(Office of Drinking Water)
Issuing Entity: Washington State Department of Health, Division of Environmental Health, Office of Drinking Water.
Description: This policy sets direction under chapter 246-290 WAC for the provision of alternative water supplies when an acute chemical is present over the maximum contaminant level or a chronic chemical contaminant is at a concentration considered acute by the Department of Health's Office of Environmental Health assessment. The provision of alternative water is not required for coliform maximum contaminant level exceedences when a boil water advisory is in place or when boiling water is appropriate. Alternative water supplies may include trucked water, a temporary intertie with a neighboring water system, or short-term provision of bottled water.
Division Contact: Meliss Maxfield, Water Quality Manager, Department of Health, Office of Drinking Water, 7211 Cleanwater Lane, Building 9, P.O. Box 47822, Olympia, WA 98504-7822.
Effective Date: August 18, 2005.
Denise Addotta Clifford