - 325,725 58,965 0.27
325,726 - 340,628 58,157 0.28
340,629 - 355,828 57,350 0.29
355,829 - 371,334 56,542 0.30
371,335 - 387,156 55,734 0.31
387,157 - 403,305 54,926 0.32
403,306 - 419,791 54,119 0.33
419,792 - 436,625 53,311 0.34
436,626 - 453,820 52,503 0.35
453,821 - 471,386 51,695 0.36
471,387 - 489,338 50,888 0.37
489,339 - 507,689 50,080 0.38
507,690 - 526,453 49,272 0.39
526,454 - 545,644 48,464 0.40
545,645 - 565,278 47,657 0.41
565,279 - 585,371 46,849 0.42
585,372 - 605,941 46,041 0.43
605,942 - 627,004 45,233 0.44
627,005 - 648,580 44,426 0.45
648,581 - 670,689 43,618 0.46
670,690 - 693,351 42,810 0.47
693,352 - 716,588 42,002 0.48
716,589 - 740,424 41,195 0.49
740,425 - 764,881 40,387 0.50
764,882 - 789,987 39,579 0.51
789,988 - 815,767 38,772 0.52
815,768 - 842,251 37,964 0.53
842,252 - 869,469 37,156 0.54
869,470 - 897,452 36,348 0.55
897,453 - 926,235 35,541 0.56
926,236 - 955,852 34,733 0.57
955,853 - 986,343 33,925 0.58
986,344 - 1,017,746 33,117 0.59
1,017,747 - 1,050,106 32,310 0.60
1,050,107 - 1,083,468 31,502 0.61
1,083,469 - 1,117,880 30,694 0.62
1,117,881 - 1,153,393 29,886 0.63
1,153,394 - 1,190,063 29,079 0.64
1,190,064 - 1,227,949 28,271 0.65
1,227,950 - 1,267,114 27,463 0.66
1,267,115 - 1,307,624 26,655 0.67
1,307,625 - 1,349,553 25,848 0.68
1,349,554 - 1,392,976 25,040 0.69
1,392,977 - 1,437,978 24,232 0.70
1,437,979 - 1,484,648 23,424 0.71
1,484,649 - 1,533,082 22,617 0.72
1,533,083 - 1,583,383 21,809 0.73
1,583,384 - 1,635,664 21,001 0.74
1,635,665 - 1,690,046 20,194 0.75
1,690,047 - 1,746,661 19,386 0.76
1,746,662 - 1,805,650 18,578 0.77
1,805,651 - 1,867,168 17,770 0.78
1,867,169 - 1,931,385 16,963 0.79
1,931,386 - 1,998,484 16,155 0.80
1,998,485 - 2,068,667 15,347 0.81
2,068,668 - 2,142,153 14,539 0.82
2,142,154 - 2,219,184 13,732 0.83
2,219,185 - 2,300,027 12,924 0.84
2,300,028 - 2,384,974 12,116 0.85
2,384,975 - 2,474,349 11,308 0.86
2,474,350 - 2,568,512 10,501 0.87
2,568,513 - 2,667,861 9,693 0.88
2,667,862 - 2,772,841 8,885 0.89
2,772,842 - 2,883,949 8,077 0.90
2,883,950 - 3,001,741 7,270 0.91
3,001,742 - 3,126,846 6,462 0.92
3,126,847 - 3,259,969 5,654 0.93
3,259,970 - 3,401,913 4,846 0.94
3,401,914 - 3,553,591 4,039 0.95
3,553,592 - 3,716,046 3,231 0.96
3,716,047 - 3,890,474 2,423 0.97
3,890,475 - 4,078,257 1,615 0.98
4,078,258 - 4,280,999 808 0.99
4,281,000 Over 0 1.00

[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, and 51.18.010. 03-24-066, § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/03, effective 1/1/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010, and 51.04.020(1). 02-24-029, § 296-17-880, filed 11/27/02, effective 1/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010. 01-23-061, § 296-17-880, filed 11/20/01, effective 1/1/02; 00-23-101, § 296-17-880, filed 11/21/00, effective 1/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-880, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-880, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-880, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-880, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95; 93-24-114, § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 92-24-063, § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-880, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 90-24-042, § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/90, effective 1/1/91; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.04.020. 88-24-012 (Order 88-30), § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 87-24-060 (Order 87-26), § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/87, effective 1/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 86-24-042 (Order 86-41), § 296-17-880, filed 11/26/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-880, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; 84-24-016 (Order 84-23), § 296-17-880, filed 11/28/84, effective 1/1/85; 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-880, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-880, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 78-12-043 (Order 78-23), § 296-17-880, filed 11/27/78, effective 1/1/79; Order 77-27, § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/77, effective 1/1/78; Order 76-36, § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/76; Order 75-38, § 296-17-880, filed 11/24/75, effective 1/1/76; Order 74-40, § 296-17-880, filed 11/27/74, effective 1/1/75; Order 73-22, § 296-17-880, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74.]

AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-24-066, filed 12/1/03, effective 1/1/04)

WAC 296-17-885    Table III.  

Expected Loss Rates and D-Ratios

for Indicated Fiscal Year

Expected Loss Rates in Dollars Per Worker Hour

Effective January 1, ((2004)) 2005

((Class 2000 2001 2002 D-Ratio
0101 1.2052 1.1820 1.0720 0.444
0103 1.4096 1.3857 1.2638 0.487
0104 0.8539 0.8384 0.7629 0.448
0105 1.2116 1.1933 1.0935 0.521
0107 1.0144 0.9960 0.9067 0.444
0108 0.8539 0.8384 0.7629 0.448
0112 0.6281 0.6174 0.5633 0.478
0201 2.1498 2.1073 1.9097 0.419
0202 2.9972 2.9383 2.6660 0.390
0210 1.0985 1.0759 0.9733 0.397
0212 1.0054 0.9865 0.8961 0.440
0214 1.1143 1.0925 0.9902 0.433
0217 1.0190 1.0006 0.9100 0.467
0219 0.9297 0.9151 0.8388 0.463
0301 0.4954 0.4887 0.4498 0.543
0302 1.6598 1.6247 1.4658 0.415
0303 1.5942 1.5620 1.4128 0.431
0306 0.8911 0.8742 0.7931 0.465
0307 0.7988 0.7851 0.7158 0.491
0308 0.4764 0.4703 0.4339 0.564
0403 1.4527 1.4331 1.3188 0.561
0502 1.3338 1.3069 1.1824 0.434
0504 1.1259 1.1062 1.0086 0.447
0506 1.4685 1.4426 1.3150 0.452
0507 2.5823 2.5369 2.3128 0.453
0508 1.8148 1.7754 1.6008 0.386
0509 1.3736 1.3452 1.2150 0.435
0510 1.3483 1.3250 1.2080 0.468
0511 1.4655 1.4391 1.3086 0.481
0512 1.1134 1.0942 0.9968 0.502
0513 0.7759 0.7621 0.6936 0.472
0514 1.4041 1.3807 1.2605 0.497
0516 1.3483 1.3250 1.2080 0.468
0517 1.4720 1.4479 1.3246 0.469
0518 1.4650 1.4373 1.3054 0.436
0519 1.5395 1.5119 1.3766 0.454
0521 0.5834 0.5734 0.5235 0.439
0540 0.0193 0.0189 0.0172 0.457
0541 0.0104 0.0101 0.0093 0.441
0550 0.0268 0.0261 0.0235 0.369
0551 0.0142 0.0139 0.0125 0.398
0601 0.5223 0.5138 0.4691 0.511
0602 0.5704 0.5616 0.5135 0.576
0603 0.8753 0.8578 0.7763 0.437
0604 0.8246 0.8131 0.7486 0.508
0606 0.3977 0.3929 0.3630 0.581
0607 0.3697 0.3646 0.3355 0.551
0608 0.3092 0.3046 0.2794 0.515
0701 1.7557 1.7135 1.5343 0.362
0803 0.4137 0.4082 0.3756 0.571
0901 1.4195 1.3922 1.2631 0.436
1002 0.9122 0.8984 0.8239 0.494
1003 0.7453 0.7339 0.6731 0.497
1004 0.4327 0.4259 0.3895 0.531
1005 6.5172 6.3978 5.8169 0.450
1007 0.3073 0.3023 0.2765 0.500
1101 0.5726 0.5649 0.5198 0.552
1102 1.1147 1.0953 0.9975 0.485
1103 0.9738 0.9583 0.8783 0.441
1104 0.4624 0.4570 0.4229 0.551
1105 0.8783 0.8642 0.7914 0.460
1106 0.3150 0.3114 0.2886 0.549
1108 0.5324 0.5256 0.4843 0.576
1109 1.0862 1.0708 0.9849 0.510
1301 0.5573 0.5493 0.5027 0.628
1303 0.2022 0.1997 0.1840 0.623
1304 0.0218 0.0215 0.0197 0.565
1305 0.3250 0.3207 0.2954 0.555
1401 0.4534 0.4468 0.4111 0.461
1404 0.5898 0.5820 0.5364 0.536
1405 0.4100 0.4051 0.3737 0.599
1407 0.5898 0.5820 0.5364 0.536
1501 0.4884 0.4812 0.4411 0.554
1507 0.4398 0.4334 0.3975 0.548
1701 0.8107 0.7966 0.7261 0.474
1702 1.7146 1.6789 1.5177 0.392
1703 0.7377 0.7212 0.6487 0.391
1704 0.8107 0.7966 0.7261 0.474
1801 0.5036 0.4950 0.4525 0.441
1802 0.5592 0.5507 0.5044 0.528
2002 0.6364 0.6284 0.5799 0.558
2004 0.7269 0.7178 0.6620 0.577
2007 0.3777 0.3725 0.3427 0.533
2008 0.2843 0.2800 0.2571 0.497
2009 0.3138 0.3105 0.2884 0.599
2101 0.6327 0.6237 0.5732 0.502
2102 0.4684 0.4628 0.4277 0.577
2104 0.2800 0.2774 0.2581 0.616
2105 0.5410 0.5344 0.4932 0.601
2106 0.3854 0.3805 0.3509 0.556
2201 0.2255 0.2225 0.2050 0.543
2202 0.6250 0.6163 0.5666 0.563
2203 0.4219 0.4176 0.3875 0.598
2204 0.2255 0.2225 0.2050 0.543
2401 0.3947 0.3895 0.3588 0.561
2903 0.5816 0.5752 0.5325 0.592
2904 0.6242 0.6156 0.5666 0.511
2905 0.4872 0.4819 0.4466 0.581
2906 0.3055 0.3014 0.2775 0.569
2907 0.4510 0.4457 0.4121 0.575
2908 0.8905 0.8770 0.8041 0.507
2909 0.3609 0.3567 0.3297 0.578
3101 0.8702 0.8547 0.7784 0.443
3102 0.2528 0.2498 0.2306 0.587
3103 0.4960 0.4887 0.4490 0.494
3104 0.5383 0.5296 0.4840 0.486
3105 0.6680 0.6601 0.6102 0.590
3303 0.3685 0.3641 0.3360 0.587
3304 0.4646 0.4595 0.4257 0.587
3309 0.3725 0.3678 0.3395 0.570
3402 0.4488 0.4425 0.4068 0.542
3403 0.1786 0.1760 0.1617 0.521
3404 0.4559 0.4502 0.4154 0.568
3405 0.2668 0.2634 0.2425 0.566
3406 0.1894 0.1873 0.1736 0.590
3407 0.5683 0.5594 0.5121 0.502
3408 0.1408 0.1391 0.1282 0.622
3409 0.1351 0.1339 0.1244 0.670
3410 0.2251 0.2227 0.2066 0.594
3411 0.4087 0.4026 0.3690 0.527
3412 0.4716 0.4638 0.4235 0.485
3414 0.4728 0.4660 0.4278 0.542
3415 0.6474 0.6373 0.5841 0.476
3501 0.8714 0.8587 0.7884 0.509
3503 0.2801 0.2775 0.2584 0.596
3506 0.9627 0.9434 0.8533 0.451
3509 0.3555 0.3521 0.3269 0.638
3510 0.3261 0.3222 0.2976 0.586
3511 0.6113 0.6027 0.5546 0.527
3512 0.2955 0.2923 0.2706 0.599
3513 0.4397 0.4335 0.3998 0.445
3602 0.1054 0.1043 0.0968 0.634
3603 0.4136 0.4082 0.3760 0.545
3604 0.7571 0.7469 0.6885 0.501
3605 0.4475 0.4410 0.4047 0.552
3701 0.2528 0.2498 0.2306 0.587
3702 0.3797 0.3754 0.3472 0.619
3708 0.5385 0.5309 0.4874 0.553
3802 0.1490 0.1475 0.1367 0.625
3808 0.3860 0.3799 0.3480 0.496
3901 0.1409 0.1398 0.1305 0.649
3902 0.4044 0.3998 0.3700 0.577
3903 1.0119 1.0004 0.9270 0.555
3905 0.1409 0.1398 0.1305 0.649
3906 0.4439 0.4384 0.4046 0.551
3909 0.2382 0.2361 0.2194 0.662
4002 1.1077 1.0895 0.9935 0.539
4101 0.2450 0.2418 0.2226 0.556
4103 0.3814 0.3784 0.3533 0.666
4107 0.1385 0.1368 0.1260 0.555
4108 0.1284 0.1268 0.1171 0.548
4109 0.1930 0.1904 0.1756 0.537
4201 0.5494 0.5400 0.4914 0.539
4301 0.5949 0.5883 0.5448 0.596
4302 0.5237 0.5168 0.4761 0.559
4304 0.7981 0.7873 0.7252 0.524
4305 1.0228 1.0056 0.9166 0.530
4401 0.3529 0.3480 0.3206 0.487
4402 0.6879 0.6797 0.6280 0.589
4404 0.4465 0.4415 0.4089 0.595
4501 0.1666 0.1649 0.1528 0.635
4502 0.0385 0.0381 0.0353 0.575
4504 0.0971 0.0964 0.0899 0.659
4601 0.6250 0.6166 0.5680 0.532
4802 0.2180 0.2153 0.1989 0.563
4803 0.2196 0.2172 0.2018 0.569
4804 0.4918 0.4860 0.4488 0.591
4805 0.2414 0.2388 0.2217 0.584
4806 0.0477 0.0472 0.0436 0.543
4808 0.4175 0.4121 0.3800 0.545
4809 0.3293 0.3256 0.3014 0.582
4810 0.1280 0.1267 0.1179 0.609
4811 0.2227 0.2204 0.2047 0.592
4812 0.3212 0.3174 0.2935 0.591
4813 0.1450 0.1433 0.1324 0.536
4900 0.3182 0.3131 0.2866 0.482
4901 0.0652 0.0642 0.0589 0.496
4902 0.0848 0.0838 0.0773 0.602
4903 0.1003 0.0992 0.0913 0.628
4904 0.0264 0.0262 0.0243 0.604
4905 0.2908 0.2880 0.2679 0.603
4906 0.0849 0.0838 0.0774 0.598
4907 0.0424 0.0419 0.0387 0.535
4908 0.1185 0.1180 0.1116 0.667
4909 0.0525 0.0523 0.0494 0.623
4910 0.3706 0.3658 0.3373 0.543
5001 4.2001 4.1142 3.7196 0.419
5002 0.5127 0.5057 0.4648 0.580
5003 1.5608 1.5294 1.3841 0.422
5004 0.9201 0.9067 0.8331 0.501
5005 0.5723 0.5623 0.5121 0.478
5006 1.5103 1.4800 1.3412 0.385
5101 0.8145 0.8040 0.7400 0.589
5103 0.6737 0.6667 0.6184 0.604
5106 0.6737 0.6667 0.6184 0.604
5108 0.8213 0.8123 0.7512 0.632
5109 0.5815 0.5724 0.5241 0.509
5201 0.3678 0.3630 0.3342 0.575
5204 0.8257 0.8131 0.7462 0.481
5206 0.3182 0.3131 0.2866 0.482
5207 0.1457 0.1444 0.1344 0.636
5208 0.7688 0.7578 0.6964 0.515
5209 0.7156 0.7050 0.6469 0.521
5301 0.0272 0.0269 0.0249 0.628
5305 0.0510 0.0506 0.0470 0.675
5306 0.0537 0.0532 0.0492 0.631
5307 0.4069 0.4012 0.3685 0.568
6103 0.0725 0.0720 0.0672 0.644
6104 0.3402 0.3362 0.3111 0.570
6105 0.2542 0.2503 0.2296 0.497
6107 0.1162 0.1152 0.1076 0.612
6108 0.3786 0.3748 0.3485 0.598
6109 0.0805 0.0795 0.0733 0.571
6110 0.4370 0.4316 0.3985 0.564
6201 0.3105 0.3055 0.2792 0.490
6202 0.5687 0.5615 0.5186 0.526
6203 0.0845 0.0841 0.0789 0.676
6204 0.1251 0.1237 0.1145 0.572
6205 0.2187 0.2161 0.1999 0.579
6206 0.1929 0.1907 0.1761 0.598
6207 1.0058 0.9956 0.9269 0.529
6208 0.2101 0.2082 0.1941 0.585
6209 0.2497 0.2471 0.2291 0.584
6301 0.1115 0.1095 0.0999 0.457
6302 0.1461 0.1444 0.1335 0.534
6303 0.0613 0.0605 0.0559 0.548
6304 0.2968 0.2940 0.2737 0.606
6305 0.0885 0.0877 0.0817 0.628
6306 0.2687 0.2655 0.2456 0.602
6308 0.0515 0.0508 0.0470 0.591
6309 0.1561 0.1545 0.1435 0.604
6402 0.2675 0.2649 0.2459 0.642
6403 0.1356 0.1343 0.1248 0.612
6404 0.1726 0.1710 0.1589 0.619
6405 0.5022 0.4954 0.4558 0.556
6406 0.0890 0.0882 0.0821 0.624
6407 0.2379 0.2353 0.2181 0.588
6408 0.3369 0.3329 0.3073 0.610
6409 0.7103 0.6987 0.6383 0.498
6410 0.2316 0.2284 0.2104 0.522
6501 0.1428 0.1412 0.1307 0.642
6502 0.0318 0.0315 0.0292 0.601
6503 0.0650 0.0639 0.0584 0.536
6504 0.3494 0.3464 0.3228 0.640
6505 0.0909 0.0901 0.0839 0.598
6506 0.0863 0.0856 0.0796 0.636
6509 0.3182 0.3150 0.2924 0.590
6510 0.4099 0.4028 0.3674 0.443
6511 0.2729 0.2703 0.2514 0.603
6601 0.1675 0.1656 0.1534 0.590
6602 0.3715 0.3671 0.3392 0.561
6603 0.2961 0.2921 0.2688 0.565
6604 0.0615 0.0609 0.0564 0.582
6605 0.2492 0.2475 0.2319 0.629
6607 0.1639 0.1619 0.1494 0.566
6608 0.5039 0.4940 0.4474 0.449
6620 3.9612 3.9202 3.6238 0.698
6704 0.1428 0.1412 0.1308 0.628
6705 0.7499 0.7441 0.6953 0.634
6706 0.3055 0.3022 0.2805 0.563
6707 2.4200 2.3987 2.2285 0.697
6708 7.4793 7.3963 6.8851 0.441
6709 0.2434 0.2414 0.2252 0.629
6801 0.4657 0.4597 0.4228 0.619
6802 0.3713 0.3677 0.3417 0.635
6803 0.7499 0.7350 0.6673 0.366
6804 0.2324 0.2294 0.2114 0.566
6809 4.5801 4.5282 4.1923 0.574
6901 0.0367 0.0369 0.0359 0.762
6902 0.8586 0.8404 0.7583 0.421
6903 7.0367 6.8845 6.2274 0.305
6904 0.3139 0.3097 0.2839 0.653
6905 0.3423 0.3378 0.3108 0.624
6906 0.1286 0.1295 0.1259 0.718
6907 1.0003 0.9875 0.9093 0.580
6908 0.4396 0.4344 0.4012 0.603
6909 0.1012 0.1000 0.0927 0.596
7100 0.0285 0.0281 0.0259 0.493
7101 0.0229 0.0226 0.0207 0.466
7102 3.6989 3.6759 3.4556 0.599
7103 0.4619 0.4547 0.4158 0.521
7104 0.0251 0.0248 0.0230 0.626
7105 0.0256 0.0254 0.0235 0.655
7106 0.1670 0.1653 0.1532 0.630
7107 0.2143 0.2122 0.1975 0.586
7108 0.1800 0.1785 0.1668 0.594
7109 0.1257 0.1245 0.1157 0.639
7110 0.3446 0.3390 0.3099 0.491
7111 0.3477 0.3428 0.3150 0.555
7112 0.5364 0.5297 0.4889 0.563
7113 0.3518 0.3483 0.3238 0.596
7114 0.5500 0.5457 0.5093 0.667
7115 0.4961 0.4913 0.4561 0.619
7116 0.5440 0.5380 0.4981 0.583
7117 1.1569 1.1435 1.0570 0.600
7118 1.0029 0.9925 0.9201 0.612
7119 1.1231 1.1088 1.0219 0.568
7120 5.2244 5.1533 4.7450 0.529
7121 4.9659 4.8981 4.5086 0.533
7201 1.0899 1.0731 0.9815 0.541
7202 0.0342 0.0337 0.0308 0.532
7203 0.1126 0.1117 0.1044 0.596
7204 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.000
7301 0.4249 0.4192 0.3864 0.512
7302 0.7810 0.7701 0.7089 0.502
7307 0.4762 0.4708 0.4359 0.565
7308 0.2467 0.2450 0.2297 0.642
7309 0.2434 0.2414 0.2252 0.629))

Class 2001 2002 2003 D-Ratio
0101 1.3244 1.2465 1.0733 0.454
0103 1.5617 1.4754 1.2827 0.479
0104 0.9424 0.8882 0.7665 0.455
0105 1.3329 1.2671 1.1151 0.522
0107 1.1948 1.1256 0.9710 0.451
0108 0.9424 0.8882 0.7665 0.455
0112 0.7516 0.7118 0.6194 0.478
0201 2.2793 2.1355 1.8234 0.422
0202 3.1165 2.9224 2.4913 0.392
0210 1.1711 1.0977 0.9362 0.413
0212 1.2103 1.1392 0.9793 0.440
0214 1.2368 1.1639 1.0019 0.456
0217 1.1222 1.0595 0.9185 0.477
0219 0.9327 0.8840 0.7700 0.466
0301 0.5505 0.5251 0.4671 0.542
0302 1.7920 1.6798 1.4339 0.433
0303 1.7655 1.6550 1.4122 0.427
0306 1.0070 0.9476 0.8177 0.466
0307 0.9108 0.8609 0.7502 0.489
0308 0.5076 0.4871 0.4379 0.583
0403 1.6320 1.5618 1.3958 0.576
0502 1.4301 1.3444 1.1549 0.453
0504 1.2322 1.1636 1.0073 0.454
0507 2.7638 2.6089 2.2599 0.455
0508 1.9388 1.8100 1.5326 0.394
0509 1.4222 1.3344 1.1471 0.452
0510 1.5059 1.4234 1.2369 0.475
0511 1.5826 1.4948 1.2983 0.484
0512 1.3794 1.2996 1.1232 0.469
0513 0.8549 0.8065 0.6985 0.469
0514 1.7390 1.6455 1.4336 0.489
0516 1.5059 1.4234 1.2369 0.475
0517 1.6143 1.5241 1.3201 0.451
0518 1.6428 1.5432 1.3256 0.441
0519 1.9724 1.8548 1.5929 0.428
0521 0.5565 0.5264 0.4581 0.464
0524 0.0218 0.0205 0.0177 0.465
0526 0.0112 0.0105 0.0090 0.433
0527 0.0009 0.0009 0.0007 0.433
0528 0.0028 0.0027 0.0023 0.482
0529 0.0016 0.0015 0.0013 0.465
0530 0.0294 0.0273 0.0230 0.371
0531 0.0159 0.0148 0.0125 0.382
0532 0.0014 0.0013 0.0011 0.382
0533 0.0037 0.0034 0.0029 0.427
0534 0.0026 0.0024 0.0020 0.371
0540 0.0227 0.0214 0.0185 0.465
0541 0.0120 0.0112 0.0097 0.433
0550 0.0299 0.0277 0.0233 0.371
0551 0.0166 0.0155 0.0130 0.382
0601 0.6091 0.5765 0.5043 0.506
0602 0.6772 0.6437 0.5654 0.543
0603 1.0037 0.9407 0.8047 0.435
0604 0.9190 0.8758 0.7764 0.525
0606 0.4860 0.4655 0.4177 0.581
0607 0.4410 0.4210 0.3751 0.560
0608 0.3670 0.3481 0.3053 0.499
0701 1.9682 1.8233 1.5233 0.362
0803 0.4572 0.4377 0.3924 0.585
0901 1.6428 1.5432 1.3256 0.441
1002 0.9628 0.9155 0.8047 0.501
1003 0.7865 0.7465 0.6552 0.497
1004 0.4797 0.4562 0.4017 0.535
1005 7.6884 7.2691 6.2772 0.463
1007 0.3663 0.3467 0.3031 0.495
1101 0.6571 0.6273 0.5577 0.551
1102 1.2463 1.1799 1.0273 0.496
1103 1.1291 1.0716 0.9352 0.464
1104 0.5096 0.4873 0.4353 0.541
1105 0.9195 0.8703 0.7590 0.470
1106 0.3306 0.3165 0.2843 0.551
1108 0.5930 0.5671 0.5076 0.573
1109 1.3124 1.2522 1.1092 0.528
1301 0.6307 0.6051 0.5405 0.623
1303 0.2106 0.2022 0.1823 0.611
1304 0.0254 0.0243 0.0219 0.585
1305 0.3736 0.3575 0.3201 0.574
1401 0.4738 0.4493 0.3936 0.458
1404 0.6643 0.6349 0.5652 0.545
1405 0.4896 0.4704 0.4235 0.607
1407 0.6643 0.6349 0.5652 0.545
1501 0.5252 0.5003 0.4425 0.540
1507 0.4836 0.4615 0.4096 0.555
1701 0.8925 0.8442 0.7342 0.475
1702 1.9976 1.8644 1.5767 0.382
1703 0.8700 0.8132 0.6893 0.417
1704 0.8925 0.8442 0.7342 0.475
1801 0.5323 0.5019 0.4357 0.443
1802 0.6440 0.6133 0.5400 0.531
2002 0.6912 0.6609 0.5911 0.555
2004 0.8494 0.8121 0.7255 0.568
2007 0.4244 0.4050 0.3598 0.544
2008 0.3108 0.2948 0.2593 0.495
2009 0.3680 0.3535 0.3197 0.588
2101 0.6568 0.6270 0.5561 0.532
2102 0.5450 0.5225 0.4699 0.582
2104 0.3202 0.3080 0.2796 0.593
2105 0.5595 0.5374 0.4850 0.611
2106 0.4139 0.3967 0.3549 0.566
2201 0.2411 0.2305 0.2055 0.550
2202 0.6759 0.6455 0.5746 0.560
2203 0.4738 0.4559 0.4134 0.608
2204 0.2411 0.2305 0.2055 0.550
2401 0.4497 0.4295 0.3827 0.556
2903 0.6544 0.6274 0.5642 0.577
2904 0.7132 0.6776 0.5993 0.505
2905 0.5569 0.5347 0.4823 0.580
2906 0.3327 0.3180 0.2842 0.569
2907 0.4990 0.4788 0.4314 0.584
2908 0.9894 0.9394 0.8237 0.506
2909 0.3777 0.3621 0.3256 0.578
3101 0.9605 0.9055 0.7824 0.446
3102 0.2766 0.2651 0.2390 0.591
3103 0.5437 0.5178 0.4570 0.515
3104 0.5634 0.5335 0.4666 0.493
3105 0.7459 0.7135 0.6390 0.569
3303 0.4148 0.3975 0.3566 0.584
3304 0.4903 0.4712 0.4262 0.589
3309 0.4078 0.3892 0.3472 0.550
3402 0.5035 0.4799 0.4264 0.545
3403 0.1965 0.1865 0.1650 0.517
3404 0.4961 0.4746 0.4249 0.566
3405 0.2948 0.2811 0.2496 0.540
3406 0.2019 0.1941 0.1768 0.612
3407 0.6506 0.6182 0.5437 0.505
3408 0.1607 0.1549 0.1398 0.627
3409 0.1636 0.1585 0.1464 0.684
3410 0.2579 0.2480 0.2243 0.591
3411 0.4616 0.4390 0.3878 0.529
3412 0.5240 0.4952 0.4311 0.480
3414 0.5319 0.5068 0.4501 0.553
3415 0.7453 0.7040 0.6123 0.453
3501 0.9961 0.9496 0.8392 0.524
3503 0.2970 0.2865 0.2614 0.602
3506 1.0676 1.0023 0.8615 0.455
3509 0.3907 0.3769 0.3448 0.641
3510 0.3674 0.3519 0.3165 0.589
3511 0.7008 0.6682 0.5927 0.534
3512 0.3218 0.3090 0.2803 0.602
3513 0.4613 0.4373 0.3829 0.442
3602 0.1193 0.1150 0.1048 0.637
3603 0.4379 0.4182 0.3732 0.550
3604 0.7867 0.7473 0.6603 0.493
3605 0.5000 0.4771 0.4235 0.555
3701 0.2766 0.2651 0.2390 0.591
3702 0.4236 0.4064 0.3670 0.603
3708 0.6083 0.5801 0.5145 0.548
3802 0.1694 0.1630 0.1478 0.616
3808 0.4254 0.4035 0.3542 0.509
3901 0.1569 0.1515 0.1391 0.631
3902 0.4863 0.4651 0.4158 0.554
3903 1.0678 1.0228 0.9185 0.549
3905 0.1569 0.1515 0.1391 0.631
3906 0.4826 0.4617 0.4121 0.546
3909 0.2596 0.2509 0.2302 0.655
4002 1.3104 1.2478 1.0991 0.553
4101 0.2740 0.2613 0.2325 0.549
4103 0.4152 0.4016 0.3699 0.652
4107 0.1584 0.1517 0.1360 0.573
4108 0.1372 0.1309 0.1170 0.544
4109 0.2069 0.1970 0.1749 0.530
4201 0.6487 0.6171 0.5429 0.551
4301 0.6511 0.6262 0.5672 0.613
4302 0.6117 0.5856 0.5243 0.574
4304 0.9653 0.9230 0.8221 0.543
4305 1.1409 1.0825 0.9501 0.531
4401 0.3791 0.3600 0.3172 0.485
4402 0.7931 0.7615 0.6895 0.604
4404 0.5097 0.4901 0.4434 0.603
4501 0.1856 0.1792 0.1640 0.645
4502 0.0402 0.0385 0.0347 0.563
4504 0.1110 0.1074 0.0994 0.667
4601 0.7014 0.6702 0.5958 0.541
4802 0.2546 0.2430 0.2164 0.530
4803 0.2522 0.2425 0.2197 0.578
4804 0.5253 0.5048 0.4557 0.604
4805 0.2763 0.2655 0.2404 0.588
4806 0.0541 0.0517 0.0464 0.551
4808 0.4591 0.4379 0.3888 0.529
4809 0.3695 0.3547 0.3202 0.586
4810 0.1395 0.1345 0.1227 0.612
4811 0.2492 0.2392 0.2167 0.587
4812 0.3780 0.3630 0.3286 0.605
4813 0.1587 0.1521 0.1365 0.554
4900 0.3544 0.3359 0.2940 0.501
4901 0.0765 0.0726 0.0640 0.511
4902 0.0943 0.0906 0.0820 0.619
4903 0.1371 0.1321 0.1200 0.655
4904 0.0301 0.0288 0.0261 0.597
4905 0.3305 0.3185 0.2898 0.604
4906 0.0953 0.0914 0.0823 0.597
4907 0.0491 0.0470 0.0421 0.560
4908 0.1253 0.1216 0.1147 0.666
4909 0.0561 0.0543 0.0507 0.619
4910 0.4215 0.4023 0.3579 0.540
5001 4.5741 4.2967 3.6756 0.435
5002 0.5694 0.5449 0.4869 0.582
5003 1.8101 1.6996 1.4509 0.423
5004 0.9257 0.8804 0.7763 0.502
5005 0.5682 0.5367 0.4651 0.467
5006 1.6110 1.5078 1.2807 0.387
5101 0.8809 0.8437 0.7566 0.589
5103 0.7113 0.6834 0.6194 0.599
5106 0.7113 0.6834 0.6194 0.599
5108 0.8898 0.8553 0.7755 0.621
5109 0.6123 0.5820 0.5144 0.528
5201 0.4173 0.3985 0.3563 0.573
5204 0.9263 0.8769 0.7679 0.478
5206 0.3544 0.3359 0.2940 0.501
5207 0.1678 0.1622 0.1493 0.644
5208 0.8616 0.8189 0.7215 0.503
5209 0.7607 0.7222 0.6354 0.506
5301 0.0306 0.0294 0.0269 0.627
5302 0.0219 0.0210 0.0188 0.574
5305 0.0529 0.0511 0.0471 0.662
5306 0.0592 0.0569 0.0518 0.622
5307 0.4685 0.4484 0.4009 0.587
6103 0.0795 0.0769 0.0712 0.658
6104 0.3642 0.3499 0.3160 0.588
6105 0.3186 0.3031 0.2682 0.528
6107 0.1332 0.1280 0.1177 0.615
6108 0.4101 0.3956 0.3620 0.624
6109 0.0892 0.0853 0.0765 0.574
6110 0.5393 0.5170 0.4650 0.585
6201 0.3266 0.3083 0.2693 0.478
6202 0.6317 0.6032 0.5367 0.527
6203 0.0958 0.0930 0.0871 0.691
6204 0.1303 0.1249 0.1135 0.597
6205 0.2390 0.2294 0.2068 0.581
6206 0.2152 0.2061 0.1854 0.584
6207 1.0315 0.9876 0.8867 0.519
6208 0.2312 0.2227 0.2031 0.595
6209 0.2941 0.2826 0.2558 0.590
6301 0.1215 0.1145 0.0991 0.457
6302 0.1607 0.1535 0.1372 0.537
6303 0.0696 0.0664 0.0593 0.542
6304 0.3738 0.3604 0.3276 0.602
6305 0.0926 0.0893 0.0817 0.611
6306 0.3214 0.3083 0.2776 0.592
6308 0.0594 0.0569 0.0513 0.592
6309 0.1743 0.1677 0.1522 0.603
6402 0.2858 0.2762 0.2532 0.653
6403 0.1507 0.1449 0.1318 0.600
6404 0.2032 0.1956 0.1774 0.606
6405 0.5738 0.5465 0.4848 0.541
6406 0.1049 0.1011 0.0925 0.626
6407 0.2689 0.2582 0.2332 0.590
6408 0.3711 0.3552 0.3201 0.597
6409 0.8520 0.8068 0.7058 0.500
6410 0.2739 0.2612 0.2331 0.547
6501 0.1608 0.1551 0.1410 0.634
6502 0.0382 0.0366 0.0332 0.600
6503 0.0722 0.0685 0.0602 0.536
6504 0.3890 0.3755 0.3444 0.632
6505 0.1038 0.1002 0.0919 0.619
6506 0.0999 0.0963 0.0883 0.637
6508 0.2995 0.2885 0.2627 0.605
6509 0.3501 0.3369 0.3058 0.595
6510 0.4783 0.4505 0.3878 0.431
6511 0.2864 0.2756 0.2502 0.596
6601 0.1812 0.1740 0.1571 0.583
6602 0.4151 0.3983 0.3584 0.580
6603 0.3171 0.3032 0.2710 0.570
6604 0.0794 0.0764 0.0693 0.615
6605 0.2918 0.2814 0.2584 0.622
6607 0.1673 0.1603 0.1435 0.564
6608 0.5426 0.5085 0.4355 0.438
6620 4.4397 4.2975 3.9395 0.694
6704 0.1617 0.1555 0.1408 0.623
6705 0.8493 0.8210 0.7575 0.632
6706 0.3183 0.3047 0.2742 0.553
6707 3.1650 3.0806 2.8587 0.717
6708 8.1557 7.7761 6.8871 0.444
6709 0.2755 0.2665 0.2447 0.638
6801 0.5639 0.5408 0.4869 0.619
6802 0.3970 0.3820 0.3480 0.619
6803 0.8492 0.7933 0.6726 0.367
6804 0.2777 0.2650 0.2364 0.562
6809 4.7851 4.5902 4.1352 0.572
6901 0.0387 0.0383 0.0380 0.766
6902 0.9982 0.9357 0.7968 0.425
6903 7.4689 6.9326 5.8068 0.310
6904 0.3787 0.3645 0.3285 0.650
6905 0.3624 0.3480 0.3145 0.628
6906 0.1515 0.1497 0.1483 0.740
6907 1.1330 1.0869 0.9762 0.593
6908 0.4781 0.4591 0.4136 0.602
6909 0.1101 0.1058 0.0961 0.608
7100 0.0315 0.0300 0.0265 0.493
7101 0.0240 0.0227 0.0199 0.454
7102 4.0084 3.8786 3.5771 0.601
7103 0.5332 0.5069 0.4663 0.532
7104 0.0290 0.0280 0.0254 0.640
7105 0.0293 0.0284 0.0261 0.662
7106 0.1849 0.1783 0.1624 0.623
7107 0.2196 0.2109 0.1910 0.571
7108 0.1938 0.1869 0.1709 0.600
7109 0.1289 0.1242 0.1135 0.631
7110 0.3448 0.3272 0.2866 0.502
7111 0.3843 0.3656 0.3218 0.521
7112 0.6010 0.5747 0.5151 0.563
7113 0.3581 0.3441 0.3124 0.585
7114 0.5757 0.5570 0.5130 0.653
7115 0.5553 0.5349 0.4875 0.618
7116 0.6652 0.6398 0.5766 0.593
7117 1.3550 1.2998 1.1723 0.596
7118 1.1916 1.1448 1.0361 0.604
7119 1.2266 1.1747 1.0513 0.574
7120 5.8769 5.6033 4.9752 0.535
7121 5.5078 5.2516 4.6642 0.535
7201 1.1839 1.1280 0.9959 0.550
7202 0.0379 0.0361 0.0317 0.530
7203 0.1236 0.1192 0.1093 0.606
7204 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.000
7301 0.4629 0.4420 0.3926 0.518
7302 0.9022 0.8615 0.7647 0.521
7307 0.4903 0.4706 0.4221 0.559
7308 0.2758 0.2669 0.2463 0.636
7309 0.2755 0.2665 0.2447 0.638

Expected Loss Rates in Dollars Per Sq. Ft.

of Wallboard Installed

((Class 2000 2001 2002 D-Ratio
0524 0.0183 0.0179 0.0163 0.463
0526 0.0098 0.0096 0.0086 0.439
0527 0.0010 0.0009 0.0009 0.393
0528 0.0025 0.0024 0.0022 0.468
0529 0.0014 0.0013 0.0012 0.428
0530 0.0264 0.0258 0.0232 0.369
0531 0.0139 0.0136 0.0122 0.391
0532 0.0011 0.0011 0.0010 0.414
0533 0.0032 0.0031 0.0028 0.426
0534 0.0022 0.0022 0.0019 0.385))

Class 2001 2002 2003 D-Ratio
0524 0.0218 0.0205 0.0177 0.465
0526 0.0112 0.0105 0.0090 0.433
0527 0.0009 0.0009 0.0007 0.433
0528 0.0028 0.0027 0.0023 0.482
0529 0.0016 0.0015 0.0013 0.465
0530 0.0294 0.0273 0.0230 0.371
0531 0.0159 0.0148 0.0125 0.382
0532 0.0014 0.0013 0.0011 0.382
0533 0.0037 0.0034 0.0029 0.427
0534 0.0026 0.0024 0.0020 0.371
0540 0.0227 0.0214 0.0185 0.465
0541 0.0120 0.0112 0.0097 0.433
0550 0.0299 0.0277 0.0233 0.371
0551 0.0166 0.0155 0.0130 0.382

[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, and 51.18.010. 03-24-066, § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/03, effective 1/1/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010, and 51.04.020(1). 02-24-029, § 296-17-885, filed 11/27/02, effective 1/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010. 01-23-061, § 296-17-885, filed 11/20/01, effective 1/1/02; 00-23-101, § 296-17-885, filed 11/21/00, effective 1/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.04.020. 00-14-052, § 296-17-885, filed 7/1/00, effective 7/1/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-885, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-885, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 96-12-039, § 296-17-885, filed 5/31/96, effective 7/1/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-885, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-885, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95; 93-24-114, § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 92-24-063, § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-885, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 91-12-014, § 296-17-885, filed 5/31/91, effective 7/1/91; 90-24-042, § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/90, effective 1/1/91; 90-13-018, § 296-17-885, filed 6/8/90, effective 7/9/90; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1). 89-16-001 (Order 89-07), § 296-17-885, filed 7/20/89, effective 8/20/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.04.020. 88-24-012 (Order 88-30), § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 88-12-065 (Order 88-05), § 296-17-885, filed 5/31/88; 88-12-050 (Order 88-06), § 296-17-885, filed 5/31/88, effective 7/1/88; 88-06-047 (Order 87-33), § 296-17-885, filed 3/1/88; 87-24-060 (Order 87-26), § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/87, effective 1/1/88; 87-12-032 (Order 87-12), § 296-17-885, filed 5/29/87, effective 7/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 86-24-042 (Order 86-41), § 296-17-885, filed 11/26/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 86-12-041 (Order 86-18), § 296-17-885, filed 5/30/86, effective 7/1/86; 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-885, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; 85-06-026 (Order 85-7), § 296-17-885, filed 2/28/85, effective 4/1/85; 84-24-016 (Order 84-23), § 296-17-885, filed 11/28/84, effective 1/1/85; 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-885, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-885, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 78-12-043 (Order 78-23), § 296-17-885, filed 11/27/78, effective 1/1/79, effective 1/1/80. Order 77-27, § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/77, effective 1/1/78; Emergency Order 77-25, § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/77; Order 77-10, § 296-17-885, filed 5/31/77; Order 76-36, § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/76; Order 76-18, § 296-17-885, filed 5/28/76, effective 7/1/76; Order 75-38, § 296-17-885, filed 11/24/75, effective 1/1/76; Order 74-40, § 296-17-885, filed 11/27/74, effective 1/1/75; Order 73-22, § 296-17-885, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74.]

AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-24-066, filed 12/1/03, effective 1/1/04)

WAC 296-17-890   Table IV.  

Maximum experience modifications

for firms with no compensable accidents:

Effective ((1/1/2004)) 1/1/2005

((Expected Loss Range Maximum Experience Modification
3,571 Lower 0.90
3,572 - 3,821 0.89
3,822 - 4,091 0.88
4,092 - 4,383 0.87
4,384 - 4,700 0.86
4,701 - 5,045 0.85
5,046 - 5,419 0.84
5,420 - 5,826 0.83
5,827 - 6,269 0.82
6,270 - 6,752 0.81
6,753 - 7,279 0.80
7,280 - 7,854 0.79
7,855 - 8,483 0.78
8,484 - 9,172 0.77
9,173 - 9,926 0.76
9,927 - 10,754 0.75
10,755 - 11,664 0.74
11,665 - 12,665 0.73
12,666 - 13,768 0.72
13,769 - 14,984 0.71
14,985 - 16,327 0.70
16,328 - 17,813 0.69
17,814 - 19,459 0.68
19,460 - 21,285 0.67
21,286 - 23,314 0.66
23,315 - 25,573 0.65
25,574 - 28,091 0.64
28,092 - 30,902 0.63
30,903 - 34,048 0.62
34,049 - 37,573 0.61
37,574 Higher 0.60))

Expected Loss Range Maximum Experience Modification
4,052 & Lower 0.90
4,053 - 4,335 0.89
4,336 - 4,641 0.88
4,642 - 4,973 0.87
4,974 - 5,333 0.86
5,334 - 5,724 0.85
5,725 - 6,149 0.84
6,150 - 6,610 0.83
6,611 - 7,113 0.82
7,114 - 7,661 0.81
7,662 - 8,259 0.80
8,260 - 8,911 0.79
8,912 - 9,625 0.78
9,626 - 10,406 0.77
10,407 - 11,263 0.76
11,264 - 12,202 0.75
12,203 - 13,235 0.74
13,236 - 14,370 0.73
14,371 - 15,621 0.72
15,622 - 17,001 0.71
17,002 - 18,525 0.70
18,526 - 20,211 0.69
20,212 - 22,079 0.68
22,080 - 24,151 0.67
24,152 - 26,453 0.66
26,454 - 29,016 0.65
29,017 - 31,873 0.64
31,874 - 35,063 0.63
35,064 - 38,632 0.62
38,633 - 42,632 0.61
42,633 & Higher 0.60

[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, and 51.18.010. 03-24-066, § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/03, effective 1/1/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010, and 51.04.020(1). 02-24-029, § 296-17-890, filed 11/27/02, effective 1/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010. 01-23-061, § 296-17-890, filed 11/20/01, effective 1/1/02; 00-23-101, § 296-17-890, filed 11/21/00, effective 1/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-890, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-890, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-890, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-890, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95; 93-24-114, § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 92-24-063, § 296-17-890, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-890, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 90-24-042, § 296-17-890, filed 11/30/90, effective 1/1/91; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.04.020. 88-24-012 (Order 88-30), § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 87-24-060 (Order 87-26), § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/87, effective 1/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 86-24-042 (Order 86-41), § 296-17-890, filed 11/26/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-890, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; 84-24-016 (Order 84-23), § 296-17-890, filed 11/28/84, effective 1/1/85; 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-890, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-890, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-890, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-890, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-890, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80.]


AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-13-017, filed 6/4/04, effective 7/5/04)

WAC 296-17-895   Industrial insurance accident fund base rates and medical aid base rates by class of industry.   Industrial insurance accident fund and medical aid fund base rates by class of industry shall be as set forth below.

((Base Rates Effective

January 1, 2004




Medical Aid


0101 1.5814 0.7743
0103 1.7560 1.0231
0104 1.0798 0.5941
0105 1.4448 0.9613
0107 1.2655 0.7206
0108 1.0798 0.5941
0112 0.7788 0.4591
0201 2.7967 1.3868
0202 3.8070 2.0165
0210 1.4498 0.6811
0212 1.2948 0.6731
0214 1.4592 0.7138
0217 1.3036 0.6971
0219 1.0750 0.7601
0301 0.5567 0.4307
0302 2.2802 0.9416
0303 2.1458 0.9612
0306 1.1713 0.5736
0307 0.9965 0.5767
0308 0.5270 0.4263
0403 1.6656 1.2385
0502 1.7909 0.8089
0504 1.3821 0.8266
0506 5.5423 3.0267
0507 3.1811 1.8865
0508 2.4737 1.0339
0509 1.8702 0.8009
0510 1.6703 0.9807
0511 1.8921 0.9897
0512 1.4169 0.7795
0513 0.9884 0.5366
0514 1.7316 1.0394
0516 1.6703 0.9807
0517 1.6780 1.0950
0518 1.8366 0.9328
0519 1.9295 1.0901
0521 0.6989 0.4450
0601 0.6461 0.3862
0602 0.7255 0.4146
0603 1.1661 0.5393
0604 0.9048 0.7316
0606 0.4319 0.3655
0607 0.4193 0.3175
0608 0.3621 0.2512
0701 2.5501 0.8175
0803 0.4758 0.3517
0901 1.8366 0.9328
1002 1.0578 0.7479
1003 0.8656 0.6100
1004 0.5325 0.3268
1005 8.3826 4.4172
1007 0.3697 0.2374
1101 0.6527 0.4899
1102 1.4175 0.7790
1103 1.1092 0.8062
1104 0.4796 0.4454
1105 1.0193 0.7100
1106 0.3168 0.3134
1108 0.6003 0.4657
1109 1.2172 0.9398
1301 0.7260 0.3982
1303 0.2359 0.1719
1304 0.0242 0.0194
1305 0.3640 0.2850
1401 0.4888 0.4061
1404 0.6507 0.5258
1405 0.4630 0.3620
1407 0.6507 0.5258
1501 0.5898 0.3839
1507 0.5258 0.3512
1701 1.0139 0.5815
1702 2.2784 1.0454
1703 1.0410 0.3854
1704 1.0139 0.5815
1801 0.5893 0.3974
1802 0.6768 0.4355
2002 0.6934 0.5787
2004 0.8083 0.6479
2007 0.4262 0.3258
2008 0.3220 0.2403
2009 0.3158 0.3162
2101 0.7157 0.5397
2102 0.5026 0.4361
2104 0.2749 0.2907
2105 0.6066 0.4813
2106 0.4257 0.3452
2201 0.2517 0.1986
2202 0.7279 0.5211
2203 0.4299 0.4196
2204 0.2517 0.1986
2401 0.4450 0.3439
2903 0.6146 0.5552
2904 0.6859 0.5526
2905 0.5029 0.4761
2906 0.3469 0.2639
2907 0.4824 0.4221
2908 1.0443 0.7208
2909 0.3880 0.3364
3101 1.0798 0.6249
3102 0.2780 0.2292
3103 0.5594 0.4228
3104 0.6477 0.4140
3105 0.7218 0.6194
3303 0.4072 0.3326
3304 0.4851 0.4488
3309 0.4086 0.3370
3402 0.5131 0.3800
3403 0.2011 0.1529
3404 0.5017 0.4108
3405 0.3030 0.2306
3406 0.1946 0.1855
3407 0.6760 0.4481
3408 0.1647 0.1198
3409 0.1400 0.1350
3410 0.2301 0.2230
3411 0.4844 0.3267
3412 0.5755 0.3539
3414 0.5520 0.3888
3415 0.7473 0.5298
3501 1.0049 0.7260
3503 0.2692 0.2962
3506 1.3008 0.5776
3509 0.3666 0.3533
3510 0.3547 0.2989
3511 0.6851 0.5304
3512 0.3102 0.2838
3513 0.4529 0.4138
3602 0.1106 0.1023
3603 0.4591 0.3661
3604 0.8039 0.6965
3605 0.5317 0.3611
3701 0.2780 0.2292
3702 0.4132 0.3523
3708 0.6358 0.4386
3802 0.1591 0.1422
3808 0.4550 0.3078
3901 0.1328 0.1528
3902 0.4252 0.3863
3903 1.0296 0.9966
3905 0.1328 0.1528
3906 0.4828 0.4052
3909 0.2477 0.2366
4002 1.4293 0.7720
4101 0.2771 0.2120
4103 0.3652 0.4111
4107 0.1533 0.1235
4108 0.1366 0.1195
4109 0.2105 0.1737
4201 0.7318 0.3596
4301 0.6271 0.5697
4302 0.5894 0.4574
4304 0.8819 0.7071
4305 1.3133 0.7131
4401 0.3790 0.3197
4402 0.7470 0.6336
4404 0.4702 0.4284
4501 0.1791 0.1584
4502 0.0387 0.0385
4504 0.0931 0.1040
4601 0.6942 0.5520
4802 0.2337 0.2024
4803 0.2168 0.2237
4804 0.5433 0.4452
4805 0.2414 0.2437
4806 0.0483 0.0468
4808 0.4569 0.3766
4809 0.3475 0.3139
4810 0.1253 0.1330
4811 0.2220 0.2256
4812 0.3461 0.2991
4813 0.1526 0.1368
4900 0.3773 0.2508
4901 0.0746 0.0543
4902 0.0957 0.0748
4903 0.1176 0.0846
4904 0.0280 0.0252
4905 0.2850 0.3019
4906 0.0959 0.0747
4907 0.0450 0.0396
4908 0.0830 0.1583
4909 0.0371 0.0696
4910 0.4052 0.3337
5001 5.6626 2.5112
5002 0.6043 0.4230
5003 2.0838 0.9576