WSR 05-23-162




[ Filed November 22, 2005, 4:33 p.m. , effective January 1, 2006 ]


     Purpose: Chapter 296-17 WAC, General reporting rules, classifications, audit and recordkeeping, rates and rating system for Washington workers' compensation insurance (2006 workers' compensation premium rates), this rule-making order will adopt risk classification premium base rates and experience rating plan tables to reflect updated loss experience effective January 1, 2006.

     Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 296-17-855, 296-17-875, 296-17-880, 296-17-885, 296-17-890, 296-17-895, 296-17-89502, 296-17-90492, 296-17-90493, 296-17-90494, 296-17-90495, 296-17-90496, 296-17-90497, and 296-17-920.

     Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, and 51.32.073.

      Adopted under notice filed as WSR 05-18-090 on September 7, 2005.

     Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version: The department originally proposed a general rate increase of 3.8%. However, as a result of public comments and review of the most recent financial statements the department will adopt a -0.4% general rate reduction.

     Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.

     Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.

     Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 14, Repealed 0.

     Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.

     Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0;      Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.

     Date Adopted: November 22, 2005.

Gary Weeks



AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-24-025, filed 11/23/04, effective 1/1/05)

WAC 296-17-855   Experience modification.   The basis of the experience modification shall be a comparison of the actual losses charged to an employer during the experience period with the losses which would be expected for an average employer reporting the same exposures in each classification. The comparison shall contain actuarial refinements designed to mitigate the effects of losses which may be considered catastrophic or of doubtful statistical significance, due consideration being given to the volume of the employer's experience. Except for those employers who qualify for an adjusted experience modification as specified in WAC 296-17-860 or 296-17-865, the experience modification shall be calculated from the formula:


Ap + WAe + (1-W) Ee + B
E + B

     The components Ap, WAe, and (1-W) Ee are values which shall be charged against an employer's experience record. The component, E, shall be the expected value of these charges for an average employer reporting the same exposures in each classification. The meaning and function of each symbol in the formula is specified below.

     "Ap" signifies "primary actual losses." For each claim the primary actual loss is defined as that portion of the claim which is considered completely rateable for all employers and which is to enter the experience modification calculation at its full value. For each claim in excess of $((17,124)) 18,972 the primary actual loss shall be determined from the formula:

PRIMARY LOSS = ((42,810)) 47,430
x total loss
Total loss + ((25,686)) 28,458

     Primary actual losses for selected claim values are shown in Table I. For each claim less than $((17,124)) 18,972 the full value of the claim shall be considered a primary loss.

     "Ae" signifies "excess actual losses." For each claim the excess actual loss is defined as that portion of the claim which is not considered completely rateable for all employers. The excess actual loss for each claim shall be determined by subtracting the primary loss from the total loss.

     "W" signifies "W value." For each employer, the W value determines the portion of the actual excess losses which shall be included in the calculation of his experience modification, due consideration being given to the volume of his experience. This amount is represented by the symbol "WAe" in the experience modification formula. W values are set forth in Table II.

     "E" signifies "expected losses." An employer's expected losses shall be determined by multiplying his reported exposure in each classification during the experience period by the classification expected loss rate. Expected loss rates are set forth in Table III.

     "Ee" signifies "expected excess losses." Expected losses in each classification shall be multiplied by the classification "D-Ratio" to obtain "expected primary losses." Expected excess losses shall then be calculated by subtracting expected primary losses from expected total losses. Each employer shall have a statistical charge included in the calculation of his experience modification, said charge to be actuarially equivalent to the amount forgiven an average employer because of the exclusion of a portion of his excess actual losses. This charge is represented by "(1-W) Ee" in the experience modification formula. D-Ratios are set forth in Table III.

     "B" signifies "B value" or "ballast." In order to limit the effect of a single severe accident on the modification of a small employer, a stabilizing element (B value) shall be added to both actual and expected losses. B values are set forth in Table II.

[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, and 51.32.073. 04-24-025, § 296-17-855, filed 11/23/04, effective 1/1/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, and 51.18.010. 03-24-066, § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/03, effective 1/1/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010, and 51.04.020(1). 02-24-029, § 296-17-855, filed 11/27/02, effective 1/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010. 01-23-061, § 296-17-855, filed 11/20/01, effective 1/1/02; 00-23-101, § 296-17-855, filed 11/21/00, effective 1/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.04.020. 00-14-052, § 296-17-855, filed 7/1/00, effective 7/1/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-855, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-855, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-855, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-855, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95; 93-24-114, § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 93-12-093, § 296-17-855, filed 5/31/93, effective 7/1/93; 92-24-063, § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-855, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 90-24-042, § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/90, effective 1/1/91; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.04.020. 88-24-012 (Order 88-30), § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 87-24-060 (Order 87-26), § 296-17-855, filed 12/1/87, effective 1/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 86-24-042 (Order 86-41), § 296-17-855, filed 11/26/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-855, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; 84-24-016 (Order 84-23), § 296-17-855, filed 11/28/84, effective 1/1/85; 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-855, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-855, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80; Order 77-27, § 296-17-855, filed 11/30/77, effective 1/1/78; Order 74-40, § 296-17-855, filed 11/27/74, effective 1/1/75; Order 73-22, § 296-17-855, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74.]

AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-24-025, filed 11/23/04, effective 1/1/05)

WAC 296-17-875   Table I.  

Primary Losses for Selected Claim Values
Effective January 1, ((2005)) 2006

((17,124 17,124
18,636 18,000
22,522 20,000
27,155 22,000
32,773 24,000
39,728 26,000
48,562 28,000
60,155 30,000
76,036 32,000
100,000 34,061
150,000 36,551
209,345* 38,131
300,000 39,434
428,100** 40,387))
18,972 18,972
20,750 20,000
24,620 22,000
29,150 24,000
34,527 26,000
41,010 28,000
48,981 30,000
59,019 32,000
80,131 35,000
100,000 36,923
125,000 38,634
150,000 39,867
208,747* 41,740
300,000 43,321
474,300** 44,745

* Average death value
** Maximum claim value

[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, and 51.32.073. 04-24-025, § 296-17-875, filed 11/23/04, effective 1/1/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, and 51.18.010. 03-24-066, § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/03, effective 1/1/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010, and 51.04.020(1). 02-24-029, § 296-17-875, filed 11/27/02, effective 1/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010. 01-23-061, § 296-17-875, filed 11/20/01, effective 1/1/02; 00-23-101, § 296-17-875, filed 11/21/00, effective 1/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-875, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-875, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-875, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-875, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95; 93-24-114, § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 92-24-063, § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-875, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 90-24-042, § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/90, effective 1/1/91; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.04.020. 88-24-012 (Order 88-30), § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 87-24-060 (Order 87-26), § 296-17-875, filed 12/1/87, effective 1/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 86-24-042 (Order 86-41), § 296-17-875, filed 11/26/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 86-12-041 (Order 86-18), § 296-17-875, filed 5/30/86, effective 7/1/86; 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-875, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; 84-24-016 (Order 84-23), § 296-17-875, filed 11/28/84, effective 1/1/85; 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-875, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-875, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 78-12-043 (Order 78-23), § 296-17-875, filed 11/27/78, effective 1/1/79; Order 77-27, § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/77, effective 1/1/78; Order 76-36, § 296-17-875, filed 11/30/76; Order 75-38, § 296-17-875, filed 11/24/75, effective 1/1/76; Order 74-40, § 296-17-875, filed 11/27/74, effective 1/1/75; Order 73-22, § 296-17-875, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74.]

AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-24-025, filed 11/23/04, effective 1/1/05)

WAC 296-17-880   Table II.  

"B" and "W" Values
Effective January 1, ((2005)) 2006

Maximum Claim Value = $((428,100)) 474,300
Average Death Value = $((209,345)) 208,747

Expected Losses B W
((9,275 Under 80,774 0.00
9,276 - 18,689 79,966 0.01
18,690 - 28,243 79,159 0.02
28,244 - 37,943 78,351 0.03
37,944 - 47,790 77,543 0.04
47,791 - 57,789 76,735 0.05
57,790 - 67,945 75,928 0.06
67,946 - 78,260 75,120 0.07
78,261 - 88,739 74,312 0.08
88,740 - 99,386 73,504 0.09
99,387 - 110,205 72,697 0.10
110,206 - 121,202 71,889 0.11
121,203 - 132,381 71,081 0.12
132,382 - 143,747 70,273 0.13
143,748 - 155,305 69,466 0.14
155,306 - 167,060 68,658 0.15
167,061 - 179,017 67,850 0.16
179,018 - 191,183 67,042 0.17
191,184 - 203,564 66,235 0.18
203,565 - 216,165 65,427 0.19
216,166 - 228,992 64,619 0.20
228,993 - 242,053 63,811 0.21
242,054 - 255,354 63,004 0.22
255,355 - 268,903 62,196 0.23
268,904 - 282,707 61,388 0.24
282,708 - 296,773 60,581 0.25
296,774 - 311,109 59,773 0.26
311,110 - 325,725 58,965 0.27
325,726 - 340,628 58,157 0.28
340,629 - 355,828 57,350 0.29
355,829 - 371,334 56,542 0.30
371,335 - 387,156 55,734 0.31
387,157 - 403,305 54,926 0.32
403,306 - 419,791 54,119 0.33
419,792 - 436,625 53,311 0.34
436,626 - 453,820 52,503 0.35
453,821 - 471,386 51,695 0.36
471,387 - 489,338 50,888 0.37
489,339 - 507,689 50,080 0.38
507,690 - 526,453 49,272 0.39
526,454 - 545,644 48,464 0.40
545,645 - 565,278 47,657 0.41
565,279 - 585,371 46,849 0.42
585,372 - 605,941 46,041 0.43
605,942 - 627,004 45,233 0.44
627,005 - 648,580 44,426 0.45
648,581 - 670,689 43,618 0.46
670,690 - 693,351 42,810 0.47
693,352 - 716,588 42,002 0.48
716,589 - 740,424 41,195 0.49
740,425 - 764,881 40,387 0.50
764,882 - 789,987 39,579 0.51
789,988 - 815,767 38,772 0.52
815,768 - 842,251 37,964 0.53
842,252 - 869,469 37,156 0.54
869,470 - 897,452 36,348 0.55
897,453 - 926,235 35,541 0.56
926,236 - 955,852 34,733 0.57
955,853 - 986,343 33,925 0.58
986,344 - 1,017,746 33,117 0.59
1,017,747 - 1,050,106 32,310 0.60
1,050,107 - 1,083,468 31,502 0.61
1,083,469 - 1,117,880 30,694 0.62
1,117,881 - 1,153,393 29,886 0.63
1,153,394 - 1,190,063 29,079 0.64
1,190,064 - 1,227,949 28,271 0.65
1,227,950 - 1,267,114 27,463 0.66
1,267,115 - 1,307,624 26,655 0.67
1,307,625 - 1,349,553 25,848 0.68
1,349,554 - 1,392,976 25,040 0.69
1,392,977 - 1,437,978 24,232 0.70
1,437,979 - 1,484,648 23,424 0.71
1,484,649 - 1,533,082 22,617 0.72
1,533,083 - 1,583,383 21,809 0.73
1,583,384 - 1,635,664 21,001 0.74
1,635,665 - 1,690,046 20,194 0.75
1,690,047 - 1,746,661 19,386 0.76
1,746,662 - 1,805,650 18,578 0.77
1,805,651 - 1,867,168 17,770 0.78
1,867,169 - 1,931,385 16,963 0.79
1,931,386 - 1,998,484 16,155 0.80
1,998,485 - 2,068,667 15,347 0.81
2,068,668 - 2,142,153 14,539 0.82
2,142,154 - 2,219,184 13,732 0.83
2,219,185 - 2,300,027 12,924 0.84
2,300,028 - 2,384,974 12,116 0.85
2,384,975 - 2,474,349 11,308 0.86
2,474,350 - 2,568,512 10,501 0.87
2,568,513 - 2,667,861 9,693 0.88
2,667,862 - 2,772,841 8,885 0.89
2,772,842 - 2,883,949 8,077 0.90
2,883,950 - 3,001,741 7,270 0.91
3,001,742 - 3,126,846 6,462 0.92
3,126,847 - 3,259,969 5,654 0.93
3,259,970 - 3,401,913 4,846 0.94
3,401,914 - 3,553,591 4,039 0.95
3,553,592 - 3,716,046 3,231 0.96
3,716,047 - 3,890,474 2,423 0.97
3,890,475 - 4,078,257 1,615 0.98
4,078,258 - 4,280,999 808 0.99
4,281,000 Over 0 1.00))
10,276 Under 89,490 0.00
10,277 - 20,706 88,595 0.01
20,707 - 31,292 87,700 0.02
31,293 - 42,038 86,805 0.03
42,039 - 52,947 85,910 0.04
52,948 - 64,026 85,016 0.05
64,027 - 75,277 84,121 0.06
75,278 - 86,705 83,226 0.07
86,706 - 98,315 82,331 0.08
98,316 - 110,111 81,436 0.09
110,112 - 122,099 80,541 0.10
122,100 - 134,283 79,646 0.11
134,284 - 146,668 78,751 0.12
146,669 - 159,260 77,856 0.13
159,261 - 172,064 76,961 0.14
172,065 - 185,088 76,067 0.15
185,089 - 198,336 75,172 0.16
198,337 - 211,815 74,277 0.17
211,816 - 225,532 73,382 0.18
225,533 - 239,493 72,487 0.19
239,494 - 253,705 71,592 0.20
253,706 - 268,175 70,697 0.21
268,176 - 282,912 69,802 0.22
282,913 - 297,923 68,907 0.23
297,924 - 313,215 68,012 0.24
313,216 - 328,799 67,118 0.25
328,800 - 344,683 66,223 0.26
344,684 - 360,876 65,328 0.27
360,877 - 377,388 64,433 0.28
377,389 - 394,228 63,538 0.29
394,229 - 411,408 62,643 0.30
411,409 - 428,938 61,748 0.31
428,939 - 446,829 60,853 0.32
446,830 - 465,095 59,958 0.33
465,096 - 483,745 59,063 0.34
483,746 - 502,795 58,169 0.35
502,796 - 522,257 57,274 0.36
522,258 - 542,147 56,379 0.37
542,148 - 562,478 55,484 0.38
562,479 - 583,267 54,589 0.39
583,268 - 604,529 53,694 0.40
604,530 - 626,282 52,799 0.41
626,283 - 648,544 51,904 0.42
648,545 - 671,333 51,009 0.43
671,334 - 694,669 50,114 0.44
694,670 - 718,574 49,220 0.45
718,575 - 743,069 48,325 0.46
743,070 - 768,176 47,430 0.47
768,177 - 793,921 46,535 0.48
793,922 - 820,329 45,640 0.49
820,330 - 847,426 44,745 0.50
847,427 - 875,241 43,850 0.51
875,242 - 903,804 42,955 0.52
903,805 - 933,146 42,060 0.53
933,147 - 963,300 41,165 0.54
963,301 - 994,303 40,271 0.55
994,304 - 1,026,192 39,376 0.56
1,026,193 - 1,059,006 38,481 0.57
1,059,007 - 1,092,787 37,586 0.58
1,092,788 - 1,127,580 36,691 0.59
1,127,581 - 1,163,432 35,796 0.60
1,163,433 - 1,200,394 34,901 0.61
1,200,395 - 1,238,520 34,006 0.62
1,238,521 - 1,277,866 33,111 0.63
1,277,867 - 1,318,493 32,216 0.64
1,318,494 - 1,360,467 31,322 0.65
1,360,468 - 1,403,859 30,427 0.66
1,403,860 - 1,448,741 29,532 0.67
1,448,742 - 1,495,194 28,637 0.68
1,495,195 - 1,543,304 27,742 0.69
1,543,305 - 1,593,163 26,847 0.70
1,593,164 - 1,644,869 25,952 0.71
1,644,870 - 1,698,530 25,057 0.72
1,698,531 - 1,754,260 24,162 0.73
1,754,261 - 1,812,182 23,267 0.74
1,812,183 - 1,872,433 22,373 0.75
1,872,434 - 1,935,157 21,478 0.76
1,935,158 - 2,000,513 20,583 0.77
2,000,514 - 2,068,670 19,688 0.78
2,068,671 - 2,139,818 18,793 0.79
2,139,819 - 2,214,158 17,898 0.80
2,214,159 - 2,291,915 17,003 0.81
2,291,916 - 2,373,332 16,108 0.82
2,373,333 - 2,458,676 15,213 0.83
2,458,677 - 2,548,242 14,318 0.84
2,548,243 - 2,642,357 13,424 0.85
2,642,358 - 2,741,377 12,529 0.86
2,741,378 - 2,845,702 11,634 0.87
2,845,703 - 2,955,773 10,739 0.88
2,955,774 - 3,072,082 9,844 0.89
3,072,083 - 3,195,181 8,949 0.90
3,195,182 - 3,325,685 8,054 0.91
3,325,686 - 3,464,291 7,159 0.92
3,464,292 - 3,611,781 6,264 0.93
3,611,782 - 3,769,044 5,369 0.94
3,769,045 - 3,937,090 4,474 0.95
3,937,091 - 4,117,076 3,580 0.96
4,117,077 - 4,310,328 2,685 0.97
4,310,329 - 4,518,378 1,790 0.98
4,518,379 - 4,742,999 895 0.99
4,743,000 Over 0 1.00

[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, and 51.32.073. 04-24-025, § 296-17-880, filed 11/23/04, effective 1/1/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, and 51.18.010. 03-24-066, § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/03, effective 1/1/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010, and 51.04.020(1). 02-24-029, § 296-17-880, filed 11/27/02, effective 1/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010. 01-23-061, § 296-17-880, filed 11/20/01, effective 1/1/02; 00-23-101, § 296-17-880, filed 11/21/00, effective 1/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-880, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-880, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-880, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-880, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95; 93-24-114, § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 92-24-063, § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-880, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 90-24-042, § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/90, effective 1/1/91; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.04.020. 88-24-012 (Order 88-30), § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 87-24-060 (Order 87-26), § 296-17-880, filed 12/1/87, effective 1/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 86-24-042 (Order 86-41), § 296-17-880, filed 11/26/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-880, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; 84-24-016 (Order 84-23), § 296-17-880, filed 11/28/84, effective 1/1/85; 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-880, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-880, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 78-12-043 (Order 78-23), § 296-17-880, filed 11/27/78, effective 1/1/79; Order 77-27, § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/77, effective 1/1/78; Order 76-36, § 296-17-880, filed 11/30/76; Order 75-38, § 296-17-880, filed 11/24/75, effective 1/1/76; Order 74-40, § 296-17-880, filed 11/27/74, effective 1/1/75; Order 73-22, § 296-17-880, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74.]

AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-24-025, filed 11/23/04, effective 1/1/05)

WAC 296-17-885    Table III.  

Expected Loss Rates and D-Ratios

for Indicated Fiscal Year

Expected Loss Rates in Dollars Per Worker Hour

Effective January 1, ((2005)) 2006

((Class 2001 2002 2003 D-Ratio
0101 1.3244 1.2465 1.0733 0.454
0103 1.5617 1.4754 1.2827 0.479
0104 0.9424 0.8882 0.7665 0.455
0105 1.3329 1.2671 1.1151 0.522
0107 1.1948 1.1256 0.9710 0.451
0108 0.9424 0.8882 0.7665 0.455
0112 0.7516 0.7118 0.6194 0.478
0201 2.2793 2.1355 1.8234 0.422
0202 3.1165 2.9224 2.4913 0.392
0210 1.1711 1.0977 0.9362 0.413
0212 1.2103 1.1392 0.9793 0.440
0214 1.2368 1.1639 1.0019 0.456
0217 1.1222 1.0595 0.9185 0.477
0219 0.9327 0.8840 0.7700 0.466
0301 0.5505 0.5251 0.4671 0.542
0302 1.7920 1.6798 1.4339 0.433
0303 1.7655 1.6550 1.4122 0.427
0306 1.0070 0.9476 0.8177 0.466
0307 0.9108 0.8609 0.7502 0.489
0308 0.5076 0.4871 0.4379 0.583
0403 1.6320 1.5618 1.3958 0.576
0502 1.4301 1.3444 1.1549 0.453
0504 1.2322 1.1636 1.0073 0.454
0507 2.7638 2.6089 2.2599 0.455
0508 1.9388 1.8100 1.5326 0.394
0509 1.4222 1.3344 1.1471 0.452
0510 1.5059 1.4234 1.2369 0.475
0511 1.5826 1.4948 1.2983 0.484
0512 1.3794 1.2996 1.1232 0.469
0513 0.8549 0.8065 0.6985 0.469
0514 1.7390 1.6455 1.4336 0.489
0516 1.5059 1.4234 1.2369 0.475
0517 1.6143 1.5241 1.3201 0.451
0518 1.6428 1.5432 1.3256 0.441
0519 1.9724 1.8548 1.5929 0.428
0521 0.5565 0.5264 0.4581 0.464
0524 0.0218 0.0205 0.0177 0.465
0526 0.0112 0.0105 0.0090 0.433
0527 0.0009 0.0009 0.0007 0.433
0528 0.0028 0.0027 0.0023 0.482
0529 0.0016 0.0015 0.0013 0.465
0530 0.0294 0.0273 0.0230 0.371
0531 0.0159 0.0148 0.0125 0.382
0532 0.0014 0.0013 0.0011 0.382
0533 0.0037 0.0034 0.0029 0.427
0534 0.0026 0.0024 0.0020 0.371
0540 0.0227 0.0214 0.0185 0.465
0541 0.0120 0.0112 0.0097 0.433
0550 0.0299 0.0277 0.0233 0.371
0551 0.0166 0.0155 0.0130 0.382
0601 0.6091 0.5765 0.5043 0.506
0602 0.6772 0.6437 0.5654 0.543
0603 1.0037 0.9407 0.8047 0.435
0604 0.9190 0.8758 0.7764 0.525
0606 0.4860 0.4655 0.4177 0.581
0607 0.4410 0.4210 0.3751 0.560
0608 0.3670 0.3481 0.3053 0.499
0701 1.9682 1.8233 1.5233 0.362
0803 0.4572 0.4377 0.3924 0.585
0901 1.6428 1.5432 1.3256 0.441
1002 0.9628 0.9155 0.8047 0.501
1003 0.7865 0.7465 0.6552 0.497
1004 0.4797 0.4562 0.4017 0.535
1005 7.6884 7.2691 6.2772 0.463
1007 0.3663 0.3467 0.3031 0.495
1101 0.6571 0.6273 0.5577 0.551
1102 1.2463 1.1799 1.0273 0.496
1103 1.1291 1.0716 0.9352 0.464
1104 0.5096 0.4873 0.4353 0.541
1105 0.9195 0.8703 0.7590 0.470
1106 0.3306 0.3165 0.2843 0.551
1108 0.5930 0.5671 0.5076 0.573
1109 1.3124 1.2522 1.1092 0.528
1301 0.6307 0.6051 0.5405 0.623
1303 0.2106 0.2022 0.1823 0.611
1304 0.0254 0.0243 0.0219 0.585
1305 0.3736 0.3575 0.3201 0.574
1401 0.4738 0.4493 0.3936 0.458
1404 0.6643 0.6349 0.5652 0.545
1405 0.4896 0.4704 0.4235 0.607
1407 0.6643 0.6349 0.5652 0.545
1501 0.5252 0.5003 0.4425 0.540
1507 0.4836 0.4615 0.4096 0.555
1701 0.8925 0.8442 0.7342 0.475
1702 1.9976 1.8644 1.5767 0.382
1703 0.8700 0.8132 0.6893 0.417
1704 0.8925 0.8442 0.7342 0.475
1801 0.5323 0.5019 0.4357 0.443
1802 0.6440 0.6133 0.5400 0.531
2002 0.6912 0.6609 0.5911 0.555
2004 0.8494 0.8121 0.7255 0.568
2007 0.4244 0.4050 0.3598 0.544
2008 0.3108 0.2948 0.2593 0.495
2009 0.3680 0.3535 0.3197 0.588
2101 0.6568 0.6270 0.5561 0.532
2102 0.5450 0.5225 0.4699 0.582
2104 0.3202 0.3080 0.2796 0.593
2105 0.5595 0.5374 0.4850 0.611
2106 0.4139 0.3967 0.3549 0.566
2201 0.2411 0.2305 0.2055 0.550
2202 0.6759 0.6455 0.5746 0.560
2203 0.4738 0.4559 0.4134 0.608
2204 0.2411 0.2305 0.2055 0.550
2401 0.4497 0.4295 0.3827 0.556
2903 0.6544 0.6274 0.5642 0.577
2904 0.7132 0.6776 0.5993 0.505
2905 0.5569 0.5347 0.4823 0.580
2906 0.3327 0.3180 0.2842 0.569
2907 0.4990 0.4788 0.4314 0.584
2908 0.9894 0.9394 0.8237 0.506
2909 0.3777 0.3621 0.3256 0.578
3101 0.9605 0.9055 0.7824 0.446
3102 0.2766 0.2651 0.2390 0.591
3103 0.5437 0.5178 0.4570 0.515
3104 0.5634 0.5335 0.4666 0.493
3105 0.7459 0.7135 0.6390 0.569
3303 0.4148 0.3975 0.3566 0.584
3304 0.4903 0.4712 0.4262 0.589
3309 0.4078 0.3892 0.3472 0.550
3402 0.5035 0.4799 0.4264 0.545
3403 0.1965 0.1865 0.1650 0.517
3404 0.4961 0.4746 0.4249 0.566
3405 0.2948 0.2811 0.2496 0.540
3406 0.2019 0.1941 0.1768 0.612
3407 0.6506 0.6182 0.5437 0.505
3408 0.1607 0.1549 0.1398 0.627
3409 0.1636 0.1585 0.1464 0.684
3410 0.2579 0.2480 0.2243 0.591
3411 0.4616 0.4390 0.3878 0.529
3412 0.5240 0.4952 0.4311 0.480
3414 0.5319 0.5068 0.4501 0.553
3415 0.7453 0.7040 0.6123 0.453
3501 0.9961 0.9496 0.8392 0.524
3503 0.2970 0.2865 0.2614 0.602
3506 1.0676 1.0023 0.8615 0.455
3509 0.3907 0.3769 0.3448 0.641
3510 0.3674 0.3519 0.3165 0.589
3511 0.7008 0.6682 0.5927 0.534
3512 0.3218 0.3090 0.2803 0.602
3513 0.4613 0.4373 0.3829 0.442
3602 0.1193 0.1150 0.1048 0.637
3603 0.4379 0.4182 0.3732 0.550
3604 0.7867 0.7473 0.6603 0.493
3605 0.5000 0.4771 0.4235 0.555
3701 0.2766 0.2651 0.2390 0.591
3702 0.4236 0.4064 0.3670 0.603
3708 0.6083 0.5801 0.5145 0.548
3802 0.1694 0.1630 0.1478 0.616
3808 0.4254 0.4035 0.3542 0.509
3901 0.1569 0.1515 0.1391 0.631
3902 0.4863 0.4651 0.4158 0.554
3903 1.0678 1.0228 0.9185 0.549
3905 0.1569 0.1515 0.1391 0.631
3906 0.4826 0.4617 0.4121 0.546
3909 0.2596 0.2509 0.2302 0.655
4002 1.3104 1.2478 1.0991 0.553
4101 0.2740 0.2613 0.2325 0.549
4103 0.4152 0.4016 0.3699 0.652
4107 0.1584 0.1517 0.1360 0.573
4108 0.1372 0.1309 0.1170 0.544
4109 0.2069 0.1970 0.1749 0.530
4201 0.6487 0.6171 0.5429 0.551
4301 0.6511 0.6262 0.5672 0.613
4302 0.6117 0.5856 0.5243 0.574
4304 0.9653 0.9230 0.8221 0.543
4305 1.1409 1.0825 0.9501 0.531
4401 0.3791 0.3600 0.3172 0.485
4402 0.7931 0.7615 0.6895 0.604
4404 0.5097 0.4901 0.4434 0.603
4501 0.1856 0.1792 0.1640 0.645
4502 0.0402 0.0385 0.0347 0.563
4504 0.1110 0.1074 0.0994 0.667
4601 0.7014 0.6702 0.5958 0.541
4802 0.2546 0.2430 0.2164 0.530
4803 0.2522 0.2425 0.2197 0.578
4804 0.5253 0.5048 0.4557 0.604
4805 0.2763 0.2655 0.2404 0.588
4806 0.0541 0.0517 0.0464 0.551
4808 0.4591 0.4379 0.3888 0.529
4809 0.3695 0.3547 0.3202 0.586
4810 0.1395 0.1345 0.1227 0.612
4811 0.2492 0.2392 0.2167 0.587
4812 0.3780 0.3630 0.3286 0.605
4813 0.1587 0.1521 0.1365 0.554
4900 0.3544 0.3359 0.2940 0.501
4901 0.0765 0.0726 0.0640 0.511
4902 0.0943 0.0906 0.0820 0.619
4903 0.1371 0.1321 0.1200 0.655
4904 0.0301 0.0288 0.0261 0.597
4905 0.3305 0.3185 0.2898 0.604
4906 0.0953 0.0914 0.0823 0.597
4907 0.0491 0.0470 0.0421 0.560
4908 0.1253 0.1216 0.1147 0.666
4909 0.0561 0.0543 0.0507 0.619
4910 0.4215 0.4023 0.3579 0.540
5001 4.5741 4.2967 3.6756 0.435
5002 0.5694 0.5449 0.4869 0.582
5003 1.8101 1.6996 1.4509 0.423
5004 0.9257 0.8804 0.7763 0.502
5005 0.5682 0.5367 0.4651 0.467
5006 1.6110 1.5078 1.2807 0.387
5101 0.8809 0.8437 0.7566 0.589
5103 0.7113 0.6834 0.6194 0.599
5106 0.7113 0.6834 0.6194 0.599
5108 0.8898 0.8553 0.7755 0.621
5109 0.6123 0.5820 0.5144 0.528
5201 0.4173 0.3985 0.3563 0.573
5204 0.9263 0.8769 0.7679 0.478
5206 0.3544 0.3359 0.2940 0.501
5207 0.1678 0.1622 0.1493 0.644
5208 0.8616 0.8189 0.7215 0.503
5209 0.7607 0.7222 0.6354 0.506
5301 0.0306 0.0294 0.0269 0.627
5302 0.0219 0.0210 0.0188 0.574
5305 0.0529 0.0511 0.0471 0.662
5306 0.0592 0.0569 0.0518 0.622
5307 0.4685 0.4484 0.4009 0.587
6103 0.0795 0.0769 0.0712 0.658
6104 0.3642 0.3499 0.3160 0.588
6105 0.3186 0.3031 0.2682 0.528
6107 0.1332 0.1280 0.1177 0.615
6108 0.4101 0.3956 0.3620 0.624
6109 0.0892 0.0853 0.0765 0.574
6110 0.5393 0.5170 0.4650 0.585
6201 0.3266 0.3083 0.2693 0.478
6202 0.6317 0.6032 0.5367 0.527
6203 0.0958 0.0930 0.0871 0.691
6204 0.1303 0.1249 0.1135 0.597
6205 0.2390 0.2294 0.2068 0.581
6206 0.2152 0.2061 0.1854 0.584
6207 1.0315 0.9876 0.8867 0.519
6208 0.2312 0.2227 0.2031 0.595
6209 0.2941 0.2826 0.2558 0.590
6301 0.1215 0.1145 0.0991 0.457
6302 0.1607 0.1535 0.1372 0.537
6303 0.0696 0.0664 0.0593 0.542
6304 0.3738 0.3604 0.3276 0.602
6305 0.0926 0.0893 0.0817 0.611
6306 0.3214 0.3083 0.2776 0.592
6308 0.0594 0.0569 0.0513 0.592
6309 0.1743 0.1677 0.1522 0.603
6402 0.2858 0.2762 0.2532 0.653
6403 0.1507 0.1449 0.1318 0.600
6404 0.2032 0.1956 0.1774 0.606
6405 0.5738 0.5465 0.4848 0.541
6406 0.1049 0.1011 0.0925 0.626
6407 0.2689 0.2582 0.2332 0.590
6408 0.3711 0.3552 0.3201 0.597
6409 0.8520 0.8068 0.7058 0.500
6410 0.2739 0.2612 0.2331 0.547
6501 0.1608 0.1551 0.1410 0.634
6502 0.0382 0.0366 0.0332 0.600
6503 0.0722 0.0685 0.0602 0.536
6504 0.3890 0.3755 0.3444 0.632
6505 0.1038 0.1002 0.0919 0.619
6506 0.0999 0.0963 0.0883 0.637
6508 0.2995 0.2885 0.2627 0.605
6509 0.3501 0.3369 0.3058 0.595
6510 0.4783 0.4505 0.3878 0.431
6511 0.2864 0.2756 0.2502 0.596
6601 0.1812 0.1740 0.1571 0.583
6602 0.4151 0.3983 0.3584 0.580
6603 0.3171 0.3032 0.2710 0.570
6604 0.0794 0.0764 0.0693 0.615
6605 0.2918 0.2814 0.2584 0.622
6607 0.1673 0.1603 0.1435 0.564
6608 0.5426 0.5085 0.4355 0.438
6620 4.4397 4.2975 3.9395 0.694
6704 0.1617 0.1555 0.1408 0.623
6705 0.8493 0.8210 0.7575 0.632
6706 0.3183 0.3047 0.2742 0.553
6707 3.1650 3.0806 2.8587 0.717
6708 8.1557 7.7761 6.8871 0.444
6709 0.2755 0.2665 0.2447 0.638
6801 0.5639 0.5408 0.4869 0.619
6802 0.3970 0.3820 0.3480 0.619
6803 0.8492 0.7933 0.6726 0.367
6804 0.2777 0.2650 0.2364 0.562
6809 4.7851 4.5902 4.1352 0.572
6901 0.0387 0.0383 0.0380 0.766
6902 0.9982 0.9357 0.7968 0.425
6903 7.4689 6.9326 5.8068 0.310
6904 0.3787 0.3645 0.3285 0.650
6905 0.3624 0.3480 0.3145 0.628
6906 0.1515 0.1497 0.1483 0.740
6907 1.1330 1.0869 0.9762 0.593
6908 0.4781 0.4591 0.4136 0.602
6909 0.1101 0.1058 0.0961 0.608
7100 0.0315 0.0300 0.0265 0.493
7101 0.0240 0.0227 0.0199 0.454
7102 4.0084 3.8786 3.5771 0.601
7103 0.5332 0.5069 0.4663 0.532
7104 0.0290 0.0280 0.0254 0.640
7105 0.0293 0.0284 0.0261 0.662
7106 0.1849 0.1783 0.1624 0.623
7107 0.2196 0.2109 0.1910 0.571
7108 0.1938 0.1869 0.1709 0.600
7109 0.1289 0.1242 0.1135 0.631
7110 0.3448 0.3272 0.2866 0.502
7111 0.3843 0.3656 0.3218 0.521
7112 0.6010 0.5747 0.5151 0.563
7113 0.3581 0.3441 0.3124 0.585
7114 0.5757 0.5570 0.5130 0.653
7115 0.5553 0.5349 0.4875 0.618
7116 0.6652 0.6398 0.5766 0.593
7117 1.3550 1.2998 1.1723 0.596
7118 1.1916 1.1448 1.0361 0.604
7119 1.2266 1.1747 1.0513 0.574
7120 5.8769 5.6033 4.9752 0.535
7121 5.5078 5.2516 4.6642 0.535
7122 0.5757 0.5570 0.5130 0.6530
7201 1.1839 1.1280 0.9959 0.550
7202 0.0379 0.0361 0.0317 0.530
7203 0.1236 0.1192 0.1093 0.606
7204 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.000
7301 0.4629 0.4420 0.3926 0.518
7302 0.9022 0.8615 0.7647 0.521
7307 0.4903 0.4706 0.4221 0.559
7308 0.2758 0.2669 0.2463 0.636
7309 0.2755 0.2665 0.2447 0.638))

Class 2002 2003 2004 D-Ratio
0101 1.4847 1.2443 1.1432 0.460
0103 1.8524 1.5387 1.4188 0.484
0104 1.0684 0.8932 0.8219 0.468
0105 1.5795 1.2956 1.2082 0.531
0107 1.3744 1.1518 1.0583 0.460
0108 1.0684 0.8932 0.8219 0.468
0112 0.8720 0.7273 0.6739 0.487
0201 2.6438 2.2267 2.0258 0.430
0202 3.4469 2.9526 2.7120 0.406
0210 1.3464 1.1396 1.0401 0.426
0212 1.4263 1.1989 1.1004 0.454
0214 1.4435 1.2020 1.1010 0.473
0217 1.2482 1.0359 0.9545 0.489
0219 1.0487 0.8818 0.8211 0.473
0301 0.6809 0.5554 0.5224 0.549
0302 2.0714 1.7360 1.5801 0.450
0303 2.0469 1.7232 1.5683 0.437
0306 1.1351 0.9407 0.8619 0.482
0307 1.0403 0.8573 0.7940 0.509
0308 0.6220 0.5022 0.4764 0.590
0403 1.9600 1.5840 1.4897 0.578
0502 1.6752 1.3977 1.2772 0.463
0504 1.5285 1.2855 1.1886 0.462
0507 3.2625 2.7330 2.5340 0.474
0508 2.1299 1.8060 1.6381 0.411
0509 1.6940 1.4102 1.2887 0.463
0510 1.7290 1.4328 1.3302 0.502
0511 1.8432 1.5264 1.4052 0.492
0512 1.6373 1.3641 1.2501 0.470
0513 0.9899 0.8228 0.7576 0.482
0514 2.0915 1.7337 1.6037 0.498
0516 1.8178 1.5205 1.3996 0.467
0517 1.8986 1.5988 1.4798 0.457
0518 1.7410 1.4574 1.3344 0.454
0519 2.4161 2.0474 1.8755 0.428
0521 0.6270 0.5240 0.4874 0.483
0601 0.7389 0.6088 0.5635 0.505
0602 0.8651 0.7028 0.6513 0.549
0603 1.1278 0.9442 0.8596 0.446
0604 1.1036 0.9073 0.8533 0.532
0606 0.6090 0.4915 0.4638 0.581
0607 0.5578 0.4512 0.4237 0.569
0608 0.4431 0.3657 0.3406 0.513
0701 2.2002 1.8733 1.6726 0.373
0803 0.5562 0.4459 0.4202 0.593
0901 1.7410 1.4574 1.3344 0.454
1002 1.1105 0.9228 0.8636 0.506
1003 0.9129 0.7577 0.7064 0.500
1004 0.5763 0.4700 0.4373 0.546
1005 8.9312 7.5026 6.9194 0.473
1007 0.4313 0.3555 0.3299 0.509
1101 0.7970 0.6491 0.6096 0.555
1102 1.4917 1.2375 1.1429 0.496
1103 1.3294 1.1226 1.0479 0.467
1104 0.6232 0.5098 0.4834 0.554
1105 1.0534 0.8796 0.8186 0.483
1106 0.4027 0.3288 0.3129 0.555
1108 0.7364 0.5951 0.5601 0.573
1109 1.6163 1.3290 1.2500 0.538
1301 0.7680 0.6079 0.5675 0.633
1303 0.2567 0.2047 0.1933 0.612
1304 0.0317 0.0254 0.0241 0.590
1305 0.4671 0.3757 0.3545 0.591
1401 0.5568 0.4696 0.4408 0.466
1404 0.8355 0.6812 0.6427 0.560
1405 0.6330 0.5048 0.4776 0.619
1407 0.7485 0.6117 0.5778 0.556
1501 0.6561 0.5333 0.4994 0.558
1507 0.5838 0.4750 0.4448 0.558
1701 1.0285 0.8600 0.7975 0.480
1702 2.2744 1.9440 1.7625 0.390
1703 0.9667 0.8129 0.7348 0.432
1704 1.0285 0.8600 0.7975 0.480
1801 0.6153 0.5176 0.4806 0.454
1802 0.7814 0.6404 0.5967 0.541
2002 0.8347 0.6798 0.6431 0.561
2004 1.0728 0.8686 0.8178 0.571
2007 0.5126 0.4187 0.3935 0.548
2008 0.3693 0.3058 0.2860 0.503
2009 0.4654 0.3757 0.3580 0.585
2101 0.7774 0.6402 0.6025 0.534
2102 0.6673 0.5378 0.5097 0.588
2104 0.4186 0.3368 0.3225 0.598
2105 0.6932 0.5516 0.5219 0.618
2106 0.4980 0.4052 0.3837 0.572
2201 0.2912 0.2378 0.2247 0.557
2202 0.8161 0.6615 0.6212 0.567
2203 0.5741 0.4605 0.4384 0.603
2204 0.2912 0.2378 0.2247 0.557
2401 0.5623 0.4564 0.4289 0.564
2903 0.7832 0.6329 0.5998 0.581
2904 0.8704 0.7181 0.6749 0.515
2905 0.6640 0.5367 0.5110 0.584
2906 0.3954 0.3194 0.3010 0.573
2907 0.6286 0.5051 0.4800 0.599
2908 1.1697 0.9675 0.9001 0.510
2909 0.4621 0.3734 0.3542 0.582
3101 1.0997 0.9233 0.8527 0.461
3102 0.3342 0.2679 0.2536 0.593
3103 0.6460 0.5331 0.5001 0.525
3104 0.6674 0.5509 0.5119 0.508
3105 0.8809 0.7130 0.6728 0.570
3303 0.5092 0.4098 0.3871 0.591
3304 0.5720 0.4592 0.4389 0.603
3309 0.5043 0.4102 0.3860 0.553
3402 0.6170 0.5045 0.4733 0.539
3403 0.2368 0.1937 0.1815 0.527
3404 0.5855 0.4734 0.4475 0.576
3405 0.3723 0.3038 0.2854 0.546
3406 0.2540 0.2020 0.1931 0.622
3407 0.7797 0.6457 0.6030 0.508
3408 0.2032 0.1614 0.1530 0.635
3409 0.2113 0.1642 0.1581 0.685
3410 0.3271 0.2635 0.2513 0.595
3411 0.5584 0.4578 0.4274 0.531
3412 0.6572 0.5462 0.5044 0.484
3414 0.6396 0.5186 0.4852 0.559
3415 0.8862 0.7449 0.6916 0.459
3501 1.1999 0.9879 0.9272 0.534
3503 0.3753 0.3019 0.2907 0.605
3506 1.2438 1.0331 0.9430 0.469
3509 0.4913 0.3878 0.3712 0.643
3510 0.4383 0.3517 0.3328 0.593
3511 0.8393 0.6867 0.6461 0.545
3512 0.4132 0.3299 0.3147 0.606
3513 0.5362 0.4553 0.4286 0.452
3602 0.1494 0.1182 0.1127 0.629
3603 0.5418 0.4414 0.4161 0.554
3604 0.9344 0.7759 0.7300 0.499
3605 0.6028 0.4894 0.4584 0.563
3701 0.3342 0.2679 0.2536 0.593
3702 0.5396 0.4308 0.4082 0.605
3708 0.7476 0.6104 0.5712 0.545
3802 0.2187 0.1742 0.1657 0.623
3808 0.4930 0.4055 0.3774 0.519
3901 0.2047 0.1623 0.1562 0.634
3902 0.6023 0.4908 0.4641 0.558
3903 1.2941 1.0600 1.0089 0.551
3905 0.1954 0.1556 0.1496 0.621
3906 0.5770 0.4700 0.4455 0.565
3909 0.3220 0.2536 0.2432 0.650
4002 1.5699 1.2733 1.1816 0.560
4101 0.3293 0.2681 0.2518 0.551
4103 0.5175 0.4090 0.3940 0.643
4107 0.1967 0.1595 0.1507 0.570
4108 0.1712 0.1390 0.1314 0.556
4109 0.2468 0.2020 0.1898 0.539
4201 0.7668 0.6209 0.5753 0.561
4301 0.7931 0.6332 0.6019 0.614
4302 0.7589 0.6128 0.5784 0.581
4304 1.1651 0.9555 0.9029 0.548
4305 1.3713 1.1131 1.0302 0.550
4401 0.4581 0.3812 0.3584 0.497
4402 0.9894 0.7892 0.7507 0.610
4404 0.6502 0.5199 0.4946 0.612
4501 0.2325 0.1833 0.1756 0.647
4502 0.0495 0.0402 0.0383 0.568
4504 0.1415 0.1105 0.1068 0.663
4601 0.8454 0.6926 0.6528 0.549
4802 0.3326 0.2741 0.2590 0.530
4803 0.3178 0.2569 0.2464 0.590
4804 0.6370 0.5098 0.4838 0.609
4805 0.3489 0.2815 0.2685 0.589
4806 0.0677 0.0550 0.0521 0.560
4808 0.5594 0.4598 0.4326 0.533
4809 0.4508 0.3631 0.3459 0.594
4810 0.1737 0.1391 0.1335 0.612
4811 0.3189 0.2565 0.2450 0.590
4812 0.4699 0.3754 0.3569 0.608
4813 0.1915 0.1563 0.1490 0.562
4900 0.3838 0.3213 0.2960 0.464
4901 0.0919 0.0754 0.0704 0.521
4902 0.1177 0.0935 0.0886 0.623
4903 0.1757 0.1378 0.1305 0.658
4904 0.0374 0.0299 0.0284 0.601
4905 0.4089 0.3286 0.3151 0.607
4906 0.1157 0.0926 0.0875 0.603
4907 0.0599 0.0486 0.0460 0.566
4908 0.1641 0.1285 0.1266 0.659
4909 0.0725 0.0578 0.0567 0.617
4910 0.5261 0.4313 0.4056 0.538
5001 5.3608 4.5191 4.1290 0.443
5002 0.6924 0.5570 0.5236 0.588
5003 2.1101 1.7860 1.6330 0.435
5004 1.0586 0.8780 0.8237 0.508
5005 0.6429 0.5392 0.4980 0.467
5006 1.7908 1.5327 1.3997 0.399
5101 1.0732 0.8602 0.8113 0.596
5103 0.8988 0.7191 0.6853 0.606
5106 0.8988 0.7191 0.6853 0.606
5108 1.0860 0.8621 0.8190 0.622
5109 0.7087 0.5774 0.5403 0.545
5201 0.5048 0.4070 0.3823 0.571
5204 1.0660 0.8881 0.8279 0.484
5206 0.4615 0.3789 0.3523 0.522
5207 0.2171 0.1709 0.1650 0.649
5208 1.0014 0.8278 0.7764 0.516
5209 0.8788 0.7265 0.6782 0.509
5301 0.0395 0.0312 0.0299 0.634
5302 0.0251 0.0203 0.0192 0.568
5305 0.0661 0.0518 0.0499 0.660
5306 0.0750 0.0594 0.0567 0.627
5307 0.5942 0.4783 0.4490 0.585
6103 0.1021 0.0801 0.0775 0.658
6104 0.4446 0.3577 0.3411 0.599
6105 0.3932 0.3212 0.3013 0.543
6107 0.1728 0.1368 0.1316 0.618
6108 0.5147 0.4099 0.3936 0.623
6109 0.1098 0.0884 0.0835 0.583
6110 0.6838 0.5516 0.5215 0.585
6201 0.3780 0.3133 0.2906 0.485
6202 0.7585 0.6247 0.5903 0.533
6203 0.1273 0.0985 0.0961 0.691
6204 0.1599 0.1273 0.1215 0.604
6205 0.2967 0.2391 0.2276 0.590
6206 0.2690 0.2158 0.2048 0.594
6207 1.2483 1.0339 0.9902 0.528
6208 0.2935 0.2361 0.2269 0.598
6209 0.3657 0.2944 0.2811 0.594
6301 0.1435 0.1195 0.1103 0.473
6302 0.1954 0.1599 0.1515 0.544
6303 0.0809 0.0660 0.0624 0.551
6304 0.4869 0.3927 0.3767 0.601
6305 0.1210 0.0967 0.0930 0.618
6306 0.3936 0.3166 0.2998 0.591
6308 0.0746 0.0599 0.0567 0.597
6309 0.2147 0.1716 0.1640 0.611
6402 0.3559 0.2802 0.2686 0.651
6403 0.1951 0.1565 0.1498 0.603
6404 0.2577 0.2066 0.1971 0.607
6405 0.7024 0.5727 0.5365 0.544
6406 0.1365 0.1082 0.1038 0.634
6407 0.3279 0.2641 0.2509 0.591
6408 0.4588 0.3657 0.3455 0.600
6409 1.0220 0.8442 0.7825 0.503
6410 0.3358 0.2724 0.2568 0.556
6501 0.2034 0.1613 0.1538 0.637
6502 0.0490 0.0393 0.0374 0.601
6503 0.0863 0.0701 0.0650 0.546
6504 0.4922 0.3905 0.3756 0.629
6505 0.1312 0.1044 0.1006 0.624
6506 0.1286 0.1015 0.0975 0.636
6508 0.3735 0.2998 0.2874 0.608
6509 0.4459 0.3590 0.3434 0.598
6510 0.5409 0.4567 0.4215 0.451
6511 0.3805 0.3049 0.2918 0.610
6601 0.2286 0.1845 0.1759 0.592
6602 0.5102 0.4137 0.3924 0.576
6603 0.3874 0.3132 0.2948 0.576
6604 0.0993 0.0792 0.0754 0.620
6605 0.3764 0.2993 0.2883 0.623
6607 0.2045 0.1661 0.1571 0.569
6608 0.6192 0.5175 0.4713 0.447
6620 5.4294 4.2046 3.9961 0.691
6704 0.2007 0.1595 0.1513 0.624
6705 1.0391 0.8299 0.8028 0.617
6706 0.3863 0.3150 0.3001 0.556
6707 4.1413 3.1884 3.0724 0.717
6708 9.7342 8.3312 7.9715 0.452
6709 0.3543 0.2812 0.2709 0.639
6801 0.7005 0.5546 0.5219 0.621
6802 0.5126 0.4073 0.3880 0.623
6803 0.9573 0.8240 0.7519 0.378
6804 0.3338 0.2703 0.2541 0.561
6809 5.7966 4.7009 4.4765 0.575
6901 0.0543 0.0415 0.0427 0.736
6902 1.1343 0.9571 0.8696 0.433
6903 8.2283 7.1994 6.5416 0.323
6904 0.4649 0.3653 0.3429 0.654
6905 0.4520 0.3569 0.3366 0.633
6906 0.2122 0.1638 0.1689 0.715
6907 1.3956 1.1239 1.0613 0.592
6908 0.5598 0.4495 0.4252 0.598
6909 0.1396 0.1113 0.1062 0.616
7100 0.0378 0.0313 0.0295 0.502
7101 0.0282 0.0237 0.0221 0.464
7102 5.0817 4.1052 4.0046 0.601
7103 0.6621 0.5395 0.5027 0.548
7104 0.0360 0.0284 0.0271 0.642
7105 0.0378 0.0296 0.0284 0.666
7106 0.2326 0.1853 0.1773 0.625
7107 0.2695 0.2187 0.2095 0.575
7108 0.2380 0.1920 0.1849 0.595
7109 0.1575 0.1252 0.1198 0.629
7110 0.3927 0.3250 0.3023 0.508
7111 0.4408 0.3639 0.3391 0.518
7112 0.7449 0.6029 0.5708 0.571
7113 0.4383 0.3537 0.3386 0.588
7114 0.6840 0.5416 0.5207 0.641
7115 0.6922 0.5518 0.5283 0.618
7116 0.8052 0.6511 0.6187 0.591
7117 1.7991 1.4335 1.3622 0.615
7118 1.5548 1.2448 1.1848 0.606
7119 1.5223 1.2285 1.1602 0.585
7120 7.0870 5.8015 5.4564 0.542
7121 6.6433 5.4387 5.1167 0.542
7122 0.6840 0.5416 0.5207 0.641
7201 1.4688 1.1870 1.1071 0.576
7202 0.0438 0.0357 0.0332 0.541
7203 0.1548 0.1241 0.1199 0.607
7204 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.000
7301 0.5754 0.4762 0.4498 0.524
7302 1.1130 0.9195 0.8693 0.533
7307 0.5899 0.4824 0.4589 0.564
7308 0.3585 0.2850 0.2758 0.631
7309 0.3288 0.2624 0.2526 0.625

Expected Loss Rates in Dollars Per Sq. Ft.

of Wallboard Installed

((Class 2001 2002 2003 D-Ratio
0524 0.0218 0.0205 0.0177 0.465
0526 0.0112 0.0105 0.0090 0.433
0527 0.0009 0.0009 0.0007 0.433
0528 0.0028 0.0027 0.0023 0.482
0529 0.0016 0.0015 0.0013 0.465
0530 0.0294 0.0273 0.0230 0.371
0531 0.0159 0.0148 0.0125 0.382
0532 0.0014 0.0013 0.0011 0.382
0533 0.0037 0.0034 0.0029 0.427
0534 0.0026 0.0024 0.0020 0.371
0540 0.0227 0.0214 0.0185 0.465
0541 0.0120 0.0112 0.0097 0.433
0550 0.0299 0.0277 0.0233 0.371
0551 0.0166 0.0155 0.0130 0.382))

Class 2002 2003 2004 D-Ratio
0524 0.0248 0.0206 0.0189 0.473
0526 0.0133 0.0112 0.0102 0.438
0527 0.0011 0.0009 0.0009 0.438
0528 0.0034 0.0028 0.0026 0.493
0529 0.0018 0.0015 0.0014 0.473
0530 0.0327 0.0279 0.0252 0.378
0531 0.0178 0.0152 0.0137 0.391
0532 0.0016 0.0014 0.0012 0.391
0533 0.0042 0.0035 0.0033 0.434
0534 0.0030 0.0025 0.0023 0.378
0540 0.0259 0.0216 0.0198 0.473
0541 0.0142 0.0119 0.0109 0.438
0550 0.0332 0.0284 0.0256 0.378
0551 0.0186 0.0159 0.0143 0.391

[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, and 51.32.073. 04-24-025, § 296-17-885, filed 11/23/04, effective 1/1/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, and 51.18.010. 03-24-066, § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/03, effective 1/1/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010, and 51.04.020(1). 02-24-029, § 296-17-885, filed 11/27/02, effective 1/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010. 01-23-061, § 296-17-885, filed 11/20/01, effective 1/1/02; 00-23-101, § 296-17-885, filed 11/21/00, effective 1/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.04.020. 00-14-052, § 296-17-885, filed 7/1/00, effective 7/1/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-885, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-885, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 96-12-039, § 296-17-885, filed 5/31/96, effective 7/1/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-885, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-885, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95; 93-24-114, § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 92-24-063, § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-885, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 91-12-014, § 296-17-885, filed 5/31/91, effective 7/1/91; 90-24-042, § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/90, effective 1/1/91; 90-13-018, § 296-17-885, filed 6/8/90, effective 7/9/90; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1). 89-16-001 (Order 89-07), § 296-17-885, filed 7/20/89, effective 8/20/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.04.020. 88-24-012 (Order 88-30), § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 88-12-065 (Order 88-05), § 296-17-885, filed 5/31/88; 88-12-050 (Order 88-06), § 296-17-885, filed 5/31/88, effective 7/1/88; 88-06-047 (Order 87-33), § 296-17-885, filed 3/1/88; 87-24-060 (Order 87-26), § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/87, effective 1/1/88; 87-12-032 (Order 87-12), § 296-17-885, filed 5/29/87, effective 7/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 86-24-042 (Order 86-41), § 296-17-885, filed 11/26/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 86-12-041 (Order 86-18), § 296-17-885, filed 5/30/86, effective 7/1/86; 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-885, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; 85-06-026 (Order 85-7), § 296-17-885, filed 2/28/85, effective 4/1/85; 84-24-016 (Order 84-23), § 296-17-885, filed 11/28/84, effective 1/1/85; 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-885, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-885, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 78-12-043 (Order 78-23), § 296-17-885, filed 11/27/78, effective 1/1/79, effective 1/1/80. Order 77-27, § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/77, effective 1/1/78; Emergency Order 77-25, § 296-17-885, filed 12/1/77; Order 77-10, § 296-17-885, filed 5/31/77; Order 76-36, § 296-17-885, filed 11/30/76; Order 76-18, § 296-17-885, filed 5/28/76, effective 7/1/76; Order 75-38, § 296-17-885, filed 11/24/75, effective 1/1/76; Order 74-40, § 296-17-885, filed 11/27/74, effective 1/1/75; Order 73-22, § 296-17-885, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74.]


AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-24-025, filed 11/23/04, effective 1/1/05)

WAC 296-17-890   Table IV.  

Maximum experience modifications

for firms with no compensable accidents:

Effective 1/1/((2005)) 2006

Expected Loss Range Maximum Experience Modification
((4,052 & Lower 0.90
4,053 - 4,335 0.89
4,336 - 4,641 0.88
4,642 - 4,973 0.87
4,974 - 5,333 0.86
5,334 - 5,724 0.85
5,725 - 6,149 0.84
6,150 - 6,610 0.83
6,611 - 7,113 0.82
7,114 - 7,661 0.81
7,662 - 8,259 0.80
8,260 - 8,911 0.79
8,912 - 9,625 0.78
9,626 - 10,406 0.77
10,407 - 11,263 0.76
11,264 - 12,202 0.75
12,203 - 13,235 0.74
13,236 - 14,370 0.73
14,371 - 15,621 0.72
15,622 - 17,001 0.71
17,002 - 18,525 0.70
18,526 - 20,211 0.69
20,212 - 22,079 0.68
22,080 - 24,151 0.67
24,152 - 26,453 0.66
26,454 - 29,016 0.65
29,017 - 31,873 0.64
31,874 - 35,063 0.63
35,064 - 38,632 0.62
38,633 - 42,632 0.61
42,633 & Higher 0.60))
1 - 2,905 0.90
2,906 - 3,534 0.89
3,535 - 4,192 0.88
4,193 - 4,880 0.87
4,881 - 5,603 0.86
5,604 - 6,361 0.85
6,362 - 7,159 0.84
7,160 - 7,998 0.83
7,999 - 8,882 0.82
8,883 - 9,816 0.81
9,817 - 10,802 0.80
10,803 - 11,847 0.79
11,848 - 12,954 0.78
12,955 - 14,131 0.77
14,132 - 15,383 0.76
15,384 - 16,719 0.75
16,720 - 18,146 0.74
18,147 - 19,675 0.73
19,676 - 21,316 0.72
21,317 - 23,084 0.71
23,085 - 24,992 0.70
24,993 - 27,059 0.69
27,060 - 29,305 0.68
29,306 - 31,754 0.67
31,755 - 34,435 0.66
34,436 - 37,383 0.65
37,384 - 40,640 0.64
40,641 - 44,257 0.63
44,258 - 48,296 0.62
48,297 - 52,838 0.61
52,839 Higher 0.60

[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, and 51.32.073. 04-24-025, § 296-17-890, filed 11/23/04, effective 1/1/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, and 51.18.010. 03-24-066, § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/03, effective 1/1/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010, and 51.04.020(1). 02-24-029, § 296-17-890, filed 11/27/02, effective 1/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035, 51.32.073, 51.18.010. 01-23-061, § 296-17-890, filed 11/20/01, effective 1/1/02; 00-23-101, § 296-17-890, filed 11/21/00, effective 1/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020, 51.16.035 and 51.32.073. 99-24-055, § 296-17-890, filed 11/29/99, effective 12/31/99; 98-24-094, § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/98, effective 1/1/99; 97-24-062, § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/97, effective 1/1/98; 96-24-063, § 296-17-890, filed 11/29/96, effective 1/1/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020. 95-23-080, § 296-17-890, filed 11/20/95, effective 1/1/96; 94-24-007, § 296-17-890, filed 11/28/94, effective 1/1/95; 93-24-114, § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 92-24-063, § 296-17-890, filed 11/30/92, effective 1/1/93; 91-24-053, § 296-17-890, filed 11/27/91, effective 1/1/92; 90-24-042, § 296-17-890, filed 11/30/90, effective 1/1/91; 89-24-051 (Order 89-22), § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/89, effective 1/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035 and 51.04.020. 88-24-012 (Order 88-30), § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/88, effective 1/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 87-24-060 (Order 87-26), § 296-17-890, filed 12/1/87, effective 1/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020(1) and 51.16.035. 86-24-042 (Order 86-41), § 296-17-890, filed 11/26/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-890, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; 84-24-016 (Order 84-23), § 296-17-890, filed 11/28/84, effective 1/1/85; 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-890, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-047 (Order 82-38), § 296-17-890, filed 11/29/82, effective 1/1/83; 81-24-042 (Order 81-30), § 296-17-890, filed 11/30/81, effective 1/1/82; 80-17-016 (Order 80-23), § 296-17-890, filed 11/13/80, effective 1/1/81. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.030 and 51.16.035. 79-12-086 (Order 79-18), § 296-17-890, filed 11/30/79, effective 1/1/80.]

AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-24-025, filed 11/23/04, effective 1/1/05)

WAC 296-17-895   Industrial insurance accident fund base rates and medical aid base rates by class of industry.   Industrial insurance accident fund and medical aid fund base rates by class of industry shall be as set forth below.

Base Rates Effective

January 1, ((2005)) 2006




Medical Aid


((0101 1.5712 0.7958
0103 1.7811 1.0388
0104 1.0948 0.5963
0105 1.4713 0.9700
0107 1.3800 0.7634
0108 1.0948 0.5963
0112 0.8408 0.5241
0201 2.7384 1.2955
0202 3.5362 2.0082
0210 1.3908 0.6846
0212 1.4097 0.7562
0214 1.4773 0.7315
0217 1.3098 0.7108
0219 1.0005 0.7000
0301 0.5681 0.4513
0302 2.2054 0.9634
0303 2.1525 0.9713
0306 1.2013 0.5974
0307 1.0350 0.6115
0308 0.5129 0.4392
0403 1.7394 1.2958
0502 1.7292 0.8171
0504 1.3779 0.8471
0507 3.0800 1.9089
0508 2.3737 1.0280
0509 1.7145 0.8096
0510 1.7031 1.0197
0511 1.8399 1.0126
0512 1.6329 0.8381
0513 0.9896 0.5482
0514 1.9781 1.1717
0516 1.7031 1.0197
0517 1.7783 1.1387
0518 1.9397 0.9866
0519 2.2585 1.2686
0521 0.6033 0.4073
0601 0.6934 0.4108
0602 0.8039 0.4304
0603 1.2177 0.5588
0604 0.9419 0.7572
0606 0.5014 0.4058
0607 0.4669 0.3495
0608 0.3979 0.2721
0701 2.5562 0.8297
0803 0.4821 0.3694
0901 1.9397 0.9866
1002 1.0209 0.7475
1003 0.8420 0.5967
1004 0.5435 0.3343
1005 8.9651 4.9095
1007 0.4073 0.2575
1101 0.6978 0.5187
1102 1.4506 0.8056
1103 1.1786 0.8888
1104 0.4961 0.4553
1105 0.9877 0.6851
1106 0.3074 0.3126
1108 0.6182 0.4848
1109 1.3618 1.0680
1301 0.7581 0.4117
1303 0.2233 0.1712
1304 0.0266 0.0207
1305 0.3886 0.3073
1401 0.4678 0.4015
1404 0.6813 0.5535
1405 0.5175 0.4004
1407 0.6813 0.5535
1501 0.5749 0.3915
1507 0.5283 0.3649
1701 1.0007 0.6164
1702 2.4102 1.0965
1703 1.1054 0.4207
1704 1.0007 0.6164
1801 0.5650 0.3970
1802 0.7227 0.4594
2002 0.6907 0.5977
2004 0.8922 0.6861
2007 0.4457 0.3399
2008 0.3232 0.2458
2009 0.3490 0.3450
2101 0.6785 0.5389
2102 0.5478 0.4729
2104 0.2933 0.3133
2105 0.5843 0.4652
2106 0.4230 0.3508
2201 0.2467 0.2020
2202 0.7224 0.5294
2203 0.4603 0.4351
2204 0.2467 0.2020
2401 0.4714 0.3626
2903 0.6483 0.5785
2904 0.7148 0.5984
2905 0.5354 0.5133
2906 0.3466 0.2714
2907 0.4927 0.4443
2908 1.0923 0.7152
2909 0.3738 0.3341
3101 1.0776 0.6511
3102 0.2774 0.2405
3103 0.5698 0.4326
3104 0.6221 0.4022
3105 0.7629 0.6266
3303 0.4310 0.3437
3304 0.4663 0.4591
3309 0.4155 0.3410
3402 0.5307 0.3994
3403 0.2025 0.1580
3404 0.5044 0.4202
3405 0.3081 0.2366
3406 0.1900 0.1919
3407 0.6937 0.4992
3408 0.1730 0.1297
3409 0.1569 0.1570
3410 0.2470 0.2399
3411 0.5009 0.3466
3412 0.5896 0.3578
3414 0.5774 0.4028
3415 0.7923 0.5588
3501 1.0519 0.7873
3503 0.2609 0.3061
3506 1.2951 0.6010
3509 0.3743 0.3686
3510 0.3767 0.3094
3511 0.7302 0.5655
3512 0.3085 0.2980
3513 0.4384 0.4090
3602 0.1184 0.1076
3603 0.4438 0.3698
3604 0.7709 0.6783
3605 0.5457 0.3775
3701 0.2774 0.2405
3702 0.4275 0.3668
3708 0.6575 0.4651
3802 0.1693 0.1505
3808 0.4686 0.3075
3901 0.1389 0.1610
3902 0.4862 0.4205
3903 0.9951 1.0094
3905 0.1389 0.1610
3906 0.4807 0.4197
3909 0.2484 0.2469
4002 1.5440 0.8535
4101 0.2870 0.2197
4103 0.3746 0.4215
4107 0.1599 0.1359
4108 0.1348 0.1201
4109 0.2122 0.1698
4201 0.7714 0.4124
4301 0.6539 0.5734
4302 0.6354 0.5049
4304 0.9778 0.8193
4305 1.3308 0.7440
4401 0.3766 0.3206
4402 0.7806 0.7112
4404 0.5045 0.4564
4501 0.1799 0.1734
4502 0.0373 0.0381
4504 0.0977 0.1154
4601 0.7239 0.5787
4802 0.2515 0.2218
4803 0.2277 0.2499
4804 0.5361 0.4514
4805 0.2590 0.2628
4806 0.0519 0.0492
4808 0.4662 0.3843
4809 0.3592 0.3363
4810 0.1276 0.1379
4811 0.2317 0.2383
4812 0.3749 0.3363
4813 0.1502 0.1476
4900 0.3955 0.2495
4901 0.0814 0.0586
4902 0.0981 0.0790
4903 0.1492 0.1092
4904 0.0294 0.0270
4905 0.3045 0.3238
4906 0.0994 0.0787
4907 0.0480 0.0438
4908 0.0815 0.1639
4909 0.0372 0.0719
4910 0.4311 0.3503
5001 5.5303 2.6010
5002 0.6172 0.4405
5003 2.1717 1.0450
5004 0.9502 0.7541
5005 0.6493 0.3758
5006 1.8785 0.9715
5101 0.9341 0.7073
5103 0.6811