WSR 97-16-115
[Filed August 6, 1997, 10:36 a.m.]
Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 97-05-065.
Title of Rule: Repeal of chapter 51-32 WAC, adoption and amendment of the 1994 Edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code and adoption of chapter 51-42 WAC, adoption and amendment of the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code.
Purpose: To consider whether to adopt, or amend and adopt, the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code, published by the International Conference of Building Officials, and to repeal the 1994 edition of the code.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 19.27.031, 19.27.074.
Statute Being Implemented: Chapters 19.27 and 34.05 RCW.
Summary: The proposed rule includes adoption of the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code with amendments and repeal of the 1994 edition of this code. The adoption includes fuel gas piping.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: RCW 19.27.031, 19.27.074.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting and Implementation: Judith Darst, P.O. Box 48300, Olympia, WA 98504-8300, (360) 586-2251; and Enforcement: Local jurisdictions.
Name of Proponent: Washington State Building Code Council, governmental.
Agency Comments or Recommendations, if any, as to Statutory Language, Implementation, Enforcement, and Fiscal Matters: The council seeks comments on the issues and options proposed in the rules shown below.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: The proposed rule will adopt by reference and amend the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC), published by the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO). The purpose is to replace the 1994 UMC (chapter 51-32 WAC), which will then be repealed. The 1997 UMC (proposed chapter 51-42 WAC) will be amended to provide greater safety and flexibility than the published version for its application in Washington state.
Regulatory Review: In compliance with Executive Order 97-02, Regulatory improvement, the following criteria for regulatory review will be considered at the time of final adoption of the rule.
1. Need. This rule is necessary to comply with the requirements of RCW 19.27.074. The council must regularly review updated versions of the Uniform Mechanical Code, and amend and adopt as deemed appropriate by the council. An updated, 1997 version of the Uniform Mechanical Code has been published. The purpose and objective of this review, as given in RCW 19.27.020, is to promote the health, safety and welfare of the occupants or users of buildings; to require minimum construction standards for the state of Washington; to permit the use of modern technical methods; to eliminate restrictive, obsolete, conflicting, duplicating and unnecessary regulations; and to provide standards to make buildings accessible to and usable by physically disabled persons. The technical advisory groups appointed by the council have identified rules that are obsolete, duplicative or ambiguous, and have proposed amendments and revisions.
2. Effectiveness and Efficiency. The mission of the council is to adopt building codes for uniform application throughout the state. In the course of the regular rule review, the council examined regulatory alternatives and new technologies. The council has identified where alternatives can be used effectively and efficiently. The council efficiently achieves uniform state building codes by serving as the central administrative agency for state-wide adoption of building codes.
3. Clarity. The council is revising their filing procedure for state amendments to the national uniform codes. To enhance clarity, only those subsections with a state amendment will be filed under the main section number. The balance of the main section will remain as written in the national uniform code, as adopted by reference, unless otherwise noted. This reformatting change reorganizes and shortens the WACs, and necessitates new WAC number assignments.
4. Intent and Statutory Authority. The proposed rule is consistent with the legislative intent of the statute chapter 19.27 RCW. The statute gives the council sufficient authority to maintain the state building code, and to amend and adopt new editions of the Uniform Mechanical Code. The Uniform Mechanical Code is published every three years.
5. Coordination. The council rule-making process has included participation by national, state, and local building, fire, mechanical and plumbing officials, as well as state agency representatives for the Departments of Social and Health Services, Health, Labor and Industries, and the state Fire Marshal. The council actively seeks participation from other state agencies to assure that duplication and inconsistency is eliminated.
6. Cost. The council appointed technical advisory groups and an Economic and Regulatory Assessment Committee to examine the costs and benefits associated with the revisions to the building codes.
7. Fairness. The state amendments to the Uniform Mechanical Code proposed by the council are intended to mitigate disproportionate impact on the regulated community. The council is made up of representatives from the regulated community, as well as public and regulatory officials. In addition, the council enlisted the assistance of technical advisory groups, made up of the individuals, organizations and businesses impacted by the building codes, to review code changes and proposals.
Proposal Changes the Following Existing Rules: Summary of Changes Proposed in Amendments to the 1997 UMC:
1. Sections 001, 002, 004, 005, 007, 223, 504.3.1, 601.1, 605.2, and Chapter 11, these state amendments are maintained from chapter 51-32 WAC.
2. Sections 003, 008, 601.1.1, these changes correct Uniform Code and WAC references.
3. Section 303.1.1 (exception 1), a cross reference to Section 909 is added for clarity in distinguishing between unvented or direct fired fuel burning equipment and direct gas-fired makeup air heaters.
4. Sections 303.1.1 (exception 2), 901.4 and 601.3 (were 1994 Sections 327.6 and 601.2), these state amendments are maintained from the 1994 edition. The section numbers change to reflect the 1994 to 1997 Uniform Code changes.
5. Section 1002.2, this new amendment prohibits using water heaters for space heating only.
6. Section 1004, UMC Section 1004 - Safety Devices, is not adopted. For safety devices and installation of water heaters, see the Plumbing Code.
7. Sections 1005 through 1029, Tables 10A through 10-C, UMC Chapter 10, Part II - Steam and Hot-water Boilers, is not adopted. Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels are regulated by chapter 70.79 RCW and chapter 296-104 WAC.
8. Sections 1311.1, 1311.3, 1312.1, 1312.17 and 1312.18, new amendments to these sections allow copper piping and tubing.
9. Section 1312.3, this new amendment requires existing foundation or basement walls to be core drilled and sealed with an approved mechanical seal when underground piping is installed through an existing wall.
10. Sections 1312.6 and 1312.7, these new amendments requires cathodic protection, in accordance with NACE RP-01-69, for metallic gas piping systems in exterior underground installations.
A small business economic impact statement has been prepared under
chapter 19.85 RCW.
Purpose: The purpose of this analysis is to comply with the requirements of chapter 19.85 RCW, to examine whether these proposed rules will have a disproportionate impact on small businesses.
Introduction: The state Building Code Council (council) is proposing to adopt the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code published by the International Conference of Building Officials (chapter 51-42 WAC). WAC 51-42-1312.6 (Corrosion and Covering Protection) and WAC 51-42-1312.7 (Corrosion Isolation) have been identified by the council's Economic and Regulatory Assessment Committee (ERAC) as having a potential disproportionate cost impact to small business.
The council appointed Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) to do a comprehensive review and comparison of the 1994 Uniform Mechanical Code and the 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code. The TAGs held meetings over a three year period. All national and state-wide code changes were examined. The TAG findings were reviewed by ERAC. Based on this review, the council found that all changes proposed other than the measures specified in this report are editorial in nature and clarifications of nationally recognized standards, which have minimal economic impact beyond codes currently in effect.
The council members and TAG participants are a representative sample of individuals involved in the building construction industry. The makeup of the participants were: Architects, home builders, building officials, contractors, fire officials, energy professionals, manufacturers, engineers, plumbers, state and local officials, inspectors, industry associations and organizations, companies and business, electricians, and the general public.
Summary of Proposed Rule: WAC 51-42-1312.6 (Corrosion and Covering Protection) and 51-42-1312.7 (Corrosion Isolation); WAC 51-42-1312.6 and 51-42-1312.7.
These proposed code changes would require all underground metallic gas piping not provided by utility districts to be cathodically protected. State and federal regulations found in WAC 480-93-110 and 49 CFR, Part 192, require utility districts to cathodically protect underground metallic piping at all locations, for corrosion control. Gas leakage near occupied buildings could be a potential safety hazard. The goal of this proposal is to slow down this rate of corrosion of underground metallic gas pipes, therefore extending the life and usage of these pipes.
Industry Analysis: The four-digit Standard Industrial
Classification (SIC) codes for the industries potentially impacted for
the two identified code change proposals are listed below:
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Within each four-digit SIC, data from December 31, 1996, (the most recent) were analyzed to determine the number of small and large businesses, and the number of employees per business. Industry data at the four-digit level, provided by the Employment Security Department, were broad in scope and anonymous. Due to confidentiality laws in the state, the council was not able to analyze businesses on a "per business" or "per employee" basis as established in chapter 19.85 RCW, Regulatory Fairness Act. Therefore, an analysis was prepared based solely on the number of employees per employers within each four-digit SIC.
Example: SIC 1521 (Single-family housing construction) has a total of 5,410 employers and 15,490 employees. Of those 5,410 employers, 5,398 of them were small businesses as defined in chapter 19.85 RCW (fifty employees or less) and twelve were large businesses (fifty-one or more employees). A survey was prepared that described these proposed changes and asked businesses to estimate what they believed the cost impact of these changes would be on their business and how they arrived at that figure. The survey also asked businesses how many workers they employed. The council sent surveys to ten percent of businesses within these identified industries to assess the economic impact of the proposals.
The council is able to provide the following detailed information
regarding the potentially impacted businesses.
Number of businesses potentially impacted 10,529
Number of employees potentially impacted 63,258
Average number of employees/business 6
Source: Employment Security Dec. 31, 1996 data.
Cost of Compliance: To determine the costs of reporting and
compliance requirements for the identified code change proposals, the
council used the results of the surveys along with the committee's
economical evaluation as an informational resource. However, of the 1171
surveys sent out only four percent were returned. The returned surveys
break down as follows:
Number of small businesses responding
(50 or less employees) 25 (57%)
Average number of employees 7
Estimated average cost of compliance
per employee $196.00
Number of large businesses responding
(51 or more employees) 2 (5%)
Average number of employees 69
Estimated average cost of compliance
per employee $435.00 *
Number of returned surveys with no
responses 17 (39%)
* Average cost of compliance for large businesses is high due to inadequate sample size. Large businesses costs are also hire [higher] due to the volume of jobs performed annually. The committee estimates that the cost of compliance falls between $100 - $2000.
Compliance Cost I: Reporting and compliance requirements: There
are no reporting and/or compliance requirement costs involved with this
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Compliance Cost II: Associated costs:
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Note: These costs are derived from the council's committees estimation.
Compliance Cost III: Lost sales or revenue: This proposal does not have an effect on businesses sales or revenues. Typically, all building and structures that use gas have metallic pipe underground provided and maintained by the utility companies. This rule is to address those applications not maintained by the utility districts. That usually applies to a very small percentage of businesses and residences. Traditionally it is the purchaser of this service that carries the final costs. However, as stated before, the utility provider covers the costs of a majority of underground metallic gas pipe installations.
Compliance Cost IV: Possible disproportionate affect on small businesses: The Regulatory Fairness Act requires, when possible, a comparison of the compliance costs for small and large businesses required to comply with the proposed rule.
While the results of the survey were limited, they offered some
insight in whether the proposed rules will have a disproportionate
economic impact on small businesses. Thus, compliance costs based on the
survey results were analyzed. The results of this comparison concluded
that small businesses would pay approximately forty-five percent of the
average cost to large businesses. This was calculated on a "per
employee" basis for all industries surveyed.
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* Average cost of compliance for large businesses is high due to
inadequate sample size. Large businesses costs are also higher due to
the volume of jobs performed annually. The committee estimates that the
cost of compliance falls between $100 - $2000.
Average Cost/Employee Ratio (Small vs. Large): $196/$435 = .45 (45%)
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Involvement of Small Businesses: The council has included small businesses in the drafting of this language and the preparation of the small business economic impact study (SBEIS). Small businesses were represented on the technical advisory groups and council committees. Ten percent of each of the identified SIC industries were solicited for information regarding the potential economic impact of the proposed rules.
Mitigation: Through a formal and established method of negotiated rule making, the council and the affected industries have considered and mitigated costs associated with the proposed rules. The council solicited feedback from industry. Industry representation has been involved at all public meetings.
The council and its committees are of the opinion that many of the potentially impacted businesses will experience minimal or no extra cost of compliance. Language was drafted so that industry would have adequate time to comply with those sections of the rule that may impose an economic impact on business. Sections or wording of the proposed rules were omitted in an effort to minimize the costs. Again, business representation was an integral part of the review and development of this negotiated rule-making process.
Since the proposed rules have been negotiated into their current form with input from the council and industry, the council is of the opinion that adequate mitigation efforts have been put forth.
Conclusion: Based on the results of the survey and the council's economic evaluation, the council recognized that the proposed rules may impose minimal economic impact on businesses in the building construction industry. However, the council also realizes its obligation to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the occupants or users of buildings and structures and the general public through the provisions of the building codes throughout the state, as stated in the council's legislative mandate.
The fact that the proposed rule was industry-initiated and drafted by the committees is indicative of an industry that is also concerned with the health, safety and welfare of the citizens in this state. The council has negotiated the proposed rules into their current form in an effort to achieve a minimum safety standard that meets the needs of the building construction industry and the citizens of this state.
Again, the council appointed Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) to do a comprehensive review and comparison of the 1994 Uniform Mechanical Code and the 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code. The TAGs held meetings over a three year period. All national and state-wide code changes were examined. The TAG findings were reviewed by ERAC. Based on this review, the council found that all changes proposed other than the measures specified in this report are editorial in nature and clarifications on nationally recognized standards which have minimal to no economic impact.
In accordance with the Regulatory Fairness Act, the above analysis demonstrates that the proposed rule would not place a disproportionate economic impact on small business when compared to large business. Based on the data received from the survey and the council's economic evaluation of potentially-impacted businesses, this analysis has determined that the "per-employee" cost of compliance for small business is approximately forty-five percent of the cost of compliance for large businesses.
A copy of the statement may be obtained by writing to Tim Nogler, Managing Director, State Building Code Council, P.O. Box 48300, Olympia, WA 98504-8300, phone (360) 586-0486, or FAX (360) 586-5880.
Section 201, chapter 403, Laws of 1995, does not apply to this rule adoption. The state Building Code Council is not listed in this section as one of the agencies required to comply with this regulation.
Hearing Location: On Friday, September 12, 1997, at 9:00 a.m., at the Radisson Hotel, Flight Lounge, 17001 Pacific Highway South, SeaTac, WA; and on Friday, October 10, 1997, at 9:00 a.m., at the Spokane City Hall, City Council Chambers, West 808 Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane, WA.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Krista Braaksma by September 1, 1997, TDD (360) 753-2200, or (360) 753-5927.
Submit Written Comments to: Mike McEnaney, Chair, State Building Code Council, P.O. Box 48300, Olympia, WA 98504-8300, FAX (360) 586-5880, by October 8, 1997.
Date of Intended Adoption: November 14, 1997.
August 8, 1997
Mike McEnaney
WAC 51-42-001 Authority. These rules are adopted under the
authority of chapter 19.27 RCW.
WAC 51-42-002 Purpose. The purpose of these rules is to implement
the provisions of chapter 19.27 RCW, which provides that the State
Building Code council shall maintain the State Building Code in a status
which is consistent with the purpose as set forth in RCW 19.27.020. In
maintaining the codes the council shall regularly review updated versions
of the codes adopted under the act, and other pertinent information, and
shall amend the codes as deemed appropriate by the council.
WAC 51-42-003 Uniform Mechanical Code. The 1997 edition of the
Uniform Mechanical Code published by the International Conference of
Building Officials is hereby adopted by reference with the exceptions
noted in this chapter of the Washington Administrative Code.
WAC 51-42-004 Conflict between uniform mechanical code and state
energy code chapter 51-11 WAC. In the case of conflict between the duct
sealing or insulation requirements of Section 601 or Section 604 of this
code and the duct sealing or insulation requirements of chapter 51-11
WAC, the Washington State Energy Code, or where applicable, a local
jurisdiction's energy code, the provisions of such energy codes shall
WAC 51-42-005 Conflict between uniform mechanical code and state
ventilation and indoor air quality code chapter 51-13 WAC. In the case
of conflict between the Group R ventilation requirements of this code and
the Group R ventilation requirements of chapter 51-13 WAC, the Washington
State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code, the provisions of the
Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code shall govern.
WAC 51-42-007 Exceptions. The exceptions and amendments to the Uniform Mechanical Code contained in the provisions of chapter 19.27 RCW shall apply in case of conflict with any of the provisions of these rules.
The provisions of this code do not apply to temporary growing
structures used solely for the commercial production of horticultural
plants including ornamental plants, flowers, vegetables, and fruits.
"Temporary growing structure" means a structure that has the sides and
roof covered with polyethylene, polyvinyl, or similar flexible synthetic
material and is used to provide plants with either frost protection or
increased heat retention. A temporary growing structure is not
considered a building for purposes of this code.
WAC 51-42-008 Implementation. The Uniform Mechanical Code adopted
by chapter 51-42 WAC shall become effective in all counties and cities
of this state on July 1, 1998.
WAC 51-42-0200 Chapter 2--Definitions.
WAC 51-42-0223 Section 223--U. UNUSUALLY TIGHT CONSTRUCTION is construction where:
1. Walls and ceilings exposed to the outside atmosphere have a continuous water vapor retarder with a rating of one perm or less with any openings gasketed or sealed, and
2. Weatherstripping on openable windows and doors, and
3. Caulking or sealants are applied to areas such as joints around window and door frames, between sole plates and floors, between wall-ceiling joints, between wall panels and at penetrations for plumbing, electrical, and gas lines and at other openings, or
4. Buildings built in compliance with the 1986 or later editions of
the Washington State Energy Code WAC 51-11, Northwest Energy Code, or
Super Good Cents weatherization standards or equivalent.
WAC 51-42-0303 Section 303--Installation.
303.1.1 Prohibited installations. No unvented or direct fired fuel-burning equipment shall be installed or used to provide comfort heating
within any occupancy group other than Group F, S or U.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. Direct gas-fired makeup air heaters may be installed in accordance with Section 909.
2. Approved, unvented portable oil-fueled heaters may be used as a supplemental heat source in any Group B, F-2, M, R, or U Occupancy provided that such heaters
shall not be located in any sleeping room or bathroom, and shall comply with RCW 19.27A.080, 19.27A.090, 19.27A.100, 19.27A.110, and 19.27A.120.
WAC 51-42-0504 Environmental air ducts.
504.3.1 Moisture exhaust ducts. Moisture exhaust ducts for domestic
clothes dryers shall terminate on the outside of the building and shall
be equipped with a back-draft damper. Screens shall not be installed
at the duct termination. Ducts for exhausting clothes dryers shall not
be connected or installed with sheet metal screws or other fasteners
which will obstruct the flow. Clothes dryer moisture exhaust ducts shall
not be connected to a gas vent connector, gas vent or chimney. Clothes
dryer moisture exhaust ducts shall not extend into or through ducts or
plenums. Clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be protected by a steel plate
or clip not less than 1/16 inch (1.59 mm) in thickness and of sufficient
width to fully protect the duct. Plates or clips shall be placed on the
finish face of all framing members which the clothes dryer exhaust duct
passes through when there is less than one-and-one-quarter inch (1") (32
mm) of framing material between the duct and the finish face. Plates or
clips shall also be placed where nails or screws from finish or other
work are likely to penetrate the clothes dryer exhaust duct.
WAC 51-42-0600 Chapter 6--Duct systems.
WAC 51-42-0601 Scope.
601.1 Material. Supply air, return air, and outside air for heating,
cooling, or evaporative cooling systems shall be conducted through duct
systems constructed of metal as set forth in Tables 6-A, 6-B and 6-C;
metal ducts complying with the U.M.C. Standard 6-2 with prior approval;
or factory-made air ducts complying with U.M.C. Standard 6-1. Ducts,
plenums, and fittings may be constructed of concrete, clay, ceramics, or
other approved nonmetallic materials when installed in the ground or in
a concrete slab, provided the joints are tightly sealed.
601.1.1 Use of corridor as plenum. Corridors shall not be used to
convey air to or from rooms if the corridor is required to be of fire-resistive construction by Section 1005 of the Building Code.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. Where such air is part of an engineered smoke control system.
2. Corridors conforming to Section 1007.5 of the Uniform Building Code in Group I occupancies.
3. Corridors serving residential occupancies may be supplied without specific mechanical exhaust subject to the following:
3.1 The supply air is 100% outside air, and
3.2 The units served by the corridor have conforming ventilation independent of the air supplied to the corridor, and
3.3 For other than high-rise buildings, the supply fan will automatically shut off upon activation of corridor smoke detectors which shall be spaced at no more than 30 feet (9144 mm) on center along the corridor, or
3.4 For high-rise buildings, corridor smoke detector activation will close required smoke/fire dampers at the supply inlet to the corridor at the floor
receiving the alarm.
601.3 Contamination Prevention. Exhaust ducts under positive pressure
and venting systems shall not extend into or pass through ducts or
plenums. For appliance vents and chimneys, see Chapter 8.
EXCEPTION: Exhaust ducts conveying environmental air may pass through a duct or plenum provided that:
1. The duct is maintained under sufficient negative pressure to prevent leakage of the exhaust air to the surrounding duct or plenum; or
2. If maintained under a positive pressure with respect to the surrounding duct or plenum, the exhaust duct will be sealed to prevent leakage; or
3. The surrounding air stream is an exhaust air stream not intended for recirculation to the building and cross contamination of the two air streams will not create a
hazardous condition.
WAC 51-42-0605 Dampers in duct systems.
605.2 Fire Dampers. Fire dampers complying with recognized standards
in Chapter 16, Part III, shall be installed in accordance with approved
manufacturer's instructions when required by Chapter 7 of the Building
Code. Fire dampers shall have been tested for closure under airflow
conditions and shall be labeled for both maximum airflow permitted and
direction of flow. When more than one damper is installed at a point in
a single air path, the entire airflow shall be assumed to be passing
through the smallest damper area. Fire dampers shall be labeled by an
approved agency. Only fire dampers labeled for use in dynamic systems
shall be installed in heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems
which are intended to operate with fans "on" during a fire; see U.B.C.
Section 713.12.
EXCEPTION: Fire dampers need not be installed in air ducts passing through the wall, floor, or ceiling separating a Group R, Division 3 Occupancy from a Group U Occupancy, provided
such ducts within the Group U Occupancy are constructed of steel having a thickness not less than 0.019 inch (0.48 mm) (No. 26 galvanized sheet gage) and have no
openings into the Group U Occupancy.
Ductwork shall be connected to damper sleeves or assemblies in such
a way that collapse of the ductwork will not dislodge the damper or
impair its proper operation.
WAC 51-42-0901 Vented decorative appliances, decorative gas
appliances for installation in solid-fuel-burning fireplaces, gas-fired
log lighters, unvented decorative gas logs and decorative fireplaces.
901.4 Unvented decorative gas logs and decorative fireplaces. Approved,
unvented decorative gas logs and decorative fireplaces may be installed,
used, maintained, and permitted to exist in any Group I or R Occupancy,
except bathrooms and bedrooms. An unvented decorative gas log is a
listed natural or liquefied petroleum gas burning log with an open flame
consisting of a metal frame or base supporting simulated logs which is
designed so that its primary function lies in the aesthetic effect of the
logs and flame. An unvented decorative fireplace is a listed unvented
gas log permanently installed in a freestanding enclosure or zero
clearance enclosure designed and approved for installation in walls or
other building structures. Unvented decorative gas logs and fireplaces
1. Be equipped with an approved oxygen-depletion sensor;
2. Be listed;
3. Not be installed in any room which does not have an alternative
primary source of heat;
4. Have free air volume of at least 50 cubic feet(1.4 m) for each
1,000 Btus (2.2 mm/W) of thermal output;
5. Be permanently installed; and
6. Not be equipped with or connected to any automatic ignition or
shut-off device except the oxygen-depletion sensor.
WAC 51-42-1000 Chapter 10--Boiler/water heaters.
WAC 51-42-1002 General.
1002.2 Water Heater Used for Space Heating. The potability of the
domestic water system shall be maintained when a water heater is used as
a part of a space heating system.
Water heaters used for space heating only are prohibited.
WAC 51-42-1004 Safety devices. This section is not adopted.
For safety devices and installation of water heaters, see the Plumbing
WAC 51-42-1005 Steam and hot-water boilers. Part II--Steam and
Hot-water Boilers, Sections 1005 through 1029 and Table 10-A through
Table 10-C, are not adopted.
Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels are regulated by chapter 70.79 RCW
and chapter 296-104 WAC.
WAC 51-42-1100 Chapter 11--Refrigeration.
WAC 51-42-1101 General.
1101.1 Scope. This chapter shall govern the design, installation,
construction and repair of refrigeration systems that vaporize and
liquefy a fluid during the refrigerating cycle. Refrigerant piping
design and installation, including pressure vessels and pressure relief
devices, shall conform to this code. Permanently installed refrigerant
storage systems and other components shall be considered as part of the
refrigeration system to which they are attached.
1101.2 Factory-built equipment. Listed and labeled self-contained,
factory-built equipment shall be tested in accordance with UL 207, 303,
412, 465, 471 or 1995.
1101.3 Protection. Any portion of a refrigeration system that is
subject to physical damage shall be protected in an approved manner.
1101.4 Water connection. Water supply and discharge connections
associated with refrigeration systems shall be made in accordance with
this code and the plumbing code.
1101.5 Gas connection. Gas fuel devices and equipment used with
refrigeration systems shall be installed in accordance with this code.
1101.6 General. Refrigeration systems shall comply with the
requirements of this code and, except as modified by this code, ASHRAE
15-1994. Ammonia-refrigerating systems shall comply with this code and,
except as modified by this code, ASHRAE 15-1994 and IIAR 2-1992.
WAC 51-42-1102 System requirements.
1102.1 General. The system classification, allowable refrigerants, the
maximum quantity, enclosure requirements, location limitations and field
pressure test requirements, shall be determined as follows:
1. Determine the refrigeration system's classification in accordance
with Section 1103.
2. Determine the refrigerant classification in accordance with Table
3. Determine the maximum allowable quantity of refrigerant in
accordance with Table 1104.2(1), based on type of refrigerant,
system classification and occupancy.
4. Determine the system enclosure requirements in accordance with
Table 1104.2(1).
5. Refrigeration equipment location and installation shall be
subject to the limitations of Chapter 3.
6. Nonfactory-tested, field-erected equipment shall be pressure
tested in accordance with Section 1108.
1102.2 Refrigerants. Refrigerants not identified in Table 1104.1 shall
be appr ved before use. Refrigerants (including refrigerant blends) with
different designations in ASHRAE 34-1992, with addenda through 1995,
shall not be mixed in a system.
1102.2.1 New refrigerants. Refrigerants used in new equipment shall be
of a type and purity level specified or approved by the equipment
1102.2.2 Recovered refrigerants. Refrigerants that are recovered from
refrigeration and air-conditioning systems shall not be reused in other
than the system from which they were recovered and in other systems of
the same owner. Recovered refrigerants shall be filtered and dried
before reuse. Recovered refrigerants that show clear signs of
contamination shall not be reused unless reclaimed in accordance with
Section 1102.2.3.
1102.2.3 Reclaimed refrigerants. Used refrigerants shall not be reused
in a different owner's equipment unless reclaimed and found to meet the
purity requirements of ARI 700-1993. Contaminated refrigerants shall not
be used in the same owner's equipment or in a different owner's equipment
unless reclaimed and found to meet the purity requirements of ARI 700-1993.
WAC 51-42-1103 Refrigeration system classification.
1103.1 General. For the purposes of applying Tables 1104.1, 1104.2(1),
and 1104.2(2), refrigeration systems shall be classified as high-probability or low-probability system based on the potential hazard
resulting from a leakage of refrigerant into an occupancy-classified area
other than the machinery room.
1103.2 High-probability systems. Direct systems and indirect open-spray
systems shall be classified as high-probability systems.
EXCEPTION: An indirect open-spray system shall not be required to be classified as a high-probability system if the pressure of the secondary coolant is at all times (operating and
standby) greater than the pressure of the refrigerant.
1103.3 Low-probability systems. Double-indirect open-spray systems,
indirect closed systems and indirect-vented closed systems shall be
classified as low-probability systems, provided that all refrigerant-containing piping and fittings are isolated when the quantities in Table
1104.1 are exceeded.
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WAC 51-42-1104 Refrigerant classification and system requirements.
1104.1 Refrigerant classification. Refrigerants shall be classified in
accordance with ASHRAE 34-1992, with addenda through 1995, as listed in
Table 1104.1.
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1104.2 System requirements. The maximum allowable refrigerant
quantities shall be in accordance with Table 1104.2(1). To use Table
1104.2(1), determine the occupancy class, refrigerant group in accordance
with Table 1104.1 and type of system in accordance with Section 1103, and
then locate the notes that apply.
1104.2.1 Occupancy classification. Locations of refrigerating systems
are described by occupancy classifications that consider the ability of
people to respond to potential exposure to refrigerant. Where equipment,
other than piping, is located outside a building and within 20 feet (6096
mm) of any building opening, such equipment shall be governed by the
occupancy classification of the building. Occupancy classifications
shall be defined as follows:
1. Institutional occupancy is that portion of premises from which,
because they are disabled, debilitated or confined, occupants cannot
readily leave without the assistance of others. Institutional
occupancies include, among others, hospitals, nursing homes, asylums
and spaces containing locked cells.
2. Public assembly occupancy is that portion of premises where large
numbers of people congregate and from which occupants cannot quickly
vacate the space. Public assembly occupancies include, among
others, auditoriums, ballrooms, classrooms, passenger depots,
restaurants and theaters.
3. Residential occupancy is that portion of premises that provides the
occupants with complete independent living facilities, including
permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and
sanitation. Residential occupancies include, among others,
dormitories, hotels, multi-unit apartments and private residences.
4. Commercial occupancy is that portion of premises where people
transact business, receive personal service or purchase food and
other goods. Commercial occupancies include, among others, office
and professional buildings, markets (but not large mercantile
occupancies) and work or storage areas that do not qualify as
industrial occupancies.
5. Large mercantile occupancy is that portion of premises where more
than 100 persons congregate on levels above or below street level
to purchase personal merchandise.
6. Industrial occupancy is that portion of premises that is not open to
the public, where access by authorized persons is controlled, and
that is used to manufacture, process or store goods such as
chemicals, food, ice, meat or petroleum.
7. Mixed occupancy occurs when two or more occupancies are located
within the same building. When each occupancy is isolated from the
rest of the building by tight walls, floors and ceilings and by
self-closing doors, the requirements for each occupancy shall apply
to its portion of the building. When the various occupancies are
not so isolated, the occupancy having the most stringent
requirements shall be the governing occupancy.
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1104.3 Volume calculations. Volume calculations shall be in accordance
with Sections 1104.3.1 through 1104.3.3.
1104.3.1 Unventilated spaces. Where the refrigerant-containing parts
of a system are located in one or more unventilated spaces, the volume
of the smallest, enclosed occupied space, other than a machinery room,
shall be used to determine the permissible quantity of refrigerant in the
system. Where a building consists of several stories of unpartitioned
space, such as a mezzanine or an atrium, the story having the smallest
occupied space shall be deemed to be the enclosed space.
1104.3.2 Ventilated spaces. Where an evaporator or condenser is located
in an air duct system, the volume of the smallest occupied space or
unpartitioned building story, served by the duct shall be used to
determine the maximum allowable quantity of refrigerant in the system.
EXCEPTION: If airflow to any enclosed space cannot be reduced below one-quarter of its maximum, the entire space served by the air duct system shall be used to determine the
maximum allowable quantity of refrigerant in the system.
1104.3.3 Plenums. Where the space above a suspended ceiling is
continuous and part of the supply or return air plenum system, this space
shall be included in calculating the volume of the enclosed space.
WAC 51-42-1105 Machinery room, general requirements.
1105.1 General. Where required by Table 1104.2(1), a machinery room
shall be provided to enclose refrigeration systems located indoors.
Access to the machinery room shall be restricted to authorized personnel.
For rooms where occupational exposure could occur, see WAC 296-62-07515
and 296-62-3112.
1105.2 Dimensions. A machinery room shall be dimensioned so as to
provide clearances required by Chapter 3. There shall be clear head room
of not less than 7 feet 3 inches (2210 mm) below equipment located over
1105.3 Doors. Each machinery room shall have self-closing, weather-stripped doors opening in the direction of egress travel. Doors and door
openings shall comply with the requirements of the Building Code.
1105.4 Openings. Openings to other parts of the building that permit
passage of escaping refrigerant to other parts of the building are
prohibited. Ducts and air handlers in the machinery room that operate
at a lower pressure than the room shall be sealed to prevent any
refrigerant leakage from entering the airstream.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. Egress doors serving the machinery room.
2. Access doors and panels in air ducts and air-handling units, provided that such openings are gasketed and tight fitting.
1105.5 Refrigerant vapor detector. Machinery rooms shall contain a
refrigerant vapor detector with an audible and visual alarm. The
detector, or a sampling tube that draws air to the detector, shall be
located in an area where refrigerant vapor from a leak will concentrate.
The alarm shall be actuated at a value not greater than the corresponding
TLV-TWA values shown in Table 1104.1. Detectors and alarms shall be
placed in approved locations. Detection and alarm systems shall be
powered and supervised, monitored and annunciated, and installed and
maintained as required by Section 6313 of the Fire Code.
EXCEPTION: Detectors are not required for ammonia systems complying with Section 1106.8.
1105.6 Tests. Periodic tests of the detector, alarm and mechanical
ventilating system shall be performed in accordance with manufacturer's
specifications and as required by the code official.
1105.7 Fuel-burning equipment. Open flames that use combustion air from
the machinery room shall not be installed in a machinery room.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. Matches, lighters, halide leak detectors and similar devices.
2. Where the refrigerant is carbon dioxide or water.
3. Fuel-burning equipment shall not be prohibited in the same machinery room with refrigerant-containing equipment where combustion air is ducted from outside
the machinery room and sealed in such a manner as to prevent any refrigerant leakage from entering the combustion chamber, or where a refrigerant vapor detector
is employed to automatically shut off the combustion process in the event of refrigerant leakage.
1105.8 Sign. A sign shall be posted on the machinery room door
prohibiting access of unauthorized personnel.
1105.9 Ventilation. Machinery rooms shall be mechanically ventilated
to the outdoors. Mechanical ventilation shall be capable of exhausting
the minimum quantity of air both at the normal operating and emergency
conditions. Multiple fans or multispeed fans shall be allowed in order
to produce the emergency ventilation rate and to obtain a reduced airflow
for normal ventilation. Fans providing refrigeration machinery room
temperature control or automatic response to refrigerant vapor are
allowed to be automatically controlled to provide intermittent
ventilation as conditions require.
EXCEPTION: Where a refrigerating system is located outdoors more than 20 feet (6096 mm) from any building opening and is enclosed by a penthouse, lean-to or other open structure,
natural or mechanical ventilation shall be provided. Location of the openings shall be based on the relative density of the refrigerant to air. The free-aperture cross
section for the ventilation of the machinery room shall be not less than:
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1105.9.1 Discharge location. The discharge of the air shall be to the
outdoors in accordance with Chapter 5. Exhaust from mechanical
ventilation systems shall be discharged not less than 20 feet (6096 mm)
from a property line or openings into buildings.
1105.9.2 Supply air. Provisions shall be made for supply air to replace
that being exhausted. Openings for supply air shall be located to avoid
intake of exhaust air. Air supply and exhaust ducts to the machinery
room shall serve no other area, shall be constructed in accordance with
Chapter 5 and shall be covered with corrosion-resistant screen of not
less than 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) mesh. The supply air shall be taken from
directly outside the building. Intakes shall be fitted with backdraft
dampers or similar approved flow control means to prevent reverse flow.
1105.9.3 Quantity--normal ventilation. During occupied conditions the
mechanical ventilation system shall exhaust the larger of the following:
1. Not less than 0.5 cfm per square foot (0.0025 m3/s m2) of machinery
room area or 20 cfm (0.009 m3/s) per person; or
2. A volume required to maintain a maximum temperature rise of 18F (-7.8C) based on all of the heat-producing machinery in the room.
1105.9.4 Quantity--emergency conditions. Upon actuation of the
refrigerant detector required in Section 1105.5, the mechanical
ventilation system shall exhaust air from the machinery room in the
following quantity:
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1105.10 Termination of relief devices. In the equipment room, pressure
relief devices, fusible plugs and purge systems shall terminate outside
of the structure at a location not less than 15 feet (4572 mm) above the
adjoining grade level and not less than 20 feet (6096 mm) from any
window, ventilation opening or exit.
WAC 51-42-1106 Machinery room, special requirements.
1106.1 General. Where required by Table 1104.2(1), the machinery room
shall meet the requirements of this section in addition to the
requirements of Section 1105.
1106.2 Elevated temperature. There shall not be an open flame-producing
device or continuously operating hot surface over 800F (427C)
permanently installed in the room.
1106.3 Construction requirements. The machinery room shall be separated
from other occupied space with smoke-tight, 1-hour fire-resistance-rated
1106.4 Opening protectives. Opening protection between the machinery
room and other occupied spaces shall be approved, self-closing, tight-fitting fire doors with a minimum fire-resistance-rating of 3/4 hour.
1106.5 Pipe penetrations. All pipe penetrations of the interior walls,
ceiling or floor of machinery rooms shall be sealed vapor tight and
protected in accordance with the Building Code.
1106.6 Exterior openings. Openings in exterior walls of machinery rooms
shall not be located under any exit, stairway or exit discharge.
1106.7 Egress. Means of egress shall comply with Section 1007.7 of the
Building Code.
Each machinery room shall be provided with a minimum of one exit
door that opens directly to the outside.
EXCEPTION: Self-closing, tight-fitting doors opening into a vestibule leading directly outside.
1106.8 Ammonia room ventilation. Ventilation equipment in ammonia
machinery rooms shall be operated continuously.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. Machinery rooms equipped with a refrigerant vapor detector that will automatically start the ventilation system and actuate an alarm at a detection level not to exceed 1,000 ppm; or
2. Machinery rooms conforming to the Class 1, Division 2, hazardous location classification requirements of NFPA 70.
1106.9 Flammable refrigerants. Where refrigerants of Groups A2, A3, B2
and B3 are used, the machinery room shall conform to the Class 1,
Division 2, hazardous location classification requirements of NFPA 70.
EXCEPTION: Ammonia machinery rooms.
1106.10 Remote controls. Remote control of the mechanical equipment
located in the machinery room shall be provided at an approved location
immediately outside the machinery room and adjacent to its principal
1106.10.1 Refrigeration system. A clearly identified switch of the
break-glass-type shall provide off-only control of all electrically
energized equipment in the machinery room, other than the refrigerant
leak detectors and machinery room ventilation.
1106.10.2 Ventilation system. Mechanical ventilation systems shall have
switches to control power to each fan. The switches shall be key
operated or within a locked glass-covered enclosure at an approved
location adjacent to and outside of the principal entrance to the
machinery room. Necessary keys shall be located in a single approved
location. Switches controlling fans providing intermittent or emergency
ventilation shall be of the three-position, automatic/on/off type.
Switches shall be labeled identifying both function and specific fan
controlled. Two-colored and labeled indicator lamps responding to the
differential pressure created by the air flow shall be provided for each
switch. One lamp shall indicate flow, the other shall indicate no flow.
1106.10.3 Emergency control box. An emergency control box shall be
provided as required by IIAR 2-1992 Section 5.4. Emergency control boxes
shall be designed and constructed to the standards of IIAR 2-1992
Appendix A except as modified by Section 6307 of the Fire Code.
WAC 51-42-1107 Refrigerant piping.
1107.1 General. All refrigerant piping shall be installed, tested and
placed in operation in accordance with this chapter.
1107.2 Pipe enclosures. Rigid or flexible metal enclosures or pipe
ducts shall be provided for soft, annealed copper tubing and used for
refrigerant piping erected on the premises and containing other than
Group A1 or B1 refrigerants. Enclosures shall not be required for
connections between condensing units and the nearest riser box(es),
provided such connections do not exceed 6 feet (1829 mm) in length.
1107.3 Condensation. All refrigerating piping and fittings, brine
piping and fittings that, during normal operation, will reach a surface
temperature below the dew point of the surrounding air, and are located
in spaces or areas where condensation will cause a safety hazard to the
building occupants, structure, electrical equipment or any other
equipment, shall be protected in an approved manner to prevent such
1107.4 Materials for refrigerant pipe and tubing. Piping materials
shall be as set forth in Sections 1107.4.1 through 1107.4.5.
1107.4.1 Steel pipe. Carbon steel pipe with a wall thickness not less
than Schedule 80 shall be used for Group A2, A3, B2 or B3 refrigerant
liquid lines for sizes 1 1/2 inches (38 mm) and smaller. Carbon steel
pipe with a wall thickness not less than Schedule 40 shall be used for
Group A1 or B1 refrigerant liquid lines 6 inches (152 mm) and smaller,
Group A2, A3, B2 or B3 refrigerant liquid lines sizes 2 inches (51 mm)
through 6 inches (152 mm), and all refrigerant suction and discharge
lines 6 inches (152 mm) and smaller. Type F steel pipe shall not be used
for refrigerant lines having an operating temperature less than -20F (-29C).
1107.4.2 Copper and brass pipe. Standard iron-pipe size, copper and red
brass (not less than 80 percent copper) pipe shall conform to ASTM B 42
and ASTM B 43.
1107.4.3 Copper tube. Copper tube used for refrigerant piping erected
on the premises shall be seamless copper tube of Type ACR (hard or
annealed) complying with ASTM B 280. Where approved, copper tube for
refrigerant piping erected on the premises shall be seamless copper tube
of Type K, L or M (drawn or annealed) in accordance with ASTM B 88.
Annealed temper copper tube shall not be used in sizes larger than a 2-inch (51 mm) nominal size. Mechanical joints shall not be used on
annealed temper copper tube in sizes larger than 7/8-inch (22 mm) OD
1107.4.4 Copper tube joints. Copper tubing joints used in refrigerating
systems containing Group A2, A3, B2 or B3 refrigerants shall be brazed.
Soldered joints shall not be used in such refrigerating systems.
1107.4.5 Aluminum tube. Type 3003-0 aluminum tubing with high-pressure
fittings shall not be used with methyl chloride and other refrigerants
known to attack aluminum.
1107.5 Joints and refrigerant-containing parts in air ducts. Joints and
all refrigerant-containing parts of a refrigerating system located in an
air duct of an air-conditioning system carrying conditioned air to and
from humanly occupied space shall be constructed to withstand, without
leakage, a pressure of 150 percent of the higher of the design pressure
or pressure relief device setting.
1107.6 Exposure of refrigerant pipe joints. Refrigerant pipe joints
erected on the premises shall be exposed for visual inspection prior to
being covered or enclosed.
1107.7 Stop valves. All systems containing more than 6.6 pounds (3 kg)
of a refrigerant in systems using positive-displacement compressors,
shall have stop valves installed as follows:
1. At the inlet of each compressor, compressor unit or condensing unit.
2. At the discharge outlet of each compressor, compressor unit or
condensing unit and of each liquid receiver.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. Systems that have a refrigerant pumpout function capable of storing the entire refrigerant charge in a receiver or heat exchanger.
2. Systems that are equipped with provisions for pumpout of the refrigerant using either portable or permanently installed recovery equipment.
3. Self-contained systems.
1107.7.1 Liquid receivers. All systems containing 100 pounds (45 kg)
or more of a refrigerant, other than systems utilizing nonpositive
displacement compressors, shall have stop valves, in addition to those
required by Section 1107.7, on each inlet of each liquid receiver. Stop
valves shall not be required on the inlet of a receiver in a condensing
unit, nor on the inlet of a receiver which is an integral part of the
1107.7.2 Copper tubing. Stop valves used with soft annealed copper
tubing or hard-drawn copper tubing 7/8-inch (22 mm) OD standard size or
smaller shall be securely mounted, independent of tubing fastenings or
1107.7.3 Identification. Stop valves shall be identified where their
intended purpose is not obvious. Numbers shall not be used to label the
valves, unless a key to the numbers is located near the valves.
WAC 51-42-1108 Field test.
1108.1 General. Every refrigerant-containing part of every system that
is erected on the premises, except compressors, condensers, vessels,
evaporators, safety devices, pressure gauges and control mechanisms that
are listed and factory tested, shall be tested and proved tight after
complete installation, and before operation. Tests shall include both
the high- and low-pressure sides of each system at not less than the
lower of the design pressures or the setting of the pressure-relief
device(s). The design pressures for testing shall be those listed on the
condensing unit, compressor or compressor unit nameplate, as required by
ASHRAE 15-1994.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. Gas bulk storage tanks that are not permanently connected to a refrigeration system.
2. Systems erected on the premises with copper tubing not exceeding 5/8-inch (16 mm) OD, with wall thickness as required by ASHRAE 15-1994, shall be tested in accordance with Section 1108.1, or by means of refrigerant charged into the system at the saturated vapor pressure of the refrigerant at 70F (21C) or higher.
3. Limited-charge systems equipped with a pressure relief device, erected on the premises, shall be tested at a pressure not less than one and one-half times the pressure setting of the relief device. If the equipment has been tested by the manufacturer at one and one-half times the design pressure, the test after erection on the premises shall be conducted at the design pressure.
4. Where a compressor is used as a booster to obtain an intermediate pressure and discharges into the suction side of another compressor, the booster compressor shall be considered a part of the low side, provided that it is protected by a pressure relief device.
5. In field-testing systems using centrifugal or other nonpositive displacement compressors, the entire system shall be considered as the low-side pressure for field
test purposes.
1108.2 Test gases. Tests shall be performed with an inert dried gas
including, but not limited to, nitrogen or carbon dioxide. Oxygen, air,
toxic or combustible gases, and mixtures containing such gases, shall not
be used.
1108.3 Test apparatus. The means used to build up the test pressure
shall have either a pressure-limiting device or a pressure-reducing
device and a gauge on the outlet side.
1108.4 Declaration. A certificate of test shall be provided for all
systems containing 55 pounds (25 kg) or more of refrigerant. The
certificate shall give the name of the refrigerant and the field test
pressure applied to the high side and the low side of the system. The
certification of test shall be signed by the installer and shall be made
part of the public record.
WAC 51-42-1311 Material for gas piping.
1311.1 General. Pipe and tubing used for the installation, extension,
alteration or repair of gas piping shall be standard weight wrought iron
or steel (galvanized or black), yellow brass, seamless copper tubing,
threaded copper, brass, internally tinned copper tubing, or listed
Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing (CSST). Seamless copper tubing may be
used for gas piping provided that it conforms with ASTM B 88 (Type K or
Type L), ASTM B 280 (Type ACR), or ASTM B 837 (Type G). Copper tubing,
copper and brass pipe shall not be used if the gas contains more than an
average of 0.3 grains of hydrogen sulfide per 100 standard cubic feet of
gas. CSST may be permitted provided that it is part of a system listed
by an approved agency as complying with the reference standard listed in
Chapter 16, Part III. Approved PE pipe may be used in exterior buried
piping systems.
1311.3 Fittings. All fittings shall be approved for gas piping systems.
The fittings shall be compatible with or shall be of the same material
as the pipe or tubing. Fittings used in connection with the piping shall
be of malleable iron, brass, bronze, copper, or approved plastic
fittings. All fittings and components used with Corrugated Stainless
Steel Tubing (CSST) shall be of the same listed system. Fittings used
with copper or brass pipe shall be copper, brass, bronze or 45 degree
flare fittings.
WAC 51-42-1312 Installation of gas piping.
1312.1 Joints. Joints in the piping system, unless welded, brazed or
flared, shall be threaded joints having approved standard threads. The
threaded joints shall be made with approved pipe joint material,
insoluble in fuel gas and applied to the male threads only. Welded
joints in a gas-supply system shall be made by an approved, qualified
welder. See Section 218. Brazing material shall have a melting point
in excess of 1,000F (520C) and shall not contain more than 0.05 percent
1312.3 Piping through foundation wall. Underground piping, where
installed below grade through the outer foundation or basement wall of
a building, shall be encased in a protective pipe. The annular space
between the gas piping and the sleeve shall be sealed at the foundation
or basement wall to prevent entry of gas or water.
Existing walls shall be core drilled and sealed with an approved
mechanical seal.
1312.6 Corrosion and covering protection. Metallic gas piping systems
installed underground in exterior locations shall be protected from
corrosion by approved coatings or wrapping materials applied in an
approved manner, and cathodically protected in accordance with NACE RP-01-69. Horizontal metallic piping shall have at least 12 inches (305 mm)
of earth cover or equivalent protection. Plastic gas piping shall have
at least 18 inches (457 mm) of earth cover or equivalent protection.
Risers, including prefabricated risers inserted with plastic pipe, shall
be metallic and shall be protected in an approved manner to a point at
least 6 inches (152 mm) above grade. When a riser connects to plastic
pipe underground, the horizontal metallic portion underground shall be
at least 30 inches (762 mm) in length before connecting to the plastic
service pipe. An approved transition fitting or adaptor shall be used
where the plastic joins the metallic riser.
EXCEPTION: Listed one-piece 90-degree transition fittings or risers may have less than 30 inches (762 mm) of horizontal metallic piping.
1312.7 Electrical isolation of fuel gas piping. Underground metallic gas
piping systems shall be electrically isolated from other metallic
structures or utilities with listed or approved isolation fittings
installed a minimum of 6 inches (152 mm) above grade.
1312.17 Directional changes. Changes in direction of gas piping shall
be made by use of appropriate fittings, except copper tubing, which may
change direction by bending, and polyethylene gas piping and tubing,
which may be bent to a radius not less than 20 times the nominal diameter
of the pipe or tube.
1312.18 Marking and labeling. Copper tubing carrying natural gas shall
be identified by yellow labels marked in black letters, "Natural Gas",
or "2 PSIG Natural Gas" for medium pressure gas piping systems carrying
natural gas at 2 PSIG pressure. Labels shall be affixed to the tubing
on both sides of a wall, floor, or partition at a maximum of six-foot
(1829 mm) intervals throughout the length of the tubing runs.