WSR 24-23-085
[Filed November 19, 2024, 10:15 a.m., effective January 1, 2025]
Effective Date of Rule: January 1, 2025.
Purpose: The Washington state noxious weed list provides the basis for noxious weed control efforts for county and district weed control boards, as well as other entities. This rule-making order amends chapter 16-750 WAC by:
Updates to the noxious weed list: WAC 16-750-005 Class A noxious weed changes and additions, addition of round leaf bittersweet, Celastrus orbiculatus and addition of marsh thistle, Cirsium palustre.
WAC 16-750-011 Class B noxious weed changes and additions, undesignating shiny geranium, Geranium lucidum, in Pierce County east of the Narrows Bridge.
Updating pronouns throughout from he/she, him/her to they/them: WAC 16-750-120 (8)(11), 16-750-130 (2)(b), 16-750-135 (11)(15)(c), and 16-750-137(5).
Citation of Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 16-750-005, 16-750-011, 16-750-120 (8)(11), 16-750-130 (2)(b), 16-750-135 (11)(15)(c), and 16-750-137(5).
Statutory Authority for Adoption: Chapter 17.10 RCW.
Other Authority: Chapter 34.05 RCW.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 24-20-110 on October 1, 2024.
Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version: (1) One clerical change was made to correct the spelling of Celastrus orbiculatus.
(2) The undesignating of shiny geranium was amended to only undesignating shiny geranium east of the narrows bridge in Pierce County.
(3) The addition of Ilex Species as a Class C noxious weed was postponed to a later hearing in March. A new CR-102 will be filed for this extended rule-making process for Ilex Aquifolium.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at the Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's own Initiative: New 0, Amended 2, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 4, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: November 6, 2024.
Allen D. Evenson
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 23-23-168, filed 11/21/23, effective 1/1/24)
WAC 16-750-005State noxious weed listClass A noxious weeds.
Common Name
Scientific Name
broom, French
Genista monspessulana
broom, Spanish
Spartium junceum
common crupina
Crupina vulgaris
cordgrass, common
Spartina anglica
cordgrass, dense-flowered
Spartina densiflora
cordgrass, salt meadow
Spartina patens
cordgrass, smooth
Spartina alterniflora
dyer's woad
Isatis tinctoria
eggleaf spurge
Euphorbia oblongata
false brome
Brachypodium sylvaticum
floating primrose-willow
Ludwigia peploides
flowering rush
Butomus umbellatus
garlic mustard
Alliaria petiolata
giant hogweed
Heracleum mantegazzianum
Galega officinalis
Hydrilla verticillata
Sorghum halepense
knapweed, bighead
Centaurea macrocephala
knapweed, Vochin
Centaurea nigrescens
Pueraria montana var. lobata
meadow clary
Salvia pratensis
oriental clematis
Clematis orientalis
Palmer amaranth
Amaranthus palmeri
purple starthistle
Centaurea calcitrapa
reed sweetgrass
Glyceria maxima
ricefield bulrush
Schoenoplectus mucronatus
round leaf bittersweet
Celastrus orbiculatus
sage, clary
Salvia sclarea
sage, Mediterranean
Salvia aethiopis
silverleaf nightshade
Solanum elaeagnifolium
small-flowered jewelweed
Impatiens parviflora
South American spongeplant
Limnobium laevigatum
Syrian bean-caper
Zygophyllum fabago
Texas blueweed
Helianthus ciliaris
thistle, Italian
Carduus pycnocephalus
thistle, marsh
Cirsium palustre
thistle, milk
Silybum marianum
thistle, slenderflower
Carduus tenuiflorus
thistle, Turkish
Carduus cinereus
variable-leaf milfoil and hybrids
Myriophyllum heterophyllum
heterophyllum x
Myriophyllum hippuroides
wild four o'clock
Mirabilis nyctaginea
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 23-23-168, filed 11/21/23, effective 1/1/24)
WAC 16-750-011State noxious weed listClass B noxious weeds.
Will be a "Class B designate" in all
lands lying within:
blueweed, Echium vulgare
regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
region 5, except Spokane County
Brazilian elodea, Egeria densa
region 1, except Grays Harbor County
region 2, except Kitsap County and Green Lake in King County
King County of region 2, except lakes Dolloff, Fenwick, Union, Washington, and Sammamish, and the Sammamish River
region 3, except Wahkiakum County
regions 4, 5, and 6
bugloss, annual, Lycopsis arvensis
regions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6
region 5, except Spokane County
bugloss, common, Anchusa officinalis
regions 1, 2, 3, and 6
All of region 4 except those areas lying within the Entiat River Valley between the Columbia River confluence and Stormy Creek in Chelan County
region 5, except Spokane County
butterfly bush, Buddleja davidii
Grays Harbor County of region 1
San Juan County of region 2
Cowlitz County of region 3
camelthorn, Alhagi maurorum
regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
common fennel, Foeniculum vulgare (except bulbing fennel, F. vulgare var. azoricum)
region 1, except Jefferson County
region 2, except King and Skagit counties
region 3, except Clark County
regions 4, 5, and 6
common reed, Phragmites australis (nonnative genotypes only)
regions 1, 2, 3, and 4
region 5, except Grant County
Asotin, Columbia, and Garfield counties of region 6
common tansy, Tanacetum vulgare
Clallam County of region 1
Kitsap and San Juan counties of region 2
Cowlitz County of region 3
Adams and Lincoln counties of region 5
Dalmatian toadflax, Linaria dalmatica ssp. dalmatica
regions 1, 2, and 3
Adams, Kittitas, and Lincoln counties of region 5
Benton, Franklin, and Walla Walla counties of region 6
Eurasian watermilfoil, Myriophyllum spicatum
region 1, except Pacific County
Island, Kitsap, and San Juan counties of region 2
Clark and Cowlitz counties of region 3
Chelan and Okanogan counties, and all lakes with public boat launches except Fan Lake in Pend Oreille County of region 4
Adams, Kittitas, Lincoln, and Whitman counties of region 5
Asotin, Columbia, and Garfield counties of region 6
European coltsfoot, Tussilago farfara
regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
fanwort, Cabomba caroliniana
regions 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6
region 3, except Cowlitz County
gorse, Ulex europaeus
region 1, except Grays Harbor and Pacific counties
regions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
grass-leaved arrowhead, Sagittaria graminea
region 1
region 2, except Snohomish County
regions 3, 4, 5, and 6
hairy willow-herb, Epilobium hirsutum
regions 1, 3, and 4
region 2, except Thurston and Whatcom counties
region 5, except Klickitat County
region 6, except Benton and Franklin counties
hanging sedge, Carex pendula, Carex pendula subsp. pendula and Carex pendula subsp. agastachys
regions 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6
region 2, except for King County
hawkweed oxtongue, Picris hieracioides
regions 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6
region 3, except Skamania County
hawkweed, orange, Hieracium aurantiacum
regions 1, 3, and 6
region 2, except Whatcom County
region 4, except Pend Oreille and Stevens counties
region 5, except Kittitas and Spokane counties
hawkweeds: All nonnative species and hybrids of the Meadow subgenus (Pilosella), including, but not limited to, mouseear (Hieracium pilosella), pale (H. lactucella), queen-devil (H. glomeratum), tall (H. piloselloides), whiplash (H. flagellare), yellow (H. caespitosum), and yellow-devil (H. x floribundum)
region 1
region 2, except Thurston County
region 3, except Cowlitz County
region 4, except Pend Oreille and Stevens counties
region 5, except Klickitat and Spokane counties
region 6
hawkweeds: All nonnative species and hybrids of the Wall subgenus (Hieracium), including, but not limited to, common (Hieracium lachenalii), European (H. sabaudum), polar (H. atratum), smooth (H. laevigatum), spotted (H. maculatum), and wall (H. murorum)
regions 1, 3, 5, and 6
region 2, except King, Skagit, Snohomish, and Whatcom counties
region 4, except Stevens County
herb-Robert, Geranium robertianum
regions 4, 5, and 6
hoary alyssum, Berteroa incana
regions 1, 2, 3, and 6
region 4, except Pend Oreille and Ferry counties
region 5, except Klickitat County
houndstongue, Cynoglossum officinale
regions 1, 2, and 3
Chelan and Douglas counties of region 4
Yakima, Grant and Adams counties of region 5
Benton and Franklin counties of region 6
indigobush, Amorpha fruticosa
regions 1, 2, and 4
Lewis County of region 3
region 5, except Klickitat County
knapweed, black, Centaurea nigra
regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
knapweed, brown, Centaurea jacea
regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
knapweed, diffuse, Centaurea diffusa
region 1
region 2
region 3, except Cowlitz County
Adams County of region 5
knapweed, meadow, Centaureax gerstlaueri
regions 1 and 4
region 2, except Whatcom County
Thurston County of region 2, except below the ordinary high-water mark of the Nisqually River
Lewis and Wahkiakum counties of region 3
region 5, except Kittitas and Klickitat counties
region 6, except Franklin and Walla Walla counties
knapweed, Russian, Rhaponticum repens
regions 1, 2, and 3
Ferry and Pend Oreille counties of region 4
Lincoln, Spokane, and Whitman counties of region 5
Adams County of region 5, except for the area west of Highway 17 and north of Highway 26
Asotin and Garfield counties of region 6
knapweed, spotted, Centaurea stoebe
region 1, except Grays Harbor
region 2, except Whatcom County
Clark, Lewis, and Wahkiakum counties of region 3
Ferry and Douglas counties of region 4
Adams, Grant and Yakima counties of region 5
region 6, except Columbia and Walla Walla counties
knotweed, Bohemian, Fallopia x bohemica
Island and San Juan counties of region 2
Skamania County of region 3
region 4, 5, and 6
knotweed, giant, Fallopia sachalinensis
region 2, except King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties
region 3, except Cowlitz and Lewis counties
regions 4, 5, and 6
knotweed, Himalayan, Persicaria wallichii
region 1, except Pacific County
region 2, except King and Pierce counties
region 3, except Wahkiakum County
region 4, 5, and 6
knotweed, Japanese, Fallopia japonica
Island, San Juan, and Whatcom counties of region 2
Skamania County of region 3
region 4, except Okanogan County
region 5, except Spokane County
region 6
kochia, Bassia scoparia
regions 1, 2, and 3
Stevens and Pend Oreille counties of region 4
Adams County of region 5
lesser celandine, Ficaria verna
region 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6
region 2, except King and Whatcom counties
loosestrife, garden, Lysimachia vulgaris
regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
loosestrife, purple, Lythrum salicaria
Clallam, Jefferson, and Mason counties of region 1
region 2, except Kitsap, Skagit, and Snohomish counties
Clark, Lewis, and Skamania counties of region 3
region 4, except Douglas County
region 5, except Grant and Spokane counties
region 6, except Asotin and Franklin counties
loosestrife, wand, Lythrum virgatum
Clallam, Jefferson, and Mason counties of region 1
region 2, except Kitsap, Skagit, and Snohomish counties
Clark, Lewis, and Skamania counties of region 3
region 4, except Douglas County
region 5, except Grant and Spokane counties
region 6, except Asotin and Franklin counties
Malta starthistle, Centaurea melitensis
regions 1, 2, and 3
region 4, except T36 R38 in the area contained within Hwy 395/Hwy 20, Pingston Creek Road, and Highland Loop Road in Stevens County
region 5, except Klickitat and Whitman counties
parrotfeather, Myriophyllum aquaticum
region 1, except Pacific County
regions 2, 4, 5, and 6
Clark and Skamania counties of region 3
perennial pepperweed, Lepidium latifolium
regions 1, 2, and 4
region 3, except Clark and Cowlitz counties
Kittitas, Lincoln and Spokane counties of region 5
Columbia and Garfield counties of region 6
poison hemlock, Conium maculatum
Clallam, Mason, and Pacific counties of region 1
region 2, except King, Skagit, and Whatcom counties
Clark and Skamania counties of region 3
Chelan, Douglas, and Pend Oreille counties of region 4
Grant, Kittitas and Lincoln counties of region 5
policeman's helmet, Impatiens glandulifera
region 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6
region 2, except Thurston and Whatcom counties
puncturevine, Tribulus terrestris
regions 1, 2, and 3
Ferry, Pend Oreille, and Stevens counties of region 4
region 5, except Grant, Klickitat, and Yakima counties
Ravenna grass, Tripidium ravennae
Cowlitz County of region 3
region 4
region 5, except Yakima County
region 6, except Benton County
rough chervil, Chaerophyllum temulum
regions 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6
region 2, except for King County
rush skeletonweed, Chondrilla juncea
regions 1, 2, and 3
region 4, except all areas of Stevens County south of Township 29
Kittitas and Yakima counties of region 5, and Adams County, except those areas lying east of Sage Road, the western border of Range 36
Asotin County of region 6
saltcedar, Tamarix ramosissima (unless intentionally planted prior to 2004)
regions 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6
region 2, except King and Thurston counties
Scotch broom, Cytisus scoparius
regions 4 and 6
region 5, except Klickitat County
shiny geranium, Geranium lucidum
regions 1, 4, 5, and 6
region 2, except King, Snohomish, and Thurston counties, and east of the Narrows Bridge in Pierce County
region 3, except Clark County
spurge flax, Thymelaea passerina
region 4, except Okanogan County
regions 5 and 6
spurge laurel, Daphne laureola
region 1, except Clallam and Jefferson counties
region 2, except King, Kitsap, and Pierce counties
region 3
regions 4, 5, and 6
spurge, leafy, Euphorbia virgata
regions 1, 2, 3, and 4
region 5, except Spokane County
region 6, except Columbia County
spurge, myrtle, Euphorbia myrsinites
region 1, except Clallam and Jefferson counties
region 2, except King, Kitsap, Pierce, and Whatcom counties
regions 3, 5, and 6
region 4, except Okanogan County
sulfur cinquefoil, Potentilla recta
region 1
region 2, except Pierce and Thurston counties
region 3, except Lewis and Skamania counties
Adams, Grant, Lincoln, and Whitman counties of region 5
region 6, except Asotin County
tansy ragwort, Jacobaea vulgaris
Island and San Juan counties of region 2
Clark and Wahkiakum counties of region 3
regions 4, 5, and 6
thistle, musk, Carduus nutans
regions 1, 2, 3, and 6
region 4, except Douglas and Ferry counties
region 5, except Kittitas County
thistle, plumeless, Carduus acanthoides
regions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
region 4, except those areas north of State Highway 20 in Stevens County
thistle, Scotch, Onopordum acanthium
regions 1, 2, 3, and 4
region 5, except Spokane and Whitman counties
velvetleaf, Abutilon theophrasti
regions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6
region 5, except Yakima County
water primrose, Ludwigia hexapetala
regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
white bryony, Bryonia alba
regions 1, 2, 3, and 4
region 5, except Whitman County
Benton and Garfield counties of region 6
Wild basil/basil savory, Clinopodium vulgare
regions 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6
region 3, except for Skamania County
wild chervil, Anthriscus sylvestris
regions 1, 3, 4, and 6
region 2, except Whatcom County
region 5, except Whitman County
yellow archangel, Lamiastrum galeobdolon
Clallam County of region 1
Island, San Juan, Skagit, and Whatcom counties of region 2
Cowlitz, Skamania, and Wahkiakum counties of region 3
regions 4, 5, and 6
yellow floating heart, Nymphoides peltata
regions 1, 2, 3, and 6
region 4, except Stevens County
region 5, except Spokane County
yellow nutsedge, Cyperus esculentus
regions 1 and 4
region 2, except Skagit and Thurston counties
region 3, except Clark County
region 5, except Klickitat and Yakima counties
region 6, except Franklin and Walla Walla counties
yellow starthistle, Centaurea solstitialis
regions 1, 2, and 3
region 4, except T36 R38 in the area contained within Hwy 395/Hwy 20, Pingston Creek Road, and Highland Loop Road in Stevens County
region 5, except Klickitat, and Whitman counties
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 23-23-168, filed 11/21/23, effective 1/1/24)
WAC 16-750-120State noxious weed control boardNominationsElectionsTerms of officeVacancies.
(1) Nominations and elections to board positions are conducted by regular mail.
(2) The board calls for nominations to elected positions at least 60 days prior to expiration of position terms.
(3) The board sends ballots to eligible activated county noxious weed control boards or weed district directors by regular mail at least 45 days prior to expiration of each position term.
(4) Ballots must be returned no later than 30 days before expiration of each term. Only official ballots will be accepted. Photocopied ballots will be considered invalid.
(5) The board chairperson appoints a committee to count ballots and certify elections at least 30 days prior to expiration of each term.
(6) Results of elections are announced prior to the next scheduled board meeting.
(7) For the purpose of conducting nominations or elections, the board uses the current list of county noxious weed control board voting members and weed district directors.
(8) Any person who is a resident in and member of an activated county noxious weed control board in the counties represented by positions 1, 2, 3, and 4 may enter ((his or her))their name, or that of any qualified person in nomination for election to the board position by voting members of the above activated county noxious weed control boards.
(9) Any director of an active weed district formed under chapter 17.04 or 17.06 RCW may enter a name in nomination for election to position 5 on the board.
(10) Each candidate or each person nominating such candidate must complete a certificate of nomination, and must return it to the board postmarked by the date specified.
(11) The board creates a ballot listing the names in alphabetical order beginning with the last name first, of the candidates nominated to the position of the board: Provided, That the board shall remove the name of any person nominated who notifies the board in writing that ((he or she is))they are unwilling to serve on the board.
(12) The ballot, along with the statement, if any, of each candidate in the election will be mailed by regular mail to each voting member of an activated county noxious weed control board or director of an active weed district. Only county board members or weed district directors within the established position area are eligible to vote for the board member to represent that area.
(13) Each voting member of an activated county noxious weed control board or director of an activated weed district may cast one vote for the candidates appearing on the appropriate ballot and return it to the board as provided above and as per the dates specified.
(14) The candidate receiving the highest number of votes is elected: Provided, That if the candidate fails to receive more than 50 percent of the votes cast in an election, a second election will be held between such candidate and the candidate receiving the next highest votes and: Provided further, That if there is only one candidate, that candidate will be deemed elected unanimously.
(15) The term of office for all members of the board is four years from the date of election or appointment.
(16) Vacancies among board members appointed by the director will be filled by the director. Vacancies among elected members will be filled by special election by those entities eligible to elect that position for the expired term. Special elections follow the same procedure as regular elections and repeated as needed until position is filled. Board members appointed to fill vacancies will serve out the existing term.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 23-23-168, filed 11/21/23, effective 1/1/24)
WAC 16-750-130State noxious weed control boardOrganization.
The organization of the board is as follows:
(1) The officers of the board are the chairperson, vice chairperson, and secretary. The title of the chief administrative officer is the executive secretary.
(2) Duties of officers.
(a) The chairperson presides at all meetings of the board, has the power to appoint committees, acts as ex officio member of all committees except the executive committee, serves as chairperson of the executive committee, serves as official signer of agreements between the board and public or private agencies, and performs such other duties as pertain to the office.
(b) The vice chairperson performs the duties of the chairperson in ((his or her))the chairperson's absence, acts as an ex officio member of all committees, and any other duties delegated by the chairperson. The vice chairperson will assume the duties of and serve out the term of the chairperson upon permanent departure of the chairperson.
(c) The secretary is the official keeper of the minutes and, approves them, and presents them to the board for adoption. In the absence of the chairperson and vice chairperson, the secretary performs the duties of the chairperson.
(d) The duties of the executive secretary, in addition to administrative duties assigned elsewhere in this chapter, are to keep a record of the proceedings of the board, notify all board members, county noxious weed control boards, and weed districts of meetings, act as an ex officio nonvoting member of all committees, negotiate agreements with public and private agencies on behalf of the board, and perform other responsibilities as delegated by the chairperson.
(3) Term of office. Term of office for officers of the board is two years following elections held at the first board meeting in January and ending at the January meeting of the second year.
(4) Election of officers. Elections will be held every two years at the January meeting of the first year. Officers are elected by a majority vote of the voting members present.
(5) Vacancies of officers other than chairperson, shall be filled for the remainder of the term, by election of the voting board members present.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 23-23-168, filed 11/21/23, effective 1/1/24)
WAC 16-750-135State noxious weed control boardMeetings.
(1) All meetings of the board are open and public and all persons are permitted to attend any meeting of the board, except as otherwise provided in the Open Public Meetings Act, chapter 42.30 RCW.
(2) Members of the public are not required, as a condition to attendance at a board meeting, to register names, other information, or otherwise to fulfill any condition prior to attending.
(3) Interruptions. In the event that any meeting is interrupted by any person as to render the orderly conduct of the meeting unfeasible, and order cannot be restored by the removal of individuals who are interrupting the meeting, the chairperson may order the meeting room cleared and continue in session or may adjourn the meeting and reconvene at another location selected by a majority vote of the board members present. In such a session, the board will follow the procedures set forth in the Open Public Meetings Act (RCW 42.30.050).
(4) Adoption of rules, regulations, resolution, etc. The board shall not adopt any rules, regulations, resolution, etc. except in a meeting open to the public and then only at a meeting, the date of which is fixed by rule, or at a meeting of which notice has been given according to the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act. Any action taken at meetings failing to comply with this section is null and void.
(5) Regular meetings—Schedule—Publication in State Register—Notice of change. The board will meet at least five times per year and at other times determined by the chairperson or by a majority of the voting members. If any regular meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting will be held on the next business day. The executive secretary files with the code reviser a schedule of the time and place of regular meetings on or before January of each year for publication in the Washington State Register. Notice of any change from this meeting schedule will be published in the State Register for distribution at least 20 days prior to the rescheduled meeting date.
(6) Notice. Each board member, county noxious weed control board, and weed district will be notified of public meetings and provided an agenda within 10 days.
(7) Special meetings. The 10-day notice may be waived for special meetings which may be called at any time by the chairperson, director, or a majority of the voting board members. Special meeting notification shall follow the procedures for special meetings set forth in the Open Public Meetings Act (RCW 42.30.080).
(8) Adjournments. If a meeting is adjourned before the advertised time, a written notice will be posted at the meeting place that specifies when the meeting was adjourned.
(9) Executive sessions.
(a) The board may hold an executive session during a regular meeting which may be called by the chairperson or a majority of voting board members present. No official actions will be taken at executive sessions. Executive sessions may deal only with matters authorized by RCW 42.30.110.
(b) Before convening in executive session, the chairperson shall publicly announce the purpose of excluding the public from the meeting place and the time when the executive session will be concluded. The executive session may be extended to a later time by announcement of the chairperson.
(10) Agenda. The agenda will be prepared by the executive secretary in consultation with the chairperson. Items may be submitted by all board members to the executive secretary at least 15 days prior to the board meeting.
(11) Attendance. Each board member is expected to attend all board and assigned committee meetings. In the event a board member is unable to attend, ((he or she is))they are requested to provide the chairperson or executive secretary with the reasons for the absence prior to the meeting. Any voting member who misses two consecutive board meetings without providing the chairperson or the executive secretary with the reasons for the absences prior to the meeting may be removed from the board, following due notice and a hearing. Removal procedures may be initiated by a quorum vote of the board.
(12) Voting procedures. Board voting procedures on all matters are as follows:
(a) Five voting members constitute a quorum to conduct the affairs of the board.
(b) The chairperson may vote on all matters coming before the board.
(c) A roll call of all voting board members present may be requested on all motions by any member.
(d) All members have the right to move or second motions.
(e) Proxy voting is not permitted.
(13) Minutes. The minutes of all regular and special meetings, except executive sessions, will be promptly recorded and such records are open to public inspection.
(14) Press releases. All press releases and official information concerning board activities will be released from the board office.
(15) Public participation.
(a) Any person wishing to make a formal presentation at a regularly scheduled meeting of the board must notify the executive secretary of the subject matter at least 15 days before the meeting.
(b) Permission to appear before the board will be granted by the executive secretary in consultation with the chairperson before the meeting. Permission includes the date and time of the meeting and the time set for formal presentation.
(c) The chairperson may, at ((his or her))their discretion, recognize anyone in the audience who indicates at the time of the meeting a desire to speak.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 23-23-168, filed 11/21/23, effective 1/1/24)
WAC 16-750-137State noxious weed control boardConflict of interest.
(1) When a member of the board is beneficially interested, directly or indirectly, in a contract, sale, lease, purchase or grant that may be made by, through, or is under the supervision of the SNWCB, in whole or in part, or when the member accepts, directly or indirectly, any compensation, gratuity, or reward from any other person beneficially interested in such contract, sale, lease, purchase or grant, the member shall:
(a) Recuse themselves from the board discussion regarding the specific contract, sale, lease, purchase or grant;
(b) Recuse themselves from the board vote on the specific contract, sale, lease, purchase or grant; and
(c) Refrain from attempting to influence the remaining SNWCB members in their discussion and vote regarding the specific contract, sale, lease, purchase or grant.
(2) When a board member has an interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, or has engaged in a business or transaction or professional activity, or has incurred an obligation of any nature, that is in conflict with the proper discharge of that board member's official duties, including the adoption of the state noxious weed list, the member shall:
(a) Recuse themselves from the board discussion regarding the decision implicated by the board member's conflict of interest;
(b) Recuse themselves from the board vote on the decision implicated by the board member's conflict of interest; and
(c) Refrain from attempting to influence the remaining SNWCB members in their discussion and vote regarding the decision implicated by the board member's conflict of interest.
(3) Under subsection (2) of this section, a board member has an interest that is in conflict with the proper discharge of their duties when the interest substantially impairs their ability to perform their duties as a board member in an objective and nonbiased manner. For example, a board member has such a conflict of interest where that board member is engaged in, or has a beneficial interest in an entity that is engaged in, the commercial production of a species that is being considered for addition on the state noxious weed list.
(4) The prohibition against discussion set forth in subsections (1)(a) and (c), (2)(a) and (c) of this section shall not prohibit the member of the SNWCB from using their general expertise to educate and provide general information on the subject area to the other members.
(5) If recusal occurs pursuant to subsection (1) or (2) of this section, the member of the SNWCB shall disclose to the public the reasons for ((his or her))their recusal from any board action whenever recusal occurs. The SNWCB staff shall record each recusal and the basis for the recusal.
(6) Under subsection (1) of this section, "any other person" has a beneficial interest in a contract, sale, lease, purchase or grant when the other person bids or otherwise seeks to be awarded the contract, sale, lease, purchase or grant.