Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
Purpose: Correcting the number of hours required for hazardous material training from the December 17, 2018, filing for minimum training requirements.
This amendment reduces the number of required hours for hazardous material training on a commercial driver license endorsement from twenty hours to sixteen hours to reflect the number reached in agreement with stakeholders. While federal regulations specify that the hazardous materials curriculum must be taught in its entirety, the number of hours required to do so remain unspecified. In working with stakeholders, the commercial driver license program concluded that the number of hours to teach the curriculum amounted to sixteen hours, or two business days.
Citation of Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 308-100-033.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 19-20-088 on September 30, 2019.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at the Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's own Initiative: New 0, Amended 1, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 1, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: December 30, 2019.
(1) Approval for a course of instruction in the operation of a commercial motor vehicle will only be granted if the course of instruction:
(a) Is provided by, and under the direct supervision of, a training provider that has an application with the department approving the course of instruction offered by the training provider. Beginning on February 7, 2020, the training provider must also be listed on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Training Provider Registry that is established under 49 C.F.R. 380.700; and
(b) Class A course - Minimum requirements for approval: A course of instruction for students seeking a class A CDL must follow the class A training curriculum defined in C.F.R. Appendix A to Part 380 as it existed on the (effective date of the WAC). The course must include not less than:
(i) Forty hours of classroom instruction;
(ii) Eighteen hours of street driving training;
(iii) Sixteen hours of training in backing maneuvers;
(iv) Sixteen hours of proficiency development; and
(v) Seventy hours of combined lab training, range training, and observation.
(c) Class B course - Minimum Requirements: A course of instruction for students seeking a class B CDL must follow the class B training curriculum defined in C.F.R. Appendix B to Part 380 as it existed on the (effective date of the WAC). The course must include not less than:
(i) Forty hours of classroom instruction;
(ii) Fourteen hours of street driving training;
(iii) Eight hours of training in backing maneuvers;
(iv) Eight hours of proficiency development; and
(v) Ten hours of combined lab training, range training, and observation.
(d) Class C course - Minimum requirements: A course of instruction for students seeking a class C CDL must follow the class B training curriculum defined in C.F.R. Appendix B to Part 380 as it existed on the (effective date of the WAC). The course must include not less than:
(i) Forty hours of classroom instruction;
(ii) Fourteen hours of street driving training;
(iii) Eight hours of training in backing maneuvers;
(iv) Eight hours of proficiency development; and
(v) Ten hours of combined lab training, range training, and observation.
(e) Upgrade from either class B or C to class A - Minimum requirements: A course of instruction for students seeking to upgrade from a class B or C to a class A must follow the class A behind the wheel training curriculum defined in C.F.R. Appendix A to Part 380 as it existed on the (effective date of the WAC). The course must include not less than:
(i) Eighteen hours of street driving training;
(ii) Sixteen hours of training in backing maneuvers;
(iii) Sixteen hours of proficiency development; and
(iv) Thirty hours of combined lab training, range training, and observation.
(f) Upgrade from a class C to class B - Minimum requirements: A course of instruction for students seeking to upgrade from a class C to a class B must follow the class B behind the wheel training curriculum defined in C.F.R. Appendix B to Part 380 as it existed on the (effective date of the WAC). The course must include not less than:
(i) Fourteen hours of street driving training;
(ii) Eight hours of training in backing maneuvers;
(iii) Eight hours of proficiency development; and
(iv) Ten hours of combined lab training, range training, and observation.
(g) Passenger endorsement - Minimum requirements: A course of instruction for students seeking a passenger endorsement must follow the passenger endorsement training curriculum defined in C.F.R. Appendix C to Part 380 as it existed on the (effective date of the WAC). The course must include not less than:
(i) Four hours of classroom/theory instruction;
(ii) Ten hours of proficiency development.
(h) School bus endorsement - Minimum requirements: A course of instruction for students seeking a school bus endorsement must follow the school bus endorsement training curriculum defined in C.F.R. Appendix D to Part 380 as it existed on the (effective date of the WAC). The course must include not less than:
(i) Twenty hours of classroom/theory instruction;
(ii) Ten hours of proficiency development.
(i) Passenger and school bus endorsement - Minimum requirements: A course of instruction for students seeking a passenger and school bus endorsement must follow the passenger and school bus endorsement training curriculum defined in C.F.R. Appendix C and D to Part 380 as it existed on the (effective date of the WAC). The course must include not less than:
(i) Twenty hours of classroom/theory instruction;
(ii) Ten hours of proficiency development.
(j) Hazardous material endorsement - Minimum requirements: A course of instruction for students seeking a HAZMAT endorsement must follow the hazardous material endorsement training curriculum defined in C.F.R. Appendix E to Part 380 as it existed on the (effective date of the WAC). The course must include not less than: ((Twenty))Sixteen hours of classroom/theory instruction;
(k) In addition to the class A, B, and C curriculum as defined above, each class room training must include a minimum thirty minute section on "Truckers Against Trafficking."
(2) Students must complete all portions of the training within one year of completing the first portion.