WSR 24-14-122
(Public Employees Benefits Board)
[Admin #2024-02—Filed July 2, 2024, 12:38 p.m.]
Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 24-04-061.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: The following sections in chapter 182-08 WAC are revised: WAC 182-08-187 How do employing agencies and contracted vendors correct enrollment errors and is there a limit on retroactive enrollment?, 182-08-196 What happens if my health plan becomes unavailable?, 182-08-197 When must a newly eligible employee, or an employee who regains eligibility for the employer contribution, elect public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits and complete required forms?, and 182-08-199 When may an employee enroll, or revoke an election and make a new election under the premium payment plan, medical flexible spending arrangement (FSA), limited purpose FSA, or dependent care assistance program (DCAP)?
The following sections in chapter 182-12 WAC are revised: WAC 182-12-123 Is dual enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) and school employees benefits board (SEBB) prohibited?, 182-12-128 When may an employee waive enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) medical and when may they enroll in PEBB medical after having waived enrollment?, 182-12-180 When is an elected and full-time appointed official of the legislative and executive branch of state government, or their survivor eligible to continue enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) retiree insurance coverage?, 182-12-200 May a retiring employee, a retiring school employee, or a retiree enrolled as a dependent in a health plan sponsored by public employees benefits board (PEBB) or school employees benefits board (SEBB) defer enrollment under PEBB retiree insurance coverage?, 182-12-205 May a retiree or a survivor defer enrollment or voluntarily terminate enrollment under public employees benefits board (PEBB) retiree insurance coverage?, and 182-12-250 Public employees benefits board (PEBB) insurance coverage eligibility for survivors of emergency service personnel killed in the line of duty.
Hearing Location(s): On August 6, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. The health care authority (HCA) holds public hearings virtually without a physical meeting place. To attend the virtual public hearing, you must register in advance If the link above opens with an error message, please try using a different browser. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the public hearing.
Date of Intended Adoption: Not sooner than August 7, 2024.
Submit Written Comments to: HCA Rules Coordinator, P.O. Box 42716, Olympia, WA 98504-2716, email, fax 360-586-9727, beginning July 3, 2024, 8:00 a.m., by August 6, 2024, by 11:59 p.m.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Johanna Larson, phone 360-725-1349, fax 360-586-9727, telecommunications relay service 711, email, by July 26, 2024.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: The purpose of this proposal is to amend existing rules to support the PEBB program:
1. Implement PEBB Policy Resolutions:
Amended WAC 182-08-187 to implement Resolution PEBB 2024-16 amending PEBB Policy Resolution "Error Correction" adopted on July 16, 2014.
Amended WAC 182-08-196 to implement Resolution PEBB 2024-22 when a subscriber is involuntarily terminated by a medicare Part D plan.
Amended WAC 182-08-197 to implement Resolution PEBB 2024-15 amending PEBB 2021-12 amending Resolution PEBB 2020-04 relating to default enrollments for an employee who fails to make a timely election.
Amended WAC 182-08-199 to implement Resolution PEBB 2023-01 when a subscriber has a change in residence that affects medical plan availability.
Amended WAC 182-12-123 to implement the new PEBB vision coverage in the following dual enrollment prohibitions related policy resolutions:
oPEBB 2024-01 Amending PEBB 2021-02 employees may waive enrollment in medical
oPEBB 2024-02 Amending Resolution PEBB 2021-03 PEBB benefit enrollment requirements when SEBB benefits are waived
oPEBB 2024-03 Amending Resolution PEBB 2021-04 resolving dual enrollment when an employee's only medical enrollment is in SEBB
oPEBB 2024-04 Amending Resolution PEBB 2021-05 resolving dual enrollment involving dual subscriber eligibility
oPEBB 2024-05 Amending Resolution PEBB 2021-06 resolving dual enrollment involving a PEBB dependent with multiple medical enrollments
oPEBB 2024-06 Amending Resolution PEBB 2021-07 resolving dual enrollment involving a member with multiple medical enrollments as a dependent
oPEBB 2024-07 Amending Resolution PEBB 2021-08 PEBB benefit automatic enrollment when SEBB benefits are auto-disenrolled
oPEBB 2024-10 Rescinding Resolution PEBB 2022-02 employees may waive enrollment in dental
Amended WAC 182-12-128 to implement PEBB vision in the following policy resolutions:
oPEBB 2024-01 Amending Resolution PEBB 2021-02 employees may waive enrollment in medical
oPEBB 2024-08 Amending Resolution PEBB 2021-09 enrollment requirements when an employee loses dependent coverage in SEBB benefits
oPEBB 2024-12 Fully insured vision plans
Amended WAC 182-12-180 and 182-12-200 to implement the following policy resolutions regarding the new uniform medical plan (UMP) classic medicare plan with medicare Part D prescription drug coverage:
oPEBB 2024-14 Non-medicare retiree enrollment requirement
oPEBB 2024-19 UMP classic medicare enrollment
oPEBB 2024-20 UMP classic medicare enrollment during gap months
oPEBB 2024-21 Amending PEBB 2022-03 medicare advantage prescription drug plan enrollment during gap months
Amended WAC 182-12-205 to implement the following policy resolutions:
oPEBB 2024-11 Amending PEBB 2022-04 deferring PEBB retiree insurance coverage when the subscriber becomes eligible
oPEBB 2024-14 Non-medicare retiree enrollment requirement
oPEBB 2024-19 UMP classic medicare enrollment
oPEBB 2024-20 UMP classic medicare enrollment during gap months
oPEBB 2024-21 Amending PEBB 2022-03 medicare advantage prescription drug plan enrollment during gap months
oPEBB 2024-26 PEBB retiree insurance coverage deferral, permanently live in a location outside of the United States.
2. Make Technical Amendments:
Amended WAC 182-08-187 to include a subsection reference when there is a failure to enroll an employee and their dependents in PEBB benefits, revised supplemental life insurance and supplemental accidental death and dismemberment insurance enrollment information by including other WAC references, and clarified recourse for an employee who establishes eligibility and regains eligibility for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits.
Amended WAC 182-08-196 to include UMP classic medicare plan and medicare Part D plan.
Amended WAC 182-08-197 to include PEBB vision, and updated subsection references and flexible spending arrangement (FSA).
Amended WAC 182-08-199 to update FSA and to include special open enrollment events regarding a change in residence and when the PEBB program determines that there has been a substantial decrease in the providers available under a PEBB medical plan.
Amended WAC 182-12-128 to update a subsection reference.
Amended WAC 182-12-180 to add an exception and update reference, to remove language regarding Washington State Educational Service District, and to add UMP classic medicare plan.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: See purpose.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 41.05.021, 41.05.065, 41.05.160, PEBB Resolutions.
Statute Being Implemented: RCW 41.05.021, 41.05.160.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: Governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Stella Ng, P.O. Box 42716, Olympia, WA 98504-2716, 360-725-0883; Implementation: Cade Walker, P.O. Box 42716, Olympia, WA 98504-2716, 360-643-7900; and Enforcement: Jean Bui, P.O. Box 42716, Olympia, WA 98504-2716, 360-725-1858.
A school district fiscal impact statement is not required under RCW 28A.305.135.
A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. RCW 34.05.328 does not apply to HCA rules unless requested by the joint administrative rules review committee or applied voluntarily.
This rule proposal, or portions of the proposal, is exempt from requirements of the Regulatory Fairness Act because the proposal:
Is exempt under RCW 19.85.025(4).
Scope of exemption for rule proposal:
Is fully exempt.
The proposed rule does not impose more-than-minor costs on businesses. Following is a summary of the agency's analysis showing how costs were calculated. These rules do not apply to small businesses.
July 2, 2024
Wendy Barcus
Rules Coordinator
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 23-14-017, filed 6/23/23, effective 1/1/24)
WAC 182-08-187How do employing agencies and contracted vendors correct enrollment errors and is there a limit on retroactive enrollment?
(1) An employing agency or contracted vendor that makes one or more of the following enrollment errors must correct the error as described in subsections (2) through (5) of this section.
(a) Failure to timely notify an employee of their eligibility for public employee benefits board (PEBB) benefits and the employer contribution as described in WAC 182-12-113(2);
(b) Failure to enroll the employee and their dependents in PEBB benefits as elected by the employee, if the elections were timely;
(c) Failure to enroll an employee and their dependents in PEBB benefits as described in WAC 182-08-197 (1)(b) or (3)(c);
(d) Failure to accurately reflect an employee's premium surcharge attestation on the employee's account;
(e) Enrolling an employee or their dependent in PEBB insurance coverage when they are not eligible as described in WAC 182-12-114 or 182-12-260 and it is clear there was no fraud or intentional misrepresentation by the employee involved; or
(f) Providing incorrect information regarding PEBB benefits to the employee that they relied upon.
(2) The employing agency or the applicable contracted vendor must enroll the employee and the employee's dependents, as elected, or terminate enrollment in PEBB benefits as described in subsection (3) of this section, reconcile premium payments and applicable premium surcharges as described in subsection (4) of this section, and provide recourse as described in subsection (5) of this section.
(3) Enrollment or termination.
(a) PEBB medical ((and)), dental, and vision enrollment is effective the first day of the month following the date the enrollment error is identified, unless the authority determines additional recourse is warranted, as described in subsection (5) of this section. If the enrollment error is identified on the first day of the month, the enrollment correction is effective that day;
When an employee who is called to active duty in the uniformed services under Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) loses eligibility for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits, they regain eligibility for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits the day they return from active duty. Employer-paid PEBB benefits will begin the first day of the month in which they return from active duty.
(b) Basic life, supplemental life insurance, basic accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D), supplemental AD&D, employer-paid long-term disability (LTD) insurance, and employee-paid LTD insurance (((unless the employee declines the employee-paid LTD insurance as described in WAC 182-08-197(1)) enrollment is retroactive to the first day of the month following the day the employee became newly eligible, or the first day of the month the employee regained eligibility, as described in WAC 182-08-197. If the employee became newly eligible on the first working day of a month, basic life, basic AD&D, employer-paid LTD insurance, and employee-paid LTD insurance begin on that date;
When an employee who is called to active duty in the uniformed services under USERRA loses eligibility for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits, they regain eligibility for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits the day they return from active duty. Employer-paid PEBB benefits will begin the first day of the month in which they return from active duty.
(c) Supplemental life, supplemental AD&D, and employee-paid LTD insurance enrollment is retroactive to the first day of the month following the day the employee became newly eligible if the employee elects to enroll in this coverage (or if previously elected, the first of the month following the signature date on the employee's application for this coverage). If an employing agency enrollment error occurred when the employee regained eligibility for the employer contribution following a period of leave as described in WAC 182-08-197(3):
(i) Supplemental life, supplemental AD&D, and employee-paid LTD insurance is enrolled the first day of the month the employee regained eligibility, at the same level of coverage the employee continued during the period of leave, without evidence of insurability.
(ii) If the employee was not eligible to continue employee-paid LTD insurance during the period of leave as described in WAC 182-12-133, employee-paid LTD insurance is reinstated the first day of the month the employee regained eligibility, to the level of coverage the employee was enrolled in prior to the period of leave, without evidence of insurability.
(iii) If the employee was eligible to continue supplemental life insurance, supplemental AD&D insurance, and employee-paid LTD insurance under the period of leave but did not, the employee must provide evidence of insurability and receive approval from the contracted vendor.
(d)))will begin for a newly eligible employee as described in WAC 182-12-114 and for an employee regaining eligibility as described in WAC 182-08-197(3). An employee who regains eligibility may need to submit evidence of insurability for supplemental life insurance or employee-paid LTD insurance as required in WAC 182-08-197(3).
(c) If the employee is eligible and elects (or elected) to enroll in the ((medical)) flexible spending arrangement (FSA), limited purpose FSA, or dependent care assistance program (DCAP), enrollment is limited to 60 days prior to the date enrollment is processed, but not earlier than the current plan year. If an employee was not enrolled in a ((medical)) FSA, limited purpose FSA, or DCAP as elected, the employee may either participate at the amount originally elected with a corresponding increase in contributions for the balance of the plan year, or participate at a reduced amount for the plan year by maintaining the per-pay period contribution in effect;
(((e)))(d) If the employee or their dependent was not eligible but still enrolled as described in subsection (1)(e) of this section, the employee's or their dependent's PEBB benefits will be terminated prospectively effective as of the last day of the month.
(4) Premium payments.
(a) The employing agency must remit to the authority the employer contribution and the employee contribution for health plan premiums, applicable premium surcharges, basic life, basic AD&D, and employer-paid LTD starting the date PEBB benefits begins as described in subsections (3) and (5)(a)(i) of this section. If a state agency failed to notify a newly eligible employee of their eligibility for PEBB benefits, the state agency may only collect the employee contribution for health plan premiums and applicable premium surcharges for coverage for the months after the employee was notified.
(b) When an employing agency fails to correctly enroll the amount of employee-paid LTD insurance elected by the employee, premiums will be corrected as follows:
(i) When additional premiums are due to the authority, the employee is responsible for premiums for the most recent 24 months of coverage. The employing agency is responsible for additional months of premiums.
(ii) When a premium refund is due to the employee, the LTD insurance contracted vendor is responsible for premium refunds for the most recent 24 months of coverage. The employing agency is responsible for additional months of premium refund.
(c) When an employing agency mistakenly enrolls an employee or their dependent as described in subsection (1)(e) of this section, premiums and any applicable premium surcharges will be refunded by the employing agency to the employee without rescinding the insurance coverage.
(5) Recourse.
(a) ((Employee eligibility for PEBB benefits begins on the first day of the month following the date eligibility is established))An employee who establishes eligibility will have benefits begin as described in WAC 182-12-114. An employee who regains eligibility for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits will have benefits begin as described in WAC 182-08-197(3). Dependent eligibility is described in WAC 182-12-260, and dependent enrollment is described in WAC 182-12-262. When retroactive correction of an enrollment error is limited as described in subsection (3)(b)((,))and (c) ((and (d))) of this section, the employing agency must work with the employee, and receive approval from the authority, to implement retroactive PEBB benefits within the following parameters:
(i) Retroactive enrollment in a PEBB insurance coverage;
(ii) Reimbursement of claims paid;
(iii) Reimbursement of amounts paid by the employee or dependent for medical ((and)), dental, and vision premiums;
(iv) Reimbursement of amounts paid by the employee for the premium surcharges;
(v) Other legal remedy received or offered; or
(vi) Other recourse, upon approval by the authority.
(b) Recourse must not contradict a specific provision of federal law or statute and does not apply to requests for noncovered services or in the case of an individual who is not eligible for PEBB benefits.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 23-14-016, filed 6/23/23, effective 1/1/24)
WAC 182-08-196What happens if my health plan becomes unavailable?
(1) A subscriber must elect a new health plan when their previously selected health plan becomes unavailable due to a change in contracting service area as described below:
(a) When a health plan becomes unavailable during the plan year, a subscriber must elect a new health plan no later than 60 days after the date their previously selected health plan becomes unavailable.
(i) An employee must submit the required forms to their employing agency electing their new health plan.
(ii) Any other subscriber must submit the required forms to the PEBB program electing their new health plan.
(iii) The effective date of the change in health plan will be the first day of the month following the later of the date the health plan becomes unavailable or the date the form is received. If that day is the first of the month, the change in health plan begins on that day.
(b) When a health plan becomes unavailable at the beginning of the next plan year, a subscriber must elect a new health plan no later than the last day of the public employees benefits board (PEBB) annual open enrollment.
(i) An employee must submit the required forms to their employing agency electing their new health plan.
(ii) Any other subscriber must submit the required forms to the PEBB program electing their new health plan.
(iii) The effective date of the change in health plan will be January 1st of the following year.
(c) A subscriber who fails to elect a new health plan within the required time period as required in (a) or (b) of this subsection will be enrolled in a health plan designated by the director or designee.
(2) A subscriber must elect a new health plan when their previously selected health plan becomes unavailable due to the subscriber or subscriber's dependent ceasing to be eligible for their current health plan because of enrollment in medicare as described below:
(a) The required forms electing a new health plan must be received no later than 60 days after the date their previously selected health plan becomes unavailable.
The required forms electing a new medicare advantage (MA) ((or))plan, medicare advantage-prescription drug (MA-PD) plan, or the Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic medicare plan must be received no later than two months after the date their previously selected health plan becomes unavailable.
(i) An employee must submit the required forms to their employing agency electing their new health plan.
(ii) Any other subscriber must submit the required forms to the PEBB program electing their new health plan.
(iii) The effective date of the change in health plan will be the first day of the month following the later of the date the health plan becomes unavailable or the date the form is received. If that day is the first of the month, the change in health plan begins on that day except for a MA ((or))plan, MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan which will begin the first day of the month following the date the form is received.
(b) A subscriber who is enrolled in a consumer directed health plan (CDHP) with a health savings account (HSA), and fails to elect a new health plan within the required time period as required in this subsection, will not be eligible to receive contributions to the HSA. A subscriber will be liable for any tax penalties resulting from contributions made when they are no longer eligible.
(3) A subscriber must elect a new medical plan when their previously selected medical plan becomes unavailable due to a change in their residence as described below.
(a) When a subscriber's medical plan becomes unavailable during the plan year, a subscriber must elect a new medical plan no later than 60 days after the date their previously selected medical plan becomes unavailable as described in WAC 182-08-198 (2)(e).
(i) An employee must submit the required forms to their employing agency electing their new medical plan.
(ii) Any other subscriber must submit the required forms to the PEBB program electing their new medical plan.
(iii) The effective date of the change in medical plan will be the first day of the month following the later of the date the medical plan becomes unavailable or the date the form is received. If that day is the first of the month, the change in medical plan begins on that day except for a MA ((or))plan, a MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan which will begin the first day of the month following the date the form is received.
(b) A subscriber who fails to elect a new medical plan within the required time period as required in (a) of this subsection will be enrolled in a public employees benefits board medical plan designated by the director or designee.
(4) When a subscriber or their dependent must be disenrolled by a MA ((or))plan, MA-PD plan, or a medicare Part D plan as required by federal law, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a PEBB medical plan as designated by the director or designee. The new medical plan coverage will begin the first day of the month following the date the MA ((or))plan, the MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan is terminated.
(5) A subscriber enrolled in a health plan as described in subsection (1)(c), (2)(b), (3)(b), or (4) of this section may not change health plans except as allowed in WAC 182-08-198.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 23-14-015, filed 6/23/23, effective 1/1/24)
WAC 182-08-197When must a newly eligible employee, or an employee who regains eligibility for the employer contribution, elect public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits and complete required forms?
An employee who is newly eligible or who regains eligibility for the employer contribution toward public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits enrolls as described in this section.
(1) When an employee is newly eligible for PEBB benefits:
(a) An employee must complete the required forms indicating their enrollment elections, including an election to waive enrollment provided the employee is eligible to waive as described in WAC 182-12-128. The required forms must be returned to the employee's employing agency or contracted vendor. Their employing agency or contracted vendor must receive the forms no later than 31 days after the employee becomes eligible for PEBB benefits under WAC 182-12-114.
(i) An employee may enroll in supplemental life insurance up to the guaranteed issue coverage amount without evidence of insurability if the required forms are returned to the employee's employing agency or contracted vendor as required. An employee may apply for enrollment in supplemental life insurance over the guaranteed issue coverage amount at any time during the calendar year by submitting the required form to the contracted vendor for approval. For an employee who requests a change in their supplemental life insurance after the election period described in this subsection, the change begins the first day of the month following the date the contracted vendor approves the request. An employee may enroll in supplemental accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance at any time during the calendar year without evidence of insurability by submitting the required form to the contracted vendor.
(ii) Employees are enrolled in employee-paid long-term disability (LTD) insurance automatically. An employee may elect to reduce their employee-paid LTD insurance or decline their employee-paid LTD insurance by returning the form to their employing agency. An employee may apply for a change in their employee-paid LTD insurance at any time during the calendar year by submitting the required form to their employing agency or the contracted vendor. For an employee who requests a change in their employee-paid LTD insurance after the election period described in this subsection, the change begins the first day of the month following the date the employing agency receives the required form requesting to reduce or decline the employee-paid LTD insurance, or the day of the month the contracted vendor approves the required form to increase the employee-paid LTD insurance.
(iii) If an employee is eligible to participate in the salary reduction plan (see WAC 182-12-116), the employee will automatically enroll in the premium payment plan upon enrollment in PEBB medical allowing medical premiums to be taken on a pretax basis. To opt out of the premium payment plan, a new employee must complete the required form and return it to their state agency. The form must be received by their state agency no later than 31 days after the employee becomes eligible for PEBB benefits.
(iv) If an employee is eligible to participate in the salary reduction plan (see WAC 182-12-116), the employee may enroll in the state's ((medical)) flexible spending arrangement (FSA), limited purpose FSA, dependent care assistance program (DCAP), or both an FSA and DCAP, except as limited by subsection (4) of this section. To enroll in these PEBB benefits, the employee must return the required form to their state agency. The form must be received by the state agency no later than 31 days after the employee becomes eligible for PEBB benefits.
(b) If a newly eligible employee's employing agency, or the authority's contracted vendor in the case of life insurance and AD&D insurance, does not receive the employee's required forms indicating medical, dental, vision, life insurance, AD&D insurance, and LTD insurance elections, and the employee's tobacco use status attestation within 31 days of the employee becoming eligible, their enrollment will be as follows for those elections not received within 31 days:
(i) A medical plan determined by the health care authority (HCA);
(ii) A dental plan determined by the HCA;
(iii) A vision plan determined by the HCA;
(iv) Basic life insurance;
(((iv)))(v) Basic AD&D insurance;
(((v)))(vi) Employer-paid LTD insurance and employee-paid LTD insurance;
(((vi)))(vii) Dependents will not be enrolled; and
(((vii)))(viii) A tobacco use premium surcharge will be incurred as described in WAC 182-08-185 (1)(b).
(2) The employer contribution toward PEBB benefits ends according to WAC 182-12-131. When an employee's employment ends, participation in the salary reduction plan ends.
(3) When an employee regains eligibility for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits, including following a period of leave described in WAC 182-12-133(1), or after being between periods of leave as described in WAC 182-12-142 (1) and (2), or 182-12-131 (3)(e), PEBB medical ((and)), dental, and vision begin on the first day of the month the employee is in pay status eight or more hours, or the first day of the month in which the quarter or semester begins for faculty who regains eligibility as described in WAC 182-12-131 (3)(e).
When an employee who is called to active duty in the uniformed services under Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) loses eligibility for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits, they regain eligibility for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits the day they return from active duty. Employer-paid PEBB benefits will begin the first day of the month in which they return from active duty.
(a) An employee must complete the required forms indicating their enrollment elections, including an election to waive enrollment if the employee chooses to waive enrollment as described in WAC 182-12-128. The required forms must be returned to the employee's employing agency except as described in (d) of this subsection. Forms must be received by the employing agency, life insurance contracted vendor, or AD&D contracted vendor, if required, no later than 31 days after the employee regains eligibility, except as described in (a)(i) and (b) of this subsection:
(i) An employee who self-paid for supplemental life insurance or supplemental AD&D coverage after losing eligibility will maintain that level of coverage upon return;
(ii) An employee who was eligible to continue supplemental life insurance but discontinued that supplemental coverage must submit evidence of insurability to the contracted vendor if they choose to reenroll when they regain eligibility for the employer contribution;
(iii) An employee who was eligible to continue employee-paid LTD insurance but discontinued that coverage must submit evidence of insurability for employee-paid LTD insurance to the contracted vendor when they regain eligibility for the employer contribution.
(b) An employee or faculty in any of the following circumstances does not have to return a form indicating employee-paid LTD insurance elections. Their employee-paid LTD insurance will be automatically reinstated effective the first day of the month they are in pay status eight or more hours or the first day of the month in which the quarter or semester begins for faculty who regains eligibility as described in WAC 182-12-131 (3)(e):
(i) The employee continued to self-pay for their employee-paid LTD insurance after losing eligibility for the employer contribution;
(ii) The employee was not eligible to continue employee-paid LTD insurance after losing eligibility for the employer contribution.
(c) If an employee's employing agency, or contracted vendor accepting forms directly, does not receive the required forms within 31 days of the employee regaining eligibility, the employee's enrollment for those elections not received will be as described in subsection (1)(b)(i) through (((vii)))(viii) of this section, except as described in (a)(i) and (b) of this subsection.
(d) If an employee is eligible to participate in the salary reduction plan (see WAC 182-12-116) the employee may enroll in the ((medical)) FSA, limited purpose FSA, DCAP, or both an FSA and DCAP, except as limited by subsection (4) of this section. To enroll in these PEBB benefits, the employee must return the required form to the contracted vendor or their state agency. The contracted vendor or employee's state agency must receive the form no later than 31 days after the employee becomes eligible for PEBB benefits.
(4) If an employee who is eligible to participate in the salary reduction plan (see WAC 182-12-116) is hired into a new position that is eligible for PEBB benefits in the same year, the employee may not resume participation in a DCAP, a ((medical)) FSA, or a limited purpose FSA until the beginning of the next plan year, unless the time between employments is 30 days or less and within the current plan year. The employee must notify their new state agency of the transfer by providing the new state agency's personnel, payroll, or benefits office the required form no later than 31 days after the employee's first day of work with the new state agency.
(5) An employee's PEBB benefits elections remain the same when an employee transfers from one employing agency to another employing agency without a break in PEBB benefits for one month or more. This includes movement of an employee between any entities described in WAC 182-12-111 and participating in PEBB benefits. PEBB benefits elections also remain the same when an employee has a break in employment that does not interrupt their employer contribution toward PEBB benefits.
(6) When a retiree becomes eligible for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits, PEBB retiree insurance coverage will be automatically deferred. The subscriber will be exempt from the deferral form requirement.
When the subscriber is no longer eligible for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits, they may enroll in PEBB retiree insurance coverage as described in WAC 182-12-171, or continue in a deferred status if they meet the requirements in WAC 182-12-200 or 182-12-205.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 23-14-015, filed 6/23/23, effective 1/1/24)
WAC 182-08-199When may an employee enroll, or revoke an election and make a new election under the premium payment plan, ((medical)) flexible spending arrangement (FSA), limited purpose FSA, or dependent care assistance program (DCAP)?
An employee who is eligible to participate in the salary reduction plan as described in WAC 182-12-116 may enroll, or revoke their election and make a new election under the premium payment plan, ((medical)) flexible spending arrangement (FSA), limited purpose FSA, or dependent care assistance program (DCAP) at the following times:
(1) When newly eligible under WAC 182-12-114 and enrolling as described in WAC 182-08-197(1).
(2) During annual open enrollment: An eligible employee may elect to enroll in or opt out of participation under the premium payment plan during the annual open enrollment by submitting the required form to their employing agency. An eligible employee may elect to enroll or reenroll in the ((medical)) FSA, limited purpose FSA, DCAP, or both an FSA and DCAP during the annual open enrollment by submitting the required forms to their employing agency or applicable contracted vendor as instructed. All required forms must be received no later than the last day of the annual open enrollment. The enrollment or new election becomes effective January 1st of the following year.
(a) Employees cannot enroll in a ((medical)) FSA and a limited purpose FSA in the same year.
(b) Employees enrolled in a consumer directed health plan (CDHP) with a health savings account (HSA) cannot also enroll in a ((medical)) FSA in the same plan year. Employees who elect enrollment in the CDHP with a HSA and a ((medical)) FSA will only be enrolled in a CDHP with a HSA.
(c) Employees who enroll in a CDHP with a HSA during the annual open enrollment and have a carryover amount from a ((medical)) FSA, will be enrolled in a limited purpose FSA and the carryover amount will be deposited into the limited purpose FSA.
(d) Employees who are not enrolled in a CDHP with a HSA and elect both a ((medical)) FSA and a limited purpose FSA will be enrolled in the ((medical)) FSA.
(3) During a special open enrollment: An employee who is eligible to participate in the salary reduction plan may enroll or revoke their election and make a new election under the premium payment plan, ((medical)) FSA, limited purpose FSA, or DCAP outside of the annual open enrollment if a special open enrollment event occurs. The enrollment or change in election must be allowable under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and Treasury regulations, and correspond to and be consistent with the event that creates the special open enrollment. To make a change or enroll, the employee must submit the required form to their employing agency. The employing agency must receive the required form and evidence of the event that created the special open enrollment no later than 60 days after the event occurs.
For purposes of this section, an eligible dependent includes any person who qualifies as a dependent of the employee for tax purposes under IRC 26 U.S.C. Sec. 152 without regard to the income limitations of that section. It does not include a state registered domestic partner unless the state registered domestic partner otherwise qualifies as a dependent for tax purposes under IRC 26 U.S.C. Sec. 152.
(a) Premium payment plan. An employee may enroll or revoke their election and elect to opt out of the premium payment plan when any of the following special open enrollment events occur, if the requested change corresponds to and is consistent with the event. The enrollment or election to opt out will be effective the first day of the month following the later of the event date or the date the required form is received. If that day is the first of the month, the enrollment or change in election begins on that day. If the special open enrollment is due to the birth, adoption, or assumption of legal obligation for total or partial support in anticipation of adoption of a child, the enrollment or change in election will begin the first of the month in which the event occurs.
(i) Employee acquires a new dependent due to:
• Marriage;
• Registering a state registered domestic partnership when the dependent is a tax dependent of the employee;
• Birth, adoption, or when the employee has assumed a legal obligation for total or partial support in anticipation of adoption; or
• A child becoming eligible as an extended dependent through legal custody or legal guardianship.
(ii) Employee's dependent no longer meets public employee benefits board (PEBB) eligibility criteria because:
• Employee has a change in marital status;
• Employee's domestic partnership with a state registered domestic partner who is a tax dependent is dissolved or terminated;
• An eligible dependent child turns age 26 or otherwise does not meet dependent child eligibility criteria;
• An eligible dependent ceases to be eligible as an extended dependent or as a dependent with a disability; or
• An eligible dependent dies.
(iii) Employee or an employee's dependent loses other coverage under a group health plan or through health insurance coverage, as defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA);
(iv) Employee has a change in employment status that affects the employee's eligibility for their employer contribution toward their employer-based group health plan;
(v) The employee's dependent has a change in their own employment status that affects their eligibility or their dependent's eligibility for the employer contribution under their employer-based group health plan;
As used in (a)(v) of this subsection, "employer contribution" means contributions made by the dependent's current or former employer toward health coverage as described in Treasury Regulation 26 C.F.R. 54.9801-6.
(vi) Employee or an employee's dependent has a change in enrollment under an employer-based group health plan during its annual open enrollment that does not align with the PEBB annual open enrollment;
(vii) Employee or an employee's dependent has a change in residence that affects health plan availability. If the employee has a change in residence and the employee's current medical plan is no longer available, the employee must select a new medical plan as described in WAC 182-08-196(3);
(viii) Employee's dependent has a change in residence from outside of the United States to within the United States, or from within the United States to outside of the United States and that change in residence resulted in the dependent losing their health insurance;
(ix) A court order requires the employee or any other individual to provide insurance coverage for an eligible dependent of the subscriber (a former spouse or former state registered domestic partner is not an eligible dependent);
(x) Employee or an employee's dependent enrolls in coverage under medicaid or a state children's health insurance program (CHIP), or the subscriber or a subscriber's dependent loses eligibility for coverage under medicaid or CHIP;
(xi) Employee or an employee's dependent becomes eligible for state premium assistance subsidy for PEBB medical plan coverage from medicaid or CHIP;
(xii) Employee or an employee's dependent enrolls in coverage under medicare or the employee or an employee's dependent loses eligibility for coverage under medicare;
(xiii) Employee or an employee's dependent's current medical plan becomes unavailable because the employee or enrolled dependent is no longer eligible for a health savings account (HSA). The health care authority (HCA) requires evidence that the employee or employee's dependent is no longer eligible for an HSA;
(xiv) Employee or an employee's dependent experiences a disruption of care for active and ongoing treatment, that could function as a reduction in benefits for the employee or the employee's dependent. The employee may not change their health plan election if the employee's or dependent's physician stops participation with the employee's health plan unless the PEBB program determines that a continuity of care issue exists. The PEBB program will consider but not limit its consideration to the following:
• Active cancer treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
• Treatment following a recent organ transplant;
• A scheduled surgery;
• Recent major surgery still within the postoperative period; or
• Treatment for a high-risk pregnancy.
(xv) Employee or employee's dependent becomes eligible and enrolls in a TRICARE plan, or loses eligibility for a TRICARE plan;
(xvi) The PEBB program determines that there has been a substantial decrease in the providers available under a PEBB medical plan.
If the employee is having premiums taken from payroll on a pretax basis, a medical plan change will not be approved if it would conflict with provisions of the salary reduction plan authorized under RCW 41.05.300.
(b) ((Medical)) FSA and limited purpose FSA. An employee may enroll or revoke their election and make a new election under the ((medical)) FSA or limited purpose FSA when any one of the following special open enrollment events occur, if the requested change corresponds to and is consistent with the event. The enrollment or new election will be effective the first day of the month following the later of the event date or the date the required form and evidence of the event that created the special open enrollment is received by the employing agency. If that day is the first of the month, the enrollment or change in election begins on that day. If the special open enrollment is due to the birth, adoption, or assumption of legal obligation for total or partial support in anticipation of adoption of a child, the enrollment or change in election will begin the first of the month in which the event occurs.
(i) Employee acquires a new dependent due to:
• Marriage;
• Registering a state registered domestic partnership if the domestic partner qualifies as a tax dependent of the employee;
• Birth, adoption, or when the employee has assumed a legal obligation for total or partial support in anticipation of adoption; or
• A child becoming eligible as an extended dependent through legal custody or legal guardianship.
(ii) Employee's dependent no longer meets PEBB eligibility criteria because:
• Employee has a change in marital status;
• Employee's domestic partnership with a state registered domestic partner who qualifies as a tax dependent is dissolved or terminated;
• An eligible dependent child turns age 26 or otherwise does not meet dependent child eligibility criteria;
• An eligible dependent ceases to be eligible as an extended dependent or as a dependent with a disability; or
• An eligible dependent dies.
(iii) Employee or an employee's dependent loses other coverage under a group health plan or through health insurance coverage, as defined by the HIPAA;
(iv) Employee or an employee's dependent has a change in employment status that affects the employee's or a dependent's eligibility for the ((medical)) FSA or limited purpose FSA;
(v) A court order requires the employee or any other individual to provide insurance coverage for an eligible dependent of the subscriber (a former spouse or former state registered domestic partner is not an eligible dependent);
(vi) Employee or an employee's dependent enrolls in coverage under medicaid or a state children's health insurance program (CHIP), or the employee or an employee's dependent loses eligibility for coverage under medicaid or CHIP;
(vii) Employee or an employee's dependent enrolls in coverage under medicare.
(c) DCAP. An employee may enroll or revoke their election and make a new election under the DCAP when any one of the following special open enrollment events occur, if the requested change corresponds to and is consistent with the event. The enrollment or new election will be effective the first day of the month following the later of the event date or the date the required form and evidence of the event that created the special open enrollment is received by the employing agency. If that day is the first of the month, the enrollment or change in election begins on that day. If the special open enrollment is due to the birth, adoption, or assumption of legal obligation for total or partial support in anticipation of adoption of a child, the enrollment or change in election will begin the first of the month in which the event occurs.
(i) Employee acquires a new dependent due to:
• Marriage;
• Registering a state registered domestic partnership if the domestic partner qualifies as a tax dependent of the employee;
• Birth, adoption, or when the subscriber has assumed a legal obligation for total or partial support in anticipation of adoption; or
• A child becoming eligible as an extended dependent through legal custody or legal guardianship.
(ii) Employee or an employee's dependent has a change in employment status that affects the employee's or a dependent's eligibility for DCAP;
(iii) Employee or an employee's dependent has a change in enrollment under an employer-based DCAP during its annual open enrollment that does not align with the PEBB annual open enrollment;
(iv) Employee changes dependent care provider; the change to the DCAP election amount can reflect the cost of the new provider;
(v) Employee or the employee's spouse experiences a change in the number of qualifying individuals as defined in IRC 26 U.S.C. Sec. 21 (b)(1);
(vi) Employee's dependent care provider imposes a change in the cost of dependent care; employee may make a change in the DCAP election amount to reflect the new cost if the dependent care provider is not a qualifying relative of the employee as defined in IRC 26 U.S.C. Sec. 152.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 23-14-015, filed 6/23/23, effective 1/1/24)
WAC 182-12-123Is dual enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) and school employees benefits board (SEBB) prohibited?
Public employees benefits board (PEBB) medical ((and)), dental, and vision coverage is limited to a single enrollment per individual as described in subsections (1) through (5) of this section. Effective January 1, 2022, individuals are limited to a single enrollment in medical, dental, and vision plans in either the PEBB program or school employees benefits board (SEBB) program as described in subsection (6) of this section.
(1) An individual who has more than one source of eligibility for enrollment in PEBB medical ((and)), PEBB dental, and PEBB vision coverage (called "dual eligibility") is limited to one enrollment.
(2) An eligible employee may waive PEBB medical and enroll as a dependent under the PEBB medical plan of their spouse, state registered domestic partner, or parent as described in WAC 182-12-128.
(3) A dependent enrolled in PEBB medical ((or)), PEBB dental, or PEBB vision who becomes eligible for PEBB benefits as an employee must elect to enroll in PEBB benefits as described in WAC 182-08-197 (1) or (3). This includes making an election to enroll in or waive enrollment in PEBB medical as described in WAC 182-12-128.
(a) If the employee does not waive enrollment in PEBB medical, the employee is not eligible to remain enrolled in their spouse's, state registered domestic partner's, or parent's PEBB medical as a dependent. If the employee's spouse, state registered domestic partner, or parent does not take action to remove the employee (who is enrolled as a dependent) from their subscriber account, the PEBB program will automatically disenroll the employee's enrollment as a dependent the last day of the month before the employee's enrollment in PEBB benefits begins as described in WAC 182-12-114.
An enrolled dependent who becomes newly eligible for PEBB benefits as an employee may be dual-enrolled in PEBB medical ((and)), dental, and vision for one month. This exception is only allowed for the first month the dependent is enrolled as an employee, and only if the dependent becomes enrolled as an employee on the first working day of a month that is not the first day of the month.
(b) If the employee elects to waive their enrollment in PEBB medical, the employee will remain enrolled in PEBB medical under their spouse's, state registered domestic partner's, or parent's PEBB medical as a dependent.
(4) A child who is eligible for PEBB medical ((and)), PEBB dental, and PEBB vision under two subscribers may be enrolled under both subscribers but is limited to a single enrollment in PEBB medical ((and)), a single enrollment in PEBB dental, and a single enrollment in PEBB vision.
(5) When an employee is eligible for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits due to employment in more than one PEBB-participating employing agency the following provisions apply:
(a) The employee must choose to enroll under only one employing agency.
Faculty who stack to establish or maintain eligibility as described in WAC 182-12-114(3) with two or more state institutions of higher education will be enrolled under the employing agency responsible to pay the employer contribution according to WAC 182-08-200(2).
(b) If the employee loses eligibility under the employing agency, they must notify their other employing agency no later than 60 days from the date PEBB benefits end through the employing agency described in (a) of this subsection to transfer coverage.
(c) The employee's elections remain the same when an employee transfers their enrollment under one employing agency to another employing agency without a break in PEBB benefits for one month or more, as described in (b) of this subsection.
(6) An individual who has more than one source of eligibility for enrollment in the PEBB and SEBB programs is limited to a single enrollment in medical, dental, and vision plans in either the PEBB or SEBB program. An employee must elect to enroll in PEBB benefits as described in WAC 182-08-197, waive enrollment as described in WAC 182-12-128, or remove eligible dependents as described in WAC 182-12-262. If the employee takes no action to resolve the dual enrollment, the PEBB program or the SEBB program will automatically enroll or automatically disenroll the individual as described in (((d) through (h)))(c) through (g) of this subsection.
(a) An eligible employee may waive enrollment in PEBB medical to enroll in SEBB medical only if they are enrolled in SEBB dental and SEBB vision as described in WAC 182-12-128. An employee who waives enrollment in PEBB medical to enroll in SEBB medical also waives enrollment in PEBB dental and PEBB vision.
(b) ((An eligible employee who waives enrollment in PEBB medical when they are enrolled in other employer-based group medical, a TRICARE plan, or medicare as described in WAC 182-12-128, and are not enrolled in SEBB medical, may waive enrollment in PEBB dental only if they are enrolled in both SEBB dental and SEBB vision as an eligible dependent in the SEBB program.
(c))) A school employee in the SEBB program who waives SEBB medical, SEBB dental, and SEBB vision for PEBB medical must be enrolled in PEBB dental and PEBB vision. If the school employee is not already enrolled in PEBB dental((,))and PEBB vision the PEBB program will automatically enroll the school employee in the associated subscriber's PEBB dental and PEBB vision.
(((d)))(c) If the employee is enrolled only in PEBB dental and PEBB vision, and is also enrolled in SEBB medical, and no action is taken to resolve their dual enrollment, the employee will remain in SEBB medical. The PEBB program will automatically disenroll the employee from PEBB dental and PEBB vision in which they are enrolled. If the employee is not already enrolled in SEBB dental or SEBB vision, the SEBB program will automatically enroll them in both as described in WAC 182-31-070 (6)(g). The employee's enrollment in PEBB program life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance, and long-term disability (LTD) insurance will remain.
(((e)))(d) If the employee is enrolled in PEBB medical and is also a school employee in the SEBB program and enrolled in SEBB medical, and the employee has been enrolled in SEBB medical longer than they have been enrolled in PEBB medical, and no action is taken by the employee to resolve their dual enrollment, they will remain in SEBB medical. The PEBB program will automatically disenroll the employee from PEBB medical ((and)), PEBB dental, and PEBB vision. The employee's enrollment in PEBB program life insurance, AD&D insurance, and LTD insurance will remain. If the employee is not enrolled in any medical under either the PEBB or SEBB program but is enrolled ((only)) in PEBB dental, PEBB vision, SEBB dental, and SEBB vision (((with or without enrollment in SEBB dental))), the employee will remain in SEBB ((vision and if enrolled, SEBB dental. If the employee is not already enrolled in SEBB dental, the SEBB program will automatically enroll them as described in WAC 182-31-070 (6)(g)))benefits. The PEBB program will automatically disenroll the employee from PEBB dental and PEBB vision.
(((f)))(e) If the employee's dependent is enrolled in any PEBB medical ((or)), PEBB dental, or PEBB vision plan, and the dependent is also a school employee in the SEBB program and enrolled in SEBB medical, and no action is taken by either the employee or the dependent to resolve the dependent's dual enrollment, the employee's dependent will remain in SEBB medical. The PEBB program will automatically disenroll the employee's dependent from PEBB medical ((and)), PEBB dental, and PEBB vision in which they are enrolled.
(((g)))(f) If the employee's dependent is enrolled in both PEBB medical and SEBB medical as a dependent and has been enrolled in SEBB medical longer than they have been enrolled in PEBB medical, and no action is taken to resolve the dual enrollment, the employee's dependent will remain in SEBB medical. The PEBB program will automatically disenroll the employee's dependent from PEBB medical ((and)), PEBB dental, and PEBB vision if they are enrolled. If the employee's dependent who is eligible as a dependent in both the PEBB and SEBB programs is not enrolled in any medical but is enrolled ((only in PEBB dental and SEBB vision (with or without SEBB dental)))in both a PEBB and SEBB dental plan, PEBB and SEBB vision plan, or any combination of these coverages as a dependent, the dependent will remain in SEBB ((vision and if enrolled, SEBB dental))benefits. The PEBB program will automatically disenroll the employee's dependent from PEBB ((dental))benefits.
If there is a National Medical Support Notice (NMSN) or a court order in place, enrollment will be in accordance with the NMSN or order.
(((h)))(g) If the employee's dependent, who is also a school employee in the SEBB program who the SEBB program automatically disenrolled from SEBB dental and SEBB vision, the PEBB program will automatically enroll the employee's dependent in PEBB dental and PEBB vision, if they are not already enrolled.
(((i)))(h) If the employee who is eligible for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits was enrolled as a dependent in SEBB medical, SEBB dental, and SEBB vision and is removed by the SEBB subscriber, the employee will be required to return from waived enrollment as described in WAC 182-12-128 (3)(b).
(((j)))(i) If the PEBB program automatically disenrolls an individual from PEBB medical ((or)), PEBB dental, or PEBB vision to resolve their dual enrollment as described in (((e), (f), or (g)))(d), (e), or (f) of this subsection, but later determines that the employee did take action to resolve their dual enrollment within the required timelines, the PEBB program will reinstate coverage retroactive to the first of the month in which the individual was disenrolled.
(7) A retiree who defers enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage as described in WAC 182-12-200 by enrolling as an eligible dependent in a health plan sponsored by PEBB or SEBB and who loses the employer contribution for such coverage must enroll in PEBB retiree insurance coverage as described in WAC 182-12-200 or defer enrollment as described in WAC 182-12-205.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 23-14-015, filed 6/23/23, effective 1/1/24)
WAC 182-12-128When may an employee waive enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) medical and when may they enroll in PEBB medical after having waived enrollment?
An employee may waive enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) medical if they are enrolled in other employer-based group medical, a TRICARE plan, or medicare as described in subsection (1)(a) through (c) of this section. They may not waive enrollment in PEBB medical if they are enrolled in PEBB retiree insurance coverage. An employee who waives enrollment in PEBB medical must enroll in PEBB dental, PEBB vision, basic life insurance, basic accidental death and dismemberment insurance, and employer-paid long-term disability (LTD) insurance (unless the employing agency does not participate in these PEBB insurance coverages). For an employing agency that participates in LTD insurance, an employee will also be enrolled in employee-paid LTD insurance automatically unless the employee declines their employee-paid LTD insurance as described in WAC 182-08-197.
An employee may waive their enrollment in PEBB medical to enroll in school employees benefits board (SEBB) medical only if they are enrolled in SEBB dental and SEBB vision. An employee who waives enrollment in PEBB medical to enroll in SEBB medical also waives enrollment in PEBB dental and PEBB vision.
(1) To waive enrollment in PEBB medical, the employee must submit the required form to their employing agency at one of the following times:
(a) When the employee becomes eligible: An employee may waive PEBB medical when they become eligible for PEBB benefits. The employee must indicate their election to waive enrollment in PEBB medical on the required form and submit the form to their employing agency. The employing agency must receive the form no later than 31 days after the date the employee becomes eligible for PEBB benefits (see WAC 182-08-197). PEBB medical will be waived as of the date the employee becomes eligible for PEBB benefits.
(b) During the annual open enrollment: An employee may waive PEBB medical during the annual open enrollment. The required form must be received by the employee's employing agency before the end of the annual open enrollment. PEBB medical will be waived beginning January 1st of the following year.
(c) During a special open enrollment: An employee may waive PEBB medical during a special open enrollment only if they are enrolled in other employer-based group medical, a TRICARE plan, or medicare as described in subsection (4) of this section. A special open enrollment event must be an event other than an employee gaining initial eligibility or regaining eligibility for PEBB benefits.
The employee must submit the required form to their employing agency. The employing agency must receive the form no later than 60 days after the event that creates the special open enrollment. In addition to the required form, the employee must provide evidence of the event that creates the special open enrollment to the employing agency.
PEBB medical will be waived the last day of the month following the later of the event date or the date the required form is received. If that day is the first of the month, PEBB medical will be waived the last day of the previous month. If the special open enrollment is due to the birth, adoption, or assumption of legal obligation for total or partial support in anticipation of adoption of a child, PEBB medical will be waived the last day of the previous month.
(2) If an employee waives PEBB medical, the employee may not enroll dependents in PEBB medical.
(3) Once PEBB medical is waived, the employee is only allowed to enroll in PEBB medical at the following times:
(a) During the annual open enrollment. The required form must be received by the employee's employing agency before the end of the annual open enrollment. PEBB medical will begin January 1st of the following year.
(b) During a special open enrollment. A special open enrollment allows an employee to revoke their election and make a new election outside of the annual open enrollment. A special open enrollment may be created when one of the events described in subsection (4) of this section occurs.
The employee must submit the required form to their employing agency. The employing agency must receive the form no later than 60 days after the event that creates the special open enrollment. In addition to the required form, the employee must provide evidence of the event that creates the special open enrollment to the employing agency.
PEBB medical will begin the first day of the month following the later of the event date or the date the required form is received. If that day is the first of the month, coverage is effective on that day. If the special open enrollment is due to the birth, adoption, or assumption of legal obligation for total or partial support in anticipation of adoption of a child, PEBB medical for the employee will begin on the first day of the month in which the event occurs. PEBB medical for the newly born child, newly adopted child, spouse, or state registered domestic partner will begin as described in WAC 182-12-262 (3)(a)(iv).
If an employee who is eligible for the employer contribution toward PEBB benefits was enrolled as a dependent in SEBB medical, SEBB dental, and SEBB vision and is removed by the SEBB subscriber, the health care authority will notify the employee of their removal from the SEBB subscriber's account and that they have experienced a special enrollment event. The employee will be required to return from waived enrollment and elect PEBB medical ((and)), PEBB dental, and PEBB vision. If the employee's employing agency does not receive the employee's required forms indicating their medical ((and)), dental, and vision elections within 60 days of the employee losing SEBB medical, SEBB dental, and SEBB vision, they will be defaulted into employee-only PEBB medical ((and)), PEBB dental, and PEBB vision as described in WAC 182-08-197 (1)(b)(i) ((and (ii)))through (iii).
(4) Special open enrollment: Any one of the events in (a) through (k) of this subsection may create a special open enrollment that allows the employee to enroll in PEBB medical after having waived enrollment. The change in enrollment must be allowable under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and Treasury regulations, and correspond to and be consistent with the event that creates the special open enrollment for the employee, the employee's dependent, or both.
(a) Employee acquires a new dependent due to:
(i) Marriage or registering a state registered domestic partnership;
(ii) Birth, adoption, or when the subscriber has assumed a legal obligation for total or partial support in anticipation of adoption; or
(iii) A child becoming eligible as an extended dependent through legal custody or legal guardianship.
(b) Employee or an employee's dependent loses other coverage under a group health plan or through health insurance coverage, as defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA);
(c) Employee has a change in employment status that affects the employee's eligibility for their employer contribution toward their employer-based group medical;
(d) The employee's dependent has a change in their own employment status that affects their eligibility or their dependent's eligibility for the employer contribution under their employer-based group medical;
As used in (d) of this subsection, "employer contribution" means contributions made by the dependent's current or former employer toward health coverage as described in Treasury Regulation 26 C.F.R. 54.9801-6.
(e) Employee or an employee's dependent has a change in enrollment under an employer-based group medical plan during its annual open enrollment that does not align with the PEBB program's annual open enrollment;
(f) Employee's dependent has a change in residence from outside of the United States to within the United States, or from within the United States to outside of the United States and that change in residence resulted in the dependent losing their health insurance;
(g) A court order requires the employee or any other individual to provide a health plan for an eligible dependent of the employee (a former spouse or former state registered domestic partner is not an eligible dependent);
(h) Employee or an employee's dependent enrolls in coverage under medicaid or a state children's health insurance program (CHIP), or the employee or an employee's dependent loses eligibility for coverage under medicaid or CHIP;
An employee may only return from having waived PEBB medical for the events described in (h) of this subsection. An employee may not waive their PEBB medical for the events described in (h) of this subsection.
(i) Employee or an employee's dependent becomes eligible for state premium assistance subsidy for PEBB health plan coverage from medicaid or CHIP;
(j) Employee or employee's dependent becomes eligible and enrolls in a TRICARE plan, or loses eligibility for a TRICARE plan;
(k) Employee becomes eligible and enrolls in medicare, or loses eligibility for medicare.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 22-13-160, filed 6/21/22, effective 1/1/23)
WAC 182-12-180When is an elected and full-time appointed official of the legislative and executive branch of state government, or their survivor eligible to continue enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) retiree insurance coverage?
(1) An elected and full-time appointed official of the legislative and executive branch of state government is eligible to continue enrollment or defer enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) retiree insurance coverage under the same terms as an outgoing legislator, when they voluntarily or involuntarily leave public office. The following officials are eligible if they meet the procedural requirements as described in subsection (3) of this section:
(a) A member of the state legislature;
(b) A statewide elected official of the executive branch;
(c) An executive official appointed directly by the governor as the single head of an executive branch agency; or
(d) An official appointed directly by a state legislative committee as the single head of a legislative branch agency or an official appointed to secretary of the senate or chief clerk of the house of representatives.
(2) The spouse, state registered domestic partner, or child of an official described in subsection (1) of this section who loses eligibility due to the death of the official may enroll as a survivor under PEBB retiree insurance coverage as described in (a) and (b) of this subsection and must meet procedural requirements to enroll or defer enrollment as described in subsection (3) of this section.
(a) The official's spouse or state registered domestic partner may continue health plan enrollment until death.
(b) The official's child may continue health plan enrollment until they lose eligibility as described in WAC 182-12-260.
(3) Procedural requirements. An official described in subsection (1) of this section or their survivor described in subsection (2) of this section must enroll or defer enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage as described in (a) through (((d)))(e) of this subsection:
(a) For an official to enroll in PEBB retiree insurance coverage the required forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after the official leaves public office. The effective date of PEBB retiree insurance coverage is the first day of the month after the official leaves public office;
For a survivor to enroll in PEBB retiree insurance coverage, the required forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after the later of the date of the official's death or the date the survivor's PEBB insurance coverage ends. The effective date of PEBB retiree insurance coverage is the first day of the month after the date of the official's death or the first day of the month after the survivor's PEBB insurance coverage ends;
Enrollment in the PEBB program's medicare advantage (MA) ((or))plan, medicare advantage-prescription drug (MA-PD) plan, or the Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic medicare plan may not be retroactive.
(1) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a plan with the same contracted vendor during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA coverage begins.
(2) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA-PD plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in ((Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic))transitional coverage as designated by the director or designee during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA-PD coverage begins.
(3) If a subscriber elects to enroll in the UMP Classic medicare plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional UMP coverage during the gap month(s) prior to when the UMP Classic medicare plan begins.
(b) The official's or survivor's first premium payment and applicable premium surcharges are due to the health care authority (HCA) no later than 45 days after the official's or survivor's election period ends as described in (a) of this subsection, except as described in WAC 182-08-180 (1)(a). Following the official's or survivor's first premium payment, premiums and applicable premium surcharges must be paid as described in WAC 182-08-180 (1)(c);
(c) If an official or a survivor elects to enroll a dependent in PEBB health plan coverage, the dependent must be enrolled in the same PEBB medical and PEBB dental plan as the official or survivor;
(1) If an official or a survivor selects a medicare supplement plan ((or)), a MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan, nonmedicare enrollees will be enrolled in the UMP Classic. If an official or a survivor selects any other medicare plan, they must also select a nonmedicare plan with the same contracted vendor available to nonmedicare enrollees.
(2) If the official or survivor selects a medicare supplement plan, MA-PD plan, or any other medicare plan, they may elect a PEBB vision plan available for any nonmedicare enrollees.
(d) An official or survivor who is nonmedicare must enroll in PEBB medical to be able to enroll in PEBB dental, in PEBB vision, or in both dental and vision. Any nonmedicare dependents they elect to enroll must be enrolled in the same PEBB medical, PEBB dental, and PEBB vision plan.
(e) To defer enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage the official or the survivor must meet deferral enrollment requirements as described in WAC 182-12-200 or 182-12-205.
(4) If the official, an enrolled dependent, or their survivor is eligible for medicare or becomes eligible for medicare after enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage, they must enroll and maintain enrollment in medicare Parts A and B to remain enrolled in a PEBB retiree health plan. If an enrollee who is eligible for medicare does not meet this procedural requirement, the enrollee is no longer eligible for enrollment in a PEBB retiree health plan. The enrollee's eligibility will end as described in the termination notice sent by the PEBB program. The enrollee may continue PEBB health plan enrollment as described in WAC 182-12-146.
For the exclusive purpose of medicare Part A as described in this subsection, "eligible" means the enrollee is eligible for medicare Part A without a monthly premium.
(5) An official described in subsection (1) of this section shall be included in the term "retiree" or "retiring employee" as used in chapters 182-08, 182-12, and 182-16 WAC.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 23-14-015, filed 6/23/23, effective 1/1/24)
WAC 182-12-200May a retiring employee, a retiring school employee, or a retiree enrolled as a dependent in a health plan sponsored by public employees benefits board (PEBB) or school employees benefits board (SEBB) defer enrollment under PEBB retiree insurance coverage?
(1) A retiring employee or a retiring school employee may defer enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) retiree insurance coverage at retirement if they meet substantive eligibility requirements as described in WAC 182-12-171(2) or as described in WAC 182-12-180(1). An enrolled retiree may defer enrollment after enrolling in PEBB retiree insurance coverage. Enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage may be deferred when they are enrolled as a dependent in a health plan sponsored by PEBB or school employees benefits board (SEBB), including such coverage under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) or continuation coverage.
(2) A retiring employee, a retiring school employee, or a retiree who defers enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage defers enrollment in PEBB medical ((and)), PEBB dental, and PEBB vision. A retiree must be enrolled in PEBB medical to enroll in PEBB dental except for a nonmedicare retiree must enroll in PEBB medical to be able to enroll in PEBB dental, in PEBB vision, or in both PEBB dental and PEBB vision. A retiree who defers enrollment also defers enrollment for all eligible dependents. A retiree may only defer enrollment in PEBB retiree term life insurance as described in WAC 182-12-209 (3)(b).
(3) A retiring employee, a retiring school employee, or a retiree who defers enrollment as described in this section may later enroll themselves and their dependents in a PEBB health plan by submitting the required forms as described below and evidence of continuous enrollment in a health plan sponsored by PEBB or SEBB. Evidence of continuous enrollment in a health plan sponsored by a Washington state educational service district may be required if a retiring employee, a retiring school employee, or a retiree deferred enrollment under this section prior to January 1, 2024. A gap of 31 days or less is allowed between the date PEBB retiree insurance coverage is deferred and the start date of enrollment in a health plan sponsored by PEBB, a Washington state educational service district, or SEBB, and between each period of enrollment in qualifying coverages as described in WAC 182-12-205 (3)(a) through (e) during the deferral period:
(a) During the PEBB annual open enrollment period. The required form must be received by the PEBB program no later than the last day of the open enrollment period. PEBB health plan coverage begins January 1st of the following year; or
(b) When enrollment in a health plan sponsored by PEBB((, a Washington state educational service district)), or SEBB ends, or such coverage under COBRA or continuation coverage ends. The required forms to enroll must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after coverage ends. PEBB health plan coverage begins the first day of the month following the date the other coverage ends. To continue in a deferred status, the retiree must defer enrollment as described in WAC 182-12-205.
Enrollment in the PEBB program's medicare advantage (MA) ((or))plan, medicare advantage-prescription drug (MA-PD) plan, or the Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic medicare plan may not be retroactive.
(1) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a plan with the same contracted vendor during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA coverage begins.
(2) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA-PD plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in ((Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic))transitional coverage as designated by the director or designee during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA-PD coverage begins.
(3) If a subscriber elects to enroll in the UMP Classic medicare plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional UMP coverage during the gap month(s) prior to when the UMP Classic medicare plan begins.
(c) If a retiree elects to enroll a dependent in PEBB health plan coverage as described in this subsection, the dependent must be enrolled in the same PEBB medical or PEBB dental plan as the retiree.
(1) If a retiree selects a medicare supplement plan ((or)), a MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan, nonmedicare enrollees will be enrolled in the UMP Classic. If a retiree selects any other medicare plan, they must also select a nonmedicare plan with the same contracted vendor available to nonmedicare enrollees.
(2) If a retiree selects a medicare supplement plan, MA-PD plan, or any other medicare plan, they may elect a PEBB vision plan available for any nonmedicare enrollees.
(d) A nonmedicare retiree must enroll in PEBB medical to be able to enroll in PEBB dental, in PEBB vision, or in both PEBB dental and PEBB vision. Any nonmedicare dependents they elect to enroll must be enrolled in the same PEBB medical, PEBB dental, and PEBB vision plan.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 23-14-015, filed 6/23/23, effective 1/1/24)
WAC 182-12-205May a retiree or a survivor defer enrollment or voluntarily terminate enrollment under public employees benefits board (PEBB) retiree insurance coverage?
(1) The following individuals may defer enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) retiree insurance coverage:
(a) A retiring employee or a retiring school employee;
(b) A dependent becoming eligible as a survivor; or
(c) A retiree or a survivor enrolled in PEBB retiree insurance coverage.
(2) A subscriber described in subsection (1) of this section who defers enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage also defers enrollment for all eligible dependents, except as described in subsection (3)(c) of this section.
(3) When a subscriber described in subsection (1) of this section ((who)) chooses to defer enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage as described in (a) through (e) of this subsection, they must maintain continuous enrollment in one or more qualifying coverages as described in (a) through (e) of this subsection or WAC 182-12-200. A gap of 31 days or less is allowed between the date PEBB retiree insurance coverage is deferred and the start date of a qualifying coverage, and between each period of enrollment in qualifying coverages during the deferral period. When a subscriber chooses to defer enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage as described in (f) of this subsection; evidence of continuous enrollment in a qualified coverage is waived as described in subsection (6)(f) of this section.
A subscriber who chooses to defer enrollment, defers enrollment in PEBB medical ((and)), PEBB dental, and PEBB vision. A subscriber must be enrolled in PEBB medical to enroll in PEBB dental except for a nonmedicare retiree must enroll in PEBB medical to be able to enroll in PEBB dental, in PEBB vision, or in both PEBB dental and PEBB vision. A retiree may only defer enrollment in PEBB retiree term life insurance as described in WAC 182-12-209 (3)(b).
(a) Beginning January 1, 2001, enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage may be deferred when the subscriber is enrolled in employer-based group medical as an employee or the dependent of an employee, or such medical insurance continued under Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) coverage or continuation coverage.
(b) Beginning January 1, 2001, enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage may be deferred when the subscriber is enrolled as a retiree or the dependent of a retiree in a federal retiree medical plan.
(c) Beginning January 1, 2006, enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage may be deferred when the subscriber is enrolled in medicare Parts A and B and a medicaid program that provides creditable coverage as defined in WAC 182-12-109. Dependents may continue their PEBB health plan enrollment if they meet PEBB eligibility criteria and are not eligible for creditable coverage under a medicaid program.
(d) Beginning January 1, 2014, subscribers who are not eligible for Parts A and B of medicare may defer enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage when the subscriber is enrolled in exchange coverage.
(e) Beginning July 17, 2018, enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage may be deferred when the subscriber is enrolled in the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA).
(f) Beginning January 1, 2025, subscribers who are enrolled in medicare may defer enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage when they permanently live in a location outside of the United States.
(4) To defer enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage, the required forms must be submitted to the PEBB program.
(a) For a retiring employee or a retiring school employee who meets the substantive eligibility requirements as described in WAC 182-12-171(2), enrollment will be deferred the first of the month following the date their own employer-paid coverage, COBRA coverage, or continuation coverage ends. The forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after their own employer-paid coverage, COBRA coverage, or continuation coverage ends.
(b) For an official leaving public office who meets the requirements as described in WAC 182-12-180(1), enrollment will be deferred the first of the month following the date the official leaves public office. The forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after the official leaves public office.
(c) For an employee or a school employee determined to be retroactively eligible for disability retirement who meets the requirements as described in WAC 182-12-211 (1)(a) through (c), enrollment will be deferred as described in WAC 182-12-211 (2) or (3). The forms and formal determination letter must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after the date on the determination letter.
(d) For an eligible survivor, the dependent must meet the requirements described below and the forms must be received by the PEBB program within the time described:
(i) For a survivor of an employee or a school employee who meets the requirements as described in WAC 182-12-265 (1) or (3), enrollment will be deferred the first of the month following the later of the date of the employee's or the school employee's death or the date the survivor's PEBB insurance coverage((, educational service district coverage,)) or school employees benefits board (SEBB) insurance coverage ends. The forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after the later of the date of the employee's or the school employee's death or the date the survivor's PEBB insurance coverage((, educational service district coverage,)) or SEBB insurance coverage ends.
(ii) For a survivor of an official who meets the requirements as described in WAC 182-12-180(2), enrollment will be deferred the first of the month following the later of the date of the official's death or the date the survivor's PEBB insurance coverage ends. The forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after the later of the date of the official's death or the date the survivor's PEBB insurance coverage ends.
(iii) For a survivor of a retiree who meets the requirements as described in WAC 182-12-265(2), enrollment will be deferred the first of the month following the date of the retiree's death. The forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after the retiree's death.
(iv) For a survivor of an emergency service personnel killed in the line of duty who meets the requirements as described in WAC 182-12-250, enrollment will be deferred the first of the month following the later of one of the events described in WAC 182-12-250 (5)(a) through (d). The forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than 180 days after the later of one of the events described in WAC 182-12-250 (5)(a) through (d).
(e) For an enrolled retiree or survivor who submits the required forms to defer enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage, enrollment will be deferred effective the first of the month following the date the required forms are received by the PEBB program. If the forms are received on the first day of the month, enrollment will be deferred effective that day.
When a subscriber or their dependent is enrolled in a medicare advantage ((plan (MA), then))(MA) plan, a medicare advantage-prescription drug (MA-PD) plan, or the Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic medicare plan, the enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage will be deferred effective the first of the month following the date the ((MA)) plan disenrollment form is received.
(5) A retiree who meets substantive eligibility requirements in WAC 182-12-171(2) and whose own employer-paid coverage, COBRA coverage, or continuation coverage ended between January 1, 2001, and December 31, 2001, was not required to have submitted the deferral form at that time, but must meet all procedural requirements as stated in this section, WAC 182-12-171, and 182-12-200.
(6) A subscriber described in subsection (1) of this section who defers enrollment ((while enrolled in qualifying coverage)) as described in subsection (3)(a) through (((e)))(f) of this section may later enroll themselves and their dependents in a PEBB health plan by submitting the required forms as described below ((and)). A subscriber who defers enrollment as described in subsection (3)(a) through (e) of this section must provide evidence of continuous enrollment in one or more qualifying coverages as described in subsection (3)(a) through (e) of this section. A gap of 31 days or less is allowed between the date PEBB retiree insurance coverage is deferred and the start date of a qualifying coverage, and between each period of enrollment in qualifying coverages during the deferral period. A subscriber who defers enrollment as described in subsection (3)(f) of this section must provide proof of enrollment in medicare parts A and B; evidence of continuous enrollment in a qualified coverage is waived as described in (f) of this subsection:
(a) A subscriber who defers enrollment while enrolled in employer-based group medical or such medical insurance continued under COBRA coverage or continuation coverage may enroll in a PEBB health plan by submitting the required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment to the PEBB program:
(i) During the PEBB annual open enrollment period. The required forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than the last day of the open enrollment period. PEBB health plan coverage begins January 1st of the following year; or
(ii) When their employer-based group medical or such coverage under COBRA coverage or continuation coverage ends. The required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after coverage ends. PEBB health plan coverage begins the first day of the month after the employer-based group medical coverage, COBRA coverage, or continuation coverage ends.
Enrollment in the PEBB program's MA ((or medicare advantage-prescription drug (MA-PD)))plan, MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan may not be retroactive.
(1) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a plan with the same contracted vendor during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA coverage begins.
(2) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA-PD plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in ((Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic))transitional coverage as designated by the director or designee during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA-PD coverage begins.
(3) If a subscriber elects to enroll in the UMP Classic medicare plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional UMP coverage during the gap month(s) prior to when the UMP Classic medicare plan begins.
(b) A subscriber who defers enrollment while enrolled as a retiree or dependent of a retiree in a federal retiree medical plan will have a one-time opportunity to enroll in a PEBB health plan by submitting the required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment to the PEBB program:
(i) During the PEBB annual open enrollment period. The required forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than the last day of the open enrollment period. PEBB health plan coverage begins January 1st of the following year; or
(ii) When the federal retiree medical plan coverage ends. The required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after coverage ends. PEBB health plan coverage begins the first day of the month after coverage under the federal retiree medical plan ends.
Enrollment in the PEBB program's MA ((or))plan, MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan may not be retroactive.
(1) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a plan with the same contracted vendor during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA coverage begins.
(2) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA-PD plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in ((UMP Classic))transitional coverage as designated by the director or designee during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA-PD coverage begins.
(3) If a subscriber elects to enroll in the UMP Classic medicare plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional UMP coverage during the gap month(s) prior to when the UMP Classic medicare plan begins.
(c) A subscriber who defers enrollment while enrolled in medicare Parts A and B and a medicaid program that provides creditable coverage as defined in WAC 182-12-109 may enroll in a PEBB health plan by submitting the required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment to the PEBB program:
(i) During the PEBB annual open enrollment period. The required forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than the last day of the open enrollment period. PEBB health plan coverage begins January 1st of the following year; or
(ii) When their medicaid coverage ends. The required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after coverage ends. PEBB health plan coverage begins the first day of the month after the medicaid coverage ends; or
Enrollment in the PEBB program's MA ((or))plan, MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan may not be retroactive.
(1) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a plan with the same contracted vendor during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA coverage begins.
(2) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA-PD plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in ((UMP Classic))transitional coverage as designated by the director or designee during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA-PD coverage begins.
(3) If a subscriber elects to enroll in the UMP Classic medicare plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional UMP coverage during the gap month(s) prior to when the UMP Classic medicare plan begins.
(iii) No later than the end of the calendar year when their medicaid coverage ends if the retiree or survivor was also determined eligible under 42 U.S.C. § 1395w-114 and subsequently enrolled in a medicare Part D plan. Enrollment in the PEBB health plan will begin January 1st following the end of the calendar year when the medicaid coverage ends. The required forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than the last day of the calendar year in which the medicaid coverage ends.
(d) A subscriber who defers enrollment while enrolled in exchange coverage will have a one-time opportunity to enroll or reenroll in a PEBB health plan by submitting the required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment to the PEBB program:
(i) During the PEBB annual open enrollment period. The required forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than the last day of the open enrollment period. PEBB health plan coverage begins January 1st of the following year; or
(ii) When exchange coverage ends. The required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after coverage ends. PEBB health plan coverage begins the first day of the month after exchange coverage ends.
Enrollment in the PEBB program's MA ((or))plan, MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan may not be retroactive.
(1) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a plan with the same contracted vendor during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA coverage begins.
(2) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA-PD plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in ((UMP Classic))transitional coverage as designated by the director or designee during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA-PD coverage begins.
(3) If a subscriber elects to enroll in the UMP Classic medicare plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional UMP coverage during the gap month(s) prior to when the UMP Classic medicare plan begins.
(e) A subscriber who defers enrollment while enrolled in CHAMPVA will have a one-time opportunity to enroll in a PEBB health plan by submitting the required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment to the PEBB program:
(i) During the PEBB annual open enrollment period. The required forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than the last day of the open enrollment period. PEBB health plan coverage begins January 1st of the following year; or
(ii) When CHAMPVA coverage ends. The required forms and evidence of continuous enrollment must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after coverage ends. PEBB health plan coverage begins the first day of the month after CHAMPVA coverage ends.
Enrollment in the PEBB program's MA ((or))plan, MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan may not be retroactive.
(1) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a plan with the same contracted vendor during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA coverage begins.
(2) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA-PD plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in ((UMP Classic))transitional coverage as designated by the director or designee during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA-PD coverage begins.
(3) If a subscriber elects to enroll in the UMP Classic medicare plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional UMP coverage during the gap month(s) prior to when the UMP Classic medicare plan begins.
(f) A subscriber enrolled in medicare who defers enrollment while permanently living outside of the United States may enroll in a PEBB health plan by submitting the required forms and proof of enrollment in medicare parts A and B. Evidence of continuous enrollment in a qualified coverage is waived while a subscriber enrolled in medicare lives outside of the United States:
(i) During the PEBB annual open enrollment period. The required forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than the last day of the open enrollment period. PEBB health plan coverage begins January 1st of the following year; or
(ii) When the subscriber permanently moved back to the United States. The required forms and proof of enrollment in medicare parts A and B must be received by the PEBB program no later than 60 days after the date of the permanent move or the date the subscriber provides notification of such move, whichever is later. PEBB health plan coverage begins the first day of the month after the permanent move or the date the subscriber provides notification of such move, whichever is later.
Enrollment in the PEBB program's MA plan, MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan may not be retroactive.
(1) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a plan with the same contracted vendor during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA coverage begins.
(2) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA-PD plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional coverage as designated by the director or designee during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA-PD coverage begins.
(3) If a subscriber elects to enroll in the UMP Classic medicare plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional UMP coverage during the gap month(s) prior to when the UMP Classic medicare plan begins.
(7) A subscriber described in subsection (1) of this section who defers enrollment ((while enrolled in qualifying coverage)) as described in subsection (3)(a) through (((e)))(f) of this section may later enroll themselves and their dependents in a PEBB health plan if they receive formal notice that the authority has determined it is more cost-effective to enroll them or their eligible dependents in PEBB medical than a medical assistance program.
(8) If a subscriber elects to enroll a dependent in PEBB health plan coverage as described in subsection (6) or (7) of this section, the dependent must be enrolled in the same PEBB medical and PEBB dental plan as the subscriber.
(1) If a subscriber selects a medicare supplement plan ((or)), a MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan, nonmedicare enrollees will be enrolled in the UMP Classic. If a subscriber selects any other medicare plan, they must also select a nonmedicare plan with the same contracted vendor available to nonmedicare enrollees.
(2) If a subscriber selects a medicare supplement plan, MA-PD plan, or any other medicare plan, they may elect a PEBB vision plan available for any nonmedicare enrollees.
(9) A nonmedicare subscriber must enroll in PEBB medical to be able to enroll in PEBB dental, in PEBB vision, or in both PEBB dental and PEBB vision. Any nonmedicare dependents they elect to enroll must be enrolled in the same PEBB medical, PEBB dental, and PEBB vision plan.
(10) An enrolled retiree or a survivor who requests to voluntarily terminate their enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage must do so in writing. The written termination request must be received by the PEBB program. A retiree or a survivor who voluntarily terminates their enrollment in a PEBB health plan also terminates enrollment for all eligible dependents. Once coverage is terminated, a retiree or a survivor may not enroll again in the future unless they reestablish eligibility for PEBB insurance coverage by becoming newly eligible. Enrollment in a PEBB health plan will terminate on the last day of the month in which the PEBB program receives the termination request. If the termination request is received on the first day of the month, enrollment will terminate on the last day of the previous month.
When a subscriber or their dependent is enrolled in a MA plan, ((then))a MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan, the enrollment will terminate on the last day of the month when the ((MA)) plan disenrollment form is received.
(((10)))(11) When a retiree becomes eligible for the employer contribution toward PEBB or SEBB benefits, PEBB retiree insurance coverage will be automatically deferred. The subscriber will be exempt from the deferral form requirement.
When the subscriber is no longer eligible for the employer contribution toward PEBB or SEBB benefits, they may enroll in PEBB retiree insurance coverage as described in WAC 182-12-171 or continue in a deferred status if they meet the requirements described in WAC 182-12-200 or this section.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 22-13-160, filed 6/21/22, effective 1/1/23)
WAC 182-12-250Public employees benefits board (PEBB) insurance coverage eligibility for survivors of emergency service personnel killed in the line of duty.
Surviving spouses, state registered domestic partners, and dependent children of emergency service personnel who are killed in the line of duty are eligible to enroll or defer enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) retiree insurance coverage.
(1) This section applies to the surviving spouse, the surviving state registered domestic partner, and dependent children of emergency service personnel "killed in the line of duty" as determined by the Washington state department of labor and industries.
(2) "Emergency service personnel" means law enforcement officers and firefighters as defined in RCW 41.26.030, members of the Washington state patrol retirement fund as defined in RCW 43.43.120, and reserve officers and firefighters as defined in RCW 41.24.010.
(3) "Surviving spouse, state registered domestic partner, and dependent children" means:
(a) A lawful spouse;
(b) An ex-spouse as defined in RCW 41.26.162;
(c) A state registered domestic partner as defined in RCW 26.60.020(1); and
(d) Children. The term "children" includes children of the emergency service worker up to age 26. Children with disabilities as defined in RCW 41.26.030(6) are eligible at any age. "Children" is defined as:
(i) Biological children (including the emergency service worker's posthumous children);
(ii) Stepchildren or children of a state registered domestic partner;
(iii) Legally adopted children;
(iv) Children for whom the subscriber has assumed a legal obligation for total or partial support in anticipation of adoption of the child;
(v) Children specified in a court order or divorce decree; or
(vi) Children as defined in RCW 26.26A.100.
(4) Surviving spouses, state registered domestic partners, and children who are eligible for medicare must enroll in both Parts A and B of medicare.
For the exclusive purpose of medicare Part A as described in this subsection, "eligible" means the enrollee is eligible for medicare Part A without a monthly premium.
(5) The survivor (or agent acting on their behalf) must submit the required forms to the PEBB program to either enroll or defer enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage as described in subsection (7) of this section. The forms must be received by the PEBB program no later than 180 days after the later of:
(a) The death of the emergency service worker;
(b) The date on the letter from the department of retirement systems or the board for volunteer firefighters and reserve officers that informs the survivor that they are determined to be an eligible survivor;
(c) The last day the surviving spouse, state registered domestic partner, or child was covered under any health plan through the emergency service worker's employer; or
(d) The last day the surviving spouse, state registered domestic partner, or child was covered under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) coverage from the emergency service worker's employer.
(6) Survivors who do not choose to defer enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage may choose among the following options for when their enrollment in a PEBB health plan will begin:
(a) June 1, 2006, for survivors whose required forms are received by the PEBB program no later than September 1, 2006;
(b) The first of the month that is not earlier than 60 days before the date that the PEBB program receives the required forms (for example, if the PEBB program receives the required forms on August 29th, the survivor may request health plan enrollment to begin on July 1st); or
(c) The first of the month after the date that the PEBB program receives the required forms.
Enrollment in the PEBB program's medicare advantage (MA) ((or))plan, medicare advantage-prescription drug (MA-PD) plan , or the Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic medicare plan may not be retroactive.
(1) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a plan with the same contracted vendor during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA coverage begins.
(2) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA-PD plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in ((Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic))transitional coverage as designated by the director or designee during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA-PD coverage begins.
(3) If a subscriber elects to enroll in the UMP Classic medicare plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional UMP coverage during the gap month(s) prior to when the UMP Classic medicare plan begins.
For surviving spouses, state registered domestic partners, and children who enroll, monthly health plan premiums and applicable premium surcharges must be paid by the survivor as described in WAC 182-08-180 (1)(c) except as provided in RCW 41.26.510(5) and 43.43.285 (2)(b).
(7) Survivors must choose one of the following two options to maintain eligibility for PEBB retiree insurance coverage:
(a) Enroll in a PEBB health plan. Any of the following enrollment applies to survivors who are not enrolled in medicare. The enrollment described in (a)(i) and (ii) of this subsection applies to survivors enrolled in medicare:
(i) Enroll in PEBB medical; ((or))
(ii) Enroll in PEBB medical and PEBB dental((.));
(iii) ((Dental only is not an option.))Enroll in PEBB medical and PEBB vision; or
(iv) Enroll in PEBB medical, PEBB dental, and PEBB vision.
(b) Defer enrollment:
(i) Survivors may defer enrollment in PEBB retiree insurance coverage ((if continuously enrolled in qualifying coverage)) as described in WAC 182-12-205(3).
(ii) Survivors may enroll in a PEBB health plan as described in WAC 182-12-205(6). Survivors who defer enrollment as described in WAC 182-12-205 (3)(a) through (e) must provide evidence that they were continuously enrolled in one or more qualifying coverages as described in WAC 182-12-205 (3)(a) through (e) when enrolling in a PEBB health plan. Survivors who defer enrollment as described in WAC 182-12-205 (3)(f) must provide proof of enrollment in medicare parts A and B; evidence of continuous enrollment in a qualified coverage is waived if the deferment is based on WAC 182-12-205 (3)(f).
Enrollment in the PEBB program's MA ((or))plan, MA-PD plan, or the UMP Classic medicare plan may not be retroactive.
(1) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in a plan with the same contracted vendor during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA coverage begins.
(2) If a subscriber elects to enroll in a MA-PD plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in ((UMP Classic))transitional coverage as designated by the director or designee during the gap month(s) prior to when the MA-PD coverage begins.
(3) If a subscriber elects to enroll in the UMP Classic medicare plan, and the required forms are received by the PEBB program after the date the PEBB retiree insurance coverage is to begin, the subscriber and their enrolled dependents will be enrolled in transitional UMP coverage during the gap month(s) prior to when the UMP Classic medicare plan begins.
(iii) PEBB health plan enrollment and premiums will begin the first day of the month following the day that the other coverage ended for eligible spouses and children who enroll.
(8) Survivors may change their health plan during the annual open enrollment. In addition to the annual open enrollment, survivors may change health plans as described in WAC 182-08-198.
(9) Survivors will lose their right to enroll in PEBB retiree insurance coverage if they:
(a) Do not apply to enroll or defer enrollment within the timelines as described in subsection (5) of this section; or
(b) Do not ((maintain continuous enrollment in other qualifying coverage during the deferral period,))meet the requirements to defer enrollment as described in subsection (7)(b)(((i))) of this section.