Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 03-14-032.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: WAC 246-926-020 General provisions, 246-926-140 Approved schools, 246-926-180 Parenteral procedures, 246-926-190 State examination/examination waiver/examination application deadline, 246-926-990 Certification and registration fees and renewal cycle.
Hearing Location(s): Department of Health, Point Plaza East Conference Center, Rooms 152 and 153, 310 Israel Road S.E., Tumwater, WA 98501, on October 13, 2005, at 9:00 a.m.
Date of Intended Adoption: October 13, 2005.
Submit Written Comments to: Holly Rawnsley, Program Manager, P.O. Box 47866, Olympia, WA 98504-7866, e-mail, fax (360) 236-2406, by September 28, 2005.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Holly Rawnsley by September 21, 2005, TTY (800) 833-6388 or (360) 236-4941.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: The purpose of the proposal is to clarify the supervision needed for a radiologic technologist to perform parenteral procedures from the direction and immediate supervision of a radiologist to the direct supervision of a physician licensed under chapter 18.71 or 18.57 RCW. The proposal defines how diagnostic and therapeutic agents may be administered by radiologic technologists, as part of the parenteral procedures, and limits them to intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous injection. The current language does not define the routes of administration a radiologic technologist may use. The proposal also updates the acceptable accrediting bodies and updates the current examination requirements. It also corrects typographical and grammatical errors and removes definitions which are obsolete.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: The current rules are more restrictive than the statute, the proposal reduces some of these restrictions and ensures the rules better reflect current practice. The proposal will lift unnecessary barriers without compromising patient safety. The proposal provides the benefit of ensuring that patient care is provided in a safe and expedient manner. The proposal also ensures that the most current and accurate information is available in rule relating to the program requirements.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 18.84.040.
Statute Being Implemented: Chapter 18.84 RCW.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: Department of Health, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting, Implementation and Enforcement: Holly Rawnsley, Department of Health, P.O. Box 47866, Olympia, WA 98504-7866, (360) 236-4941.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. The agency has not conducted a small business [economic] impact statement. The proposed rule does not impose more than minor costs on small business per RCW 19.85.030.
A cost-benefit analysis is required under RCW 34.05.328. A preliminary cost-benefit analysis may be obtained by contacting Holly Rawnsley, P.O. Box 47866, Olympia, WA 98504-7866, phone (360) 236-4941, fax (360) 236-2406, e-mail
August 17, 2005
M. C. Selecky
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 237, filed 2/7/92,
effective 2/19/92)
WAC 246-926-020
((General provisions.)) Definitions.
(1) "Unprofessional conduct" as used in this chapter ((shall))
means the conduct described in RCW 18.130.180.
(2) "Hospital" means any health care institution licensed pursuant to chapter 70.41 RCW.
(3) "Nursing home" means any health care institution which comes under chapter 18.51 RCW.
(4) "Department" means the department of health.
(5) "Radiological technologist" means a person certified
((pursuant to)) under chapter 18.84 RCW.
(6) "Registered X-ray technician" means a person who is registered with the department, and who applies ionizing radiation at the direction of a licensed practitioner.
(7)(((a) "Immediate supervision" means the appropriate
licensed practitioner is in audible or visual range of the
patient and the person treating the patient.
(b))) "Direct supervision" means the appropriate licensed
practitioner is on the premises((,)) and is quickly and easily
(((c) "Indirect supervision" means the appropriate
licensed practitioner is on site no less than half-time.))
(8) "Mentally or physically disabled" means a radiological technologist or X-ray technician who is currently mentally incompetent or mentally ill as determined by a court, or who is unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of any mental or physical condition and who continues to practice while so impaired.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.84.040 and 18.130.070. 92-05-010 (Order 237), § 246-926-020, filed 2/7/92, effective 2/19/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.040. 91-02-049 (Order 121), recodified as § 246-926-020, filed 12/27/90, effective 1/31/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.130.070. 89-14-092 (Order PM 842), § 308-183-010, filed 6/30/89.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.040. 91-02-049 (Order 121), recodified as § 246-926-140, filed 12/27/90, effective 1/31/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.84.040. 89-01-015 (Order PM 802), § 308-183-130, filed 12/9/88.]
(a) The radiologic technologist has had the prerequisite training and thorough knowledge of the particular procedure to be performed;
(b) Appropriate facilities are available for coping with
any complication of the procedure as well as for emergency
treatment of severe reactions to the diagnostic or therapeutic
agent itself, including ((the ready availability of)) readily
available appropriate resuscitative drugs, equipment, and
personnel; and
(c) After parenteral administration of a diagnostic or
therapeutic agent, competent personnel and emergency
facilities ((shall)) must be available to the patient for at
least thirty minutes in case of a delayed reaction.
(2) A certified radiologic technologist may perform
venipuncture ((at the direction and immediate supervision of a
radiologist)) under the direct supervision of a physician
licensed under chapter 18.71 or 18.57 RCW.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.040. 92-19-060 (Order 302), § 246-926-180, filed 9/11/92, effective 10/12/92; 91-02-049 (Order 121), recodified as § 246-926-180, filed 12/27/90, effective 1/31/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.84.040. 89-01-015 (Order PM 802), § 308-183-170, filed 12/9/88.]
(((a) The examination for certification as a radiologic
technologist shall be conducted three times a year in the
state of Washington, in March, July, and October.
(b))) (2) The examination shall be conducted in
accordance with the American Registry of Radiologic
Technologists security measures and contract.
(((c) Examination candidates shall be advised of the
results of their examination in writing.
(2))) (3) Applicants taking the state examination must
submit the application, supporting documents, and fees to the
department of health ((no later than the fifteenth day of
December, for the March examination; the fifteenth day of
April, for the July examination; and the fifteenth day of
July, for the October)) for approval prior to being scheduled
to take the examination.
(((3) A scaled score of seventy-five is required to pass
the examination.)) (4) Examination candidates shall be advised
of the results of their examination in writing by the
department of health.
(5) The examination candidate must have a scaled score of seventy-five to pass the examination.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.84.040 and 18.84.080. 92-05-010 (Order 237), § 246-926-190, filed 2/7/92, effective 2/19/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.040. 91-02-049 (Order 121), recodified as § 246-926-190, filed 12/27/90, effective 1/31/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.84.040. 89-01-015 (Order PM 802), § 308-183-190, filed 12/9/88.]
(2) ((The following nonrefundable fees will be charged:))
The practitioner must pay the following nonrefundable fees:
Title of Fee | Fee |
Application - certification | $45.00 |
Exam fee - certification | 30.00 |
Application - registration | 35.00 |
Certification renewal | 45.00 |
Registration renewal | 35.00 |
Late renewal penalty - certification | 45.00 |
Late renewal penalty - registration | 35.00 |
Expired certificate reissuance | 45.00 |
Expired registration reissuance | 35.00 |
Certification of registration or certificate | 15.00 |
Duplicate registration (( |
15.00 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.250, [43.70.]280 and 43.70.110. 05-12-012, § 246-926-990, filed 5/20/05, effective 7/1/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.250. 99-08-101, § 246-926-990, filed 4/6/99, effective 7/1/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.280. 98-05-060, § 246-926-990, filed 2/13/98, effective 3/16/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.84.040 and 18.84.100. 92-05-010 (Order 237), § 246-926-990, filed 2/7/92, effective 2/19/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.040. 91-02-049 (Order 121), recodified as § 246-926-990, filed 12/27/90, effective 1/31/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.84.040. 89-01-015 (Order PM 802), § 308-183-180, filed 12/9/88.]