Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 19.16 RCW
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19.16.110License required.
19.16.120Unprofessional conductSupport order, noncompliance.
19.16.150Branch office certificate required.
19.16.160License and branch office certificateFormContentsDisplay.
19.16.170Procedure upon change of name or business location.
19.16.180Assignability of license or branch office certificate.
19.16.190Surety bond requirementsCash deposit or securitiesException.
19.16.200Action on bond, cash deposit or securities.
19.16.210Accounting and payments by licensee to customer.
19.16.220Accounting and payments by customer to licensee.
19.16.230LicenseeBusiness officeRecords to be kept.
19.16.240LicenseeTrust fund accountException.
19.16.245Financial statement.
19.16.250Prohibited practices.
19.16.260Licensing prerequisite to suitDebt buyerProhibited acts.
19.16.270Presumption of validity of assignment.
19.16.280Board createdComposition of boardQualification of members.
19.16.290BoardInitial membersTermsOathRemoval.
19.16.300Board meetingsQuorumEffect of vacancy.
19.16.310BoardCompensationReimbursement of travel expenses.
19.16.320BoardTerritorial scope of operations.
19.16.330BoardImmunity from suit.
19.16.351Additional powers and duties of board.
19.16.390Personal service of process outside state.
19.16.410Rules, orders, decisions, etc.
19.16.420Copy of this chapter, rules and regulations available to licensee.
19.16.430ViolationsOperating agency without a licensePenaltyReturn of fees or compensation.
19.16.440Collection agencyProhibited actsUnfair and deceptive trade practices under chapter 19.86 RCW.
19.16.450Violation of RCW 19.16.250 or 19.16.260Additional penalty.
19.16.460Violations may be enjoined.
19.16.470ViolationsAssurance of discontinuanceEffect.
19.16.480Violation of injunctionCivil penalty.
19.16.500Public bodies may retain collection agencies to collect public debtsFees.
19.16.510Uniform regulation of business and professions act.
19.16.900Provisions cumulativeViolation of RCW 19.16.250 deemed civil.
19.16.920Provisions exclusiveAuthority of political subdivisions to levy business and occupation taxes not affected.
19.16.930Effective date1971 ex.s. c 253.
19.16.940Short title.
19.16.950Section headings.
19.16.960ConstructionChapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships2009 c 521.