(Aging and Disability Services Administration)
Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 09-16-101.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: The department intends to amend WAC 388-76-10035 License requirements -- Multiple family home providers, 388-76-10036 License requirements -- Multiple adult family home management, 388-76-10040 License requirements -- Qualified person must live-in or be on-site, 388-76-10090 Application -- Entity application, 388-76-10105 Application -- Change of ownership, 388-76-10110 Application -- Change of location or address, 388-76-10200 Adult family home -- Staff -- Availability -- Contact information, 388-76-10415 Food services, 388-76-10505 Specialty care -- Admitting and retaining residents, 388-76-10550 Resident rights -- Adult family home staffing -- Notification required, 388-76-10860 Fire drill plan and procedures for emergency evacuation -- Required, 388-76-10970 Remedies -- Specific -- Condition(s) on license, 388-76-10975 Remedies -- Specific -- Civil penalties, and 388-76-10985 Remedies -- May extend to multiple homes.
The department intends to repeal WAC 388-76-10185 Employment -- Certain criminal history -- Permitted.
Hearing Location(s): Blake Office Park East, Rose Room, 4500 10th Avenue S.E., Lacey, WA 98503 (one block north of the intersection of Pacific Avenue S.E. and Alhadeff Lane. A map or directions are available at or by calling (360) 664-6094), on December 8, 2009, at 10:00 a.m.
Date of Intended Adoption: Not earlier than December 9, 2009.
Submit Written Comments to: DSHS Rules Coordinator, P.O. Box 45850, Olympia, WA 98504-5850, delivery 4500 10th Avenue S.E., Lacey, WA 98503, e-mail, fax (360) 664-6185, by 5 p.m. on December 8, 2009.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Jennisha Johnson, DSHS rules consultant, by November 24, 2009, TTY (360) 664-6178 or (360) 664-6094 or by e-mail at
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: The purpose of these rules is to consider making clarifying changes and consolidate terms to simplify the rules. The impact of the rules is to make the rules clearer, easier to read, understand, and apply.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 70.128.040.
Statute Being Implemented: Chapter 70.128 RCW.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: Department of social and health services, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Maureen Lally, P.O. Box 45600, Olympia, WA 98513, (360) 725-3204; Implementation and Enforcement: Lori Melchiori, P.O. Box 45600, Olympia, WA 98513, (360) 725-2404.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. This rule does not impact small businesses.
A cost-benefit analysis is required under RCW 34.05.328. A preliminary cost-benefit analysis may be obtained by contacting Maureen Lally, Program Manager, P.O. Box 45600, Olympia, WA 98504-5600, phone (360) 725-3204, fax (360) 438-7903, e-mail
October 12, 2009
Stephanie E. Vaughn
Rules Coordinator
4142.5 (1) Evidence ((that the provider or entity representative
has successfully completed)) of successful completion of the
forty-eight hour residential care administrator's training to
meet the ((related)) applicable requirements of chapter 388-112 WAC.
(2) Operated an adult family home in Washington for at least one year without a significant violation of chapters 70.128, 70.129 or 74.34 RCW, this chapter or other applicable laws and regulations; and
(3) The ability to operate more than one home.
(4) The following plans for each home the applicant intends to operate:
(a) A twenty-four hour a day, seven day a week staffing plan;
(b) A plan for ((how the provider entity representative,
or resident manager will manage)) managing the daily
operations of each home; and
(c) A plan for emergencies, deliveries, staff and visitor parking.
(5) A credit history considered if the history relates to the ability to provide care and services.
(6) An ((applicant,)) entity representative or a
((qualified)) resident manager at each home who is responsible
for the care of each resident at all times.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040 and chapters 70.128 and 74.34 RCW. 07-21-080, § 388-76-10035, filed 10/16/07, effective 1/1/08.]
(1) Each home has one person responsible for managing the overall delivery of care to all residents in the home;
(2) The designated responsible person is the provider,
entity representative or a ((qualified)) resident manager; and
(3) Each responsible person is designated to manage only one adult family home at a given time.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040. 09-03-030, § 388-76-10036, filed 1/12/09, effective 2/12/09.]
(a) Live in the home; or
(b) Employ or contract with a ((qualified)) resident
manager who lives in the home and is responsible for the care
and services of each resident at all times.
(2) The provider, entity representative, or ((qualified))
resident manager is exempt from the requirement to live in the
home if:
(a) The home has twenty-four hour staffing coverage; and
(b) A ((qualified)) staff person who can make needed
decisions is always present in the home.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040. 09-03-030, § 388-76-10040, filed 1/12/09, effective 2/12/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040 and chapters 70.128 and 74.34 RCW. 07-21-080, § 388-76-10040, filed 10/16/07, effective 1/1/08.]
(1) Include a list of all facilities or homes in which the applicant or persons affiliated with the applicant, managerial employee, or owner of five percent or more of the entity provided care and services to children or vulnerable adults within the last ten years;
(2) Designate an entity representative who:
(a) Is responsible for the daily operations of the adult family home;
(b) Will be considered the department's primary contact person; and
(c) May act as both the entity representative and the resident manager in only one home.
(3) Designate a ((qualified)) resident manager for the
home if the entity representative is not the designated
resident manager in subsection (2)(c) of this section.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040 and chapters 70.128 and 74.34 RCW. 07-21-080, § 388-76-10090, filed 10/16/07, effective 1/1/08.]
(2) A change of ownership of an adult family home requires both a new license application and a new license.
(((2))) (3) A change of ownership occurs when there is a
change in:
(a) The provider ((or entity provider)); or
(b) The control of ((an entity)) a provider.
(((3))) (4) Events which constitute a change of ownership
include, but are not limited to:
(a) The form of legal organization of the ((provider))
adult family home is changed, such as when ((a provider)) an
adult family home forms:
(i) A partnership;
(ii) A corporation;
(iii) ((An association)) A limited liability company; or
(iv) ((A dissolution or merger of a licensed entity))
When it merges with another legal organization.
(b) The ((provider or entity provider)) adult family home
transfers business operations and management responsibility to
another party, whether or not there is a partial or whole
transfer of ((adult family home)) real property ((and/or)),
personal property ((assets)), or both.
(c) Two people are both licensed as a married couple or domestic partners to operate an adult family home and an event, such as a separation, divorce, or death, results in only one person operating the home.
(d) ((An event dissolves the)) Dissolution of a business
partnership((, if)) that is licensed to operate the ((provider
or entity provider is in a business partnership)) adult family
(e) If the ((provider or entity provider)) adult family
home is a corporation and the corporation:
(i) Is dissolved;
(ii) Merges with another corporation ((which is the
survivor)), resulting in a change in the control of the
provider; or
(iii) Consolidates with one or more corporations to form a new corporation;
(iv) Whether by a single transaction or multiple
transactions within a continuous twenty-four month period,
transfers fifty percent or more of ((the stock)) its shares to
one or more of the following:
(A) New or former ((stockholders)) shareholders; or
(B) Present ((stockholders)) shareholders, each having
less than five percent of the ((stock)) shares before the
initial transaction.
(f) Any other event or combination of events ((which))
that results in a substitution, elimination, or withdrawal of
((or control of)) the ((provider or entity)) provider's
control of the adult family home.
(((4))) (5) The new owner:
(a) Must correct all deficiencies that exist at the time of the ownership change;
(b) Is subject to the provisions of chapters 70.128, 70.129, 74.34 RCW, this chapter and other applicable laws and regulations;
(c) Must obtain a new license from the department before the transfer of ownership; and
(d) Must not begin operation of the adult family home
((as the new owner, provider or entity provider)) until the
department has granted the license.
(((5))) (6) The home must notify each resident, in
writing at least thirty days before the effective date of the
ownership change.
(((6) If a)) (7) Currently licensed ((provider or entity
provider)) providers seeking ((to change ownership wants the
department to give priority to)) a license for a new adult
family home may request application processing ((an
application)) priority in order to minimize or prevent
disruption ((of)) to current residents ((that live in the
existing home,)). The applicant must:
(a) Make the request to the department in writing, including the reason for changing the ownership of the home; and
(b) Explain how or why the reason for the change is beyond the control of the home.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040. 09-03-030, § 388-76-10105, filed 1/12/09, effective 2/12/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040 and chapters 70.128 and 74.34 RCW. 07-21-080, § 388-76-10105, filed 10/16/07, effective 1/1/08.]
(2) The home must not start operations of the home at a new location until the department has granted the license for the new location.
(3) The home must notify each resident or resident representative, in writing at least thirty days before the effective date of the change of the home location or address.
(((4) If a currently licensed provider or entity
representative, seeking to change the home location or address
wants the department to give priority to processing an
application to minimize or prevent the disruption of residents
that live in the existing home, the applicant must:
(a) Make the request in writing, including the reason for
changing the location of the home to the department; and
(b) Explain how or why the reason for change is beyond
the control of the home.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040 and chapters 70.128 and 74.34 RCW. 07-21-080, § 388-76-10110, filed 10/16/07, effective 1/1/08.]
(1) Ensure at least one caregiver is present in the home whenever one or more residents are present in the home;
(2) Designate an experienced, ((capable)) staff member
who is capable of responding on behalf of the ((provider or
entity representative:
(a))) adult family home by phone or pager((;
(b))) at all times ((including:
(i) When no residents are present in the home; and
(ii) When the provider entity representative and
residents are on vacation or away from the home)).
(((2))) (3) Give residents the telephone or pager number
for the contact required in subsection (((1))) (2) of this
(((3))) (4) Ensure the provider, entity representative or
resident manager is readily available to:
(a) Each resident;
(b) Residents' representatives;
(c) Caregivers; and
(d) Authorized state staff.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040 and chapters 70.128 and 74.34 RCW. 07-21-080, § 388-76-10200, filed 10/16/07, effective 1/1/08.]
(1) Ensure ((the provider, entity representative and all
staff meet)) that the safe food handling training requirements
of chapter 388-112 WAC are met; and
(2) Serve meals:
(a) In the home where each resident lives; and
(b) That accommodate each resident's:
(i) Preferences;
(ii) Food allergies and sensitivities;
(iii) Caloric needs;
(iv) Cultural and ethnic background; and
(v) Physical condition that may make food intake difficult such as being hard for the resident to chew or swallow.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040 and chapters 70.128 and 74.34 RCW. 07-21-080, § 388-76-10415, filed 10/16/07, effective 1/1/08.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040 and chapters 70.128 and 74.34 RCW. 07-21-080, § 388-76-10505, filed 10/16/07, effective 1/1/08.]
(1) Information about the provider, entity representative and resident manager, if there is a resident manager:
(a) Availability in the home, including a general statement about how often he or she is in the home;
(b) Education and training relevant to resident caregiving;
(c) Caregiving experience;
(d) His or her primary responsibilities, including whether he or she makes daily general care management decisions; and
(e) How to contact the provider, entity representative or resident manager when he or she is not in the home.
(2) Information about a licensed practical nurse or registered nurse, if there is one, who is in any way involved in the care of residents:
(a) Who the licensed practical nurse or registered nurse is employed by;
(b) The specific routine hours that the licensed practical nurse or registered nurse is on-site, if they are on-site routinely;
(c) His or her primary responsibilities, including whether he or she makes daily general care management decisions;
(d) The nonroutine times when the licensed practical nurse or registered nurse will be available, such as on-call; and
(e) A description of what the provider or entity representative will do to make available the services of a licensed nurse in an emergency or change in a resident's condition.
(3) A statement indicating whether the provider, ((entity
provider,)) caregiver or staff is qualified or willing to
become qualified to perform nurse delegation as allowed under
state law.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040 and chapters 70.128 and 74.34 RCW. 07-21-080, § 388-76-10550, filed 10/16/07, effective 1/1/08.]
(1) Have ((a fire drill plan and procedures for the)) an
emergency evacuation ((of)) plan including fire drill plan and
procedures for evacuating all residents from the adult family
home; and
(2) Not admit ((and)) or keep residents ((the provider or
entity representative)) who cannot safely ((evacuate from the
adult family home)) be evacuated.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040 and chapters 70.128 and 74.34 RCW. 07-21-080, § 388-76-10860, filed 10/16/07, effective 1/1/08.]
(2) Conditions or limits the department may impose on a license include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Correction of deficiencies within a specified time;
(b) Training related to the deficiencies;
(c) Limits on the type of residents the ((provider or
entity representative)) adult family home may admit or serve;
(d) Discharge of any resident when the department finds discharge is needed to meet that resident's needs or for the protection of other residents;
(e) Change in license capacity;
(f) Removal of the adult family home's designation as a specialized home;
(g) Prohibition of access to residents by a specified person; and
(h) Demonstration of ability to meet financial obligations necessary to continue operation.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040 and chapters 70.128 and 74.34 RCW. 07-21-080, § 388-76-10970, filed 10/16/07, effective 1/1/08.]
(a) Fines up to one thousand dollars can be issued under
RCW 70.128.150 for willful interference with a representative
of the long-term care ombudsman ((per RCW 70.129.150)); and
(b) Fines up to three thousand dollars can be issued
under RCW 74.39A.060 for retaliation against a resident,
employee, or any other person making a complaint, providing
information to, or cooperating with, the ombudsman, the
department, the attorney's general office, or a law
enforcement agency ((per RCW 74.34.060(7))).
(2) When the ((provider or entity provider)) adult family
home fails to pay a fine ((when due)) under this chapter when
due, the department may, in addition to other remedies,
withhold an amount equal to the fine plus interest, if any,
from any contract payment due to the provider ((or entity
provider)) from the department.
(3) Civil monetary penalties are due twenty-eight days
after the ((provider, entity representative)) adult family
home or the owner or operator of an unlicensed adult family
home is served with notice of the penalty unless the
((provider or entity representative)) adult family home
requests a hearing in compliance with chapter 34.05 RCW
((and)), RCW 43.20A.215, and this chapter. If the hearing is
requested, the penalty becomes due ten days after a final
decision in the department's favor is issued. ((Interest
accrues beginning)) Thirty days after the department serves
the ((provider or entity provider)) adult family home with
notice of the penalty, interest begins to accrue at a rate of
one percent per month as ((per)) authorized by RCW 43.20B.695.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040 and chapters 70.128 and 74.34 RCW. 07-21-080, § 388-76-10975, filed 10/16/07, effective 1/1/08.]
(2) ((When the department finds that)) If violations
((existing)) in an adult family home are of such nature as to
present a serious risk or harm to residents of other homes
operated by the same ((provider or entity representative))
adult family home, ((and after the department investigates
other homes licensed by the same provider or entity
representative)) the department may impose remedies on those
other homes.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040 and chapters 70.128 and 74.34 RCW. 07-21-080, § 388-76-10985, filed 10/16/07, effective 1/1/08.]
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 388-76-10185 | Employment -- Certain criminal history--Permitted. |