Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 05-23-023.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: To amend chapter 260-70 WAC, Controlled medication program.
Hearing Location(s): Red Lion Inn, Columbia Center, 1101 North Columbia Center Boulevard, Kennewick, WA 99336, on April 7, 2006, at 9:30 a.m.
Date of Intended Adoption: April 7, 2006.
Submit Written Comments to: Robert J. Lopez, 6326 Martin Way, Suite 209, Olympia, WA 98516-5578, e-mail, fax (360) 459-6461, by April 3, 2006.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Patty Sorby by April 3, 2006, TTY (360) 459-6462.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: To amend chapter 260-70 WAC for (1) to continue the agency's on-going regulatory reform effort, (2) to also write and organize our rules in a more clear and concise manner so they are more easily understood by those to whom they apply, and (3) to comply with the model rules on equine medication.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Provides equine medication rules that conform to the national model rules and updates agency rules.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 67.16.020.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: Washington horse racing commission, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Robert J. Lopez, 6326 Martin Way, Suite 209, Olympia, WA 98516-5578, (360) 459-6462; Implementation and Enforcement: Robert M. Leichner, 6326 Martin Way, Suite 209, Olympia, WA 98516-5578, (360) 459-6462.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. Not applicable.
A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. Not applicable.
February 13, 2006
R. M. Leichner
Executive Secretary
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 96-10-001, filed 4/17/96,
effective 5/18/96)
WAC 260-70-500
Definitions applicable to chapter 260-70 WAC.
(1) "Interfering substance" or "interfere" means and
refers to any medication which might mask or screen the
presence of prohibited drugs or prevent testing procedures.
(2) "Post time" means the time set for the arrival ((at
the starting point)) of the horses at the starting point in a
race as specified in writing and posted by the board of
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-500, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
(1) An annual report from an official veterinarian.
(2) Presentation of data regarding equine medication and
treatment, including a review of the commission's ((list of))
quantitative medication levels and any recommendations for
modifications ((to the list of quantitative medication
(3) Public comment regarding equine health and safety, medication and veterinarian practices.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-510, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
(1) The trainer is ((solely)) responsible for the
condition of horses in his/her care.
(2) The trainer is responsible for the presence of any prohibited drug, medication, or other prohibited substance, including permitted medication in excess of the maximum allowable concentration, in horses in his/her care. A positive test for a prohibited drug, medication or substance, including permitted medication in excess of the maximum allowable concentration, as reported by a commission approved laboratory, is prima facie evidence of a violation of this rule. In the absence of substantial evidence to the contrary, the trainer shall be responsible.
(3) A trainer shall prevent the administration of any drug or medication or other prohibited substance that may cause a violation of these rules.
(4) A trainer whose horse has been claimed remains responsible for violation of any rules regarding that horse's participation in the race in which the horse is claimed.
(5) The trainer is responsible for:
(a) Maintaining the assigned stable area in a clean, neat and sanitary condition at all times;
(b) Using the services of those veterinarians licensed by the commission to attend to horses that are on association grounds;
(c) The proper identity, custody, care, health, condition and safety of horses in his/her care;
(d) Immediately reporting the alteration of the sex of a horse to the horse identifier and the racing secretary;
(e) Promptly reporting to the racing secretary and an official veterinarian when a posterior digital neurectomy (heel nerving) is performed on a horse in his/her care and ensuring that such fact is designated on its certificate of registration;
(f) Promptly report to the racing secretary, when mares who have been entered to race, have been bred;
(g) ((Promptly notifying the official veterinarian of any
reportable disease and any unusual incidence of a communicable
illness in any horse in his/her charge;
(h))) Promptly reporting the serious injury and/or death
of any horse at locations under the jurisdiction of the
commission to the stewards and the official veterinarian and
compliance with the rules in this chapter governing postmortem
(((i))) (h) Maintaining a knowledge of the medication
record and medication status of horses in his/her care;
(((j))) (i) Immediately reporting to the stewards and the
official veterinarian knowledge or reason to believe, that
there has been any administration of a prohibited medication,
drug or substance;
(((k))) (j) Ensuring the fitness to perform creditably at
the distance entered;
(((l))) (k) Ensuring that every horse he/she has entered
to race is present at its assigned stall for a prerace
soundness inspection as prescribed in this chapter;
(((m))) (l) Ensuring proper bandages, equipment and
shoes; and
(((n) Presence in the paddock at least 20 minutes before
post time or at a time otherwise appointed before the race in
which the horse is entered;
(o) Personally attending in the paddock and supervising
the saddling thereof, unless excused by the stewards; and
(p))) (m) Attending the collection of a urine or blood
sample or delegating a licensed employee or the owner to do
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-520, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-520, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-530, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-530, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
(2) The report shall be signed by the practicing
(3) The report shall be on file not)), and filed with the
official veterinarian no later than ((the time prescribed on
the next race day by the official veterinarian. Any such
report is confidential and its content shall not be disclosed
except in the course of an investigation of a possible
violation of these rules or in a proceeding before the
stewards or the commission, or to the trainer or owner of
record at the time of treatment.
(4))) post time of the race for which the horse is
(3) A timely and accurate ((filing of a veterinarian
report that is consistent with the analytical results of a
positive test)) treatment report may be used ((as a mitigating
factor in determining the nature and extent of a violation of
these rules)) to mitigate the penalty.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-540, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-540, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
(1) The possession or use of a drug, substance or
medication, specified ((below)) in subsection (3) of this
section, on the premises of a facility under the jurisdiction
of the commission ((for which a recognized analytical method
has not been developed to detect and confirm the
administration of such substance)); or the use of which may
endanger the health and welfare of the horse or endanger the
safety of the rider; or the use of which may adversely affect
the integrity of racing; or
(2) The possession or use of a drug or medication on the
premises of a facility under the jurisdiction of the
commission that has not been approved by the United States
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for any use in human or
animal ((is forbidden)), or any forbidden substance.
(3) The possession and/or use of blood doping agents,
including, but not limited to, those listed below, on the
premises of a facility under the jurisdiction of the
commission ((is forbidden)):
(a) Erythropoietin
(b) Darbepoietin
(c) Oxyglobin
(d) Hemopure
(4) ((The practice, administration or application of a
treatment, procedure, therapy or method identified below,
which is performed on the premises of any facility under
jurisdiction of the commission and which may endanger the
health and welfare of the horse, endanger the safety of the
rider, or the use of which may adversely affect the integrity
of horse racing:
(a) Intermittent Hypoxic Treatment by External Device.
(b) The use of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy or
Radial Pulse Wave Therapy shall not be permitted unless the
following conditions are met:
(i) Any treated horse shall not be permitted to race for
a minimum of ten days following treatment;
(ii) The use of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy or
Radial Pulse Wave Therapy machines shall be limited to
veterinarians licensed to practice by the commission;
(iii))) The use of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy or
Radial Pulse Wave Therapy shall not be permitted unless the
following conditions are met:
(a) Any treated horse shall not be permitted to race for a minimum of ten days following treatment;
(b) The use of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy or Radial Pulse Wave Therapy machines shall be limited to veterinarians licensed by the commission;
(c) Prior to use, a report has been filed with an
official veterinarian advising that any Extracorporeal Shock
Wave Therapy or Radial Pulse Wave Therapy machine((s)) is on
the association grounds ((must be reported to an official
veterinarian before use));
(((iv))) (d) All Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy or
Radial Pulse Wave Therapy treatments ((must be)) are reported
to an official veterinarian on the prescribed form not later
than the time prescribed by an official veterinarian.
(((c))) (5) The use of a naso gastric tube (a tube longer
than six inches) for the administration of any substance
within twenty-four hours prior to the post time of the race in
which the horse is entered is prohibited without the prior
permission of an official veterinarian.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-545, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020. 04-05-094, § 260-70-545, filed 2/18/04, effective 3/20/04.]
(2) Any drug or medication which is used or kept on association grounds and which, by federal or state law, requires a prescription must have been validly prescribed by a duly licensed veterinarian, and in compliance with applicable state statutes. All such allowable medications must have a prescription label, which is securely attached and clearly ascribed to show the following:
(a) The name of the product;
(b) The name, address and telephone number of the veterinarian prescribing or dispensing the product;
(c) The name of each ((patient ())horse(())) for whom the
product is intended/prescribed;
(d) The dose, dosage, duration of treatment and expiration date of the prescribed/dispensed product; and
(e) The name of the ((person ())trainer(())) to whom the
product was dispensed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-550, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-550, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
(2) Nonveterinarians may administer the following
substances, provided that, in post race testing the substances
do not exceed approved quantitative levels, ((if any,)) and
the substances do not interfere with post race testing:
(a) A recognized noninjectable nutritional supplement or
other substance ((approved)), except that any such supplements
or substances that have been disapproved by an official
veterinarian may not be administered;
(b) A noninjectable substance on the direction or by prescription of a licensed veterinarian; or
(c) A noninjectable nonprescription medication or substance.
(3) No person shall possess a hypodermic needle, syringe
or injectable of any kind on association premises, unless
otherwise approved by the ((commission)) stewards. At any
location under the jurisdiction of the commission,
veterinarians may use only onetime disposable needles, and
shall dispose of them in a manner approved by the
((commission)) stewards. If a person has a medical condition
which makes it necessary to have a needle and syringe at any
location under the jurisdiction of the commission, that person
may request permission of the stewards ((and/or the
commission)) in writing, furnish a letter from a licensed
physician explaining why it is necessary for the person to
possess a needle and syringe, and must comply with any
conditions and restrictions ((set)) on possession of a needle
and syringe established by the stewards ((and/or the
(4) Veterinarians shall not treat or administer medication or drugs to any entered horse on a race day, and before the post time for the race the horse is entered to run, except for the administration of furosemide under the guidelines set forth in WAC 260-70-650, unless approved by the official veterinarian.
(5) Any horse entered for racing must be present on the grounds as follows, except with the prior approval of the official veterinarian:
(a) A first time starter must be present on the grounds two hours prior to the first post time or five hours prior to the post for the race the horse is entered for racing, whichever is earlier.
(b) A horse that has previously started must be present on the grounds five hours prior to the post time for the race the horse is entered for racing.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-560, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-560, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
(1) Every horse entered to participate in an official
race shall be subject to ((a veterinary inspection)) an
inspection by an official veterinarian.
(2) ((The inspection shall be conducted by an official
(3))) The trainer of each horse or a representative of
the trainer shall present the horse for inspection as required
by an official veterinarian.
(((4))) (3) The ((veterinary inspection of a horse's
racing condition, at a minimum shall include)) assessment of a
horse's racing condition shall be based on the recommendations
of the American Association of Equine Practitioners and shall
(a) Proper identification of each horse inspected;
(b) Observation of each horse in motion;
(c) Manual palpation when indicated;
(d) Close observation in the paddock and saddling area, during the parade to post and at the starting gate; and
(e) Any other inspection deemed necessary by an official veterinarian.
(((5))) (4) Every horse shall be observed by an official
veterinarian during and after the race.
(((6))) (5) The official veterinarian shall maintain a
continuing health and racing soundness record of each horse
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-570, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-570, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
(2) A horse may be removed from the veterinarian's list when, in the opinion of the official veterinarian, the horse is capable of competing in a race.
(((3) An official veterinarian shall maintain a bleeder
list of all horses, which have demonstrated external evidence
of exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage from one or both
nostrils during or after a race or workout as observed by an
official veterinarian. Every confirmed bleeder, regardless of
age, shall be placed on the bleeder list and be ineligible to
race for the following time periods:
(a) First incident - fourteen days;
(b) Second incident within a three hundred sixty-five day
period - thirty days;
(c) Third incident within a three hundred sixty-five day
period - one hundred eighty days;
(d) Fourth incident within a three hundred sixty-five day
period - barred from racing for life.
(4) For the purposes of counting the number of days a
horse is ineligible to run, the day the horse bled externally
is the first day of the recovery period.
(5) The voluntary administration of furosemide without an
external bleeding incident shall not subject the horse to the
initial period of ineligibility as defined in this section.
(6) A horse may be removed from the bleeder list only
upon the direction of an official veterinarian, who shall
certify in writing to the stewards the recommendation for
(7) A horse, which has been placed on a bleeder list in
another jurisdiction pursuant to this section, shall be placed
on the bleeder list maintained by an official veterinarian.))
(a) Horses placed on the veterinarian's list will remain on
the list for a minimum of ten days. For purposes of counting
days, the first day on the veterinarian's list is the day the
horse is placed on the veterinarian's list.
(b) A horse may be removed from the veterinarian's list after the tenth day. Horses that must work to be removed from the veterinary list due to soreness, lameness, or certain injuries will be allowed to work no sooner than the eleventh day after being placed on the list.
(i) Works should be scheduled with the official veterinarian twenty-four hours in advance.
(ii) Horses must work a minimum distance to be determined by the official veterinarian in a time comparable for the track condition that day.
(iii) A blood test will be taken by an official veterinarian following the workout and medications levels may not exceed permitted post-race levels.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-580, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-580, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
(2) Random or extra testing may be required by the stewards, the official veterinarian, or the commission at any time on any horse on association grounds.
(3) Unless otherwise directed by the stewards or an official veterinarian, a horse that is selected for testing must be taken directly to the test barn.
(4) Access to the test barn ((and, if applicable,
receiving barn)) shall be monitored and restricted. All
persons who wish to enter the test barn((/receiving barn
area)) must be currently licensed by the commission, display
their commission identification badge and have a legitimate
reason for being in the test barn area. No horse shall have
more than three representatives in the test barn at any one
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-590, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
(a) A split sample shall be secured in the test barn under the same manner as the portion of the specimen acquired for shipment to a primary laboratory until such time as specimens are packed and secured for shipment to the primary laboratory. Split samples shall then be transferred to a freezer at a secure location approved by the commission.
(b) A freezer for storage of split samples shall be equipped with a lock. The lock shall be closed and locked to prevent access to the freezer at all times except as specifically provided by these rules.
(c) A freezer for storage of split samples shall be opened only for depositing or removing split samples, for inventory, or for checking the condition of samples.
(d) A log shall be maintained by the official veterinarian that shall be used each time a split sample freezer is opened to specify each person in attendance, the purpose for opening the freezer, identification of split samples deposited or removed, the date and time the freezer was opened, and the time the freezer was closed and to verify that the lock was secured prior to and after opening of the freezer.
(e) Any evidence of a malfunction of a split sample freezer or samples that are not in a frozen condition during storage shall be documented in the log and immediately reported to an official veterinarian or a designated commission representative.
(2) A trainer or owner of a horse having been notified
that a written report from a primary laboratory states that a
substance has been found in a specimen obtained pursuant to
these rules may request that a split sample corresponding to
the portion of the specimen tested by the primary laboratory
be sent to another laboratory approved by the commission. The
request must be made in writing and delivered to the stewards
not later than 48 hours after the trainer of the horse
receives written notice of the findings of the primary
laboratory. ((Any)) The split sample ((so requested must))
shall be shipped within ((an additional 72)) seventy-two hours
of the delivery of the request for testing to the stewards.
(3) The owner or trainer requesting testing of a split
sample shall be responsible for the cost of shipping and
testing. Failure of the owner, trainer or designee to appear
at the time and place designated by the official veterinarian
to package the split sample for shipping shall constitute a
waiver of all rights to split sample testing. Prior to
shipment, the ((commission shall confirm the)) split sample
laboratory's willingness to provide the testing requested((,
the laboratory's willingness)) and to send results to both the
person requesting the testing and the commission, ((and))
shall be confirmed. Arrangements for payment satisfactory to
the split sample laboratory shall also be confirmed. A
laboratory for the testing of a split sample ((testing
laboratory)) must be approved by the commission. The
commission shall maintain a list of laboratories approved for
testing of split samples.
(4) Prior to opening the split sample freezer, the
commission shall provide a split sample chain of custody
verification form ((that shall provide a place for recording
the following information and such other information as the
official veterinarian may require. The form shall be fully
completed during the retrieval, packaging, and shipment of the
split sample)). The split sample chain of custody
verification form shall be completed and signed by the
representatives of the commission and the owner, trainer or
designee. A commission representative shall keep the original
and provide a copy for the owner, trainer or designee.
Split sample chain of custody verification form requirements:
(a) The date and time the sample is removed from the split sample freezer;
(b) The sample number;
(c) The address where the split sample is to be sent;
(d) The name of the carrier and the address where the sample is to be taken for shipment;
(e) Verification of retrieval of the split sample from the freezer;
(f) Verification of each specific step of the split sample packaging in accordance with the recommended procedure;
(g) Verification of the address of the split sample laboratory on the split sample package;
(h) Verification of the condition of the split sample package immediately prior to transfer of custody to the carrier; and
(i) The date and time custody of the sample is transferred to the carrier.
(5) A split sample shall be removed from the split sample
freezer, and packaged for shipment by ((a commission
representative)) an official veterinarian or designee in the
presence of the owner, trainer or designee.
(((6) A commission representative shall pack the split
sample for shipment in the presence of the owner, trainer or
designee, in accordance with the packaging procedures
recommended by the commission. A)) The split sample chain of
custody verification form shall be signed by both the owner's
representative and the ((commission representative)) official
veterinarian or designee to confirm the packaging of the split
sample. The exterior of the package shall be secured and
identified with initialed tape, evidence tape or other means
to prevent tampering with the package. The owner, trainer or
designee may inspect the package containing the split sample
immediately prior to transfer to the delivery carrier to
verify that the package is intact and has not been tampered
(((7))) (6) The package containing the split sample shall
be transported to the location where custody is transferred to
the delivery carrier charged with delivery of the package to
the commission approved laboratory selected by the owner or
(((8) The owner, trainer or designee may inspect the
package containing the split sample immediately prior to
transfer to the delivery carrier to verify that the package is
intact and has not been tampered with.
(9) The split sample chain of custody verification form
shall be completed and signed by the representatives of the
commission and the owner, trainer or designee. A commission
representative shall keep the original and provide a copy for
the owner, trainer or designee.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-610, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020. 03-11-018, § 260-70-610, filed 5/12/03, effective 6/12/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-610, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
(2))) A finding by the commission approved laboratory of
a prohibited drug, chemical or other substance in a test
specimen of a horse is prima facie evidence that the
prohibited drug, chemical or other substance was administered
to the horse and, in the case of a post-race test, was present
in the horse's body while it was participating in a race. Prohibited substances include:
(a) Drugs or medications for which no acceptable threshold concentration has been established;
(b) Therapeutic medications in excess of established threshold concentrations;
(c) Substances present in the horse in excess of concentrations at which such substances could occur naturally; and
(d) Substances foreign to a horse at concentrations that cause interference with testing procedures.
(((3))) (2) Except as otherwise provided by this chapter,
a person may not administer or cause to be administered to a
horse by any means, ((or attempt to administer by any means
including naso gastric tube or dose syringe, to a horse)) a
prohibited drug, medication, chemical or other substance,
including any ((permitted)) restricted medication((,))
pursuant to this chapter during the ((24-)) twenty-four hour
period before post time for the race in which the horse is
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-620, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-620, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
Procaine | 25 ng/ml urine |
Benzocaine | 50 ng/ml urine |
Mepivacaine | 10 ng/ml urine |
Lidocaine | 50 ng/ml urine |
Bupivacaine | 5 ng/ml urine |
Clenbuterol | 25 pg/ml serum or plasma |
Acepromazine | 25 ng/ml urine |
Promazine | 25 ng/ml urine |
Salicylates | 750,000 ng/ml urine |
Albuterol | 1 ng/ml urine |
Pyrilamine | 50 ng/ml urine |
Theobromine | 2000 ng/ml urine |
(2) ((The following)) Certain substances ((shall)) can be
considered environmental contaminants ((and are permissible in
test samples up to the stated quantitative levels)) in that
they are endogenous to the horse or that they can arise from
plants traditionally grazed or harvested as equine feed or are
present in equine feed because of contamination during the
cultivation, processing, treatment, storage or transportation
(3) Certain drugs are recognized as substances of human use and addiction and which could be found in a horse. The following are permissible in test samples up to the stated quantitative levels:
Caffeine | 100 ng/ml serum or plasma |
Benzoylecgonine | 50 ng/ml urine |
Morphine Glucuronides | 50 ng/ml urine |
(4) If the preponderance of evidence presented in a stewards ruling conference shows that a positive test is the result of environmental contamination or inadvertent exposure due to human drug use, that evidence should be considered as a mitigating factor in any disciplinary action taken against the trainer.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-630, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020. 04-05-095, § 260-70-630, filed 2/18/04, effective 3/20/04; 03-11-019, § 260-70-630, filed 5/12/03, effective 6/12/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-630, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
(1) ((Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
(2))) The use of one of three approved nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) shall be permitted under the
following conditions:
(a) ((Not to)) The drug shall not exceed the following
permitted serum or plasma threshold concentrations, which are
consistent with administration by a single intravenous
injection at least twenty-four hours before the post time for
the race in which the horse is entered:
(i) Phenylbutazone - 5 micrograms per milliliter;
(ii) Flunixin - 20 nanograms per milliliter;
(iii) Ketoprofen - 10 nanograms per milliliter.
(b) ((These or any other)) No NSAID ((are prohibited to
be)), including the approved NSAIDs listed in this rule, may
be administered within the twenty-four hours before post time
for the race in which the horse is entered.
(c) The presence of more than one of the three approved
NSAIDs, with the exception of Phenylbutazone in a
concentration below 1 microgram per milliliter of serum or
plasma or any unapproved NSAID in the post-race serum or
plasma sample is not permitted((, except the presence of two
approved NSAIDs is allowed if one of them is phenylbutazone
with a concentration of less than 1 mcg/ml)). The use of all
but one of the approved NSAIDs shall be discontinued at least
forty-eight hours before the post time for the race in which
the horse is entered.
(((3))) (2) Any horse to which a NSAID has been
administered shall be subject to having a blood and/or urine
sample(s) taken at the direction of an official veterinarian
to determine the quantitative NSAID level(s) and/or the
presence of other drugs which may be present in the blood or
urine sample(s).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-640, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-640, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
(1) Cimetidine (Tagamet¦) - 8-20 mg/kg PO BID - TID
(2) Omeprazole (Gastrogard¦) - 2.2 grams PO SID
(3) Ranitidine (Zantac¦) - 8 mg/kg PO BID
((Noninterfering levels of sulfa drugs, antibiotics,
anthelmintics and vitamins in a horse's post-race urine or
serum or plasma test may not be considered a violation of
these rules.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-645, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05.]
(2) The use of furosemide shall be permitted under the following circumstances:
(a) Furosemide shall be administered on the grounds of the association, by a single intravenous injection, prior to post time for the race for which the horse is entered.
(b) The furosemide dosage administered shall not exceed 500 mg nor be less than 150 mg.
(c) The trainer of the treated horse shall cause to be delivered to an official veterinarian or his/her designee no later than one hour prior to post time for the race for which the horse is entered the following information under oath on a form provided by the commission:
(i) The name of the horse, the horse's tattoo number, racetrack name, the date and time the furosemide was administered to the entered horse;
(ii) The dosage amount of furosemide administered to the entered horse; and
(iii) The printed name and signature of the attending licensed veterinarian who administered the furosemide.
(iv) The signature of the trainer or his/her representative.
(d) Failure to administer furosemide in accordance with these rules may result in the horse being scratched from the race by the stewards.
(e) Test results must show a detectable concentration of the drug in the post-race serum, plasma or urine sample.
(i) The specific gravity of post-race urine samples may be measured to ensure that samples are sufficiently concentrated for proper chemical analysis. The specific gravity shall not be below 1.010. If the specific gravity of the urine is found to be below 1.010 or if a urine sample is unavailable for testing, quantitation of furosemide in serum or plasma shall be performed;
(ii) Quantitation of furosemide in serum or plasma shall be performed when the specific gravity of the corresponding urine sample is not measured or if measured below 1.010. Concentrations may not exceed 100 nanograms of furosemide per milliliter of serum or plasma.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-650, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020. 03-06-004, § 260-70-650, filed 2/20/03, effective 3/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 02-10-102, § 260-70-650, filed 4/30/02, effective 5/31/02; 96-10-001, § 260-70-650, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
(((b))) (1) Furosemide list.
(a) A horse is eligible to race with furosemide if the
licensed trainer and/or veterinarian determine that it would
be in the horse's best interests to race with furosemide.
Notification using prescribed commission forms must be given
to the ((commission representative, providing sufficient
time)) official veterinarian prior to the close of entries to
ensure public notification.
(((c))) (b) If the ((commission)) official veterinarian
so orders, a horse((s)) placed on the furosemide list shall be
placed ((in a prerace detention)) in detention in its
regularly assigned stall, no later than four hours prior to
the scheduled post time for any race in which it is entered to
start, and with oral or written notification to the trainer
may be watched by commission staff. ((The detention stall
shall be the stall regularly assigned that horse for its
customary stabling.)) Once placed in ((the)) detention
((stall)), a horse must remain in its barn or on its assigned
hotwalker until it is taken to the receiving barn or to the
paddock to be saddled for the race, except that the stewards
may permit a horse((s)) to leave ((the)) detention ((stall))
to engage in exercise blowouts or warm-up heats.
(((2))) (c) The confirmation of a horse eligible to race
with furosemide must be certified in writing by an official
veterinarian and entered on the furosemide list. Copies of
the certification shall be issued to the owner of the horse or
the owner's designee upon request. ((A notice of a horse's
furosemide certification shall be affixed to the horse's
certificate of registration.
(3))) (d) Every horse eligible to race with furosemide,
regardless of age, shall be placed on the furosemide list.
(((4))) (e) A horse placed on the official furosemide
list must remain on that list unless the licensed trainer
and/or veterinarian submit(s) a written request to remove the
horse from the list. The request must be on forms provided by
the official veterinarian and must be submitted to the
((commission designee)) official veterinarian no ((late))
later than time of entry. After a horse has been removed from
the furosemide list, the horse may not be placed back on the
list for a period of sixty calendar days unless determined to
be detrimental to the welfare of the horse, in consultation
with an official veterinarian. If a horse is removed from the
official furosemide list a second time in a three hundred
sixty-five day period, the horse may not be placed back on the
list for a period of ninety calendar days.
(((5))) (2) Bleeder list.
(a) The official veterinarian shall maintain a bleeder list of all horses, which have demonstrated external evidence of exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage from one or both nostrils during or after a race or workout as observed by the official veterinarian.
(b) Every confirmed bleeder, regardless of age, shall be placed on the bleeder list and be ineligible to race for the following time periods:
(i) First incident - fourteen days;
(ii) Second incident within three hundred and sixty-five day period - thirty days;
(iii) Third incident within three hundred and sixty-five day period - one hundred and eighty days;
(iv) Fourth incident within three hundred and sixty-five day period - barred from racing for life.
(c) For the purposes of counting the number of days a horse is ineligible to run, the day the horse bled externally is the first day of the recovery period.
(d) The voluntary administration of furosemide without an external bleeding incident shall not subject the horse to the initial period of ineligibility as defined by this policy.
(e) Every horse that is confirmed a bleeder shall have a notation affixed to the horse's certificate of registration.
(f) A horse may be removed from the bleeder list only upon the direction of the official veterinarian.
(3) A horse which has been placed on a furosemide or bleeder list in another jurisdiction may be placed on the furosemide list in this jurisdiction.
(((6) The specific gravity of post-race urine samples
shall not be below 1.010. If the specific gravity of the
post-race urine sample is determined to be below 1.010,
quantitation of furosemide in serum or plasma shall be
performed. Concentrations above 100 nanograms of furosemide
per milliliter of serum or plasma shall constitute a violation
of WAC 260-84-100.
(7) A horse that has been administered furosemide that
does not show a detectable concentration of the drug in the
post-race serum, plasma or urine sample shall be in violation
of these rules.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-660, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020. 03-06-004, § 260-70-660, filed 2/20/03, effective 3/23/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-660, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
The official veterinarian, the board of stewards or the
executive secretary acting on behalf of the commission may at
their discretion and at any time order the collection of test
samples from any horses ((present)) either in the horse's
stall or within the receiving or test barn to determine the
serum or plasma pH or concentration of bicarbonate, total
carbon dioxide, or electrolytes.
Test samples shall not exceed 37.0 millimoles of total carbon dioxide concentration per liter of serum or plasma. A serum or plasma total carbon dioxide level exceeding this value shall constitute a violation of this rule. Penalties shall be assessed as a Class 4 violation as provided in WAC 260-84-110.
Split samples will be taken from all horses entered to run in a race when bicarbonate testing is to be done. When split samples are taken, they shall be shipped as soon as practical to the commission-approved laboratories for total carbon dioxide split sample testing. The commission shall be responsible for the cost of shipping and testing of split samples taken under this section.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-17-123, § 260-70-675, filed 8/18/05, effective 9/18/05.]
(1) Class 1
Opiates, opium derivatives, synthetic opioids, psychoactive drugs, amphetamines and U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) scheduled I and II drugs. Also found in this class are drugs which are potent stimulants of the nervous system. Drugs in this class have no generally accepted medical use in the racehorse and their pharmacological potential for altering the performance of a race is very high.
(2) Class 2
Drugs in this category have a high potential for affecting the outcome of a race. Most are not generally accepted as therapeutic agents in the racehorse. Many are products intended to alter consciousness or the psychic state of humans, and have no approved or indicated use in the horse. Some, such as injectable local anesthetics, have legitimate use in equine medicine, but should not be found in a racehorse. The following groups of drugs are in this class:
(a) Opiate partial agonists, or agonist-antagonists;
(b) Nonopiate psychotropic drugs, which may have stimulant, depressant, analgesic or neuroleptic effects;
(c) Miscellaneous drugs which might have a stimulant effect on the central nervous system (CNS);
(d) Drugs with prominent CNS depressant action;
(e) Antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs, with or without prominent CNS stimulatory or depressant effects;
(f) Muscle blocking drugs, which have a direct neuromuscular blocking action;
(g) Local anesthetics which have a reasonable potential for use as nerve blocking agents (except procaine); and
(h) Snake venoms and other biologic substances, which may be used as nerve blocking agents.
(3) Class 3
Drugs in this class may or may not have an accepted therapeutic use in the horse. Many are drugs that affect the cardiovascular, pulmonary and autonomic nervous systems. They all have the potential of affecting the performance of a racehorse. The following groups of drugs are in this class:
(a) Drugs affecting the autonomic nervous system which do not have prominent CNS effects, but which do have prominent cardiovascular or respiratory system effects (bronchodilators are included in this class);
(b) A local anesthetic, which has nerve blocking potential but also has a high potential for producing urine residue levels from a method of use not related to the anesthetic effect of the drug (procaine);
(c) Miscellaneous drugs with mild sedative action, such as the sleep inducing antihistamines;
(d) Primary vasodilating/hypotensive agents; and
(e) Potent diuretics affecting renal function and body fluid composition.
(4) Class 4
This category is comprised primarily of therapeutic medications routinely used in racehorses. These may influence performance, but generally have a more limited ability to do so. Groups of drugs assigned to this category include the following:
(a) Nonopiate drugs which have a mild central analgesic effect;
(b) Drugs affecting the autonomic nervous system, which do not have prominent CNS, cardiovascular or respiratory effects;
(i) Drugs used solely as topical vasoconstrictors or decongestants,
(ii) Drugs used as gastrointestinal antispasmodics,
(iii) Drugs used to void the urinary bladder,
(iv) Drugs with a major effect on CNS vasculature or smooth muscle of visceral organs.
(((c))) (v) Antihistamines, which do not have a
significant CNS depressant effect (this does not include H1
blocking agents, which are listed in Class 5);
(((d))) (c) Mineralocorticoid drugs;
(((e))) (d) Skeletal muscle relaxants;
(((f))) (e) Anti-inflammatory drugs--those that may
reduce pain as a consequence of their anti-inflammatory
actions, which include:
(i) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs)((--aspirin-like drugs));
(ii) Corticosteroids (glucocorticoids); and
(iii) Miscellaneous anti-inflammatory agents.
(((g))) (f) Anabolic and/or androgenic steroids and other
(((h))) (g) Less potent diuretics;
(((i))) (h) Cardiac glycosides and antiarrhythmics
(i) Cardiac glycosides;
(ii) Antiarrhythmic agents (exclusive of lidocaine, bretylium and propranolol); and
(iii) Miscellaneous cardiotonic drugs.
(((j))) (i) Topical anesthetics--agents not available in
injectable formulations;
(((k))) (j) Antidiarrheal agents; and
(((l))) (k) Miscellaneous drugs including:
(i) Expectorants with little or no other pharmacologic action;
(ii) Stomachics; and
(iii) Mucolytic agents.
(((m) Substances foreign to a horse at levels that cause
interference with testing procedures.))
(5) Class 5
Drugs in this category are therapeutic medications for which concentration limits have been established as well as certain miscellaneous agents. Included specifically are agents, which have very localized action only, such as anti-ulcer drugs and certain antiallergic drugs. The anticoagulant drugs are also included.
(6) Nonclassified substances
Nonclassified substances are considered to have no effect on the physiology of a horse, except to improve nutrition or treat or prevent infections or parasite infestations. These substances normally include antimicrobials, antiparasitic drugs, and nutrients such as vitamins.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-680, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-680, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
(2) A horse upon which a posterior digital neurectomy has
been performed is eligible to race((, provided that)) if the
following conditions are met:
(a) Prior approval of an official veterinarian has been obtained before the horse was brought onto the grounds of the racing association;
(b) An official veterinarian is satisfied that the loss
of sensation to ((such)) the horse due to the posterior
digital neurectomy will not endanger the safety of ((any horse
or rider, that the prior approval of an official veterinarian
has been obtained if the horse is on the grounds of a racing
association, that)) the public and the participants in racing
and does not compromise the integrity of horse racing;
(c) The racing secretary is notified of the posterior
digital neurectomy at the time ((such)) the horse is admitted
to the grounds of ((a)) the racing association; and ((its))
(d) The horse's registration or eligibility certificate has been marked to indicate that a posterior digital neurectomy was performed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-720, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-720, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]
(2) ((The official veterinarian may require a postmortem
examination of any horse that expires while housed on
association grounds within this jurisdiction.)) Trainers and
owners shall be required to ((comply)) cooperate with such
action as a condition of licensure.
(3) The official veterinarian may take possession of the horse upon death for postmortem examination. The official veterinarian may submit blood, urine, other bodily fluid specimens or other tissue specimens collected during a postmortem examination for analysis. Upon completion of the postmortem examination, the remains may be returned to the owner or disposed of at the owner's option.
(4) The presence of a prohibited substance in a specimen
collected during the postmortem examination ((of a horse)) may
constitute a violation of these rules.
(5) The cost of commission-ordered postmortem examinations, testing and disposal shall be borne by the commission.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. 05-07-067, § 260-70-730, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 96-10-001, § 260-70-730, filed 4/17/96, effective 5/18/96.]