Effective Date of Rule: Immediately.
Purpose: To amend and update the procedures for financial institutions that hold public funds in Washington state in accordance with the Public Deposit Protection Act, as amended by chapter 9, Laws of 2009.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing WAC 389-12-260; and amending WAC 389-12-010 through 389-12-320.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: Chapter 39.58 RCW.
Other Authority: RCW 39.58.040.
Under RCW 34.05.350 the agency for good cause finds that immediate adoption, amendment, or repeal of a rule is necessary for the preservation of the public health, safety, or general welfare, and that observing the time requirements of notice and opportunity to comment upon adoption of a permanent rule would be contrary to the public interest.
Reasons for this Finding: These emergency rules are needed to implement changes made to the Public Deposit Protection Act under chapter 9, Laws of 2009, and to update procedures for financial institutions holding public funds in consideration of the current banking environment. These rules are temporary while permanent rules are developed.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 3, Amended 20, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 3, Amended 25, Repealed 1.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 5, Repealed 1.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: April 30, 2009.
Shad Pruitt
Deputy Treasurer
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 86-I, Resolution No.
86-003, filed 6/19/86)
WAC 389-12-010
The public deposit
protection commission, hereinafter referred to as the
"commission," after due and proper notice, and pursuant to the
provisions of chapter 193, Laws of 1969 1st ex. sess., as last
amended by chapter((s 25 and 160)) 9, Laws of ((1986)) 2009,
hereinafter referred to as the "act," hereby adopts and
promulgates the following rules and regulations((, effective
July 1, 1986)).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 39.58.040. 86-14-005 (Order 86-I, Resolution No. 86-003), § 389-12-010, filed 6/19/86; 84-21-036 (Order 84-II, Resolution No. 84-004), § 389-12-010, filed 10/11/84; 84-03-037 (Order 84-01), § 389-12-010, filed 1/13/84; Order 77-XIII, § 389-12-010, filed 9/27/77; Order II, § 389-12-010, filed 6/13/73; Order 1, § 389-12-010, filed 2/9/70.]
(1) (("Public depositary" means a financial institution
which does not claim exemption from the payment of any sales
or compensating use or ad valorem taxes under the laws of this
state, which has segregated for the benefit of the commission
eligible collateral having a value of not less than its
maximum liability and whose charter has been approved by the
commission to hold public deposits.
(2) "Financial institution" means any of the following
which are located in this state and are lawfully engaged in
(a) Bank depositaries -- Any branch of a bank engaged in
the banking business in this state in accordance with RCW 30.04.300, and any state bank or trust company or national
banking association.
(b) Thrift depositaries -- Any state chartered mutual
savings bank or stock savings bank, any state or federally
chartered savings and loan association (including federally
chartered savings bank).)) "Uninsured public deposits" means
public deposits not backed by the full faith and credit of the
United States government.
(2) "Depositor" means a state or local government with public funds on deposit with a public depositary as defined in chapter 39.58 RCW.
(3) "Investment deposits" ((shall)) means time deposits,
savings deposits, and money market deposit accounts of public
funds available for investment((. Savings deposits shall mean
an interest bearing deposit of public funds that is subject to
withdrawal and that is not payable on a specified date or at
the expiration of a specified time after the date of deposit. Time deposit shall mean a single maturity or multiple maturity
interest bearing investment deposit of public funds, which is
either evidenced by a certificate of deposit issued by a
public depositary, or reflected in a book-entry system of such
depositary approved by federal regulatory authorities, state
supervisor of banking and/or state supervisor of savings and
loan associations, and which is payable to a treasurer on a
date certain. Such certificate shall not be negotiable, nor
an interest in an investment deposit transferable, except
between treasurers and/or public depositaries. Money market
deposit account shall mean an account established with a
public depositary in accordance with Public Law No. 97-320,
the Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982)) as
defined in Regulation D, Title 12 Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) Part 204. "Investment deposits" also means certificates
of deposit issued in accordance with the following conditions:
(a) The funds are initially invested in an authorized Washington state public depositary;
(b) The public depositary arranges for the investment of the funds in certificates of deposit issued by one or more federally insured banks or savings and loan associations wherever located, for the depositor;
(c) The full amount of the deposit, principal and interest, of each such certificate of deposit is insured by an agency of the federal government;
(d) The public depositary acts as custodian for the depositor with respect to all such certificates of deposit issued for the depositor; and
(e) At the same time that funds are invested and the corresponding certificates of deposit are issued, the public depositary receives an amount on deposit from other federally regulated financial institutions wherever located equal to or greater than the amount of funds initially invested by the depositor.
All such investment deposits invested in accordance with conditions (a) through (e) of this subsection shall not be subject to any additional security or collateral requirement.
(4) "Commission report" ((shall)) means a formal
accounting rendered by all public depositaries to the
commission, which details pertinent information of each
depositary ((as of the close of the last business day of each
calendar quarter; the)) in a format supplied by the
(5) "Commission report date" means the last day of each calendar quarter.
(6) "Commission report due date" means the commission
report is due in the office of the commission ((not)) no later
than ((thirty days after the end of each calendar quarter))
the date a depositary's financial report is due to its federal
regulatory authority. ((In addition, each public depositary
shall submit to the commission a nonquarter monthly reporting
(7) "Monthly report" means a report prepared by all
public depositaries to the commission, which details insured
and uninsured public funds and other pertinent information of
each depositary in a format supplied by the commission. ((This report shall be due))
(8) "Monthly report date" means the last day of each calendar month.
(9) "Monthly report due date" means the monthly report is
due in the office of the commission no later than eight
working days after the ((end of each nonquarter month))
monthly report date or other date as set by the commission.
(10) "Financial report" means the consolidated statement of condition and income required by the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council or the thrift financial report required by the Office of Thrift Supervision.
(((5))) (11) "Date of loss" ((shall)) means the date on
which a loss shall be deemed to have occurred within the
meaning of the act, and shall be the first to happen of the
(a) The date of the taking of possession of the financial institution by a supervisory agency; or
(b) The date of the appointment of the receiver or conservator for a financial institution; or
(c) The date of the commencement of a voluntary liquidation proceeding for a financial institution; or
(d) The date of an order issued by a regulatory authority or a court of competent jurisdiction restraining a financial institution from making payments on deposit liabilities; or
(e) The date on which the commission declares that a financial institution no longer has the ability to repay public deposits in full.
(((6))) (12) "Depositary pledge agreement" means a
written ((tri-party)) tripartite agreement, on a form supplied
by the commission, wherein a financial institution, in
compliance with the act and as a condition precedent to
becoming or continuing to be a public depositary, transfers
and delivers securities which are eligible collateral to a
corporate fiduciary under the exercise of its trust powers, to
the federal reserve bank of San Francisco, the federal home
loan bank of Seattle, ((the trust department of the public
depositary,)) or ((any)) such other ((institution as))
third-party safekeeping agent approved by the commission,
which agrees to safekeep such securities for the primary
benefit of the commission under the terms and conditions of
the agreement and for the purposes set forth by the act and
the regulations of the commission. Such agreement shall be
executed on behalf of the commission by the chairman, who
shall be the state treasurer. Upon completion, the agreement
shall be approved by the board of directors or loan committee
of the financial institution((s)). The agreement must be
continuously, from the time of its execution, an official
record of the ((bank)) financial institution. Copies of the
meeting minutes which reflect this are to be provided to the
(((7))) (13) "Segregation of collateral" means the
transfer and delivery of eligible securities by a public
depositary pursuant to a depositary pledge agreement (((RCW 39.58.050))). A public depositary ((wishing)) must submit a
written request to the commission to reduce the amount of
securities pledged as collateral ((must submit a written
request to the commission)). The trustee holding the
collateral shall not allow a reduction of securities without
the prior written approval of the commission. When a public
depositary pledges eligible securities whose payments include
a periodic principal reduction, the trustee shall advise the
commission, on no less than a monthly basis, of the amounts of
such principal payments as well as the new total value which
result from the principal payments.
(((8))) (14) "Net worth" of a public depositary means((:
(a) For a bank depositary, the aggregate of capital,
surplus, undivided profits and all capital notes and
debentures which are subordinate to the interest of
(b) For a thrift depositary, the aggregate of such
capital stock, guaranty fund, general reserves, surplus,
undivided profits, and all capital notes and debentures which
are subordinate to the interest of depositors, as are eligible
for inclusion in otherwise determining the net worth of a
mutual savings bank, stock savings bank, or savings and loan
association, excluding appraised equity capital, income
capital certificates, net worth certificates, and deferred
losses on loans sold;)) the same as defined in RCW 39.58.010.
Net worth for ((both bank and thrift)) public
depositaries headquartered outside Washington state may be
adjusted by the commission to reflect the depositaries'
proportional net worth position in Washington state.
(((9))) (15) "Corporate fiduciary" for the purposes of
these rules means a financial institution as defined herein
which is possessed of statutorily granted trust authority:
Provided, That for the purposes of this definition such
financial institution need not be located or doing business in
the state of Washington.
(((10))) (16) "Out-of-state bank" for the purposes of
these rules means a financial institution which has its
principal place of business outside the state of Washington.
(((11))) (17) "Alien bank" for the purposes of these
rules means a financial institution organized under the laws
of a foreign country and having its principal place of
business in that country, the majority of the beneficial
ownership and control of which is vested in citizens of
countries other than the United States of America.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 39.58 RCW and RCW 39.58.040. 99-20-082, § 389-12-020, filed 10/5/99, effective 11/5/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 39.58.040. 86-14-005 (Order 86-I, Resolution No. 86-003), § 389-12-020, filed 6/19/86; 84-21-036 (Order 84-II, Resolution No. 84-004), § 389-12-020, filed 10/11/84; 84-03-037 (Order 84-01), § 389-12-020, filed 1/13/84; 78-12-075 (Order 78-XIV, Resolution No. 78-XIV), § 389-12-020, filed 12/5/78; Order 77-XIII, § 389-12-020, filed 9/27/77; Order II, § 389-12-020, filed 6/13/73; Order 1, § 389-12-020, filed 2/9/70.]
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 39.58 RCW and RCW 39.58.040. 99-20-082, § 389-12-030, filed 10/5/99, effective 11/5/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 39.58.040. 84-21-036 (Order 84-II, Resolution No. 84-004), § 389-12-030, filed 10/11/84; 84-03-037 (Order 84-01), § 389-12-030, filed 1/13/84; Order 77-XIII, § 389-12-030, filed 9/27/77; Order II, § 389-12-030, filed 6/13/73; Order 1, § 389-12-030, filed 2/9/70.]
The ((quarterly)) commission report ((to the commission))
shall be received in the office of the commission ((not later
than thirty days following each calendar quarter end)) by the
commission report due date, and shall ((have attached a
completed copy of the balance sheet and deposit liabilities
portion of)) also include schedules, as determined by the
commission, from the public depositary's most recent
((consolidated)) financial report ((of condition or
consolidated statement of condition as reported)) to ((the
depositary's primary regulator)) its federal regulatory
authority. Any public depositary failing to submit its
commission report by the commission report due date shall be
subject to appropriate sanction as provided in chapter 39.58 RCW and WAC 389-12-100.
At the end of each calendar quarter, the commission shall
provide each public depositary the amount constituting thirty
percent of total public funds on deposit in Washington state
for the preceding quarter. Depositaries ((will)) shall use
this ((figure for the current report period and)) amount to
monitor their total public funds on deposit for the ensuing
quarter, unless notified of a revised ((figure)) amount by the
Upon written request from a public depositary the
commission may, for good cause shown, extend the commission
report due date for commission reports for a period not to
exceed ((ten)) five days.
If the maximum liability has increased from the previous
commission report or if aggregate public deposits exceed the
limitations prescribed in ((section 19, chapter 177, Laws of
1984)) RCW 39.58.135, the depositary shall immediately
increase its collateral and the commission shall be so
Each public depositary shall provide to the commission a
copy of any changes, amendments, or alterations to the public
depositary's financial report as submitted to ((appropriate))
its federal regulatory authority which relate to (a) deposits
of states and political subdivision, and/or (b) net worth.
A monthly report of insured and uninsured public funds,
and other pertinent information shall, in a format supplied by
the commission, be submitted by each public depositary to the
commission no later than ((eight working days following the
end of each month)) the monthly report date. If applicable,
adjustments to the depositaries' last reported net worth
and/or additional collateral being pledged shall be listed on
the monthly report. The monthly report shall be submitted to
the commission every month((, except for those months in which
the quarterly report must be submitted to the commission)).
Any public depositary failing to submit its monthly report by
the monthly report due date shall be subject to appropriate
sanction as provided in chapter 39.58 RCW and WAC 389-12-100.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 39.58 RCW and RCW 39.58.040. 99-20-082, § 389-12-040, filed 10/5/99, effective 11/5/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 39.58.040. 84-21-036 (Order 84-II, Resolution No. 84-004), § 389-12-040, filed 10/11/84; 84-03-037 (Order 84-01), § 389-12-040, filed 1/13/84; Order 77-XIII, § 389-12-040, filed 9/27/77; Order II, § 389-12-040, filed 6/13/73; Order 1, § 389-12-040, filed 2/9/70.]
The maximum liability with reference to a public depositary's liability under chapter 39.58 RCW shall be:
(1) A sum equal to ten percent of:
(a) All uninsured deposits held by a public depositary that has not incurred a loss by the then most recent commission report date; or
(b) The average of the balances of total public deposits reported prior to enactment of chapter 9, Laws of 2009 and uninsured public deposits reported subsequently on the public depositary's four most recent commission report dates, whichever amount is greater; or
(2) Such other sum or measure as the commission may set by resolution.
For example, the computation of a public depositary's maximum liability on March 31, 2009, will be greater of the uninsured public funds held on March 31, 2009; or the average of uninsured public funds held on March 31, 2009, plus total public funds held on December 31, 2008, September 30, 2008, and June 30, 2008.
This section shall have no prospective application to a public depositary that has not withdrawn its participation pursuant to WAC 389-12-035 once a public depositary has four consecutive commission report dates subsequent to the effective date of chapter 9, Laws of 2009.
Market value shall be computed as of the date of
segregation or the last preceding commission report date,
whichever is later. When the commission report is submitted,
each depositary shall provide, in a format supplied by the
commission, a current listing of those securities pledged and
their ((then)) current par and market ((and par)) value as of
the commission report date.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 39.58 RCW and RCW 39.58.040. 99-20-082, § 389-12-050, filed 10/5/99, effective 11/5/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 39.58.040. 84-21-036 (Order 84-II, Resolution No. 84-004), § 389-12-050, filed 10/11/84; 84-03-037 (Order 84-01), § 389-12-050, filed 1/13/84; Order 77-XIII, § 389-12-050, filed 9/27/77; Order II, § 389-12-050, filed 6/13/73; Order 1, § 389-12-050, filed 2/9/70.]
The trustee, under a depositary pledge agreement, shall inform the commission whenever assets are delivered to or by the trustee by mailing to the commission, within twenty-four hours following such deposit or withdrawal, a copy of the receipt signed by the party that accepted delivery of such assets.
No costs, fees and expenses incidental to the functioning of the pledge agreement shall be a charge against the commission or its interest in the securities pledged.
Each public depositary shall at all times maintain eligible collateral segregated and pledged with its trustee having a value at least equal to its maximum liability as defined in the act or such other sum or measure set by the commission and under these rules and regulations. Compliance with the foregoing requirement shall be the public depositary's responsibility regardless of the frequency and form of reports required by the commission.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 39.58 RCW and RCW 39.58.040. 99-20-082, § 389-12-060, filed 10/5/99, effective 11/5/99; Order 77-XIII, § 389-12-060, filed 9/27/77; Order II, § 389-12-060, filed 6/13/73; Order 1, § 389-12-060, filed 2/9/70.]
(1) Notify the commission; and
(2) Provide additional collateral, if necessary, to provide one hundred percent collateralization of such excess deposits.
When a depositary's net worth position is reduced, such
depositary shall determine if any ((public)) treasurer's or
state treasurer's funds on deposit exceed the revised net
worth. If any such excess deposits exist, the public
depositary shall immediately notify the commission and provide
the commission with a detailed accounting of deposits. The
public depositary shall also advise the commission of its
intent to:
(1) Provide one hundred percent collateralization of the excess deposits; or
(2) Allow
the treasurer to withdraw such deposits in accordance with
((section 18, chapter 177, Laws of 1984)) RCW 39.58.130.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 39.58 RCW and RCW 39.58.040. 99-20-082, § 389-12-065, filed 10/5/99, effective 11/5/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 39.58.040. 84-21-036 (Order 84-II, Resolution No. 84-004), § 389-12-065, filed 10/11/84.]
The collateral pledged under this section shall not be less than the maximum liability as required in RCW 39.58.050(1), but may include collateral required by RCW 39.58.130, 39.58.135, and WAC 389-12-065.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 39.58 RCW and RCW 39.58.040. 99-20-082, § 389-12-071, filed 10/5/99, effective 11/5/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 39.58.040. 86-14-005 (Order 86-I, Resolution No. 86-003), § 389-12-071, filed 6/19/86.]
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 39.58 RCW and RCW 39.58.040. 99-20-082, § 389-12-075, filed 10/5/99, effective 11/5/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 39.58.040. 86-14-005 (Order 86-I, Resolution No. 86-003), § 389-12-075, filed 6/19/86.]
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 39.58 RCW and RCW 39.58.040. 99-20-082, § 389-12-080, filed 10/5/99, effective 11/5/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 39.58.040. 84-21-036 (Order 84-II, Resolution No. 84-004), § 389-12-080, filed 10/11/84; 84-03-037 (Order 84-01), § 389-12-080, filed 1/13/84; Order 77-XIII, § 389-12-080, filed 9/27/77; Order 1, § 389-12-080, filed 2/9/70.]
[Order 77-XIII, § 389-12-090, filed 9/27/77; Order 1, § 389-12-090, filed 2/9/70.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 39.58.040. 84-03-037 (Order 84-01), § 389-12-100, filed 1/13/84; Order 1, § 389-12-100, filed 2/9/70.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 39.58.040. 84-03-037 (Order 84-01), § 389-12-130, filed 1/13/84; Order II, § 389-12-130, filed 6/13/73.]
The account shall not be established until it shall have been authorized by a resolution of the commission or action authorized by the chair, setting forth the terms and conditions for such account. A copy of such resolution will be forwarded to the public entity and the state auditor.
Accounts authorized under this section are not considered to be protected against loss by the Public Deposit Protection Act.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 39.58 RCW and RCW 39.58.040. 99-20-082, § 389-12-140, filed 10/5/99, effective 11/5/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 39.58.040. 86-14-005 (Order 86-I, Resolution No. 86-003), § 389-12-140, filed 6/19/86.]
[Order XII, § 389-12-200, filed 11/28/73.]
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 39.58 RCW and RCW 39.58.040. 99-20-082, § 389-12-220, filed 10/5/99, effective 11/5/99; Order XII, § 389-12-220, filed 11/28/73.]
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 39.58 RCW and RCW 39.58.040. 99-20-082, § 389-12-230, filed 10/5/99, effective 11/5/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 39.58.040. 84-21-036 (Order 84-II, Resolution No. 84-004), § 389-12-230, filed 10/11/84; 84-03-037 (Order 84-01), § 389-12-230, filed 1/13/84; Order 77-XIII, § 389-12-230, filed 9/27/77; Order XII, § 389-12-230, filed 11/28/73.]
[Order XII, § 389-12-240, filed 11/28/73.]
[Order XII, § 389-12-250, filed 11/28/73.]
(1) A request shall be made in writing upon ((a)) the
form ((prescribed by the Washington public deposit protection
commission which shall be available at its administrative
office)) set forth in these rules herein or a substantially
similar form. The form shall be presented to the public
records officer, or to any member of the commission's staff,
if the public records officer is not available, at the
administrative office of the commission during customary
office hours. ((The)) Any request on a form other than the
form provided in these rules shall include the following
(a) The name of the person requesting the record;
(b) The time of day and calendar date on which the
request ((was)) is made;
(c) The ((nature of the request)) specified record
(d) ((If the matter requested is referenced within the
current index maintained by the records officer, a reference
to the requested record as it is described in such current
(e) If the requested matter is not identifiable by
reference to the commission's current index, an appropriate
description of the record requested.
(2) In all cases in which a member of the public is
making a request, it shall be the obligation of the public
records officer or staff member to whom the request is made,
to assist the member of the public in appropriately
identifying the public record requested.)) The postal or
electronic address at which the requester will accept written
(2) All record requests shall be for a writing as that term is defined in statute, relating to the conduct of the public deposit protection commission, and prepared, owned, or retained by the commission. Requests shall be made by mail or verifiably received and acknowledged electronic mail.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 39.58.040. 84-03-037 (Order 84-01), § 389-12-270, filed 1/13/84; Order XII, § 389-12-270, filed 11/28/73.]
[Order XII, § 389-12-280, filed 11/28/73.]
(2) ((In addition, pursuant to section 26, chapter 1,
Laws of 1973,)) The commission reserves the right to delete
((identifying details when it makes available or publishes any
public record, in any cases when there is reason to believe
that disclosure of such details would be an invasion of
personal privacy protected by chapter 1, Laws of 1973. The
public records officer will fully justify such deletion in
writing)) information exempted from disclosure under
Washington law.
(3) All denials of requests for public records ((must))
shall be accompanied by a written statement specifying the
reason for the denial, including a statement of the specific
exemption authorizing the withholding of the record and a
brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the record
[Order XII, § 389-12-290, filed 11/28/73.]
(2) Immediately after receiving a written request for review of a decision denying a public record, the public records officer or other staff member denying the request shall refer it to the state treasurer as chairman of the commission. The chairman shall consider the matter and either affirm or reverse such denial or call a special meeting of the Washington public deposit protection commission as soon as legally possible to review the denial. In any case, the request shall be returned with a final decision, within two business days following the original denial.
(3) Administrative remedies shall not be considered
exhausted until the ((system)) commission has returned the
petition with a decision or until the close of the second
business day following denial of inspection, whichever occurs
[Order XII, § 389-12-300, filed 11/28/73.]
[Order XII, § 389-12-310, filed 11/28/73.]
[Order XII, § 389-12-320, filed 11/28/73.]
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 389-12-260 | Office hours. |