Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 19.86 RCW
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19.86.020Unfair competition, practices, declared unlawful.
19.86.023Violation of RCW 15.86.030 constitutes violation of RCW 19.86.020.
19.86.030Contracts, combinations, conspiracies in restraint of trade declared unlawful.
19.86.040Monopolies and attempted monopolies declared unlawful.
19.86.050Transactions and agreements not to use or deal in commodities or services of competitor declared unlawful when lessens competition.
19.86.060Acquisition of corporate stock by another corporation to lessen competition declared unlawfulExceptionsJudicial order to divest.
19.86.070Labor not an article of commerceChapter not to affect mutual, nonprofit organizations.
19.86.080Attorney general may restrain prohibited actsCostsRestoration of property.
19.86.085Establishment of investigation unitReceipt and use of criminal history information.
19.86.090Civil action for damagesTreble damages authorizedAction by governmental entities.
19.86.093Civil actionUnfair or deceptive act or practiceClaim elements.
19.86.095Request for injunctive reliefAppellate proceedingService on the attorney general.
19.86.100Assurance of discontinuance of prohibited actApproval of courtNot considered admission.
19.86.110Demand to produce documentary materials for inspection, answer written interrogatories, or give oral testimonyContentsServiceUnauthorized disclosureReturnModification, vacationUsePenalty.
19.86.115Materials from a federal agency or other state's attorney general.
19.86.120Limitation of actionsTolling.
19.86.130Final judgment to restrain is prima facie evidence in civil actionExceptions.
19.86.140Civil penalties.
19.86.145PenaltiesAnimals used in biomedical research.
19.86.150Dissolution, forfeiture of corporate franchise for violations.
19.86.160Personal service of process outside state.
19.86.170Exempted actions or transactionsStipulated penalties and remedies are exclusive.
19.86.180Mailing materials that interfere with census.
19.86.910Short title.
19.86.920PurposeInterpretationLiberal constructionSaving1985 c 401; 1983 c 288; 1983 c 3; 1961 c 216.
Adult family homes: Chapter 70.128 RCW.
Advertisement of children for adoption: RCW 26.38.130.
AgricultureDeclarations of "Washington state grown": RCW 15.04.410.
Auctioneers: Chapter 18.11 RCW.
Automotive repair: Chapter 46.71 RCW.
Bail bond agentsRecordsFinancesDisposition of securityApplication of consumer protection act: RCW 18.185.210.
Business opportunity fraud act: Chapter 19.110 RCW.
Camping resorts: RCW 19.105.405, 19.105.500.
Charitable solicitations, regulation: RCW 19.09.340.
Check cashers and sellers: Chapter 31.45 RCW.
CigarettesSales below cost: RCW 19.91.300.
Collection agencies: RCW 19.16.120, 19.16.440.
Commercial telephone solicitation: Chapter 19.158 RCW.
Consumer leases: RCW 63.10.050.
Contractors: Chapter 18.27 RCW.
CreditFair credit reporting act: Chapter 19.182 RCW.
Credit services organization act: RCW 19.134.070.
Debt adjusting: RCW 18.28.185.
Degree-granting institutions: Chapter 28B.85 RCW.
Distressed property conveyances: Chapter 61.34 RCW.
Electronic signaturesLicensed certification authority using license in violation of chapter 19.86 RCW: RCW 19.34.100.
EmailCommercial: Chapter 19.190 RCW.
Embalmers and funeral directors: RCW 18.39.350.
Employment agenciesEnforcement: RCW 19.31.210.
Escrow agentsAdvertisement, statement, or reference to existence of financial responsibility requirements prohibitedReferral fees prohibited: RCW 18.44.400, 18.44.450.
Fair credit reporting act: Chapter 19.182 RCW.
Franchise investment protection: RCW 19.100.030, 19.100.160, 19.100.190, 19.100.200.
Funeral and cemetery boardViolationPenaltyUnfair practiceOther laws applicable: RCW 68.05.330.
Going out of business sales: Chapter 19.178 RCW.
Health studio services: Chapter 19.142 RCW.
Hearing instrument dispensing, advertising, etc.Application: RCW 18.35.110, 18.35.120, 18.35.180.
Heating oil pollution liability protection act: RCW 70A.330.090.
House-to-house sales by minors: RCW 49.12.310.
Immigration services fraud prevention act: RCW 19.154.090.
International student exchange: Chapter 19.166 RCW.
Kosher food products: Chapter 69.90 RCW.
Land development law: RCW 58.19.270.
Law against discrimination: RCW 49.60.030.
Lease-purchase agreements: Chapter 63.19 RCW.
Leases: RCW 62A.2A-104.
Life settlements act: Chapter 48.102 RCW.
Manufactured and mobile home installation service and warranty service standards: RCW 43.22.440.
Mechanics' and materialmen's liensActs of coercion: RCW 60.04.035.
Medicaid patient discrimination: RCW 74.42.055.
Mortgage brokers: Chapter 19.146 RCW.
Motor vehicle dealers: Chapter 46.70 RCW.
Motor vehicle subleasing or transfer: Chapter 19.116 RCW.
Motor vehicle warranties: Chapter 19.118 RCW.
Nursing homesDiscrimination against medicaid recipients: RCW 74.42.055.
Offers to alter bids at sales pursuant to deeds of trust: RCW 61.24.135.
On-site sewage additive manufacturers: RCW 70A.105.080.
Operator services: RCW 80.36.360, 80.36.400, 80.36.530, 80.36.540.
Pay-per-call information delivery services: Chapter 19.162 RCW.
Private vocational schools: Chapter 28C.10 RCW.
Promotional advertising of prizes: Chapter 19.170 RCW.
Radio communications service companies not regulated by utilities and transportation commission: RCW 80.66.010.
Roofing and siding contractors and salespersons: Chapter 19.186 RCW.
Sellers of travel: Chapter 19.138 RCW.
Telephone buyers' protection act: Chapter 19.130 RCW.
Timeshare act: Chapter 64.36 RCW.
Unsolicited goods or services: Chapter 19.56 RCW.
Usurious contracts: RCW 19.52.036.
Water companies exempt from utilities and transportation commission regulation: RCW 80.04.010.
Weatherization of leased or rented residences: RCW 70A.35.060.