WSR 07-11-017




[ Order 07-62 -- Filed May 3, 2007, 3:02 p.m. , effective June 3, 2007 ]

     Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.

     Purpose: Amend WAC 232-12-021 Importation and retention of dead nonresident wildlife, 232-28-273 2006-2008 Moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat seasons and permit quotas, 232-12-289 Official hunting hours for game birds and game animals, 232-28-295 Landowner hunting permits, 232-28-335 Game management units (GMUs) boundary descriptions -- Region five, 232-28-351 2006-2008 Deer general seasons and definitions, 232-28-352 2006-2008 Elk general seasons and definitions, 232-28-353 2006 Deer special permits, 232-28-354 2006 Elk special permits, and 232-12-181 Livestock grazing on department on fish and wildlife lands.

     Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 232-12-021, 232-28-273, 232-12-289, 232-28-295, 232-28-335, 232-28-351, 232-28-352, 232-28-353, 232-28-354, and 232-12-181.

     Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210.

      Adopted under notice filed as WSR 07-03-180 and 07-03-181 on January 24, 2007.

     Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version: WAC 232-28-273 2006-2008 Moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat seasons and permit quotas:

     Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:

     Under Moose Permit Hunts:

• Under bag limit, delete language "of either sex, EXCEPT antlerless only for the 49 Degrees North B persons with disabilities hunt, Hangman B Hunt, Mt. Spokane B Hunt and the Mt. Spokane Youth Hunt." This is because antlerless restrictions are stated in the permit table.
• Increase Kettle Range permits from 1 to 2; this is due to a stable to increasing moose population.
• Add "A" to Selkirk Mtns. and increase permits in Selkirk Mtns. from 20 to 25; this is due to a stable to increasing moose population.
• Add a hunter education instructor permit hunt called Selkirk Mtns. Bd with 2 antlerless only permits, Oct. 1-Nov. 30 in GMU 113; this is due to a stable to increasing moose population.
• Increase 49 Degrees North A permits from 22 to 26; this is due to a stable to increasing moose population.
• Add a hunters-65 and older permit hunt called 49 Degrees North Cc with 2 antlerless only permits, Oct. 1-Nov. 30 in GMU 117; this is due to a stable to increasing moose population.
• Add a youth-only permit hunt called 49 Degrees Northa with 2 antlerless only permits, Oct. 1-Nov. 30 in GMU 117; this is due to a stable to increasing moose population.
• Add table footnotes c and d for hunters-65 and older and hunter education instructor permit hunts, respectively with the following language: "cApplicants must be 65 years of age or older by November 30 during the license year they are applying for." and "dApplicants must be a certified hunter education instructor who meet program-defined eligibility criteria."
     Under Bighorn Sheep Permit Hunts:

• For Selah Butte, change the opening date from Nov. 6 to Nov. 4, so the hunt starts on the first Sunday of the month.
• For Umtanum, change the closing date from Oct. 6 to Oct. 10, for consistency in October closing dates.
• For Cleman Mountain A change the closing date from Oct. 6 to Oct. 10 and decrease permits from 5 to 4; this is due to a reduced number of mature rams in the herd.
• For Cleman Mountain B change the opening date from Nov. 6 to Nov. 4 and decrease permits from 5 to 4; this is due to a reduced number of mature rams in the herd.
• For Quilomene A change the closing date from Oct. 6 to Oct. 10 and increase permits from 3 to 4, for consistency in October closing dates.
• Delete Quilomene B hunt; this is due to a reduced number of mature rams in the herd.
• For Manson, change the opening date from Nov. 6 to Nov. 4, so the hunt starts on the first Sunday of the month.
     Under Mountain Goat Permit Hunts:

• Delete Kachess Ridge and Jack Mountain hunts; this is because those hunt areas no longer have permits.
• Delete Mt. Baker permit hunt because it is replaced by Chowder Ridge and Avalanche Gorge hunts.
• Add Chowder Ridge hunt with 1 permit from Sept. 15-Oct. 31, in Goat Unit 4-3, with any legal weapon, because [no further information supplied by agency].
• Create Avalanche Gorge hunt with 1 permit from Sept. 15-Oct. 31, in Goat Unit 4-7, with any legal weapon, because [no further information supplied by agency].
• Delete hunt area boundary description for Goat Unit 3-11 because this hunt has been deleted.
     Under Mountain Goat Units:

• Delete hunt area boundary description for Goat Unit 4-9 because this hunt has been deleted.

WAC 232-28-295 Landowner hunting permits.

     Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:

     All of these recommended adjustments are for clarification purposes and because additional agreements were made with the cooperators.

     Under 2007 Buckrun Special Hunting Permits, Deer:

• Changed the first hunt from "Antlerless" to "Antlerless Mule Deer or Any Whitetail Deer."
     Under (2) 4-O Cattle Company:

• Added a location explanation for the 4-O Cattle Company.
     Under 4-O Cattle Company Landowner Hunting Permits, Elk:

• Changed season date for "Any Bull" hunt from Sept. 14-24 to Sept. 15-24.
• Added a "Spike Only" hunt with 6 permits.
• Added four new "Antlerless Only" hunts (A-D), with 23 permits.
     Under 4-O Cattle Company Landowner Hunting Permits, Whitetail Deer:

• Changed the season date from Nov. 14-24 to Nov. 15-19.
     Under 4-O Cattle Company Landowner Hunting Permits, Mule Deer:

• Added "Mule Deer Hunt," with 6 permits.
     Under 4-O Cattle Company Special Hunting Permits, Elk:

• Changed the permit season for the "Any Bull" hunt from Oct. 22-Nov. 4 to Sept. 26-Oct. 6.
• Added a "Spike Bull Only" hunt for Oct. 27-Nov. 4, with 2 permits.
• Antlerless Elk A hunt - reduced permits from 33 to 15 and changed the season date from Aug. 17-23 to Oct. 1-7.
• Antlerless Elk B hunt - increased permits from 8 to 10 and changed the season date from Aug. 17-23 to Oct. 31-Nov. 6.
• Antlerless Elk C hunt - reduced permits from 33 to 7 and changed the season date from Aug. 24-31 to Nov. 23-30.
• Antlerless Elk D hunt - reduced the permits from 8 to 5 and changed the season date from Aug. 24-31 to Dec. 1-7.
• Added 6 4-O "Antlerless Only" hunts (hunts E-J), with a total of 28 permits.
     Under 4-O Cattle Company Special Hunting Permits, Whitetail Deer:

• Changed the permit season from Nov. 14-24 to Nov. 20-25.
     Under 4-O Cattle Company Special Hunting Permits, Mule Deer:

• Added "4-O Mule Deer Buck" hunt with 2 permits.
     Under subsection (3) Silver Dollar Association:

• Added "Association" to the title.
• Added a location explanation for the Silver Dollar Association.
     Under 2007 Silver Dollar Association Landowner Hunting Permits, Elk:

• 2nd hunt - reduced antlerless permits from 20 to 15.
     Under 2007 Silver Dollar Association Special Hunting Permits, Elk:

• 1st hunt - reduced permits from 8 to 6 and changed the Special Restriction from "Any Bull" to "Youth Only, Any Elk."
• 2nd hunt - reduced permits from 20 to 12 and changed the Special Restrictions from "Antlerless Only" to "Youth Only, Antlerless Elk Only."
• 3rd & 4th hunts - added two new hunts for "Persons of Disability Only," with a total of 5 permits.
     Under (4) Blackrock Ranches:

• Replaced "Orchards" with "Ranches" per cooperator request.
• Added a location explanation for the Blackrock Ranches.
     Under 2007 Blackrock Ranches Landowner Hunting Permits, Elk:

• 1st hunt – changed from "Any Bull" to "Any Elk."
     Under 2007 Silver Dollar Special Hunting Permit, Elk:

• 1st hunt - reduced permits from 2 to 1 and changed from "Any Bull" to "Any Elk."
• 2nd hunt - reduced permits from 8 to 4.
• Added two new "Youth Only" permit hunts, with a total of 5 permits.
     Under (5) Teanaway Ranch:

• Added a location explanation for the Teanaway Ranch.

WAC 232-28-351 2006-2008 Deer general seasons and definitions.

     Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:

     Under Early Archery Mule Deer:

• Delete GMU 382 from Sept. 1-30, 3 pt. min.; and Sept. 1-30, 3 pt. min. and antlerless. Return GMU 382 to its original position in Sept. 1-15, 3 pt. min.; and Sept. 16-30 3 pt. min. and antlerless. This adjustment corrects an error in the CR-102 filing. Region 3 GMUs were moved from antlerless opportunity to buck only opportunity in response to declining mule deer numbers and increased losses due to winter kill and possibly hair loss syndrome in the last couple of years. GMU 382 should not have been part of that move and is being returned to its original date and legal deer.
     Under Muzzleloader High Buck Hunts:

• Change language to include all of the Henry Jackson Wilderness Area. This adjustment corrects an error in the CR-102 filing. The entire Henry Jackson Wilderness Area should have been included in the High Buck Hunt for both modern firearm and muzzleloader. Muzzleloader was inadvertently left out. This adjustment corrects that mistake.
     Under Late Muzzleloader Deer, Western Washington Blacktail Deer:

• Delete GMUs 651 and 673 from any deer. Add GMUs 651 and 673 to Nov. 21-Dec. 6, 2007, any buck; add GMUs 651 and 673 to Nov. 19-Dec. 6, 2008, any buck; add GMUs 651 and 673 to Dec. 7-15, 2007, any deer; add GMUs 651 and 673 to Dec. 7-15, 2008, any deer. This adjustment accounts for new information made available after the filing of the CR-102. Preliminary harvest information was not available when the CR-102 was filed because the time period for reporting hunting activity runs until January 31. Upon receiving preliminary harvest information after the reporting deadline, analysis by Region 6 staff discovered a higher than desired harvest of antlerless deer in GMUs 651 and 673. This adjustment reduces the "any deer" harvest time period to the last week of the late season.

WAC 232-28-352 2006-2008 Elk general seasons and definitions.

     Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:

     Under Late Archery Western Washington:

• Move GMU 648 from 3 pt. min. to 3 pt. min. or antlerless. This is an attempt to provide some antlerless harvest opportunity and provide harassment to move elk off of private farmland and onto adjacent timberland and Elk Areas.

WAC 232-28-353 Deer special permits.

     Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:

     Under Modern Firearm:

• Change the year in the title from 2006 to 2007.
• Adjust calendar dates for special permit hunts as necessary to maintain proper opening dates and coordinate with general seasons.
• Remove the Couse hunt because of low fawn production the past couple of years.
• The following permit decreases are the result of low fawn production in the past couple of years.
- Blue Creek from 150 to 100 permits.
- Dayton A from 250 to 150 permits.
• The following permit increases are the result of improved buck/doe ratios.
- Chiwawa from 30 to 38 permits.
- Entiat A from 50 to 65 permits.
- Big Bend from 100 to 150 permits.
• Remove the following hunts because of higher winter mortality over the past two years.
Nanteum [Naneum] A, Teanaway A, Taneum A, Nile A, Cowiche A.
• The following hunt names are adjusted to maintain proper hunt order:
- Naneum B to Nanteum [Naneum] A, Teanaway B to Teanaway A, and Cowiche B to Cowiche A.
• The following permit decreases are the result of higher winter mortality over the past two years.
- Badger from 50 to 15 permits.
- Naneum A from 24 to 17 permits.
- Quilomene A from 24 to 15 permits.
- Teanaway A from 24 to 19 permits.
- L.T. Murray from 24 to 18 permits.
- Bethel A from 10 to 5 permits.
- Cowiche A from 15 to 10 permits.
• The following permit increases are to address damage complaints and high deer numbers.
- Mission B from 150 to 210 permits.
- St. Andrews from 75 to 115 permits.
- Alkali A from 73 to 75 permits.
- Kahlotus from 50 to 75 permits.
• Add the following hunts because of increased deer numbers.
- Washougal A, Oct. 13-31, Any deer, GMU 568, and 10 permits.
- Skokomish A, Oct. 13-31, Any deer, GMU 636, and 20 permits.
- Mashel A, Oct. 13-31, Any deer, GMU 654, and 40 permits.
• Decreases the number of permits for Capitol Peak A from 30 to 15 because lower deer numbers.
• Under modern firearm, change Quilomene A from Any buck to 3 pt. min. The Fish and Wildlife Commission made this change in response to public testimony.
     Under Muzzleloader:

• Add the following hunts because of healthy deer population levels.
- Whitcomb B, Sept. 16-21, Antlerless, Deer Area 3071, and 7 permits.
- Whitcomb C, Sept. 24-Oct. 5, Any deer, Deer Area 3071, and 7 permits.
- Paterson B, Sept. 16-21, Antlerless, Deer Area 3072, and 10 permits.
- Paterson C, Sept. 24-Oct. 5, Any deer, Deer Area 3072, and 10 permits.
- Washougal B, Oct. 6-12, Any deer, GMU 568, and 10 permits.
• Remove the following hunts because of higher winter mortality over the past two years.
- Couse B, Teanaway C, Manastash A, and Cowiche C.
• The following hunt names are adjusted to maintain proper hunt order:
- Naneum C to Naneum B, Teanaway D to Teanaway C.
• Delete Entiat G. The Fish and Wildlife Commission made this change in response to public testimony.
• Adjust calendar dates for special permit hunts as necessary to maintain proper opening dates and coordinate with general seasons.
• Reduce the number of permits in Moses Coulee B from 150 to 100 permits due to lower deer numbers.
• Reduce the number of permits in Naneum B, Quilomene B, Teanaway D, and L.T. Murray B from 3 to 2 permits due to allocation formula adjustments.
• Reduce the number of permits in Desert C from 3 to 2 permits. The Fish and Wildlife Commission made this change in response to public testimony.
• The following permit increases are the result of healthy deer population levels.
- Chiwawa C from 50 to 70 permits.
- Entiat B from 10 to 13 permits.
- Swakane B from 25 to 35 permits.
- Mission C from 30 to 45 permits.
- Alkali C from 10 to 11 permits.
- Whitcomb A from 5 to 7 permits.
- Paterson A from 5 to 10 permits.
- Paterson B, Sept. 16-21, Antlerless, Deer Area 3072, and 10 permits.
- Paterson C, Sept. 24-Oct. 5, Any deer, Deer Area 3072, and 10 permits.
- Washougal B, Oct. 6-12, Any deer, GMU 568, and 10 permits.
• Change Quilomene B from Any buck to 3 pt. min. The Fish and Wildlife Commission made this change in response to public testimony.
     Under Archery Only Deer Permit Hunts:

• The following hunt names are adjusted to maintain proper hunt order:
- Entiat C to Entiat B, Entiat D to Entiat C, Naneum D to Naneum C.
• Adjust calendar dates for special permit hunts as necessary to maintain proper opening dates and coordinate with general seasons.
• Change Naneum C from Any deer to Any buck because of higher winter mortality rates.
• Change Quilomene C from Any buck to 3 pt. min. The Fish and Wildlife Commission made this change in response to public testimony.
• Decrease the number of permits in Naneum C from 20 to 13 permits and Quilomene C from 20 to 12 permits due to higher winter mortality rates over the past few years.
• Increase the number of permits for Chiwawa from 19 to 27 as the result of a healthy deer population.
• Decrease the number of permits in Desert D from 14 to 12 permits. This is updated information from the special permit allocation process.
• Increase the number of permits in Alkali E from 91 to 99 permits. This is updated information from the special permit allocation process.
     Under Special Modern Firearm Deer Permit Hunts for Hunters 65 or older:

• Remove the following hunts because higher winter mortality rates.
- Quilomene D, Manastash B, Umtanum A, and Bethel B.
• The following hunt names are adjusted to maintain proper hunt order:
- Teanaway E to Teanaway D and Entiat D to Entiat E.
• Adjust calendar dates for special permit hunts as necessary to maintain proper opening dates and coordinate with general seasons.
• The following permit decreases are the result because higher winter mortality rates.
- Teanaway D from 20 to 13 permits.
- L.T. Murray C from 20 to 6 permits.
- Palisades A from 15 to 10 permits.
• The following permit increases are the result of healthy deer populations and to provide more recreational opportunity.
- Wannacut B, Pogue B, and Bridgeport A from 15 to 20 permits.
- Sinlahekin C, Gardner B, Chiliwist B, and Alta B from 15 to 25 permits.
- Chewuch B and Pearrygin B from 15 to 35 permits.
- Chiwawa E, Entiat E, Swakane C, and Mission D from 10 to 15.
• Change the name of Washougal A to Washougal C.
     Under Disabled Hunter Deer Permits:

• Remove the hunt called Quilomene E, Manastash C, Umtanum B, and Nile B due to higher winter mortality rates.
• Change the names of Entiat E to Entiat F and Washougal B to Washougal D to maintain proper hunt order.
• Adjust calendar dates for special permit hunts as necessary to maintain proper opening dates and coordinate with general seasons.
• The following permit increases are the result of a healthy deer population and to provide more recreational opportunity for seniors.
- Wannacut C and Pogue C from 15 to 20 permits.
- Sinlahekin D, Gardner C, Chiliwist C, Alta C, Entiat F, and Mission E from 15 to 25 permits.
- Chewuch C and Pearrygin C from 15 to 35 permits.
- Chiwawa F and Bridgeport B from 10 to 15 permits.
• Decrease the number of permits for Palisades B from 10 to 5 permits because of lower deer numbers.
     Under Youth Special Deer Permit Hunts – Modern Firearm:

• Remove the following hunts because of high winter mortality. Naneum F, Quilomene F, Manastash D, Umtanum C, and Cowiche D.
• Change the name of Entiat F to Entiat G and Washougal C to Washougal E to maintain proper hunt order.
• Adjust calendar dates for special permit hunts as necessary to maintain proper opening dates and coordinate with general seasons.
• The following permit decreases are the result of shifting opportunity to seniors.
- Wannacut D and Pogue D from 50 to 40 permits.
- Sinlahekin E and Chiliwist D from 100 to 80 permits.
- Chewuch D and Pearrygin D from 175 to 135 permits.
- Gardner D from 65 to 50 permits.
- Pogue D from 50 to 40 permits.
- Chiliwist D from 100 to 80 permits.
- Alta D from 110 to 90 permits.
- Palisades C from 100 to 50 permits.
- Desert E from 10 to 2 permits.
• The following permit increases are the result of healthy deer populations and to provide more recreational opportunity.
- Chiwawa G from 60 to 85 permits.
- Entiat G from 40 to 55 permits.
- Swakane D from 20 to 30 permits.
- Mission F from 150 to 210 permits.
- Bridgeport C from 125 to 175 permits.
     Under Youth Special Permits – Muzzleloader:

• Change of names of Mission F to Mission G, Whitcomb B to Whitcomb D to maintain proper hunt order.
• Adjust calendar dates for special permit hunts as necessary to maintain proper opening dates and coordinate with general seasons.
• Increase the number of permits for Whitcomb D from 5 to 7, Paterson D from 5 to 10.
• Decrease the number of permits for Desert F from 10 to 2 permits.
     Under Youth Special Permits – Archery:

• Adjust calendar dates for special permit hunts as necessary to maintain proper opening dates and coordinate with general seasons.
• Decrease the number of permits for Desert G from 10 to 2 permits.
     Under Special Deer Permits – Second Deer Tag.

• Change Mica Peak B from "Restricted to general..." to "Modern Firearm and Archery General Season Only" because there is no muzzleloader season in this unit.
• Change the closing date for Methow from Oct. 21 to Oct. 12 to correct an error.
• Increase the number of permits for Northeast from 200 to 400 permits and Methow from 20 to 50 permits to increase opportunity consistent with population levels.
     Under Hunter Education Instructor Incentive Permits:

• Add Region 2, Any white-tailed deer, GMUs 204-215 and 2 permits, and increase Region 5 from 2 to 6 permits to add incentives for instructors consistent with SHB 2372.

WAC 232-28-354 Elk special permits.

     Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:

• Change the year in the title from 2006 to 2007 to correct an oversight.
     Under Modern Firearm Bull Permit Hunts:

• Add Teanaway A1, Oct. 22-Nov. 4, Any bull, EF, GMU 335, 1 permit. The Fish and Wildlife Commission made this change in response to public testimony.
• Add Nooksack A, Oct. 13-Nov. 11, any bull, WF, GMU 418, 6 permits. The North Cascades elk herd has met the thresholds defined in the herd management plan that would allow limited entry bull harvest. The details of this hunt were not resolved at the time of the CR-102 filing.
• Adjust calendar dates for special permit hunts as necessary to maintain proper opening dates and coordinate with general seasons.
• Increase the permit numbers for Watershed from 40 to 45. This is an agreed upon increase with USFS and the City of Walla Walla's water department.
• Increase permit numbers for Dayton A (from 12 to 13), Tucannon A (from 2 to 4), Wenaha A (from 14 to 17), Mountain View A (from 4 to 6). These increases are a result from the permit allocation process and healthy bull numbers.
• Increase the permit numbers for Colockum A (from 7 to 9), Peaches Ridge A (from 132 to 135), Observatory A (from 76 to 80), Goose Prairie A (from 88 to 96), Bethel A (from 50 to 62), and Rimrock A (from 118 to 123). These increases are a result of permit allocation calculations.
• Reduce the permit levels for Teanaway A (from 24 to 22). These reductions are a result of permit allocation calculations.
• Reduce the permit levels for Olympic A (from 21 to 14). These reductions are a result of permit allocation calculations.
• Increase the permit numbers for White River A (from 23 to 40). These increases are a result of permit allocation calculations.
     Under Modern Firearm Elk Permit Hunts:

• Add "A" to the 49 Degrees North hunt for clarification.
• Change Toledo C to A, change the date to Nov. 3-12, and change the number of permits [to] 20 to correct a typographical error. A different hunt was transposed onto this hunt.
• Delete old Couse B hunt. This modification of the Couse hunt time frame helps with management of property damage.
• Change Couse C to Couse B to maintain hunt order.
• Delete Malaga A and Malaga F. Beginning in 2007, these damage hunts are being reduced and ultimately will be moved to the Advanced Hunter Education section utilizing AHE hunters on an as needed basis to address damage issues.
• Change Malaga B to A, Malaga C to B, Malaga C to D, Malaga D to E to maintain hunt order.
• Decrease permits in Malaga A (from 10 to 5), Malaga B (from 70 to 35), Malaga C (from 120 to 100), Malaga D (from 10 to 7). Beginning in 2007, these damage hunts are being reduced and ultimately will be moved to the Advanced Hunter Education section utilizing AHE hunters on an as needed basis to address damage issues.
• Change Peshastin B to A and Peshastin C to B to maintain hunt order.
• Adjust calendar dates for special permit hunts as necessary to maintain proper opening dates and coordinate with general seasons.
• Shift dates of Carlton, West Goat Rocks, and Mt. Adams from Oct. 1-10 to Sept. 22-30 to avoid overlap with muzzleloader season and improve the quality aspect of these hunts.
• Increase any elk permits for 49 Degrees North (from 30 to 45) and antlerless permits for Couse B (from 25 to 30). These increases are intended to stabilize population growth or address damage.
• Decrease antlerless permits in Dayton B (from 200 to 100). Elk damage is becoming less of an issue in this unit so less antlerless harvest is necessary.
• Reduce the antlerless permits in Mountain View B (from 60 to 20). Antlerless harvest in this unit is also being accomplished through Landowner Hunting Permits to address elk damage.
• Delete Peshastin A, Peshastin D and Peshastin E. Beginning in 2007, these damage hunts are being reduced and ultimately will be moved to the Advanced Hunter Education section utilizing AHE hunters on an as needed basis to address damage issues.
• Increase the antlerless permits in Winston A (from 12 to 130). This will help reduce the Mount St. Helens elk herd to population objective.
• Add Margaret C, Nov. 24-Dec. 2, antlerless, WF, GMU 524, 50 permits. This will help reduce the Mount St. Helens elk herd to population objective.
• Add Coweeman B, Jan. 1-15, 2008, antlerless, WF, GMU 550, 50 permits. This will help reduce the Mount St. Helens elk herd to population objective.
• Add Toutle C, Nov. 24-Dec. 2, antlerless, WF, GMU 556, 100 permits. This will help reduce the Mount St. Helens elk herd to population objective.
• Increase the antlerless permits in Ryderwood A (from 32 to 35), Coweeman A (from 15 to 225), and Toledo C (from 20 to 100). This will help reduce the Mount St. Helens elk herd to population objective.
• Increase the antlerless permits in Lewis River A (from 120 to 375) and Siouxon A (from 60 to 125). This will help reduce the Mount St. Helens elk herd to population objective.
• Decrease the number of permits in Chehalis Valley A and Chehalis Valley B from 10 to 5 permits. This will help to manage the elk population levels in this area.
• Decrease the number of permits to North Minot A from 60 to 20 permits. This will help to manage the elk population levels in this area.
     Under Muzzleloader Bull Permit Hunts:

• Add Nooksack B, Sept. 29-Oct. 12 and Nov. 12-30, any bull, WM, GMU 418, 3 permits. The North Cascades elk herd has met the thresholds defined in the herd management plan that would allow limited entry bull harvest. The details of this hunt were not resolved at the time of the CR-102 filing.
• Reorder Margaret C to D, Toutle C to D.
• Change Bethel C to 12 permits, Rimrock C to 17 permits, and Cowiche C to 8 permits. This is updated information from the special permit allocation process.
• Adjust calendar dates for special permit hunts as necessary to maintain proper opening dates and coordinate with general seasons.
• Decrease the bull permits for Dayton D from 3 to 2 and increase Wenaha B from 2 to 3. These changes are a result of permit allocation calculations.
• Adjust the number of bull permits for Mountain View C (from 1 to 2) and Colockum B (from 1 to 2). These adjustments are a result of permit allocation calculations.
• Adjust the number of bull permits for Margaret D (from 10 to 8), Toutle D (from 35 to 26), and Skokomish B (from 1 to 2). These adjustments are a result of permit allocation calculations.
     Under Muzzleloader Permit Hunts:

• Add "B" to the 49 Degrees North hunt for clarification.
• Reorder Malaga G to E, and Malaga H to F.
• Change Toledo A to B to correct a typographical error.
• Reorder Margaret D to E, Coweeman B to C, and Toutle D to E.
• Adjust calendar dates for special permit hunts as necessary to maintain proper opening dates and coordinate with general seasons.
• Increase the number of any elk permits for 49 Degrees North from 10 to 20. These increases are intended to stabilize population growth or address damage.
• Reduce the number of antlerless permits in Couse E and F from 50 to 30. Elk damage is becoming less of an issue in this unit so less antlerless harvest is necessary.
• Reduce the number of antlerless permits in Mountain View D from 25 to 20. Antlerless harvest in this unit is also being accomplished through Landowner Hunting Permits to address elk damage.
• Reduce the number of permits for Malaga E from 100 to 50 and Malaga F from 15 to 8. Beginning in 2007, these damage hunts are being reduced and ultimately will be moved to the Advanced Hunter Education section utilizing AHE hunters on an as needed basis to address damage issues.
• Increase the antlerless permits for Winston B (from 30 to 60), Margaret E (from 30 to 40), Coweeman C (from 20 to 60), Toutle E (from 50 to 75), Lewis River B (from 40 to 225), Yale A (from 25 to 75), and Siouxon B (from 15 to 75). This will help reduce the Mount St. Helens elk herd to population objective.
• Reduce Mossyrock B from (50 to 30) and North Minot B antlerless permits from 60 to 20 to better manage elk population levels.
• Increase Capitol Peak A, antlerless permits from 10 to 15. Delete Capitol Peak B. This is a net reduction of 5 permits and one hunt period. Damage/nuisance elk are less of an issue in this unit.
     Under Archery Permit Hunts:

• Increase archery bull permits in Blue Creek E (from 1 to 2), Dayton E (from 4 to 7), Tucannon C (from 1 to 3), and Wenaha C (from 3 to 4). These increases are a result of permit allocation calculations.
• Increase archery bull permits in Mountain View E (from 2 to 3) and Olympic C (from 6 to 7). These increases are a result of permit allocation calculations.
• Change Colockum C to 3 permits, Teanaway E to 34 permits, Peaches Ridge C to 104 permits, Observatory C to 91 permits, Goose Prairie C to 138 permits, Bethel E to 43 permits, Rimrock D to 93 permits, Cowiche E to 18 permits. This is updated information from the special permit allocation process.
• Reorder the Malaga, Peshastin, Margaret, Toutle, Lewis River, and Siouxon hunts to maintain hunt order.
• Reduce the number of permits in Malaga G (from 50 to 25) and Peshastin C (from 30 to 15). Beginning in 2007, these damage hunts are being reduced and ultimately will be moved to the Advanced Hunter Education section utilizing AHE hunters on an as needed basis to address damage issues.
• Adjust the permit numbers for Margaret F (from 15 to 13), Margaret G (from 15 to 50), Toutle F (from 70 to 66), and Toutle G (from 30 to 90). This will help reduce the Mount St. Helens elk herd to population objective.
• Increase permits for Skokomish C from 5 to 6. This increase is a result of permit allocation calculations.
• Decrease permits for White River C from 19 to 11. This decrease is a result of permit allocation calculations.
     Under Advanced Hunter Education (AHE), Master Hunter Special Elk Permit Hunts:

• Reorder Peshastin D and Mossyrock C.
• Change Malaga J to H.
• Change dates for Merwin A from Nov. 24-Dec. 15 to Nov. 21-Dec. 15 to include the Thanksgiving holiday.
• For Peola B change dates from Aug. 11-Sept. 7 to Oct. 1-12, remove "Designated areas in," and "HM." This is no longer an "on call" hunt.
• For Malaga H change dates from Jan. 1-Mar. 31, 2008, to Aug. 1-Mar. 31, 2008, and change permits from 30 to 100. The damage in this unit will be managed on an "as needed" basis.
• Add Malaga I, Aug. 1-Feb. 28, 2008, any elk, any elk tag, Elk Area 2032, 20 HM. The damage hunt in these units will be managed on an "As needed" basis.
• Add Peshastin E, Aug. 1-Mar. 31, 2008, antlerless, any elk tag, Elk Area 2033, 50 HM. The damage hunt in these units will be managed on an "As needed" basis.
• Add Peshastin F, Aug. 1-Feb. 28, 2008, any elk, any elk tag, Elk Area 2033, 20 HM. The damage hunt in these units will be managed on an "As needed" basis.
• Change dates for Fairview from Feb. 1-28, 2008, to Feb. 1-29, 2008, to include leap year date adjustment.
• For Rattlesnake Hills change dates from Aug. 1-Feb. 28, 2008, to Aug. 1-Feb. 29, 2008, and add spike bull to include leap year adjustment and help reduce the elk population.
     Under Advanced Hunter Education (AHE) Master Hunter, Second Elk Tag:

• Delete Peola C. Elk damage is becoming less of an issue in this unit so less antlerless harvest is necessary.
• Delete Corral Canyon A through D because they are no longer needed for damage mitigation.
• Delete Black Rock A and B because these landowners changed to the Landowner Hunting Program access program.
• Under advanced hunter education second elk tags change Toledo B to C, Toledo C to D, Toledo D to E, Toledo E to F, and Toledo F to G to correct typographical errors.
• Change Toledo B through F and Boistfort B through E to spike bull and antlerless. This will help reduce the Mount St. Helens elk herd to population objective.
• The following damage hunts are being modified to better address the timing and level of problems:
- Change dates for Trout Lake A from Sept. 1-7 to Nov. 21-30.
- Change dates for Trout Lake B from Oct. 1-7 to Dec. 1-14.
- Change dates for Trout Lake C from Nov. 20-30 to Dec. 15-31.
- Change dates for Trout Lake D from Dec. 1-14 to Jan 1-14, 2008.
• The following damage hunts are being modified to better address the timing and level of problems:
- Reduce permits for Chehalis Valley D from 20 to 10.
- Change dates for Raymond F from Dec. 1-Feb. 28, 2008 to Dec. 1-Mar. 31, 2008.
- Change dates for Hanaford C from Aug. 1-Feb. 28, 2008 to Aug. 1-Mar. 31, 2008.
- Delete Dungeness C through J.
• Change dates for Dungeness A from Sept. 1-30 to Sept. 1-Feb. 28, 2008, change from antlerless to 3 pt. min., add "north of Hwy 101 only" to Elk Area description, and increase permits from 6 to 12. Elk damage is becoming less of an issue in this elk area so less elk harvest is necessary.
• Change dates for Dungeness B from Oct. 1-31 to Oct. 1-Dec. 31, add "north of Hwy 101 only" to Elk Area description, and increase permits from 6 to 8. Elk damage is becoming less of an issue in this elk area so less elk harvest is necessary.
     Under Youth - Special Elk Permit Hunts:

• Delete Blackrock C because the landowners in this area changed to the Landowner Hunting Program access program.
• Delete Fairview B to better address the timing and level of problems.
• Increase number of permits for Dungeness K from 2 to 4, add "north of Hwy 101 only" to Elk Area description, and change from K to C. Elk damage is becoming less of an issue in this elk area so less elk harvest is necessary.
• Increase permits for Mudflow A, B, and C from 5 to 6 to increase harvest of elk.
• Change dates for Sol Duc Valley from Aug. 1-Mar. 31, 2008, to Aug. 1-Jan. 22, 2008.
• Decrease permits for Clearwater Valley from 5 to 1 because elk damage is becoming less of an issue.
     Under Persons of Disability:

• Add Sol Duc Valley B, Aug. 1-Jan 22, 2008, antlerless, any elk tag, Elk Area 6072, 5 permits to address property damage.
• Adjust calendar dates for special permit hunts as necessary to maintain proper opening dates and coordinate with general seasons.
• Delete Blackrock D, Fairview C, North Shore D and E. These hunts are no longer needed.
• Change Mudflow E from antlerless to any elk to correct a typographical error.
• Reorder Mudflow hunts.
• Change dates for Centralia Mine A from Oct. 23-24 to Oct. 27-28 to accommodate the landowner's needs.
• Change dates for Centralia Mine B from Oct. 30-31 to Nov. 3-4 to accommodate the landowner's needs.
• The following changes were made to better manage these hunts consistent with reduction of the St. Helen's elk herd:
- Reduce permits for Mudflow D from 10 to 6 and change from Antlerless to any elk.
- Reduce permits for Mudflow E from 10 to 6.
- Change dates for Mudflow F from Nov. 6-12 to Oct. 16-21 and reduce permits from 10 to 6.
- Change Mudflow G from Hunters 65 or Older to Persons of Disability and reduce permits from 10 to 6.
- Reduce permits for Mudflow H from 10 to 6.
- Change dates for Mudflow I from Oct. 16-21 to Nov. 6-12 and reduce permits from 6-10.
- Add Mudflow J, Nov. 27-Dec. 2, Antlerless, Any elk tag, Elk Area 5099, 6 permits.
• Change Region 5 permits from 1 to 4 to provide incentives for Hunter Education Instructors consistent with SHB 2372.

WAC 232-12-181 Livestock grazing on department of fish and wildlife lands.

     Changes, if any, from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:

     Under subsection (1):

• Second sentence originally read: Except for temporary permits or permits that are being renewed or renegotiated with existing permittees, each grazing permit shall first be submitted to the commission, which may review the permit to ensure it conforms with commission policy. It now reads: Except for temporary permits or permits that are being renewed or renegotiated with existing permittees, grazing permits shall first be submitted to the commission, which may review the permit to ensure it conforms with commission policy. This was changed for clarification purposes only.
     Under subsection (3):

• The second sentence originally read: The director is authorized to reject any and all bids if it is determined to be in the best interest of the department to do so. It now reads: The director is authorized to reject any and all bids if it is determined to be in the best interest of the fish and wildlife to do so. This change has been made for clarification.
     Under subsection (5):

• Second sentence used to read: The director shall inspect the site of a grazing permit no less than two times each year. It now reads: The department shall inspect the site of a grazing permit no less than two times each year. It was changed to reflect that department staff and not the director would be inspecting grazing permits.
• Third sentence used to read: The director shall retain the right to alter provisions of the plan to reduce acreage available or the number of animals using the area when such change is, in the judgment of the director required to benefit... It now reads: The director shall retain the right to alter any provision of the plan as required to benefit... The original language said that only numbers of animals or acreage could be changed when in fact the department might change season of use or other parameters of the permit if need be.

     A final cost-benefit analysis is available by contacting Lori Preuss, 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091, phone (360) 902-2930, fax (360) 902-2155, e-mail

     Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.

     Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.

     Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 10, Repealed 0.

     Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.

     Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0;      Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.

     Date Adopted: April 7, 2007.

Susan Yeager

for Jerry Gutzwiler, Chair

Fish and Wildlife Commission


AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 05-271, filed 1/3/06, effective 2/3/06)

WAC 232-12-021   Importation and retention of dead nonresident wildlife.   It is unlawful:

     (1) To import or possess dead wildlife, taken in another state or country, into Washington unless such wildlife was acquired lawfully. Proof of legal acquisition must be retained during the period of retention of the carcass or edible parts. Violation of this subsection is punishable under RCW 77.15.290.

     (2) For a person who imports a dead mountain sheep, mountain goat, cougar or bear to fail to report such importation to the department in writing within ten days of the importation. The report must contain the name and address of the importer, the location where the dead wildlife is being stored and general information describing where and how the wildlife was obtained. Violation of this subsection is punishable under RCW 77.15.290.

     (3) To import or possess deer, elk, or moose, or parts thereof, harvested in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Wisconsin, Illinois, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, New York, West Virginia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan with the following exceptions:

     (a) Meat that has been deboned in the state or province where it was harvested and is imported as boned out meat;

     (b) Skulls and antlers, antlers attached to the skull plate, or upper canine teeth (buglers, whistlers, ivories) from which all soft tissue has been removed;

     (c) Hides or capes without heads attached;

     (d) Tissue imported for use by a diagnostic or research laboratory;

     (e) Finished taxidermy mounts.

     Violation of this subsection is punishable under RCW 77.15.290.

     (4) To fail to notify the department within twenty-four hours if an importer or receiver of deer or elk is notified by a state or province that a harvested animal has tested positive for chronic wasting disease. Violation of this subsection is an infraction punishable under RCW 77.15.160.

[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 06-02-063 (Order 05-271), § 232-12-021, filed 1/3/06, effective 2/3/06; 05-02-046 (Order 04-327), § 232-12-021, filed 1/3/05, effective 2/3/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.030. 93-04-040 (Order 583), § 232-12-021, filed 1/27/93, effective 2/13/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 82-04-034 (Order 177), § 232-12-021, filed 1/28/82; 81-12-029 (Order 165), § 232-12-021, filed 6/1/81. Formerly WAC 232-12-060.]


AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 06-92, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06)

WAC 232-28-273   2006-2008 Moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat seasons and permit quotas.  

Moose Permit Hunts

Who May Apply:
Anyone may apply; EXCEPT those who harvested a moose previously in Washington state. An individual may only harvest one moose during their lifetime (except waived for antlerless only hunts and raffle and auction hunts).

Bag Limit: One moose ((of either sex, EXCEPT antlerless only for the 49 Degrees North B persons with disabilities hunt, Hangman B Hunt, Mt. Spokane B Hunt and the Mt. Spokane Youth Hunt)).

Weapon Restrictions: Permit holders may use any legal weapon.





Permit Hunt

Boundary Description



Kettle Range Oct. 1-Nov. 30 GMUs 101, 105 Any Moose ((1)) 2
Selkirk Mtns. A Oct. 1-Nov. 30 GMU 113 Any Moose ((20)) 25
Selkirk Mtns. Bd Oct. 1-Nov. 30 GMU 113 Antlerless Only 2
Mt. Spokane A Oct. 1-Nov. 30 GMU 124 east of Hwy 395 Any Moose 10
Mt. Spokane B Oct. 1-Nov. 30 GMU 124 east of Hwy 395 Antlerless Only 12
Mt. Spokane Youth Onlya Oct. 1-Nov. 30 GMU 124 east of Hwy 395 Antlerless Only 8
49 Degrees North A Oct. 1-Nov. 30 GMU 117 Any Moose ((22)) 26
49 Degrees North Bb Oct. 1-Nov. 30 GMU 117 Antlerless Only 3
49 Degrees North Cc Oct. 1-Nov. 30 GMU 117 Antlerless Only 2
49 Degrees North Youth Onlya Oct. 1-Nov. 30 GMU 117 Antlerless Only 2
Three Forks Oct. 1-Nov. 30 GMUs 108, 111 Any Moose 8
Hangman A Oct. 1-Nov. 30 GMUs 127, 130 Any Moose 5
Hangman B Oct. 1-Nov. 30 GMUs 127, 130 Antlerless Only 5
Huckleberry Range Oct. 1-Nov. 30 GMUs 121, 124 west of Hwy 395 Any Moose 6

aApplicants must be eligible to purchase a youth moose license by November 30 during the license year they are applying for. Youth hunters must be accompanied by an adult during the hunt.

bApplicants must possess a Disabled Hunter Permit.

cApplicants must be 65 years of age or older by November 30 during the license year they are applying for.

dApplicants must be a certified hunter education instructor who meet program-defined eligibility criteria.

Bighorn Sheep Permit Hunts

Who May Apply: Anyone may apply; EXCEPT those who harvested a bighorn sheep previously in Washington state. An individual may only harvest one bighorn sheep during their lifetime. (Except waived for raffle and auction hunts.)

Bag Limit: One bighorn ram.    





Permit Hunt

Boundary Description



Vulcan Mountain Sept. 15-Oct. 10 Sheep Unit 2 Any Legal Weapon ((1)) 2
Selah Butte Nov. ((6)) 4-30 Sheep Unit 4 Any Legal Weapon 5
Umtanum Sept. 15-Oct. ((6)) 10 Sheep Unit 5 Any Legal Weapon 5
Cleman Mountain A Sept. 15-Oct. ((6)) 10 Sheep Unit 7 Any Legal Weapon ((5)) 4
Cleman Mountain B Nov. ((6)) 4-30 Sheep Unit 7 Any Legal Weapon ((5)) 4
Mt. Hull Sept. 15-Oct. 10 Sheep Unit 10 Any Legal Weapon 2
Wenaha Sept. 15-Oct. 10 Sheep Unit 11 Any Legal Weapon 1
Lincoln Cliffs Sept. 15-Oct. 10 Sheep Unit 12 Any Legal Weapon 1
Quilomene A Sept. 15-Oct. ((6)) 10 Sheep Unit 13 Any Legal Weapon ((3)) 4
((Quilomene B Nov. 6-30 Sheep Unit 13 Any Legal Weapon 2))
Swakane Sept. 15-Oct. 10 Sheep Unit 14 Any Legal Weapon 1
Tieton Sept. 15-Oct. 10 Sheep Unit 15 Any Legal Weapon 3
Manson Nov. ((6)) 4-30 Sheep Unit 16 Any Legal Weapon 2

Bighorn Sheep Units:

Sheep Unit 2 Vulcan Mountain: Permit Area: Ferry County north of the Kettle River near Curlew.

Sheep Unit 4 Selah Butte: Permit Area: That part of Yakima and Kittitas counties between Ellensburg and Yakima east of the Yakima River and north of Selah Creek, west of Interstate 82 and south of Interstate 90.

Sheep Unit 5 Umtanum: Permit Area: Those portions of Yakima and Kittitas counties west of the Yakima River, north of Wenas Creek, and east of USFS Road 1701 to Manastash Lake and its drainage; south and east along the South Fork Manastash Creek to Manastash Creek and the Yakima River.

Sheep Unit 7 Cleman Mountain: Permit Area: That part of Yakima County south of Wenas Creek and east of USFS Road 1701, north of Highway 410 and Highway 12 and west of the Yakima River.

Sheep Unit 10 Mt. Hull: Permit Area: That part of Okanogan County within the following described boundary: Beginning at Oroville; then south along U.S. Highway 97 to the Swanson's Mill Road (old Mt. Hull Road) near Lake Andrews; then east to the Dry Gulch Road; then north to the Oroville-Toroda Creek Road (Molson Grade Road); then west to Oroville and the point of beginning.

Sheep Unit 11 Wenaha Wilderness: Permit Area: That part of GMU 169 within Crooked Creek drainage.

Sheep Unit 12 Lincoln Cliffs:
Permit Area: That part of Lincoln County north of Highway 2.

Sheep Unit 13 Quilomene:
Permit Area: GMUs 329, 330, and 251 south of Colockum Creek.

Sheep Unit 14 Swakane: Permit Area: GMU 250.

Sheep Unit 15 Tieton: Permit Area: GMU 360.

Sheep Unit 16 Manson: Permit Area: GMU 243.

Mountain Goat Permit Hunts

Who May Apply:
Anyone may apply; except those who harvested a mountain goat in Washington state after 1998. An individual may only harvest one mountain goat during their lifetime, except for those who harvested a goat prior to 1999. (Except waived for raffle and auction hunts.)

Bag Limit: One (1) adult goat of either sex with horns four (4) inches or longer. WDFW urges hunters to refrain from shooting nannies with kids. Permit hunters may start hunting Sept. 1 with archery equipment.





Permit Hunt

Boundary Description



Chelan North Sept. 15-Oct. 31 Goat Unit 2-1 Any Legal Weapon 1
Methow Sept. 15-Oct. 31 Goat Unit 2-2 Any Legal Weapon 2
Naches Pass/Corral Pass Sept. 15-Oct. 31 Goat Units 3-6, 4-38 Any Legal Weapon 2
Bumping River Sept. 15-Oct. 31 Goat Unit 3-7 Any Legal Weapon 2
Blazed Ridge Sept. 15-Oct. 31 Goat Unit 3-10 Any Legal Weapon 2
((Kachess Ridge Sept. 15-Oct. 31 Goat Unit 3-11 Any Legal Weapon 0
Jack Mountain Sept. 15-Oct. 31 Goat Unit 4-9 Any Legal Weapon 0))
Tatoosh Sept. 15-Oct. 31 Goat Unit 5-2 Any Legal Weapon 1
Smith Creek Sept. 15-Oct. 31 Goat Unit 5-3 Any Legal Weapon 1
Goat Rocks/Tieton River Sept. 15-Oct. 31 Goat Units 3-9, 5-4 Any Legal Weapon 5
Chowder Ridge Sept. 15-Oct. 31 Goat Units 4-3 Any Legal Weapon 1
Avalanche Gorge Sept. 15-Oct. 31 Goat Units 4-7 Any Legal Weapon 1

Mountain Goat Units:

Goat Unit 2-1 Chelan N. (Chelan County): Permit Area: Beginning at the mouth of Fish Creek on Lake Chelan (Moore Point); then northeast up Fish Creek and USFS trail 1259 to the Sawtooth crest near Deephole Spring; then southeast along the Sawtooth crest, which separates Chelan and Okanogan County, to Horsethief Basin and the headwaters of Safety Harbor Creek; then south along Safety Harbor Creek to Lake Chelan, then northwest along the north shore of Lake Chelan to the mouth of Fish Creek at Moore Point and the point of beginning.

Goat Unit 2-2 Methow Area: Permit Area: Okanogan County within the following described boundary: Beginning at the Town of Twisp, westerly along the Twisp River Road (County Road 4440) to Roads End; west up the Twisp Pass Trail 432 to Twisp Pass and the Okanogan County line; northerly along the Okanogan County line through Washington Pass to Harts Pass; southeast down Harts Pass (Road 5400) to Lost River; then along the Lost River-Mazama Road to Mazama; then southwest to State Highway 20; then southeasterly along State Highway 20 to Twisp and the point of beginning.

Goat Unit 3-6 Naches Pass: Permit Area: Yakima and Kittitas counties within the following described boundary: Beginning at Chinook Pass; then north along the Pacific Crest Trail to Naches Pass; then east to USFS Road 19 and continuing to State Highway 410; then west along State Highway 410 to Chinook Pass and point of beginning.

Goat Unit 3-7 Bumping River: Permit Area: GMU 356.

Goat Unit 3-9 Tieton River: Permit Area: GMU 364.

Goat Unit 3-10 Blazed Ridge: Permit Area: Kittitas and Yakima counties within the following described boundary: Beginning at the mouth of Cabin Creek on the Yakima River; then west along Cabin Creek to the headwaters near Snowshoe Butte; then south along the Cascade Crest separating the Green and Yakima river drainage to Pyramid Peak; then southeast along the North Fork, Little Naches, and Naches River to the Yakima River; then north along the Yakima River to the mouth of Cabin Creek and point of beginning.

((Goat Unit 3-11 Kachess Ridge: Permit Area: Kittitas County within the following described boundary: Beginning at the mouth of the Kachess River on the Yakima River; then north along the Kachess River and Kachess Lake to USFS Road 4600; then east on USFS Road 4600 to the Cle Elum River; then south along the Cle Elum River and Lake Cle Elum to the Yakima River; then northwest along the Yakima River to the mouth of the Kachess River and point of beginning.

Goat Unit 4-9 Jack Mountain: Permit Area: Whatcom County within the following described boundary: Beginning at the confluence of Ruby Creek and Crater Creek; then north up Crater Creek to the ridge line between Jerry Lakes and a pinnacle of Jack Mountain (7,292 ft. elevation); continue due north to Devil's Creek; then west down Devil's Creek to Ross Lake; then south along the east shoreline of Ross Lake to Ruby Arm; then easterly up Ruby Arm and Ruby Creek to the confluence of Crater Creek and the point of beginning.

Goat Unit 4-3 Chowder Ridge: Permit Area: Whatcom County within the following described boundary: Beginning where Wells Creek intersects the North Fork Nooksack River; then up Wells Creek to Bar Creek; then southwest up Bar Creek to the Mazama Glacier; then continue southwest up Mazama Glacier to the summit of Mt. Baker; then northwest between Roosevelt Glacier and Coleman Glacier to Kulshan Cabin and the headwaters of Kulshan Creek and Grouse Creek to Smith Creek; then north down Smith Creek to Glacier Creek; continue north down Glacier Creek to the North Fork Nooksack River; then east along the North Fork Nooksack River to Wells Creek and the point of beginning.

Goat Unit 4-7 Avalanche Gorge: Permit Area: Whatcom County within the following described boundary: Beginning at the intersection of the Baker Lake Road (USFS Road 394) and Park Creek; then northwest up Park Creek to Park Glacier; then continue northwest up Park Glacier to the summit of Mt. Baker; then northeast down Mazama Glacier to the 6,500 ft. elevation; then east to the Portals; then continue east along the ridge line to Coleman Pinnacle; then northeast along the Camp Kiser Trail 683 (Ptarmigan Ridge) to the extreme southeast extension of Kulshan Ridge; then due east to the Lake Ann Trail 600; then east along the Lake Ann Trail 600 to the boundary of North Cascades National Park; then south and east along the park boundary to the Baker River and down the Baker River to the Baker Lake Road (USFS Road 394); then west along the Baker Lake Road (USFS Road 394) to Park Creek and the point of beginning.

Goat Unit 4-38 Corral Pass: Permit Area: Pierce County within the following described boundary: Beginning where Goat Creek intersects the Corral Pass Road; then southeast up Goat Creek to the Cascade Crest; then north along the Crest to USFS Trail 1188; then northwest along said trail to USFS Trail 1176; then north along said trail to Corral Pass; then west along Corral Pass Road to its intersection with Goat Creek and the point of beginning.

Goat Unit 5-2 Tatoosh: Permit Area: Lewis County within the following described boundary: Beginning at the junction of the southern Mount Rainier National Park Boundary and State Highway 123; then south along State Highway 123 to U.S. Highway 12; then southwest along said highway to Skate Creek Road (USFS Road 52); then northwest along said road to the junction of Morse Creek Road (old road to Longmire Campground); then north along said road to the Mount Rainier National Park Boundary; then east along the southern park boundary to the point of beginning.

Goat Unit 5-3 Smith Creek: Permit area: Lewis County within the following described boundary: Beginning at the Town of Randle; then east along U.S. Highway 12 to USFS Road 21; then southeast along USFS Road 21 to USFS Road 22; then northeast and northwest along USFS Road 22 to USFS Road 23; then east and northwest on USFS Road 23 to USFS Road 25; then north along USFS Road 25 to Randle and point of beginning.

Goat Unit 5-4 Goat Rocks: Permit Area: Lewis County south of the White Pass Highway (U.S. Highway 12) and east of the Johnson Creek Road (USFS Road 1302).

[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 06-11-032 (Order 06-92), § 232-28-273, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06; 05-11-022 (Order 05-89), § 232-28-273, filed 5/10/05, effective 6/10/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047 and 77.12.020. 04-11-036 (Order 04-98), § 232-28-273, filed 5/12/04, effective 6/12/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 03-13-047 (Order 03-129), § 232-28-273, filed 6/12/03, effective 7/13/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.655, 77.12.020. 02-11-069 (Order 02-98), § 232-28-273, filed 5/10/02, effective 6/10/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.020, 77.32.070, 77.32.530. 01-10-048 (Order 01-69), § 232-28-273, filed 4/26/01, effective 5/27/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.010, 77.12.020, 77.12.770, 77.12.780. 00-11-137 (Order 00-50), § 232-28-273, filed 5/23/00, effective 6/23/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 99-10-102 (Order 99-40), § 232-28-273, filed 5/5/99, effective 6/5/99; 98-10-005 (Order 98-58), § 232-28-273, filed 4/22/98, effective 5/23/98.]


AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 03-23, filed 3/5/03, effective 4/5/03)

WAC 232-12-289   Official hunting hours for game birds and game animals.  


Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Sun. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 8 6:00 7:45 5:45 7:30
Mon. Sept. 9 - Sun. Sept. 15 6:10 7:30 6:00 7:15
Mon. Sept. 16 - Sun. Sept. 22 6:20 7:15 6:10 7:00
Mon. Sept. 23 - Sun. Sept. 29 6:30 7:00 6:20 6:45
Mon. Sept. 30 - Sun. Oct. 6 6:40 6:45 6:30 6:35
Mon. Oct. 7 - Sun. Oct. 13 6:50 6:30 6:40 6:20
Mon. Oct. 14 - Sun. Oct. 20 7:00 6:20 6:50 6:05
Mon. Oct. 21 - ((Sat.)) Sun. Oct. ((26)) 27 7:10 6:05 7:00 5:55
Mon. Oct. 28 - Sat. Nov. 2 7:20 5:55 7:10 5:50
Pacific Standard Time
((Sun. Oct. 27 6:10 5:05 6:00 4:55
Mon. Oct. 28 -)) Sun. Nov. 3 6:20 4:55 6:10 4:50
Mon. Nov. 4 - Sun. Nov. 10 6:30 4:45 6:20 4:30
Mon. Nov. 11 - Sun. Nov. 17 6:40 4:35 6:30 4:20
Mon. Nov. 18 - Sun. Nov. 24 6:50 4:25 6:40 4:15
Mon. Nov. 25 - Sun. Dec. 1 7:00 4:20 6:50 4:10
Mon. Dec. 2 - Sun. Dec. 8 7:10 4:20 7:00 4:10
Mon. Dec. 9 - Sun. Dec. 15 7:15 4:20 7:05 4:10
Mon. Dec. 16 - Sun. Dec. 22 7:20 4:20 7:10 4:10
Mon. Dec. 23 - Sun. Dec. 29 7:25 4:25 7:10 4:15
Mon. Dec. 30 - Sun. Jan. 5 7:25 4:30 7:15 4:15
Mon. Jan. 6 - Sun. Jan. 12 7:25 4:35 7:15 4:25
Mon. Jan. 13 - Sun. Jan. 19 7:20 4:45 7:10 4:35
Mon. Jan. 20 - Sun. Jan. 26 7:15 4:55 7:05 4:45
Mon. Jan. 27 - Fri. Jan. 31 7:10 5:05 7:00 4:55

* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to sunset) for migratory game birds (duck, goose, coot, snipe, mourning dove, and band-tailed pigeon); upland birds (pheasant, quail, partridge); and turkey during established seasons.


(a) Western Washington - Pheasant and quail hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in all areas.
(b) Clark (except areas south of the Washougal River), Cowlitz, ((Grays Harbor,)) Pacific, and Wahkiakum counties - Goose hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except one-half hour before sunrise to sunset during the September goose season and 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the late goose season.
(c) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.


Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Mon. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 7 6:00 7:45 5:45 7:30
Mon. Sept. 8 - Sun. Sept. 14 6:10 7:30 5:50 7:20
Mon. Sept. 15 - Sun. Sept. 21 6:20 7:15 6:10 7:05
Mon. Sept. 22 - Sun. Sept. 28 6:30 7:00 6:15 6:50
Mon. Sept. 29 - Sun. Oct. 5 6:40 6:45 6:30 6:35
Mon. Oct. 6 - Sun. Oct. 12 6:50 6:30 6:40 6:25
Mon. Oct. 13 - Sun. Oct. 19 7:00 6:20 6:50 6:10
Mon. Oct. 20 - ((Sat.)) Sun. Oct. ((25)) 26 7:10 6:10 7:00 5:55
Mon. Oct. 27 - Sat. Nov. 1 7:20 5:55 7:15 5:45
Pacific Standard Time
((Sun. Oct. 26 6:15 5:00 6:00 4:50
Mon. Oct. 27 -)) Sun. Nov. 2 6:20 4:55 6:15 4:45
Mon. Nov. 3 - Sun. Nov. 9 6:30 4:45 6:20 4:30
Mon. Nov. 10 - Sun. Nov. 16 6:40 4:35 6:30 4:25
Mon. Nov. 17 - Sun. Nov. 23 6:50 4:30 6:40 4:15
Mon. Nov. 24 - Sun. Nov. 30 7:00 4:20 6:50 4:10
Mon. Dec. 1 - Sun. Dec. 7 7:10 4:20 7:00 4:10
Mon. Dec. 8 - Sun. Dec. 14 7:15 4:20 7:05 4:05
Mon. Dec. 15 - Sun. Dec. 21 7:20 4:20 7:10 4:10
Mon. Dec. 22 - Sun. Dec. 28 7:25 4:25 7:10 4:10
Mon. Dec. 29 - Sun. Jan. 4 7:25 4:30 7:15 4:15
Mon. Jan. 5 - Sun. Jan. 11 7:25 4:35 7:15 4:25
Mon. Jan. 12 - Sun. Jan. 18 7:25 4:45 7:10 4:35
Mon. Jan. 19 - Sun. Jan. 25 7:20 4:55 7:05 4:45
Mon. Jan. 26 - Fri. Jan. 31 7:10 5:00 7:00 4:55

* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to sunset) for migratory game birds (duck, goose, coot, snipe, mourning dove, and band-tailed pigeon); upland birds (pheasant, quail, partridge); and turkey during established seasons.


(a) Western Washington - Pheasant and quail hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in all areas.
(b) Clark (except areas south of the Washougal River), Cowlitz, ((Grays Harbor,)) Pacific, and Wahkiakum counties - Goose hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except one-half hour before sunrise to sunset during the September goose season and 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the late goose season.
(c) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.


Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Tues. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 6 6:00 7:45 5:50 7:35
Mon. Sept. 7 - Sun. Sept. 13 6:10 7:35 6:00 7:20
Mon. Sept. 14 - Sun. Sept. 20 6:20 7:20 6:05 7:05
Mon. Sept. 21 - Sun. Sept. 27 6:30 7:05 6:15 6:50
Mon. Sept. 28 - Sun. Oct. 4 6:40 6:50 6:25 6:35
Mon. Oct. 5 - Sun. Oct. 11 6:45 6:35 6:35 6:25
Mon. Oct. 12 - Sun. Oct. 18 6:55 6:20 6:45 6:10
Mon. Oct. 19 - ((Sat.)) Sun. Oct. ((24)) 25 7:05 6:10 6:55 6:00
Mon. Oct. 26 - Sat. Oct. 31 7:20 5:55 7:05 5:45
Pacific Standard Time
((Sun. Oct. 25 6:10 5:00 6:00 4:50
Mon. Oct. 26 -)) Sun. Nov. 1 6:20 4:55 6:05 4:45
Mon. Nov. 2 - Sun. Nov. 8 6:30 4:45 6:15 4:35
Mon. Nov. 9 - Sun. Nov. 15 6:40 4:35 6:30 4:25
Mon. Nov. 16 - Sun. Nov. 22 6:50 4:30 6:40 4:15
Mon. Nov. 23 - Sun. Nov. 29 7:00 4:25 6:45 4:10
Mon. Nov. 30 - Sun. Dec. 6 7:10 4:20 6:55 4:10
Mon. Dec. 7 - Sun. Dec. 13 7:15 4:20 7:05 4:05
Mon. Dec. 14 - Sun. Dec. 20 7:20 4:20 7:10 4:10
Mon. Dec. 21 - Sun. Dec. 27 7:25 4:20 7:15 4:10
Mon. Dec. 28 - Sun. Jan. 3 7:30 4:30 7:15 4:15
Mon. Jan. 4 - Sun. Jan. 10 7:25 4:35 7:15 4:25
Mon. Jan. 11 - Sun. Jan. 17 7:25 4:45 7:10 4:30
Mon. Jan. 18 - Sun. Jan. 24 7:20 4:55 7:05 4:40
Mon. Jan. 25 - Sat. Jan. 31 7:10 5:00 7:00 4:50

* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to sunset) for migratory game birds (duck, goose, coot, snipe, mourning dove, and band-tailed pigeon); upland birds (pheasant, quail, partridge); and turkey during established seasons.


(a) Western Washington - Pheasant and quail hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in all areas.
(b) Clark (except areas south of the Washougal River), Cowlitz, ((Grays Harbor,)) Pacific, and Wahkiakum counties - Goose hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except one-half hour before sunrise to sunset during the September goose season and 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the late goose season.
(c) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.


Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Wed. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 5 6:00 7:45 5:50 7:35
Mon. Sept. 6 - Sun. Sept. 12 6:10 7:35 5:55 7:20
Mon. Sept. 13 - Sun. Sept. 19 6:15 7:20 6:05 7:10
Mon. Sept. 20 - Sun. Sept. 26 6:25 7:05 6:15 6:55
Mon. Sept. 27 - Sun. Oct. 3 6:35 6:50 6:25 6:40
Mon. Oct. 4 - Sun. Oct. 10 6:45 6:40 6:35 6:25
Mon. Oct. 11 - Sun. Oct. 17 6:55 6:25 6:45 6:10
Mon. Oct. 18 - Sun. Oct. 24 7:05 6:10 6:55 6:00
Mon. Oct. 25 - ((Sat.)) Sun. Oct. ((30)) 31 7:15 6:00 7:05 5:45
Mon. Nov. 1 - Sat. Nov. 6 7:25 5:50 7:15 5:35
Pacific Standard Time
((Sun. Oct. 31 -)) Sun. Nov. 7 6:25 4:50 6:15 4:35
Mon. Nov. 8 - Sun. Nov. 14 6:40 4:40 6:25 4:25
Mon. Nov. 15 - Sun. Nov. 21 6:50 4:30 6:35 4:20
Mon. Nov. 22 - Sun. Nov. 28 7:00 4:25 6:45 4:10
Mon. Nov. 29 - Sun. Dec. 5 7:05 4:20 6:55 4:10
Mon. Dec. 6 - Sun. Dec. 12 7:15 4:20 7:05 4:05
Mon. Dec. 13 - Sun. Dec. 19 7:20 4:20 7:10 4:05
Mon. Dec. 20 - Sun. Dec. 26 7:25 4:20 7:15 4:10
Mon. Dec. 27 - Sun. Jan. 2 7:25 4:25 7:15 4:15
Mon. Jan. 3 - Sun. Jan. 9 7:25 4:35 7:15 4:20
Mon. Jan. 10 - Sun. Jan. 16 7:25 4:40 7:10 4:30
Mon. Jan. 17 - Sun. Jan. 23 7:20 4:50 7:10 4:40
Mon. Jan. 24 - Mon. Jan. 31 7:10 5:00 7:00 4:50

* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to sunset) for migratory game birds (duck, goose, coot, snipe, mourning dove, and band-tailed pigeon); upland birds (pheasant, quail, partridge); and turkey during established seasons.


(a) Western Washington - Pheasant and quail hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in all areas.
(b) Clark (except areas south of the Washougal River), Cowlitz, ((Grays Harbor,)) Pacific, and Wahkiakum counties - Goose hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except one-half hour before sunrise to sunset during the September goose season and 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the late goose season.
(c) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.


Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Thur. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 4 6:00 7:45 5:45 7:35
Mon. Sept. 5 - Sun. Sept. 11 6:05 7:35 5:55 7:25
Mon. Sept. 12 - Sun. Sept. 18 6:15 7:20 6:05 7:10
Mon. Sept. 19 - Sun. Sept. 25 6:25 7:10 6:10 6:55
Mon. Sept. 26 - Sun. Oct. 2 6:35 6:55 6:25 6:40
Mon. Oct. 3 - Sun. Oct. 9 6:45 6:40 6:35 6:25
Mon. Oct. 10 - Sun. Oct. 16 6:55 6:25 6:45 6:15
Mon. Oct. 17 - Sun. Oct. 23 7:05 6:10 6:55 6:00
Mon. Oct. 24 - ((Sat.)) Sun. Oct. ((29)) 30 7:15 6:00 7:05 5:50
Mon. Oct. 31 - Sat. Nov. 5 7:25 5:50 7:15 5:35
Pacific Standard Time
((Sun. Oct. 30 6:20 4:55 6:10 4:45
Mon. Oct. 31 -)) Sun. Nov. 6 6:25 4:50 6:15 4:35
Mon. Nov. 7 - Sun. Nov. 13 6:35 4:40 6:25 4:25
Mon. Nov. 14 - Sun. Nov. 20 6:45 4:30 6:35 4:20
Mon. Nov. 21 - Sun. Nov. 27 6:55 4:25 6:45 4:10
Mon. Nov. 28 - Sun. Dec. 4 7:05 4:20 6:55 4:10
Mon. Dec. 5 - Sun. Dec. 11 7:15 4:20 7:00 4:05
Mon. Dec. 12 - Sun. Dec. 18 7:20 4:20 7:10 4:05
Mon. Dec. 19 - Sun. Dec. 25 7:25 4:20 7:10 4:10
Mon. Dec. 26 - Sun. Jan. 1 7:25 4:25 7:15 4:15
Mon. Jan. 2 - Sun. Jan. 8 7:25 4:30 7:15 4:20
Mon. Jan. 9 - Sun. Jan. 15 7:25 4:40 7:10 4:30
Mon. Jan. 16 - Sun. Jan. 22 7:20 4:50 7:10 4:40
Mon. Jan. 23 - Sun. Jan. 29 7:15 5:00 7:00 4:50
Mon. Jan. 30 - Tues. Jan. 31 7:10 5:05 6:55 4:55

* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to sunset) for migratory game birds (duck, goose, coot, snipe, mourning dove, and band-tailed pigeon); upland birds (pheasant, quail, partridge); and turkey during established seasons.


(a) Western Washington - Pheasant and quail hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in all areas.
(b) Clark (except areas south of the Washougal River), Cowlitz, ((Grays Harbor,)) Pacific, and Wahkiakum counties - Goose hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except one-half hour before sunrise to sunset during the September goose season and 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the late goose season.
(c) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.


Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Fri. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 3 6:00 7:50 5:45 7:35
Mon. Sept. 4 - Sun. Sept. 10 6:05 7:40 5:55 7:25
Mon. Sept. 11 - Sun. Sept. 17 6:15 7:25 6:05 7:10
Mon. Sept. 18 - Sun. Sept. 24 6:25 7:10 6:10 7:00
Mon. Sept. 25 - Sun. Oct. 1 6:35 6:55 6:20 6:45
Mon. Oct. 2 - Sun. Oct. 8 6:45 6:40 6:30 6:30
Mon. Oct. 9 - Sun. Oct. 15 6:55 6:25 6:40 6:15
Mon. Oct. 16 - Sun. Oct. 22 7:05 6:15 6:50 6:00
Mon. Oct. 23 - ((Sat.)) Sun. Oct. ((28)) 29 7:10 6:05 7:00 5:50
Mon. Oct. 30 - Sat. Nov. 4 7:25 5:50 7:10 5:40
Pacific Standard Time
((Sun. Oct. 29 6:20 5:00 6:05 4:45
Mon. Oct. 30 -)) Sun. Nov. 5 6:25 4:50 6:10 4:40
Mon. Nov. 6 - Sun. Nov. 12 6:35 4:40 6:25 4:30
Mon. Nov. 13 - Sun. Nov. 19 6:45 4:30 6:35 4:20
Mon. Nov. 20 - Sun. Nov. 26 6:55 4:25 6:45 4:15
Mon. Nov. 27 - Sun. Dec. 3 7:05 4:20 6:55 4:10
Mon. Dec. 4 - Sun. Dec. 10 7:15 4:20 7:00 4:05
Mon. Dec. 11 - Sun. Dec. 17 7:20 4:20 7:10 4:05
Mon. Dec. 18 - Sun. Dec. 24 7:25 4:20 7:10 4:10
Mon. Dec. 25 - Sun. Dec. 31 7:25 4:25 7:15 4:10
Mon. Jan. 1 - Sun. Jan. 7 7:30 4:30 7:15 4:20
Mon. Jan. 8 - Sun. Jan. 14 7:25 4:40 7:15 4:30
Mon. Jan. 15 - Sun. Jan. 21 7:20 4:50 7:10 4:40
Mon. Jan. 22 - Sun. Jan. 28 7:15 5:00 7:00 4:50
Mon. Jan. 29 - Wed. Jan. 31 7:10 5:05 6:55 4:50

* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to sunset) for migratory game birds (duck, goose, coot, snipe, mourning dove, and band-tailed pigeon); upland birds (pheasant, quail, partridge); and turkey during established seasons.


(a) Western Washington - Pheasant and quail hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in all areas.
(b) Clark (except areas south of the Washougal River), Cowlitz, ((Grays Harbor,)) Pacific, and Wahkiakum counties - Goose hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except one-half hour before sunrise to sunset during the September goose season and 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the late goose season.
(c) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.


Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Sat. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 2 6:00 7:50 5:45 7:40
Mon. Sept. 3 - Sun. Sept. 9 6:05 7:40 5:50 7:30
Mon. Sept. 10 - Sun. Sept. 16 6:15 7:25 6:00 7:15
Mon. Sept. 17 - Sun. Sept. 23 6:20 7:10 6:10 7:00
Mon. Sept. 24 - Sun. Sept. 30 6:30 6:55 6:20 6:45
Mon. Oct. 1 - Sun. Oct. 7 6:40 6:45 6:30 6:30
Mon. Oct. 8 - Sun. Oct. 14 6:50 6:30 6:40 6:15
Mon. Oct. 15 - Sun. Oct. 21 7:00 6:15 6:50 6:05
Mon. Oct. 22 - ((Sat.)) Sun. Oct. ((27)) 28 7:10 6:05 7:00 5:50
Mon. Oct. 29 - Sat. Nov. 3 7:20 5:50 7:10 5:40
Pacific Standard Time
((Sun. Oct. 28 6:15 5:00 6:05 4:45
Mon. Oct. 29 -)) Sun. Nov. 4 6:20 4:50 6:10 4:40
Mon. Nov. 5 - Sun. Nov. 11 6:35 4:40 6:20 4:30
Mon. Nov. 12 - Sun. Nov. 18 6:45 4:35 6:30 4:20
Mon. Nov. 19 - Sun. Nov. 25 6:55 4:25 6:40 4:15
Mon. Nov. 26 - Sun. Dec. 2 7:05 4:20 6:50 4:10
Mon. Dec. 3 - Sun. Dec. 9 7:10 4:20 7:00 4:05
Mon. Dec. 10 - Sun. Dec. 16 7:20 4:20 7:05 4:05
Mon. Dec. 17 - Sun. Dec. 23 7:25 4:20 7:10 4:05
Mon. Dec. 24 - Sun. Dec. 30 7:25 4:25 7:15 4:10
Mon. Dec. 31 - Sun. Jan. 6 7:25 4:30 7:15 4:20
Mon. Jan. 7 - Sun. Jan. 13 7:25 4:40 7:15 4:25
Mon. Jan. 14 - Sun. Jan. 20 7:20 4:45 7:10 4:35
Mon. Jan. 21 - Sun. Jan. 27 7:15 4:55 7:05 4:45
Mon. Jan. 28 - Thur. Jan. 31 7:10 5:05 7:00 4:55

* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to sunset) for migratory game birds (duck, goose, coot, snipe, mourning dove, and band-tailed pigeon); upland birds (pheasant, quail, partridge); and turkey during established seasons.


(a) Western Washington - Pheasant and quail hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in all areas.
(b) Clark (except areas south of the Washougal River), Cowlitz, ((Grays Harbor,)) Pacific, and Wahkiakum counties - Goose hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except one-half hour before sunrise to sunset during the September goose season and 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the late goose season.
(c) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.


Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Sun. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 8 6:00 8:15 5:45 8:00
Mon. Sept. 9 - Sun. Sept. 15 6:10 8:00 6:00 7:45
Mon. Sept. 16 - Sun. Sept. 22 6:20 7:45 6:10 7:30
Mon. Sept. 23 - Sun. Sept. 29 6:30 7:30 6:20 7:15
Mon. Sept. 30 - Sun. Oct. 6 6:40 7:15 6:30 7:05
Mon. Oct. 7 - Sun. Oct. 13 6:50 7:00 6:40 6:50
Mon. Oct. 14 - Sun. Oct. 20 7:00 6:50 6:50 6:35
Mon. Oct. 21 - ((Sat.)) Sun. Oct. ((26)) 27 7:10 6:35 7:00 6:25
Mon. Oct. 28 - Sat. Nov. 2 7:20 6:25 7:10 6:20
Pacific Standard Time
((Sun. Oct. 27 6:10 5:35 6:00 5:25
Mon. Oct. 28 -)) Sun. Nov. 3 6:20 5:25 6:10 5:20
Mon. Nov. 4 - Sun. Nov. 10 6:30 5:15 6:20 5:00
Mon. Nov. 11 - Sun. Nov. 17 6:40 5:05 6:30 4:50
Mon. Nov. 18 - Sun. Nov. 24 6:50 4:55 6:40 4:45
Mon. Nov. 25 - Sun. Dec. 1 7:00 4:50 6:50 4:40
Mon. Dec. 2 - Sun. Dec. 8 7:10 4:50 7:00 4:40
Mon. Dec. 9 - Sun. Dec. 15 7:15 4:50 7:05 4:40
Mon. Dec. 16 - Sun. Dec. 22 7:20 4:50 7:10 4:40
Mon. Dec. 23 - Sun. Dec. 29 7:25 4:55 7:10 4:45
Mon. Dec. 30 - Sun. Jan. 5 7:25 5:00 7:15 4:45
Mon. Jan. 6 - Sun. Jan. 12 7:25 5:05 7:15 4:55
Mon. Jan. 13 - Sun. Jan. 19 7:20 5:15 7:10 5:05
Mon. Jan. 20 - Sun. Jan. 26 7:15 5:25 7:05 5:15
Mon. Jan. 27 - Fri. Jan. 31 7:10 5:35 7:00 5:25

* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset) for game animals and forest grouse (ruffed, blue, spruce) during established seasons.


(a) Bobcat and raccoon are exempt from hunting hour restrictions during established bobcat and raccoon seasons except when that area is open to modern firearm hunting of deer or elk, hunting hours shall be one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.
(b) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.


Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Mon. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 7 6:00 8:15 5:50 8:00
Mon. Sept. 8 - Sun. Sept. 14 6:10 8:00 6:00 7:50
Mon. Sept. 15 - Sun. Sept. 21 6:20 7:45 6:10 7:35
Mon. Sept. 22 - Sun. Sept. 28 6:30 7:30 6:15 7:20
Mon. Sept. 29 - Sun. Oct. 5 6:40 7:15 6:30 7:05
Mon. Oct. 6 - Sun. Oct. 12 6:50 7:00 6:40 6:55
Mon. Oct. 13 - Sun. Oct. 19 7:00 6:50 6:50 6:40
Mon. Oct. 20 - ((Sat.)) Sun. Oct. ((25)) 26 7:10 6:40 7:00 6:25
Mon. Oct. 27 - Sat. Nov. 1 7:20 6:25 7:15 6:15
Pacific Standard Time
((Sun. Oct. 26 6:15 5:30 6:00 5:20
Mon. Oct. 27 -)) Sun. Nov. 2 6:20 5:25 6:10 5:15
Mon. Nov. 3 - Sun. Nov. 9 6:30 5:15 6:20 5:00
Mon. Nov. 10 - Sun. Nov. 16 6:40 5:05 6:30 4:55
Mon. Nov. 17 - Sun. Nov. 23 6:50 5:00 6:40 4:45
Mon. Nov. 24 - Sun. Nov. 30 7:00 4:50 6:50 4:40
Mon. Dec. 1 - Sun. Dec. 7 7:10 4:50 7:00 4:40
Mon. Dec. 8 - Sun. Dec. 14 7:15 4:50 7:05 4:40
Mon. Dec. 15 - Sun. Dec. 21 7:20 4:50 7:10 4:40
Mon. Dec. 22 - Sun. Dec. 28 7:25 4:55 7:10 4:40
Mon. Dec. 29 - Sun. Jan. 4 7:25 5:00 7:15 4:45
Mon. Jan. 5 - Sun. Jan. 11 7:25 5:05 7:15 4:55
Mon. Jan. 12 - Sun. Jan. 18 7:25 5:15 7:10 5:05
Mon. Jan. 19 - Sun. Jan. 25 7:20 5:25 7:05 5:15
Mon. Jan. 26 - Fri. Jan. 31 7:10 5:30 7:00 5:25

* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset) for game animals and forest grouse (ruffed, blue, spruce) during established seasons.


(a) Bobcat and raccoon are exempt from hunting hour restrictions during established bobcat and raccoon seasons except when that area is open to modern firearm hunting of deer or elk, hunting hours shall be one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.
(b) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.


Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Tues. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 6 6:00 8:15 5:50 8:05
Mon. Sept. 7 - Sun. Sept. 13 6:10 8:05 6:00 7:50
Mon. Sept. 14 - Sun. Sept. 20 6:20 7:50 6:05 7:35
Mon. Sept. 21 - Sun. Sept. 27 6:30 7:35 6:15 7:20
Mon. Sept. 28 - Sun. Oct. 4 6:40 7:20 6:25 7:05
Mon. Oct. 5 - Sun. Oct. 11 6:45 7:05 6:35 6:55
Mon. Oct. 12 - Sun. Oct. 18 6:55 6:50 6:45 6:40
Mon. Oct. 19 - ((Sat.)) Sun. Oct. ((24)) 25 7:05 6:40 6:55 6:30
Mon. Oct. 26 - Sat. Oct. 31 7:20 6:25 7:05 6:15
Pacific Standard Time
((Sun. Oct. 25 6:10 5:30 6:00 5:20
Mon. Oct. 26 -)) Sun. Nov. 1 6:20 5:25 6:05 5:15
Mon. Nov. 2 - Sun. Nov. 8 6:30 5:15 6:15 5:05
Mon. Nov. 9 - Sun. Nov. 15 6:40 5:05 6:30 4:55
Mon. Nov. 16 - Sun. Nov. 22 6:50 5:00 6:40 4:45
Mon. Nov. 23 - Sun. Nov. 29 7:00 4:55 6:50 4:40
Mon. Nov. 30 - Sun. Dec. 6 7:10 4:50 6:55 4:40
Mon. Dec. 7 - Sun. Dec. 13 7:15 4:50 7:05 4:35
Mon. Dec. 14 - Sun. Dec. 20 7:20 4:50 7:10 4:40
Mon. Dec. 21 - Sun. Dec. 27 7:25 4:50 7:15 4:40
Mon. Dec. 28 - Sun. Jan. 3 7:30 5:00 7:15 4:45
Mon. Jan. 4 - Sun. Jan. 10 7:25 5:05 7:15 4:55
Mon. Jan. 11 - Sun. Jan. 17 7:25 5:15 7:10 5:00
Mon. Jan. 18 - Sun. Jan. 24 7:20 5:25 7:05 5:10
Mon. Jan. 25 - Sat. Jan. 31 7:10 5:30 7:00 5:20

* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset) for game animals and forest grouse (ruffed, blue, spruce) during established seasons.


(a) Bobcat and raccoon are exempt from hunting hour restrictions during established bobcat and raccoon seasons except when that area is open to modern firearm hunting of deer or elk, hunting hours shall be one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.
(b) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.


Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Wed. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 5 6:00 8:15 5:50 8:05
Mon. Sept. 6 - Sun. Sept. 12 6:10 8:05 5:55 7:50
Mon. Sept. 13 - Sun. Sept. 19 6:15 7:50 6:05 7:40
Mon. Sept. 20 - Sun. Sept. 26 6:25 7:35 6:15 7:25
Mon. Sept. 27 - Sun. Oct. 3 6:35 7:20 6:25 7:10
Mon. Oct. 4 - Sun. Oct. 10 6:45 7:10 6:35 6:55
Mon. Oct. 11 - Sun. Oct. 17 6:55 6:55 6:45 6:40
Mon. Oct. 18 - Sun. Oct. 24 7:05 6:40 6:55 6:30
Mon. Oct. 25 - ((Sat.)) Sun. Oct. ((30)) 31 7:15 6:30 7:05 6:15
Mon. Nov. 1 - Sat. Nov. 6 7:25 6:20 7:15 6:05
Pacific Standard Time
((Sun. Oct. 31 -)) Sun. Nov. 7 6:25 5:20 6:15 5:05
Mon. Nov. 8 - Sun. Nov. 14 6:40 5:10 6:25 4:55
Mon. Nov. 15 - Sun. Nov. 21 6:50 5:00 6:35 4:50
Mon. Nov. 22 - Sun. Nov. 28 7:00 4:55 6:45 4:40
Mon. Nov. 29 - Sun. Dec. 5 7:05 4:50 6:55 4:40
Mon. Dec. 6 - Sun. Dec. 12 7:15 4:50 7:05 4:35
Mon. Dec. 13 - Sun. Dec. 19 7:20 4:50 7:10 4:35
Mon. Dec. 20 - Sun. Dec. 26 7:25 4:50 7:15 4:40
Mon. Dec. 27 - Sun. Jan. 2 7:25 4:55 7:15 4:45
Mon. Jan. 3 - Sun. Jan. 9 7:25 5:05 7:15 4:50
Mon. Jan. 10 - Sun. Jan. 16 7:25 5:10 7:10 5:00
Mon. Jan. 17 - Sun. Jan. 23 7:20 5:20 7:10 5:10
Mon. Jan. 24 - Mon. Jan. 31 7:10 5:30 7:00 5:20

* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset) for game animals and forest grouse (ruffed, blue, spruce) during established seasons.


(a) Bobcat and raccoon are exempt from hunting hour restrictions during established bobcat and raccoon seasons except when that area is open to modern firearm hunting of deer or elk, hunting hours shall be one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.
(b) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.


Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Thurs. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 4 6:00 8:15 5:45 8:05
Mon. Sept. 5 - Sun. Sept.11 6:05 8:05 5:55 7:55
Mon. Sept. 12 - Sun. Sept. 18 6:15 7:50 6:05 7:40
Mon. Sept. 19 - Sun. Sept. 25 6:25 7:40 6:10 7:25
Mon. Sept. 26 - Sun. Oct. 2 6:35 7:25 6:25 7:10
Mon. Oct. 3 - Sun. Oct. 9 6:45 7:10 6:35 6:55
Mon. Oct. 10 - Sun. Oct. 16 6:55 7:05 6:40 6:45
Mon. Oct. 17 - Sun. Oct. 23 7:05 6:40 6:55 6:30
Mon. Oct. 24 - ((Sat.)) Sun. Oct. ((29)) 30 7:15 6:30 7:00 6:20
Mon. Oct. 31 - Sat. Nov. 5 7:25 6:20 7:15 6:05
Pacific Standard Time
((Sun. Oct. 30 6:20 5:25 6:10 5:15
Mon. Oct. 31 -)) Sun. Nov. 6 6:25 5:20 6:15 5:05
Mon. Nov. 7 - Sun. Nov. 13 6:35 5:10 6:25 4:55
Mon. Nov. 14 - Sun. Nov. 20 6:45 5:00 6:35 4:50
Mon. Nov. 21 - Sun. Nov. 27 6:55 4:55 6:45 4:40
Mon. Nov. 28 - Sun. Dec. 4 7:05 4:50 6:55 4:40
Mon. Dec. 5 - Sun. Dec. 11 7:15 4:50 7:00 4:35
Mon. Dec. 12 - Sun. Dec. 18 7:20 4:50 7:10 4:35
Mon. Dec. 19 - Sun. Dec. 25 7:25 4:50 7:10 4:40
Mon. Dec. 26 - Sun. Jan. 1 7:25 4:55 7:15 4:45
Mon. Jan. 2 - Sun. Jan. 8 7:25 5:00 7:15 4:50
Mon. Jan. 9 - Sun. Jan. 15 7:25 5:10 7:10 5:00
Mon. Jan. 16 - Sun. Jan. 22 7:20 5:20 7:10 5:10
Mon. Jan. 23 - Sun. Jan. 29 7:15 5:30 7:00 5:20
Mon. Jan. 30 - Tues. Jan. 31 7:10 5:35 6:55 5:25

* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset) for game animals and forest grouse (ruffed, blue, spruce) during established seasons.


(a) Bobcat and raccoon are exempt from hunting hour restrictions during established bobcat and raccoon seasons except when that area is open to modern firearm hunting of deer or elk, hunting hours shall be one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.
(b) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.


Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Fri. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 3 6:00 8:20 5:45 8:05
Mon. Sept. 4 - Sun. Sept. 10 6:05 8:10 5:55 7:55
Mon. Sept. 11 - Sun. Sept. 17 6:15 7:55 6:05 7:40
Mon. Sept. 18 - Sun. Sept. 24 6:25 7:40 6:10 7:30
Mon. Sept. 25 - Sun. Oct. 1 6:35 7:25 6:20 7:15
Mon. Oct. 2 - Sun. Oct. 8 6:45 7:10 6:30 7:00
Mon. Oct. 9 - Sun. Oct. 15 6:55 6:55 6:40 6:45
Mon. Oct. 16 - Sun. Oct. 22 7:05 6:45 6:50 6:30
Mon. Oct. 23 - ((Sat.)) Sun. Oct. ((28)) 29 7:10 6:35 7:00 6:20
Mon. Oct. 30 - Sat. Nov. 4 7:25 6:20 7:10 6:10
Pacific Standard Time
((Sun. Oct. 29 6:20 5:30 6:05 5:15
Mon. Oct. 30 -)) Sun. Nov. 5 6:25 5:20 6:10 5:10
Mon. Nov. 6 - Sun. Nov. 12 6:35 5:10 6:25 5:00
Mon. Nov. 13 - Sun. Nov. 19 6:45 5:00 6:35 4:50
Mon. Nov. 20 - Sun. Nov. 26 6:55 4:55 6:45 4:45
Mon. Nov. 27 - Sun. Dec. 3 7:05 4:50 6:55 4:40
Mon. Dec. 4 - Sun. Dec. 10 7:15 4:50 7:00 4:35
Mon. Dec. 11 - Sun. Dec. 17 7:20 4:50 7:10 4:35
Mon. Dec. 18 - Sun. Dec. 24 7:25 4:50 7:10 4:40
Mon. Dec. 25 - Sun. Dec. 31 7:25 4:55 7:15 4:40
Mon. Jan. 1 - Sun. Jan. 7 7:30 5:00 7:15 4:50
Mon. Jan. 8 - Sun. Jan. 14 7:25 5:10 7:15 5:00
Mon. Jan. 15 - Sun. Jan. 21 7:20 5:20 7:10 5:10
Mon. Jan. 22 - Sun. Jan. 28 7:15 5:30 7:00 5:20
Mon. Jan. 29 - Wed. Jan. 31 7:10 5:35 6:55 5:20

* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset) for game animals and forest grouse (ruffed, blue, spruce) during established seasons.


(a) Bobcat and raccoon are exempt from hunting hour restrictions during established bobcat and raccoon seasons except when that area is open to modern firearm hunting of deer or elk, hunting hours shall be one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.
(b) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.


Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Sat. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 2 6:00 8:20 5:45 8:10
Mon. Sept. 3 - Sun. Sept. 9 6:05 8:10 5:50 8:00
Mon. Sept. 10 - Sun. Sept. 16 6:15 7:55 6:00 7:45
Mon. Sept. 17 - Sun. Sept. 23 6:20 7:40 6:10 7:30
Mon. Sept. 24 - Sun. Sept. 30 6:30 7:25 6:20 7:15
Mon. Oct. 1 - Sun. Oct. 7 6:40 7:15 6:30 7:00
Mon. Oct. 8 - Sun. Oct. 14 6:50 7:00 6:40 6:45
Mon. Oct. 15 - Sun. Oct. 21 7:00 6:45 6:50 6:35
Mon. Oct. 22 - ((Sat.)) Sun. Oct. ((27)) 28 7:10 6:35 7:00 6:20
Mon. Oct. 29 - Sat. Nov. 3 7:20 6:20 7:10 6:10
Pacific Standard Time
((Sun. Oct. 28 6:15 5:30 6:05 5:15
Mon. Oct. 29 -)) Sun. Nov. 4 6:20 5:20 6:10 5:10
Mon. Nov. 5 - Sun. Nov. 11 6:35 5:10 6:20 5:00
Mon. Nov. 12 - Sun. Nov. 18 6:45 5:05 6:30 4:50
Mon. Nov. 19 - Sun. Nov. 25 6:55 4:55 6:40 4:45
Mon. Nov. 26 - Sun. Dec. 2 7:05 4:50 6:50 4:40
Mon. Dec. 3 - Sun. Dec. 9 7:10 4:50 7:00 4:35
Mon. Dec. 10 - Sun. Dec. 16 7:20 4:50 7:05 4:35
Mon. Dec. 17 - Sun. Dec. 23 7:25 4:50 7:10 4:35
Mon. Dec. 24 - Sun. Dec. 30 7:25 4:55 7:15 4:40
Mon. Dec. 31 - Sun. Jan. 6 7:25 5:00 7:15 4:50
Mon. Jan. 7 - Sun. Jan. 13 7:25 5:10 7:15 4:55
Mon. Jan. 14 - Sun. Jan. 20 7:20 5:15 7:10 5:05
Mon. Jan. 21 - Sun. Jan. 27 7:15 5:25 7:05 5:15
Mon. Jan. 28 - Thur . Jan. 31 7:10 5:35 7:00 5:25

* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset) for game animals and forest grouse (ruffed, blue, spruce) during established seasons.


(a) Bobcat and raccoon are exempt from hunting hour restrictions during established bobcat and raccoon seasons except when that area is open to modern firearm hunting of deer or elk, hunting hours shall be one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.
(b) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.

[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 03-06-110 (Order 03-23), § 232-12-289, filed 3/5/03, effective 4/5/03.]


AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 06-300, filed 12/14/06, effective 1/14/07)

WAC 232-28-295   Landowner hunting permits.   A landowner may enter into a contract with the department and establish boundaries and other requirements for hunter access consistent with commission policy.

Hunters must possess both an access permit from the landowner and a hunting permit from the department when hunting on lands and for species covered under contract.

(1) Buckrun

Buckrun is located in Grant County, near the town of Wilson Creek. A legal description of the property has been filed with the county and is in the contract between Buckrun and the department.

Hunting on Buckrun is managed for a quality experience by scheduling hunt dates and keeping the number of hunters in the field low. Hunters with limited flexibility for hunt dates may experience scheduling problems. Hunters can generally expect one day hunts ((during the permit seasons)) with written authorization from the Buckrun manager. All hunters must check in and out on hunt day. Schedule hunts in advance by calling 509-345-2577.

((Mule and Whitetail)) Deer

((2006)) 2007 Buckrun Landowner Hunting Permits

The manager of Buckrun will distribute these hunting permits. An access fee may be charged in order to utilize these permits. No access fee will be charged for the raffle permit winners. Only hunters possessing a modern firearm deer tag are eligible for permits on Buckrun properties. Contact the manager at 509-345-2577 for additional information.

Hunt Name Quota Access Season Special Restrictions Boundary Description
Buckrun 10 Sept. 1 - ((Oct. 12)) Dec. 31 Antlerless ((only)) Mule Deer or any Whitetail Deer Buckrun
((Buckrun 15 Oct. 22 - Dec. 31 Antlerless only Buckrun
Buckrun 13 Sept. 1 - Oct. 12 3 pt. max. buck* or antlerless Buckrun
Buckrun 13 Oct. 22 - Dec. 31 3 pt. max. buck* or antlerless Buckrun))
Buckrun ((4)) 30 Sept. 1 - Dec. 31 Any deer Buckrun
Buckrun Raffle ((2)) 10 Sept. 1 - Dec. 31 Any deer (((3 day guided hunt))) Buckrun

((Mule and Whitetail)) Deer

((2006)) 2007 Buckrun Special Hunting Permits

Hunters apply to Washington department of fish and wildlife for these permits. Only hunters possessing a modern firearm deer tag are eligible for Buckrun special permits. ((Hunters can generally expect one day hunts during the permit season with written authorization from the Buckrun manager.)) All hunters must check in and out on hunt day. Schedule hunts in advance by calling 509-345-2577.

Hunt Name Permit Number Permit Season Special Restrictions Boundary Description
Buckrun ((A)) 10 Sept. 1 - ((Oct. 12)) Dec. 31 Antlerless ((only youth hunters)) Mule Deer or any Whitetail Deer Buckrun
((Buckrun B 10 Sept. 1 - Oct. 12 Antlerless only disabled hunters Buckrun
Buckrun C 5 Oct. 22 - Dec. 31 Antlerless only senior hunters (65+) Buckrun
Buckrun D 4 Sept. 1 - Oct. 12 3 pt. max. buck* or antlerless Buckrun
Buckrun E 4 Oct. 22 - Dec. 31 3 pt. max. buck* or antlerless Buckrun
*3 Pt. maximum - A legal buck must have no more than 3 antler points on either antler (i.e., 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 2x2, 2x3, 3x3 are legal). All antler points must be at least one inch long. Antler points EXCLUDE eye guards.))

(2) 4-O Cattle Company

The 4-O Cattle Company is located in southwest Asotin County near the Washington/Oregon border. A legal description of the property is in the contract between the 4-O Cattle Company and the department.

((2006)) 2007 4-O Cattle Company Landowner Hunting Permits

The manager of the 4-O Cattle Company will distribute these hunting permits. An access fee may be charged in order to utilize these permits.


Hunt Name Quota Access Season Special Restrictions Boundary Description
4-O Cattle Company 1 Sept. ((14)) 15-24 Any Bull 4-O Cattle Company
4-O Cattle Company 6 Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 Spike Bull Only 4-O Cattle Company
4-O Cattle Company - A 5 Oct. 1-7 Antlerless Only 4-O Cattle Company
4-O Cattle Company - B 10 Oct. 31 - Nov. 6 Antlerless Only 4-O Cattle Company
4-O Cattle Company - C 3 Nov. 23-30 Antlerless Only 4-O Cattle Company
4-O Cattle Company - D 5 Dec. 29 - Jan. 4 Antlerless Only 4-O Cattle Company

Whitetail Deer

Hunt Name Quota Access Season Special Restrictions Boundary Description
4-O Cattle Company 1 Nov. ((14-24)) 15-19 Any Whitetail Buck 4-O Cattle Company

Mule Deer

Hunt Name Quota Access Season Special Restrictions Boundary Description
4-O Cattle Company 6 Oct. 13-16 Any Mule Deer Buck 4-O Cattle Company

((2006)) 2007 4-O Cattle Company Special Hunting Permits

Hunters apply to the Washington department of fish and wildlife for these permits.


Hunt Name Permit Number Permit Season Special Restrictions Boundary Description
4-O Any Bull Elk 1 ((Oct. 22 - Nov. 4)) Sept. 26 - Oct. 6 Any Bull ((4-O Ranch)) 4-O Cattle Company
4-O Spike Bull Elk 2 Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 Spike Bull Only 4-O Cattle Company
4-O Antlerless Elk A ((33)) 15 ((Aug. 17-23)) Oct. 1-7 Antlerless Only ((4-O Grouse Flats)) 4-O Cattle Company
4-O Antlerless Elk B ((8)) 10 ((Aug. 17-23)) Oct. 31 - Nov. 6 Antlerless Only ((4-O Mountain View)) 4-O Cattle Company
4-O Antlerless Elk C 7 Nov. 23-30 Antlerless Only 4-O Cattle Company
4-O Antlerless Elk D 5 Dec. 1-7 Antlerless Only 4-O Cattle Company
4-O Antlerless Elk E 5 Dec. 8-14 Antlerless Only 4-O Cattle Company
4-O Antlerless Elk F 5 Dec. 15-21 Antlerless Only 4-O Cattle Company
4-O Antlerless Elk G 5 Dec. 22-28 Antlerless Only 4-O Cattle Company
4-O Antlerless Elk H 3 Dec. 29 - Jan. 4 Antlerless Only 4-O Cattle Company
4-O Antlerless Elk I 5 Jan. 12-18 Antlerless Only 4-O Cattle Company
4-O Antlerless Elk J 5 Jan. 26-31 Antlerless Only 4-O Cattle Company

Whitetail Deer

Hunt Name Permit Number Permit Season Special Restrictions Boundary Description
4-O White-tailed Buck 1 ((Nov. 14-24)) Nov. 20-25 Any White-tailed Deer Buck ((4-O Ranch)) 4-O Cattle Company

Mule Deer

Hunt Name Permit Number Access Season Special Restrictions Boundary Description
4-O Mule Deer Buck 2 Oct. 17-21 Any Mule Deer Buck 4-O Cattle Company

(3) Silver Dollar Association

The Silver Dollar Association is located in Yakima and Benton counties, on the western edge of the Hanford Reservation. A legal description of the property is in the contract between the Silver Dollar Association and the department.

2007 Silver Dollar Association Landowner Hunting Permits

The manager of the Silver Dollar Association will distribute these hunting permits. An access fee may be charged in order to utilize these permits.


Hunt Name Quota Access Season Special Restrictions Boundary Description
Silver Dollar 24 Aug. 1 - March 31 Any Bull Silver Dollar
Silver Dollar 15 Aug. 1 - March 31 Antlerless Silver Dollar

2007 Silver Dollar Special Hunting Permits

Hunters apply to the Washington department of fish and wildlife for these permits.


Hunt Name Permit Number Permit Season Special Restrictions Boundary Description
Silver Dollar 6 Aug. 1 - March 31 Youth Only, Any Elk Silver Dollar
Silver Dollar Antlerless Elk 12 Aug. 1 - March 31 Youth Only, Antlerless Elk Only Silver Dollar
Silver Dollar Any Elk 2 Aug. 1 - March 31 Persons of Disability Only, Any Elk Silver Dollar
Silver Dollar Antlerless Elk 3 Aug. 1 - March 31 Persons of Disability Only, Antlerless Elk Only Silver Dollar

(4) Blackrock Ranches

Blackrock Ranches is located in Yakima County, west of the Hanford Reservation. A legal description of the property is in the contract between Blackrock Ranches and the department.

2007 Blackrock Ranches Landowner Hunting Permits

The manager of Blackrock Ranches will distribute these hunting permits. An access fee may be charged in order to utilize these permits.


Hunt Name Quota Access Season Special Restrictions Boundary Description
Blackrock Ranches 6 Aug. 1 - March 31 Any Elk Blackrock Ranches
Blackrock Ranches 8 Aug. 1 - March 31 Antlerless Blackrock Ranches

2007 Blackrock Ranches Special Hunting Permits

Hunters apply to the Washington department of fish and wildlife for these permits.


Hunt Name Permit Number Permit Season Special Restrictions Boundary Description
Blackrock Ranches 1 Aug. 1 - March 31 Any Elk Blackrock Ranches
Blackrock Ranches 4 Aug. 1 - March 31 Antlerless Only Blackrock Ranches
Blackrock Ranches 1 Aug. 1 - March 31 Youth Only, Any Elk Blackrock Ranches
Blackrock Ranches 4 Aug. 1 - March 31 Youth Only, Antlerless Only Blackrock Ranches

(5) Teanaway Ranch

The Teanaway Ranch is located in Kittitas County, 7 miles west of Cle Elum. A legal description of the property is in the contract between the Teanaway Ranch and the department.

2007 Teanaway Ranch Landowner Hunting Permits

The manager of the Teanaway Ranch will distribute this hunting permit. An access fee may be charged in order to utilize this permit.


Hunt Name Quota Access Season Special Restrictions Boundary Description
Teanaway Ranch 1 Aug. 1 - March 31 Any Bull Teanaway Ranch

2007 Teanaway Ranch Special Hunting Permits

Hunters apply to the Washington department of fish and wildlife for this permit.


Hunt Name Quota Access Season Special Restrictions Boundary Description
Teanaway Ranch 1 Aug. 1 - March 31 Any Bull Teanaway Ranch

[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 07-01-049 (Order 06-300), § 232-28-295, filed 12/14/06, effective 1/14/07; 06-11-032 (Order 06-92), § 232-28-295, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020. 06-04-066 (Order 06-09), § 232-28-295, filed 1/30/06, effective 3/2/06.]


AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 06-92, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06)

WAC 232-28-335   Game management units (GMUs) boundary descriptions -- Region five.  

GMU 501-LINCOLN (Lewis, Thurston, Pacific, and Grays Harbor counties):

Beginning at the intersection of I-5 and SR 6; west on SR 6 to Stevens Rd; NW on Stevens Rd to Elk Creek Rd at the town of Doty; W on Elk Creek Rd to Weyerhaeuser 7000 line; W and N on Weyerhaeuser 7000 line to Weyerhaeuser 7400 line; N on Weyerhaeuser 7400 line to Weyerhaeuser 7050 line; NE on Weyerhaeuser 7050 line to Weyerhaeuser 7000 line; NW and N on Weyerhaeuser 7000 line to the Weyerhaeuser 7800 line; N on Weyerhaeuser 7800 line to Weyerhaeuser 7800 F line; NE on Weyerhaeuser 7800 F line to Weyerhaeuser 720 line; E on Weyerhaeuser 720 line to Weyerhaeuser 723 line; NW on Weyerhaeuser 723 line to the Weyerhaeuser C line; NE on Weyerhaeuser C line to Garrard Creek Rd; NE on Garrard Creek Rd to South Bank Rd; E on South Bank Rd to North State St; N on North State St to US Hwy 12 at the town of Oakville; E on US Hwy 12 to I-5; S on I-5 to SR 6 and point of beginning.

GMU 503-RANDLE (Lewis County):

Beginning at the intersection of US Hwy 12 and the Rainier Timber 100 Mainline (Kosmos Rd, Old Champion Haul Rd); E on US Hwy 12 to SR 131; S on SR 131 to US Forest Service Rd 25; S on the US Forest Service Rd 25 to the Cispus River; W on the Cispus River to Rainier Timber 271 line; S on the Rainier Timber 271 line to the Rainier Timber 300 line; W on the Rainier Timber 300 line to the Rainier Timber 100 line; N on the Rainier Timber 100 line (Kosmos Rd) to US Hwy 12 and the point of beginning.

GMU 504-STELLA (Cowlitz County):

Beginning at the mouth of the Cowlitz River on the Columbia River; W down the Columbia River to the mouth of Germany Creek (including all islands in the Columbia River which are both north of the Washington-Oregon state line and between the Cowlitz River and Germany Creek); N up Germany Creek to SR 4; E on SR 4 to Germany Creek Rd; N on Germany Creek Rd to International Paper 1000 line; N on International Paper 1000 line to International Paper 1050 line; E on International Paper 1050 line to International Paper 2200 line; E and S on International Paper 2200 to Woodside Dr; NE on Woodside Dr to Delameter Rd; E on Delameter Rd to the three power lines; N along the three power lines to Weyerhaeuser 9312 line; E on Weyerhaeuser 9312 line to Growlers Gulch Rd; E on Growlers Gulch Rd to Public Highway 10 Rd; E along the Public Highway 10 Rd to the A Street bridge over the Cowlitz River at the town of Castle Rock; S down the Cowlitz River to the Columbia River and point of beginning.

GMU 505-MOSSYROCK (Lewis County):

Beginning on I-5 and the Cowlitz River; NE up the Cowlitz River to the Mayfield Dam; NE along the south shore of Mayfield Lake to the US Hwy 12 bridge; NE on US Hwy 12 to Winston Creek Rd; SE on Winston Creek Rd to Longbell Rd; E on Longbell Rd to Perkins Rd; NE on Perkins Rd to Green Mountain Rd; E on Green Mountain Rd to the outlet of Swofford Pond; E along the Swofford Pond outlet to Riffe Lake; E along the south shore of Riffe Lake to the Cowlitz River; up the Cowlitz River to the Rainier Timber 100 Mainline; N on the Rainier Timber 100 Mainline to US Hwy 12; W on US Hwy 12 to SR 7 at the town of Morton; N on SR 7 to SR 508; W on Highway 508 to Centralia-Alpha Rd; W and N on Centralia-Alpha Rd to Salzer Valley Rd; W on Salzer Valley Rd to Summa St at the town of Centralia; W on Summa St to Kresky Rd; N on Kresky Rd to Tower St; N on Tower St to SR 507; W on SR 507 (Cherry St, Alder St, and Mellen St) to I-5; S on I-5 to the Cowlitz River and point of beginning.

GMU 506-WILLAPA HILLS (Wahkiakum, Pacific and Lewis counties):

Beginning at SR 6 and 3rd St South at the town of Pe Ell; S on 3rd St South to Muller Rd; S on Muller Rd to Weyerhaeuser 1000 line; S on Weyerhaeuser 1000 line to Weyerhaeuser 1800 line; S on Weyerhaeuser 1800 line to Weyerhaeuser 500 line; SE on Weyerhaeuser 500 line to SR 407 (Elochoman Valley Rd) at Camp 2; S on SR 407 (Elochoman Valley Rd) to the Elochoman River; down the Elochoman River to Foster Rd; N on Foster Rd to Risk Rd; W and N along Risk Rd to SR 4; W on SR 4 to Skamokawa Creek; SW down Skamokawa Creek to the Columbia River; W along Columbia River to the mouth of the Deep River (including all islands in the Columbia River which are both north of the Washington state line and between Skamokawa Creek and Deep River); N along the Deep River to SR 4; NW on SR 4 to the Salmon Creek Rd; NE on Salmon Creek Rd to Weyerhaeuser 5000 line; N on Weyerhaeuser 5000 line to Weyerhaeuser 5800 line; NE on Weyerhaeuser 5800 line to power transmission line; N on the power transmission line to SR 6; E on SR 6 to the town of Pe Ell and the point of beginning.

GMU 510-STORMKING (Lewis County):

Beginning on US Hwy 12 at the Silver Creek bridge; N up Silver Creek to Silverbrook Rd; E on Silverbrook Rd to US Forest Service Rd 47; N on US Forest Service Rd 47 to US Forest Service Rd 85; W and N on US Forest Service Rd 85 to US Forest Service Rd 52; N on US Forest Service Rd 52 to the Nisqually River; W down the Nisqually River to SR 7; S on Hwy 7 to US Hwy 12 at the town of Morton; E on US Hwy 12 to the Silver Creek bridge and point of beginning.

GMU 513-SOUTH RAINIER (Lewis County):

Beginning on US Hwy 12 at the Silver Creek bridge; N up Silver Creek to Silverbrook Rd; E on Silverdale Rd to US Forest Service Rd 47; N on US Forest Service Rd 47 to US Forest Service Rd 85; W and N on US Forest Service Rd 85 to US Forest Service Rd 52; W and N on US Forest Service Rd 52 to the Nisqually River; E up the Nisqually River to the southern boundary of Mount Rainier National Park; E along the south park boundary to the Pacific Crest Trail (US Forest Service Trail 2000); S along the Pacific Crest Trail (US Forest Service Trail 2000) to US Hwy 12; W on US Hwy 12 to the Silver Creek bridge and point of beginning.

GMU 516-PACKWOOD (Lewis and Skamania counties):

Beginning at US Hwy 12 and Pacific Crest Trail at White Pass; S on Pacific Crest Trail (US Forest Service Trail 2000) to US Forest Service Trail 98 at Sheep Lake; W on US Forest Service Trail 98 to US Forest Service Rd 2160 at Walupt Lake; W on US Forest Service Rd 2160 to US Forest Service Rd 21; S and W on US Forest Service Rd 21 to US Forest Service Rd 23; S on US Forest Service Rd 23 to US Forest Service Trail 263; S and W on US Forest Service Trail 263 to US Forest Service Trail 261; S on US Forest Service Trail 261 to US Forest Service Trail 1; W on US Forest Service Trail 1 to US Forest Service Rd 99; W on US Forest Service Rd 99 to US Forest Service Rd 26; N on US Forest Service Rd 26 to US Forest Service Rd 2612; W on US Forest Service Rd 2612 to US Forest Service Trail 217; N and W on US Forest Service Trail 217 to Weyerhaeuser 2600 line; Weyerhaeuser 2600 line to Weyerhaeuser 2658 line; N on Weyerhaeuser 2658 line to Rainier Timber (Campbell Group) 430 line; N on Rainier Timber 430 line to the Rainier Timber Mainline 400 line; N and E on Rainier Timber Mainline 400 line to Rainier Timber 300 line; E on Rainier Timber 300 line to Rainier Timber 271 line; N on Rainier Timber 271 line to the Cispus River; E on the Cispus River to US Forest Service Rd 25; N on US Forest Service Rd 25 to SR 131; N on SR 131 to US Hwy 12; E on US Hwy 12 to the Pacific Crest Trail (US Forest Service Trail 2000) at White Pass and beginning.

GMU 520-WINSTON (Cowlitz, Lewis and Skamania counties):

Beginning at the bridge at intersection of I-5 and the Cowlitz River; S down the Cowlitz River to the Toutle River; E up the Toutle River to the South Fork Toutle River; SE up South Fork Toutle River to Johnson Creek; NE up Johnson Creek to Weyerhaeuser 4400 line; N along Weyerhaeuser 4400 line to Weyerhaeuser 2421 line; N along Weyerhaeuser 2421 line to Weyerhaeuser 2400 line; NW along Weyerhaeuser 2400 line to Alder Creek; NW down Alder Creek to North Fork Toutle River; W down the North Fork Toutle River to the Green River; E up the Green River to US Forest Service Rd 2612; E on US Forest Service Rd 2612 to US Forest Service Trail 217; N and W on US Forest Service Trail 217 to Weyerhaeuser 2600 line; W on Weyerhaeuser 2600 line to Weyerhaeuser 2658 line; N on Weyerhaeuser 2658 line to Rainier Timber (Campbell Group) 430 line; N on Rainier Timber 430 line to Rainier Timber 400 Mainline; N and E on Rainier Timber 400 Mainline to Rainier Timber 100 Mainline; N on Rainier Timber 100 Mainline to Cowlitz River; W down the Cowlitz River to Riffe Lake; W along the south shore to the Swofford Pond outlet; W along the Swofford Pond outlet to Green Mountain Rd; W on Green Mountain Rd to Perkins Rd; SW on Perkins Rd to Longbell Rd; W on Longbell Rd to Winston Creek Rd; NW on Winston Creek Rd to US Hwy 12; SW on US Hwy 12 to the Mayfield Lake bridge at Mayfield Lake; SW down the south shore of Mayfield Lake to the Cowlitz River at Mayfield Dam; SW down the Cowlitz River to I-5 bridge crossing the Cowlitz River and point of beginning.

GMU 522-LOO-WIT (Cowlitz and Skamania counties):

Beginning on the North Fork Toutle River at the mouth of Hoffstadt Creek; SE up the North Fork Toutle River to Deer Creek; SE up Deer Creek to Weyerhaeuser 3020 line; NW along Weyerhaeuser 3020 line to Weyerhaeuser 3000 line; E along Weyerhaeuser 3000 line to US Forest Service Trail 216G; SE along US Forest Service Trail 216G to the intersection of US Forest Service Trail 238 and US Forest Service Trail 216; S on US Forest Service Trail 238 to South Fork of the Toutle River; E along South Fork Toutle River to its headwaters and Mount St. Helens crater's edge; E along the Mount St. Helens crater's southern edge to the headwaters of Ape Canyon Creek; NE down Ape Canyon Creek to US Forest Service Trail 225 (Smith Creek Trail); N and NW on US Forest Service Trail 225 (Smith Creek Trail) to US Forest Service Rd 99; NE along US Forest Service Rd 99 to US Forest Service Rd 26; N on US Forest Service Rd 26 to US Forest Service Trail 1; W on US Forest Service Trail 1 to US Forest Service Trail 214; NW on US Forest Service Trail 214 to US Forest Service Trail 211; W on US Forest Service Trail 211 to Coldwater Creek; W down Coldwater Creek to Coldwater Lake; SW along the northwest shore of Coldwater Lake to the outlet of Coldwater Lake; SW down the outlet stream from Coldwater Lake to SR 504 bridge at mile post 45; W on SR 504 to Hoffstadt Creek Bridge on Hoffstadt Creek; S and W down Hoffstadt Creek to the North Fork Toutle River and point of beginning.

GMU 524-MARGARET (Cowlitz, Skamania and Lewis counties):

Beginning on the North Fork Toutle River at the mouth of the Green River; SE up the North Fork Toutle River to the mouth of Hoffstadt Creek; N and E up Hoffstadt Creek to the SR 504 bridge over Hoffstadt Creek; E on SR 504 to the bridge over the outlet to Coldwater Lake at mile post 45; NE up the outlet stream of Coldwater Lake to Coldwater Lake; NE along the northwest shoreline of Coldwater Lake to Coldwater Creek inlet; E up Coldwater Creek to US Forest Service Trail 211; NE on US Forest Service Trail 211 to US Forest Service Trail 214; SE on US Forest Service Trail 214 to US Forest Service Trail 1; E on US Forest Service Trail 1 to US Forest Service Rd 26; N on the US Forest Service Rd 26 (Ryan Lake Rd) to US Forest Service Rd 2612; W on US Forest Service Rd 2612 to the Green River; W down the Green River to its mouth on the North Fork of the Toutle River and point of beginning.

GMU 530-RYDERWOOD (Cowlitz, Lewis and Wahkiakum counties):

Beginning at Stevens Rd and SR 6, south of the town of Doty; E on SR 6 to I-5 at the town of Chehalis; S on I-5 to the Cowlitz River; S along the Cowlitz River to Public Hwy 10 on the A Street bridge at the town of Castle Rock; W on the Public Hwy 10 to Growler's Gulch Rd; W on Growler's Gulch Rd to Weyerhaeuser 9312 line; W on Weyerhaeuser 9312 line to three power lines; S on the three power lines to Delameter Rd; SW on Delameter Rd to Woodside Dr; SW on Woodside Dr to International Paper Rd 2200; N and W on International Paper Rd 2200 to International Paper Rd 1050; W on International Paper Rd 1050 to International Paper Rd 1000; S on International Paper Rd 1000 to the Germany Creek Rd; S on the Germany Creek Rd to SR 4; W on SR 4 to Germany Creek; S along Germany Creek to its mouth at the Columbia River; W along the Columbia River to Skamokawa Creek (including all islands in the Columbia River which are both north of the Washington state line and between Skamokawa Creek and Germany Creek); NE up Skamokawa Creek to SR 4; E on SR 4 to Risk Rd; SE on Risk Rd to Foster Rd; S on Foster Rd to the Elochoman River; SE up the Elochoman River to SR 407 (Elochoman Valley Rd); NE on SR 407 (Elochoman Valley Rd) to Weyerhaeuser 500 line at Camp 2; NW on Weyerhaeuser 500 line to Weyerhaeuser 1800 line; N on Weyerhaeuser 1800 line to Weyerhaeuser 1000 line; N on Weyerhaeuser 1000 line to Muller Rd; N on Muller Rd to 3rd St South in the town of Pe Ell; N on 3rd St South to SR 6 at the town of Pe Ell; N on SR 6 to Stevens Rd, south of the town of Doty, and the point of beginning.

GMU 550-COWEEMAN (Cowlitz County):

Beginning at the mouth of the Toutle River on the Cowlitz River; E along the Toutle River to the South Fork Toutle River; up the South Fork Toutle River to Weyerhaeuser 4100 line; E on Weyerhaeuser 4100 line to Weyerhaeuser 4950 line; S and E on Weyerhaeuser 4950 line to Weyerhaeuser 235 line; SE on Weyerhaeuser 235 line to Weyerhaeuser 200 line; W on Weyerhaeuser 200 line to Weyerhaeuser 240 line; SE on Weyerhaeuser 240 line to Weyerhaeuser 243 line; E on Weyerhaeuser 243 line to Weyerhaeuser 135A line; S on Weyerhaeuser 135A line to Weyerhaeuser 135 line; E on Weyerhaeuser 135 line to Weyerhaeuser 134 line; SW on Weyerhaeuser 134 line to Weyerhaeuser 133 line; SW on Weyerhaeuser 133 line to Weyerhaeuser 130 line; SW on Weyerhaeuser 130 line to Weyerhaeuser 1680 line; W on Weyerhaeuser 1680 line to Weyerhaeuser 1600 line; SE on Weyerhaeuser 1600 line to Weyerhaeuser 1400 line; W on Weyerhaeuser 1400 line to Weyerhaeuser 1420 line which is the Kalama/Coweeman Summit; SE on Weyerhaeuser 1420 line to Weyerhaeuser 1426 line; W on Weyerhaeuser 1426 line to Weyerhaeuser 1428 line; SW on Weyerhaeuser 1428 line to Weyerhaeuser 1429 line which turns into Weyerhaeuser 6400 line; SW down Weyerhaeuser 6400 line to Weyerhaeuser 6000 line; E on Weyerhaeuser 6000 line to Weyerhaeuser 6450 line; SE for approximately one mile on Weyerhaeuser 6450 line (crossing the Kalama River) to Weyerhaeuser 6452 line; SE on Weyerhaeuser 6452 line to Dubois Rd; SE on Dubois Rd to SR 503; W on SR 503 to Cape Horn Creek; SE down Cape Horn Creek to Merwin Reservoir; SW along the north shore of Merwin Reservoir to the Lewis River; SW down the Lewis River to the power transmission lines in Section 4, T5N, R2E; NW along the power transmission lines to Northwest Natural Gas Pipeline located east of the town of Kalama, approximately 1/2 mile east of China Gardens Rd; N up the Natural Gas Pipeline right of way to Ostrander Creek; W down Ostrander Creek to the Cowlitz River; N on the Cowlitz River to the Toutle River and point of beginning.

GMU 554-YALE (Cowlitz and Clark counties):

Beginning on SR 503 at its crossing of Cape Horn Creek; E on SR 503 to Weyerhaeuser 6600 line (Rock Creek Rd); NE on Weyerhaeuser 6600 line (Rock Creek Rd) to Weyerhaeuser 6690 Rd; N and E on Weyerhaeuser 6690 line to ((Weyerhaeuser 6696 line; N on Weyerhaeuser 6696 line to)) West Fork Speelyai Creek; SE down West Fork Speelyai Creek to the main stem of the Speelyai Creek; SW and SE down Speelyai Creek to SR 503; NE on SR 503 to Dog Creek; S down Dog Creek to Yale Reservoir; S and W along western shore of Reservoir to Yale Dam and the North Fork Lewis River; W along the northern shore of the North Fork Lewis River to State Route 503 bridge crossing; S and W along SR 503 to N.E. 221st Ave; N about 1/4 mile on N.E. 221st Ave to N.E. Cedar Creek Rd; W along N.E. Cedar Creek Rd to N.E. Pup Creek Rd; N on N.E. Pup Creek Rd to N.E. Buncome Hollow Rd; N about 1/4 mile on N.E. Buncome Hollow Rd to electrical transmission line; S and W on the electrical transmission line to the north shore of the North Fork Lewis River; NE along the north shore of the North Fork Lewis River to Merwin Reservoir at the Merwin Dam; NE along the north shore of Merwin Reservoir to Cape Horn Creek; NW up Cape Horn Creek to SR 503 and the point of beginning.

GMU 556-TOUTLE (Cowlitz County):

Beginning on the intersection of SR 503 (Lewis River Rd) and US Forest Service Rd 81 (Merrill Lake Rd); N on US Forest Service Rd 81 to Weyerhaeuser 7200 line; NW on Weyerhaeuser 7200 line to Weyerhaeuser 7400 line; N on Weyerhaeuser 7400 line to Weyerhaeuser 5500 line; E and N on Weyerhaeuser 5500 line to Weyerhaeuser 5670 line; N and E on Weyerhaeuser 5670 line to Weyerhaeuser 5660 line; N on Weyerhaeuser 5660 line about a 1/4 mile to the South Fork Toutle River; E on the South Fork Toutle River to US Forest Service Trail 238; N on US Forest Service Trail 238 to the intersection of US Forest Service Trail 216 and US Forest Service Trail 216G; NW on US Forest Service Trail 216G to Weyerhaeuser 3000 line; W on Weyerhaeuser 3000 line to Weyerhaeuser 3020 line; SE on Weyerhaeuser 3020 line to Deer Creek; NW down Deer Creek to the North Fork Toutle River; down the North Fork Toutle River to Alder Creek; up Alder Creek to Weyerhaeuser 2400 line; S on Weyerhaeuser 2400 line to Weyerhaeuser 2421 line; S on Weyerhaeuser 2421 line to Weyerhaeuser 4400 line; S and W along Weyerhaeuser 4400 line to Johnson Creek; S along Johnson Creek to the South Fork Toutle River; SE up the South Fork Toutle River to Weyerhaeuser 4100 line; E on Weyerhaeuser 4100 line to the Weyerhaeuser 4950 line; S and E on Weyerhaeuser 4950 line to Weyerhaeuser 235 line; SE on Weyerhaeuser 235 line to Weyerhaeuser 200 line; W on Weyerhaeuser 200 line to Weyerhaeuser 240 line; SE on Weyerhaeuser 240 line to Weyerhaeuser 243 line; E on Weyerhaeuser 243 line to Weyerhaeuser 135A line; S on Weyerhaeuser 135A line to Weyerhaeuser 135 line; E on Weyerhaeuser 135 line to Weyerhaeuser 134 line; SW on Weyerhaeuser 134 line to Weyerhaeuser 133 line; SW on Weyerhaeuser 133 line to Weyerhaeuser 130 line; SW on Weyerhaeuser 130 line to Weyerhaeuser 1680 line; W on Weyerhaeuser 1680 line to Weyerhaeuser 1600 line; SE on Weyerhaeuser 1600 line to Weyerhaeuser 1400 line; W on Weyerhaeuser 1400 line to Weyerhaeuser 1420 line which is the Kalama/Coweeman Summit; SE on Weyerhaeuser 1420 line to Weyerhaeuser 1426 line; W on Weyerhaeuser 1426 line to Weyerhaeuser 1428 line; SW on Weyerhaeuser 1428 line to Weyerhaeuser 1429 line; SW on Weyerhaeuser 1429 line to Weyerhaeuser 6400 line; SW on Weyerhaeuser 6400 line to Weyerhaeuser 6000 line; E on Weyerhaeuser 6000 line to Weyerhaeuser 6450 line; SE for approximately one mile on Weyerhaeuser 6450 line (crossing the Kalama River) to Weyerhaeuser 6452 line; SE on Weyerhaeuser 6452 line to Dubois Rd; SE on Dubois Rd to SR 503; E on SR 503 to Weyerhaeuser 6600 line (Rock Creek Rd); NE on Weyerhaeuser 6600 line (Rock Creek Rd) to Weyerhaeuser 6690 Rd; N and E on Weyerhaeuser 6690 line to ((Weyerhaeuser 6696 line; N on Weyerhaeuser 6696 line to)) West Fork Speelyai Creek; SE down West Fork Speelyai Creek to the main stem of Speelyai Creek; SW and SE down Speelyai Creek to SR 503; NE on SR 503 to US Forest Service Rd 81 and point of beginning.

GMU 560-LEWIS RIVER (Cowlitz, Skamania, Klickitat, Yakima and Lewis counties):

Beginning on SR 141 and Mount Adams Recreational Area Rd at the town of Trout Lake; N on the Mount Adams Recreational Area Rd to US Forest Service Rd 80 (Mount Adams Recreational Area Rd); N on US Forest Service Rd 80 (Mount Adams Recreational Area Rd) to US Forest Service Rd 82 (Mount Adams Recreational Area Rd); N on US Forest Service Road 82 to Yakama Indian Reservation boundary (Section 16, T7N, R11E); N along the Yakama Indian reservation boundary (Cascade Mountain Range Crest) to US Forest Service Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest Trail) in Section 3, T11N, R11E; S on US Forest Service Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest Trail) to US Forest Service Trail 98 at Sheep Lake; W on US Forest Service Trail 98 to US Forest Service Rd 2160 at Walupt Lake; W on US Forest Service Rd 2160 to US Forest Service Rd 21; S and W on US Forest Service Rd 21 to US Forest Service Rd 23; S on US Forest Service Rd 23 to US Forest Service Trail 263; S and W on US Forest Service Trail 263 to US Forest Service Trail 261; S on US Forest Service Trail 261 to US Forest Service Trail 1; W on US Forest Service Trail 1 to US Forest Service Rd 99; S and W on US Forest Service Rd 99 to US Forest Service Trail 225 (Smith Creek Trail); S on US Forest Service Trail 225 to Ape Canyon Creek; S and W up Ape Canyon Creek to Mount St. Helens crater's eastern edge; W along Mount St. Helens crater's southern edge to headwaters of S Fork Toutle River; W along S Fork Toutle River to Weyerhaeuser 5660 line; S along Weyerhaeuser 5660 line to Weyerhaeuser 5670 line; S and W on Weyerhaeuser 5670 line to Weyerhaeuser 5500 line; S and W on Weyerhaeuser 5500 line to Weyerhaeuser 7400 line; S and E on Weyerhaeuser 7400 line to Weyerhaeuser 7200 line; S and E on Weyerhaeuser 7200 line to US Forest Service Rd 81; S on US Forest Service Rd 81 to State Route 503; N and E on State Route 503 to Dog Creek; S down Dog Creek to the N shore of Yale Reservoir; E along N shore of Yale Reservoir to N Fork Lewis River; E up the Lewis River to Swift Dam and Swift Reservoir; E along the N shore of Swift Reservoir to N Fork Lewis River; E up N Fork Lewis River to US Forest Service Rd 90 Bridge (Eagle Cliff); E on US Forest Service Rd 90 to US Forest Service Rd 51 (Curly Creek Rd); SE on US Forest Service Rd 51 (Curly Creek Rd) to US Forest Service Rd 30; NE on US Forest Service Rd 30 to US Forest Service Rd 24; SE on US Forest Service Rd 24 to SR 141; NE on SR 141 to Mount Adams Recreational Area Rd, at the town of Trout Lake and point of beginning.

GMU 564-BATTLE GROUND (Clark, Skamania, and Cowlitz counties):

Beginning at the mouth of Ostrander Creek on the Cowlitz River; E up Ostrander Creek approximately 1 1/2 miles to the second Northwest Natural Gas Pipeline right of way crossing Ostrander Creek, east of the railroad crossing; S along the Northwest Natural Gas Pipeline right of way to the power transmission lines right of way located east of the town of Kalama, approximately 1/2 mile east of China Garden Rd; SE along the power transmission lines right of way across the north fork of the Lewis River in the northeast corner of Section 4, T5N, R2E to N.E. Buncome Hollow Rd; S on N.E. Buncome Hollow Rd to N.E. Pup Creek Rd; S on N.E. Pup Creek Rd to N.E. Cedar Creek Rd; E on N.E. Cedar Creek Rd to 221st Ave; S along 221st Ave about 1/4 mile to SR 503; SE along SR 503 to N.E. Amboy Rd; S on N.E. Amboy Rd to N.E. Yacolt Rd; E on Yacolt Rd to Railroad Ave; SE on Railroad Ave to Lucia Falls Rd; W on Lucia Falls Rd to Hantwick Rd; SE on Hantwick Rd to Basket Flats Rd; W on Basket Flats Rd to N.E. 197th Ave; S on N.E. 197th Ave to N.E. 279th St; W on N.E. 279th St to N.E. 182nd Ave; S on N.E. 182nd Ave to N.E. 259th St; E on N.E. 259th St to N.E. 220th Ave; S on N.E. 220th Ave to N.E. Cresap Rd; SE on N.E. Cresap Rd to N.E. 222nd Ave; S on N.E. 222nd Ave to N.E. Allworth Rd; E on N.E. Allworth Rd to NE 232nd Ave; S on N.E. 232nd Ave to N.E. 237th St; E on N.E. 237th St to N.E. 240th Ave; S on N.E. 240th Ave to N.E. Berry Rd; NE on N.E. Berry Rd to the DNR L-1410 Rd; SE on L-1410 Rd to the DNR L-1400 Rd; W on L-1400 Rd to N.E. Rawson Rd; W on N.E. Rawson Rd to N.E. Powell Rd; SW on N.E. Powell Rd to N.E. 212th Ave; S on N.E. 212th Ave to N.E. 109th St; E on N.E. 109th St to N.E. 222nd Ave; S on N.E. 222nd Ave to N.E. 83rd St; W on N.E. 83rd St to N.E. 217th Ave; S on N.E. 217th Ave to N.E. 68th St; E on N.E. 68th St to N.E. 232nd Ave; S on N.E. 232nd Ave to SR 500; SE on SR 500 to N.E. 53rd St; E on N.E. 53rd St to N.E. 292nd Ave; S on N.E. 292nd Ave to N.E. Ireland Rd; E on N.E. Ireland Rd to N.E. Stauffer Rd; SW on N.E. Stauffer Rd to N.E. 292nd Ave; S on N.E. 292nd Ave to N.E. Reilly Rd; SW on N.E. Reilly Rd to N.E. Blair Rd; SE on N.E. Blair Rd to N.E. Zeek Rd; E on N.E. Zeek Rd to N.E. 10th St; E on N.E. 10th St to N.E. 312th Ave; S on N.E. 312th Ave to N.E. 9th St; E on N.E. 9th St to N.E. 322nd Ave; N on N.E. 322nd Ave to N.E. Ammeter Rd; NE on N.E. Ammeter Rd approximately 1/8th mile to the power transmission lines; E along the northern margin of the power transmission lines to N.E. Hughes Rd; N on N.E. Hughes Rd to N.E. 392nd Ave; N on N.E. 392nd Ave to N.E. 28th St; E on N.E. 28th St to N.E. Miller Rd; NE on N.E. Miller Rd to N.E. 39th St; E on N.E. 39th St to Skye Rd; SE on Skye Rd to Washougal River Rd; S on Washougal River Rd to SR 140; SE on SR 140 to Cape Horn Rd; S on Cape Horn Rd to Columbia River; W down the Columbia River to the Cowlitz River (including all islands in the Columbia River which are both on the Washington side of the state line and between Cape Horn Rd and the Cowlitz River); N along Cowlitz River to Ostrander Creek and point of beginning.

GMU 568-WASHOUGAL (Clark and Skamania counties):

Beginning on the Lewis River at SR 503; E on Lewis River (Cowlitz-Clark County line) to Canyon Creek; SE along Canyon Creek to N.E. Healy Rd; E on N.E. Healy Rd to US Forest Service Rd 54; E on US Forest Service Rd 54 to US Forest Service Rd 37; NW on US Forest Service Rd 37 to US Forest Service Rd 53; S on US Forest Service Rd 53 to US Forest Service Rd 4205 (Gumboat Rd); S on US Forest Service Rd 4205 to US Forest Service Rd 42 (Green Fork Rd); SW on US Forest Service Rd 42 to US Forest Service Rd 41 at Sunset Falls; E on US Forest Service Rd 41 to US Forest Service Rd 406 at Little Lookout Mountain; SE on US Forest Service Rd 406 to the boundary of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest; due E on the national forest boundary to Rock Creek; SE along Rock Creek to the Columbia River at the town of Stevenson; W down the Columbia River to the Cape Horn Rd (including all islands in the Columbia River which are both on the Washington side of the state line and between Cape Horn Rd and Rock Creek); N on Cape Horn Rd to SR 140; W on SR 140 to Washougal River Rd; E on Washougal River Rd to Skye Rd; NW on Skye Rd to N.E. 39th St; W on N.E. 39th St to N.E. Miller Rd; SW on N.E. Miller Rd to N.E. 28th St; W on N.E. 28th St to N.E. 392nd Ave; S on N.E. 392nd Ave to N.E. Hughes Rd; S on N.E. Hughes Rd approximately 1/8th mile to the power transmission lines; W along the northern margin of the power transmission lines to N.E. Ammeter Rd; SW on N.E. Ammeter Rd to N.E. 322nd Ave; S on N.E. 322nd Ave to N.E. 9th St; W on N.E. 9th St to N.E. 312th Ave; N on N.E. 312th Ave to N.E. 10th St; W on N.E. 10th St to N.E. Zeek Rd; W on N.E. Zeek Rd to N.E. Blair Rd; NW on N.E. Blair Rd to N.E. Reilly Rd; NE on N.E. Reilly Rd to N.E. 292nd Ave; NE on N.E. 292nd Ave to N.E. Stauffer Rd; NE on N.E. Stauffer Rd to N.E. Ireland Rd; W on N.E. Ireland Rd to N.E. 292nd Ave; N on N.E. 292nd Ave to N.E. 53rd St; W on N.E. 53rd St to SR 500; NW on SR 500 to N.E. 232nd Ave; N on N.E. 232nd Ave to N.E. 68th St; W on N.E. 68th St to N.E. 217th Ave; N on N.E. 217th Ave to N.E. 83rd St; E on N.E. 83rd St to N.E. 222nd Ave; N on N.E. 222nd Ave to NE 109th St; W on N.E. 109th St to N.E. 212th Ave; N on N.E. 212th Ave to N.E. Powell Rd; NE on N.E. Powell Rd to N.E. Rawson Rd; E on Rawson Rd to DNR L-1400 Rd; E on DNR L-1400 Rd to DNR L-1410 Rd; NW on DNR L-1410 Rd to N.E. Berry Rd; SW on N.E. Berry Rd to N.E. 240th Ave; N on N.E. 240th Ave to N.E. 237th St; W on N.E. 237th St to N.E. 232nd Ave; N on N.E. 232nd Ave to N.E. Allworth Rd; W on N.E. Allworth Rd to N.E. 222nd Ave; N on N.E. 222nd Ave to N.E. Cresap Rd; NW on N.E. Cresap Rd to N.E. 220th Ave; N on N.E. 220th Ave to N.E. 259th St; W on N.E. 259th St to N.E. 182nd Ave; N on N.E. 182nd Ave to N.E. 279th St; E on N.E. 279th St to N.E. 197th Ave; N on N.E. 197th Ave to N.E. Basket Flats Rd; E on N.E. Basket Flats Rd to N.E. Hantwick Rd; NW on N.E. Hantwick Rd to Lucia Falls Rd; E on Lucia Falls Rd to Railroad Ave; NW on Railroad Ave to N.E. Yacolt Rd; W on N.E. Yacolt Rd to N.E. Amboy Rd; N on N.E. Amboy Rd to N.E. 221st Ave; N on 221st Ave to SR 503; NE along SR 503 to the Lewis River and point of beginning.

GMU 572-SIOUXON (Skamania and Clark counties):

Beginning at the Yale Dam at Yale Lake; N then E along the shore of Yale Lake to the Lewis River; NE along the Lewis River to Swift Reservoir; E along the north shore Swift Reservoir to US Forest Service Rd 90 at the Eagle Cliff bridge; E on US Forest Service Rd 90 to US Forest Service Rd 51 (Curly Creek Rd); SE on US Forest Service Rd 51 to US Forest Service Rd 30 (Wind River Rd); N on US Forest Service Rd 30 to US Forest Service Rd 24 (Twin Butte Rd); S on US Forest Service Rd 24 to US Forest Service Rd 60 (Carson Guler Rd); SW on US Forest Service Rd 60 to US Forest Service Rd 65; SW on US Forest Service Rd 65 to the Wind River Rd; NW on the Wind River Rd to Hemlock Rd at the town of Stabler; W on Hemlock Rd to US Forest Service Rd 41 (Sunset-Hemlock Rd); W on the US Forest Service Rd 41 to US Forest Service Road 42 (Green Fork Rd) at Sunset Falls; NE on US Forest Service Rd 42 to US Forest Service Rd 4205 (Gumboat Rd); N on US Forest Service Rd 4205 to US Forest Service Rd 53; NW on US Forest Service Rd 53 to US Forest Service Rd 54 (N.E. Healy Rd); W on US Forest Service Rd 54 to Canyon Creek; N down Canyon Creek to the Lewis River; NE up the Lewis River to the Yale Dam and the point of beginning.

GMU 574-WIND RIVER (Skamania and Klickitat counties):

Beginning at SR 141 and US Forest Rd 86, SW of the town of Trout Lake; S on US Forest Service Rd 86 to US Forest Service Rd 1840; S on US Forest Service Rd 1840 to US Forest Service Rd 18 (Oklahoma Rd); S on US Forest Service Rd 18 to Willard Rd, at the town of Willard; E on Willard Rd to the Little White Salmon River; S down the Little White Salmon River to the Columbia River; W down the Columbia River to the mouth of Rock Creek (including all islands in the Columbia River that are both north of the Washington state line and between the Little White Salmon River and Rock Creek); NW along Rock Creek through the town of Stevenson to the southern boundary of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest; W along the southern boundary of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest to US Forest Service Rd 4100-406; NW on US Forest Service Rd 4100-406 to the US Forest Service Rd 41 (Sunset-Mowich Rd) at Little Lookout Mountain; E on US Forest Service Rd 41 to Hemlock Rd; E on Hemlock Rd to Wind River Rd at the town of Stabler; SE on Wind River Rd to Old State Rd; E on Old State Rd to US Forest Service Rd 65 (Panther Creek Rd); N on US Forest Service Rd 65 to US Forest Service Road 60 (Carson-Guler); NE on US Forest Service 60 to US Forest Service 24 (also called Carson-Guler); E on US Forest Service Rd 24 to SR 141; NE, E and SE on SR 141 to US Forest Service Rd 86, SW of the town of Trout Lake, and the point of beginning.

GMU 578-WEST KLICKITAT (Klickitat, Yakima, and Skamania counties):

Beginning at the mouth of the Little White Salmon River on the Columbia River; N up the Little White Salmon River to Willard Road bridge, E of Willard; W on Willard Rd to US Forest Service Rd 18 (Oklahoma Rd); N on US Forest Service Rd 18 to US Forest Service 1840; N on US Forest Service Rd 1840 to US Forest Service Rd 86; N on US Forest Service Road 86 to SR 141; NE on SR 141 to Mount Adams Recreation Area Road, at the town of Trout Lake; N on the Mount Adams Recreational Area Rd to US Forest Service Rd 80 (Mount Adams Recreational Area Rd); N on US Forest Service Rd 80 (Mount Adams Recreational Area Rd) to US Forest Service Rd 82 (Mount Adams Recreational Area Rd); N on US Forest Service Road 82 to Yakama Indian Reservation boundary (Section 16, T7N, R11E); S along the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary to the Reservation's SW corner at King Mountain (Section 27, T7N, R11E); E along the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary to the end of King Mountain Rd, about 1 mile; N along the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary to its corner in Section 2, T7N, R11E; E along the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary to the NE corner of Section 4, T7N, R12E; SE along the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary to Summit Creek Rd; SW on Summit Creek Rd to Glenwood-Goldendale Hwy; NW on Glenwood-Goldendale Hwy to Lakeside Rd; S on Lakeside Rd to Fisher Hill Rd (P-2000); S on Fisher Hill Rd to the Fisher Hill bridge crossing the Klickitat River; S and SW down the Klickitat River to the Columbia River; W down the Columbia River to the mouth of the Little White Salmon River and the point of beginning (including all islands in the Columbia River which are both north of the Washington state line and between the Klickitat River and the Little White Salmon River).

[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 06-11-032 (Order 06-92), § 232-28-335, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06; 06-02-063 (Order 05-271), § 232-28-335, filed 1/3/06, effective 2/3/06; 05-11-022 (Order 05-89), § 232-28-335, filed 5/10/05, effective 6/10/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047 and 77.12.020. 04-11-036 (Order 04-98), § 232-28-335, filed 5/12/04, effective 6/12/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 03-16-087 (Order 03-175), § 232-28-335, filed 8/5/03, effective 9/5/03; 03-06-110 (Order 03-23), § 232-28-335, filed 3/5/03, effective 4/5/03.]


AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 06-92, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06)

WAC 232-28-351   2006-2008 Deer general seasons and definitions.  

Bag Limit: One (1) deer per hunter during the license year except where otherwise permitted by Fish and Wildlife Commission rule.

Hunting Method: Hunters must select one of the hunting methods (modern firearm, archery, muzzleloader).

Any Buck Deer Seasons: Open only to the taking of deer with visible antlers (buck fawns illegal).

Antler Point: To qualify as an antler point, the point must be at least one inch long measured on the longest side.

Antler Restrictions: APPLIES TO ALL HUNTERS DURING ANY GENERAL SEASON AND DESIGNATED SPECIAL PERMIT SEASONS! Buck deer taken in antler restricted GMUs must meet minimum antler point requirements. Minimum antler point requirements are antler points on one side only. Eye guards are antler points when they are at least one inch long.

2 Point minimum GMUs: 437, 574, 578, 636, 654, and 681.

3 Point minimum GMUs: All mule deer in 100, 200, and 300 series GMUs; white-tailed deer in GMUs 127, 130, 133, 136, 139, 142, 145, 149, 154, 162, 163, 166, 169, 172, 175, 178, 181, and 186.

Permit Only Units: The following GMUs require a special permit to hunt deer: 290 (Desert), 329 (Quilomene), 371 (Alkali), and 485 (Green River).

GMUs Closed to Deer Hunting: 157 (Mill Creek Watershed), 490 (Cedar River), and 522 (Loo-wit).

Black-tailed Deer: Any member of black-tailed/mule deer (species Odocoileus hemionus) found west of a line drawn from the Canadian border south on the Pacific Crest Trail and along the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary in Yakima County to Klickitat County; in Klickitat County along the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary to Summit Creek Rd; southwest on Summit Creek Rd to the Glenwood-Goldendale Highway; northwest on the Glenwood-Goldendale Highway to Lakeside Rd; south on Lakeside Rd to Fisher Hill Rd (P-2000); south on Fisher Hill Rd to Fisher Hill bridge crossing Klickitat River; southwest down Klickitat River to the Columbia River.

Mule Deer: Any member of black-tailed/mule deer (species Odocoileus hemionus) found east of a line drawn from the Canadian border south on the Pacific Crest Trail and along the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary in Yakima County to Klickitat County; in Klickitat County along the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary to Summit Creek Rd; southwest on Summit Creek Rd to the Glenwood-Goldendale Highway; northwest on the Glenwood-Goldendale Highway to Lakeside Rd; south on Lakeside Rd to Fisher Hill Rd (P-2000); south on Fisher Hill Rd to Fisher Hill bridge crossing Klickitat River; southwest down Klickitat River to the Columbia River.

White-tailed Deer: Means any white-tailed deer (member of the species Odocoileus virginianus) except the Columbian whitetail deer (species Odocoileus virginianus leucurus).


License Required: A valid big game hunting license, which includes a deer species option.

Tag Required: Valid modern firearm deer tag on his/her person for the area hunted.

Hunting Method: Modern firearm deer tag hunters may use rifle, handgun, shotgun, bow or muzzleloader, but only during modern firearm seasons.

Hunt Season 2006 Dates 2007 Dates 2008 Dates Game Management Units (GMUs) Legal Deer
Sept. 15-25 Sept. 15-25 Sept. 15-25 Alpine Lakes, Glacier Peak, Pasayten ((and)), Olympic Peninsula, and Henry Jackson Wilderness Areas and Lake Chelan Recreation Area ((and that part of the Henry Jackson Wilderness Area west of the Pacific Crest Trail)) 3 pt. min.


Blacktail Deer

Oct. 14-31 Oct. 13-31 Oct. 11-31 407, 418, 426, 448 through 466, 501 through 520, 524 through 556, 560, 568, 572, 601 through 633, 638 through 673, 684 Any buck
GMUs 410, 564, Deer Areas 4013, 4926, and 6014 Any deer
437, 574, 578, 636, 654, 681 2 pt. min.


Whitetail Deer

Oct. 14-27 Oct. 13-26 Oct. 11-24 105 through 124 Any whitetail buck
Oct. 14-22 Oct. 13-21 Oct. 11-19 All 200 and 300 series GMUs except permit-only in 290, 329, and 371 Any whitetail buck
Oct. 14-29 Oct. 13-28 Oct. 11-26 101, 204 Any whitetail buck
Oct. 14-22 Oct. 13-21 Oct. 11-19 127 through 154, 162 through 186 Whitetail, 3 pt. min.
379 Any white-tailed deer


Mule Deer

Oct. 14-22 Oct. 13-21 Oct. 11-19 All 100, 200, and 300 series GMUs, except permit only in GMUs 290, 329, and 371, and closed in GMU 157 Mule deer, 3 pt. min.
379 Any mule deer
Oct. 14-27 Oct. 13-26 Oct. 11-24 373, 382, 388 Mule deer, 3 pt. min.


Blacktail Deer

Nov. 16-19 Nov. 15-18 Nov. 13-16 407, 410, 454, 466, and 500, and 600 series GMUs except closed in GMUs 522, 574, and 578 Any buck except 2 pt. min. in GMUs 636, 654, and 681
Nov. 16-19 Nov. 15-18 Nov. 13-16 GMUs 410 and 564, Deer Areas 4013, 4926, 6014 Any deer


Whitetail Deer

Nov. 6-19 Nov. 5-19 Nov. 3-19 105 through 124 Any whitetail buck


Whitetail Deer

Oct. 28 -

Nov. 5

Oct. 27 -

Nov. 4

Oct. 25 -

Nov. 2

105 through 124 Whitetail, antlerless only


Whitetail Deer

Oct. 14-27 Nov. 6-19 Oct. 13-26 Nov. 5-19 Oct. 11-24 Nov. 3-19 105 through 124 Any whitetail deer
Oct. 14-29 Oct. 13-28 Oct. 11-26 101 Any whitetail deer
Oct. 14-22 Oct. 13-21 Oct. 11-19 127 through 142, 145 through 154, 162, and 172 through 181 Whitetail, 3 pt. min. or antlerless


Whitetail Deer

Dec. 9-15 Dec. 9-15 Dec. 9-15 GMUs 130-142 Whitetail, antlerless only


License Required: A valid big game hunting license, which includes a deer species option.

Tag Required: Valid archery deer tag on his/her person for the area hunted.

Special Notes: Archery tag holders can only hunt during archery seasons with archery equipment (WAC 232-12-054).

Hunt Area 2006 Dates 2007 Dates 2008 Dates Game Management Units (GMUs) Legal Deer
Early Archery Deer Seasons


Blacktail Deer

Sept. 1-30 Sept. 1-30 Sept. 1-30 407 through 426, 448 through 466, 501 through 520, 524 through 556, 560, 564, 568, 572, 601 through 633, 638 through 653, 658 through 673, 684 and 699 Any Deer, except buck only in GMUs 460, 503, 506, 530, 550, 673
437, 574, 578, 636, 654, 681 2 pt. min. or antlerless


Mule Deer

Sept. 1-30 Sept. 1-30 Sept. 1-30 105 through 127, 162, 163, 166, 169, 243, 328, 334 through 340, 346 through 368 3 pt. min.
142 through 154, and 172 through 186, Deer Area 1010, 244 through 247, 249 through 251, 260, 372, 373, 388 3 pt. min. or antlerless
379, 381 Any mule deer
Sept. 1-15 Sept. 1-15 Sept. 1-15 101, 130 through 139, 204 through 242, 248, 254, 262, 266, 269, 272, 278, 284, ((328, 334 through 340, 346 through 368,)) 382 3 pt. min.
Sept. 16-30 Sept. 16-30 Sept. 16-30 101, 130 through 139, 204 through 242, 248, 254, 262, 266, 269, 272, 278, 284, ((328, 334 through 340, 346 through 368,)) 382 3 pt. min. or antlerless
Eastern Washington Whitetail Deer Sept. 1-30 Sept. 1-30 Sept. 1-30 101 through 124, 204 through 284, 379, 381 Any whitetail deer
127 through 154, 162 through 186 Whitetail, 3 pt. min. or antlerless
Late Archery Deer Seasons


Blacktail Deer

Nov. 22 - Dec. 8 Nov. 21 - Dec. 8 Nov. 19 - Dec. 8 437, 654 2 pt. min. or antlerless
Nov. 22 - Dec. 15 Nov. 21 - Dec. 15 Nov. 19 - Dec. 15 636, 681 2 pt. min. or antlerless
Nov. 22 - Dec. 15 Nov. 21 - Dec. 15 Nov. 19 - Dec. 15 466, 510 through 520, 524, 556, 601, 607 through 618, 638, 648, and 699 Any deer
Nov. 22 - Dec. 15 Nov. 21 - Dec. 15 Nov. 19 - Dec. 15 460, 506, 530, 560, 572 Buck only
Nov. 22 - Dec. 31 Nov. 21 - Dec. 31 Nov. 19 - Dec. 31 407, 410, 454, 505, 564, 603, 624, 627, 642, 652, 660 through 672 Any deer


Mule Deer

Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 209, 215, 233, 243, 346, 352, 364, 368 3 pt. min.
145, 163, 178, 250 3 pt. min. or antlerless
272, 278, ((346, 352, 364, 368,)) 373, 381, 388 3 pt. min. or antlerless
Nov. 20-30 Nov. 20-30 Nov. 20-30 133, 136 Antlerless
Dec. 9-31 Dec. 9-31 Dec. 9-31 Dear Area 1021 3 pt. min. or antlerless


Whitetail Deer

Nov. 10 - Dec. 15 Nov. 10 - Dec. 15 Nov. 10 - Dec. 15 101 Any whitetail deer
Nov. 20 - Dec. 15 Nov. 20 - Dec. 15 Nov. 20 - Dec. 15 105, 108, 117, 121, 124 Any whitetail deer
127 3 pt. min. or antlerless whitetail
Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 145, 163, 178 3 pt. min. or antlerless whitetail
204, 209, 215, 233, 243, 250, 272, 278 Any whitetail deer
Nov. 20-30 Nov. 20-30 Nov. 20-30 133, 136 Antlerless


License Required: A valid big game hunting license, which includes a deer species option.

Tag Required: Valid muzzleloader deer tag on his/her person for the area hunted.

Hunting Method: Muzzleloader only.

Special Notes: Muzzleloader tag holders can only hunt during muzzleloader seasons and must hunt with muzzleloader equipment.

Hunt Area 2006 Dates 2007 Dates 2008 Dates Game Management Units (GMUs) Legal Deer
High Buck Hunts Sept. 15-25 Sept. 15-25 Sept. 15-25 Alpine Lakes, Glacier Peak, Pasayten ((and)), Olympic Peninsula, and Henry Jackson Wilderness areas, and Lake Chelan Recreation Area ((and that part of the Henry Jackson Wilderness Area west of the Pacific Crest Trail)) 3 pt. min.
Early Muzzleloader Deer Seasons


Blacktail Deer

Oct. 7-13 Oct. 6-12 Oct. 4-10 407, 418, 426, 448, 450, 501, 504, 505, 513, 520, 530, 554, 568, 603, 612, 624, 638, 642, 660, 663, 672, 673, 684 Any buck
410, 454, 564, 627, 652, 666, Deer Area 4926 Any deer
437, 578 2 pt. min.


Whitetail Deer

Oct. 7-13 Oct. 6-12 Oct. 4-10 204, 209, 233, 239, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 250, 251, 278, 284 Whitetail, any buck
133, 142, 145, 149, 181, 381 Whitetail, 3 pt. min. or antlerless
101 through 124, 379 Whitetail, any deer


Mule Deer

Oct. 7-13 Oct. 6-12 Oct. 4-10 101 through 124, 133, 142, 145, 149, 181, 204, 209, 233, 239, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 250, 251, 284, 328, 330 through 342, 352 through 360, 368, 382 Mule deer, 3 pt. min.
278, 381 Mule deer, 3 pt. min. or antlerless
379 Any mule deer
Late Muzzleloader Deer Seasons




Nov. 22 - Dec. 15 Nov. 21 - Dec. 15 Nov. 19 - Dec. 15 407, 410, 501, 504, 564, 633, ((651,)) 666, ((673,)) 684, and Deer Area 4926 Any deer
654 2 pt. min.
460, 550, 602 Any buck
Nov. 21 - Dec. 6 Nov. 19 - Dec. 6 651, 673 Any buck
Dec. 7 - 15 Dec. 7 - 15 651, 673 Any deer
Dec. 1-15 Dec. 1-15 Dec. 1-15 578 2 pt. min.


Whitetail Deer

Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 113, 379 Whitetail, any deer
172, 181 Whitetail, 3 pt. min. or antlerless
Nov. 20-30 Nov. 20-30 Nov. 20-30 130, 139 Whitetail, 3 pt. min. or antlerless


Mule Deer

Nov. 20-30 Nov. 20-30 Nov. 20-30 382     3 pt. min.

130 Antlerless
Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 379 Any mule deer

[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 06-11-032 (Order 06-92), § 232-28-351, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06; 05-11-022 (Order 05-89), § 232-28-351, filed 5/10/05, effective 6/10/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047 and 77.12.020. 04-11-036 (Order 04-98), § 232-28-351, filed 5/12/04, effective 6/12/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 03-13-047 (Order 03-129), § 232-28-351, filed 6/12/03, effective 7/13/03.]


AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 06-92, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06)

WAC 232-28-352   2006-2008 Elk general seasons and definitions.  

Bag Limit: One (1) elk per hunter during the license year except where otherwise permitted by fish and wildlife commission rule.

Hunting Method: Elk hunters must select only one of the hunting methods (modern firearm, archery, or muzzleloader).

Elk Tag Areas: Elk hunters must choose either Eastern or Western Washington to hunt in and buy the appropriate tag for that area.

Any Bull Elk Seasons: Open only to the taking of elk with visible antlers (bull calves are illegal).

Antler Point: To qualify as an antler point, the point must be at least one inch long measured on the longest side.

Spike Bull Antler Restrictions: Bull elk taken in spike only GMUs must have at least one antler with only one antler point above the ear. An animal with more than one antler point above the ears on both antlers is illegal.

Spike Only GMUs: 145-154, 162-186, 249, 251, 328, 329, and 335-368.

3 Point Antler Restrictions: Legal bull elk must have at least 3 antler points on one side with at least 2 antler points above the ear. Eye guards are antler points when they are at least one inch long. Antler restrictions apply to all hunters during any open season.

3 Point GMUs: All of Western Washington except for GMUs 454, 564, 568, 574, 578, 652 for archers, 666, 684, and Elk Area 4941.

Permit Only Units: The following GMUs are closed during general seasons: 157, 371, 418, 485, 522, 524, 556, 621, 636, 653, and Elk Area 3068.

GMUs Closed to Elk Hunting: ((418,)) 437 (except for Elk Area 4941), and 490.

Elk Tag Areas

Eastern Washington: All 100, 200, and 300 GMUs except permit only for all hunters in GMUs 157 and 371. Modern firearms are restricted in GMU 334.

EA - Eastern Washington Archery Tag

EF - Eastern Washington Modern Firearm General Elk Tag

EM - Eastern Washington Muzzleloader Tag

Western Washington: All 400, 500, and 600 GMUs except closed in GMUs 418, 437 (except for Elk Area 4941), 490, and modern firearm restrictions in portions of GMU 660. GMU 554 is open only for early archery and muzzleloader seasons. Elk Area ((6063)) 6064 in GMU 638 (Quinault) is open to AHE master hunters only. Elk hunting by permit only in GMUs 485, 522, 524, 556, 621, and 636.

WA - Western Washington Archery Tag

WF - Western Washington Modern Firearm General Elk Tag

WM - Western Washington Muzzleloader Tag

Modern Firearm Elk Seasons

License Required: A valid big game hunting license with an elk tag option.

Tag Required: Valid modern firearm elk tag as listed below on his/her person for the area hunted.

Hunting Method: May use modern firearm, bow and arrow, or muzzleloader, but only during modern firearm seasons.

Hunt Area Elk Tag Area Game Management Units (GMUs) 2006 Dates 2007 Dates 2008 Dates Legal Elk


EF 111, 113, 117 Oct. 28 - Nov. 5 Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 Oct. 25 - Nov. 2 Any bull
145 through 154, 162 through 186, 249, 251, 328, 329, 335 through 368 Oct. 28 - Nov. 5 Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 Oct. 25 - Nov. 2 Spike bull
Elk Area 3722* Sept. 9-22 Sept. 8-21 Sept. 6-19 Antlerless
101, 105, 108, 121 through 142, 372, 382, 388 Oct. 28 - Nov. 5 Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 Oct. 25 - Nov. 2 Any elk
127-142 AHE master hunters only Dec. 9-31 Dec. 9-31 Dec. 9-31 Any elk
203 through 248, 250, 254 through 290, 373, 379, 381 except closed within 1/2 mile of the Columbia River in Douglas and Grant counties Oct. 28 - Nov. 15 Oct. 27 - Nov. 15 Oct. 25 - Nov. 15 Any elk
371, Elk Areas 3911** and 3912 AHE master hunters only Aug. 1 - Jan. 30 Aug. 1 - Jan. 30 Aug. 1 - Jan. 30 Antlerless only
*GMU 372 and Elk Area 3722 are mainly private property, hunters are not advised to try hunting these areas without making prior arrangements for access.
**Advanced Hunter Education Master Hunters who hunt in Elk Area 3911 ((from August 1 through October 15, 2006, who successfully take an antlerless elk, and who notify the department by October 20, 2006,)) may purchase ((a)) an AHE, Elk Area 3911, second elk transport tag. ((Notification must be following the harvest of an antlerless elk from Elk Area 3911 and no later than October 20, 2006. These hunters will be issued a second elk transport tag valid for the general season for the same hunting method as specified on the first tag.)) Any legal weapon may be used. AHE, Elk Area 3911 second elk transport tags will be valid only for Elk Area 3911 for the time period listed above. All hunters participating in the Elk Area 3911 hunt must wear hunter orange.


WF 407, 448, 460, 466, 503 through 520, 530, 550, 560, 572, 601 through 618, 624 (except for Elk Area 6071), 627 through 633, 638 through 652, 654 through 684. Except AHE master hunters only in Elk Area ((6063)) 6064 Nov. 4-13 Nov. 3-12 Nov. 1-10 3 pt. min.
501 Nov. 4-13 Nov. 3-12 Nov. 1-10 3 pt. min. or antlerless
564, 568, 574 through 578, 666 Nov. 4-13 Nov. 3-12 Nov. 1-10 Any elk
454 Nov. 4-13 Nov. 3-12 Nov. 1-10 Any bull

Archery Elk Seasons

License Required: A valid big game hunting license with an elk tag option.

Tag Required: Valid archery elk tag as listed below on his/her person for the area hunted.

Hunting Method: Bow and arrow only as defined by WAC 232-12-054.

Special Notes: Archery tag holders can hunt only during archery seasons and must hunt with archery equipment (WAC 232-12-054). Archery elk hunters may apply for special bull permits. Please see permit table for tag eligibility for all elk permits.

Hunt Area Elk Tag Area Game Management Units (GMUs) 2006 Dates 2007 Dates 2008 Dates Legal Elk
Early Archery Elk Seasons


EA 101 through 142, 243, 247, 249, 250, 388 Sept. 8-21 Sept. 8-21 Sept. 8-21 Any elk
145, 162, 166 through 172, 181, 186, 328, 329, 335 Sept. 8-21 Sept. 8-21 Sept. 8-21 Spike bull
149, 154, Elk Area 1010, Elk Area 1013, 163, 175, 178, 330, 334, 336, 340, 352, 356, 364 Sept. 8-21 Sept. 8-21 Sept. 8-21 Spike bull or antlerless


WA 454, 564, 568, 574, 578, 652, 666 Sept. 8-21 Sept. 8-21 Sept. 8-21 Any elk
407, 448, 501 through 505, 520, 550, 554, 560, 572, 624, except for Elk Area 6071, Elk Area 6061, 654, 660, 663, 667 through 673, 684, and 699 Sept. 8-21 Sept. 8-21 Sept. 8-21 3 pt. min. or antlerless
460, 466, 506, 510, 513, 516, ((520,)) 530, 601, 602, 603, 607, 612 through 618, 627, 633, 638 through 648, 651, 658, and 681. AHE master hunters only in Elk Area ((6063)) 6064 Sept. 8-21 Sept. 8-21 Sept. 8-21 3 pt. min.
Elk Area 4941 Oct. 1-31 Oct. 1-31 Oct. 1-31 Any elk
Late Archery Elk Seasons


EA 101, 105, 108, 117 through 127, 388 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Any elk
178 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Antlerless only
127-142 AHE master hunters only. Must wear hunter orange Dec. 9-31 Dec. 9-31 Dec. 9-31 Any elk
Elk Area 1010, 163 Dec. 9 - Jan. 30 Dec. 9 - Jan. 30 Dec. 9 - Jan. 30 Antlerless only
203 through 248, 250, 254 through 290, 373, 379, 381 except closed within 1/2 mile of the Columbia River in Douglas and Grant counties. Must wear hunter orange Oct. 28 - Nov. 15 Oct. 27 - Nov. 15 Oct. 25 - Nov. 15 Any elk
371, Elk Areas 3911*and 3912 AHE master hunters only. Must wear hunter orange Aug. 1 - Jan 30 Aug. 1 - Jan. 30 Aug. 1 - Jan. 30 Antlerless only
328 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Spike bull
335, 336, 346, 352, 364, 368 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Spike bull or antlerless


WA 407, 503, 505, 648, 667, 672, 681, Elk Area 6066 in GMU 660, and 699. Elk Area 6064, except AHE master hunters only in Elk Area ((6063)) 6064 in GMU 638 Nov. 22 - Dec. 15 Nov. 21 - Dec. 15 Nov. 19 - Dec. 15 3 pt. min. or antlerless
454, 564, 666 Nov. 22 - Dec. 15 Nov. 21 - Dec. 15 Nov. 19 - Dec. 15 Any elk
603, 612, 615, 638, and ((648)) Nov. 22 - Dec. 15 Nov. 21 - Dec. 15 Nov. 19 - Dec. 15 3 pt. min.
506, ((520,)) 530 Nov. 22 - Dec. 7 Nov. 21 - Dec. 7 Nov. 19 - Dec. 7 3 pt. min. or antlerless
520 Nov. 21 - Dec. 15 Nov. 19 - Dec. 15 3 pt. min. or antlerless
506, ((520,)) 530 Dec. 8-15 Dec. 8-15 Dec. 8-15 3 pt. min.
*Advanced Hunter Education Master Hunters who hunt in Elk Area 3911 ((from August 1 through October 15, 2006, who successfully take an antlerless elk, and who notify the department by October 20, 2006,)) may purchase ((a)) an AHE, Elk Area 3911, second elk transport tag. ((Notification must be following the harvest of an antlerless elk from Elk Area 3911 and no later than October 20, 2006. These hunters will be issued a second elk transport tag valid for the general season for the same hunting method as specified on the first tag.)) Any legal weapon may be used. AHE, Elk Area 3911 second elk transport tags will be valid only for Elk Area 3911 for the time period listed above. All hunters participating in the Elk Area 3911 hunt must wear hunter orange.

Muzzleloader Elk Seasons

License Required: A valid big game hunting license with an elk tag option.

Tag Required: Valid muzzleloader elk tag as listed below on his/her person for the area hunted.

Hunting Method: Muzzleloader only as defined by WAC 232-12-051.

Special Notes: Muzzleloader tag holders can only hunt during the muzzleloader seasons and must hunt with muzzleloader equipment. Only hunters with tags identified in the Special Elk Permits tables may apply for special elk permits.

Hunt Area Elk Tag Area Game Management Units (GMUs) 2006 Dates 2007 Dates 2008 Dates Legal Elk
Early Muzzleloader Elk Seasons


EM 111, 113, 117, 247 Oct. 7-13 Oct. 6-12 Oct. 4-10 Any bull
101 through 108, 121 through 142, 250 Oct. 7-13 Oct. 6-12 Oct. 4-10 Any elk
172, 245, Elk Area 2051, 335 through 342, 352 through 360, 368 Oct. 7-13 Oct. 6-12 Oct. 4-10 Spike bull


WM 454, 564, 568, 574, 578, 666, 684 Oct. 7-13 Oct. 6-12 Oct. 4-10 Any elk
460, 504, 513, 530, 554, 602, 603, 607, 658, 660, 672 Oct. 7-13 Oct. 6-12 Oct. 4-10 3 pt. min.
501, 503, 652, 654, 663, 667 Oct. 7-13 Oct. 6-12 Oct. 4-10 3 pt. min. or antlerless
Late Muzzleloader Elk Seasons


EM 130 through 142 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Any elk
127-142 AHE master hunters only. Must wear hunter orange Dec. 9-31 Dec. 9-31 Dec. 9-31 Any elk
203 through 248, 250, 254 through 290, 373, 379, 381 except closed within 1/2 mile of the Columbia River in Douglas and Grant counties. Must wear hunter orange Oct. 28 - Nov. 15 Oct. 27 - Nov. 15 Oct. 25 - Nov. 15 Any elk
371, Elk Areas 3911* and 3912 AHE master hunters only. Must wear hunter orange Aug. 1 - Jan. 30, 2007 Aug. 1 - Jan. 30, 2008 Aug. 1 - Jan. 30, 2009 Antlerless only


WM Elk Area 4941 Nov. 1 - Jan. 30, 2007 Nov. 1 - Jan. 30, 2008 Nov. 1 - Jan. 30, 2009 Any elk
501, 503, 505, 652 Nov. 22 - Dec. 8 Nov. 21 - Dec. 8 Nov. 19 - Dec. 8 3 pt. min. or antlerless
454, 564, 568, 666, 684 Nov. 22 - Dec. 15 Nov. 21 - Dec. 15 Nov. 19 - Dec. 15 Any elk
574, 578 Nov. 22-30 Nov. 21-30 Nov. 19-30 Any elk
504, 550, 601, 667 Nov. 22 - Dec. 15 Nov. 21 - Dec. 15 Nov. 19 - Dec. 15 3 pt. min.
*Advanced Hunter Education Master Hunters who hunt in Elk Area 3911 ((from August 1 through October 15, 2006, who successfully take an antlerless elk, and who notify the department by October 20, 2006,)) may purchase ((a)) an AHE, Elk Area 3911, second elk transport tag. ((Notification must be following the harvest of an antlerless elk from Elk Area 3911 and no later than October 20, 2006. These hunters will be issued a second elk transport tag valid for the general season for the same hunting method as specified on the first tag.)) Any legal weapon may be used. AHE, Elk Area 3911 second elk transport tags will be valid only for Elk Area 3911 for the time period listed above. All hunters participating in the Elk Area 3911 hunt must wear hunter orange.

[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 06-11-032 (Order 06-92), § 232-28-352, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06; 05-11-024 (Order 05-90), § 232-28-352, filed 5/10/05, effective 6/10/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047 and 77.12.020. 04-11-036 (Order 04-98), § 232-28-352, filed 5/12/04, effective 6/12/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 03-13-047 (Order 03-129), § 232-28-352, filed 6/12/03, effective 7/13/03.]


AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 06-92, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06)

WAC 232-28-353   ((2006)) 2007 Deer special permits.  


(Open to Permit Holders Only)

Hunters must purchase a deer hunting license prior to purchase of a permit application. Hunters may only apply for permits consistent with the tag required for the hunt choice; however, Multiple Season Permit holders may apply for archery, muzzleloader, or modern firearm permit hunts. Hunters drawn for a special permit hunt must comply with weapon restrictions and dates listed for the hunt.

Hunt Name Permit Season Dates Special Restrictions Boundary Description Permits
Modern Firearm Deer Permit Hunts (Only modern firearm deer tag holders may apply.)
Sherman Oct. ((14-29)) 13-28 Whitetail, antlerless GMU 101 75
Kelly Hill Oct. ((14-27)) 13-26 & Nov. ((6)) 5-19 Whitetail, antlerless GMU 105 150
Douglas Oct. ((14-27)) 13-26 & Nov. ((6)) 5-19 Whitetail, antlerless GMU 108 300
Aladdin A Oct. ((14-27)) 13-26 & Nov. ((6)) 5-19 Whitetail, antlerless GMU 111 75
Aladdin B Nov. ((22-26)) 21-25 Whitetail, any buck GMU 111 50
Selkirk Oct. ((14-27)) 13-26 & Nov. ((6)) 5-19 Whitetail, antlerless GMU 113 50
49 Degrees North Oct. ((14-27)) 13-26 & Nov. ((6)) 5-19 Whitetail, antlerless GMU 117 350
Huckleberry A Oct. ((14-27)) 13-26 & Nov. ((6)) 5-19 Whitetail, antlerless GMU 121 600
Mt. Spokane A Oct. ((14-27)) 13-26 & Nov. ((6)) 5-19 Whitetail, antlerless GMU 124 400
Mica Peak A Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Whitetail, antlerless GMU 127 150
Cheney A Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 130 200
Roosevelt Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 133 200
Harrington Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 136 125
Steptoe Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 & Nov. ((6)) 5-19 Antlerless GMU 139 300
Almota A Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 & Nov. ((6)) 5-19 Antlerless GMU 142 100
Palouse Nov. ((6)) 5-19 Whitetail, 3 pt. min. GMUs 127-142 625
Mayview A Nov. 1-12 Antlerless GMU 145 50
Prescott A Nov. 1-12 Antlerless GMU 149 50
Blue Creek Nov. ((6)) 5-19 Whitetail, antlerless GMU 154 ((150)) 100
Dayton A Nov. ((6)) 5-19 Whitetail, antlerless GMU 162 ((250)) 150
Dayton B Nov. ((6)) 5-19 Antlerless Deer Area 1010 75
Marengo Nov. 1-12 Whitetail, antlerless GMU 163 75
Peola Nov. 1-12 Whitetail, antlerless GMU 178 50
Blue Mtns. Foothills A Nov. ((6)) 5-19 Whitetail, 3 pt. min. or antlerless GMUs 149, 154, 162-166 100
Blue Mtns. Foothills B Nov. ((6)) 5-19 Whitetail, 3 pt. min. or antlerless GMUs 145, 172-181 50
((Couse Nov. 1-12 Antlerless GMU 181 50))
East Okanogan A Nov. 1-18 Any whitetail GMU 204 50
East Okanogan B Oct. ((14-29)) 13-28 Whitetail, antlerless GMU 204 ((75)) 100
West Okanogan A Nov. 1-18 Any whitetail GMUs 218-242 100
West Okanogan B Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Whitetail, antlerless GMUs 218-242 ((75)) 100
Sinlahekin A Nov. 1-18 Any whitetail GMU 215 50
Sinlahekin B Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Whitetail, antlerless GMU 215 75
Chewuch A Nov. 1-18 Any deer GMU 218 20
Pearrygin A Nov. 1-18 Any deer GMU 224 20
Gardner A Nov. 1-18 Any deer GMU 231 15
Pogue A Nov. 1-18 Any deer GMU 233 15
Chiliwist A Nov. 1-18 Any deer GMU 239 15
Alta A Nov. 1-18 Any deer GMU 242 15
Manson Nov. 1-18 Any deer GMU 243 5
Chiwawa A Nov. 1-18 Any deer GMU 245 ((30)) 38
Slide Ridge A Nov. 1-18 Any deer GMU 246 20
Entiat A Nov. 1-18 Any deer GMU 247 ((50)) 65
Big Bend A Nov. 1-18 Antlerless GMU 248 ((100)) 150
Swakane A Nov. 1-18 Any deer GMU 250 40
Mission A Nov. 1-18 Any deer GMU 251 35
Mission B Oct. ((14-29)) 13-28 Antlerless GMU 251 ((150)) 210
St. Andrews Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 254 ((75)) 115
Foster Creek A Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 260 75
Foster Creek B Nov. 1-18 Antlerless GMU 260 75
Withrow A Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 262 50
Badger Nov. 1-18 Antlerless GMU 266 ((50)) 15
Ritzville A Nov. 1-18 3 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 284 5
Desert A Nov. 1-12 Any deer GMU 290 15
Desert B Nov. ((27)) 26 - Dec. ((3)) 2 Antlerless GMU 290 75
((Naneum A Oct. 14-22 Antlerless GMU 328 100))
Naneum ((B)) A Nov. ((13-19)) 12-18 ((Any buck)) 3 pt. min. GMU 328 ((24)) 17
Quilomene A Nov. ((6-19)) 5-18 ((Any buck)) 3 pt. min. GMU 329 ((24)) 15
((Teanaway A Oct. 14-22 Antlerless GMU 335 100))
Teanaway ((B)) A Nov. ((13-19)) 12-18 Any buck GMU 335 ((24)) 19
((Taneum A Oct. 14-22 Antlerless GMU 336 75))
L.T. Murray A Nov. ((13-19)) 12-18 Any buck GMUs 336, 340 ((24)) 18
((Nile A Oct. 14-22 Antlerless GMU 352 10))
Bethel A Nov. ((6-19)) 5-18 Any buck GMU 360 ((10)) 15
((Cowiche A Oct. 14-22 Antlerless GMU 368 50))
Cowiche ((B)) A Nov. ((6-19)) 5-18 Any buck GMU 368 ((15)) 10
Alkali A Nov. ((18-26)) 17-25 Any buck GMU 371 ((73)) 75
Alkali B Nov. ((18-26)) 17-25 Antlerless GMU 371 70
Kahlotus A Dec. ((10-16)) 9-15 Antlerless GMU 381 ((50)) 75
East Klickitat A Oct. ((14-27)) 13-26 3 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 382 45
Grayback A Oct. ((14-27)) 13-26 3 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 388 55
Grayback B Nov. ((16-19)) 15-18 3 pt. min. GMU 388 50
Sauk Nov. 13-16 2 pt. min. GMU 437 25
Stillaguamish Nov. 13-16 Any buck GMU 448 10
Snoqualmie Nov. 13-16 Any buck GMU 460 25
Green River A Oct. ((28)) 27 - Nov. ((3)) 2 Any buck GMU 485 10
Lincoln A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 501 40
Stella A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 504 35
Mossyrock A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 505 85
Stormking A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 510 30
South Rainier A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 513 30
Packwood A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 516 50
Winston A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 520 50
Yale A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 554 15
Coweeman A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 550 20
Toutle A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 556 25
Lewis River A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 560 35
Washougal A Oct. 13-31 Any deer GMU 568 10
Siouxon A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 572 35
Wind River A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 2 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 574 10
Wind River B Nov. ((16-19)) 15-18 2 pt. min. GMU 574 40
West Klickitat A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 2 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 578 30
West Klickitat B Nov. ((16-19)) 15-18 2 pt. min GMU 578 40
Pysht Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 603 15
Olympic A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 621 35
Kitsap Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 627 20
Skokomish A Oct. 13-31 Any deer GMU 636 20
Wynoochee A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 648 110
Wynoochee B Nov. 1-11 Any buck GMU 648 10
Satsop A Nov. 1-11 Any buck GMU 651 10
Mashel A Oct. 13-31 Any deer GMU 654 40
North River A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 658 70
Minot Peak Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 660 20
Capitol Peak A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 663 ((30)) 15
Capitol Peak B Nov. 1-11 Any buck GMU 663 10
Deschutes Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 666 80
Skookumchuck A Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 667 20
Skookumchuck B Nov. 1-11 Any buck GMU 667 10
Muzzleloader Only Deer Permit Hunts (Only muzzleloader tag holders may apply.)
Green Bluff Dec. ((10)) 9-31 Whitetail, antlerless That portion of GMU 124 east of Hwy 2 90
Mayview B Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Antlerless GMU 145 25
Prescott B Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Antlerless GMU 149 25
Blue Mtns. Foothills C Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Whitetail, 3 pt. min. or antlerless GMUs 149, 154, 162, 166 60
((Couse B Oct. 7-13 Antlerless GMU 181 25))
Wannacut A ((Nov. 1-18)) Oct. 6-12 Antlerless GMU 209 50
Chiwawa B Nov. 19-30 Any deer GMU 245 3
Chiwawa C Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Antlerless GMU 245 ((50)) 70
Swakane B Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Antlerless GMU 250 ((25)) 35
Mission C Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Antlerless GMU 251 ((30)) 45
Foster Creek C Dec. 1-31 Antlerless GMU 260 100
Moses Coulee A Nov. 1-18 Any deer GMU 269 20
Moses Coulee B Dec. 1-31 Antlerless GMU 269 ((150)) 100
Ritzville B Nov. 19-30 Mule deer, 3 pt. min. or antlerless; any white-tailed deer GMU 284 5
Benge A Dec. 1-15 Antlerless Deer Area 2010 20
Lakeview A Nov. 1-18 Antlerless Deer Area 2011 10
Desert C Oct. 25-31 Any deer GMU 290 ((3)) 2
Naneum ((C)) B Nov. ((6-12)) 5-11 Any buck GMU 328 ((3)) 2
Quilomene B Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 ((Any buck)) 3 pt. min. GMU 329 ((3)) 2
((Teanaway C Oct. 7-13 Antlerless GMU 335 50))
Teanaway ((D)) C Nov. ((6-12)) 5-11 Any buck GMU 335 ((3)) 2
((Manastash A Oct. 7-13 Antlerless GMU 340 50))
L.T. Murray B Nov. ((6-12)) 5-11 Any buck GMUs 336, 340 ((3)) 2
((Cowiche C Oct. 7-13 Antlerless GMU 368 50))
Alkali C Dec. ((3-10)) 1-8 Any buck GMU 371 ((10)) 11
Alkali D Dec. ((3-10)) 1-8 Antlerless GMU 371 15
Whitcomb A Sept. ((18-24)) 10-15 Antlerless Deer Area 3071 ((5)) 7
Whitcomb B Sept. 16-21 Antlerless Deer Area 3071 7
Whitcomb C Sept. 24 - Oct. 5 Any deer Deer Area 3071 7
Paterson A Sept. 18-24 Antlerless Deer Area 3072 ((5)) 10
Paterson B Sept. 16-21 Antlerless Deer Area 3072 10
Paterson C Sept. 24 - Oct. 5 Any deer Deer Area 3072 10
Kahlotus B Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Any deer GMU 381 25
East Klickitat B Nov. ((20)) 21-30 3 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 382 20
Grayback C Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 3 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 388 10
West Klickitat C Dec. 1-15 2 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 578 30
Mossyrock B Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Any deer GMU 505 10
Stormking B Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Any deer GMU 510 5
South Rainier B Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Any deer GMU 513 5
Packwood B Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Any deer GMU 516 5
Winston B Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Any deer GMU 520 5
Coweeman B Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Any deer GMU 550 30
Yale B Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Any deer GMU 554 2
Toutle B Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Any deer GMU 556 3
Lewis River B Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Any deer GMU 560 5
Washougal B Oct. 6-12 Any deer GMU 568 10
Siouxon B Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Any deer GMU 572 5
Wind River C Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 2 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 574 1
Olympic B Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Any deer GMU 621 20
North River B Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Any deer GMU 658 5
Archery Only Deer Permit Hunts (Only archery deer tag holders may apply.)
Chiwawa D Dec. 1-12 Any deer GMU 245 ((19)) 27
Entiat B Nov. 20-29 Any deer GMU 247 160
Entiat C Nov. 30 - Dec. 8 Any deer GMU 247 150
Big Bend B Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Any deer GMU 248 10
Desert D Nov. 13-26 Any deer GMU 290 ((14)) 12
Naneum ((D)) C Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Any ((deer)) buck GMU 328 ((20)) 13
Quilomene C Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 ((Any deer)) 3 pt. min. GMU 329 ((20)) 12
Teanaway ((E)) D Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Any ((deer)) buck GMU 335 ((20)) 13
L.T. Murray C Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 Any ((deer)) buck GMUs 336, 340 ((20)) 6
Alkali E Dec. ((10-24)) 9-25 Any deer GMU 371 ((91)) 99
Special Modern Firearm Deer Permit Hunts for Hunters 65 or older
Blue Mtns. Foothills D Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMUs 145, 149 30
East Okanogan C Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 204 15
Wannacut B Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 209 ((15)) 20
Sinlahekin C Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 215 ((15)) 25
Chewuch B Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 218 ((15)) 35
Pearrygin B Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 224 ((15)) 35
Gardner B Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 231 ((15)) 25
Pogue B Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 233 ((15)) 20
Chiliwist B Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 239 ((15)) 25
Alta B Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 242 ((15)) 25
Chiwawa E Oct. ((14-29)) 13-28 Antlerless GMU 245 ((10)) 15
Entiat ((D)) E Oct. ((14-29)) 13-28 Antlerless GMU 247 ((10)) 15
Swakane C Oct. ((14-29)) 13-28 Antlerless GMU 250 ((10)) 15
Mission D Oct. ((14-29)) 13-28 Any deer GMU 251 ((10)) 15
Bridgeport A Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMUs 248, 260 ((15)) 20
Palisades A Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMUs 266, 269 ((15)) 10
((Quilomene D Nov. 7-20 Antlerless GMU 329 10
Manastash B Oct. 14-22 Antlerless GMU 340 25
Umtanum A Nov. 7-20 Antlerless GMU 342 10
Bethel B Oct. 14-22 Antlerless GMU 360 10))
Sunnyside A Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 372 15
Horse Heaven Hills A Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 373 10
Kahlotus C Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 381 15
East Klickitat C Oct. ((14-27)) 13-26 3 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 382 20
Grayback D Oct. ((14-27)) 13-26 3 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 388 10
Lincoln B Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 501 5
Stella B Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 504 5
Mossyrock C Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 505 15
Stormking C Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 510 5
South Rainier C Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 513 5
Packwood C Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 516 5
Winston C Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 520 5
Yale C Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 554 5
Toutle C Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 556 10
Lewis River C Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 560 5
Washougal ((A)) C Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 568 10
Siouxon C Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 572 5
Wind River D Oct. ((14)) 13-31 2 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 574 2
West Klickitat D Oct. ((14)) 13-31 2 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 578 5
Copalis Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 642 20
North River C Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 658 10
Williams Creek Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 673 20
Disabled Hunter Deer Permits (Hunters must use method/weapon listed on their tag. All weapon types may apply unless otherwise noted.)
East Okanogan D Restricted to general early season by tag choice Antlerless GMU 204 15
Wannacut C Antlerless GMU 209 ((15)) 20
Sinlahekin D Antlerless GMU 215 ((15)) 25
Chewuch C Antlerless GMU 218 ((15)) 35
Pearrygin C Antlerless GMU 224 ((15)) 35
Gardner C Antlerless GMU 231 ((15)) 25
Pogue C Antlerless GMU 233 ((15)) 20
Chiliwist C Antlerless GMU 239 ((15)) 25
Alta C Antlerless GMU 242 ((15)) 25
Chiwawa F Oct. ((14-29)) 13-28 Antlerless, modern firearm only GMU 245 ((10)) 15
Entiat ((E)) F Oct. ((14-29)) 13-28 Antlerless, modern firearm only GMU 247 ((15)) 25
Mission E Oct. ((14-29)) 13-28 Any deer, modern firearm only GMU 251 ((15)) 25
Bridge Port B Restricted to general early season by tag choice Any deer GMUs 248, 260 ((10)) 15
Palisades B Any deer GMUs 266, 269 ((10)) 5
((Quilomene E Nov. 6-19 Antlerless, modern firearm only GMU 329 5
Manastash C Oct. 14-22 Antlerless, modern firearm only GMU 340 10
Umtanum B Nov. 6-19 Antlerless, modern firearm only GMU 342 5
Nile B Restricted to general early season by tag choice Antlerless GMU 352 10))
Sunnyside B Restricted to general early ((seson)) season by tag choice

Antlerless GMU 372 10
Kahlotus D Antlerless GMU 381 10
East Klickitat D 3 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 382 20
Grayback E 3 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 388 10
Green River B Oct. ((28)) 27 - Nov. ((5)) 2 Any deer, modern firearm only GMU 485 5
Lincoln C Restricted to general early season by tag choice Any deer GMU 501 3
Stella C Any deer GMU 504 3
Mossyrock D Any deer GMU 505 5
Stormking D Any deer GMU 510 3
South Rainier D Any deer GMU 513 3
Packwood D Any deer GMU 516 3
Winston D Any deer GMU 520 3
Yale D Any deer GMU 554 3
Toutle D Any deer GMU 556 5
Lewis River D Any deer GMU 560 2
Washougal ((B)) D Any deer GMU 568 ((2)) 10
Siouxon D Any deer GMU 572 3
Wind River E 2 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 574 1
West Klickitat E 2 pt. min. or antlerless GMU 578 3
Capitol Peak C Any deer GMU 663 30
Skookumchuck C Any deer GMU 667 30
North River D Any deer GMU 658 5
Youth Special Deer Permit Hunts (Must be eligible for the youth hunting license and accompanied by an adult during the hunt.)
Modern Firearm Only
Blue Mtns. Foothills E Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMUs 149, 154, 162-163 40
Blue Mtns. Foothills F Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMUs 145, 172-181 40
East Okanogan E Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 204 70
Wannacut D Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 209 ((50)) 40
Sinlahekin E Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 215 ((100)) 80
Chewuch D Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 218 ((175)) 135
Pearrygin D Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 224 ((175)) 135
Gardner D Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 231 ((65)) 50
Pogue D Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 233 ((50)) 40
Chiliwist D Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 239 ((100)) 80
Alta D Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 242 ((110)) 90
Chiwawa G Oct. ((14-29)) 13-28 Antlerless GMU 245 ((60)) 85
Entiat ((F)) G Oct. ((14-29)) 13-28 Antlerless GMU 247 ((40)) 55
Swakane D Oct. ((14-29)) 13-28 Antlerless GMU 250 ((20)) 30
Mission F Oct. ((14-29)) 13-28 Antlerless GMU 251 ((150)) 210
Bridge Port C Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMUs 248, 260 ((125)) 175
Palisades C Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMUs 266, 269 ((100)) 50
Lakeview C Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Any deer Deer Area 2011 10
Benge B Oct. 23-31 Antlerless Deer Area 2010 20
Desert E Sept. ((18 - Oct. 1)) 22-23 Any deer GMU 290 ((10)) 2
((Naneum F Oct. 14-22 Antlerless GMU 328 50
Quilomene F Nov. 6-19 Antlerless GMU 329 50
Manastash D Oct. 14-22 Antlerless GMU 340 100
Umtanum C Nov. 7-20 Antlerless GMU 342 25
Cowiche D Oct. 14-22 Antlerless GMU 368 50))
Horse Heaven Hills B Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 373 10
Kahlotus E Oct. ((14-22)) 13-21 Antlerless GMU 381 20
Grayback F Oct. ((14-27)) 13-26 Any deer GMU 388 20
East Klickitat E Oct. ((14-27)) 13-26 Any deer GMU 382 30
Green River C Oct. ((28)) 27 - Nov. ((3)) 2 Antlerless GMU 485 5
Lincoln D Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 501 10
Stella D Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 504 10
Mossyrock E Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 505 10
Stormking E Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 510 10
South Rainier E Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 513 10
Packwood E Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 516 10
Winston E Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 520 10
Yale E Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 554 10
Toutle E Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 556 60
Lewis River E Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 560 10
Washougal ((C)) E Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 568 10
Siouxon E Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 572 10
Wind River F Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 574 15
West Klickitat F Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 578 15
Satsop B Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 651 10
Skookumchuck D Oct. ((7)) 6-31 Any deer GMU 667 60
North River E Oct. ((14)) 13-31 Any deer GMU 658 10
Youth Special Deer Permit Hunts (Must be eligible for the youth hunting license and accompanied by an adult during the hunt.)
Muzzleloader Only
East Okanogan F Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Antlerless GMU 204 10
Wannacut E Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Antlerless GMU 209 10
Pogue E Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Antlerless GMU 233 10
Chiliwist E Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Antlerless GMU 239 10
Alta E Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Antlerless GMU 242 10
Mission ((F)) G Oct. ((7-13)) 1-12 Any deer GMU 251 20
Ritzville C Oct. ((7-13)) 6-12 Antlerless GMU 284 50
Desert F Sept. ((1-15)) 8-9 Any deer GMU 290 ((10)) 2
Whitcomb ((B)) D Sept. ((11-17)) 1-7 Antlerless Deer Area 3071 ((5)) 7
Paterson B Sept. ((11-17)) 1-7 Antlerless Deer Area 3072 ((5)) 10
Youth Special Deer Permit Hunts (Must be eligible for the youth hunting license and be accompanied by an adult during the hunt.)
Archery Only
Desert G ((Oct. 2-15)) Sept. 15-16 Any deer GMU 290 ((10)) 2
Special Deer Permits - Second Deer Tag

These permits are only valid when a second license and tag is purchased. Hunters must use the method/weapon listed on their tag. The second deer license and tag type must be the same tag type as the first one. These 2nd deer special permit hunts will not affect hunters' accumulated points.

Hunt Name Second Tag Season Special Restrictions Boundary Description Permits
Huckleberry B Restricted to general seasons by tag choice Whitetail, antlerless GMU 121 400
Mt. Spokane B Whitetail, antlerless GMU 124 500
Almota B Antlerless GMU 142 100
Mica Peak B Modern firearm and archery general season only Whitetail, antlerless GMU 127 200
Northeast Archery tag required. Any open archery hunt. Must use archery equipment. Whitetail, antlerless GMUs 105, 108, 121, 124 ((200)) 400
Benge C Dec. 16-31 Antlerless Deer Area 2010 20
Lakeview C Jan. 1-30 Antlerless Deer Area 2011 20
Methow Sept. 4 - Oct. 12 Antlerless Deer Area 2012 50
High Prairie Restricted to general early season by tag choice Antlerless Deer Area 3088 50
Shaw Restricted to general seasons by tag choice

Any deer Deer Area 4004 50
Lopez Any deer Deer Area 4005 50
Orcas Any deer Deer Area 4006 50
Decatur Any deer Deer Area 4007 50
Blakely Any deer Deer Area 4008 50
Cypress Any deer Deer Area 4009 50
San Juan Any deer Deer Area 4010 50
Camano Antlerless Deer Area 4011 50
Whidbey Antlerless Deer Area 4012 125
Vashon-Maury Antlerless Deer Area 4013 125
Guemes Antlerless Deer Area 4926 50
Anderson Antlerless Deer Area 6014 50
Advanced Hunter Education (AHE) Master Hunter Special Deer Permit Hunts: Only AHE master hunters may apply; antlerless only hunts will not affect accumulated points; any weapon may be used.
Lakeview D Dec. 9-31 Antlerless Deer Area 2011 20

Hunter Education Instructor Incentive Permits
– Special deer permits will be allocated through a random drawing to those hunter education instructors that qualify.
– Permit hunters must use archery equipment during archery seasons, muzzleloader equipment during muzzleloader seasons, and any legal weapon during modern firearm seasons.
– Qualifying hunter education instructors must be certified and have been in active status for a minimum of three consecutive years, inclusive of the year prior to the permit drawing.
– Instructors who are drawn, accept a permit, and are able to participate in the hunt, will not be eligible for these incentive permits for a period of ten years thereafter.
– Permittees may purchase a second license for use with the permit hunt only.
Area Dates Restrictions GMUs Permits
Region 1 All general season and permit seasons established for GMUs included with the permit

Any white-tailed deer Any 100 series GMU except GMU 157 2
Region 2 Any white-tailed deer GMUs 204-215 2
Region 2 Any deer GMUs 215-251 1
Region 2 Any deer GMU 290 1
Region 3 Any deer GMUs 335-368, 382, 388 1
Region 4 Any deer Any 400 series GMU except GMU 485 2
Region 5 Legal buck for 500 series GMU of choice or antlerless Any 500 series GMU open for a general deer hunting season or a special deer permit hunting season ((2)) 6
Region 6 Legal buck for GMU of choice GMUs 654, 660, 672, 673, 681 1

[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 06-11-032 (Order 06-92), § 232-28-353, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06.]


AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 06-196, filed 8/15/06, effective 9/15/06)

WAC 232-28-354   ((2006)) 2007 Elk special permits.  

Special Elk Permit Hunting Seasons

(Open to Permit Holders Only)

Hunters must purchase an elk hunting license prior to purchase of a permit application. Hunters may only apply for permits consistent with the tag required for the hunt choice; however, Multiple Season Permit holders may apply for Eastern or Western Washington archery, muzzleloader, or modern firearm permit hunts. Applicants must have purchased the proper tag for these hunts. The elk tag prefixes required to apply for each hunt are shown in the following table. Hunters drawn for a special permit hunt must comply with weapon restrictions and dates listed for the hunt.

Hunt Name Permit Season Dates Special Restrictions Elk Tag


Boundary Description Permits
Modern Firearm Bull Permit Hunts (Only modern firearm elk tag holders may apply.)
Prescott A ((Oct. 23 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF GMU 149 2
Blue Creek A ((Oct. 23 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF GMU 154 2
Watershed ((Oct. 28 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 3 pt. min. or Antlerless EA, EF, EM GMU 157 ((40)) 45
Dayton A ((Oct. 23 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF GMU 162 ((12)) 13
Tucannon A ((Oct. 23 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF Elk Area 1014 ((2)) 4
Wenaha A ((Oct. 23 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF GMU 169 ((14)) 17
Mountain View A ((Oct. 23 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF GMU 172 ((4)) 6
Couse A ((Oct. 23 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF GMU 181 1
Mission A ((Oct. 23 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF GMU 251 2
Colockum A ((Oct. 23 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF GMUs 328, 329 ((7)) 9
Teanaway A ((Dec. 23 - Jan. 5, 2007)) Dec. 19-30 Any bull EF GMU 335 ((24)) 22
Teanaway A-1 Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF GMU 335 1
Peaches Ridge A ((Oct. 23 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF GMUs 336, 346 ((132)) 135
Little Naches A Oct. 1-10 Any bull EF GMU 346 15
Observatory A ((Oct. 23 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF GMUs 340, 342 ((76)) 80
Goose Prairie A ((Oct. 23 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF GMUs 352, 356 ((88)) 96
Bethel A ((Oct. 23 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF GMU 360 ((50)) 62
Rimrock A ((Oct. 23 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF GMU 364 ((118)) 123
Cowiche A ((Oct. 23 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF GMU 368 24
Klickitat Meadows A ((Oct. 23 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 22 - Nov. 4 Any bull EF Elk Area 3068 1
Nooksack A Oct. 13 - Nov. 11 Any bull WF GMU 418 6
Green River ((Oct. 28 - Nov. 3)) Oct. 27 - Nov. 2 Any bull WF GMU 485 3
Margaret A ((Nov. 4-12)) Nov. 3-12 Any bull WF GMU 524 ((23)) 35
Toutle A ((Nov. 4-12)) Nov. 3-12 Any bull WF GMU 556 ((91)) 130
Clearwater Oct. 1-10 Any bull WA, WF, WM GMU 615 2
Matheny Oct. 1-10 Any bull WA, WF, WM GMU 618 3
Olympic A Nov. 1-9 ((Any bull)) 3 pt. min. WF GMU 621, EXCEPT for Elk Area 6071 ((21)) 14
Skokomish A Nov. 1-9 ((Any bull)) 3 pt. min. WF GMU 636 9
Wynoochee Oct. 1-10 Any bull WA, WF, WM GMU 648 1
White River A ((Nov. 4-12)) Nov. 3-12 Any bull WF GMU 653 ((23)) 40
Modern Firearm Elk Permit Hunts (Only modern firearm elk tag holders may apply.)
Aladdin A ((Oct. 28 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 Any elk EF GMU 111 15
Selkirk A ((Oct. 28 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 Any elk EF GMU 113 20
49 Degrees North A ((Oct. 28 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 Any elk EF GMU 117 ((30)) 45
Blue Creek B ((Oct. 28 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 Antlerless EF GMUs 149, 154 100
Prescott B ((Oct. 28 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 Antlerless EF GMU 149 75
Dayton B ((Oct. 28 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 Antlerless EF GMU 163 and Elk Area 1011 ((200)) 100
Dayton C ((Oct. 28 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 Antlerless EF GMU 149 and Elk Area 1012 100
Peola A ((Oct. 28 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 Antlerless EF GMU 178 50
((Couse B Aug. 27 - Sept. 7 Antlerless EF GMU 181 25))
Couse ((C)) B ((Oct. 1-10)) Oct. 1-12 Antlerless EF GMU 181 ((25)) 30
Mountain View B ((Oct. 28 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 27 - Nov. 6 Antlerless EF Elk Area 1013 ((60)) 20
Lick Creek A ((Oct. 28 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 27 - Nov. 4 Antlerless EF GMU 175 25
((Malaga A Aug. 12-31 Antlerless EF Elk Area 2032 30))
Malaga ((B)) A Sept. 8-30 Any elk EF Elk Area 2032 ((10)) 5
Malaga ((C)) B Sept. 15-25 Antlerless EF Elk Area 2032 ((70)) 35
Malaga ((D)) C Nov. 6 - Dec. 31 Antlerless EF Elk Area 2032 ((120)) 100
Malaga ((E)) D Nov. 6 - Dec. 18 Any elk EF Elk Area 2032 ((10)) 7
((Malaga F Dec. 19 - Feb. 28, 2007 Any elk EF Elk Area 2032 15
Peshastin A Aug. 15-31 Antlerless EF Elk Area 2033 20))
Peshastin ((B)) A ((Sept. 15 - Oct. 1)) Sept. 15 - Oct. 5 Antlerless EF Elk Area 2033 20
Peshastin ((C)) B ((Sept. 22-30)) Oct. 13-31 Any elk EF Elk Area 2033 5
((Peshastin D Nov. 30 - Feb. 28, 2007 Antlerless EF Elk Area 2033 30
Peshastin E Dec. 15 - Feb. 28, 2007 Any elk EF Elk Area 2033 10))
West Bar A ((Oct. 28 - Nov. 1)) Oct. 27-31 Antlerless EF GMU 330 5
West Bar B ((Nov. 2-5)) Nov. 1-4 Antlerless EF GMU 330 5
Teanaway B ((Dec. 23 - Jan. 30, 2007)) Dec. 19 - Jan. 13, 2008 Antlerless EF GMU 335 100
Taneum A ((Nov. 1-5)) Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 Antlerless EF GMU 336 150
Manastash A ((Nov. 1-5)) Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 Antlerless EF GMU 340 250
Umtanum A ((Nov. 1-5)) Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 Antlerless EF GMU 342 250
Cleman Dec. 1-15 Antlerless EF Elk Area 3944 50
Little Naches B ((Nov. 1-5)) Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 Antlerless EF GMU 346 150
Nile A ((Nov. 1-5)) Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 Antlerless EF GMU 352 50
Bumping B ((Nov. 1-5)) Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 Antlerless EF GMU 356 100
Bethel B ((Nov. 1-5)) Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 Antlerless EF GMU 360 100
Rimrock B ((Nov. 1-5)) Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 Antlerless EF GMU 364 150
Cowiche B ((Nov. 1-5)) Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 Antlerless EF GMU 368 150
Klickitat Meadows B ((Nov. 1-5)) Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 Spike bull or antlerless EF Elk Area 3068 9
Alkali A ((Oct. 21 - Nov. 5)) Oct. 20 - Nov. 4 Any elk EF GMU 371 25
Mossyrock A Nov. 3-12 Antlerless WF GMU 505 50
Willapa Hills A ((Nov. 4-12)) Nov. 3-12 Antlerless WF GMU 506 35
Winston A ((Nov. 4-12)) Nov. 3-12 Antlerless WF GMU 520 ((12)) 130
Margaret B ((Nov. 13-17)) Nov. 3-12 Antlerless WF GMU 524 ((30)) 50
Margaret C Nov. 24 - Dec. 2 Antlerless WF GMU 524 50
Ryderwood A ((Nov. 4-12)) Nov. 3-12 Antlerless WF GMU 530 ((32)) 35
Coweeman A ((Nov. 4-12)) Nov. 3-12 Antlerless WF GMU 550 ((15)) 225
Coweeman B Jan. 1-15, 2008 Antlerless WF GMU 550 50
Toutle B ((Nov. 13-17)) Nov. 3-12 Antlerless WF GMU 556 ((50)) 70
Toutle C Nov. 24 - Dec. 2 Antlerless WF GMU 556 100
Toledo ((G)) A ((Nov. 4-12)) Nov. 3-12 Antlerless WF Elk Area 5029 20
Green Mtn C ((Nov. 4-12)) Nov. 3-12 Antlerless WF Elk Area 5051 10
Carlton ((Oct. 1-10)) Sept. 22-30 Any bull WF Elk Area 5057 5
West Goat Rocks ((Oct. 1-10)) Sept. 22-30 Any bull WF Elk Area 5058 5
Mt. Adams ((Oct. 1-10)) Sept. 22-30 Any bull WF Elk Area 5059 5
Wildwood A Jan. 16-30, ((2007)) 2008 Antlerless WF Elk Area 5061 15
Lewis River A ((Nov. 4-12)) Nov. 3-12 Antlerless WF GMU 560 ((80)) 375
Siouxon A ((Nov. 4-12)) Nov. 3-12 Antlerless WF GMU 572 ((40)) 125
Raymond A Nov. 5-10 3 pt. min. or antlerless WF Elk Area 6010 20
Raymond B Dec. 16-31 Antlerless WF Elk Area 6010 30
Raymond C Jan. 1-30, ((2007)) 2008 Antlerless WF Elk Area 6010 15
Raymond D Feb. 1-28, ((2007)) 2008 Antlerless WF Elk Area 6010 15
Chehalis Valley A Oct. 1-31 Antlerless WF Elk Area 6066 ((10)) 5
Chehalis Valley B Nov. 5-10 Antlerless WF Elk Area 6066 ((10)) 5
North Minot A Oct. 20-31 Antlerless WF Elk Area 6067 ((60)) 20
Deschutes Jan. 15-23, ((2007)) 2008 Antlerless WF GMU 666 10
North River Nov. 8-13 Antlerless WF GMU 658 10
Williams Creek Nov. 8-13 Antlerless WF GMU 673 50
Tri Valley A Dec. 1 - Jan. 30, ((2007)) 2008 Antlerless WF Elk Area 6012 10
North Shore A ((Nov. 5-9)) Nov. 4-8 Antlerless WF Elk Area 6068 5
Muzzleloader Bull Permit Hunts (Only muzzleloader elk tag holders may apply.)
Note: Fire closures may limit access during early October seasons.
Prescott C Oct. 1-10 Any bull EM GMU 149 1
Blue Creek C Oct. 1-10 Any bull EM GMU 154 1
Dayton D Oct. 1-10 Any bull EM GMU 162 ((3)) 2
Tucannon B Oct. 1-10 Any bull EM Elk Area 1014 1
Wenaha B Oct. 1-10 Any bull EM GMU 169 ((2)) 3
Mountain View C Oct. 1-10 Any bull EM GMU 172 ((1)) 2
Couse D Oct. 1-10 Any bull EM GMU 181 1
Mission B Oct. 1-10 Any bull EM GMU 251 1
Colockum B Oct. 1-10 Any bull EM GMUs 328, 329 ((1)) 2
Teanaway C ((Dec. 9-22)) Dec. 9-18 Any elk EM GMU 335 7
Peaches Ridge B Oct. 1-10 Any bull EM GMUs 336, 346 19
Observatory B Oct. 1-10 Any bull